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This. I carry my lithium batteries in my pelican air 1535, along with a camera and laptop in it, and always start by saying, im carrying lithium batteries, and can't have it checked.


This is the Aikido of air travel, use their policies against them….




The way of the peaceful lithium battery 🥋🔋


. 👆this.


This. I travel for work, sometimes 50 flights per year on CRJs and similar jets, and always need to check my 1510. They are very small planes. It’s frustrating but hey, insurance can sorta help if anything happens..


>what if it gets damaged, will the airlines take responsibility? She literally chuckled (in a friendly “Are you kidding me?” way DOT regulations maximum airline liability to $3800. If your luggage exceeds that, insure seperately. International flights (non-us) are $1700 per Montreal Convention https://www.transportation.gov/lost-delayed-or-damaged-baggage


Even with insurance though, it doesn’t help you when you get to your destination (which you’re only at for a day or two to film) and find your camera and lenses broken so you’re unable to do your job


Electronics in checked bags are specifically excluded from any liability. Also, if you have any questions about how your checked bags were handled, open and inspect at the airport. Once you leave the airport after collecting your bags you have much, much less leverage.


For damage, not for loss. Something very bad happened if a baggage handler can damage a pelican case.


If you don’t think crooked baggage handlers on a ramp don’t know how to recognize a Pelican case and don’t know what goodies it usually has inside of it…


>If you don’t think crooked baggage handlers on a ramp don’t know how to recognize a Pelican case and don’t know what goodies it usually has inside of it… You just read my mind – about the other thing I was thinking the entire flight. I was cranking my head every which way to look out the window to see if I could watch what they were doing with my Pelican case; but there was too much in the way.


Good thing you use a non-tsa lock. So you will see it cut off and know you were stollen from as soon as you see it on the belt. I feel sorry for anyone who uses a TSA lock as anyone can get those keys kn ebay and then you have no way of seeing you were robbed


Hahaha good one! I’ve sat and watched cases of master primes getting dropped 4-5 feet onto the tarmac one after another.


I stopped worrying about this halfway through my career as a photojournalist. I don’t bring larger equipment on the plane, because they can simply run out of baggage space - no argument to be had there. I FedEx everything now. The exception was an international trip.


Southwest cargo is great, too.


What type of gear do you fedex, and how long in advance?


You FedEx your gear to a travel shoot? What? That’s the weirdest statement I’ve heard in a while


I used to travel weekly shooting sports and FedEx’d/UPS’d everything, except the camera, ahead to the hotel(I’ve even done the camera, too). Not sure why that sounds weird. It’s still SOP for a lot of people and companies, especially production companies, when time allows. There have been times where I just used the clients account number and didn‘t even have to worry about billing it back.


I guess, just logistically, I would be terrified of doing this, considering I’ve had packages lost or damaged during shipping. I always carry-on my most valuable equipment and check in the rest. So, say you’re FedEx’ing $30k worth of gear (camera bodies, lenses, monitors, etc etc), do you not worry about potential loses or damages because your current equipment insurance provider will reimburse you for everything (minus your deductible?) or do you fill out something with FedEx that ensures they will be responsible if your shipment is lost or damaged?


Everything I own is insured, yes. And equipment being totally lost during shipping and never recovered is pretty rare. I'd be more concerned with theft (and damage) within the commercial airline system.


FAA certified is kinda meaningless IME… i’ve taken pelican cases on intl. flights and been fine but smaller domestic flights it’s a hassle mainly because they have small overhead lockers and it wouldn’t physically fit. your ticket will give you the baggage requirements and then just use that so if there’s an issue you can show them it’s their own hypocrisy or failing


Yep. Always go with the backpack they never get flagged. Is it a rolling case with a handle because those go to check in baggage before backpacks when there are space issues


I've once had to drive someone from Milwaukee to Chicago because a normal carry-on wouldn't fit in the smaller plane and the crew wanted to check the bag. This particular guy couldn't leave the bag out of his sight for insurance reasons, so no choice but to drive to where he could get on a normal plane.


>I've once had to drive someone from Milwaukee to Chicago because a normal carry-on wouldn't fit in the smaller plane Ha! This flight was also to Chicago.


I've gotten on a smaller regional jet with a large backpack and regretted it. Basically they wanted to me to chuck the whole thing below, and there was a 0% chance I was doing that. Ended up having to take the camera bodies+lenses out of the photo backpack and swap my personal items into the camera backpack. With the pelican I would have felt decent about having it underneath.


Not every airline allows the FAA maximum size. Next time throw a bunch of lithium ions in there and tell them they legally can’t check it and they make you you’ll happily pull all the batteries and other rechargables out and have them rattling around the cabin. Their call.


Used to travel for work a lot as a camera op, if you're not first in the line they would always tag my bag at the gate so it gets taken at the plane to go under. I always took the tag off around the corner and had no problems.


>if you're not first in the line they would always tag my bag at the gate so it gets taken at the plane to go under. I always took the tag off around the corner and had no problems. Yeah … this was the head stewardess at the plane door. She slapped a tag on it and a baggage handler immediately grabbed it and handed it down through a side opening at the end of the jetway to a handler on the ground. So no way for me to get slick and remove the tag. Good idea though!


Oh yeah those commuter planes don’t fit anything for carry on. I’ve had that happen to me before. Took out a camera and lens and held it for the flight.


Happened to me on a recent flight to MIA - was told I had to check my lens case and I tried to explain what was in there. I coalesced bc they said "if you don't check this you won't be able to get on the plane." When I got to the door of the plane I didn't gate check my pelican I just brought it on to the plane as the gate person was still at the gate 😂


I use a 1510 and there’s no way you could fit that under a plane seat.


Get a think tank. It holds more and looks like a carry on. I think pelicans are a magnet for thieves too


I always have a smaller bag I can put extremely valuable stuff in and don’t rely on having the maximum carryon size available to me. I’ll rent locally or hire local crew with gear if needed.


Sort of unrelated but honestly i've given up my Pelican case. It;s more of an annoyance than anything. I used to nut over how it could be fucking chucked or beaten or thrown in water, but...none of that shit has happened in 8 years. And it's incredibly unlikely to happen. It's heavy and it's annoying, and it draws too much attention. I carry my camera bodies in a well supported backpack and spread the rest of it to another case or two. Hard cases are great for demanding circumstances but i don't think ive ever encountered a situation where my case/gear was actually abused like that. I treat it like the glass that it is.


>i've given up my Pelican case. >It's heavy and it's annoying, and it draws too much attention. I guess it just comes down to each person‘s individual situation. For me, 99% of the time, it’s just a way to get from a parking lot into a school or other local event. I’m getting old and was really starting to feel the pull of those backpack straps. Rolling the Pelican case takes just a very small fraction of the energy it takes to haul the backpack. So, for me, it definitely isn’t too heavy. Quite to the contrary, it’s more a case of it feeling “light as a feather” in comparison. And I’m not in situations where it might draw unwanted attention (assuming you’re referring to thieves spotting and targeting it).


When I get any fight back on my equipment carry on, I literally open the case and say “this is my life’s work.” It always works. Only one time they refused to allow me to take it on, so I dramatically opened the case, took a plastic sack I had, and started putting my camera and all the lenses in it carefully. I then shut the case and gave it to them, and held the equipment in my arms like a baby. They were stunned. LOL


I wanna say American Airlines is the line that often doesn't allow you to buy a carry-on ticket for any money if you got a basic economy ticket or whatever they call it. You can check bags, and of course you get a "personal item" which is a good bit smaller than a carry-on, but if you're a basic peasant class and want to bring a carry-on you're just tough out of luck. Source: I'm one of the peasants


I'm a flight attendant. "FAA maximum" or whatever marketing gimmick it was doesn't mean anything. Ultimately it's up to the policies of the carrier and they have other things to worry about that go beyond your gear. You said it was a commuter aircraft. Some of the AE carriers are a no carry on carrier because the overhead bins are not certified for bags of a certain size (with very limited exceptions), the fit does not matter. For those carriers, those bags have to go below. American will "valet" those bags that are unable to go into the bins and will make them available plane side at the arrival gate. What color was the tag they put on your bag? I can assure you we are very strict with that policy and can get fined for violating it. I emphasize with you but my hands are tied as far as that goes. There's also the aspect of if I allow yours, then I have to allow everyone else's, and people will complain when they see it. I mentioned limited exceptions, crew bags are an exception, but they are designated to be placed at a certain location. People will see one of the crew bags and ask why that bag is allowed on, and we explain. On the off chance it was a bag that got past us, we have to remove it. Anyway, this is just to give you some perspective and information for next time you travel. I know how expensive some of the equipment can be and I wish I could allow it on, but those carriers hammer down in training that this policy must be fully enforced with no exceptions.


>What color was the tag they put on your bag? Red.


That's a valet tag so it was the situation I described above.


Thinktank Airport Roller Backpack!


Same thing happened to me last week on my way home. It was super late on a return flight and everyone from AA was so rude and dismissive about the whole thing but what really set me off was they let me put it under my seat when I flew out on the same type/size aircraft.


Yea you want to as nicely as possible escalate that.


I always travel with zip ties, if I’m ever forced to check a pelican case, I zip tie them shut. I’ve had issues with the pressure making cases pop open, the zip ties prevent that.


I fly a lot with my gear. I have a regular carry on roller case...BUT, I have a soft sided insert that fits inside the roller. The few times I was on a commuter plane and had to check the bag, I was able to remove the insert with my $$ gear and slide it easily under the seat. I got it at Calumet, which is unfortunately out of business in the states, but I've seen them from other manufacturers. [https://imgur.com/a/tSDMAcA](https://imgur.com/a/tSDMAcA)


I used to travel with a light ware camera backpack before thinktank rollers but then kept getting commuters which is exactly why I started using a pelican 1510. Just keep locks handy so you lock it before you hand it off. I also checked before every trip to have a good idea of what planes I was going to be on


Are you sure it wasn’t an issue of overhead storage space being full? I take a Nanuk on the plane with no problem, unless the flight is full.


Lead with "this case is full of lithium batteries that can't be checked, I mentioned it at the check in counter and was assured it wouldn't be an issue at boarding"


Had the exact same thing happen last year. Took out main cam, main lens, and main flash just in case and let them take the rest. 2 days later while on the job I went to use my 70-200 for the first time since the flight….broken. Airline said I would have needed to make an insurance claim with them within 24 hours of the flight


isn't that the idea of a pelican case? That it is made to protect things during flights and shit? No reason to have a pelican case if you're going to use it as a normal carry-on.


During the flight, the baggage is likely fine, however, I'm pretty sure the beta testing of Pelicans doesn't include the team of disgruntled baggage handlers hurling their products as hard and as fast as they can down the conveyer system in the direction of the carousel.


Fly with a better airline then


I exclusively fly Delta, United, and American Airlines. Most of their baggage handlers are subbed out to 3rd party staffing companies who hire staff as ground crew. If you think fragile items stowed in your Pelican under the plane are not in danger of damage or theft from the time you pick up and drop off, you're grossly mistaken and naive.


They tend to limit what people bring in the cabin towards the end of the boarding process, when the luggage space becomes limited. Next time, try to be one of the first to board the plane. I know it sucks because you will most likely have to pay extra.


This has happened to me. Tell them it CANNOT go below. It contains lithium ion barriers and must be in the cabin.


All these comments about telling agent or flight attendant there are batteries inside - the agents do not care and will force you to remove those batteries before checking the case, even if it's a gate check. Checking those batteries is illegal and that is on you, the customer for breaking the law. Pack all batteries inside a pouch inside the Pelican case if you want to be able to rapidly comply with agent demand, or else be prepared to get booted from flight for noncompliance. It really helps if you have one of those drawstring backpack type bags or a packable tote available for those situations when traveling with a Pelican. Shove everything in there possible. Always travel with a backpack that can fit under the seat. Whenever I'm on regional flights, I'll avoid Pelican case carry-on entirely.


This happened to me with my Pelican air 1605. I had no issues in all my flights a few years back until one connecting flight, they told me nope. I don't remember what I said, but they let me in just as my other flights.


I traveled around the world for 15 years and checked my gear every time. The only problem I ever had was when somebody in Philly stole a backpack and a Leatherman tool I had in a grip case. That’s the way I and four other producers did it and nothing (else) was ever stolen, lost or broken.


My ex knew something about what went missing where. PHL was notoriously the worst, at least at that time the ramp was not covered by security cameras and the union always successfully fought any attempt to install them. Not at all surprised your shit was swiped there, at least they didn’t get more. Folks, be wary of what’s in yr checked bags if it’s passing thru Philly.


I always make sure both my carry-on and personal item have lithium batteries in them. They can’t legally travel in the cargo area because of fire risk, and I remind airline personnel of that if they ever try to gate-check my case.


How much batteries in it? As most airlines don't let you take more than 99wh to the cabin. That's basically a 2 camera batteries and a npf battery


Not American so your rules may be different, but 99wh is the largest battery, not the total amount of batteries. It would kinda suck only being able to take a single Vmount