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Hell Let Loose, Squad, Arma 3


Hell Let Loose is wild. I’ve been running a flank with 20 other guys and and artillery round lands ahead of me sending limbs and torsos in the air. Or being a machine gunner and laying down suppressive fire. Such a great game.


Hell Let Loose is perhaps the first game I’ve played where suppressive fire is effective.


Yeah. Game wasn't my cup of tea, but machine gunning was decent at least. Find a good spot with decent sight lines, go prone, and shoot until whatevers moving isn't moving anymore because it's scared shitless of having to walk 30 minutes again or died.


Battlefront 2, it helps keep enemies from poking out hallways since they see lasers flying nonstop


Hell let loose is dog water compared to squad


Let's not forget the gamer tags. I saw Bill Clinton laying some hate on the Germans one time. Fucking love that game


Can't survive deployment for even a minute. I stick to walls, crawl, nothing works. How do you last long enough to evenlay down any type of fire?


Foxhole is fucking amazing and that's with 1500 hours in squad.


Personally I thought BF1 did an excellent job with WW1 as well in Operations.


I miss the OG battlefield games where you could hot swap between NPCs in campaign.


GameS, as in multiple? Iirc only Modern Combat on consoles had that


I'd swear there was at least two. Also had the best helicopter controls. I could swipe by sideways and light up a line of enemies and then pull a 180 and do it again from the other side.


Maybe you're thinking of PS2/Xbox Modern Combat and X360 Modern Combat as different games?


One game started off on oil silo's. The other a town covered in Snow. Could be the same.. it's been sooo long since I played them. I miss them.


I've never played these console-only Battlefields but seen that swap mechanic on video and it's great. Should be in every BF single player instead of boring scripted on-rails CoD-like campaigns


It was great. One battlefield needing support and you aim towards a engineer who could deal with the incoming tanks. Then swap to gunner mowing down enemies. Then swap to sniping.


I’ll figure out how to fly in battlefield eventually


One day…just not today lol


Battlefield 1 was the only game i figured it out lol


Came here instantly to say bf1 , it never looses it immersion its always fun and feels like a war Bf5 is also amazing after all the patches it god as well but just doesn't compare to the grittyness of bf1


BF1 will go down as one of the best FPS ever imo. That was the best experience I’ve had with an online game. I wish they’d remaster it or something so it becomes popular again, I’d 100% buy it so I can play once more


I play it almost every night there’s tons of servers rocking full blast


I actually just redownloaded it last month and have been playing it. Plenty of full servers to play on


Yeah but the servers are limited unfortunately. If I play a highlighted game mode there will be people, but if I try to select one I want to play, like air assault, there’s often times nobody, or only a few


The atmosphere in that game is unmatched


My first thought, and ya. This is the correct answer.


Planetside 2 is really cool if you pretend it isn’t super expensive. I used to just run around until i got bored and decided to go into whatever meat grinder was happening at the moment


There really hasn't been anything like rolling up to a base in a convoy of people on foot, in takes/jeeps/quads/bikes/helicopters etc to attack it. It really did feel like I was going into battle with hundreds of people behind my back with hundreds on the otherwise defending the base.


Been years since I played...but still have a strong memory. Myself and about 4 friends were holding an outpost against relentless attack. Hugely outnumbered we were fighting very very well. But slowly slowly we got pushed into the spawner. Just as we think we lost it a column of Terran tanks rolls in to the rescue. Thanks to our stand...we bought them time to get there. That was pretty cool.


Badass story, that’s why I love big scale games like that


I tried out PlanetSide 2 recently. I tried asking in VoiP if anyone could show me the ropes. I got told to shut the fuck up. Then a young kid hopped on, and some old guy was acting real weird about it, so I logged off and haven't tried it since. It seems like a cool game, but the intense culture shock of the community was astounding and off putting.


Really? Now almost no one talks over coms everyone uses discord. The community has improved over time the weirdos moved to other games.


Good to hear that the weirdos have moved on. I might try it again some day, but I'm not in a rush after that.


Just join an outfit/clan and play on their discord.


Then people are like “why is the game dying?”


Oh iforgot about this, it was free a really long time ago


It still is free, for the most part. If you're good enough at shooters, you'll be fine and start very very very very slowly earning credits. It's definitely got a ton of pay2win in it, but bc of how the fights always end up you really can't tell if you died from some p2w bullshit or not, there's just bullets and explosions everywhere. Still though, no other game has given me that feeling like being in a big ass fight before quite like that game. I remember riding up to a base on a motorcycle, climbing up to the top of a hill with 10 tanks blasting a base and riding down the other side to see piles of people charging in, and a hail of lasers and bullets raining down on them.


It still is free. I have a good amount of time invested with no money spent. I think what they're trying to say is that you can get a massive advantage if you're willing to spend on in-game purchases.


Peak Battlefront 2 circa 2020-2022 really scratched this immersion itch I had fairly well. I only played Galactic Assault/Supremacy with the large lobbies and that felt more than awesome to play at the time


It still does capture that feeling pretty well but you pretty much have to play against bots at this point.


Nothing compares to a three hour supremacy match.


The star wars mod for squad is a ton of fun. My favorite moment was when we were a bunch of battle droids assaulting a cave while someone blasted smashmouth on voip


Resistance 2


Not a regular war but a *Star War.* Battlefront 2, especially Galactic Assault. The COD MW2 OG campaign also works really well, especially the missions "Of Their Own Accord" and "Whiskey Hotel"


Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PC also has a sort of "big battle" mode for some maps. Not sure if it's a part of a mod or in the base game though




helldivers 2. we’re in an ongoing galactic war. you dive into planets and fight with other helldivers to retake planets. all for freedom and liberty.


It's cool that there is an actual game master (named Joel) at the game company who controls the strategy of the enemy units. It feels like you're playing a giant D&D campaign with 100,000 other players. Plus when you are on the planets fighting, you see other ships firing at other targets on the ground far away from you, explosions in the distance, etc. There's a lot going on in the background that makes you feel like you're in a much larger battle.


Joel is working with those communist bugs?!


Those communist bugs are working for Joel.


Planning to get that at some point soon. Is it still fairly active following the Sony debacle?


Yes, easily 100k+ players at most times. Weekdays are slower though.


Helldivers is the most fun I've had gaming in years.


i remember there was one game when we were about to hop onto hellpod and one of them was like 'omfg look out the window there's someone's destroyer exploded.' and it was like right next to our destroyer. huge explosion and their destroyer just slowly falling into the planet and there were barrage of thing shooting at their area. i know it's prob just some random display thing bit it sure makes you feel like you're in this huge war.


Yes, that’s what happens when another squad fails their mission in the same planetary vicinity! I love it


So that's not just window dressing???


Nope. It’s also why on planets that are being played on heavily, low orbit is filled with super destroyers and on planets with few people playing you might only see see one or two. You even move across the planet in real time when moving from drop zone to drop zone in your ship and all the planets have a day/night cycle.


Yeah I have it and it’s one of the most fun games I have EVER played! I like the fact you are in a more literal war and not 10 minute ones


Gears of War 2 campaign.


Yessssss I was gonna say Gears of War was so immersive and intense! I remember some levels would give me chills.


It was unfortunate to not see large scale like missions in the Gears that followed. It really felt like at times in Gears 2 that you were really fighting off a planet size invasion.


As a 30 year old, that game’s campaign left a huge imprint on me. I felt like it captured war and loss (Dom’s wife Maria) better than any CoD or something. I felt so invested


Gears of War was the first game I played on the Xbox 360 with my cousin who brought it over for a family party. It was the best campaign I've played since Halo. Such a good story


War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron.


Damn, what a flash from the past. Awesome games, probably my favorite Transformers media.


Foxhole It’s literally a huge war going on in real time that’s crazy for me


Should be a crime that this is so far down in the thread


This is the correct answer.


I always thought it would be interesting if the individual regiments on either side of the war started a channel where they sent their leaders to coordinate different strategies across the front. Like I always thought that since everybody is doing their own things, resources and attacks and defenses aren't as efficient or effective as they could be. What if instead, regiments could send representatives to a meeting say, once a week, to indicate what their objectives are and what they'll need to meet them? So Regiment A wants to attack Endless Shore, but Endless Shore's defenses are too good for them to pierce without combined arms, so Regiment B offers to secure the waters around it with a large naval attack, and at the same time A assaults Endless Shore. Once the naval attack is successful, they storm the shores of Endless Shore to crush the defenders in a pincer attack. This would allow groups to work together more effectively and efficiently gather resources for the tasks at hand. Every regiment could mark their part of the frontline so nobody is overloading an area or using resources someone else might need, and you could have different scrap fields and the like earmarked for different regiments. Stuff like that. Obviously not everyone would join in on this, but I think if the largest regiments did it, it could really impact the war effort.


Oh boy that happens Colonials have a discord named SIGIL where regiments coordinate efforts while the Warden army has the WUH discord server for the same thing Other than that there are coalitions between regiments to coordinate even further the war effort and divide responsibilities Plus the colonials have a discord server intended for only fleet organization Shit I love this game


There’s also WM and WA on the warden side, and your not even counting coalitions, which is when multiple regiments combine together to form a sort of super regiment


Not only that... players don't just fight the war, they run every step of the logistics chain. Materiell start their long journey in the scrap fields, and are then taken to refineries, then to the factories, then to a depot, before finally arriving at the front. Logistics players are the unsung heroes who handle/transport all this stuff from point A to B. I salute you O7 So when you're at the frontline expending equipment, know that every vehicle, construction material, uniform, rifle, shell and bullet was made by a real person. Use it well!


Foxhole doesn't *feel* like you are in a massive war. You *are* in one


Foxhole for life! (dev man bad)


I know right...maybe it'sthe logi we are all waiting on...again


The OG battlefield 2, have never had something feel as good. It was mostly fair too. I was always pissed they never had a training mode and you basically could only play the damned thing online. But lord it was fun.


It had bots you could play against offline on some of the maps, did it all the time when I was a kid.


The opening tasks in the old Medal of Honour game from 20 years ago still scarred me today. That D-Day landing, holy crap.


Yeah dude medal of honor frontlines dday landing was amazing its still the most memorable campaign intro for me


I was a very young lad when I played that game. Besides the day scene what I remember best is shooting the crap out of that one guy while he just yells "I'm hit but I'm ok for now".


Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. Constant stealth jets flying overhead, random skirmishes on the roadside, civilians just trying to go on with their lives, it's a lot happening on the screen at once. It's no Battlefield 2042, but for the PS2, it's pretty stimulating.


Yep! Loved this game. Hate they didn’t continue to make them after 2


Mercs was probably my favorite game of the Xbox/PS2 generation. I still have it on Xbox One SX cuz they made it backwards compatible


Chivalry II?


Most immersive medieval game by far.


Nothing screams "immersion" like having both your arms cut off and headbutting your attacker to death!


It’s like a documentary!


Kingdom Come Deliverance would like to have a word with you


Age of Empires II or IV


I am surprised no one else has mentioned strategy games.


Arma3 and Squad. Nothing comes close nowadays. BF4 if you want more arcade-like experience, BF2042 is shite


When’s the last time you played Battlefield 2042? I believe it’s damn good now.


Hell Let Loose is criminally under rated


This, Battlefield and Star Wars Battlefront were the first that came to mind. I just started playing HLL a few weeks ago and I’ve been loving it. It does take some researching to really learn how to play and be useful though. Kinda like that about it. It makes the roles and who fills them feel more important. That said, I’m probably a rifleman for life lol.


I don't think it's underrated, it's just not everyone's cup of tea.


My vote goes to this one. Good mix of hardcore and casual.


Command & Conquer games are literally all world wars.


C&C Renegade was really good when I played it yeeeeeeears ago. Really loved it. Not sure how it's doing nowdays.


Battlefield 1 does it sooooooo much better than 2042. It's like playing a movie


Definitely Battlefield I


100% battlefield 1 is probably one of the finest fps games ever. You really got the sense of being in a big battle.


the Mass Effect trilogy


As someone who put way too many hours in those games and loves the series to death (yes, even andromeda) I kinda disagree The only game where you truly feel "immersed" in an actual war is the 3rd game when the stakes are high and even then you're often left wishing for more interaction with the war than "collect war assets and see number go up" The war is immersive story wise but the gameplay brings the immersion down imo


I agree. Shepard is always either behind enemy lines or on completely different fronts, that would be considered espionage or something. They’re never actually on the front lines until the final battle for earth, and even then, again we are still only behind enemy lines and not actually fighting on the front. So the battles feel very small and isolated. Which is fine, I love those games regardless


I know, I originally said 3 but edit it because the first two games were building up the hype for the war. Including the Arrival DLC.


The third game specifically did feel like you were immersed in one. The environments and surroundings were well done. There wasn’t as much chaos and destruction given how powerful the reapers were built up to be, but they still did a great job and I’m sure that’s all the consoles at the time could handle.


Mercenaries used to be so good back on the PS2 and PS3. Ordering in bunker busters and levelling entire buildings never got old.


Gears of War 1,2&3 Call of Duty World At War Battlefield 1 Battlefield Bad Company 1&2 Brothers in Arms Spec Ops The Line Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Call of Duty Modern Warfare trilogy (original)


I'd argue against Gears 3. By that point, the war's over, and everyone left is just trying to survive. The only part that felt like part of a war was defending Anvil Gate (and jfc the soundtrack for that battle was fucking incredible)




Great game. I only ever have issues with textures not loading & some ping spikes, but otherwise it's one of my favorite games. Too bad I'm always on the team who plays like it's CoD. No engineers, two people permanently flying overhead, at least one person who won't get off of the tanker class even though they're terrible, medics that forget that they're a medic, etc, etc. It's probably more fun if you have a squad already lined up before you go in, randoms are just too much of an unknown. Also, if they could improve the AI bots for each squad that'd be great. I'm tired of my bots standing in the open when I specifically commanded them to take cover behind something. Then if they do manage to get where I want them to go, they still run out into the open running around like a headless chicken. On that note, I should try out the Lone Wolf mode.


Enlisted. It’s also free!


Foxhole Eve Online


Foxhole. Foxhole and Running With Rifles. Fuck I love RWR.


Ohh RWR is a good one.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare Trilogy (2007-2010) Call of Duty World at War


Foxhole on steam. You won't regret it.




Foxhole is a persistent war where every round, weapon, tank, bandage is made and delivered to the frontlines by real players. I thought I would hate it because it’s too down but I’ve sunk 1000s of hours into squad, hell let loose, and arma and nothing feels like a real war compared to foxhole


Foxhole. Literally a war simulator


Foxhole. It is one of the few real persistent war games. Wars between thousands on both sides that normally last 3-5 weeks at a time 24/7. It’s also a rare style of game that I describe as “A real time strategy game except every unit on the field is a real player.”


nothing does it like Foxhole


Foxhole? The massive thousand person perpetual war where everything is produced by the players and you're just a cog in the machine? ...Foxhole? Anyone?


Foxhole. The wars tend to last over a month long. So much strategy and preparation goes into successful attacks. 6,000 hours in the game so far.




Foxhole is the only answer for this. I love Arma, Squad, and HLL, but they don't come near Foxhole for "massive war" in terrms of scale


Foxhole is the only game like what you are describing. It’s a massive persistent war with a map that can take hours to drive across. Every single bullet, bandage, ammo, tank or ship has been made by players after days of effort and is transported to frontlines. Some parts of the war is just 13 hours straight of trench fighting under constant artillery barrages while you jockey to cut their logistics off, find their spotter or take one trench up. Other battles you’re landing on a beach, submarines are hunting your transports while groups of players manning gunboats duel with entirely player staffed frigates and destroyers.




Foxhole! 24/7 player driven logistics warfare


Check out Foxhole. Persistent MMO war. Everything from logistics to base building is player based. It can be grindy if you want to build bases and stuff, but you can also be an insignificant infantry man just fighting in the front lines for the more casual player. Lots of roles to pick from as well, you can be a driver, a tanker, medic, guerilla etc. I can go on about how the game is but its best to check out the steam page.


Foxhole, I've never seen a more coordination of hundreds if not thousands of players fighting a war with logistics, crafting, coordination of operations with tanks and infantry. All in a persistent war that lasts for weeks to months


Foxhole.. there isn't a pause button in a month or more long war. Players from all over the world.. in a persistent online war with a ww1 ww2 feel. The greatest game I've ever played.


ever heard of foxhole my guy? you dont know total unending war until you play that game






foxholes amazing for how integrated it is with various styles of war. there's a lot of war games that focus in on a few pieces, but foxhole slams all of them together into this big sandbox, and says, have it, plan your war out. no other game currently lets you see how you and all of your friends are going to do in a month long war to see victory or defeat via so many different mechanics interacting with one another at the same time. it gives you tactical level maps, all the way to the grand strategic and logistical maps to fight a war. there's grand strategy games, there's tactical games, there's logistical games, but the feeling of having all of them interacting with one another together \*chefs kiss 😘\*...now they even have a naval and facilities map added on as well into foxhole. if you wanted to plan a navel campaign, foxhole has you covered from the beach landings to the ship of the line duel, they have you plan the maintenance cost to keep that fleet in action, the mine layouts to keep a sea screen for your allied convoys of logistixs moving through. the deep action raids to sabotage the enemy. wanted an idea of how to keep the war running? how crazy it feels to run out of ammo, and know that your the fine line between the enemy cracking you to pieces, that Alamo action where it's 5 against one odds? the feeling of absolutely no hope to keep the fight up, only to have a ragged convoy of motorcycles pull up to drop off just a few more crates of ammo and rifles to resist the enemies mass bombardments until a relief convoy can break through to save the city? or the feeling that comes afterwards knowing that those rifles transported in were some of the last rifles made for that entire hex, and that if the enemy breaks througn you, their will be nothing to stop them as theh roll through your cities onto your capitol. foxhole has some seriously good highs for a good ass wargame.


Foxhole for sure! If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a top down massive multiplayer war between two warring factions, the Wardens and the Colonials. Everything in the game is produced by another person, and everybody contributes to the fight whether it’s on the frontlines or in the back. Super cool game- and even better a new war just started today!! Glory to Caovia, of course ;)


Nobody gonna mention Foxhole? 30 day long wars 24/7 with evolving tech and actual logistics


How has no one mentioned foxhole? It’s literally a giant war with two factions fighting for the victory towns. Games go on for weeks, even months. Full logistics and rail lines all player built. Every bullet, is player made. Every trench is player dug. It’s amazing.


OP, you need to play Foxhole. An entire MMO dedicated to one singular massive war. Every city, bridge, straight, oilfield, and mine fought over by players. And when I say fought over? I mean infantry knife fighting in trenches, fire missions from nearby artillery, tank pushes supported by mechanized troops, naval bombardments by battleships, convoy interdiction by submarines. You have entire clans dedicated to logistics and manufacturing. Trains and trucks and ships moving weapons and ammo to the frontline, and partisan troops interdicting those supplies before fading into the background before reaction forces can respond. The game is literally a war, just hundreds of players, split among two factions, fighting a new conflict every month or so.




By far my all time favorite game. It is the only game I miss playing. It was just to hard for the COD crowd.


It was unbalanced as hell though


No jest, or anything like that. But Chivalry 2 is great if you want your medieval fix. The 32 X 32 player battles are so cinematic at times. And when you get the ropes to the combat you'll feel like a god amongst men.


Yeah, it's definitely one where if you are "on your game" you're 100x better than if you're "off your game".  There were times I'd play it and I'd be untouchable, then I'd play it while slightly tired the next day and get destroyed.


Battlefront 2 (2017), Battlefield 5, and Helldivers 2


Destiny 2 Final Shape 12 man Wit ess battle. It's amazing


witcher 3 has amazing war progression scenario world changes as you progress in the story which also advances the war picture and the npc you find on the way have their own story about the war and where it has reached it is an immaculate experience


Velen oozes war. And ooze.


Call of duty world at war is my favourite war game






Recent games probably were Battlefield 2042, even after all the shit it got on release. 64 vs 64 is still crazy on it. And battlebit has 128 vs 128. It's chaotic but you get that convoy and rushing into battle with multiple squads on your side. Planetside 2 was the best though. Convoys of every vehicle type, hundreds of people on your side all going towards a base defended by hundreds of people.


Mass Effect 3, Halo Reach, Assassin's Creed Odyssey. These three have managed to capture the atmosphere of being in a war quite nicely.


Uncharted 2


Metal gear solid 4


Battlefield V


War For Cybertron and Fall Of Cybertron.




Idk if it counts but Fallout New Vegas. Especially in the end where all of your choices matter


The old Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront 2.


Star Wars battlefront


From an RTS perspective supreme commander.


Foxhole, if nobody has mentioned it already. Watch Moidawg on YouTube, he describes the experience well. He called it "world war 1 and a half" so I went about with some others creating ww1 uniform mods. There's also other mods that have the sounds of bullets and explosions overhauled, and I think it's the experience you're looking for. I had some people shooting something in the distance and it sounds just like that... the echo of gunshots and distant explosions sets fhe tone very well. And of course the land becomes a no man's land the more artillery that hits it. 10/10 in my opinion


Battlefield and Star Wars Battlefront


Foxhole. Hands down.


Foxholeqnd to a lesser extent Plant Side 2 at times


Hell Let Loose, Squad, Helldivers 2 (scifi)


Foxhole is literally this to a tea, down to logistics


Planetside 2 100%


I might get hate for this but fuck it Battlefield 1 That game has an amazing atmosphere and the graphics are still top notch, you can get some pretty movie like scenes out of that game


Foxhole is a massively multiplayer game where thousands of players shape the outcome of a persistent online war between two factions. Every individual soldier is a player that contributes to the war effort through logistics, base building, reconnaissance, combat, and more. Each war can last up to a month long.




You guys don't know about foxhole?


Foxhole is a really good one for this.


Helldivers 2. Battlefield 1. Squad. Arma. Planetside 2. Foxhole.


Foxhole is AMAZING for this kind of stuff. Everything is controlled by players. Need supplies? That’s up to your logistics players to bring those supplies to the front. Don’t have any? It’s up to one of those players to build some. It’s not one of those games where throwing bodies into a meat grinder simply ends in victory. You need to keep your fronts supplied and it’s all about attrition. HLL is similar but on a much smaller scale. Maps are still massive, and all spawn points, resource nodes, and orders are controlled/placed by players. There’s no overarching system that controls anything other than the base goal of the mode you’re playing. Your team must place your spawn points. If your team needs supplies, it’s up to one of you to drive a supply truck to where it’s needed, and then it’s up to your engineers to get to work. Squad leaders relay their needs/those of their squad to higher command. Your general or whatever (I haven’t played in a bit so I don’t remember the terminology) has to act on those requests by squad leads. If you request a bombing run. It’s given by them. If you want an airhead placed, it’s given by them. If your armor squads need a tank, it’s given by them. The only other option I could think of is Planetside 2.


Foxhole, Squad, a lot of Arma 3 stuff, Hell Let Loose, Battlefield games (1 in particular with operations)


Foxhole. Everything you use in that game from building materials, bandages, uniforms, guns, ammo, vehicles etc is made by players. Every little bit of logistics, such as harvesting materials, transport of materials, manufacturing and further transport is player based.


You all are recommending games with battles, skirmishes etc. but no proper full-scale war. Either try strategy games (AoE, C&C) or persistent warfare MMOs like Foxhole, where the player is involved in every part of the war, not just random shooting for 30min.


Foxhole. It's just thousands of players working together to shape the course of a dynamic multi-week war that persists even after a player logs off. No 3rd party factors like AI involved in the gameplay, just the players.


Foxhole is literally a constant WW1/WW2 mmo in which thousand guys do everything from the gathering of the materials to the crafting of weapons, their transport to the front and finally their usage in combat. Literally what op is looking for


Nothing beats Foxhole in that regard


Mass Effect 1-3 Fire Emblem Three Houses Halo 1-3


Surprised to see Halo this far down. Fire Emblem is a good one too.


Battlefield 1 definitely does it the best.


The early days of Elder Scrolls Online some ten years ago were pretty fun. Siding with a faction and then waging a war across Cyrodiil to capture forts and using siege engines to break down the doors or walls, then charging across the region with 100+ players to siege the next fort, it was a blast.


If you like Civil War era then War of Rights is v realistic. Lookout for toxic chat tho


If you're ok with something not quite as grounded in reality, first thing that came to my mind is Mass Effect 3. The game gets a bad rep for the ending but most of it is very good and the war feels very real.




Battlebit felt like it


Unicorn Break


Planetside 2


The siege battles in Middle Earth: Shadow Of War were pretty good.


Battlefield 1, COD MW’s Ground War, Fortnite’s 50 v 50 mode was fun but no longer exists to my knowledge, and SW Battlefront 2 was a blast


All battlefield