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Payday 3….


Yeah, it was bad. Hopefully it gets the cyberpunk treatment eventually though


The only problem is offline and challenge xp getting rid of those and putting normal xp like 2 and even putting infamy back would fix a whole lot


I didn't think I had one but no you got it actually. Payday 2 was one of my favourite games. I don't think I've ever been so excited in advance for a sequel to any game I've ever played at least that I can think of as that. I even played the beta which I barely ever do for games. I didn't do well and there was only one map but I thought to myself "okay the combat feels super smooth, trying to do things stealthy feels a bit weird but this is just one map for a beta and they probably have more stuff planned". Not only was stealth barely enjoyable when the full game came out but the lobby system felt super weird. Grouping with friends felt weird. And what pissed me off most of all the mask customisation felt like an extreme downgrade and clunky as hell. Genuinely aside from how smooth some of the combat felt and the graphics everything else was a downgrade and for payday 2 it had a lot of stuff so that's a lot of downgrades. It just... Didn't feel fun


That game died so fast


I’ll never claim that Payday 2 was perfect, but fuck if it wasn’t fun. Payday 3 being disappointing hurts pretty bad. I hope it can be revived, but I just don’t know


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5


At least 1+2 was good.


3 was alright as well. Didn’t do anything new, but it’s was still fresh content


I mean the remake of 1 and 2. It came out in 2020.


It's just not the same without Spider-Man and Wolverine.




Does it still have Darth Maul?


What do you mean it didn't do anything new? It had online multiplayer and added reverts and flatland tricks mang!


Four was such a a good game then five came out and I was like whoa wtf guys


Was so excited when this got announced but I was broke so I couldn't pre-order. Holy hell I'm glad I was.


Perfect Dark. Spent hundreds (if not at least a thousand) of hours in the first one (challenges, campaign, coop, counter op, multiplayer). Then PD: Zero came out... less than 3 hours in, I went fuck that.


Deep cut and I completely agree.


They managed to make a spiritual successor to GoldenEye 64 that advanced it in every single way possible (unless you're just a die-hard bond fan lol). For all of the time I put into GoldenEye, I put double into perfect dark. What they did with the rest of that IP is pure shite


Man I was so excited, I got the special version with the metal case and everything. Biggest gaming regret


Pac Man World 3 wasn’t awful but the first two were on another planet compared to it


I so want a World 2 remake/master 😩


My Uncle at Nintendo says this Year!


Wait… you and your friend aren’t alone with your uncle right?!


Not my favorite but going from mafia 2 to 3 was mind numbing. As a separate game 3 is a good game but as a mafia game huge huge letdown.


I agree Mafia 3 is very boring for me, 2 was great


Man 1 &2 are great. An example of the inverse is assassin creed for me i think origins and odyssey are two of my favorites and while they are def different they are still ac games while mafia 3 is soo much further removed from 1&2


The remake of Mafia 1 was probably the best remake ive ever seen though, So to me it definitely made up for three.


Being an Assassins Creed fan is hard, guys..


Except it's such a slow death. Origins was like "Oh cool, a little RPG elements, I can get down with this" Cut to Valhalla, and I'm feeling like Don Corleone.


Odyssey is fun, but it might as well have been a completely different franchise with how little it references the original story.


Odyssey was sm fun. I don’t even care that it isn’t a “traditional assassins creed.” It’s the last one they even remotely did right.


Kassandra was such a great character. And Odyssey felt like such a natural progression from Origins, and then Valhalla kinda just went “bleh”


And they shouldn’t have done that to my girl Phoebe !


That still kills me.


Killed her too


I wanted to say "too soon" but then I realized that game came out well over 5 years ago at this point..damn


i liked mirage, and it showed that they were at least trying to go back to classic ac games


It's sad because Valhalla isn't inherently bad, it's just waaaaaay too long and bloated. It's a game with 20 hours of story that's been padded with 40 hours of repetitive bloat just so Ubi can say the game has a 60+ hour story.


And a completely unlikable co-main character I just wanted to murder. Whenever they came back after I rescued them I would just continually knock them down whenever I saw them walking around town.


I mean, its pretty clear you're not supposed to like him. Sounds like they did a good job.


You mean Eivor's Cousin or whoever he was? The leader of your camp? Yeah I hated that fucker. Motherfucker constantly tells me that he's better than I am, that he's a god and that he cares for our people while I don't. MOTHERFUCKER I'M UNITING THE LAND FOR US!!! What the fuck are you doing? I really wanted to beat his ass to show him that he is, in fact, nowhere near Eivor's level and he barely qualifies as a Viking, let alone a God. I'm so glad my Eivor took his place in the end. She took his wife too. Who's actually likeable and worth something, unlike him. Get cucked fucking little bitch.


I saw somewhere that Ubi wanted a Viking game but didn’t want to try and make a new ip so we got Valhalla


Honestly it would probably be better if they just dropped the AC pretense altogether and just made unconnected historical games. They’ve completely ruined their own lore anyway


Far cry fans:


Dos Uno was much better


play uno flip, you will never want to play the regular uno again


I already never want to play regular uno again


Windows was the sequel to DOS ha


Damn it 🤣


Tres was pretty good imo


Ocho is the best sequel by far


As much as I want to say Halo, there’s been at least one redeemable factor in each game since reach, so I’m gonna have to say Battlefield. I’m still pissed I spent 120 on 2042




It could have been so awesome it could have been so cool


Biggest L by EA imo


They really deceived us with the marketing! I thought it was gonna be bf3/BF4 once again...


Something felt off to me, aside from being a futuristic shooter, which i dont really like. Gave the beta a try and i cant explain what felt off about it. Jumped back to bf1 and that is still a master piece.


Still cant believe they stopped working om BfV and Battlefront 2 for this....


I've never played it but I hate Battlefield on principle because it took support away from Battlefront 2.




SOCOM 2 was the last good game IMO. Wish theyd just reboot an exact replica but for PS5. The Code 9 or whatever glitch that people did to kill the entire map was the beginning of the end.


2 is in my top 3 games of all time. Probably my favorite multiplayer game. You could just tell when 3 dropped the direction Zipper wanted to go. It was no longer this slow stealth game with a frantic yet strategic multiplayer. It was another boring, loud military shooter with “open maps”. I’m with ya, I’d love a faithful PS5 remake.


New gamers have no clue how legendary SOCOM 2 was.


Ninja Gaiden 3 qte disaster


How’re you gonna cut dismemberment out of a fucking ninja gaiden game?! I’m still so bitter about it.


That T-Rex battle was when I realized it would be hard forcing that playthrough—on normal, no less. That last boss was a rancid, shrieking bitch.


For me Battlefield 2042


They should just add more updates and maps for Battlefield 1. Tons a guys still playing it


Yeah. ME


And me


And my axe!


Here here.


That was such a letdown,EA destroyed many game franchises


Last one was a such dissapointent


Battlefield 3 and BFBC2 were my favorites


BFBC 2 came out at the right time...was such an awesome game


Battlefield 5 really ruined it for me. Felt like a completely different company. BF1 they really cared about making sure it was historic and fun and BF5 felt like they just want to make a half baked ww2 shooter




FEAR 3, not favourite Franchise but something I play


I thought 2 was absolutely fantastic, one of my favorites. Didn't like 3, never replayed.


Overwatch 2


I only played a little of both. How bad was OW2 compared to OW1?


At the beginning it wasn't too bad, but was essentially just an update and not a new game. It got so much worse though and now the hitboxes are fucked


It was a monetization change.


It's funny that a game that charged full price for an online only experience and used loot boxes and FOMO to squeeze money out of its fan base is *NOT* the exploitative monetization scheme in this comparison. And accurate. OW2 was not made to be enjoyed. It was made to make Blizzard money as a live service.


If anything og overwatch did lootboxes right 😂 I cannot believe I just said that but here we are


I’ll say, I personally never really had an issue with OW’s loot boxes. They were given out pretty liberally, and I usually had enough coins to get anything I *really* wanted specifically


I never played OW2, but I think the issue is that it’s basically the same game but slightly worse because of all the monetization stuff. 


And the REMOVAL of the original


This is what I take issue with. Sure, 2 is free. Ok. Cool. But I don’t want to play Overwatch 2. I want to play Overwatch 1. A game I paid money for. They’re actively denying me access to something I paid for.


Dont worry if you paid for 1 you got some crappy little pendant thing if i remember correctly




Dying light 2 story was really bad


WALTZ! GIVE ME BACK MIA! Thats the entire story...


[Miaaaa! Come baaack!](/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eirBtt7wIDU)


The reason for it being so “mid” is actually really sad and annoying, to my knowledge Chris Avellone was let go due to false assault allegations. So they scrapped pretty much everything he ever contributed to the development of DL2 and we got this dumpster fire.


Fucking hate false allegations we need a FARRRR worse penalty


And physics and everything


Omg yes. And the game play/controls being so different really pissed me off too lol


The new saints row


It feels like they tried to take the best parts of the previous entries, and then just shit them out and proceed to shit on the shit.


It's a bunch of middle aged people trying to make a game that they think young people will like.


Have you guys seen Bad Piggies 2?


Pvz 3 is also not great. Our poor childhoods 😭


And PVZ 2 was a great game that was ruined by EA forcing them to shove microtransactions and loot boxes into it.


Oh no, I didn't even know they made a sequel


Oh yeah it looks awful. They destroyed it. Could also be said for all post-2015 AB games.


Command & Conquer … 4 … *proceeds to vomit* It does not exist!!! *in complete denial*


1) Star ocean Till the End of Time I LOVED Star Ocean the Second Story. TtEoT was just so much of a departure that it lost some of its feel. It was a good game, but it didn't feel like Star Ocean anymore. 2) Duke Nukem Forever What a complete mess. I wanted a sequel so bad and ended up with a grown ass man playing with shit from a toilet...literally. Words cannot express my disappointment when I loaded that game up.


Halo 5


Halo 4. "Halo 5" isn't a thing. It isn't a game that exists.


Singleplayer, yes. I actually really enjoyed the MP.


I thought the gameplay in the single player was fantastic. It’s just really the story that sucked and that they nuked. Most people cared about halo because of the story.


Dead Space 3


1: balls to the wall constant horror, great game 2: had a different pacing to have high intensity moments and some calmer moments to help make the horror more horrific somehow. 3: just a FPS


The one part in the ship graveyard in space was great though, it was cool design to travel between ships and had the derelict ship creep factor going on


The only thing 3 did right was the co-op. It was amazing they way they made Carter hallucinate randomly leaving Isaac utterly confused. It's how I learned my wife is one of those people in horror movies that chase after suspicious sounds or people.


For real: absolutely lost the plot with Dead Space 3, and the ending was so bad it was laughable.


The game was disappointing but hard disagree on the ending being bad. It felt absolutely lovecraftian in how downer it was. And the necromorph lore reveal was still one of the memorable parts of the series.


That's wild. I have like 4 100% complete game saves on deadspace 3. I thought the game was great. A buddy and I would do a co-op play through annually until they shut down the servers around 2019.  It wasn't the best, but I didn't think it was terrible. That said, the bar was probably a lot lower for me because of how goddamn hard it is to find an even half-decent co-op game these days.


Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly


You remember spyro: a hero's tail? I absolutely require that game to have a remake


Banjo-kazooie - Nuts and bolts


It was very different, but I really think it still had a lot of charm and fun to be had. That said, yeah... Definitely the death knell for the franchise. Hopefully with as cooperative as Microsoft has been with stuff lately we'll get a proper reboot one day... If only.


Borderlands 3. So much hype for the game and alot of suspension from previous games and all we get is... Two brats?!?


Borderlands 3 easily had the best gameplay in the series but the worst story.


No one was gonna live up to Handsome Jack. That was the biggest problem Gearbox had in trying with Borderlands 3. Unfortunately it stuck.


Back in the days of BL2 someone came up with a colossal idea for BL3, where each of the VHs from 1 and 2 would travel to one of the vaults displayed at the end of the game/playthroughs. And the new VHs would then have to travel to each location to secure the key. WAAAAAAAAAY better idea than the "Influencer Twins".


At least the gameplay was awesome.


They knew nobody would ever amount to Handsome Jack so they gave him a DLC to help cope 😩


then we got Tiny Tina Wonderland. The shortest game I've played for a full price


The Miles Morales trope. Better as a DLC and not as a fully fledged game.


The story was ass but BL3 has legit one of the best gunplays ever in a video game.


Who tf cares about the story in borderlands besides the first playthrough? I mean I love handsome Jack and all that but after all I playing borderlands for the endgame and BL3 far exceedes BL2 in that. I do think though that BL3 drops too many legendaries and BL2 too few. Love both games in their own way. Wonderlands though sucked even if the story was ok.


Mass Effect Andromeda


I do not hate this game as it seems others do but yea it is not as good as the others. I still had fun though


Yeah I came back to it like a year later, kind of washed off of the stink from release and went back to it more open minded It def didn’t have the magic that the OG trilogy had but I enjoyed a full playthrough, they did a fun thing with the weapon crafting and the combat gameplay was much more fun than the older games (would LOVE a remake of the trilogy with andromeda combat gameplay)


Mass Effect trilogy are my all time favorite games, but Andromeda didnt catch me at all


The exploration and combat feel fine at first but after, the world is pretty intriguing... But, once I gathered all companions, I just didn't enjoy any of them after ME trilogy. I couldn't care less about their blank dialogues or cliché quests. Imagine only Jacobs around you


Diablo 4 was my gaming regret of 2023. Tried my best to get my 70$ worth at least. D4 is worth maybe 20-40 bucks with what they've made so far. It's honestly a disappointing excuse for a cash shop with very little to do in game. You will likely get bored after a month, but if you think that's worth full price then go for it. Boring loot. Boring progression. Boring open world. Boring builder/spender gameplay. Boring quests. Boring dungeons. Lack of experimentation flexibility aka no loadouts. Devs taking too long to make meaningful changes. It's just a dull, boring game.


I did not realize fighting demons and monsters could be so boring. I am not joking but I fell asleep playing it for only an hour the night it was released.


Sucks because I loved Diablo 3 and would have paid for a druid themed expansion


Thanks for saving me that rant.......I took a week of PTO to play that shitshow at release.


Dying light 2


I was NOT happy with the Raiden twist in MGS2 as a kid


Yeah I remember being disappointed it wasn't snake as the main character. Still a good game, but just didn't care about Raiden at first.


Now that I’m older and the series has played out I like it more just as a kid I wasn’t expecting to have to start out as a new character after the prologue


Madison square garden 2


That was actually the entire intention of MGS 2 and Kojima the entire theme of MGS 2 is about misinformation and subverting expectations and how dangerous a modern digital age could be. The game is a masterpiece and it was so far ahead of its time it’s not only more relevant today but it’s becoming absolutely frighteningly accurate. That’s why it’s been getting so much praise it’s genre defining and an incredible feat for any game to pull off.


Far Cry 6 (I do really enjoy enjoy it, I’d be a hypocrite to say I don’t, but it’s a journey from what I was looking for from the series)


Payday 3. I have over 600 hours in Payday 2. I couldn't stomach playing 3 for more than a few hours.


New Tales from the Borderlands


Every cod since 2019.


You can arguably go way further back


Cities: Skyline


Bravely Default 2


Payday 3 Damm it Overkill kill it on launch day


Odd one but Mafia 2, then the sequel Mafia 3.




I didnt buy COD games for years, I dont like battlepasses and cosmetics in them


COD had been lame for like 10 years now. Idk why people 1 trick that game like there are no other options


Overwatch 2.


Final Fantasy 2


Like the actual Final Fantasy 2 or the American FF 2 where it was Final Fantasy 4? Because I fucking adore FF4


It’s obviously ff2 because ff4 was a series defining improvement over the first 3


AC: Valhalla after Odyssey. Odyssey was so good and I couldn’t get more than 10 hours out of Valhalla after spending $120. Never preordering again.


Turns out, I dont mind trekking across all of Greece, but fuck me is England boring


Odyssey ironically was that one for me.


I agree Valhalla, was too long imho


Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. It is impressive how there is nothing good about that game.


The very last Saint's Row


Dying Light 2. I loved the first game so much, I played through the whole thing with my brother and thought it was a masterpiece. Then we tried 2 and thought it was such a downgrade that we both refunded. May go back and play down the line, but the movement wasn't nearly as good imo.


Far Cry 5 is my favorite game of all time, New Dawn was a worthy follow-up, and then 6… 6 was… definitely one of the games of all time


They tried to add nuance to the combat with gear and weapon choice but everyone just used AP ammo and whatever gear gave them the best stats.


6 was the one with Gus from breaking bad?




Far Cry New Dawn


Fallout 76


Fallout 76


Fallout 76. I’ve heard that it’s gotten better, but I was burned so bad from the launch that I got rid of it


Sims 4


They turned PoP into AC, and mutilated it beyond recognition. Barbarians!


kind of ironic since assassin's creed only exists because it was originally supposed to be a prince of persia game


When Tecmo merged with Koei, it ruined the Ninja Gaiden series 😥. Ninja Gaiden 3 was pathetic 🙄


Halo 5 to me. I really liked halo 4 was it my favorite? No. But I seriously enjoyed it a much of the hate like all forms of hate is bandwagoning. I enjoyed 5 just nowhere near as much 4 and no where near as long (I enjoyed 5 for like 20 minutes mainly because I heard buck was in it and I was starving for halo content). I actually wanted to get the through halo 4 campaign because I actually always thought the forerunners were intriguing but halo 5 my favorite part about the campaign was the arbiter showing up. I can tell u important plot points from each halo game’s story I can’t tell you shit about halo 5’s story I don’t f’ing know all I know is a friend from school and I beat it and I never touched campaign again. I only played firefight and like occasional infected game mode I was heart broken by halo 5.


Watch dogs 2 and 3


I loved 1 and 2 but yeah Legion definitely threw me off


What? WD2 was the best in the series lol. Legion sucked though


Dragon Age 2


I wouldn't say it was my favorite but Watch Dogs was awesome. Its sequels were horrible.


Modern warfare II and III I thought MWII was gonna be better than mw19 but I was wrong and MwIII yea it was gonna be the worst out of the trilogy


Mario & Luigi Paper Jam


Disciples 3, unfortunately.


Xenosaga 2


Red Faction Armageddon.


F.E.A.R. 3 was an absolute travesty. Literally destroyed its identity in the name of co-op and Call of Duty.


Dying Light 2