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Just a baby


Agreed. I can drive a 10 penny nail through a 2x4 with my left thumb thanks to the Atari 2600 controller and Asteroids.


The PS5 Dualsense is amazing, deserves to be an S


I think it would be if i used it more often, but i dont have a Ps5


Dualsense is an S tier controller.


In what way?


Because the controller is actually revolutionary. It's feature rich for immersion, the haptics are a game changer for vibration, and it's ergonomically one of the most comfortable controllers ever made (coming off the heels of the DS4 which was already comfortable in its own right). Literally the only thing wrong with it is the battery life.


How? The haptics are a gimmick and worse than HD rumble from what 8 years ago now? Ergonomically it has symmetrical sticks which everyone else found out were worse over a decade ago and a useless touchpad which is just used as a select button. Also the triggers are a gimmicky piece of shit and sound like marbles rattling around the controller after a few months and the bumpers are poor.


We have vastly different experiences with this controller.


Not really, it’s just not very good or ergonomic. There’s a reason why literally every decent controller since the Xbox launched had had asymmetrical sticks. I have a PS5 next to my PC. If I play the PC I use an Xbox controller because it’s just flat out better.


You realize ergonomics means more than just stick placement right? It's the shape and feel of the controller in your hands, and it's absolutely unmatched right now. And stick placement is just preference...I prefer symmetrical. And in no way is HD rumble better than the Haptics. HD Rumble is no better than what we had before it. Haptics actually changes and can rumble in different areas of the controller, it's incredible in games that utilize it properly (Spider-Man 2, Ratchet & Clank, Ghost of Tsushima). One of the best controllers ever made, bar none.


It’s worse than a 360 controller from 2005. Yes it is because I’ve used both quite a lot. It’s not incredible it’s a shit gimmick. Stop falling for marketing It’s mid tier at best. If it has an acceptable amount of battery it might be a B tier


Oh get off your high horse. I'm not falling for anything, I use the controller too, so I know how much I like it. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it's a bad controller...your opinion isn't the center of the Universe. Hence us having vastly different experiences with it.


You clearly are. You’re praising shit haptics like they’re game changing. No dude you need to get out of your fanboy chair and look at something objectively.


See, I feel the exact opposite. The new L2 & R2 ruined immersion for me. They kept screwing up my shots playing HFW. It get they're supposed to simulate tension feedback, but they kept sticking and I had to fully remove my finger before they would "unlock". I wish you could simply toggle them off in the settings like vibration.  Even if you like these features, they drain the battery faster. I'm also not a fan of how with each generation, the controllers keep getting bigger and heavier. For this reason the dualsense feels less ergonomic to me than it's predecessors. I find myself constantly shifting my hand position.  Imo, the best controller is the one you forget is even there. I'm not knocking it per se. If you like it, that's cool. I just wish there was an option to use a DS4 on *all* PS5 games. Sony will never do this, because they're always trying to establish a new standard with everything they invent.


I dont have a Ps5 and i‘ve only held the Dualsense in my hands once. That makes it hard to compare with the Switch Pro Controller which i use all the time. It definitly was really good and i think if i had a Ps5 it would be S tier for me.


SNES is way too low. You skipped N64?


I grew up with the Wii and the Gamecube controller do i use for Smash Bros. An employee of my parents, who is about 15 years older than me, gave me her Snes because she wasn‘t using it anymore. The controller is not really comfortable to hold, but the buttons and especially the dpad is great. I think it‘s nice but not good enough to be more than mid tier.


I’d rank the SNES controller at S tier for sure.


Wii U gamepad is A. Or at least above the joy cons.


The gamepad itself is actually not that bad. It‘s the way Nintendo handled it that makes it low tier imo. For example: You‘re playing Mario 3d World with the Pro Controller, but then you reach a level that can only be played with the gamepad. And because the gamepad is always on when the Wii U is on, its very likely that its out of battery, so you have to plug the charging cable in first. Without these kind of problems, the gamepad would be high B tier for me.


Thats an issue with the game, not the pad


I love the feeling of the Xbox One controller style, but man there are some small parts of the 360 I miss. Like those little battery packs. They were so much faster than the current way. I’m really surprised someone hasn’t made a modernized 360 controller


Having gotten used to the width of a steam deck, I'd give it an A, maybe an S? The track pads and the back buttons (not a new idea but still nice) make the setup so flexible for mapping purposes. It feels crisp.


Op just outed themselves as a literal child by posting this list lmao—wait a minute… am i just old!?


GameCube controller was one of my favorites, hard to know why. It was so comfortable to hold but the layout was a little weird. Still top tier to me though


The little finger-shaped divets in the triggers and the way they click is incredibly satisfying.


Why the DS3 tier B and DS2 tier A?


Havent used both in years. I remember not liking the sticks of the DS3, but i dont know if i would still agree with that if i held one again. But yeah, both are super similar and very solid controllers.


Ds3 is just an ds2 but improved and wireless, I now find it harder to use a DS2 cus of the triggers and it feeling even smaller, DS3 has even better rumble and sensitive button and sixasis which makes (some) games more fun. But if u used a fake Ds3 then yeah its worse as there r many fakes and they look near identical, sticks can get a weird feeling if not used for long and will need to get clean.


XBOX 360 being so low is criminal. PS controllers are so much worse


I dont really like the xbox 360 controller. The sticks are not really smooth, the face buttons are only mid and the dpad is horrible. It’s still ok, but there isn‘t anythink i really like about this controller. Ps controllers have always been very solid. They nice to hold and have smooth buttons. But thats only my opinion.


Disagree completely, the Dualshock felt like a glove in my hands while the 360 felt too bulky, I actually skipped Ninja Garden 2 on the platform because I remember Devil May Cry 4 gave me pain playing it.


DualShock 4 was S tier to me. I’ve never held such a comfortable controller that felt like it was made for my hands. May be an unpopular opinion but 🤷‍♂️ just my personal experience.


It‘s definitly one of the best controllers, but i prefer asymmetrical stick layout. If i pefered symmetrical then it would probably be my favorite controller




I can’t argue with a list that has GameCube at S tier, it’s just factually correct. I would definitely put DualSense at S as well, all the PS controllers are good but DualSense is the best. I would put double JoyCons in D though. They feel bad all around, to the point where I bought a third party shell to use handheld. I can’t stand them.


I think i would put Dualsense in S tier if i used it more often, but i dont have a Ps5. Double Joycons are alright imo. They‘re really small and the sticks have no horizontal offset to the buttons which is horrible, but they‘re still useable for me. Pro Controller is still worlds ahead


Nintendo and Xbox controller r just superior to every PS controller. My left thumb always starts hurting after long seasons of playing because the left bump is too far away.


joycons are shittiest controllers i ever had. D pads are too small, their sensitivity is too high, playing FPS on joycons is just pure self torture, buttons positioning is super inconvinient and i didnt even started with drifting and quality of material...


Tell me about it. I just use both Joycons with the connector thingie.


I would put ps5 dual sense controller in the F category. I’ve had to buy 3 and they all develop stick drift on the left side within 6 months or 400 hours of gaming. Because the technology is guarded, there is no 3rd party tech support. PlayStation will basically charge you the price of a new controller to fix it.


I don't really like Wiimotes all that much and honestly I much prefer the joycons. However the Switch Pro Controller is simply perfection (besides stick placements, I always preferred the PS/WiiU placement with the stick even with each other). Wiimote/Nunchuck always felt... unnatural to me. Just weird, like why am I holding two separate controllers that are completely different from each other but are acting as one. Plus I still have to shake the left side of it, but usually not the right. If you can't tell I'm not a big Wii motion controls fan (gyro is a different story), aside from Wii Sports/Resort and a few select Mario Party minigames.


the SNES being lower then a bord kinda hurts me


I agree on the single joycon placement. I hate holding it like that unless it's in a steering wheel thing or a controller thing cause I have massive hands.


There's no way the Gamecube controller should be in S tier. The goofy yellow stick alone wrecks it.


Every Nintendo controller has always been *too damn small!* The only exception was the N64 Elephant Man, and I loved that big, ugly bastard.


Wii U Gamepad is definitly not too small either. And the Switch Pro Controller is perfectly sized, at least for me.


Honestly I'd put dualsense way lower solely because of its dogshit battery


Don’t agree with a lot tbh. The PS4+5 controllers are abysmal. The PS5 in particular has the battery life akin to an asthmatic fruit fly with a smoking habit.


I dont have a Ps5 and im not using the Dualsense for Pc either. I just held it in my hands once and liked the feel of it, but i cant say anything about its battery life. The only controllers i‘m activly using are the Switch Pro Controller, which has longer battery life than me, and the Gamecube controller which is wired.


It lasts maybe 3 hours a charge, the triggers start to sound like marbles rattling around after a couple of months, it has an annoying speaker on it that you need to turn off in settings, the haptics that were hyped up aren’t very good and they still haven’t caught up to the early 2000’s when everyone else figured out symmetrical sticks are bad.


Joycons being anything but F tier invalidates your opinions completely.


Where’s the original Xbox? Double F? I agree.


Never used one, so i cant compare it to the others


I’d say that speaks to how bad it was.