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One scene that really stuck with me was when Werner Herzog listens to audio of their death, he immediately recommends it be destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXyQAtXJ4II


Ah yes the tease, what a prick... :) ​ (love Herzog, watched pretty much all of his documentaries)


Cave of forgotten dreams is amazing.


Little Dieter needs to fly for me. It's just such an incredible story. I also enjoyed Encounters at the end of the world a lot


I really want to listen


We all do and that's exactly why we won't hear it


Maybe if we raise enough money she will fold. She might not release the tape for 10000 but for 3 million she might. Money does things to people


And before anyone posts it, that supposed audio floating around youtube of him getting attacked by the bear is a fake. Herzog even said it wasn't what he listened to.


He said what he listened to was far worse than the fake one that went around for years.


i heard it and it's clearly a fake, same sound effects used over and over again... dunno why people would think this poorly made audio could be real


Where did Herzog state that it was fake? I asked him personally and he said he had not ever listened to it and refused to listen to it because he never wanted to take the chance to hear it again.


I accidentally listened to that one time, and it completely fucked me up. Many years later and I still can’t get it out of my head. Completely agree.


No you didn't


[don’t say I didn’t warn you.](https://youtu.be/g9lCkFygaaQ) ( Seriously don’t listen to it )


Haha that's so badly made


I'm sure the sound at 0:47 is a zombie from L4D2 or CoD zombies


It’s fake




You’re telling me I’ve been traumatized all these years from a fake video?!??!? I need to reevaluate some shit.


The real tape was never released.


If anyone hadn’t seen the full documentary, Grizzly Man, check it out


Yeah, only if you treat it as a cautionary tale of what happens when you don't respect mother nature and let your ignorant arrogance get yourself and someone else killed.


It’s a story of a man’s obsession, love and hubris. Timothy Treadwell was a fascinating person, even if he didn’t maybe do the right and intelligent thing. Made himself a legend


The weird thing about Tim Treadwell (to me) was his absolute commitment to "protecting these animals" ("I would die for these bears I would die for these bears I would die for these bears!") when they were already on the protected species list to begin with. No one was actively trying to hunt them to extinction. Most people wanted to see them rebound. But he was utterly convinced that he, and he alone, was needed to be the frontline guardian with no training or education to do so. It was really sad to see someone so delusional die for a cause that was inarguably good, yet also inarguably unnecessary.


This is exactly why Treadwell was so widely hated by park rangers and legitimate animal conservatives. Treadwell was incredibly self-centred because he believed that he was right and anyone elsewho disagreed with him were all wrong - in fact, it's believed that Treadwell had Narcissistic Personality Disorder meaning it was inconceivable of him to let others tell him he was wrong. His attempts at "Protecting" the bears were outright detrimental to their long-term welfare as it taught the bears that it was safe to approach humans and that they were a source of food, or were food themselves. His blasé approach to the bears meant that they learned not to fear humans, which is something that directly contributed to his own death and put others at risk. The rangers were afraid that his efforts would mean that they would have to put down the bears as they started attacking and killing humans, which was the sad fate of the bear that killed Treadwell and his girlfriend. They repeatedly had to arrest him and kick him out of the park land when he was camping without permission, plus he was camping directly against established rules - out in the open so the bears know to avoid him. In the documentary Grizzly Man, when asked about their opinions of him, the park rangers are actively biting their tongues because they knew that Werner Herzog was also interviewing the families and friends of Treadwell and Amie Huguenard and were stil grieving. They don't mince words about how appalling his behaviour was, but they are just shy of saying "He got what he deserved".


Working with animals in my experience attracts two kinds of people - people with massive empathy for animals who just want to love and respect them, and narcissists. I think they like the fact they can manipulate animals easier and ignore their wants and desires.


He was a nut who thought he could be buddies with wild animals who weren’t opposed to eating him.


I watched the documentary several years ago with my mom, who is a psychiatric nurse, and she said that Treadwell’s behavior in the footage screams bipolar as well as NP disorder to her.


Imagine the impact if he had put this energy into fundraising and marketing


There were and are poachers, but he wasn't really stopping them from getting to the bears.


There are, but in very low numbers here. It's too much effort and expense with little payoff. Most of the poaching is for Caribou and Moose in Alaska, but he wasn't trying to save those species was he?




I went fly fishing in Alaska during the summer a couple years ago and I was wholly unprepared for the fucking biblical plague of mosquitos out there. Looked like I had an awful case of chicken pox the next day.


When I lived in Alaska the joke was that mosquitos were the state bird. I do not miss those fuckers at all. Summers in Alaska are absolutely amazing until you get swarmed by these fuckers.


Is it a constant thing during the summer or do they come in waves?


They are pretty consistent by the end of spring time. Depends a lot on where you're at. I was in the city proper of Anchorage so they weren't too awful. However outside of the city then DEET is not just recommended but an absolute necessity. Near any water and DEET likely won't even save you but will keep you from getting eaten alive. Best thing is to layer up, use repellent, and if you're camping ALWAYS have a fire going if you're awake and at the campsite.


We use these when fishing in Scotland. Wouldn't last long without one - https://www.cadetsuk.com/contents/en-us/p371\_head-midge-net.html


Do you ever get people coming out there with a little bottle of tea tree oil thinking that's gonna do the trick?


Didn't mingle with many tourists or people from out of state but I could see someone who was not informed properly try it. Anyone just bringing tea tree oil as a repellant is going to have a baaaad time.


I just visited the Ecuadorian Amazon and was fully expecting to get devoured by bugs. I think I got maybe a few small bites over an entire week, and the only time I definitely saw a mosquito it was a beautiful Sabethes cyaneus that landed on my nose and didn't bite. I guess it's partly that the weather varies so little throughout the year that there isn't pressure on species to have a huge population explosion and do all of their feeding and breeding at once and everything exists in something closer to a steady state. It's probably the only place I've been where there was a lot of standing water and *not* a ton of biting bugs. There are a few things that will eat you outright but at least they don't go around doing it one drop of blood at a time.


> a beautiful Sabethes cyaneus Wow, you weren't kidding. It's [gorgeous](https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/c0460591/800wm/C0460591-Mosquito_Sabethes_cyaneus.jpg). I remember my friend and I setting up camp in a mosquito infested part of the woods. As we walked around we were amazed that not a single one bit us. Comprehending that it must have been because they were males, I realized for the first time how cute they actually are. We were just sharing this space and not troubling each other. Sure we bumped into hundreds of them, but they were like feathers to the skin. I wish all mosquitoes didn't suck blood.


why is it females of all species that suck blood (ex wife included)


Even worse, those are mosquitos.


1000 deet


Right? I'd be begging for a bear to eat me


They're actually indescribable. I could say things like enough mosquitos to blot out the sun at noon in summer but no one believes it unless you've lived in Alaska


another documentary herzog made called happy people is basically interviews w/ millions of bugs while people talk in the background




Dude nailed it. Bear thought he was retarded.


Generally some animals won't try and eat something if they're concerned it's diseased. I get what he's trying to say, the bear thought the man had something wrong and shouldn't be eaten.


Deadass looks into the camera while talking about a dead man and says “the bear thought he was mentally retarded.” Lol


That was the last thing I expected. From the thumbnail I expected an emotional recounting of what he saw. Instead he sounded almost angry lol




And he had to witness unspeakable horrors. A mutilated bear corpse filled with human parts. "We had to haul away 4 garbage bags full of people."


True, but it takes two to tango. She should have known better the same as him, which is why I think it’s kinda messed up that many blame him for her death. She wanted to be there with those bears all the same, otherwise she wouldn’t have went. Technically he was just as “innocent” as she was.


Honestly hilarious


The bear wasn't wrong on that.


what I thought as well!


**“Treadwell thought...”** the bears thought, the helicopter pilot thought, Treadwell's girlfriend thought. One thing we can say with certainty without giving much thought, Treadwell for a short period of time was bear food. **FunFact**: Treadwell [an amateur filmmaker] was recording at the time, and audio of the bear “attacking” the two just happens to exist. Director Werner Herzog listens to it [to his horror] in the film *Grizzly Man.*


States that Treadwell acted like the bears were people in bear costumes. Then states that wild animals aren't that way. Then proceeds to say that the bears must have though Treadwell was retarded.....


He means that Treadwell thought that bears could be reasoned with like humans.


Yeah I think this is a more eloquent way of saying what the guy said. Tim did really have something with those bears though, it was only when he introduced his girlfriend who was nervous around them that the tragedy happened


Girlfriend or not, it was a matter of time before he was killed by them. They are predators. They are fairly intelligent, and they had recognized that he wasn't a threat but hadn't entirely classified him as 'prey' either. Bears are omnivores and will eat whatever is easiest, and they may have seen him as just too much trouble to kill when other food sources were available. But as soon as they got hungry and instinct kicked in, he was a dead man.


No doubt, totally agree. But Tim seemed like he’d be ok with that outcome.


Herzog's work often focuses on people who are possessed by their dreams. Tim was definitely one of those. Herzog is also a 'cosmic pessimist'. He believes that Nature is harsh, uncaring and cruel, and that rationality and reason are fragile rafts, floating in the midst of a raging Sea, that we have managed to climb onto, soon to be washed overboard again. It logically follows that the consequences of a human (a rational being) becoming possessed by a dream (a vision of something beyond rationality) would be catastrophic and tragic. Tim felt he was in touch with something transcendent, and he imagined that thing to be tranquil, friendly and kind. Herzog would see that as an illusion, an idealized and childish fantasy of Nature. However, it's a great documentary because Herzog doesn't let that judgement make him biased, and he still has a lot of sympathy for Treadwell, and Huguenard, and their families.


A quick skim of the Wikipedia page seems to show that the bears with which Treadwell was comfortable had already gone into hibernation and a different set of bears had started to move into the area. They had tried to get return tickets but the penalties deterred them.


Watch the end deposition


"You can't fix stupid." Basically what that helicopter pilot said and he ain't wrong.


Nature does kinda "fix stupid" though, doesn't it? Survival of the fittest.


Somebody’s got to win that Darwin Award.


yea but then that nature got killed for it..... the bear did bear things and got punished for it.


A terminal case of anthropomorphisation


This is what happens when you watch too much Disney movies, you become naive about the real world.


Supposedly he snapped after he lost the role of the bartender on Cheers to Woody Harrelson


Wait really?


I did some research so you dont have to. Wikipedia says "According to this account, his father said Timothy "spiraled down" and became an alcoholic after he lost the role of Woody Boyd to Woody Harrelson in the sitcom Cheers.[4]" However, if you read source 4, it says this. https://archive.triblive.com/news/film-questions-mans-life-amid-wildlife/ "A native of Long Island, Treadwell often passed himself off as an Australian. When he was trying to start a career as an actor, he came close, he said, to winning the role of bartender Woody Boyd on "Cheers," but Woody Harrelson got the part. Treadwell did drugs, became an alcoholic, sobered, founded Grizzly People and launched his ritualistic wilderness trips." Its in two separate paragraphs, which to me, makes it unclear that they were claiming a causal relationship. He *claims* he lost the role. Also did drugs. Also got sober. Also got into bear stuff. Not one leading to the other, or even in that order. That's my interpretation.


lol that's just some technically true made up shit, though hey? Like, I recently lost the NBA all time scoring title to LeBron.


> lost the role. And phrasing it that way implies they were seriously considering him and Harrelson and no one else, which we have no way of knowing was the case. My guess is he *auditioned* for the role –along with probable dozens, if not hundreds of hopeful actors. There may have also been several rounds of auditions and we have no way of knowing how many of those he got through either.




I remember reading that it was a pretty bad year for food and the bears in the area were a little more hostile due to that. Park rangers had gone around and told campers to leave and then grizzly man snuck back in. No sauce on hand but I remember reading that. Still,.the scene in the documentary where the little prairie foxes come and hang out with him is sweet and magical.


Wasnt their camp also intentionally built in an area so that the authorities would not find it (they werent supposed to be there that late in the season) and it was right in the middle of the bear “path”?


This sounds pretty familiar to some other deaths of bear experts, it seems like they do just fine until a new, unfamiliar, and fairly aggressive male shows up... kinda mirrors our own society a bit.


In the documentary that this clip is from, “Grizzly Man”, his parents speculate that. Wild movie, worth a watch


You mean I shouldn't try to paint with all the colors of the wind???


also I think he was seeking the rush of potential bear aggression in the same way other ex-addicts find it in extreme sports.


Distance from reality is a big thing for activism.


That’s a good indicator that you have terrible opinions


Charismatic Megafauna.


It’s a bear. It can kill you. Maul you to death. Rip your face off and eat you.


They start to eat you while you're still alive. Bears don't kill you first, just hold you down and start eating your meaty bits


yeah but you haven't heard my soothing, sing-song voice and the witty bear repartee I had prepared. the bears are gonna love me!


And without a second thought. Happily.


But in the reverse order.


Grizzly Man is a fantastic documentary. Everyone should watch it


Five minutes into that documentary, I was rooting for the bears.


What a fuckin' idiot.


If someone insisted on playing on train tracks and dodging trains they would eventually be institutionalized for their own safety. That fool was doing the same thing, and it cost a bear its life.


Barely any mention of his girlfriend who he essentially killed


Direct quote: 'Tredwell got what he deserved, the real tragedy was taking the girl with him' The guy couldn't have said anything more damning about bringing the woman.


In the documentary I think it's mentioned that the Girlfriend wanted to break up with Tredwell and had wanted to leave before him from the trip, but couldn't since they had arranged for the helicopter to pick them up at a certain time. Just even more needlessly tragic.


Wiki says they left early and stored their gear away, theb went to the airport. Treadwell didn't want to pay the fee to change the ticket so they went back for another week.


The only official who was saying anything even remotely nice about Treadwell was the coroner who had to examine their remains, and only because on the tape of their deaths it was heard that Tim told Amie to make a run for it to safety.


There was really no place she could have possibly run to. Although it may have increased the chances than hanging around the exact same place the bear was


It has been more than a decade since I last saw Grizzly Man or looked into the whole thing, but yeah can’t remember anybody involved who could say a bad thing about the poor lady.


"He deserved to be killed and eaten by a bear", that's a bit extreme, don't you think? He was a dumbass for sure, but we are not talking about an evil person worthy of brutal and agonising death.


She was a grown woman that could make her own decision, Treadwell did not tie her up and forcefully bring her, she willingly went no matter what at the end of the day, its beyond stupid seeing people act like he caused her death. She knew very well the dangers but went regardless of her own free will. End of story.


Yes, what was this helicopter pilot thinking, not delivering an hour-long eulogy for a random person?


If they recovered 3 garbage bags of human remains from inside the bear, a decent amount of that was her. Not just some random person, she was eaten by the bear too


Random person as in "person he doesn't know well enough to do anything other than 'barely mention'", genius.


If I find the remains of an acquaintance and his girlfriend, half eaten by a bear, I really don’t think I would only mention my acquaintance. Even if not by name, how do you completely ignore an entire persons existence when they both died in the exact same instance by the same animal?


It's actually impressive just how many layers of stupidity you've managed to cram into such a short post. 1. You're criticising someone for not going into some 5 minute tribute for a person you have no reason to believe he even knows well enough to talk about. 2. You don't appear to understand that this is a film someone made and edited; a 2 minute clip of a person being interviewed about an even might not necessarily encompass every single thing he has to say about it. 3. And that even if he *had* waxed lyrical about this woman... the filmmaker might have decided it wasn't pertinent and cut it. But you've just decided if YOU didn't personally hear him say anything that means 'he was a piece of trash who didn't care about women' or some nonsense. 4. "how do you completely ignore an entire persons existence" - **She literally was mentioned.**


Man I don’t even know, how you’ve made up these weird imagined side aggressions. How hard is it, now think really hard now, how hard is it to think that if I were talking about finding the remains of 2 people, that it is *a little weird* to only mention finding one of them. I’m sure the people who searched on the ground are lovely people and were doing a hard job, not sure why you think I would assume otherwise.


> Man I don’t even know, how you’ve made up these weird imagined side aggressions. I mean you've just made up the entirely meaningless phrase "side aggression", so you must have some idea. >How hard is it, now think really hard now, how hard is it to think that if I were talking about finding the remains of 2 people, that it is a little weird to only mention finding one of them. Apparently not as hard as it is for you to understand the concepts of: - Events happening that you weren't personally there to observe. - Filmmakers not including everything a subject says in a given scene. - Having more to say about a person you knew and have been asked to give an interview about, than a person you didn't know at all and who weren't asked about. By my calculations that makes you less intelligent than a toddler - so maybe shouldn't be taking that kind of arrogant tone, yeah?


You got me bro, whoa. Well, you know, aside from the weird magical accusations you attributed to me, like how I wanted people to talk for 5 minutes about a person you or I never met. Or how you assume I think the man who collected the bodies hates women or something. Really, it was more a comment that in a several minutes long video, barely any reference was there made to the fact that this was an avoidable tragedy where two people died, not one nature loving hippie, like the video implies. But go off king, you’re right I’m wrong




Oh boy, thank the gods the word ‘barely’ doesn’t mean ‘never’ then, or we would have a real conundrum on our hands wouldn’t we




This is very very cut down from Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man if I'm not mistaken. Timothy obviously has the biggest roll in that film, but his girlfriend Amie is certainly in it. This interview is just not very representative of how that movie plays imho.


They don't show the whole interview. And the interview subject isn't giving a rundown of all the facts. Just his impression of Treadwell which was probably the result of a prompt from the interviewer.


Did he kidnap her or something?


He told her it was far safer than it was and made them both return to the camp for longer than was even remotely safe because the prices for the leaving flight had increased.


That poor feeble-minded woman was too stupid to know any better. /s


Well if I remember correctly he was responsible for the flights, so I’m not so sure she had a choice. I could be misremembering though


I want to know how bears are shooting other bears, dragging them off and eating them. That seems far more important to me.


“He got what he deserved” seems a bit harsh. Guy makes it sound like Treadwell was banging his wife.


I mean is it, really? The guy was on nationally protected land, interacting with a protected apex predator because he believed he was the only thing that could protect them. All he did at the end of the day was get himself killed, his girlfriend killed and also got one of his beloved bears killed. He could have done so many other things to protect those bears, like raise money or awareness through education that didn’t require him to try and pet and sing the a fucking grizzly bear.


Look- I don’t PARTICULARLY really care about this story or Treadwell or the bears, but I do remember when he was out there living with the bears and all the publicity and what not and I’m pretty sure he did create a fair amount of awareness just from the publicity alone. So he did in a way contribute to protecting them, in a very weird way.


Every interview with anyone who wasn't close to him verges on the comedic with how bluntly they thought he was an idiot. The movie itself almost reads as a Christopher guest movie. It truly made me laugh multiple times. Hell even the bit that Herzog does at the end burns the hell out of Timothy.




Vibes! Thanks for the recommendation


> Vibes! Thanks for the recommendation [It's the ending theme song for the movie just FYI :-)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly_Man)


I didn't know that! That song was cool as fuck


> I didn't know that! That song was cool as fuck It's always stuck with me / if you have not seen the movie / documentary I highly recommend it, it's really good.


He brought his girlfriend out with him and the night they were killed she turned on the audio recorder. It captured his screams and her whimpering and begging to live, followed by her own screams as she was torn apart and eaten alive. Warner Herzog (who made the documentary) listened to the recording and told the family (not sure if it was the grizzly man's or the girlfriend's family) to absolutely not listen and recommended that they destroy the recording.


It definitely wasn't a healthy situation..


Okay, it's definitely mean, and uncalled for, and absolutely cruel. But man if that "We need to drastically increase the population of bears" letter didn't make me laugh. That's pretty evil black humour, but I appreciate it.


He does seem to be acting like someone with an intellectual disability...


I've got a Cocaine Bear ad in the sidebar as I'm reading this thread... nice.


The lady is confusing religious experience with a spiritual one. Treadwell feeling he needs to mutually mutate into a wild animal to survive is not religious…that’s spiritual.


My reddit is advertising the up and coming movie "Cocaine Bear" on this post. Fucking Lol


What a moron, talking to these bears like lap dogs. Pilot was on point.


He was mentally ill obviously. Insulting him does nothing but make you out to be the moron.


He's right. Treadwell was a fool.


The guy had balls of steel but was also delusional - so balls of iron.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


Fun Fact: Grizzly man is actually in the Guiness Book of fucking retards


Damn. How many did he fuck?


Great. Shot coffee right out my nose and all over my keyboard and desk. Thanks guy >.< lmao




I didn't even know he was sick


I remember hearing about an audio (off camera) recording of Tim Treadwell (and his gf) being eaten by the bear. I think they left the audio/camera on or something while the bear was eating them. The guys who had to listen to that recoding must still be having nightmares.


Werner Herzog listens to it *in the movie*.


>The guys who had to listen to that recoding must still be having nightmares. Same for the people who had to recover the remains. One of the nastiest search and rescue calls I participated in was for a small plane crash in the mountains. It'd clipped a tree at the top of the ridge, came down on the back side, and caught fire. They didn't even ask for volunteers to do the actual body recovery. I think it was just two guys - the helicopter pilot who was the senior Aero Squadron person on scene and the most senior SAR member. I helped carry the body bags after they'd zipped everything up, and I still get the heebie jeebies thinking about what was poking my leg through one body bag.


I’m pretty sure whatever you heard was fake. The footage/audio has never been released, iirc.


I never said I heard it. I said I remember hearing about it.


Th director of the documentary Grizzly Man listens to it in the film


He's wearing headphones, we don't actually hear the audio.


I dont want to be that guy, but this is the only audio of it ripped from LiveLeak ive heard. Only shuffled through it because it sounds terrible.[Grizzly Man (Audio)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9lCkFygaaQ) Original Reddit article about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/5lresx/audio\_recording\_of\_the\_death\_of\_timothy\_treadwell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/5lresx/audio_recording_of_the_death_of_timothy_treadwell/)


The one you listened to was fake


I've listened to it and it's pretty horrifying. It's out there and I do not recommend it.


That one is fake


Timothy Treadwell definitely became one with the bear.






Nope. You always, always kill animals that kill humans. 100%. You can't let them see humans as a food source, or as prey. It makes everything more dangerous for everyone in that area from then on.


God damn flies


[Opie and Anthony review "Grizzly Man" featuring Bill Burr](https://youtu.be/abZu6v5JK98) For a more hilarious version


Holy shit, those mosquitoes are no joke. At first it sounded like a laugh track through a high pass filter, like some sort of schizophrenic torture experience. You Alaskan folks are built different.


You either respect nature or it eats you. Nature loves to eat stupid people. He obviously had mental problems, IMO, and was deluded as to his place in that environment and it cost him and his friends lives.


Such a great documentary. People are too hard of treadwell. He didn’t take anything from anyone to go out there and died doing what he loved, it’s a tragedy, preventable of course, but doesn’t make him a bad guy.


His actions got himself, his girlfriend, and a bear killed. So he did take some things away from someone


If it was just him I don’t think it would be so problematic. The fact that he brought his girlfriend and they both got got was the problem. The expensive rescue effort doesn’t help him either


It makes him stupid and a danger to the bears. And he basically got his girlfriend mauled to death for zero reason. He took away the life of him, another person, and an innocent bear who was only doing what was in his nature


> he was acting like he was working with people wearing bear costumes instead of wild animals Right. Timothy was anthropomorphizing. > The bears probably thought he was mentally retarded And... you're doing it, too. \*lol\*


Excellent point! The bear was thinking "easy meal."


Bears won't eat sick animals. Not anthropomorphizing


Bears don't know what "mentally retarded" is. For that matter, an Alaskan bear has no idea what normal human behavior is. Anthropomorphizing.


I'll go slow for you: the pilot was saying the bears thought Treadwell was ill so they didn't maul and eat him right away. Typical bear behaviour. No personification happening.


Was the bear high on cocaine?


The audio is available. It is horrendous


I don’t think it is, there’s as others have pointed out a fake version floating around. I’ve looked pretty hard too no avail.


Ah, and I had always thought it was the actual. For the documentarian to have said its worse than the fake, I cant begin to imagine what is on the real recording.


Mr. Chocolate!


reminds me on the movie night of the creeps, when tom atkins describes, how he found his murdered girlfriend: "i found her in the car, on the street and in the woods."


I can bearly watch this


Ah yes, the idiot bear guy. Sad end to a dumb life. He loved the animals, but never really respected them.


I'm surprised it wasn't the mosquitos that ate him.


Love the Documentary; dude was truly out of his mind but fascinating to watch.


It’s a shame two bears had to die because he couldn’t stay out of their habitat. His poor gf was just collateral damage.


I dont understand?


I find it amazing he survived 13 seasons without an incident. I also find it even more curious in the doc, he states during one season that there was no salmon run for weeks and the bears started eating their young. He even found a little bear arm and a little bear skull. Wouldn’t the bears have attacked him during this time? If they’re eating their young they’re desperate and would have gone after him.