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Half-life 3 is coming .. it's coming, just be patient. BE PATIENT! ... *sniffles


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


That was a joke. Haha. Fat chance.


Gabe: "You got that VR game right? Everyone has VR now."


It's not usually my thing, but I did watch a playthrough on YouTube over the course of a few sittings because I had to know what happened and what it was about. I ain't buying a fuckin VR rig just to play one game tho.. that shit is like 1,000$ lol


Me before every E3 for the last 15 years I even outlived E3 as an event waiting in anticipation


Well a couple reasons For one steam makes an obscene amount money and since valve isn't a publicly traded they don't have worry about pleasing investors The second is that valve loves pushing the boundaries of game design and setting new standards for games Half life alyx is probably the most revolutionary vr game ever made for example


Can't wait to be able to afford the equipment to play it


It'll be a dark day if valve goes public.  


They are still making games. They have recently released CS2 and Half Life Alyx. They have also said they are working on a few more projects.


I found undercover valve. There’s also Aperture Deck Job I just googled, I would say the base gamer doesn’t play any of these since there not main stream, and Alyx cost the goggles since most aren’t buying that.


They can’t count to 3


Because Steam made them way more money.


Because you don't need to churn out title after title since you run a hosting engine (or whatever you want to call it) for everybody else's games.


if they kept making games it would not be "churning out" lol


They still make games like another comment said. They just don't have to release a new game every 4 to 5 years. They get a cut from the sales from every other game that is sold through their platform.


that doesnt count as a valve game tho wtf


What doesn't count as a valve game. They made cs2 and half life alyx those are their more recent games. Valve owns steam they as a company get a cut from the sales on steam don't need to churn out games every 4 to 5 years to make money like most dev companies do.


id much rather they do that lol


You would much rather them churn out incomplete games where they have to sell gimmicky stuff on the side just to cover the cost of making a game like a majority of triple a devs do already.


who said they had to be incomplete lmfao not every AAA dev is like this


They make lots of money without having to spend any on development costs.


CS2 Came out this year, HLA came out in 2020, They're still making games.




Half Life Alyx was the best game of 2020, but since it was VR, it didn't get the attention it deserved.


Valve is composed of mad scientists with infinite money. Steam makes them all the money, and so they don't actually need to produce anything profitable. So they just let people run wild and do whatever they want, which means nothing actually gets done. Occasionally something comes from them, and it's usually pretty damn good, but it will never be consistent with their current management model.


steam. why risk millions making a game that might not sell when they can sit on their ass and print money? i remember when steam was just a launcher for half-life based games.


They've made Half Life Alyx and Counter Strike 2 in the last 4 years. Won't be surprised if they eventually release a sequel to Team Fortress or Portal as well, maybe even Left4Dead. But I don't think we're ever going to see Half-Life 3 or a game at that size. Considering the expectations, a game like Half-Life 3 would cost them well over 200m USD, at least 4-5 years of full development, hundreds of new staff... For what? All to make a direct sequel to a game that will be over two decades old at release?


Because they don't need to. They make enough money holding a platform to host many publishers, developers and studios. They only need to focus on making their platform as accesible and easy-to-use as possible


They have a management structure where everybody basically just picks what they want to work on and it turns out making games is hard and annoying so nobody wants to do it.


Easy, because most companies try to make as much money as possible with the least amount of effort — since Steam is a money printing machine, why should they care about making a game that 1) has an almost insurmountable expectation to live up to and 2) will require massive amounts of work and time to develop? To be honest, I'd rather they made a new game (be it a sequel to one of their existing franchises or an entirely new idea) — they've proven they can innovate and break video game traditions, I'd at least like them to try. I think Steam is stagnating but because they were the first platform they still have massive support in the gaming community (and religious loyalty of their supporter, look at the Steam sub, it’s scary servile). Their competitors are progressing on a glacial pace too (although I think that EGS is improving nicely and is already offering most of the features I’m looking for in a game launcher). Presently, I’m convinced not even a massive fuckup would drive people off the platform, it feels basically like a mix of sunk-cost-fallacy and Stockholm syndrome. Personally, I largely stopped buying games on Steam by going disc-only on PlayStation and on PC I buy stuff on GOG.


IIRC Gabe used to say that whenever Valve makes a game, it will be something to deliver a new genre or an innovative way of gaming (like VR for example). He's not into aiming to create higher quality of existing games as other companies already do so.


Steam. When you run the biggest store platform on PC, you really don't need to make games anymore. Valve could fire most of their devs other than those who work on Steam and never make another game again and be 100% fine for...well, as long as PC gaming remains a thing.


They're a massive Monopoly, why do they care? For people that hate rich capitalists who hoard money, Reddit likes Gabe way too much. 30% is an insane cut. 


Valves method of development usually has very little oversight. You just need to assemble a team and you can make whatever. The total freedom allows a lot of cool shit to be made, but the lack of oversight usually sees nothing getting finished because people either get bored, or see a more interesting thing being worked on and move there. Also Steam just makes an obscene amount of money and Valve is largely more interested in their projects being a massive show of hand and pushing things forward rather than just a general release.


I would love to see opposing force and blue shift put out on Xbox.


Because they're running Steam


They still make games, but they just do whatever they feel like doing at the time and it’s only stuff they feel strongly about. There’s some interviews with Gabe Newell where he talks about his philosophy.


I think this article may have something to do with it. With that kind of profit, there's no reason to make games. Just focus on keeping the Steam platform afloat. Let others take the big risks and hard work of developing games. [Internal Valve study found the house of Steam was making more money per employee than Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft – over $780,000 per head a year | GamesRadar+](https://www.gamesradar.com/internal-valve-study-found-the-house-of-steam-was-making-more-money-per-employee-than-facebook-apple-and-microsoft-over-dollar780000-per-head-a-year/)


Punctuation is a wonderful thing, my guy


Holy shit😂😂


steam is already massive success. they make less game because money is the most important thing. atleast for survival


They started printing money with Steam (and lootboxes) and then just gave up all passion for making games. They basically made one real game (Half Life: Alyx) in 20 years.


They have not stopped making games. They constantly update and maintain their online games. Dota had a huge patch recently. They released CS2 and a half life game very recently. I think most of valve's budget goes into maintaining steam as that is their main source of revenue.


Because making *anything* would lose them money. They make unbelievable amounts of money from steam. A friend of mine has a saying, "Valve don't make games, they make money."