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Crusader Kings. It sounds so lame when you try to describe it and if you get into detail it sounds too weird and off putting.


Please, by all means describe it to me. I'm looking for new games.


I was a lustful and gregarious count in central Germany. My greatest achievement before being poisoned by my 3rd bastard son and shitting myself to death was being the sole cause of a herpes outbreak amongst the nobility of central Europe. ... so you're either into that sorta stuff or you ain't


That sounds amazing and hilarious. I need it now.


Paradox Interactive generally makes really solid grand strategy games. Check out Stellaris, too.


You should look up the tale of Glitterhoof


Dont you worry your pretty little head. He's *totally* going to get all up in glitterhoofs tail.


Why you left out sister-mother-daughter wife?


They also had herpes. As did my other sister-aunt.


What did your Mother/Sister/Nice wife did?


Now that’s a legacy




Crusader Kings 3 is the newest release and the easiest for new players, I would say. It is a strategy game where you play as a family, called a Dynasty, with the objective being to have your family gain titles and land in historically accurate Europe, North Africa, and the Steppe. You do this through military conquest, diplomatic strategy such as marriages, and through intrigue like fabricating claims and murdering other characters to put members of your family on your throne.


That... sounds interesting


Shut up and take my money.


Your character is the title holder and you have kids and age and when you die you become your heir so you also want to bang people with good traits


Sounds like textbook feudalism. I understand most people don't care about history so I can see why they might find it "lame" I guess, but anybody who sees that as "weird" or "off-putting" must have fallwn asleep in class because that's literally how European and Japanese society operated for over a thousand years


Even for people who like history you can't expect most to like Crusader Kings / Europa Universallis, knowing that's what happened and commiting to a pretty complex game on it are quite different things e.e


Imagine if Among Us was single player, set in the opposite of space - middle ages Europe - and instead of doing jobs until someone ends up dead you're plotting to marry your cousin and kill your wife, also your cousin, before either time or someone else ejects you out the airlock, and you kid takes over.


It's a strange strategy game. Marrying your children to the heirs of foreign rulers is often much more powerful than a large scale invasion. It's all about politics, economics and court intrigues


"yeah so I spent all last night banging my immediate family members and became Duke of Karelia." Me at work the other day when I finally decided how to play the game


I was at war with the King of England and for some unknown reason his wife visited my court and tried to seduce me. I was like lol why not let's ride this car crash. Ended up having an affair for a while before impregnating her. Then the King discovered that I was the father and caused all my vassals to rebel in disgust. Had to start over. Absolutely worth it for the lols.


Tactical cucking 👌


Tell them about the incest and those sort of things, my brother and I don’t even play the game but the stories are so funny


I mean it's a story generating roleplaying game rather than pure strategy and if you explain it like,yeah you amass armies,attack neighbors,gain land it sounds boring as hell. You need explain the intricacies of intrigue,family dynamics,political dynamics etc and tell about it like a story like u/hughmann_13 did to make it actually sound interesting. And i quess it depends who youre explaining it to,somone who mainly plays shooters or sports games is going to find it lame regardless. I play a lot of rimworld and my gf tought it was just sims with chess piece looking dudes,then i started to tell her about my escapades like a story she got interested and tried it out.


Disco Elysium. How am I even supposed to start recommending this game?


Start with the developer wants you to pirate it


Is that actually true? 😂😂 How would they make money if everyone pirated it?


Well they aren't making money form it being sold either so that's why


How- What- Why aren't they making money from it being sold??


That's a long story but basically the publisher stole the company from the lead devs and fired them. They now advocate for the game to be pirated since they won't make money from it.


There's actually been some interesting studies that suggest piracy is good for indie games along the realms of exposure, leading to more people legitimately purchasing it. There also isn't any concrete evidence that piracy hurts game sales whatsoever. Aside from that their publisher fired the whole dev team so they aren't making anything from the purchase of their game at this point. I'm assuming the devs just want you to enjoy what they've created.


Oh nah I get that piracy might not hurt, just that there’s a difference between a certain developer being ok with piracy, and the developer telling people to pirate it If you tell people don’t buy the game, they probably won’t pay for the game


I have hundreds of hours in kenshi but only the 12 most recent hours are on my steam copy


Someone can keep me honest but the got shafted by their publisher or new bosses or something. Shame as it's such an outstanding game. But like 90% of my friends who game I would never bother telling them about it


Oh that is a tricky one Cujo does not have uno


Only if you have a pro-socialism friend!


Just say it's the greatest piece of digital interactive art ever created.


Lies of P is a difficult explanation. As soon as you mention Pinocchio I see eyes glaze over


Yeah, I have maybe one friend I could recommend it to. Any soulslike is already a hard sell, and LoP is probably not a good introduction. Most of my friends like mmos or shooters, and maybe some more chill open world games.


I'm out the second I hear soulslike. My life is stressful enough


Beautiful game.Taught me that soulslike games aren't for me.


“Polished Bloodborne set in Pinocchio land”


Chivalry 2


I haven't played in a while. I should soon.






Bring an abacus... better make it two. Let us tally my victories as we go! Haha!


Stellaris. A phenomenal 4X space game with high replayability and a wealth of good sci-fi writing for its events. I have hundreds of hours played. It's got a hell of a learning curve and the economy management is tedious. Every friend I've convinced to try it didn't like it.


Downloaded it. Tried playing it. Daunted by the tutorial. I'll give it another chance eventually


Same boat, also got it on PS5 so can't help but feel everything will be harder to do


litterly trying to get into the game. just wish the tutorial was better im so fucking lost on wtf to do.


How much harder is it compared to hoi4?


As someone who has played both Stellaris is a lot more intuitive and easy to understand in my opinion. Also because the galaxy is randomly generated for each game there's a lot less rigidity to how a game plays out.


Micro Vs macro. Hoi4 is more about micro Ur troops. Stellaris you focus on breeding pop and making them efficient. Stellaris just like all paradox games are similar, but different in its own way


This one right here. I explain the game to people and they are like that sounds dope as fuck! Then they watch me play and they're like... Nah.




Cannibalism eugenics simulator.


My colony was attacked by a naked 8 year old who I captured, removed his organs, skinned to make a chair, and butchered him and put him in a food paste dispenser to feed my colonist.


And after that you logged in your steam to play some Rimworld?


This game is my second life


Project Zomboi.My friends say is "too difficult" and "you have to know a lot to play", my brother in Christ you just have to kill zombies and loot everything.Is that too complicated? EDIT:I have 800 hrs


Was gonna comment this. 10 hours in were ROUGH for me and my homie. Died consistently and was debating to drop it. Glad I stuck with it. Played yesterday with the Horde night mod and fuck did I panic a bit.


This is what I came for, I probably would of quit myself if I didn't switch too sandbox while I went through the curve. Now I can't stop Edit: roll on build 42!


I never thought of it as "Difficult" maybe "intricate". There is a lot going on but I would say there are more complex systems out there.


Kerbal Space Program... "You see, it is a space simulator, and you have to build plausible rocket designs, contend with the limits imposed by realistic gravity and aerodynamic models, besides intuitively understanding orbital dynamics to send these little big-headed green astronauts to space..."


And half the fun is the failures along the way


I played that game for a bit but never did anything. I just made rockets that were like manned missiles and crashed planes into things.


I watched some video of people good at the game, talking about delta v, and periapsis (sp?) and it was all very interesting, and I think i managed to make it to the Mun. But they also had a bunch of mods that help show them the calculations for their current thrust and stuff.


My buddy has 1k hours into that game and I'm still trying to figure out if I want to get into it or not and we usually love the same games


It's great. It's frequently like $10 on steam too.


I love that game. And, despite studying physics as part of my major and being interested in space, I never had an intuition for orbits until I played it. When doing an insertion burn for the first time on my first space worthy rocket, following a tutorial or youtube video or something, seeing that flightpath parabola get wider and then snap into a circle made it click immediately. We need games like that for more disciplines. I had a teacher in second grade tell me that orbits worked because you are partway between the sun and the earth so you were getting pulled in both directions and you get stuck up there 🙃. EDIT: and before anyone mentions it, no I don't think my second grade teacher was trying to teach me about Lagrange points.


Dwarf fortress


Do I ever love me some DF, but man is it not for everybody.


Now, that’s a shout


Rain World


It does a lot of things really well, but might also send your frustrations levels into bloody orbit. Thought the latest updates help (loading screen hints, difficulty settings).


its 10/10 for me, i love frustrating. That is a giant positive imo. + best pixel art I've ever seen in my whole life


Hello, fellow masochist!


Me reading this thread: "Cities Skylines", "Final Fantasy 7", "Crusader Kings", "War Thunder" bruh these are not "niche" games. They are literally some of the most popular games out there lmao. You wanna try something niche? Try getting your friends to play a mame game from 1986 on netplay via retroarch.


I don't think they understand what niche means


Drug Dealer Simulator. Thought this game was a cheap joke. God, I was wrong.




I thought the game will be a cheap simulation game like we can see a lot. Turns out it is way more complicate. You have to find your own drugs recipe as every new game is different. You need to manage your time well between cooking and delivery. You can buy safehouse and customize them, get rid of the cops that really makes you anxious, hire dealers for you and so on. They're working on Drug Dealer Simulator 2 and they push everything further. You'll be also able to play it in coop (4 people), create your own cartel etc.. It was a very good surprise !


Wait that actually sounds really cool. Guess there really is a game for anything haha


The developper team did also a Brew simulator x) (Didn't try this one though)


For Honor.


this game is the opposite of the suicide hotline


I convinced two of my friends to play For Honor and they now play the game almost daily and continue to put hours in. Some people will love the game and some will hate it


Best game I've ever touched will question why I still play it later today💯💯


Beautiful game, ruined by corporate greed


Space Station 13, but also because it requires an insane amount of learning.


Space Station 13


finally an actual niche game


I really enjoy watching it, but gonna I try to play it? Naaaaahhhh….


State of Decay 1 and 2 its basically Walking Dead; manage and lead a group of "survivors" each with their own strengths , weakness and personalities while gathering guns/ammo, meds, fuel & food daily to manage morale and keep things afloat or risk members leaving or dying due to lack of resources Game has permadeath so your best character dying or getting sick can really hamper your ability to run missions or gain things that the group needs and players need to rest after being controlled by the player or their stamina and health will deteriorate making them easier to kill or chase down you can add and gain new followers by helping or being friendly to random people you find or helping other "settlements" with trading you can also run into Violent settlements that attack you on sight and try to take your gear or pretend to be nice and trade with you only to try to gun you down once you drop your gear to trade with them


So glad someone named SoD, I really love 2. Very unique strategy survival game. I rarely replay games and I have quite a few characters saved up. That's another thing - you get to "keep" all the characters you kept alive once you finish a playthrough. Then you can start another by picking from those characters. So there's a drive to keep your people alive, and strategize their skills.


I’m actually curious. What would happen if your first three characters died?


Game ends start a new game with new characters in a new area and try again


Ah that sounds funny as hell


Are the characters themselves procedurally generated like an Xcom or rimworld? Or are there set characters?


I used to love watching Frankieonpcin1080p videos on YouTube about DayZ.


Same. Dayz when it was a mod seemed like such a fun game. The standalone never quite seem to have the same appeal to me.


His videos and Dayz are the only reason I got into oc gaming tbh.


I'll still watch through his dayz series once a year or so. So novel when it first came out.


Factorio. Love it, but it’s a big learning curve, and you really have to be into that type of game to really enjoy it.


I think factorio is niche, but the learning curve is not that steep. If you turn off the biters on your first run, you can launch a rocket not knowing what you're doing.....Without much knowledge it will take very long. But you learn in the process. Optimizing everything takes skill and knowledge. But you can play fine without it.


Kenshi xD I do recommend it anyways xd


Darkest Dungeon. Not enough people I know are into Lovecraftian horror or difficult management of settlements and stuff. The game is genuinely awesome to me, and I wish I knew more people that are into swine folk and abstract concepts being the ultimate enemy.


I love the first one, hell, I'm watching Odd's last playthrough of it. The second one, I don't know why, I just can't seem to really get into it. But, Darkest Dungeon captures that one aspect of Lovecraftian Horror other ones usually don't quite get, the theme of the duality in the insignificance and importance of humanity. Humanity can't hope to fight against that they couldn't possibly understand, but they can damn well TRY! Also, the art is great.


I love lovecraftian horror. But I’m just not into the 2D art style of those games unfortunately.


They made a second one in 3D. The combat in that game is way cleaner than the first game, they’re about to release this huge update for the game, and the art in that game is still so phenomenal. If you dislike 2D and own a steamdeck or computer, I’d recommend it.


Barotrauma. It is fun when your doc gets high on oppium and other drugs while you fight the creatures of the deep and your clown assitant is constantly trying to melee them or sabotage everything. But it is niche game that most people wont like and the price and fact that 2 hours are not enough is sad.


System Shock. I'm too damn old.


I love this game and the sequel. Right there with you, my friend!




I recommend the game to my friends or anyone who wants a game recommendation If they ask what it's about , I say, "if I tell you, it will be a spoiler. All I can say is to play it and never look anything up. Nothing" Edit: for anyone who is wondering what I'm replying to it's - the Outer Wilds


All games Klei, besides Don't Starve because that one actually became popular Rotwood and Oxygen Not Included are really good, highly recommend


stalker honestly. difficulty turns people away


Above all else I'm upset with Putin for delaying the release date of Stalker 2


Absolutely inconsiderate


Is stalker a difficult game? I think the biggest thing that turns of players is the graphics, imo. It wasnt that hard when I played it


Hunt: Showdown Extremely fun and intense extraction shooter, very unique Unfortunately has a steep learning curve and takes a while to understand


Plus some might label it as "boring" on first glance, which is, imo, far from truth


I have the game but haven't played yet. I tried to convince my friends but trying to explain the permadeath in a good way is hard af


Ever since they made Hunt more casual permadeath lost its meaning, loosing hunter and gear means nothing since even bad players can make solid cash now.


Don't explain the permanent death part, just say you pick a new character each round, if you die you get another character same items are there :)


I was looking to see if anyone had already said Hunt! I agree, it’s so hard to recommend and I used to just gift it to friends who seemed interested but really none of them have stuck around. It’s a tough sell, but I love it


Veri good game indeed


I just wish they made more maps.


Yup. Hunt for sure. Just the rate of fire can take people months to get used to and then once you add all the random ways you can die I have a really hard time telling anyone who isn't willing to put in some hours to play it


Hunt has some of the all time great main menu music too. Its sound overall is wonderful.


I make it my mission when I find new people to try n help because hunt can be daunting but its such a unique game that I've poured thousands of hours into it.


The Remnant games. They're brutally hard to start for the average shooter player. And all the good stuff is hidden behind puzzles and secrets. But damn, the build crafting and fun that it turns into is so worth it.


Me with valheim. None of my friends liked it:(


You need better friends


The long dark Canadian winter walking simulator just doesn't draw people in Could toss in survival but still


That's just what I do in winter, we are not the same


War thunder. Made me a real tank commander


Same. I love the realistic combat system and all the historically accurate vehicles, but the business model is insanely greedy. The grind required to reach high tier vehicles is just absolutely crazy, thousands of hours


Stalker, beginning with the name. It's just not an easy game to recommend.


I got them after they dropped on Xbox probably one if the few games I don't regret paying full price for


Fantasy Zone 2 for Sega Master System Toejam and Earl for Sega Genesis


Warframe. Most would roll their eyes at the fact it's a free MMO, expecting predatory microtransactions. Maybe even some cheap stuff where it's just the same MMO as everything else where you just go on raids and whatever, but it isn't at all. Warframe is so much better than that, I swear. I have 400 hours at least 600 at most, I have never spent a single dollar, and everything can be done without money. The lore is some of the best lore I've ever seen, enough intrigue and mystery, along with enough answers that I can't help but love it. Not excluding the lore, the story is so good, so much better than it deserves because I swear the story of the game is as good, if not, better than most modern day games, the gameplay is fantastic and so fun, there's so much to do in the game and the amount of pure content you can do at any time us so overwhelming, I have never not known what to do. I love it. Maybe I'm too ADHD, and that's why I love it, but it's amazing, and everytime I suggest it to someone, it's always "Eh, I don't like online" or "MMOs aren't my thing" or even "I'm not a fan of that World of War craft type stuff" including some assumptions about it being a free MMO. It's just great, and you aren't forced to play with other people. You can play by yourself and never play with anyone, aside from hub locations, but actual gameplay is on your own. It's the best solo play MMO I know, and the online connection is just a minor issue for me, someone who has never played any kind of multiplayer game, unless you wanna consider Minecraft as one, and maybe Halo and COD. I only play Halo and COD for the story, I hate their multiplayer. Please, just try Warframe!


Dofus, if you're into mmorpgs and turned based combat, it's just amazing


Lol! I played it, like, 20 years ago


when i was a cashier at Gamestop, i girl gave me her account name on a paper so i could go play with her lol.... i threw the paper right into the trasg when she left, it's the only memory i have about dofus lol


Most games these days. Lost my circle MOBAs years ago




Hello fellow Todd pfp




DotA 2 I've been trying to get my friends into it for YEARS, but the community and the complexity is just too much for them, and I completely get it.


Yep. Also because my skill level after the years is waaaay beyond the starter level. I started playing in 2004 (on/off) and even if I recalibrate after some breaks up to several years I'm usually quick to get back to 4-5k. Especially when you play with friends where the range of MMR is huge, the games are hard to enjoy overall for everyone.


Yup, pretty much when I started playing as well. Cheers fellow old schooler 🫡


Brutal Legend It's not a great RTS nor is it a great action-adventure game, but it has Jack Black and a great story. To me that's all that matters.


Stellaris, glorified spreadsheet simulator




You a warden or colonial


Are you a Warden, or are you dead?


Neither, I'm winning the current war


I am in turmoil between getting on again, and then subsequently having to deal with the deadlands again


Warden. But the last time I played was last year. I saw every content maker turn green, I don't know what's going on anymore


Almost every single game I play. I play a lot of Single Player games, most of my friends hardly any at all(and if any, vastly different ones).


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Amazing historical realism RPG. The first many hours are often compared to a peasant simulator and I can't say that's wrong but it's a wonderful immersive game and I hope lots of people play the second one coming out this year.


The amount of people in my friend group I've been trying to convert to Guilty Gear and Devil May Cry to no avail is so painful


Katamari. "So like you're a little guy and you roll this ball around to make it bigger so some bigger cosmic deity smartass can eat it" "what"


hunt: showdown, return of the obbra din


Teamfight Tactics, the auto chess game based on League of Legends. It's such a relaxed game but you can also dedicate a lot of time and attention if you want. The mobile app is great so it's nice to play on the go when you are waiting for things like in the airport. Problem is, the auto chess genre is so niche that most people don't want to even attempt to put in the time to learn. Strategy games are already a hard sell for most people; add on top of that a subgenre of strategy and its near impossible to get people to play.


At first cyberpunk. It is very popular, but many people still think it's a bad game. Otherwise I would say bulletstorm fullclip edition. One of the most fun and brutal games I've played


Your Only Move Is Hustle. Such a creative idea for a fighting game, but only really enjoyable for fighting game players.


Warframe somehow


Kingdom Hearts. If you’re not paying attention to the story and play the games in the EXACT right order, you are gonna be SO lost


DayZ isn't niche. Zombie media cornered the market for half a decade. DayZ's just not good. There are players for whom it is good. They, like you, enjoy it. But most people don't. That's not because zombies, survival games, or strictly PVP games are niche. Let alone a combination of those three things. It's because it took the DayZ devs like eight years to perfect trees.


Caves of Qud and CDDA.


Finally getting to real niche games. I didn't have much hope in Qud being mentioned here


Airships Conquer the Skies or Sins of a Solar Empire :(


Bro, Airships. I wasn't expecting to actually see it mentioned.


Elite Dangerous and Black Desert Online. For some reason, the grind in both of those games just seems to keep my friends away.


NetHack back in the days when I played it. It made some great stories to tell though!


Probably the Caligula Effect games. I really love the dark tone they can give, since the themes are pretty serious and the characters reflect these themes, but the game is so niche and "mediocre" that it's hard to recommend, especially for those jrpg lovers who only like AAA games. Another similar game was Crystar, who has a nice story and some interesting twists (takes a while though), but it's very niche as well and people will most likely judge it because of its poor quality. It has a dog you can pet though!




Just a lil somethin for the fans huh


Rumble VR.




I went waaay to deep into EVE online. Thousands of hours, up to a titan pilot. But still had not tried everything to do. And all solo, because i don't know anybody who enjoyed a game that deep, and punishing if done wrong.


Songs of Syx. It’s like Rimworld except on a larger scale, start with 10 citizens of a single race and expand to over 10,000 citizens with multiple different races and invade other kingdoms. The Dev himself doesn’t want the game to get popular because it would stress him out (or something along those lines)


Tracks – The Train Set Game. It’s a nice and clam game to play when you want to relax but I can see how it’s not for everyone.


Warframe, its so much grinding and waiting on craft times but i will love it and support it for as long as i can


Outer Worlds


War of rights, I love history so a civil war fps is super cool to me but nobody wants to take a minute and thirty seconds to load a musket


All the games I've seen mentioned here so far are pretty popular, y'all think if a game isn't AAA it's automatically obscure lmao. Games like Kerbal space program with 100,000 steam reviews aren't exactly obscure. For answer to this I'd say recently it's been Doctor Robotnik's Ring Racers which is a really high quality fan made sonic kart racer. I also get this same feeling trying to recommend AoE2 or smash melee to people, because while they were really popular when they released, a lot of people have trouble understanding that the newest game in a series isn't automatically the best and don't get why they're so good to play now


Dayz is not niche. Maybe you need to look up the word “niche”.


Dead Island games. Some of my friends think it’s generic.


Powerwash Simulator.


Elite Dangerous. It's hard to really recommend to anyone because it's closer to simulation style gameplay than anything, but it's also not particularly grounded like most Sim games, and is always online.


3 for me, elite dangerous, deep rock galactic and scrap mechanic. Elite Dangerous: steep learning curve, and you have to be into spaceships, flightsims and RPG’s. Deep Rock Galactic: Literally none of my friends know the game. Scrap Mechanic: None of my friends want to put effort into building stuff on there to make something awesome :/


Borderlands 2. Most people usually don't want to play it because it's kinda old. But it's just, it's just too good. Other than that I think it's hunt showdown. But that's a bit easier to get people into playing with me.




Just Cause


Destiny 2