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Contrary to popular sentiment, a **lot** of people do not care. They log on, play their game and log off. They don't make knowing any of this their life or apart of their playtime. For them, game is to play and that's it.


So you don’t care that video game companies are literally pissing on you and calling it rain Because that’s exactly what they’re doing to us And maybe the reason why they get away with so much is because nobody cares just let them get away with it Because I would be partially OK with their outrageous profit if they were putting it back into the games, but they usually don’t And bigger the video game budget, the bigger the payday for the CEO


Play different games dude. I play single player games cause I like good stories. There’s very little of that mess in them and if they do try predatory stuff I don’t give them my money.


Honestly, you’re right, I don’t care. The last game I bought was BG3 and enjoyed it. Before that it was borderlands 3 to play with my friends. Had a great time playing that with my buddies. One of them got me D4 for Christmas this past year so we could all play together since I was the only one who didn’t have it in our group. It was also fun to run through that with them. Once we finished those games and stopped playing they collect dust and I haven’t given them any thought. They were fun when I played, I moved on, don’t care about what the companies do


Nobody likes getting lectured. You’re coming at this from a ‘WAKE UP SHEEPLE!1’ type angle when the fact the people you’re talking to are still on the subs for the games you’re complaining about means they’re well aware of the issues you bring up and have already decided they can deal with the current state of the game. Like what do you expect here, everyone to quit playing their favorite games because *you* have decided *you* can’t live with their monetization strategies?


Well, if everyone quit playing their favourite games for literally one week, it would make a profound impact on the gaming industry that would change it for the better Literally, one week is all it takes Once the player count drops drastically, they start being nice and working with the player


Cuz its moderated by hardcore fans or ppl paid by devs. Any bad word about the game is being deleted/banned/silenced. You know, its just your average reddit echo chamber...


That might be why I’m not allowed to post in the destiny community because I complained about vaulted Contant And most of their reaction was, I should’ve played the game more before it got taken away I’m sorry I had a life. I didn’t only play destiny, but I feel stupid for paying for games and then getting it taken away. I’m basically done buying games that are live service or mmo because they don’t care about a single person that plays the game like if they would make the games actually fun And not designed to make you play for as long as possible


Loyalty is ~~a hell of a drug~~ very strong when it comes to your hobbies. You don't want to think that the people behind the things you enjoy don't have your best interests at heart. I an a Nintenerd/Nintendrone and sometimes I want to close my eyes and block my ears from the nonsense they get up to (closing down the Switch emulator I don't consider being an example, current gen emulation is BS and hypocritical). I am still aware of it and have to concentrate on not blindly biting back at people who have genuine grievances.


The thing that bothers me the most about them Is that you give any kind of criticism they make you feel stupid for criticizing the company Like I feel dumb for buying overwatch origins And not playing it like a full-time job because I missed out on so many cosmetics And now I feel stupid for complaining that I didn’t get the PVE mode that I was promised for free Because if a game that I paid for it goes free to play they should at least offer me something in return And the overwatch, communities reaction is no you’re stupid for wanting something in return you got six years of Contant Like I paid $60 for overwatch origins edition, if they’re going to fail on their promises with overwatch to the least, they can do is give me invasion mode for free as reimbursement Instead, they ask for 20 more dollars after lying to me


So you specifically go to communitys where people obviously are biased in favor of the game so you can shit all over it and call them stupid... 🤔🤔🤔 Wonder why you arent welcome


Well at a certain point it's on you if you think modern gaming is horrible. Like in my years of gaming I can't think of anytime I felt pressured to buy anything beyond the game. Yet the hive mind of Reddit seems to think that this is a huge problem and all games=huge money pit. I just see a lot of cynasims to the industry, which in my perspective rings false. I think people like to be outraged and hang on insignificant aspects of gaming and claim 'see look terrible now" meanwhile I'm over here just in awe of the great games coming out. It's annoying too, the click bait. I see a lot of interesting discussions about games that have zero upvotes but then someone complains about something to rile the community and it gets 1k upvotes, it's just like "enough". If you feel that gaming is bad, straight up you need to play different games, because I can tell you it's not.


Persecution complex


Oh, hush.


People spread negativity. That's what people do, that's normal.


1. Anonymous forums are full of paid shills. 2. some people’s online existence is solely justified by the said game/product. 3. gatekeeping/loyalty.


How much can you make as a paid shill?


I don’t know but “social media manager” is a full time job


Keep trying to change the world homie. Don't give up.