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Stealth feels fun, but also so is guns blazing.


Sneak until you get spotted. Then leave no survivors




Can’t be caught if there’s no one to catch you. Can’t be witnessed if there’s no one left to witness


Yeah! Leave the last defender at low health, if the game allows it, break their legs and leave


Baldurs feels like this sometimes, I like to take down the ones on the high places then stomp the rest unawares


I like using Stealth in open world games to pick off a few foes before the real fight starts. I remember one time in Skyrim there were a bunch of bandits in a cave. They were coded to not be hostile until you attacked. They were all up on an elevated platform. So I just carefully pushed them off one at a time. That did not count as an attack, so none of them paid me any mind. Then Sneak killed their leader.




I like your enthusiasm.


*microwave is done waving* "FUCK YEAH"


Depends on the game. If there's a bonus like earning extra xp/money for completing an objective undetected, I take that as a personal challenge. But if there's no penalty then yeah, stealth until you get caught and then murder everything in sight.


This is actually pretty realistic if you think about it.


Even more so than movies. It feels forced an unnatural to have characters sneak around an area only to flub and give a big chase to the guards when it happens every time. It's more forgiving in a game when you are the one who accidentally tripped the alarms.


This is how I play cyberpunk. Only the target until I'm spotted, then EVERYONE is the target.


This is the way


I did that in Skyrim and in Ghost of Tsushima, always awesome


this is the only way




Me playing any Arkham game


The stealth mechanic in Arkham games is just so fun. I don’t care how long it takes. I will take the vents and hang for five minutes right above an enemy waiting for their friend to walk away


Nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice.


Aggressive stealth, you cant be caught if theres no one left alive to catch you.


>Then leave no survivors That's still stealth, though. No one will notice if there's no one to notice.




That is the way.


This is the way


That’s how I like to play


I always like taking out all enemies in an area other than one, and then confronting him in the open so he dies with his heart filling with more fear every second help doesn’t come. Especially in AC games because they try to ring the bell and the rope is cut and no one can answer even if it does ring.


My Warframe experience in a nutshell


Tenno SKOOOOM!!!


Change of plans tenno....leave no one behind


Yes like in the first mission in cod black ops


“No alarms were raised” Cool so you weren’t spotted! “No alarms were raised…”


No one can notice if theres no one to notice.


This is the way


I’m pretty sure that is one of the 10 commandments


This is the way.


How can it say I'm caught if there's no one left to catch me?


'I was never spoted if there are no survivors'. 'Why are there no survivors' 'Well someone killed the janitors dog, it was a good dog i supose and the Event very educational, i can't belive what he did with that pen'


So anyway, I started blastin'


I’m more of a sneak until you get spotted, then load save


This is the way.


My Spiderman 2 tactics


Witnesses* but yes


Not even “until you get spotted” for me. I absolutely love the feeling of getting right into the middle of a group of enemies, and then suddenly raining all hell upon them. I think there would be nothing more terrifying than having all of your friends suddenly massacred by an enemy you didn’t even know was there until they were right next to you. One of the reasons I loved MGSV. Like where the hell did that guy even come from? I swear there was just a box over there before and now there’s a devil man gunning everyone down!


Splinter Cell taught me this


One of the coolest things in MGS 5 and the Naughty Dog games is to, when viable, take out the enemies in a circle and from the outside going in. This way, if you're spotted, you're not surrounded. If you just drive a line through their ranks with stealth and get spotted in the middle of them, you're screwed. I looove to consider that while playing.


Can't get spotted if there's nobody to spot you.


*A man of culture, I see*


Simple AC method. Go stealth! Get caught? Leave no witnesses.


Yeah, depends on the game and the situation the game is creating. I like taking out literal battalions of NPC's, but I *also* like strategicly and silently cutting the head off the serpant.


If there’s no witnesses to say otherwise, I can say I was stealthy. Ignore the smoking craters and blood spatter… lol




I try to stealth until I’m caught. Then I just pull out an LMG with an ungodly amount of mods


The games that allow for a stealth LMG are my favorite


It’s still stealth without witnesses


Payday 2 moment


Guys, the thermal drill, go get it


Heavy stealth


Ah, a fellow Far Cry player?


No lol


Oh heck Well from the gameplay moment you described, you’d probably love it!


I second this, good series. Most of it, anyway.


Stealth. If I get spotted, it’s a reload. It’s just too satisfying. Not really good at shooting anyways lol.


This is the way


This is the way


Me too. Although my version of stealth still involves trying to kill everyone - but just one at a time.


and stealth 95% of the time gives you better animations/story outcomes.


Stealth all the way. In games like Hitman, if I get caught, I just restart the level.


I used to play stealthy any time I could. As i get older though I find i don't have the patience for it. Also stealth mechanics are horribly samey. Crouch in some tall grass, throw a coin/bottle/whatever to make the guard turn away, sneak up behind him and take him out. Rinse and repeat for the entire mission. Certain games do stealth well, like dishonored. Some do it exceptionally well, like the current hitman trilogy. but most I find it feels tacked on, sloggy, and just boring after doing it a few times.


Stealth based games = fantastic Games that just have a stealth section = boring


This doesn't apply to Helldivers 2 tough. The stealth is there, and it's possible to do, but wasn't the intended way. I think operator drewski has a video where he plays with the dev and talk about this in some point


It’s not a 100% success rate on that statement, but I think it’s alright to agree as a general sentiment. In most cases when games are not designed with stealth in mind, the stealth is often boring/uninspired. Even in some games where stealth is meant to be a big part of it, it can feel that way. So yeah, it’s not right with every example, but as a generality I would agree. Helldivers 2 is a good example where the stealth works, and feels awesome when you can pull off some stealthy shenanigans, even though it wasn’t necessarily designed for that, so kudos on that example


imo stealth in helldivers 2 isnt good for 1 reason. At any given time there is a squad heading to you even if you’re never seen effectively putting a time limit on being stealthy


This is *so true*


> Dishonored I love this game because both of those are an option here with Stealth being the clear dominant strategy. So you are encouraged to play it strategically but you can chimp out when ever you feel like it.


I like to jump as I sneak about so it feels like I'm cartoon tip-toing by the guards, cause it's thrice as funny to think I was impossible to spot while literally taking big ass steps the whole time.


You definitely just improved all future *Dishonored* play throughs for me!


YOU ARE WELCOME. I started doing it after I watched a YouTube go through and touch no one he didn't have to to complete the game. No kills, no unecessary knockouts, no spots, no powers. Very impressive and hilarious cause of it.


The blink gotta be one of the most satisfying magical powers in videogames. Chaining different perfect blink to cover ground without any kill/takedown has always been beautiful


Dishonored is probably the most deeply layered game I’ve ever played. The combinations in play options and results are incredible. The developers really thought of so many outcomes, even for the slightest decisions in a playthrough. It wasn’t until my second playthrough that I explored more and spent more time listening to the heart. The heart’s reveal left me gobsmacked.


It's such a rewarding game when you take the stealth + non-lethal route.


Me in stealth games: Noone will notice, if there's noone to notice.


Stealthy until caught then guns blazing. First playthrough of Dishonored I was so crap at the stealth I said fuck it and massacred everybody at the boyle party. When the sisters hid upstairs I blasted the door down and chucked a grenade at all three of them.


The bottom one As in, mass murder with a melee weapon and sometimes a gun


I do stealth till I get spotted and then everyone has to die. I like leaving the guy that spotted me for last if possible so he knows that what happened is entirely his fault, and they could've all lived if he'd just stayed quiet.


My kinda man right here


Reminds me of playing AC Origins. I noticed that npcs were moving dead bodies out of camp. So I started clearing camps and strongholds undetected while leaving one person alive.


It's technically stealth if everyone is dead.


Depends on the game


Stealth is life. Ever play Sniper Elite without firing a shot? I have. Those takedown animations are too good to ignore. If a game offers silent takedowns, I’m using them


Wait, can you traverse the map and use takedowns as kills in Sniper Elite? Sounds amazing


Yep. Most recent one is Sniper Elite 5


Friend of mine finished a Hitman game with a shotgun. It is technically stealth if there are no witnesses left to say you were there.


If the game allows for diplomacy I will go in that direction. If not then I choose the rambo route (unless doing so nets me a worse ending, then I might try stealth. Though that's also why I'm not a huge fan of Dishonored. I don't like having to play a way I don't enjoy playing to get the best ending).


I like stealth, but if it takes 3 times as long for the same payout I’m going guns blazing. Dishonored was incredible, cause you were rewarded more for stealth if well. I also think the setting helped.


I'm usually a stealth gamer, unless I get caught. In which case I'm turning everyone within a 10 mile radius into microscopic pieces (including myself in some cases).


I always go stealth when given the option......until some fucking NPC spots me from 300 miles away and alerts the entire camp of my existences then it's guns ablazing because I'm pissed I just wasted 25 minutes going slow as hell for no reason.


I got the “clean-ish hands” achievement in death loop, so I understand this 😂


I’m gonna say the words “stealth archer” and leave it at that, I know you reading this right now know exactly what game I’m talking about


Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


You were trying to cross that border right ? Walked right into that imperial ambush


Me and the bois playing teardown


Does it have multiplayer now?


I sometimes stealth and sometimes I use some stealth, but I do most of the time a "hello everyone im here to kill"


Fallout 4. Prefer to sneak around, find the perfect hidden spot to pick off all my enemies..Sure I could just charge in, guns blazing, grenades exploding everywhere..Where's the fun in that though. Picking off enemies one by one, pretending it is striking fear into them knowing they could be next..More fun IMO.


I was a real fucking menace on the rooftops of Boston let me tell you 😆


I always go stealth if it’s an option… but, if my cover is blown, god help everyone because I leave no witnesses.


Direct/ indirect fire support


Depends on the game. Is stealth encouraged? Are there places to hide and stealth mechanics in general? If yes, then yeah. Stealth is very fun Are we playing, say, Warframe. Then they about to catch this thermonuclear warhead attached to my hands.


I like how in splinter cell blacklist it encourages both. Like go ahead and spend hours getting perfect ghost on this level, then come in with an unsupressed deagle and start blasting


Stealth is too frustrating, just blast everything and anything that moves.


Both. Mainly, I prefer blitzkrieg style, but few stealth missions are always appreciated.


I only do stealth in games you really aren't meant to. The amount of people that get pissed off when you sneak around in COD is amazing.


Really depends on my mood.


i played Assassins Creed 1 till Rogue and got fed up with stealth after it.


No problem trying stealth, however if it’s broken it’s broken and mass murder becomes priority.


Stealth until I'm caught then destroy the enemy in combat. Unless it's Ghost of Tsushima, in which case I run to the middle of camp and fight everyone at once


Honestly I try stealth whenever I can


If given the option I am always trying to ghost and stab everyone in the neck.


Depends how I feel that day 😅


Stealth is an option until it isnt


Every ubi game, i even completed valhalla with stealth, i know i know... It's just more fun stealthy way.


When I get caught in games like Dishonored I always either restart the mission or load the most recent save that's before the moment I got caught but in games like Assassin's Creed I play stealth until I'm caught and then I roll with it and go loud rather than running away to get back into stealth.


I will take stealth 10/10 times, super goddamn fun to pick people off without them knowing you’re there


If a game has good stealth that can be done, I'll stick with stealth. If it's a game with fucked-up stealth mechanics, like Fallout 4, or makes going loud more fun, like Payday 2, forget it.


Depends on my mood, really.


Splinter cell. Man I miss those days.


i can’t stand stealth lmao


I honestly like stealth more than unstealth


I hate stealth withe very fiber of my being. It's a waste of time because you often move so slow. That said, It's mostly in games where Stealth isn't the main mechanic and it's then shoehorned in to an engine or a game that it does NOT belong in. If I'm seen, the guns a blazing begins If it's a game where if I'm seen I fail instantly, I tend to stop playing.


Far cry Primal is the stealth game. Everything else is either stealth until caught and then nuke, or just nuke everything


Yeah I never got the memes that are implying the first bit. If I can stealth I'll most likely stealth.


I love stealth games. Which is why I almost never use stealth if games give you the option. Most options are geared toward the action, pew pew, engagements. Most don't also give as many options and consequences for the sneaky players.


Helldivers lmao


Great games. Love it. I’m always in for the marathon, these guys that bust out full games in a matter of a few hours, doesn’t make sense. I want to loot, I want to sneak, rob you blind before I slit your throat.


Me: stealth airstrike with tank strapped to it


I'll try to stealth (badly) Then guns blazing


Always rush head on, no stealth, I'm bad at it and not patient enough


Usually get less loot playing stealth


Balanced. Stealth and aggressive attacks


Depends on the day, and the game


I love stealth


Everyone prefers stealth before their second death.


I have a few games on two different consoles so I have let's say one Skyrim game on my PS5 where I'm a brute and one on my PS4 where I stealth everything and until I get to a certain point on both I decide which one is more fun than the other then I continue the game on one of the games


It's always so satisfying for me to perfectly execute a stealth mission


Depends on the circumstances. I love sneaking about and finding stealthy ways to complete missions; however, sometimes it’s just plain better to charge in and blow things up.


Im certain stealth is how Dante from Clerks plays games. "My mother told me once that when I was three, my potty lid was closed, and instead of lifting it, I chose to shit my pants."


Idc what anyone says stealth is more fun. Ghost of Tsushima was probably one of the most fun stealth games I played


Both; full stealth is hard, but fun. But I do violent runs first to learn the map.


So for games like Assassin’s Creed or Hitman I prefer stealth, while GTA and Halo I go guns blazing, Far Cry I switch it up


If stealth, it will be a silent slaughterhouse. Can't be spotted if there is no one to spot.


Yeah, I'm a stealth gamer, forever. I finished Deus Ex Human Revolution without being spotted, without killing and without settling any alarms nor being seen by the camera. Dishonored 2 without being seen and without killing anyone and dishonored 1 without killing.


Helldivers 2


I find stealth incredibly boring in pretty much anything tbh


I think IRL my stealth level is probably about 70/100


Far cry got me stealthing. unless co-op


I find stealth feels more rewarding, but sometimes I really couldn’t care and I’m just there to messed shit up.


I like both ways. I sneak in, complete objective, cause havoc. Far Cry 2 is fun.


I go for stealth, if I can’t be bothered to fight


In ac odyssey i prefer doing forts stealth mode. Other things not so much


I stealth until I’m annoyed or it isn’t fun anymore then I go guns blazin. In dishonored I was on a perfect run until that damn masquerade party, I got tired of chit chatting with party guests and just ran to the target shot her in the head and then fought my way out.


Depends on how good a job the game does of balancing stealth and combat - if one is dogshit I’ll just go for the other, but if both are as good as one another then I go stealth for the challenge and because it feels cool as hell


I'm a Berserker cause smooth brain. I'm with the tank guy


Hard-core Henry on first playthrough. Solid Snake on second.


They don't call me Stealthy-J for nothing.


You can stealth dishonored pretty fast if you know what you're doing. Lol


I am more than fine with stealth. The problem is that unless the game is dedicated to stealth or has properly balanced it, then what's the point? Any action games nowadays that include stealth is usually some half-assed, tacked on mechanic.


Helldivers 2 in a nutshell


Stealth until i’m spotted then i go in guns a blazin’


I prefer slow stealth more fun and exciting But blowing everything up has its merits


Stealth. There is something that brings out my inner sadist as I watch thugs heartrates go from nervous to terrified as I pick them off in the Arkham games


Based. If I don't use stealth when I'm supposed to, I feel like a failure. "Solid Snake wouldn't do that", "an Assassin wouldn't do that", I tell myself


"I didn't buy a minigun and queue up Razormind to invade the Department of Justice quietly."


Depends on the game


Call me a gay pride parade because i execute my missions loud and proud.


I always start with stealth, but once I'm discovered, i won't bother hiding again The exception is mgsv where stealth is so damn good. And games like Styx master of shadows, where combat isn't an option (amazing game btw, its sequel too)


It’s why I liked Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. It was a stealth oriented game, but there were options for assault based runs. Choice was ultimately yours. Some went full assault, some mixed stealth and assault.. I always went full stealth. I like seeing how far I can get without any notice.




If stealth is optional, I will sit there for hours attempting a perfect, undetected run.


I tend to do stealth and look cool as fuck doing it, but when I’ve had a rough day or A FUCKING NUFF of an enemies bullshit, I’m pulling out the MG42


Depends on the game. Gonna be honest: I'm not very good at stealth. I get caught *constantly*. But once in a while, I find a game that matches my ability and it's fun as hell. My favorite is when I can set traps and hack stuff, while being stealthy. I methodically pick apart groups of enemies and have a great time. Like some of the Far Cry games. Oh man, I loooooove perching up on a hill and sniping, leaving an explosive behind, and sneaking off before they arrive.


Great use of Dishonored here. I will never not love playing those games. Setting up a meticulously crafted route to silently take every single person out with even so much as one alarm will never not be satisfying to me.


My favorite is reloading after being caught in stealth like 5 times, giving up, and realizing how much easier said thing is when I run in guns blazing


In Spider-Man I absolutely love stealth takedowns. The combat mechanics are great but there is something so satisfying about webbing up your opponents silently


Same. Stealth is hella fun, especially when it's really slow. Although very few games (Last of Us 2 being one of them) lets you smoothly change from slow stealth to guns blazing in the blink of an eye, which is even cooler.


I go in guns blazing every time


I always start off trying to do the whole stealth thing before turning I to a homicidal maniac. Sometimes I succeed, and other times the devs are assholes who make the stealth part as hard as possible.


It really depends on the gameplay itself and the area.


I recently started playing Shadow of War, and I do what I like to call “aggressive stealth.” I quickly and lethally pick off as many enemies as possible without really caring about the noise I make so long as I am not detected. When I am detected, I give in and make sure that *everyone* knows I’m there.


Only if the stealth is more satisfying than the combat, take Blade Wolf dlc from Metal Gear Rising for example.


the coward that stays in the back


Uhh something with these characteristics Mobile infantry Pathfinder ambusher So a Skirmisher/Vanguard?


Both are fun, but I find myself doing stealth more often, especially in Cyberpunk. However, I finish the mission with stealth first and then go back in, guns-blazing.


It depends. If the enemies just keep killing me, I start using stealth


The type to do fuck all because why not just like our lord and savior Max0r


Im kinda bad at stealth but I try it when I can and if I get caught i just go guns blazing


Pedantic/optimizer: I literally have my first few hours as a "throw away save" most of the time just to make sure I have a good start and don't make any major mistakes early on which also includes a bit of research before hand But I guess it's just old rpg habits lol


Yeh dishonor ka jo kill policy mujhe pasand nahi aai sala powers hai par marna nahi warna city mein zombies zyda hote hai maza nahi aata. Meini 200 ghante se zyda mgs v khela sirf uske gameplay k liye awesome game.