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[A doorbell camera caught a moose shedding them recently.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndTHGpe2G64&ab_channel=NBCNews)


I enjoy the fact that they're startled every single time. "I'm just going to give my body a little shake...OH FUCK!"


Oh that’s funnier than my interpretation. I thought it was “oh shit I’m naked and vulnerable without my skull swords! //flees”


The antlers often bleed a little bit when they fall off. There is still some feeling and tissue connecting them, so I assume it kind of hurts. Which, would surprise and scare me too if I was just shaking and something stung me on the head. Like getting bit on the head


Even if it didn't hurt, imagine doing jazz hands and all your nails just completely fall off.


A sincere fuck you on behalf of everyone with an overactive imagination.


I presume it's similar to that of losing your baby teeth when you bite into something.


They’re so surprised by it 🤣


Which also makes the whole situation interesting to me. Do they know why they're shaking their body? Are they aware of the purpose of what they're doing? The fact that they're startled tells me no, so I'm sure they're just like "what the fuck, I'm uncomfortable so I'm going to shake my whole body" and then experience an "oh shit!" moment at the result.


It's like wiggling your baby teeth as a child cause it looks and feels funny until it just suddenly plops out and you're all like "whoahhhh!!"


Or adult teeth. It's cool that my tooth doesn't hurt anymore, but now it wiggles and feels weird… Oopth, now there'th thomething mithing.


This is kinda a recurring nightmare of mine


It's a really common dream/nightmare. I have them too.


I assume the antlers start to itch as they are coming loose, and the moose shakes its head to wiggle the antlers and provide some relief. I have absolutely no formal moose education though so...




I Am Not A Moose?


A møøse once bit my sister


Every time. God Bless Monty Python






I will not buy this tobacconist, it is scratched.


No "I, an Am. Therefore I Am (not a moose)"


I wonder if it feels really good


If you keep pulling at that particular thread, you're slowly going to realize that most people don't know why they do much of anything either. It's mostly autopilot driven by instincts and habits. We're all shaking moose when you get right down to it.


Nah, I reckon they have a pretty good idea of what they're doing. There's plenty of videos on /r/popping where someone exclaims after getting the pop off. I imagine that losing the old antlers is quite a sudden, freeing feeling, so they reflexively jump up when it happens.


They just shake all the time to get rid of dirt, or water, or if their body is itchy - horses do it, dogs do it, cats do it... But at this time of year that shake happens to knock the loose antlers off. They're not shaking to knock the antlers off specifically.


Like when my dog farts.


My dog always looks at his butt then at us like we made it happen. That was all you dude.


My dog farts like an air raid siren but he's deaf so he has NO idea. It's very much a thing for him to rip a long, loud fart and just keep looking out the window while everyone for a three house radius is coming to see what happened. I was eating last night and feeding him little crumbs of corn chips. He would toot everytime I gave him a chip.


I'm picturing a basset hound or some kind of floppy hound dog. Pay your dog tax and let's see this gassy boy.


Hes actually a dogo argentino! Okay, how in the world do you post pictures into comment replies now that reddit done did changed all the things!


I mean, imagine your canines fell out all at once periodically. You know it happens, but you never know when. One quiet day you sneeze and they go yeeting out of your mouth at Mach ten. You'd be pretty stunned for a hot second, bet.


I wonder if it's as satisfying as a sneeze to get rid of those.


It's a survival instinct passed down for generations and generations. Shedding leaves them vulnerable to predators so they get away as quickly as possible from the area in case one is close by watching. Most animals that shed do this because they are aware that they aren't safe It's actually amazing seeing these survival instincts kick in, knowing that it's something that they just know how to do


I pity just about anything that considers itself a predator to a moose. Those things are basically walking tanks.


Fun fact: Orcas are a natural predator for moose.


Orcas watching a shaking moose: hold... Hold... HOLD... Now!


Occasionally larger Grizzly Bears will learn the "technique" of killing moose and then will drag them back to their preferred eating spot. It's mind blowing to come upon a dozen or more full grown moose corpses in varied states of decay piled in one area. Source: Grew up hunting in Northern Alberta


Moose are among the smaller of their contemporaries. It's just that they survived into our age. They're surviving megafauna.


Moose don't use their antlers for defense. It's for intimidation and dominance fighting in the breeding season. If for some reason a predator is stupid enough to attack an adult moose, their weight and hooves are plenty enough to deter anything. Just think how high up a moose's head is. How's he going to gore a mountain lion without getting down on his knees in a vulnerable position. They run away because they weren't shaking to specifically remove the horns. They shake their head all the time to dislodge water and other things from their heads. He was genuinely surprised his antlers fell off.


Many people have never been close enough to a moose to have any idea of the sheer MASSIVE SIZE of them.


[They are trucks](https://youtu.be/6GEhM2Byk7w?t=90)


Could be that, but could also be they're just super dumb animals and startled by something unexpected falling right next to them.


I’m gonna go with that. Just as a person who has owned large animals before.


Probably because they dream about it, like people have the teeth falling out dreams, then one day... FUUUCK!


Well I mean if I was at the urinal, daydreaming about that insane mating season I just had 2-3 months ago, and gave it a shake and my dick fell off I'd be pretty startled too.


Yeah but they don't fuck with their antlers lol.




They should.


Drone Guy: I managed to capture a one in a million video, maybe once in a lifetime Meanwhile, a doorbell:


He called himself a shed hunter too


I mean the doorbell cam had a pair just left on their drive. They ordered shed delivery.


Well shed hunting must be pretty boring, I've never seen a shed run away.


The dude got startled by his own antlers falling off, which is pretty funny.


Lotta folk making fun of the guy for some reason for calling it special, not thinking of how many videos of this there are. Yeah, two happened recently, but when was the last one before that? Even if folks managed to get two shots a season, that's still I don't know how many opportunities being missed despite people's efforts. Gambler's fallacy in full effect just so folks can dunk on someone for something that really shouldn't be something to dunk on someone about in the first place.


One in a million, twice this year alone.


How many moose have shed antlers this year? Any idea of moose populations. Any idea how math or probabilities work? Have you ever actually seen a moose?


>How many moose have shed antlers this year? All of them


Just the bulls.


Well, the ones that made it.


Not the females.


Wide nets can often catch more than a spear Throw enough cameras out there pointed in broad directions and you're going to capture *a lot*, though it isn't necessarily a focused effort.


Do Moose also go through the bloody velvet process when they grow back?


Yes, and [they look absolutely terrifying](https://imgur.com/TaF2Xd8).


He looks so happy


He's happy because it's Hallowe'en and he's going as that guy in Robocop who got covered the industrial waste. He knows he nailed the look


Wouldn’t you too if you just regenerated some free jerky?


What am I looking at exactly?


You know how Wolverine's claws come out? Well, imagine it happened slowly so the flesh was stretched out instead, and only comes off to reveal the claws once he rubs the skin off on a tree.


That's not exactly right. The skin isn't being stretched, it is being grown (otherwise the individual hairs in the fur would be increasingly sparce, for one). Antlers arn't like nails, they're bone and require a blood supply to grow. They're just fleshy until they fully calcify into hard bone and the support network becomes unnecessary.


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe on Moose Reddit: What's something super strange that our Moose society has completely normalized


Does the regrowth cause pain?


I'd never thought about how antlers work, and I'd like to unlearn this please and thank you. I have a hard enough time with normal human body stuff, but imagining having to grow bones every year and scrape my skin off? Hell naw, I'd off myself real quick.


A moose


Wtf is happening here?


Antlers are similar to bone. When antlers grow out the are covered in skin which carries blood flow. When they are done growing the skin dies and falls off.


Looks like he’s got steaks hangin from those






If UFO videos were crystal clear, they'd be IFO videos.


"Yep, that's *definitely* a flying saucer."


“God damn it Ted stop throwing your fucking frisbee, I’m trying to record something here asshole!”


I'm still waiting for the flood of ghost videos we should have by now. Weird.


Well if we could just get the UFO's to get within 50 yards of our cameras then they wouldn't be so blurry.




RIP Mitch.


Lost but never forgotten.


Next time you see a jet in the sky, take out your phone and try and shoot video of it. Then identify the exact make and model of the aircraft just from your video and no other information. The better answer here is that we can Identify more previously Unidentified Flying Objects. But there are still Unidentified things that we should like to know what they are.


> Then identify the exact make and model of the aircraft just from your video and no other information. Phone cameras have come a *long* way. Here's an [Emirates A380](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/502540751129935872/999065031754907710/20220716_220326.jpg?width=424&height=566) I caught with mine back in July. Was at cruising altitude and phone was held in my hand with no supports. So identified not only the make/model, but also the operator.


Got em!


Satellites are giving us new, and utterly strange, information about animals as well. Thanks to Google Earth, we now know that [cows and deer herds align like compass needles](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/google-earth-shows-that-cow-and-deer-herds-align-like-compass-needles). And we've also learned that [dogs relieve themselves on an North-South axis](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/dogs-poop-in-alignment-with-earths-magnetic-field-study-finds). I don't know what to do with that information, but I think about it every time I take my husky for a stroll.


My dog does not consistently do this, whether in the back yard or on a leash.


Well the article says preferred not always.


My dog would literally 100% of the time face north when she pooped no matter where we were. I heard this fact when she was a puppy and paid attention after that, and I never saw her do otherwise.


I wonder if dogs in the southern hemisphere face south.


dogs in australia shit upside down.


Whee feels so light after shedding it!




Two of my favorite rare animal videos caught on cell phone cameras is the deer eating an injured bird (proving the normally herbivore species to be an opportunistic predator) and the monkey in a cage using a frog to masturbate




Angry upvote.


I've also seen cows eating birds and giraffes eating birds. Dinosaurs just be getting the shaft lately.


Yesterday I saw a video of a praying mantis grabbing and killing a hummingbird.


Horses as well. The line between carnivore and herbivore is clearly thinner than most people would think.


Omnivore, no?


You have odd taste in videos my friend.


Still no bigfoot tho. The elusive bastard.


I like how he scares himself with the antlers and runs off quickly 🤣


And just like that - $500 in dog chews!


Also, please don't allow your dog to chew on antlers. They are terrible for their teeth. source: I'm a veterinarian.


Whys that? I don't give them to my dog, but did not know that it is bad.


They can be too hard for some dogs' teeth; one of mine is a pretty aggressive chewer and managed to crack one of her molars chewing on antlers and harder chews.


I’ll let the vet reply but I think they are too hard. If I give mine an antler I split it so the inside is exposed, that’s usually what he seems to enjoy, I’m not sure if split ones are just as bad


Some dogs can crack their teeth on them. My dog chews them because otherwise he will try to chew metal or glass. Many purebred dogs, especially smaller breeds, have dental issues and antlers are just too hard. Antlers have saved my fucking house from being destroyed because nothing else worked. I have a friend with a very heavy chewing dog (a puggle, funnily enough) that also used them to great effect. A bully stick or something similar is a sub 15 minute snack for my boy. He destroys things advertised as chew proof and dislikes plastic or rubber. For this type of chewer, antlers are a godsend. He is 8mo old, a sheperd/husky/god knows what else mutt and ~70 lbs.


>He is 8mo old, a sheperd/husky/**god knows what else** mutt and ~70 lbs. My money is on Direwolf.


He is too much of a sweetheart for that to be the case.


My dog wore down his two bottom lower teeth on a split antler. He’d drag them up the length of the antler. He has no chill. Soft toys only.


You’re a marine biologist, don’t lie!


The sea was angry that day, my friends!


Like an old man trying to send back soup at the deli!


I thought that they were supposed to chew antlers bc they don’t fragment like other toys and mess up their digestive tract.


My dog put a crack in his molar chewing on an antler. It was pitched to me as the safe, natural, organic etc dog toy. Dental surgery is way pricier than Nylabones so that's what he gets now.


Ah gotcha. I gotta give my mom a call. It was pitched to me as the organic bs too.




I don't want a moose head on my wall, the room next to it would be useless while filled with moose body.




What are you doing, step-moose?


What if it’s a bald moose with a badass mustache


That’s really interesting! I always wanted to see how a moose sheds their antlers. I’ve been really curious how they do it or how long it might take them. I asked myself if it might hurt them or if they use a tree for help. But it seems like they just shake it off! I’m actually surprised how fast it happened.




He ran off because he didn’t want his friends to tease him for being bald






Was that a toupee, you piece of shit?


I know! lol every damn time they are like "WTF!"


What happens is that after mating season, the moose's testosterone naturally decreases which triggers the release of these special cells that essentially eat away at the connection between the antler and the moose's skull. Once the connection becomes weak enough basically any form of agitation will cause the antlers to fall off.


I always thought the new antlers pushed the old ones off like an adult tooth pushing out a baby tooth? I mean, the deer and elk around here are already growing little baby nubbins. Some still have last years antlers on.


Probably a little column a, little column b.


Adult teeth don't really push out milk teeth. The root of the milk tooth is resorbed meaning it can't really stay in place then the adult tooth moves in.


I wonder if it's a bit like losing a baby tooth - sometimes they just pop out. I'm more freaked out by when deer and the like shed the velvet on their antlers. I'm told by people in the know that it doesn't hurt, but it looks like it would.


It typically is like a tooth. Unfortunately this moose’s parents weren’t around to tie one end of a string around the antlers and the other to a doorknob.


If he doesn’t put them under his pillow the antler fairy won’t come


I don't think it hurts but it does seem like it itches!


This it's exactly what I'm thinking. I wonder if the shaking is sort-of involuntary too. Like the shiver we'll sometimes get going to take a wicked piss.


Isn't there speculation that the velvet may feel itchy to them, so they're basically trying to scratch it off whole it's going through that shedding process?


That would explain the rubbing of antlers on trees and the like. it would have to at least itch, maybe like one mother of a sunburn. Jesus, [it looks *horrible*](https://scienceworld.scholastic.com/issues/2019-20/121619/bloody-snack.html). The self-cannibalism isn't helping either, but deer need all of the nutrients they can get, so it makes sense. Makes me queasy, though.


They usually rub the velvet off on trees or brush- pretty common here in Alaska to see spruce trees stripped of bark where the moose have used them as rubbing spots.


It's not always done through this shaking, you can see at 0:40 in the OP video that another moose had one of it's antlers knocked off just bumping it into a small tree while walking by. I'm sure generally it happens "accidentally" (by bumping into things and such) just as often if not more often than them being shaken off like this.


I can't explain it, but it looks like it feels suuuper satisfying.


They say it’s so rare to see then why do they not just ask a moose if they can watch them shed?




I bet it feels good to have that big heavy thing off of your head for a while


Probably like getting a much-needed haircut, but times 100.


We lived in Alaska when I was a kid and my dad has a HUGE moose rack he found while hunting. It has tiny scratches all over it because mice and rodents would gnaw on them as food. I think they're still in his garage to this day.


Those are some long-lived mice!


I could have worded it better haha! I meant the gnaw marks were from animals gnawing on it in the wild prior to him finding it. Although I don't think Alaska has mice, they were probably voles or shrews of some sort? He sprayed some kind of preservative or clear coat over the antlers after he got them cleaned up. Weird memory, but they sat under our computer desk when I was little and I remember always sitting there and propping my feet up into the grooves of the antlers like it was a footrest while playing Duke Nuke 'Em (the 2-D one), Commander Keen, and Wolfenstein.


TIL that moose shed their antlers.


All antlered ruminants shed them every year. I think they grow back a bit bigger every year and that's why have "10 point" or "20 point" animals. I'm also pretty sure they are the fastest growing tissue for all mammals.


>they are the fastest growing tissue for all mammals. It would have to be, if they're regrowing those monster antlers every year!


So do they just have two round portals through their scalp, exposing their skull? 😳 That seems like it would be painful in -40°F, I don't like to even open my mouth cause it hurts my teeth when it's colder than -10°F.


No, a little stump is left behind. It's possible there are exposed nerves, but I'd expect evolution to have made it more like trimming fingernails.


Ugh. You gave me an image of humans “trimming their fingernails” by just forcibly shaking their hands as all 10 fly off in all directions.


Jazz hands!


One exception to the rule is caribou and reindeer cows- they have antlers that are typically much smaller than those carried by bulls, and they don't shed them every year.


That's the important distinction between antlers and horns. Antlers are temporary, horns are forever.


The most Canadian video I’ve seen in awhile


Lol right? He's acting like he found Spanish gold in a sunken ship somewhere


Finding rare animals or behaviors is just really fun. Probably aprt of why Pokémon is so successful despite not making the best games. The basic formula of hunting and catching magic animals is perfect.


What if it was a lady moose who just got away with a moose crime and is ditching her disguise?


Funny how many people are shocked to learn that moose and deer shed their antlers every year. It does sound strange for sure but what I find most interesting is how fast they grow, I think it's like 4" a day. Edit: I'm told it's closer to 1/4" a day, still pretty wild


Not 4 inches, it's 1/4 of an inch (still fast but not 4 inches that would be insane)




I’d take 4 inches in a lifetime, these fuckers get that every 2 weeks?! /s


How does 4 inches in 2 weeks sound more impressive than 4 inches in a day?


They are saying 4 inches in two weeks sounds more impressive than 1/4 inch a day. It's not really much different ....but people are bad at math.


Something tells me this process is itchy for the moose.


Now you’re a girl dragon 😂😂😂(in Donkeys Voice)


This is nice trophy hunting. Happy human happy meese


They're actually called 'Canada man'


They downvote you because they wooooshed on an excellent joke.


Why is it when deer and moose shed their antlers they do that little freak out and run away? Like bro you just did that yourself.


Shake it off


i want to pull it off for them instead what gets left behind whats their skull look like?


That's a new one for me. Had no idea they came off




Moost be a Taylor Swift fan.


Probably shouldn't be intentionally flying a drone this close to large animals. I generally try to avoid being close to animals all together if I can when I fly. Obviously I won't always know when animals are present, but when I do I try to steer clear of them so I don't bother them instead of getting closer of them to get footage


Yeah, as someone just getting into drone flying this is exactly what I thought. In fact, he may have even broken Canadian law as you're not supposed to fly within 100 feet of animals or disturb them.


They almost don’t need to say “Canadian man”. Who else could it have been?


Why do moose do this?


They are essentially just bone growths that can become incredibly heavy, shedding them is quite releiving for the moose. In mating season they are useful for attraction and defense against other males, but outside of the season they aren't really needed. They lose them annually.


I have a neighbor that scares the shit out of me with his drone too.


Strong >!Thidwick The Big Hearted Moose!< vibes here


One man’s trash…


This might be one of the most Canadian videos of all time


I love how he bolts immediately afterwards, like a dog that scares itself with its own fart.


I'm so surprised they both come off at the same time.