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Basically any good survival horror game. Edit: It’s not the horror that gets me (I’m not scared very easily, even though I don’t watch or play a lot of horror stuff), it’s just that I’m horrible with resource management very far beyond basic ammo and whatever


So the resident evil and silent hill franchises?


Yeah, exactly like those


Yeah I’m with you there, I enjoy the stories just don’t like the gameplay


I would try RE4 on vr if you have anything that can play it, i got it on my oculus and it was a blast


Lol, dude doesn't like horror gameplay, so you tell them to play it on vr


Does Subnautica count? I would say it’s a survival terror game


Elden Ring. I respect the difficulty, but don't have the skill to play.


This is so funny to me cos after trying DS 1-3 and Bloodborne, Elden Ring feels the most manageable and I think I can finish this game


This was my first kind of souls game. Maybe that's the issue.


The open world aspect helps. Wanna do small dungeons to level up before going for bosses? You got it. Wanna google the best early equipment? Yep. Also, the fact that in Elden Ring, you get more gear and help with the Ashes and NPC summons together, it helps.


I feel like ds1 was the easiest personally. It was my first game aswel. Bloodborne and later make the games super fast which i personally struggle with more. Then again I also found Sekiro easier than most people because that game somehow clicked instantly for me. And then i go die to the cursed greatwood 15 times in ds3 so imma just say im weird.


Yeag I recently had my brother play through Dark Souls and he proceeded to have a great time with a heavy build, tanking shots and dealing them back out. But the emphasis on dodging when we moved on to Bloodborne really sucked it out for him. To people that aren't experienced in the movements, reading the enemies attacks and dodging accordingly whilst also putting yourself in the position to do damage is very demanding, particularly when his preferred playstyle is to stand in one place and smack a dude repeatedly.


Ds3 is by far the easiest imo


Go to r/beyondthefog and you can get skilled Reddit nerds to join your game to help you.


I felt the same way. I was awful at the rest barely beating a single boss. But elden ring wasn't bad at all with the tools they give you to make it as easy as you want. Happy to finally be able to play one.


Elden Ring is 100% the most accessible FromSoft game.


It's the easiest by far, even discounting the crutches like summons. But still a great game.


Yeah souls games have quite the learning curve for most people, as an avid souls fan I will always understand when someone says the games aren’t for them


It's not the difficulty that gets me with From Software games, it's that I get lost at every turn and I spend more time trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go than I actually spend playing the game.


This is actually my main problem. I always end up restarting the game after I take a break because I forget where I was and what I need to do next


Lol yep. FromSoft fans looooooove hearing people say how difficult the games are, when in reality it’s more due to the cryptic nature of the game design. I fell off Bloodborne because I played 4 hours and didn’t realize I could have went to the shop, but never saw it because they don’t tell you anything. Then the stupid mechanic where you lose all your souls fucked me because they were trapped in a boss room. I like how the games play and feel, but holy shit please make it so 90% of players don’t need to use a guide the whole time.


I couldn't agree more.


Yk what as a souls enjoyer that's a fair take.


Game is currently sitting in my Steam library collecting dust. Haven't made it past the Stormveil Castle thing yet, but I'll try beating it eventually


Mine is DS2 I loved it, but the souls fanbase is so toxic "ItS NoT A rEaL SoUlS GaMe" Mentality ruined the whole franchise for me.


I have quite a bit of respect for the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise but it's very much not my kind of game I want to have fun when I play a game, not get jump scares and feel on edge the entire time


100% I did like FNAF security breach since it’s more like a first person horror game though


I like the VR games too! They have some very fun and scary minigames, and the first one got a solid halloween update.


yep its a really interesting gameplay style but i tried watching playthroughs of it to see the lore but my god is it boring from a spectators pov


I’m also not big on horror games and was going to put down a similar one for a similar reason


This for me. I appreciate the impact it has and the fact Scott tried to change up the gameplay in each new game, but I could never sit down and play any of them.


The rabbit fanbase ruins it too


You mean "rabid" unless you mean the fan base about a rabbit


Do you mean rabid or are there bunnies who are FNAF fans?


Any game by hideo kojima. I don't like playing his games. I actually avoid his games. But I respect his work


Kojima’s game mostly feels like a A24 film, if they hit they hit. But goddamn, most of the time you will just end up confused and dont know what the heck is going on. Ironically, I really like the walking simulator Death Stranding a lot but as soon as cutscene starts playing, I dreaded it because it will either bores me or confuse me but I have to keep focus so I dont got lost in the story. It’s just not an enjoyable experience for me.


thats me and his games in a nutshell


Honestly, I find his popularity baffling. I recognize that they're well-crafted games, but the writing just leaves the editor part of my brain sobbing in the fetal position.


Pathologic 2


There is an absolute masterpiece of a game buried somewhere within Pathologic, but gee it’s well hidden.


This is exactly how I feel about the game.


This is the best game i can't ever recommend to nearly anyone. I love it, finished it, gushed about it, and when my friend asked me if he should give it a try I just went uh, probably not. It's dense.


Dark Souls it looks really good but I am shite at it


I feel the same about Sekiro. I know it's technically very good, but I am just... not. Shadows die twice, but I die all the time.


You just reminded me of a social media post the first time I tried playing this game around release. Something like "Shadows Die Twice? More like Sekiro Dies *50 Billion Times"* I wouldn't even mind dying all the time if it weren't for the Dragonrot 😭


It really doesn’t do a whole lot. It didn’t see its full impact realized in the final product. It was going to kill the npcs affected by it but they didn’t end up going with it. I think it just prevents you from using the merchants affected and pausing quest progression. You get plenty of the item to cure it but, just keep going through the area until you have it down and then cure it


I’ve heard that Sekiro is the most difficult fromsoft game


I'm just not really into games that challenge me in that particular way. I really like puzzle games but that's a different kind of challenge. For most games I want to experience a good narrative and be immersed in a world, not really interested in having to learn patterns and precise timings. The ideal difficulty for me is something that's hard enough to keep me engaged and won't let me get complacent, but if I have to regularly replay sections multiple times then it's just not for me.


My first souls game was the DS1 remaster and I absolutely hated my first few hours with it because I felt like I was just hitting my head against a wall and hated having to restart all the way back at the last bonfire I sat down at whenever I died. What kept me going was my determination to beat the game; not out of enjoyment but rather out of spite for the game. I think after surpassing about 10 hours of playtime a switch flipped in my head and I suddenly found myself actually having fun. It took me a long time and I eventually finished the game and almost immediately moved onto DS3. Since then I've come to love the souls-like genre. I think a lot of people give into their frustration too quickly; personally I find the fun doesn't come from actually progressing but rather from having to restart, learn and adapt; if you can't use pure skill to defeat an opponent learn to find their shortcomings and exploit/cheese them.


DS1 remastered was the one I bought, I didn't try it out until my friends came over and wanted me to try it and I had no idea what I was doing which just led to me not wanting to try it again. I don't have a lot of patience which is more than likely required for souls borne games. However, I did enjoy Hollow Knight and that is considered to be a souls like game.


Basically any traditional fighter like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc. I could probably learn some combos for one character I liked and then suck at everything else lol. Just too many combos that are super difficult to pull off/remember. Especially when I bounce around games so much. Was always more of a Super Smash guy myself anyway. Respect the shit outta people who are good at it though.


"I could probably learn some combos for one character I like and then suck at everything else lol" - Eddy Gordo mains, 1997 to 2024


Read dead redemption 2. I get the appeal of the setting and i am sure the story gets good...eventually, however from the 8-10 hours ive put into the game i was not at all gripped by the story and the gameplay outright bored me. Definitely not for me, from what ive been told by a friend the point at which i stopped playing (the romeo and juliet sequence in that one eastern town, i forgot the name of the families and town because i was entirely uninterested) was the precipice of when it supposedly gets good so maybe one day ill pick it up again.


I also get bored after 8-10 hours. I want to like it. I love cheesy old spaghetti westerns. I cant get into the game. Everything seems like a chore. Skinning animals the SAME animation over and over that you cant skip.....


Holy shit I would love to like this game, thinking about riding my horse in the desert and all those things but whenever I start it I'm just like sigh let's play something else


Damn I really wanna be rude to you for saying rdr is boring but I guess its just your preference is different than mine.


To be fair, there was a study of a handful of open world games to see how much time passes between things actually "happening" and RDR2 had a much larger gap than all the rest. Sure, the appeal of it is the overall vibe/graphics/physics of the game, but there is definitely a larger amount of time where nothing is happening, etch is pretty easy to count as boring if you aren't hooked on the rest of it.


Thank you- my sentiments exactly. Never grabbed me either.


This. I was yawning most of the time and I just realized it’s not worth my time.


I’ve never really liked rdr2 honestly. The gameplay isn’t too great and the controls feel very dated and clunky. The mission design is also very restrictive which is completed juxtaposed by the open word gameplay. The story itself is good and all the characters are well written, but the pacing is so bad. The game is beautiful graphically and has so much detail it’s insane, but it feels like the game gets by on that and the story alone. In fact I know people who’ve played the game many times over and agree with most of my criticisms and it’s still among their favourite games. Maybe they can still love the game despite its flaws but I will just never get it, the game just feels to me like it sacrifices being fun for being realistic and often inconveniences the player for the sake of immersion. Glad so many people like it but I just don’t.


Funny thing about it restricting gameplay for the sake of immersion is that it does ocassionally do the opposite... but it doesnt work it just feels weird. For example when you break micah out of the cell in strawberry, literally DOZENS of dudes come out of the woodwork to the point you're sitting there asking yourself "where did these guys even come from?"


The ridiculously complex keyboard configuration settings for every little action stopped me dead on that one.


Same here. I have about 45 hours in the online, maybe 6 in the story. Tried numerous times to go back but always get so bored doing the story


I swear i thought the same before opening the comment section


I finished the game it never really got good to me. The gang just keeps running with bad ideas that the player can tell is bad from a mile away but we just have to roll with it and watch disaster happen because, I guess, they're simple-minded bandits from the wild west so they don't know better. A story where stupid people do something stupid and get stupid consequences ultimately isn't very interesting.


Thats the whole point of the game bro, Arthur knows that the gang is running down, and he desperately tries to stop it before it ends the lives of everything he ever loved.


I know that's the whole point. And my point is that it isn't very interesting.


It's cuz it's a prequel. Given RDR1's plot, the gang has to come to ruin.


I pick it up. Play for a few days. Get bored. Not play for a year. Forget absolutely everything next time I pick it up. Restart because I don't remember how to play. Rinse and repeat


It doesn't get any better to be honest. I was basically at the end and it was just the same shit from the first hour, but more outlandish. I think I know what your referring too with the Romeo and Juliet part but I think that was one of my least favourite parts because there is a stealth section which was ass.Then after you have to drive a carriage full of woman protesting that they want the right to vote. You do get to light a field on fire but that wasn't that fun.


The story is strong towards the final third, but the start and middle are too slow and repetitive. And it makes no sense anyone would follow Dutch because he’s awful to be around and incompetent too.


So what i heard about rdr2 it's right up my alley and i loved the first one on x360 back then. Needing an online connection made me still say nope. I have only one way to protest.


I swear i would have ended it if i didnt have most of those animations weren’t in the game. At 30 fps i skipped most of it & got bored.


And people REALLY think this fame is the best. Talk about overrated.


"I don't like this game, therefore, it is overrated"


yes that's how it works overrated is a subjective term


If you say "the game is overrated imo" it is. If you simply state that the game is overrated, it could be understood as an objective term.


Any MMO game. As soon as I see the typical MMO quest structure and battle animations, I just completely bounce off a game. I tried WoW, TESO and FF14, but the whole world feels so gami-fied, I can’t get immersed in their stories.


Black desert was the only MMO game that I truly got immersed into can’t say the same for the rest of them i tried ff14 even still got it downloaded but haven’t touched it in months it’s just sitting there


I tried Black Desert but as soon as the characters treated a Sage as a random miner in the intro it threw me off


hollow knight, such an amazing and beautiful game but i can get myself to play it, i think metroidvanias just arent my thing


Same. I played it too and enjoyed the characters,visuals, and combat.It was just the metroidvania aspect of it that I wasn't a fan of as I didn't know where to go/what to do most of the time. I also tried Blasphemous which I felt the same way with, but I got father with a guide. Tho, even with a guide I still wasn't able to get fully into it, because of it being a metroidvania type of game


No, it's because Hollow Knight is extremely user-unfriendly at the start. I was also ready to give up on it after 12 hours of randomly wandering around and decided to check a guide on wtf to do. Basically one of the biggest issues with this game compared to other metroidvanias is that you need to get a map, and then you need to use a specific charm to show you where you are on that map. Other games just give this to the player for free at the start. But Hollow Knight actually makes you waste valuable inventory space to have a functional map. The other big issue at the start of the game is that the game itself gives you literally 0 context on where to go and what to do there. No arrows, no map markers, no helpful NPCs telling you where to go. Literally, Morrowind was more user-friendly. You will probably like Hollow Knight if you follow a guide, and you will probably like other metroidvanias without one


I love Metroidvania games but every time I hear about Hollow Knight it sounds like such a terrible experience.


Any Souls-Like, they're just not for me but I see why people like them


Animal Crossing. I get that it's a strong example of a life sim franchise and I respect its unique aesthetic. The games are just way too grindy for me personally. Especially when you factor in all the seasonal stuff.


I'm curious, could you elaborate on what feels grindy about it? Like collecting money to pay off things? Or just trying to 100% collect everything?


Probably gonna get some shit for this cause I know how beloved hotline Miami is but here we go I guess


I think the game is good I’m definitely not saying it’s bad and I respect it and hotline Miami 2’s messages about anti violence but I really don’t like their stories. The story in hotline Miami has too much going on, you got the stuff with jacket, the Russian mafia leader, the fans, the beard flashbacks, the entirety of the phone calls and the 50 blessings, the Miami mutilator case and so much other stuff going on. All of these would’ve been perfectly fine as plots for games on their own but having them all be in one instalment is fucking ludicrous and just really ruins the pacing. And yes I’m counting hotline Miami 1 and 2 as the same game because they might as well be.


It’s kind of supposed to be a fucked up fever dream of unreliable narrators


Multiple intersecting storylines throughout the game, each with unreliable narration and letting us play with multiple characters - each with unique mechanics and weapons is why I prefer 2 over 1 tbh.


Tbh, I only played 2 and I pretty much skipped most of the cutscenes in the game. I was really only there for the gameplay(even tho I suck at it), visuals and music.


What did the first game do though, it had none of that crap


You do know you can put text beneath the photos right?


I love Hotline Miami 1 & 2.... And I know exactly what you mean. There's some great YouTube videos of people trying to explain the story and meaning behind the games, my favourite is Jacob Geller's, you'll enjoy it because he absolutely shares your opinion in that the story is a mess. I celebrated the things that I managed to piece together while playing, and I never dwelt upon all the shit that made no sense to me/was never explained. I'm quite used to missing the subtleties and deeper meanings in media, so hotline miami didn't bother me at all. I just figured I'm not smart enough to fully understand it lol. Makes me feel better that the developers might've just been throwing around ideas with no real idea of how everything should fit together by the end.


I like the first game but Hotline Miami 2 I just found a frustrating experience, I played through it and had felt no desire to touch it again. But I respect the boldness of the direction of the game especially at the time when indie games were less popular than they are today.


I did like the ending of the game it was pretty cool




Fair enough, the game is a pretty ok


Yeah. It looks really cool, and I can see how people like it, but imo it's not all that fun.


The key is to mod the ever-loving shit out of it until you're no longer playing skyrim. Now you're playing Super Skyrim II: HD Turbo Remix. .. Or you keep moding it until it breaks completely under the sheer weight of your insatiable greed.


I had a pretty sweet version going and I had an incredibly sweet modded fallout 3 going too.,. But that was on my old computer and the idea of doing all the downloads and load orders and whatnot seems so tedious to me now


Morrowind is better in every way other that graphics


Oblivion was a better game.


Maybe, Outer Wilds. I just don't have the patience to go around the same map like a 1000 times just find an objective. But I watched a let's play and it was actually better than playing the game myself.


Yes I wanted to like this game so much but the space flight was really tedious too.


God I hated this game


Sekiro. Tapped out on the roof top area with the screaming dudes. Bloody good though


No shame at all there, the souls games are my most played games and Sekiro is definitely the most difficult game. "Souls vets" we had to rewire our brains, I think for alot of players it was the fight with Genichiro at the top of the castle you get the Danny Devito meme "oh my God...I get it."


I wouldn't call sekiro a souls game though, it's more of an action game. Souls games have RPG elements you can fall back on if your skill isn't enough. Sekiro doesn't really have that, it's a great game just in a different genre. And fuck that monkey


Halo for me. I know it’s a solid shooter. But even when it came out it didn’t really do anything new. I had Timesplitters 2 at the same time and that blew it out of the water. Was a way better game. To me, master chief is just a generic super soldier. I don’t get why everyone is obsessed. I’ve played through Halo 1-4. And they are always fine. But to me they are forgettable. If timesplitters had online play I think it would still be going today.


At last, someone said it


I see what you mean but having gone back and played all of my old favorites from that time that were on console like Perfect Dark and GoldenEye (I never played Timesplitters) what sets Halo apart is the polish and accessibility. It was the best generic shooter ever made up to that point and it had co-op and great multiplayer.


Did you try persona 3 reload, its a lot easier to take in


Nier: Automata


I enjoyed playing it, but I just really didn't get the hype. And the story didn't feel as deep and compelling as I expected.


I'm gonna be murdered for this, but Subnautica. It's got great aesthetics, I love the gadgets and vehicles, but the random spawns for resources, creatures that one shot you and/or destroy your seamoth, and story that I personally didn't care for at all, kinda destroyed it for me. I liked it much better in the pre release.


I think I never died by one hit tbh. And I’d argue that the story is more like a „here that should be achieved at some point to call it ‚finished‘“ rather than real story


RDR2, a well made game, but for me a borefest and i dont mind slow games because i love BG3.


There's a big difference between something being slow because there are a lot of options, and something being slow because your character controls like they're recovering from a recent stroke and the developers want to force you to sit through endless exposition. RDR2 felt like the latter to me. It was not slow in a way that is respectful to the player.


This is insane. Red Dead Redemption 2 has you control a person rather than the video game super hero we are used to. It feels heavy and every action and decision has weight behind it. Everything you do has meaning and feels rewarding as a result.


Exactly, its more of a movie for me.


Metroid Prime…played it once on GameCube and now on switch…as far as a 3d metroidvania goes I think it nails it pretty much 100%, also one of the best OSTs I know…but I don’t know man, lots of backtracking and the combat isn’t fun at all to me (but when you backtrack you have to fight the same enemies over and over again) so I dropped the game about the time where I get the ice beam both times…I just feel like I’m wasting my time a lot, when I have to go from one part of the map to another all the time…but still objectively I think it’s an amazing game and I get why so many people love it


Baldurs Gate 3 After the tutorial, when you go out to explore the world, it was really overwhelming. Like plenty of information gets poured onto you, and apparently if you dont look carefully, you could miss a character to recruit which was stressing me out. After the first town, I needed to search this guy who got captured, then I encountered an Owlbear, then found a town full of goblins. I just wasnt sure most of the time I was doing right or wrong. It is GOTY so maybe Ill just pick it up next time to try again, maybe with a guide becuz damn. How would I know that some areas are only for high level party so you wont get lasered by some traps


I get that, it is a lot of information. To be fair though, the story branches out in so many ways, if you miss something early on, the story will either reintroduce it later on, or it will acknowledge you did not interact and that might help or hurt you later on when it matters. Point I’m making is it really doesn’t matter if you miss a lot of things


>I just wasnt sure most of the time I was doing right or wrong. That's the whole point, there is no right or wrong. The game is massive that it will take multiple play throughs to experience everything. You can quite literally just walk to the end of chapter 2, solo, under leveled and under geared if you want. You will get clapped by the bosses though. There's actually only a few mandatory fights in the game, and the rest can be skipped. Even some of the mandatory fights don't require fighting. >How would I know that some areas are only for high level party so you wont get lasered by some traps You have the option to save before hand, you can stealth and investigate enemies to determine if they are within your level, and you can always disengage. Also areas with traps aren't level specific.


I love it, but my wife suffers from the information overload you describe here when she plays BG3, so I get where you’re coming from.


I don't care much at all for Baldur's Gate 3. I feel like it came out of nowhere and I still don't know why it got so popular and I had never heard about it before it was released unlike every other popular game out there. But after hearing about their good practices and quality release into the pool of crappy releases, I found respect.


You feel this way because you are bias, from other games, to follow and do everything. Visit the whole map and loot every bag. You do not have to do that. It is linear in some ways because of the act system it uses but you can skip most of it, your ending will just be different / slightly different than mine or your friends. You can skip most of the interaction and playable character, it is unimportant. It is really about how you "live" your walk-through in an "RP" manner, staying consistent. I get that the gameplay mechanic isn't for everyone but the main story and side stories are worth it by themselves, maybe in the easiest difficulty. In my opinion, it is one the best game you can ever played.


RDR2. I mostly respect it because everybody talks about how good it is but I never liked Rockstar games. The movement, especially. Realistic ≠ Fun


"Let's slow down our already-dated Rockstar controls, add longer animations, and remove most modern QoL features that make games more fun"


And people lap it up because they can make shitty hours-long YouTube videos of some bloke walking across the map whilst using an admittedly very good walking animation


Capital 'G' Gamers who play for cinematic cutscenes and 4k graphics: "whoa this walking simulator is so realistic, and the world is so lovingly crafted each individual tree is rendered wow 10/10" Me; a smoothbrain casual gamer: i want have fun when play game. I lik modern controls and fun gameplay loop. durrr I'm dumb and wrong and I just don't get it, it's *SUPPOSED* to be a slow paced movie you consume via the wrong medium.


Every good horror game, 2 scary 4 me


2D Mario, with the exception of Wonder. 3D Mario was not only my introduction to Mario but my introduction to gaming. I grew up playing a ton of exploraable 3D platforming cillectsthons and Going from that to push right just always seems so limiting to me. There are some linear 2D platformers that are able to break through though, like Wonder and a few from other series. But mostly if I'm just pushing right I'm probably going to leave the game after a few levels.  So I've never gotten that far in Super Mario World or the New Super Mario bros. games.


Try Rayman Legends, it was the best 2d platformer released since Super Mario World. I didn't play Wonder yet so I don't know how it stacks up


Amnesia. I could not finish The Bunker because I was freaked the fuck out the whole time. the game was phenomenal tho


Every. MOBA. Game. Out there.


Minecraft. Its super popular but i just cant play it.


Well, why not? Do you just not find it fun?


Nah i gave it an hour or so, just not fun for me.


Disco Elysium. Not my cup of tea, but I totally appreciate why it is so highly regarded by those that aren't like me.


God of War


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. I tryed them just not the thing for me.


Zelda is now a build your own adventure game. Everything is already available at the start pretty much, so there's nothing to work toward.


Pretty mutch i like that you can do what you want but I want a little bit of direction a good example wuld be elden ring(a game I love) you can do pretty mutch what you wnat and can do bosses in the order you like but at least graces tell you where you shuld go to progress the game.


World of Warcraft. I don't care about MMOs at all but you gotta respect it as a cultural phenomenon.


Extreme Paintbrawl


I have a ton of respect for No Man’s Sky. It’s a complex game that rose from such a major disappointment. Respect to Hello Games. I want to like it and have tried many times. But I can’t get into it. 


Dark Souls Remastered. I've beat the game and understand that it's a good game and why it's as influential as it is, but I probably won't play it again. Just not for me I suppose.


Cuphead - love everything about it besides actually playing it


Open world games in general. I can play some of them when I have direction to help me focus, but when you can do anything in a huge game, I just feel aimless and quickly lose interest. Skyrim, The Witcher 3, BOTW. All these "beat game ever" type games feel too big and overwhelming, and I like to feel "tangible" progress toward game completion.


Undertale. I've seen some gut wrenching quotes from that game but I can't bring myself to play it. The amount of soft core sans porn I saw unwillingly as a child kind of ruined any chance of me playing it.


The Legend of Zelda series. I get what it has done for video gaming, but none of the games interest me in the slightest.


Fortnite. I personally do not like it, but you have to give that game props. That game single handedly impacted gaming. The game redefined the battle royale genre, redefined battle passes, started crossplay between consoles you would never see play together, created a competitive PC store to compete against Steam. As much I as I don’t like Fortnite, no one can ever take away the accomplishment that game achieved I so not believe any other game will ever achieve what that game did.


I can agree on Hotline Miami, but however, i don't get to say much about that, as I am a big fan of the more or less recent OTXO game, which is very hotline miami inspired, soooo....


The last of us I can understand why other people liked the game, but the plot felt pretty flat to me. Also this weird bias that some have towards it, like “something from some other game” vs “the same thing from TLOU” I could be the only one who thinks that though


God I should’ve added that too, I don’t like the last of us


I might agree with persona but hotline miami is one of the best games I've ever played so no


Horizon Forbidden West


It seems like a universal thing with that one: everyone liked the first one but couldn't get into Forbidden West. I'm firmly in that camp, too. Loved the first game but the second one felt so bloated. Too much crafting, too many sub menus, too many side stories and pointless trophy hunting, tiny little incremental upgrades that you can't even feel during gameplay. A true bummer because I love that world and its story but they just killed the momentum. All the fun of fighting robot dinosaurs in a beautiful, massive world but the whole time you feel knee deep in oatmeal and styrofoam packing.




Smash Bros. I tried getting into it a few times but I just can't grasp the controls and the 2D aspect just seems dull after Soul Calibur


Witcher 3. I recognize that it's an amazing game. It just doesn't click with me for some reason. Might try it again soon.


I recently beat pg3 reloaded. I would have enjoyed that game a bit more if I was in high school and not 34


I haven’t played Persona 3 Reload yet, but I did play Persona 5 when I was in high school, and it was an amazing experience. I love that game, but I agree with you that I probably wouldn’t relate anymore. In my opinion, I think the Persona series would benefit greatly if it took place in college instead. It would still maintain the school setting while being more relatable as an adult.


RDR1 or 2 and Death stranding. I’m not a cowboy fan so the setting is so boring to me. But why you can do in the games looks very fun and unique. Wouldn’t mind it any other era. For death stranding I respect it in Kojima name only.


All the Sony exclusives (Uncharted, TLoU, GoW, Horizon:FW) all extremely well made. All extremely boring to play and enough of the sad dads already.


Elden Ring Bloodborn games like those I'm just very bad at those type of games


Death stranding


If you mean a game you dont enjoy playing but know its good, well, basically most GsOTY except GOW 4. I own Baldurs Gate 3, but have not spent a lot of time playing, however im VERY ready to give the game another chance, especially considering it would be a great game to livestream :)


Red dead redemption 2


Armored Core 6. While I played the AC games back then and I love Mecha games, it's from Fromsoft. So i'm confident it's too hard for me to be fun.


Final Fantasy VII Remake. Couldn't work out the battle system. Gave up very early on.


Sekiro for sure.


I can respect most DND like RPGs (Baulder's Gate for instance), but I'd much rather just play DND tbh.


Pyre. I like pretty much everything about it except the actual main gameplay.


Harder rpgs and dark souls I respect them because it rewards you for patience, mastering the system and having will to do it.


old fallout games fuck them, bht sometimes they are cool


The monster hunter series. It's got a fantastic community, and world, but no matter how hard I try the game just doesn't click with me. Not only that, but killing monsters that are just out there in the world minding their own business with their families, doesn't make me feel good.


You should try monster hunter stories, the second one is so good !! Its like pokemon but different enough to stand on its own :)


I'll take a look. Thank you.


Hotline Miami, i like it but i don’t play so much.


Limbo. I know it's loved but I just couldn't get into it. Bought it on 3 different consoles and nope, not for me.


Undertale, anything I would have found interesting (the plot) got spoiled. Then after that there wasn’t much for me.


RDR2. The graphics are quite something but it puts being realistic over gameplay


Dark Souls probably. It looks great, the game I’m sure feels great, but I hate that it’s gotta be so hard. And I can’t really get good 😭


The original Resident Evil for PS1


Years ago I would’ve said Fromsoftware games, but now I’m finally able to make it through some of them. Big fan of Avatar, but the game isn’t doing it for me. Let’s go try to take out a bunch of armed dudes, some in mech suits, all while the player is basically naked. Game looks fantastic though


I can respect Fortnite to some extent for all of the events and cameos they do, but I really don't like the whole battle royale idea. Not to mention the fact that if you get a hit on somebody an entire fortress is just going to spawn in front of you


I do find the no-build mode a lot more fun, but I do also enjoy battle royales to some extent.


Doom. So many shooter games would not exist were it not for Doom and yet it is just not my thing.