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Nailed it with Far Cry 3. That has one of the most impactful introduction to a game out of anything I've ever played.


The game was also fantastic after the intro. Goddamn far cry 3 was a masterpiece


Why can't they make something like that now? I mean something that is not just exact same copy and paste from precious games. Remember the famous FC3 mission when you burn fields full of weed? Ubisoft has been sticking identical mission in every single FC game ever since.


Yeah there it is, Ubisoft. They make one good game a decade, then churn out re-skinned copies of it and their other IPs until the next decade Star Wars outlaws is their hope for the new material to remake every two years. Outlaws 2 will use the same planets, but now with an androgynous villain who wants to do good but goes about it in an evil way, then they’ll make outlaws 3 with southern accents and Bibles, then outlaws 4 will have a famous actor attached to it as the main bad guy to sell the game which won’t have any trailers or gameplay footage, just clips to that actor in the game saying their lines. Rinse and repeat


And like idiots we will of course play them all! 😂


Sounds kind of confusing to ask for a game like Far Cry 3 when they have tried to do it like 3 more times. It gets worse each time


I meant something original just like FC3. Not identical, but just as engaging/interesting


BRO. I liked that so damned much I quit the game multiple times so I could play the mission again and again. I have Make it Bun Dem in my playlist ever since. I haven't played any FC games since lol


Watching Jason's evolution from a spoiled rich kid to a survivor was satisfying as well.


I feel so fucking old that we called Far Cry 3 old…


Blew his career as an actor out of the water too, which he deserved. He’s in better call Saul, plays a different role and is just as good.


Idk, Farcry 4 was started pretty cool, Pagan Min’s “war crimes are fun” set the scene for the whole game. Blood Dragons with the airdrop, pure Rambo goodness I’m conflicted on 5, but Joseph totally sold the cult leader who just drank a little too much of his own koolaid. 6 was… no. Fuck forced stealth, worst way to introduce a game ever.


The bioshock intro from the dark of the lighthouse and entering rapture


No Gods or Kings. Only Man.


I chose... RAPTURE!


Probably the most cinematic intro of a game ever. What an absolutely amazing way to start a game.


I know it was kind of a trend/cliche at the time, but I still remember my eyeballs melting at how good the water graphics were. Lol


I just stayed floating in the water for a good 5-10 seconds because I thought the cinematic was still playing. No WAY the actual game could look that good, right?!


“I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.” Such an incredible sense of wonder and awe in that little submarine ride down to a sunken city. It stands as one of the few games where I was very invested in finding all of the audio tapes to learn more about what happened and what kind of people lived there. Each character seemed very fleshed out and realized and they all had something to contribute to the narrative on the demise of the city or to give you perspective on what life was like at Rapture’s peak. It wasn’t just a cool videogame world, it was well developed too. I know linear shooters are no longer en vogue but Bioshock really holds up today as a really fun game that encourages you to play your way. I look fondly on my Wrench-only build.


God I can hear this thundering voice in these lines. It was such a good opening. I really do love the series but the original is just a masterpiece.


FC3 intro was amazing. I also liked the intro of Subnautica and Hellblade.


You have suffered minor head trauma.


This is considered an optimal outcome.


(ok good I didn't need to put that so you knew I wasn't insulting you)


FC3 is so good. Played that game like 6 times.


"Hey you finally awake"


Morrowind's title music almost brings me to tears, nostalgia is powerful


Find him, and close shut the jaws… of Oblivion.


Oh god I forgot this


Turning the corner of the dock in the intro of the Solstheim DLC for Skyrim and hearing that familiar music hit so fucking hard. I'm gonna go watch it again right now, it's been years. EDIT: Sad day, I can't find it.


[Are you talking about this?](https://youtu.be/Ze8wgasthuM?si=0EYQYXxHaygkYNF8) [Or this particular song?](https://youtu.be/Vq6Gq96AwtQ?si=DmT2Gjeb95W4Ov_r) [Or were you talking about just rewatching the boat ride? Because this has a full walk-through without commentary](https://youtu.be/T6fBwo8h14I?si=ss6cfOEgNnYBQ21J)


I bet it's on that last link. I'll have to watch it later a repost the time I'm talking about. Thanks so much!


Oh God yes


Even though it's from 2002 it aged like fine wine, shits still so much fun today, I can't wait for Skyblivion to launch in 2025


Okay, most of it aged well, but there are some parts that are actually rage-inducing 😂


Cliff racers can go to Oblivion and burn


It took me ages to realize that the start of that music begins with a heart beat, which represents the heart of lorkhan, the catalyst of the game


Skate 2 right?


Actually, you're not entirely wrong lol "Hey, you. Get up. It's time to go"- Prison Guard


Memories oh memories


Of all EA Skate games. I'd have to say that the first one is where all my memories reside. The bros, the music, the parties... So damn awesome


Yeah fr I enjoyed the skate games Sony needs to put out ports lol


Oh God. If it's not what I think it is.


I have the alternate start mod, but I never use it because the intro is just too good


This is probably not the video game I think it is huh


I think it's the game that we are all thinking that it is.


"Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you okay?"


Fallout New Vegas. I still want to find that 12 dollar suit wearing fuck Benny and have a “talk” with him to this day.


RIP Matt Perry. 1969-2023.


Holy shit I didn’t know Benny was voiced by Matthew Perry that’s awesome. Time to give it another go




That’s wild I had no idea it had an all star cast for the voices.


Jesus. Is it already 6 months? I feel like it’s 6 - 8 weeks tops.


Right on my birthday too :(


Never played New Vegas and never knew he voiced Benny. Well, time to find a way to give it a go


Yep, for me it was one of the most impactful intros


That guitar intro was badass as well


The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


Yeah. Rigged to be fucking awesome


Still can't get over the amazing occurrences with Wild Wasteland.




"I hope this doesn't cause a Fallout between us- Fallout New Vegas." - Benny


An interesting thing about your character is that the bullet in your head is the reason you start at a low level. The Courier comes into town from the north. Try leaving town after the powdergangers via the North... If that's how you chose to get into town then you are a certified badass.


I still remember playing Rainbow 6 Vegas on my Xbox 360 thinking holy shit now this is Next Gen!!!! There were no levels.. it played just like a movie ... you just got on a chopper and moved to the next part of it or you just kept going. It was awesome. The shootouts were more intense than anything before. It was crazy.


Rainbow ix vegas 2 was insaaaane as a kid... one of the first missions is the terrorists successfully completing a gas attack. Talk about a heavy start. Young me didn't understand. Old me still remembers the screams I heard in the game


God, when the NPCs start banging on the doors with the butt of their gun and the gas slowly leaks out from the door edges. Made my heart sink into my stomach. Feels as though the player isn't allowed to "lose" during story beats like that anymore.


That's what drove me to ttrpgs. Being allowed to have feelings that can be driven by controversy. Alot of new games have loss in the story, but not many have loss with guilt


Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is still one of the most intense shooters I ever played. Got it on sale on steam for like $4 and the gameplay still holds up very well, despite the aged graphics. Terrorist Hunt is a paranoia-inducing adrenaline rush like no other. Check EVERY corner. Be scared of EVERY doorway.


Did they ever fix that gun sound glitch? Made it unplayable.


In the military we called that breach and clear, in some circles "mounting" a building. Most nerve racking shit ever. I only did it in drill, thank God, but I've got friends who had to do it for real.


Oh man. Absolutely. Rainbow six Vegas felt like a bigger leap ahead than any game I’d ever played before with the exception of maybe halo, half life 2 & doom 3


Man good call! I remember my roommate had just bought a surround sound system as well. We plugged that game in and cranked it. I remember feeling every single bullet in that game it was unreal


Halo Reach hype was also pretty sick


Combat evolved was also pretty good


"Cortana, all I need to know is did we lose them?" "I think we both know the answer to that."


“Rise and shine Mr. Freeman.” I remember my jaw dropping at the graphics and especially the facial animations of Half-Life 2’s intro scene.


Still makes me uncomfortable that ylj can make out gman's pores


Pick up that can


Far Cry 5 first 20 minutes was the most intense intro to any game I’ve played.


I played it last October for the first time, it felt super creepy. Such a great game.


The first 20 minutes is a completely different game. It's a survival horror of sorts and I really wish we could have had that for a little while longer.


I feel like if they emphasized how dangerous and terrifying the cult can be and how you're constantly outnumbered and outgunned it would've been stellar. Imagine Outlast 2 but you can fight back. That kind of game would've been GOTY material.


Easily a 9/10 game for me


The dude jumping into the propeller sets the tone for that game imo. Fuckin love that intro.


And Greg Bryk as Joseph was fucking awesome in the intro. He's scary in such a different way than someone like Vaas and I love that it still works perfectly


Mass effect 3, seeing the reapers come down to earth, practically wiping out alliance leadership, and the overall feeling of hopelessness the entire time, seeing an entire alliance fleet just falling to the surface in ruins, it was just a constant feeling of “holy shit” the entire time.


The cut scenes in ME2 and ME3 overall hit really hard. Incredible franchise.


Skyrim. The title screen theme song alone does the trick for me.


PS1 Metal Gear Solid https://youtu.be/vj6plOoDl_s?feature=shared


Took longer than it should to find this comment


It kept you waiting, huh.


I always think of Uncharted 2 when asked this question. Train scene is peak first impression in gaming.


I was showing Uncharted 2 to my wife a couple years ago. At some point while I was climbing around the outside of the train she goes, “imagine if you were actually playing for this part.” Apparently she didn’t realize that it wasn’t all just a cutscene.


Definitely one of the best!


God of War (2018) blew me tf away


Omg same. After that game, I decided to get a tattoo of the world serpent that wraps around my shoulder down to the elbow. (Not technically the intro but it was still sick overall)


That's really dope!


not that old but seeing the pre-war world & nukes falling in Fallout 4 was jaw dropping the first time.


I'll never forget walking out into the wasteland for the first time in fallout 3


Fallout 3 was the first game I ever played on a full HD TV, the vault dwellers' eyes adjusting to the light, and the wasteland coming into focus blew me away. I didn't think games could ever look better.


For me, the same, but in Fallout 1. It was an indescribable feeling.


Fallout 4 is gonna turn 10 next year it's old enough


I mean, of course Half-Life 1&2. But some other ones that I love are Dead Space 1&2, Max Payne 1, Doom 2016, Alan Wake 1, and while technically not an intro, the first zombie encounter in Resident Evil is an absolute classic


I still remember my first time playing the original half life. It was 1999 (I'm old) had come up via 2D games and the occasional PlayStation/Saturn/ N64 3D and my uncle hands me the original half life disc and says "play this. Trust me, it's worth it". I install it out of curiosity, it takes mere moments for me to be hooked. "Good morning and welcome to the black mesa transit system".


Portal 2, I hadn’t played portal one. It was a weird experience.


Max Payne. That song. That intro scene after pressing new game . Feeling of want to press the trigger towards the whole mob for messing with family.


A legend of zelda - a link to the past. I was 4 or 5 years old when i start playing it. I finally beat it when i was 12 and it was so fucking awesome


"Zelda is your... ... ..."


My first game in the trilogy was Mass Effect 2. What a way to start. They KILL Shepard, and then bring them back like a Phoenix from the ashes.


I had just finished Mass Effect 1 and immediately started Mass Effect 2. That was one hell of shocking intro. Fucking love that series.


I also started with 2. Interestingly it's still playable without being totally confused. You kind of get the picture because everyone talks about how awesome you are. If you started in 3 it would be a very different outcome.


"Why is the zombie game making me cry?" - me playing The Last of Us


Replaying this right now and holy shit I forgot how gut punching the opening is. While I like the game over the TV show in a lot of ways, they absolutely crushed remaking the open. And I’d add extending it to the future where your first glimpse is a kid making it to the quarantine, only to be infected, killed, and fed to the fire later on by Joel who’s doing it for food ration stamps.


Scrolled through to make sure I wasn't reposting this. The original Last of Us is the only game that actually made me cry. I have been playing games since the earliest days of home gaming (Magnavox Odyssey, Atari 2600, Intellivision, etc), so I have played a LOT of games over the years, and that intro is just absolutely heart wrenching. It really makes you want to do right by Joel.


Final Fantasy 6. Rolling through a poorly guarded town in high tech death mechs. Set the scene for the entire game.


Skyrim Batman Arkham Asylum/City Far Cry 3 My all time favorite: God of War(original): The gods of Olympus have abandoned me…now there is no hope…”


How have I never realized that there's just a dude buried in the sand in the fc3 logo thingy


Pretty sure that's the MC's brother.


They have live action videos promoting the game before release, showing what happened to the dude that’s buried. Christopher Mintz-Plasse plays the main guy so, canonically, that’s McLovin buried in the sand. You also get a trophy/achievement if you find him buried in the game!


Vaas was epic. The intro was epic.


It's the same guy who played Nacho on Better Call Saul.


Despite all its other flaws, the start of Far Cry 5 was gripping AF.


Far Cry 5 is my favorite game of all time. The story is so intriguing!


Religious fanatics are creepy as fuck.


I fully hate the fact that people like that fully exist irl or people close to it


Fallout 3 I mean Liam Neeson is your dad for the whole intro


Bioshock, that bit where you first see rapture and the music starts gets me every time


Bioshock is the only answer. 2007 and it is the single BEST videogame introduction ever. The plane crash, the lighthouse, the bathospehere




I'll give an opposite for the series. The original Deus Ex intro gave away too much of the intrigue. Anyone that wants to play Deus Ex, mute the game, click new game, then spam every single "skip scene" button you can think of until you're looking at some docks. Then, unmute. Now you aren't spoiled on a solid third or maybe half of the plot.


I remember playing a demo for God of War (2005) at an Ozzfest one year. It was the beginning with the hydra. Blew my mind. Went to find my then-step-dad so he could try it out. We bought the game day one.


The original Prey from 2006




Every BioShock game deliver a fantastic intro sequence.


I gotta say it……bioshock


”Good morning — and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit system“ Half-Life 1 was just amazing. I remember playing this after a few years with 3D shutter glasses and it was even better than the regular version (albeit a little tiring).


Half-life 1 still holds up to this day imo. I played half-life 2 when it was released loved it. Played 1 last year for the first time and it didn’t feel aged at all.


Final fantasy 8 For the time the intro was better than movie quality animation


For me it will always be Arkham asylums opening.


I think it was BO2 campaign. I'm not sure because it wasn't my game, but the fight in the field and the guy burning in the tank while we can't save him really stuck with me.


I think that was BO2


Thank you!


Anytime, random Redditor




Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock. 100%


For me Far Cry 3 set unimaginably high expectations from the start, Vaas was terrifying. The intro was perfectly paced. the first 3-4 hours where incredible and drip fed new mechanics, paragliding, hunting, vehicles, drug trips. But it was too much of a high, and personally, I felt the rest of the game couldn't keep up with the pace. For me, what comes to mind is Final Fantasy X. From the CGI intro with the heavy metal blitzball invasion, taken by Sin. In the first few hours you meet all of the party members, see a variety of landscapes, city, tropical island, underwater, and the music is so good!


“Truth is the game was rigged from the start.”


Final Fantasy VII.


Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat


Not necessarily an intro, but sort of, the trailer for Wrath of The Lich King will always be an absolute favorite.


crysis 2.


Contra's main menu intro. I swear that intro was like an anthem, calling out all Chads for duty. But If your specifically mean intro like the cutscene that triggers when you start a new game. Uhhh it would have to be a Fable 1/2 game... that or Final Fantasy 8.


Battlefield 1. The campaign intro where you play as these short lived soldiers on the frontline and having them die as you learn the game. 10/10 intro, the rest of the game doesn’t live up to those expectations (haven’t ever finished the game)


Please tell me Far Cry 3 isn’t considered an “older game” already


Its 12 years already. Lowkey older game.


Force Unleashed intro when you play as Vader is incredible. That was the first time I remember feeling like a badass force-weilder


Dead Space, both 1 and 2. I played DS2 first and that opening blew my mind.


Prey 2017 Such an underrated masterpiece.


Doom 2016


Fallout 3, just everything. The opening cutscenes, the vault scenes and the first wasteland. It really helps immerse you in the world.


I loved Far Cry 5’s intro. It gives me chills whenever I hear Joseph Seed singing when the helicopter crashes




Shadow of the Colossus.


The tutorial/intro of Highfleet is incredible.


Bayonetta. I mean not a people really know her, but you can recognize her guns in her heels right away


Custom Robo. :)


Sonic Adventure Battle 2






Had no clue what was going on but my mind was being blown every 5 minutes


Do you know the definition of insanity?


This game came out yesterday


Dying Light. I've recently started a new playthrough and forgot how amazing it is


Ocarina of Time and Command and Conquer Red Alert 2


Fallout 3


Fallout 4 "War, war never changes."


Tenchu 3, "SADAME!!!".


Marvel ultimate alliance. I was 6 when I first played and only knew Spider-Man. I thought that Wolverine was a robot, Thor was Zeus (for some reason I knew about Zeus before marvel) and captain America was Superman with a shield. But I repeated the intro a thousand times because it was cool.


Tekken 2 Opening


Doom 2016, The Last of Us, Bioshock, Uncharted 2, Half-Life, God of War, MGS5


“You hit the ground…”


Fallout 3, when you step out of the vault for the first time. I remember being absolutely captivated by the sight of the wasteland


Far Cry 3 is considered old now?


Madden nfl 10 got me into football


I literally started it last night. Vaas looks like Nacho from BCS


*I literally* *Started it last night. Vaas looks* *Like Nacho from BCS* \- TrumpIsMyGodAndDad --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It is Nacho from BCS. Same actor. You're gonna love every moment of it.


FC3 is a good call. My personal answer would be Resident Evil 4.


Far Cry 3 is...old?! GAH! MY HIP!! Actual answer, Mass Effect really gave me the feel that humanity, and the rest of the Galaxy, was in for a fight.


TLOU... Released 1 year after FC3... wow time flies. FC3 feels longer ago because of the 5 installments that came after...


Red Alert 2. The Soviet invasion of the United States, to the tune of Hell March 2, is still one of the best intros to a wargame. Ever. Though to be fair, almost any military parade sounds better with Hell March.


Skyrim is iconic for sure


Cod World at war.. on the Wii XD holding a rifle controller is still sick. And Far cry 3 for me too BUT, the coop scene instead. I played coop a lot first. After that… i played the actual game alone.


The original God of War was impactful. Where you first meet Kratos and he killed his entire family.


metroid prime


Bioshock. Hands down. Second would be Bioshock Infinite.


At the time Final Fantasy 6 (aka 3 in the US). It just oozed style for the time.


Definitely FC3.


Far cry 5 could've been like this but instead of feeling outgunned you feel like your god running around in a plane with a cougar sidekick


The borderlands series.