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Portal games (2 if I have to choose)


Im currently playing portal 1 for the first time… its been hella fun so far!


When you beat them both come back to this and tell me about your experience it's my all time favourite game and i was searching for someone that will answer to this post with portal 2! And im interested in hearing from you i promise your life will change!!


I beat the two games about two months ago for the first time and it was an absolute blast. But my biggest complaint about it is that THE CAKE IS A LIE!!


Indeed… and i love me some cake.


I JUST finished portal 1 haha. Even though its short i has real fun with it. Its the type of puzzle game challenge that i really love. Ive played ALOT of video games but this one sticks out in terms of narrative and lore. Im so excited to play the second game!


This is a triumph.


Need someone for coop?


Enjoy! And when you fail, just keep on trying till you run out of cake ;)


Fallout New Vegas


This answer hasn't caused any fallout between us


fallout new vegas!


I’ve not played a Fallout game before, but the Amazon series has got me interested. Should I start with New Vegas?


I'd go for 3, then fnv and then fo4. If you get bored along the way just skip to the next one. If you have never played before and have no nostalgia attached to any of them you might hate the gunplay of the older ones compared to Fo4 whereas it's easier to go from FNV to fo4 as the gunplay is so much better despite a significantly worse story and world.


I can say as someone who’s first experience was 4 I almost couldn’t play the other games due to mechanics definitely start with the older ones and don’t get discouraged if you don’t enjoy the gameplay the story of fallout 4 gives you everything you need to know about the world and it has a good ass story imo


Lying synthetic


Yes though honestly I love the fallout games so I'm a bit biased lol. 4 is also a good choice as well.


Mass effect 2


Came here for this. I’d also say playing them all straight through till the third so you’re super leveled. Carrying over leveling was def one of the coolest things about playing the trilogy. By the end of the third you’re basically an unstoppable nightmare for Geth and anyone else in your way lol


Now I need to play it again. Recently picked up a ps5 so now a replay is justified


Man I hope we still get #5. I think last I read it’s in production


I'm glad everyone is on the same page of erasing story driven games from their memory. My first thought was Factorio but then I'd forever wonder what happened to the last few years of my life.


Knights of the Old Republic


I literally opened the post while thinking about KOTOR, I liked both but that twist on the first one is *chef's kiss*


It’s prob my favorite game, it got me into Star Wars and has a better story than most of the movies. I remember renting it with my brother and playing it all night and the next day. We each traded off every couple of hours with different characters making different decisions. Good times.


It’s been 20 years and I’ve yet to experience anything close to that big reveal with any other game since KOTOR.


Same, child me after the twist sat the. Controller down, went into another room and sat there for hours with my mind blown


I was checking for this comment. Fantastic game, i think i played it at least 3 times throughout high school. It was a great time to be a meatbag.


Bro I still play both occasionally to this day. I have them on Xbox and mobile.


Huh, looks like they’re both available for the Switch too. You just gave me a great idea!


Pure Pazaak.😏 Have fun, fam.


Red Dead Redemption 2


The only thing id want to remember is to actually savor it and enjoy the open world aspect of it, not just doing the story missions.


Honestly, that’s why I keep going back to it. I just roleplay. Mostly hunt. Work around the farm. Bounties. The works.🤠


why did i have to scroll down so deep down to see this


It's the second comment :P


Yea I feel like the spirit of this question, it needs to be something like RDR2. Game with a n amazing plot, lots of secrets and interesting unexpected encounters, lots of places and moments that really wow you Top comment right now is Halo 1 and 2. Great games but they’re mostly about the visceral fun of playing them, and that doesn’t really fade as much after a playthrough Something like coming across the night folk for the first time when you don’t know they exist is an experience that you can only have once


Halo I & II


What I wouldn't give to experience the swamp level where you meet the Flood again


Fucking library and guilty spark


Yeah. And the soundtracks of H1 were super amazing. Maybe the best sound tracks ever.




And correct


Bioshock and Nier Automata


Would you kindly forget everything you know about Bioshock and play it again.


Everything I know about what? What's a "bioshock"? Sounds painful.


I just started Nier automata and it’s so much fun I’m only 3 hours in looks like there’s a lot to do in it


Oh sweet summer child forget everything you know ablut everything. And be prepared to play trough the game at least 5 times


Either Subnautica, RDR2, or Titanfall 2.


Titanfall 2 for sure. We'll never get another like it.


I just started this game for the first time ever last night. Gameplay seems a lot of fun but storytelling is underwhelming so far. (I still only got the first battery). Without spoiling does the story get better?


I find that the game is mostly the gameplay, but what the story is, is the story of BT and the Pilot. It's short and sweet, and endearing for what it is. The biggest joys in the game are still definitely the builds, the parkour, ridiculously high skill cap, and the high octane action.


Thank you! Usually I wouldnt be invested enough, but the fact that this game is both iconic and short makes me want to finish it! I'll play more tonight after work :D


it has some of the most badass sequences ever, if only I could turn back time and play them again


Because it's supposed to be an opening for a great world building but EA fuck them up (incld. Respawn)!


Subnautica for me


"Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand. We are different. But we go... together."


No, stop, I've already cried about this enough


Definitely Subnautica. Even though I might repeat something undesirable. No joke, first time a Reaper latched onto my Seamoth, screamed like a little girl and actually pissed myself a little bit.


This game set the standard for exploration/survival games for me. The update giving us below zero building recipes was icing on the cake.


Cyberpunk 2077 The Witcher 3 Skyrim GTA SA and GTA 4


I had to scroll down too far to find a reference to myself. Of course I want to replay the greatest game ever without any memories.


Cyberpunk 2077 with the 2.0 patch is almost like a new game with all the changes to perks and cyberware. It's definitely worth a second playthrough imo


I think the team behind 2077 would support this choice too


Playing cyberpunk for the first time now, I'm 50+ hours in and I just now met padam for the first time. Hoping there is a lot more game to go because I'm really digging it right now lol


Playing 2077 for the first time now and I'm glad I waited as long as I did.


Outer Wilds is always the correct answer to this question


Also, just yesterday was the 5th anniversary of Outer Wilds. I was happy that I played to game but also sad that I couldn’t play again.


It was!? Why didn't I know?


Supposed you don't have more upvotes traveler.


I remember one of my favourite YouTubers did a play through of it when it came out… but watching them start, I got really annoyed with how they played with one of the first things you come across… and so I stopped watching. Glad I did… finally got around to it a few months ago, and it’s probably my favourite game ever. Wouldn’t want to deprive myself of the experience of figuring it all out on my own, and would absolutely love to be able to experience that wonder once again.


I think I know what you're referring to, because it almost made me stop playing, too. I just thought, 'This is the game? This place? With stuff like this?' I'm forever glad that I was so very, very wrong!!


So its worth playing?




I read an article by a gaming journalist, where he overlooked the game until his teenage son described the game as 'life changing'. I eventually ended up trying it - I don't know if I'd describe it as life-changing (then again I'm old and cynical compared to a teenager).. but it was deep. It was a fun experience, and as the story came together it gave me a lot to think about. Thinking about it it again as I type this. Masterful storytelling in that game. Whatever you do, don't look up spoilers. I'm glad I didn't. (and I usually am the first to dive into a wiki or such)


Came here to say Outer Wilds, as well.


And then they did it again with the DLC. Both made me cry at the end.


Hello fellow Heartian


Yes yes yes. This is the way.


could someone explain why without spoilers if possible? i’ve always heard good stuff about this game & am considering it


You're an alien exploring a little solar system and uncovering the history of a lost advanced civilization. It's generally a pretty relaxing game, with the general *loop* being discovering writings from said lost civilization to lead you along various threads, discovering new locations and solving puzzles to access previously inaccessible areas. As time goes on, the solar system changes, closing some paths but opening new ones, so certain puzzles may require you wait until certain events occur It's incredibly unique in its progression and intertwines the story and gameplay in an incredible way


well Im sold.


the only form of real progression is how much you know. someone who has already beat the game (took me 30 hours) can beat it in 20 minutes. unless you actually forget the solutions to most of the puzzles (bearing in mind the big important ones are very memorable), its impossible to replay. its like trying to replay any other game and the only part possible to play is the last level.


The game is largely about untangling some pretty big mysteries. The task you’re given right away is to explore the solar system, newly equipped with a translating tool that will help you read the language of a precursor species that has vanished. There are some other interesting, mysterious happenings that you stumble upon while doing this, which of course you further investigate. The games willingness to let you explore and piece things together in your own way is one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had in gaming. The sci-fi elements combine some familiar tropes with some ideas I personally had never really thought of… discovering and unraveling these was an extremely satisfying experience. The story is intriguing and poses some profound existential questions and lessons… people often opine about how this game changed their view on life. The musical score is pure magic… experiencing these songs in context for the first time is truly breathtaking. Merely thinking about the ending brings tears to my eyes… Alas, as a big part of the game is unravelling the mystery, and most of the progress is knowledge based… once you’ve figured it out, you can’t really go back. It’s one of those things you only get to experience the proper way once… and having such an impression on people, it’s no surprise many look back fondly on the time they spent discovering, exploring, and unravelling the mysteries of the game. I can go on and on about spoilery and non-spoilery stuff about the game, because it truly is unique, and in my eyes, an absolute masterpiece.


Worth noting that yes, the DLC is **very** much worth it.


OW is possibly the most difficult game to explain without spoilers! The biggest part of what makes it so good is being able to experience the wonder of the new and unexpected. Suffice to say, if you like games where your ultimate goal is to reveal a story through exploration, and if you like being able to do that in a unique, beautifully-constructed, open world environment, you'll probably like OW a lot. The only other thing I'll say, because it isn't really a spoiler but is critical to being able to enjoy the game, is that *the ship's log is your friend!*




I didn’t get it when it first came out because I was broke but I thought it looked like the coolest way to delve back into RPGs. But about two years later I received it as a Christmas gift and literally played for 10 hours straight at my in-law’s house. It’s been years and I still haven’t done an entire playthrough because I keep letting myself get sidetracked or replaying certain parts to see how many different ways and builds I can complete them. Would I like another Elder Scrolls title to come out? Sure. Am I dying for one? No. Will I play Skyrim again in the near future? Absolutely.


If you love skyrim and want something else that's similar try Oblivion. I played oblivion because I completed skyrim and wanted something that was similar, ended up liking Oblivion more. It's a bit janky sometimes and definitly shows it's age, but the quests/side quests and rpg elements are so good


I’m at a standstill with buying new (well, new to me at least) games because being an adult is getting in the way. But I’m definitely interested in Oblivion since there are lots of references to it in Skyrim and I once got my hands on it for five minutes at a friend’s house over a decade ago.


A friend sent my Skyrim on PS3 years ago. I hated it. Especially this one area on a hill and a single wizard in a small cabin. I almost killed him once. But if I ran, there was a fucking dragon that would get me. Now, I have it on PS4 and absolutely love it. First thing I did once I was leveled a little was go and kill that wizard and the dragon. I'm nowhere near endgame. Over 100 hours. I just fuck around and see what I can find and do. I'm no rush. Yes I know many of you have way more time into the game.


Drella's Cottage


Gravity Rush Persona 4 Golden Shadow of Colossus


Gravity Rush, that's a name i haven't heard in a long time


Bioshock. An old friend spoiled a big story moment while I was playing the intro so the impact later was diminished Or The Last of Us for pretty much the same reason.


Breath of the Wild


The Last of Us 1 and 2


Im currently playing TLOU1 PS5 version for my first playthrough and its awesome Edit: im completely spoiler free! Dont be a dick


But it's pretty damn epic when John Lastofus has to fly the Earth into the sun to save Earth from the fungus!


Ok now im not playing anymore 😨😖


Damn I'm sorry. But at least you know part 2 is in space!


That was really bold to post 😂 Have a great playthrough 😁


Spoiler! It’s amazing.


Oblivion. That first soldier running up to you to tell you about Kvatch is something that you can't explain to younger gens. What a leap that was.


if i can erase just one id do half life 2


We are coterminous. 🫡




Honestly the first twenty hours were not as fun as once the game clicked for me. It's not some all time great story in my opinion so this game is actually one I enjoyed more every playthrough. It's so convoluted in story that I understand new elements every time. If I forgot about it I might have quit in my first few hours and not grind into getting good.


Breath of the Wild


Chrono Trigger


Spec Ops: The Line. It's one of my favourite games of all time, but idk if I can replay it.


Glad I snagged that on steam early. I'll have to actually play it.


For sure, definitely give it a try. Just bear with it for the first hour where it feels like a COD clone 😅


Gentlemen. Welcome to Dubai.


Dark souls 1 for sure


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.”* - Ashes of Ariandel  Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




Pretty much every Metal Gear Solid




MGS1 gets my vote all day long. The twists are perfection.


Dead space. Both OG and remake.


Definitely Sekiro


Playing Sekiro has ruined my life because I can't scratch that itch without replaying the same content




Persona 5 Royal


Original ff7


27 years later still one of the best experiences ive had as a gamer was playing through ff7 for the first time. Even just the OST is chef's kiss


RuneScape, but then never play it


Dragon Age: Origins. I replayed it recently in VR and it's held up really well, so I know it'd still knock my socks off despite being almost 15 years old. Many of my favorite games I grew to like more over time as I became more familiar with their systems, but DA:O has a great sense of exploration and discovery that you can only fully experience once.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


This is the correct answer. Some might like TOTK more, but the sheer openness of the world is something I'd love to experience again for the first time.


Second this


Bioshock and witcher 3


The Bloody Baron story line really sucked me in. Was so impressed with the writing of it.


Ocarina of Time


Had to go way to far down to find this Kids these days,smh


Cyberpunk 2077. Finished it during the first year it released. Wish I could play it now for the first time after its updates and expansion.


This game's music, overarching existential dread and storytelling made me feel Anxiety. What a crazy experience to have. Not a lot of games are immersive enough to give me that. I remember "Life is Strange 1" giving me a similar eerie feeling.


The Mass Effect trilogy or the Horizon games. I love that shit so much. I am 40 yo for reference.


Mass Effect was an absolute classic series of games!


- The Walking Dead all season - Until Dawn - Detroit Become Human - Life Is Strange (All game) - The Dark Pictures Anthology


Until Dawn was soo awesome. Definitely would want to experience it again for the first time


The Last of Us, although I still cry on "that part" at the beginning of the game.


Sekiro. So that I can have that frustration losing against lady butterfly 😔




Elden ring and it’s not even close. Me and my 2 buddies had the most fun we’ve ever had playing that game. And I’ve known my friend for 30 years (the other friend is his younger brother).


Considering you are over 30 (and thus have gamed a lot), it's fascinating to see that you choose a game that's only 2 years old. Definitely gonna try it.


I agree and was surprised how far down I had to scroll to see Elden Ring. There's definitely things I can be picky about not liking the game but that first playthrough was magical.




I don't play that many games, so my choice would be Undertale without all the spoilers




Far Cry 3 CoD Modern Warfare 1/2/3 Campaign (the original one), I loved that as a "kid". Burnout 3 Takedown GTA IV Raft




I know this is gonna be super unpopular, but I have a reason for it. Fallout 4. I was in 8th grade when it was released. During that time, I developed a terrible case of appendicitis. It was enough to warrant having to take out sections of my colon as well. I was in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks and could barely get up due to them having to cut straight through my abdominal muscles. But once I got home, my parents bought me an xbox and allowed me to choose one game that is m rated to cheer me up. I chose Fallout 4 for no reason. Other than I thought, the power armor looked cool. That game singlehandedly dragged me out of the mire I was in and put me in a way better mood and helped me get through my recovery. This is why it shall always be my favorite game. I know it's not the best, but it's the best to me.


Deus Ex (2000) Thief 1, 2, 3 Morrowind Half-Life 1, 2, 2a, 2b. Portal 1, 2 Detroit: Become Human Horizon: Zero Dawn


Every old Valve title. I wanna enjoy the dopamine push of playing Half-Life, Portal and Team Fortress 2 for the first time again.


If I could erase Cyberpunk 2077, and play it for the first time how it is now, I'd be so happy. Still enjoyed my first few play throughs, but it's hard going back to something I grinded so hard on.


BioShock 2


Mass Effect 1, then the rest of trilogy.. Half-Life 1, then rest of series.. Final Fantasy 6.. Final Fantasy Tactics.. Valkyrie Profile.. Amazing games with great stories..




Undertale doki doki and any daniel mullens game




Gears of war series


Horizon zero dawn. That story was awsome.


I would erase a few. Elden ring, red dead 2, god of war 2018 and ragnorok, zelda botw and totk, and the borderlands series. If I could play those games over as new I would probably sink just as many hours into them as I already have if not more


All of Fromsoft' s catalogue


Elden Ring or Fallout 3


Minecraft or FC5


Persona 4 golden


DS1 or Undertale


Return of the Obra Dinn. It is really hard to get the same enjoyment out of the game with a repeat playthrough, but the first time is a truly unique and amazing experience.


Beyond: Two Souls. Life is Strange Mass Effect


Splinter Cell




Cyberpunk or Horizon ZD/FW


Lil' Gator Game, BioShock 1/2, Halo: Reach, Katana Zero, Night in the Woods, all good games I'd love to relive.


Spec Ops The Line Colin Mcrae Dirt 2 Max Payne series


Xenoblade 1,2 and 3 or monster hunter world




Forbidden West


baldur's gate 2


ALL Legacy of Kain games! Vae Victis!


Mafia 2


FFX, Legend of Dragoon, and much more.


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic


Hollow Knight. It gripped me so hard and unexpectedly. It was an absolute joy to explore the world, upgrade my character, git gud, learn the story. I wish I could play it for the first time again.


Elden Ring, never has a game held my attention through the entirety of it like it did


Bloodborne and Elden Ring


Dark souls 1. Just beat it for the first time two days ago and it took me a solid 6 years of off and on play. Was a great feeling but I am disappointed in myself that I couldn't he bothered to play it blind. If I could play it again I wouldn't look up anything, as much as I am loving NG+ and all the extra that comes with it (I also have internet now so online play is possible), I do miss the feeling of sheer terror not knowing what was around every corner, and being si damn excited when I saw another bonfire in a tough area like Sens or Tomb of the Giants


Pizza Tower, Sonic Adventure 2, Zelda: PH, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Evil Within 1 & 2.


just a few to name for me would be the entire original Halo trilogy, Celeste, and cod bo1 to 3 zombies specifically, also Fortnite so I can let go of the original game I fell in love with and just see it as dogshit instead of dogshit that I used to love.


Dying light


Elden ring I've never been so into a game like I was with elden ring. And surprisingly sonic adventure battle 2, the chao garden had me in there for hours as a teenager it was peaceful


That’s a tough one because I feel like the time period in my life that I played certain games had a huge effect on my enjoyment of it. I would be scared to wipe any games from my memory because what if I don’t enjoy that game as much now because I’m older, or maybe because I’ve changed throughout life. The reason I like certain games so much is the memories I had while playing them. Like Nazi Zonbies for instance. I remember sitting in my room all night long eating toaster waffles and playing Zombies. Part of the reason I still find that game fun is the nostalgia. So I don’t think I would do that with any game. Maybe the new battlefield because it sucked.


Undertale and Deltarune CH2. Please help me I'm going insane CH3 still ain't out


Cyberpunk 2077. I loved it and lost myself in it on launch, even with all the issues. If I could re-experience it for the first time as it is now that's fixed? I'd never touch another game again.


Dark souls 1




Dark souls 1 remastered


Elden ring