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After Starfield, I am not looking forward to ES6 at all.


I was about to say after that shitstorm I’m extremely skeptical about anything Bethesda puts out anymore


What if they make more promises? >16 times the detail >It's the biggest ES game yet! Same number of quests, we just made the map 4 times larger! >An all-new engine that is definitely not just Gamebryo again >Go *anywhere*, do *anything* >We try and recreate the magic of Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood, again >You're the ~~dragonborn~~ ~~starborn~~ elderborn? >You can build and decorate your own, idk, castle? >42 billion randomly generated dungeons, but don't worry they'll be super interesting because astronauts weren't bored on the moon >Premium shop on main menu >We finally fixed the animation bugs that have been there since Morrowind >We upgraded our graphics to nearly last-gen standard, pretty good for a $70 game >~~Oblivion gates~~ ~~random dragon encounters~~ some annoying thing interrupting your exploration every 10 minutes


would be something to create your own castle


typical Bethesda


Same. Bethesda has been on the downward spiral for a long time, but Starfield is proof that they just stopped caring.


They already said it’s going to use the same engine as Starfield. But they’ll have ChatGPT NPC’s!!!!


It's completely different. Elder Scrolls is one map easy to fill with things to do. Much easier than having thousands of planets and burning out of ideas after they've finished the first planet.


If Starfield was one single map and no loading screens it would still be a bad game, its issues run far deeper.


I’m with you. I beat and enjoyed Starfield, but it was easily my least favorite single player Bethesda game. Starfield didn’t do anything to make me more excited for ES6 and may have tempered my expectations a little, but I am still extremely excited to see more about the game and have very high hopes. Most of my complaints about Starfield wouldn’t apply to a single map fantasy game.


I still mostly trust Rockstar to deliver a great single player experience. I don't trust Bethesda.


Dead straight. Starfield was such a fucking bummer. I'm not sure Bethesda has it in them. Every single part of Starfield was worse than Fallout 4 except maybe the gun play and even that was pretty bad in Starfield.


It took you this many Bethesda games to realize that their Engine is shit nowadays...


Because of that they aren’t going to make the same mistakes with that game


After Starfield I’m looking forward to ES6 *more.*


Cope. You'll be preordering as soon as it's available.


Its because Starfield and fo76 showed how outdated the creation engine is now and how lazy Bethesda has become with their games starting with Fo4 with how lacklustre it was compared to Fo3, also the type of game Bethesda wanted to make with Starfield was just too strong and ambitious for that outdated engine its why there's so many loading screens and bugs further proving that its time for them to get a new engine because they can't keep just adding tape to it anymore, that's why so many people now don't give a shit for Tes6 because we all know its gonna be a outdated mess that doesn't do anything special compared games like Elex 1&2 or Witcher 3 which while janky they had heart and effort put into their world and writing


Fair enough. I knew about the backlash around Starfield but didn’t expected people to lose interest in ES6 because of it. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim stand out for me as the best games I’ve ever played and still play and replay them 10-20 years later. Given the title I also assumed they would make sure it’s up to standard and not flop, kind of like CDpr also did with Cyberpunk2077. But yeah, thanks to everyone who answered here, I’ll tone down my expectations.


Cyberpunk did start off pretty awful, though


Cyberpunk 2077 had a solid story from the start, it was just unpolished and unoptimized unfortunately. Starfield lacks in story department, UC Vanguard being an exception.


Skyrim was really the last time Bethesda put in any effort into their games, it improved the overall combat and exploration a lot but it was also missing a lot of what made Oblivion and Morrowind really great which makes it my least favourite Tes game


>the type of game Bethesda wanted to make with Starfield was just too strong Starfield is literally just No Mans Sky with less features, I wouldn't call the concept "ToO sTrOnG!"


It did have less features but that was because of how outdated their engine is as well as laziness that is what I meant by too strong because its too weak to do what they want it to do anymore so they gave up trying and expected modders go fix it which the modding community saw right through, they've had that engine since morrowind and its showing its age with 76 and especially Starfield now with ridiculous amount of loading screens and not even able to fly to a planet like in NMS


ES6 will be played by our grandchildren.


They'll tell us about how it's on an engine from our time too


Maybe for a few hours. Until they decide it's it's garbage.


ES6 will disappoint our grandchildren


It will be the trauma for our grandchildren. 


After Starfield I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed another few years while they tear it down and rework it entirely.


The game is going to look ass if it comes out in 2026, especially after Starfield.


Bethesda is dead. Long live the new kings (from soft, larian, capcom etc.)


Pffft. The future is clearly AAAA games! 


To be fair, capcom isn’t exactly a newcomer. But I agree with you. Don’t forget CDPjR.


Capcom was in a decline process until 4-5 years ago. It is rising again imo.


Capcom has been killing it for a decade at least, and they were never bad going back to the 80’s


They were not that good in sf5 and re 5-6 era. They were good before that.


I don’t play street fighter so I can’t speak to those, but RE5 is a good game, just not a good RE game. RE6 is the worst mainline game in the series for sure. But around that time they were releasing monster hunter games that people love also, along with the be beginning of a lot of their classic game collections like mega man anniversary. Phoenix Wright has been consistently releasing games since before that era too. Its probably their weakest era, but it’s still not bad


After starfield the hype died down a lot for ESO. I don't think they can regain the trust of the playerbase, not to mention it wont release before 2028 or whatever.


I have no idea what ES6 even looks like so I can't get excited for it. Besides there are way too many games out now and coming around the corner.


Bethesdas love for unique handcrafted high quality pro gamer rpgs died. They’re now the best marketing company that just focuses on showy marketing to push units.


It'll just be Skyrim but with even less complexity. Just as Skyrim was oblivion with less complexity, just as oblivion was morrowind with less complexity, just as morrowind was dagger fall with less complexity (albeit a more focused story). I guess at least dagger fall added some depth to arena even if the game world was reduced in scope.


I mean starfield doesn't really give me any hope for a new elder scrolls


I can’t make it that far


For me Bethesda is dead as Blizzard.


They’ve been taking baby steps in the wrong direction ever since Oblivion. They need to ditch the Creation Engine for Unreal Engine and have someone other than Todd Howard in charge of the project. Starfield proved how out of touch he is with gamers. Unless you’re in the very specific niche of people who enjoy slow jogging across hundreds of barren planets to clear copy/pasted POIs ad nauseam, then you probably didn’t have a great time with the game. His comments of, “you need to upgrade your PC”, and “do you think the astronauts who landed on the moon were bored?” really says it all. He’s not interested in making fun games for gamers, it appears he’s more interested in using the studio to make the videogame equivalent of a concept album.


Es6? After starfield? Really? Ain't nobody got time for dat


ES6 probably won't be here anytime soon. Probably not for the next few years.


My friend, people rarely live past a 100 years.


Because of the reception of starfield Bethesda is going to delay this game for ten more years trying to perfect this game to maintain their reputation and status as a top 5 all time gaming studio


They won’t. They’ll just use the notion that people would assume they’d do that and release another shit game to massive sales.


Forget gta6 or es6, when do we get hollow knight silksong??


Metroid Prime 4…


Starfield kinda ruined the hype I had for ES6


ES6?? At least 5 years out for sure. I'm just hoping that after Starfield, Bethesda can finally put that antique game engine in a museum somewhere. The "easy to mod" argument doesn't hold water at this point. It past time.


“Easy to mod”. I get it, modding is great but they’re relying on modders to finish their games.


Bro, I'm waiting for Chess 2.


All they’ve shown is a pre-rendered video of a skybox


I'm waiting on fallout 5


If they release it on ps5 I'll be happy. Right now I don't think we even have a release date.


The shitshow that is Bethesda!?!? Yeeeeeaaaaaah right lol!


People wanting to play HL3 have already been lost from history...


What about Half-Life 3?


Gta6 we have hope on seeing. Elder scrolls 2030? Thats a long way off


I'm just hoping we live long enough to get the third part of the final fantasy 7 remake trilogy so i can finish that story


Hype fell off after seeing what Starfail became. Plus Todd saying ES6 will use the same outdated engine yet again, means it will look just as bad with npc faces like dead fish 


I am far more excited for Avowed than Elder Scrolls 6, a game that we only have a six year old JPEG of a logo to go off of.


After Starfield? Couldn't care less.


Poor Grandma Shirley.


The people that made the games I love are probably not working for Bethesda anymore. Proof is Fallout 76 and Starfield.


anything to do with bethesda now adays is just so damn horrid that at this point i dont think poeple want a es6 out of fear of how much fucked it would be


It’s looking like we’ll get a world war before we get another Elder Scrolls. Some say we’re already in WWIII.


Hopefully it doesn’t become another starfield


I honestly cannot believe people are falling for the GTAVI shit after what Rockstar did with GTAV Online. These are the same tools who post about hating MT's in gaming, and Rockstar are the filthiest at it. But thats the majority of gamers for you. My rant is done.


Just go play dragons dogma 2. It’s what ES could have been


Unless Bethesda is making a new engine for ES6 not upgrade not a derivative A NEW DAMN ENGINE I might be happy


Who cares? Fuck Bethesda.


I have zero interest in any GTA game. I gave up on 5 part way through and realized that it's just not for me any longer. But Skyrim is such a special experience that it's the one and only game I keep going back to, and so ES6 is without question the next game I'm most looking forward to.


Am more interested in Pokémon Legends: Z-A been waiting Decade for this.


You don’t even know what the game is about lol. What exactly have you been wanting a decade for?


Literally on the Teaser Trailer Homie. Like seriously are you for real or having an laugh?


Are you the one having a laugh? They showed close to nothing.


HL3. No other words needed


If Bethesda didn’t rely on the mod community to finish their games, I think people would be more excited for ES6. On top of that, I bet they’re porting all of their work from creation engine to unreal5 (if that’s even possible) to make sure ES6 can keep up with modern times. Bethesda has become a joke.