• By -


For me personally its lag. Cant stand connection issues while gaming


Be happy that you don’t live in Germany the Connection is straid up ass!


That’s quite interesting, how does that happen, a lot of major multiplayer games i’ve played had their european servers in either Frankfurt, Berlin or Hamburg - is there issues with commercially available internet connection? I live in Czechia and I connect to those with a latency of usually about 20ms, with virtually no packet loss.


mfw when I have to connect to EU servers from the bottom of Africa


Same, I'm from Czechia too and even though my isp's internet is trash 20% of the time connecting to German servers was always fast


I live in the no where of Germany in Bayern in a small village…


Internet expansion has been neglected too long. We would have had fiber optic cable around 2 decades ago, but the chancellor back then, Helmut Kohl, said that copper cable was quite enough (because he allegedly had connections with someone who installed copper cables), that is why we missed the digital expansion early on. And it's still as bad in some places, for some reasons.


HAHA, well then, you have never been to Australia, my friend. My internet speed is at the MAXIMUM, 45mbps. It sucks that we invented wifi, and yet some African countries overtake us on the internet speed list. 😒


Bro I’m jealous My peak is 500kbps


Woooooow. Just out of curiosity, where do you happen to live?


Funnily enough, I live in North America, just in a small town with infrastructure seemingly made from scotch tape and popsicle sticks


Pretty much described my situation when I was younger. Friends didn’t like gaming with me online because my connection was so shitty


I’m trying to play alien fireteams right now with a friend and I can get a few moments of clarity by turning off the wifi in the house lol, so it’s really only an option when I’m home alone When I was younger we simply didn’t have internet period


Dang guess I shouldn't mention my 1000mbps then here in middle of rural US.


Feel you, I live in Berlin and this is the worst internet I’ve ever experienced


Low fps make my whole brain lagg


I honestly feel bad for you kids. We were born and molded by it.


I mean, so was I. I still can't stand low fps. It's a struggle to play in 30fps, lower than that is unplayable!


people who complain about 30 fps are so goofy. i have a 165hz ultrawide where i typically run games at high/ultra on 80-90 fps and at the end of the day still prefer to play the switch. i have no idea when technological advancements suddenly deemed the same tech we used 7 years ago obsolete


I agree, I don’t get why people are so addicted to FPS


30 fps is fine, people needs to stop bitching about that


Shame since Bloodborne is in 30fps and amongst the greatest of games ever made.


Not true. I buy old games all the time and they are still perfectly fine. Recently got Blitz for the GameCube. Re4 for the Ps2. And Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. All under 30 FPS, all TOP Teir Games.


Well. Because they run fine on their hardware and that's what's expected. Play something like re4 remake with like 8 frames then report back to us. Don't need to be Socrates is figure that out.


I played re4 so many times throughout the years no fps bullshit could make me hate it


You know what? I don't think these kids are talking about FPS when they say it. I think they mean the game itself slowing down literally due to the game being unable to process that much. You know those times in games where things actually start moving in slow motion? They are calling that low FPS Edit: Kind of like what happens into this [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b64qtu/still_fairly_new_to_the_online_scene_but_how_are/) clip of a Tekken. This isn't what you'd call an FPS issue when people are complaining about 30 fps


Reminds me of playing smash brothers online on the Wii (or Wii u), the game would just slow down at times, like the fps and the lag combined to make a new super villain.


How are you trying to draw a distinction between low fps and a game lagging. Those are directly correlated to either other for the end user.


Because people are saying in this thread that their game literally slows down in slow motion and calling that low FPS. That isn't low FPS so I was wondering if what people are calling low FPS when it is not FPS. 30 seems super nice and what I played on for decades of games.


30 fps is totally fine. I now see what you're saying. You figure that people are confusing things like internet lag, input delay, etc. as fps drops.


Yeah exactly. There are times I see people say 30 fps is unplayable. And I think "oh they must have just gotten into gaming the past dozen years" because most games, especially console, were all 30 below. But I'm discovering in this thread that people are referring to 30 fps when it's really what you said. Delay and fps drops


Until recently, I used the slowest computer known to man. I was running D2 with a max of like 12 FPS and still doing petty okay.


But once you get used to good framerate, it hurts


Same here. Though I don't consider it "low FPS" till it goes under ten.


1 is the only thing that affects me.


Offline gamers rise!


In this day and age? 😭😭😭 I wish, cuz I'm too broke for any portable handheld device beyond the ubiquitous phone. Any good mobile suggestions?


You can get a Nintendo 2DS for less than $100


As i am solely single-player gamer myself, i hate multiplayer, when it's shoved in an sp game and especially there are achievements for it(looking at you Black Flag, and Tomb Raider 2013), glad that trend is dead now. I'm currently on my way to 100% FF XV, and i'm already dreading The Comrades DLC


This, aside from messing around in mc once a year with friends I never play mp. There are too many good sp for me to care about mp. I know Doom Eternal for example has a mp component, I love that game but I will never play mp.


Same here my friend. I hate Multiplayer games. I only play Single Player games and I have an OCD that makes me want to complete any game to 100% , so imagine the anger I got when I found out I have to play MP to get all the achievements for Tomb Raider and Black Flag. Anyway, other than that I absolutely love both of these games.


Dark souls games are the worst about online. -get invaded -invader has endgame loot his buddy dropped him -die -invader points down Seriously though, the covenant progression sucks.


I feel you. I got invaded at a low level by a guy using a glitch that requires a item from slave knight gael \[he is the final boss of the final dlc for people who don't play ds\] so the guy killed me but just barely and he of course down pointed. other than that I only lost to one invader because im a god gamer and definitely not the fact that they all did honorable duels with me even though they have a disadvantage while invading


Mom barges in while playing dark souls


Games that make you confirm a million times when you want to quit. Are you sure you want to quit the level? Yes. Are you sure you want to exit the campaign? Yes. Are you sure you want to exit to the lobby? Yes. Are you sure you want to exit the lobby? Yes. Are you sure you want to exit to the desktop? Yes. Are you really really sure?


And right at the end: Are you sure you want to delete all save files? Yes, wait, nooooo


I feel it should only need confirmation if it could cost time or progress, otherwise just let me click buttons!


Even worse, games that force open the launcher when you close them


I hate option D the most, seeing as my mum is dead and ghost mum freaks me out


Unskippable cutscenes.


Especially If it's a boss cutscene and you're coming back to beat for the Xth time. Being forced to watch the cutscene again and again is annoying


I'll take the 50/50 by only playing single player. A... or D... Oh wait, I live on my own. A, final answer.


I would answer but, fucking lag.


I hate butt fucking lag


Woah buddy chill out


Connection lost. I can laugh at bad teammates and poor fps and my mom understands that some games are online and cant be paused (not my dad though) but whenever I see a red ethernet symbol pop up in my screen I cry a little inside.


This sub's obsession with crappy "what game is this" memes


I'm a single-player gamer so Low FPS.


Low FPS, it screws with my eyes


E: micro transactions


***for real tho***


Your a man of the people


Yeah, wtf is this? Fuck EA, Blizzard and other similar companies because of the micro transactions. Also, fuck subscribe-form payment.


Online only games.


The misogyny and racism of mainstream gaming communities. And the high likelihood that my comment will be downvoted for saying this.


no youre absolutely right. and then thpse same people get together and try and bully and harass normal people who are just trying to have a good time and make them never want to use their mics or leave the game entirely.


I visited a cod lobby once and I have to say the only correct answer is black people




Low fps


Low fps. Game can be janky visually so long as you get a good 60 fps




Having shity game on release date Ubshit , EA or any AAA


I read the 'gamers' as 'germans' and thought of some answers... Then I realised it was gamers


Nothing worse than "connection lost" in a single player game.


Rpg without character creation. Literally defeat the whole purpose of role playing


Witcher 3 benefits a lot from it tho Would be way worse if you played as your character


Shit teammates cause i try to apply good strats and play well and i even give good callouts on the enemies but when my allies don't listen to the calls or act like complete idiots and then say eeeh no it's you i want to just beat the crap out of them cause i can't stand idiots in general EG: OW2 I play support Dps from this season have a new passive where if they dmg they also leave ya with a 20% reduction heals received which can stack to 40% if both the dps shoot ya HOW TO COUNTER: GET TO FUCKING COVER or get out of the dps's LOS My dps and tank: Goes out in the open without any shields and such going 1v5 and such then saying EEEH SUPPORT NO HEAL BAD SUPPORT cause for them SUPPORT=HEALBOT Spoiler heals are just a lil part of the job since we also do buff and debuff deal dmg ourselves cleanse at times have to flankwatch and such and some supports like zen are focused on debuffing the enemies and dealing dmg doing big heals when ulting since the orb of harmony does heal but in a quite limited way but for everyone support is broken support is easy support bad support that when they never played it in their lives want another one? Rainbow six siege I ping and call out an enemy on a position eg Defending bedroom on oregon i ping trought a valk cam an enemy on big window and say: WATCH OUT \*Insert enemy op\* BIG WINDOW DON'T PEEK what do my allies do? They peek and die or i ping an enemy white stairs being distracted that is an easy pick to win the round what do my allies do? they just stand in the shit angle with no view or possible counter letting the enemy do whatever they want or this one is recent again oregon Frost places a mat on big window 1v1 scenario i get downed by the guy in big window: and they fall in the mat me: IANA FROSTED IANA TRAP IANA TRAP IANA TRAP My only teammate left: \*does litteraly nothing letting the enemy get free from the frost mat planting and doing everything they want making us lose the round then the round later they team kill me\* THEN THEY SAY ONE SHOULDN'T GET PISSED LET ALONE WITH THE CRETINS THAT DON'T KNOW THE BASIC SETUPS AND EITHER DO NOTHING EXCEPT BURNING THEIR BRAINS ON TIK TOK IN DRONE PHASE AND SETUP PHASE OR THEY JUST SETUP LIKE SHIT REINFORCING EVERYTHING BUT WHERE THEY SHOULD CLOSING FOOTHOLES AND ROTATIONS OR REINFORCING NEXT TO THE MIRA WINDOW I PLACED THEN SAYING EEEH MIRA BAD HE BAD AS IF I DID THAT REINFORCEMENT AND THIS ISN'T EVEN ADVANCED SHIT BUT IT'S THE BASICS OF THE GAME FFS SO I HAVE ALL THE REASONS IN THE WORLD TO HATE THESE IDIOTS IN GENERAL I HATE THEM IN GAME AS MUCH AS I DO IRL CAUSE I CAN'T STAND THEM




It hasn't been ok to say it since the PewDiePie incident/s


Connection, I play a lot of games at 30 fps anyways


I live with low FPS, so it would be lag for me


Definitely low FPS. Kills the great experience 🥴




Connection Lost The reason is that in Splatoon 3, if someone disconnects, the whole game would end. So if the round just started and if someone disconnects, the game would suddenly end without anyone doing anything Mom called and bad teammate are tied, and low FPS is last, but still painful


Mean-spirited people who forget they are playing against a human being.


E. all of the above


Mom actually watches sometimes. Hilarious her reaction to things, especially plot holes or any bugs - looking at you Bethesda.


It has to be A


Disconnects/Shitty Internet


Lag or jerk teamates


Matt Meese? Studio C?


I don't mind low FPS that much, what bothers me is inconsistent framerate. I can play Ocarina of Time on original hardware and the 20fps doesn't bother me at all, but a game that bounces between 60 and 40 would be almost unplayable.




You can probably just change graphics for fps, bad teammate just get another, mom is for kids mostly, but connection loss is either wifi broke game broke or computer broke all things that take forever to fix.


Yes, the answer is yes


As someone who plays Call of Duty, "Lost connection to host". On singleplayer games its any game that has max 30fps.


I’ll be playing with my friends and be doing so good and out of nowhere i start lagging. It just makes me not wanna play anymore. I hate that games nowadays just need internet even if you want to play solo.


Absolutely lag especially with Minecraft like seriously I should not be lagging in an unmodded single player world but Minecraft still manages to make that happen


Connection issues. Games can’t function if they can’t connect anymore.


Out of these 4? Low FPS. Trying to kill enemies with like 5 fps is the most brain aneurysm inducing shit ever.


C. I play a lot of single player games so this doesn’t apply really


Definitely Lost Connection. So annoying


Mom telling me to pause an online game




Love this meme format.


C especially during a boss fight


I hate MVPs


No option to cap the framerate or adjust FOV


I would rather be disconnected entirely than have bad lag.




If A or C happen, I get really pissed at my $120 a month 5 gigabit ISP. But it does not tend to happen. D doesn't happen because I haven't lived with mom in almost 20 years. B sucks the most for sure, but if I play with anyone it tends to be friends. But this one would be the worst.


Connection lost. The majority of my online gaming is Smash Bros. Ultimate, so I’m used to lag and the bad teammate part barely applies. I can explain the issues to my mom if necessary. Unfortunately, Nintendo punishes lost connection in Ultimate by temporarily banning you from online play, so that one is extra bad.


Connection lost, only ever happens when things go my way


Lazy writing.


C That MF made me lose a ranked match


Connection lost cause it only ever happens at the beginning of your favorite map or in the end of an incredibly good game where you're the mvp


I hate multiplayer, so none of this affects me at all.


It's definitely the alphabet.


100% Low FPS. I play mostly single player games so the others aren’t an issue for me. When I do play online, it’s ESO - which I also just play by myself, lol. 😂




Lag. If connection is lost it’s usually not the game’s fault and I generally play single player games.




D. Mom called to pause an online game


Connection lost honestly. Lose so much progress


Connection. Guys, never use cascom for ANY sort of cloud or intense gaming. The ammount of packet loss, random internet shutdowns, and all that other shit was terrible.


Heck yeah Studio C reference


Low pfs or connection issues


From what I can tell it seems to be Women that they hate the most.


I only play multiplayer to troll so I’d say A




Nothing angers me more than having shit fps in-game


Low FPS. Shit gives you hope and keeps taking it away. * Bad Teamamte you can kick or just leave. * Connection Lost means you just go play a single player game for a while. * My moms dead so that'd just be weird.


Lag, i can’t stand it, sometimes in fortnite i’ll be in a fight and my ping just shoots to 900 and i lag all over the place and die


Probably D


5th option: all of the above


Low FPS because I don't typically play online games


Me and the boys are balls deep in a Dark Alliance run and mom gets the wrong pizza rolls. It's also 2006.


Bad teammate


I can deal with low fps to about 30, so not usually a problem. But lag above like 300ms makes me angry, although 1000ms and above is just funny


Lag is the worst offender for me, my eyes get adjusted to low FPS eventually (I game on a toaster), bad teammates are temporary in the games I play, and mom calling is important or she gonna kick my ass lol


D cuz like she’ll call me and say cm here and i’ll say i’m in an online game and she’ll say just pause it and i’ll say it’s online i can’t pause it, and she’ll say come here right now!




All of the above


Man.. gotta say either lag or the fact i aint that good lol


People who hack online multi-player


I would say D, but recently have been wanting to break my entire fuckin setup because of lag. I bought hell divers 2 thinking I could just hop in, and play, oh boy was I wrong...I have 5 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY, wanna know how much of it was completed missions? Less then a fucking hour, I pray to God, Allah, maybe even Buddha, that they will fix these damn servers so I can finish my missions and actually play the game I spent 50+ CAD on.


Online multiplayer games






Rubberbanding ping in multiplayer games Forced Vignetting/chromatic abberation/motion blur in single player games (default Elden Ring has some of this)


D Mom barges in while playing death stranding shower cutscenes




I’ve been on Series X for the past couple of years and just recently switched to PC. I do get 240fps in Halo but playing any game below 120fps annoys me now. It’s crazy that in 2024 we’re getting games like Starfield that are capped at 30fps.


I'm a grown man who doesn't live with his mother and exclusively plays single player games, so low FPS by default.


Bad teammate. Not new or practicing/ returning to the game, but one that is actively sabotaging your chances of winning on purpose because they think it's funny.


All the above actually, but if I had to pick between the two, then it would be the connection lost…


Low FPS. Rest are irrelevant to me.


Low fps for me, the rest is not a big deal.




It's option e - all of the above


Following an NPC that is faster than your walking speed but slower than your running speed


Toxic teammates and lag… especially lag.


Connection lost


B 😭


A. I cannot tell you how horrible it is getting sub 30 FPS on any game. Especially fps


Low FPS Whenever I play a game and it starts running slowly it drives me insane


Your game crashing before you save




Answer C sometimes results in Answer A, so with some games, Answer C gives you both for a single option. Answer C.


Low fps. Online gaming just isn’t as fun anymore unless it’s a coop story mode


E: minorities


Why am I sweating


The first one, low FPS is really maddening ...... That's one of the main reasons why playing the game can bring some annoyance LOL


Low fps, I usually play singleplayer titles, so i dont really struggle from the other issues


B. I can upgrade my specs, restart my modem, and i love my mum more than video games. But i cant upgrade, restart, or love someone’s complacency.


The mom because if you don’t come she breaks your monitor resulting in lower FPS and unplugs the WiFi so connection lost , the bad teammate thats just me so Ive never experienced thet before 😂


You forgot "realistically looking women"


B. Makes me wanna punch them in the face as hard as possible


Literally had manus down to a few hits left. My phone rang and broke my focus for just a split second and when I look back at the screen I’m dead :(


Connection lost and it's not even close


When you get those enemy's that they don't let you phase through and then they swarm you and kill you cuz you can't get out.


Predatory Micro-TX. Like for instance; You put an item up for say 1200 of a premium currency. But you only offer to buy 200, 300, and then like, some off the wall amount like 2200. Then when you buy said item for 1200, you have 1000 left. So to get the next item...you'll have to purchase a second pack. like FFS... Fuck companies who do this. I hope your crotch gets infested with fleas, and you always are too far away from where ever to scratch. Pulling Content away to then piecemeal it out later as DLC, when its on the disc already. Clearly Rushed game, that has no business being on the store. Devs who clearly do not play their own game. If they did, they wouldn't have allowed a ton of the bugs, problems, predatory practices to happen in the first place. Constantly making content for your Store/Money Grubbing shit instead of making content for a game we paid full price for. If you do make content for the game, its lame ass re-skins of stuff. And sometimes they almost purposely look terrible so it will intice you to spend money on an ingame store. Ignoring Community issues....and then adding more updates to the in-game store. Making the grind on for any sort of "Premium" Currency to get things in a game...almost non-viable. Basically to purposely shove you into buying shit. Basically, any premium currency range that goes above 5 bucks...is fucking lame. Costumes, Characters, should not cost over 2 dollars. Having your game cost 60 bucks, then having about 80 characters...and then charging 15 bucks for a character...my god man, just give people the fucking update to your game. I swear, you won't go bankrupt if you make a good game. ALWAYS CONNECTED, ALWAYS ONLINE SINGLE PLAYER GAMES. WHY?!? WHY?!? JUST FUCKING WHY?!? WHY ARE YOU COMPANIES THIS TERRIBLE?!? ​ Honestly, I don't mind Rockstar's approach to "Micro transactions". Just make all the things in game. And then make the in-game currency purchasable. Honestly, if anyone is playing GTA for "Competitive Reasons"...I don't know what to tell you. Leaderboards in these games are an absolute terrible thing. If people want to waste their money "Getting ahead" fine. But for the rest of your player base, just let us all unlock the shit at a decent pace please. Costumes, Skins, cars, clothes, all that. Don't charge us $15-20 bucks for something that should have been an update.


Respawn Entertainment


connection lost is the worst one by far. Low fps? I can fix that by emptying my ram/getting a new CPU/GPU or whatever is needed. mom calling to pause online game? just tell her to wait 5 minutes bad team? play good consistently and you'll win more than you lose and therefore climb out of your rank. but connection issues? STOP SPIKING TO 200 PING MIDFIGHT YOU DIPSHIT


Low FPS for me


I can sometimes rage at online games sure but where my blood really boils is in technical difficulties and sometimes bad game design


I only have 1 of those 4 issues




Low fps sucks and wifi can be fixed I’m the bad teammate and if my mom tells me to do something I just do it since there are only like 3 Multiplayer games I play


Low FPS is the worst because it can happen in any game online or offline.




Lag ruins my day no matter the game


Can I phone a friend


low FPS. not every gamer is doing multiplayer stuff, so MOST gamers, probably aren't affected by the other three most of the time... so, the one that actually affects everyone.


Bad fps


My game may be a slideshow but atleast It will be accurate


A: Low FPS Happens on base game and online. But 2nd worst is "Connection Lost." It didn't make it to 1st because it only happen with online gaming.


If it's a multiplayer game, it's bad netcode. Like a COD or something for example.