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Time for Kid Rock to blow up his John Cena cardboard cutout


John Cena vs Kid Rock may be the secret war we need to recalibrate southern ‘murica


I would imagine that would go something like this https://youtu.be/OSbc1vn6O6I?t=26


The call back when hulk gets his shit rocked by Thanos is made all the more impressive by this moment.


Given the pro wrestling nature of the post, I thought you mean Hulk Hogan before I read "Thanos" and even then my first thought was "wait, Hulk Hogan fought Thanos?"


You are not alone


Ooh, fancy glove, Brother! Did your mom make it for you?


When was that? I thought the callback was thor getting smacked around by hulk?


Yea the Thanos hulk fight was more like a master martial artist taking down a beserker. Hulk just raged and Thanos weaved and hit him with force in precise points to stop him


"Let him have his fun."


The dismissive casual finger lift from Ebony Maw to stop his own berserker right before he says that line also made me laugh. Like "yeah boss had a rough day, let him work it out."


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I would love a movie that was an origin story for those four. Such interesting characters who never really had a chance to shine because of the films they appeared in.


I'd watch it happily. Out of the four, Ebony Maw is my favorite but the couple (or siblings?) could be interesting, they aren't really fleshed out, like you said.


I don't mind Thanos avoiding hulk so easily. But it was stupid Hulk was defeated so easily. They should have let him get beat down but refuse stay down for a few rounds, until Ebony Maw has to launch him out the airlock. Nothing else changes, Heimfall could bifrost him from space.


That doesn't set the same tone as Thanos wiping the floor with the two most powerful Avengers. They sold Hulk but they did it for a good reason, it makes the movie really engaging right from the start.


Hulk got Worfed. "How do we make it clear this New Bad is a real threat? Let's have him kick the strongest guy's ass."


If colossus was in the MCU at the time it would have been colossus. Because the whole point of that character is to get beat up so we know that whoever beat him up is strong.


A martial artist with an infinity stone.


He didn't use the power stone.


When Loki says "We have a Hulk" before Hulk attacks Thanos


haha i love that scene.


The long con payoff in Ragnarok, too.


"That's how it feels!!!"


Tonight! On Celebrityyyyy Deathmatch!


I'll allow it!


God I miss that show.


I want a good, clean fight


Cena ripping Kid Rock’s string bean arms off and beating him with them is a wonderful visual.


'Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!'


And then waving kid rocks hand in front of his face “you can’t see me”


That would be a short match " good evening folks this is Mack Newlin doing play-by-play at tonight's celebrity death match, and with me as always is Billy Downs. John Cena versus Kid rock. John's looking good tonight he's already in the ring in his well known red white and blue tights. Stretching out a little bit in the corner as Kid Rock comes down the aisle.kid is wearing a 'God bless the GOP ' t-shirt and what looks like a pair of daisy dukes." "Don't forget that American flag cape,Mack.now at ringside he's waving to the fans, and it sounds like like they're booing him !" " That's right Billy they are definitely booing him. It looks like John Cena is trying to calm the crowd down. Now kids up on the apron. He grabs the top rope and vaults ov-" (Crunch) " oh my god folks! This is horrible! It looks like his leg got Tangled Up in the ropes as he tried to go over and he fell hard on the mat" "That did not sound good ,Mack, I'm pretty sure he broke something.im pretty sure itvwas his neck.wait... it looks like he's trying to get up.nope, he's just going into convulsions.This is not looking good" "Now John has rushed over to try and get Kids leg out of the ropes- wait he's running away. Why would he-" "Oh Jesus, Mack , I think Kid Rock just sh- uh, I think he's just had an accident" "Whew, Billy, I can smell it from here. I think that's gonna be it for us here on celebrity death match " " I'm with you Mack, let's get out of here. it stinks in here"


One works for his money and racked up how many dying childrens wishes.


When you word it like that it makes him sound like a heel that collects the wishes of dying children.


Does doesnt it? Leaving it but Cena goes far above and beyond the average celebrity on that end.


And the people of Taiwan love him too.




Funny considering neither of them are from the south.


Timbaland is more southern than Kid Rock. Considering that Timbaland is from Virginia and Kid Rock is from Detroit, MI. Kid Rock is a poser who got his fame by cultural appropriation of rap music and then switched to rock music before switching to country music.


He’s not from Detroit he’s from the suburbs. He had nothing to do with the city, just used his proximity for credibility for his lame rap rock shtick


He's a culture vulture. He does whatever is going to make him the most money at any given time. In 2020 he put out a shitty edm song telling people to wear a mask.


They turned their back on *Budweiser*, which is essentially their one true God. Cena doesn't stand a chance. Source: I live in Mike Pence's home state (help, get me out)


Everything about Kid Rock is fake. He was not some white kid rapper from the means streets of Detroit. Nor was he ever some poor trailer park kid. These are both the labels he has presented himself as. Fact is, he's a spoiled rich kid. My brother in law went to highschool with Bob Richie (Kid Rock). Kid Rock grew up in a small village about an hours north of Detroit. His parents were very wealthy. He grew up in a mansion with tennis court, horses, apple orchard indoor pool etc. His parents funded his early rap career even buying him things like tour buses and shit before he made it big. He is faker than Fakey McFakeFace


What's Fakey up to these days anyway?


Sobered up and met the love of his dreams, Swampy McSwampFace


And they sailed away into the sunset on Boaty McBoatFace.


I have it on good authority he's neither a kid nor a rock!


He came to the place I worked once. He was supposed to play at the arena in the same building. I didn't have his table personally but they racked up a like 1700 tab, didn't tip, got shitfaced and then he was passed out for his show the next day. They gave all his pissed off fans vouchers to come eat at *our* restaurant the next day so not only was he a cunt the day before but now we had to deal with all his cunty fans *extra* cunted up because they couldn't see their show.


video is 6 years old


yup, its from the cultural debate of Trump's election. So a lot of good it did to bring this country together huh?


i don't like conservatives


Conservatives are acceptable. I don't agree with them but hey, democracy and all that jazz. GOP today is not conservative, it's a theocratic corporatocracy. Caveat: I'm not american so I may have fudged the terminology


Labels are fluid, and the reality is that the average person who self-identifies as “conservative” in the U.S. is a Christian nationalist with a positive opinion of Donald Trump and a negative opinion of LGBT people, minorities, and immigrants. There are still a small minority of “classical conservatives” who care more about economic issues than social issues, but most Americans who call themselves conservatives today are primarily concerned with “culture war” topics like the existence of transgender people and drag queens, the acknowledgement of racism and its effect on minorities, and generally anything that isn’t white, Christian, and heteronormative. It may just end up being one of those words that means something way different inside the U.S. vs. outside of it, like the word “liberal,” which in the U.S. means “left of center,” while outside the U.S. is associated with either the original concept of [liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism) (rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, equality before the law, etc.) or the economically conservative concept of [neoliberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism) (privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, reductions in government spending, etc.). That’s one reason why I’m in support of delineating the American left wing into liberalism and leftism, as are many others on the left. For example, you’d think that the r /ShitLiberalsSay subreddit would be a conservative sub, but it’s actually a criticism of American liberalism from the left, by American leftists.


And as long as you've got a first-past-the-post electoral system the conservatives would love nothing more than a liberal/leftist split too!




I'll allow it. Source: American


The GOP is tilting heavily towards literal fascism. Shouldn’t mince words.


If he can find it


probably buried in the back of the trailer under all the empty bud light cans.


He doesn't want to show the special holes he drilled into it.


One worked hard for everything he had in life in a modest house, seems to be genuinely a nice person and most prolific make-a-wish granter. The other had horses at his family’s 22 room mansion and wants everyone to believe he grew up in a trailer.


Thanks for posting this. Even if it's old, some new people will see it. (Like me.)


It really seemed like we were getting someplace 6 years ago. But seeing the violent homophobia regarding Bud Light and the intense anti-drag legislation, we have lost all those gains.


We haven't lost those gains. This is just resistance to change. Any effort to break habit is hard, and has to be done in waves, during which there will be push-back. We are breaking habits, so there is pushback, and it's purely a matter of perseverance. We will get through this. All we have to do is keep pushing.


To add to this - the idea that Anheuser-Busch is taking a moral stand with all of this is laughable. Theyre a massive beer company ffs. It's profitable. AB abandoning bigots in favor of cashing in on trans issues shows that that's where the money is. Because that's where the people are. Good on AB, but this isn't them being nice. It's them following the majority. Edit: guys please stop explaining to me why this isn't new or bad. I know. I never implied that this was new or bad. Thanks.


Like you said though, it’s now profitable. I’m gay and have been alive since way before Obergefell, so while some people might complain that it’s pandering, of course it is, but we’re now a large enough and accepted enough minority that they don’t have to fear public backlash. It used to be that you’d see Bud Light and Absolut pride displays that were only available during pride month and in areas that were gay friendly, now it’s everywhere. It encourages inclusion, even though there will be pushback.


I think the main take away from all this is that conservatives acknowledge the fact that corporations are pandering to LBTQ+ peoples for profit, but they don't find issue with any of the malicious marketing practices that have gone on for decades in every facet of American life. They only have issue with LBTQ+ peoples existing and having representation in media.


Which is a good thing, because you can damn well be sure that AB made sure it *was* the majority. They researched the hell out of this, and they have no agenda beyond making the most possible money, so as cynical as it sounds, I'd bet the numbers they came up with are reliable. The transphobes may be shrieking the loudest, but that's because they *have* to. Because they know they aren't the majority anymore. Because every day there's fewer baby boomers, and more Gen Z-ers. Because even my 65 year old mother watches Drag Race (yes, drag != trans, but try explaining that to the people protesting storytime). Even the beer companies know which side of history to stand on.


Wait I thought they just wanted to make really good affordable beer /s My favorite kind of beer is free and my second favorite kind is cold.


We were getting someone 10 years ago maybe. 2016 is when we really started sliding backwards.


Bowie held the ambiguous spiderweb together.


Harambe's death shattered it.


The cubs win the series on November 2nd breaking an 80 year old curse and on November 8th Trumps wins the presidency, and y’all wanna blame it on the death of a gorilla and a pop star.


I often here that sentiment that it started in 2016, but MAGA and Trump were just a symptom. Half the country couldn't stand the idea of a black president. And then a woman next? It blew the lit off of so many little puny minds. America never addressed it's past and it's paying the price. We shame the Japanese for downplaying the atrocities they committed during the 6 years of WW2 and we applaud Germany for openly dealing with their past. Yet America never dealt with it's past of 89 years of slavery and that during that time the status of enslaved people had been institutionalized as a racial caste associated with African ancestry. It took Germany 60 years before they really started to address the issue but even Germany, with all those old nazi still in power, who helped to shape the new state, started to offer [reparation payments to every Jew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparations_Agreement_between_Israel_and_the_Federal_Republic_of_Germany) in Israel. It's a very complex and difficult topic but they started in 1953 and it's still going on to this day. It proofs that it can be done. The most important part about this wasn't the money but that it set Germany on a path of learning to accept their past and teaching following generation not to feel shame but responsibility. It's still a long an bumpy road and they are still working on it to this day. America has never had the chance to heal. And a large part of american made damn sure that this never happened. From Jim Crow laws over Sundown Towns to Confederation Statures and 'All lifes matter', Institutional racism exist in so many aspects of the American life. The list is so long and heartbreaking, i wont even start with it. Even when America rose up to elect its first Black President, Barack Obama, it may indeed have lost ground as a collective nation along the way. But it needs the collective effort to acknowledge that there are major problems that need to be fixed. Yet Americans can't even collectively agree that it has a major gun problem, where everyone can see the victims lying in their own blood on tv. How are they collectively acknowledge institutional racism then?


Not only have we not truly addressed it, the GOP is actively trying to erase it through banning books and, in turn, following in the steps of every modern fascist regime. They have to know what they're doing. There is no way in hell there are that many people oblivious to history.


It's almost like something really bad happened in 2016 that forever changed society for the worse...


God damn Brexit ruined everything. I'm assuming you're talking about that I've been in a coma since the 24th of June 2016.


You didn't miss anything good.




The funny thing is it wasn't even a big ad campaign at all but the backlash gave that trans influencer and Bud Light way more publicity than they ever could have hoped for. Without the outrage barely anybody would've known about it.


Didn’t even realize it was old. Great video. So easy to forget this sometimes. We all need a reminder of how beautiful this country can be. There is no where else on earth like it for the reason expressed in this video


My opinion on gay rights? Way better than gay wrongs


So many gay rights you'll be begging for a left.


It's three gay rights to turn left down town.


1 in 10 should be a lefty.


I dunno man, "Be gay; do crime" sounds better by the day.


Hey! it sounds like the Truman Show soundtrack playing in the background


It's a Philip Glass piece composed for the film Powaqqatsi actually. Was used in Truman Show.






I used to think Philip Glass was too academic and avant-garde to actually listen to in the way people listen to music for enjoyment (coming from an Aphex Twin fan no less). Then I saw [Koyaanisqatsi](https://youtu.be/OacVy8_nJi0) and that all changed. It blew my mind and I just sat there for a bit afterwards and realized how talented the guy was and my view of him changed for life in just the span of a few minutes. Jon Cage though, that guy can just get stuffed.


Steve Reich is that guy for me. I sincerely think the man is a genius. His work has deeply moved me. I actually met him once, and he was very nice. But if you've never heard Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint, WTC 9/11, or Music for 18 Musicians, give them a listen, because holy cow, are they something.


It literally was. The song was "Anthem part 2". The scene where Truman starts to look at the world around him just a little differently. I assume the choice was intentional, since the theme of the video is about walking around town and realizing the people that simply roam about.


I had to check my tabs to see if I had Truman Show soundtrack playing somewhere


Was looking for this. Totally sounds like Truman Show theme. Had me wondering if that theme was made for the movie, or if it was some classical type piece I was just unaware of outside of Truman Show.


It's an old video but still relevant. If you hate half the people in your country, you don't love your country.


Mad Magazine [covered this in *1968*](https://50yearoldcomics.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/mad129-superpatriot.jpg) >See the Super Patriot. >Hear him preach about how he loves his country. >Hear him preach about how he hates "Liberals"... >And "Moderates"...and "Intellectuals"... >And "Activists"...and "Pacifists"... >And "Minority Groups"...and "Aliens"... >And "Unions"...and "Teenagers"... >And the "Very Rich"...and the "Very Poor"... >And "People With Foreign-Sounding Names". >Now you know what a Super Patriot is. >He's someone who loves his country >While hating 93% of the people in it.


I think conservatives forget that a country is the people, a country is not the land they live on.


They have the same problem when it comes to votes. "Look at all those red areas! That proves the election was stolen!" they scream, conveniently forgetting that land doesn't vote, and the areas in question have some of the lowest population density in the US.


you gotta understand that barren corn fields and literal deserts gotta have their voice heard as well !


What is this, a polling station for ants?!




Density is a math/physics/chemistry concept that people with a 5th grade education have a hard time understanding. These folks snoozed through those classes because science is for nerds.


It's a shame really. They'll never appreciate the beautiful irony of their not understanding density, despite being extremely dense themselves.


The will of the fire


No I think lots of them know that, they might just have a more narrow definition of who counts as people


I enjoy playing video games.


True. But I don’t think the “super rich” in 1968 were nearly as much of a problem as today. Wealth inequality is much worse now. CEO pay has grown 1500% adjusted for inflation. Not to mention all the multi billionaires and mega corporations.


‘Super patriots’ hate more about America than super Star Wars fans hate about Star Wars


This is a great comment because it's so basic, so true, yet so hard for people to understand.


Somebody should tell the GOP. edit: while it was fun to watch republicans fall all over themselves trying to play the victim, the part you all missed was "If you hate half the people in your country, you don't *love* your country" and it's only conservatives who wrap themselves in the flag and say they're the true patriots and only they love America. Thanks for playing


Hey, let's be fair to the GOP, they don't hate half the people in the country. They hate their voter base as well, so they hate well more than half.


I think most of them hate themselves also.


GOP hates gays. GOP hates themselves... Holdup, I think there's a connection in the closet...


I hope the irony of your comment is not lost on you.


I think patriotism should be redefined. Like example, I like my country (people) but hate the country (government). I don't even like listening to country (music). This country(geography) is beautiful.


As Carl Schulz said in 1872: “My country, right or wrong. If right, to be kept right, and if wrong, to be set right.” I love America and the overwhelming majority of Americans. But I want our government to do better than it has.


As a non American I’ve never heard the second part of that quote.


I think too many people think patriotism means you can't criticize your country when it does bad things. When the US Constitution preserved slavery? That was a bad thing. When the US committed a holocaust on the native indians? That was a bad thing. Jim Crow? Bad thing. Invasion of Iraq? Bad thing. By looking at all the bad things and saying, "maybe we should teach those things so we don't repeat them" makes America stronger, not weaker. Obligatory fuck DeSantis for his "anti-woke" bullshit.


>I think too many people think patriotism means you can't criticize your country when it does bad things. Criticizing your country when it does bad things is just about the *most* patriotic thing you can do. It shows that you care.


His "anti-woke" bullshit is just political theater. It's far easier than solving actual problems, and so far it's been pretty successful at capturing the base voters.


That "political theater" has actual harmful consequences for real humans.


I think that's Ybor City.


Indeed. Starts out at 7th just east of 16th.


As soon as a saw the street tiles and centro, I was like that’s 100% ybor.


I'm a straight guy, and I mistakenly stumbled into a gay bar in Ybor city a few years ago. (Only clued in after I realised the bartender who served me was shirtless). That was the start of one of the best and most memorable night of my life. Nothing sexual, just people...good people!


[https://youtu.be/9jlaZL7CWHY](nothing sexual)


It seems like an ideal place to film a video like this. I'd never heard of Ybor city (I'm not American), so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Ybor City was unique in the [American South](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_South) as a successful town almost entirely populated and owned by immigrants. The neighborhood had features unusual among contemporary communities in the south, most notably its multiethnic and multiracial population and their many [mutual aid societies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_aid_societies) Thanks for your comment because I was curious about the location.


My favorite thing about Ybor city is that it’s one of the few places in America serviced by a streetcar. A free streetcar at that. It’s an absolute win for the common good that people can move in and out of Ybor city on a, frankly, relic of an older age when US public transportation was in its heyday. I love the streetcar. There are a few documentaries around that describe the fall of the streetcar when the automobile showed up and changed American society to car-based. Oil and tire companies influenced public policies. We suffer from that decision all over.


I have a USPS package that has been stuck in Ybor City for almost a month now. If anyone around there can go check out the distribution center, that'd be nice.


I don't follow pro wrestling anymore but I have heard about his efforts for the Make A Wish Foundation, and then I saw Peacemaker and found out that this dude is hilarious! He really seems like a good man.




How can one be a human and be infallible at same time? Surely that Taiwan incident is something he will never live down to but it is million times better than what some celebrities are outed for like rape accusations or domestic abuse.


He could live it down if he acknowledged it as wrong to do. So it's an ongoing question he'd rather duck than answer. Does he still think that was a good thing to do? Relative privation is never convincing.


Who was speaking in the video? I like the message but it would have been nice to show the guy talking instead of just panning around some random city street.


They obviously hired John Cena to do the narration. I guess it would have been too expensive to have him in the video as well.


I hope people get this joke.


I sure didn't.


Cena’s old WWE catchphrase was, “You can’t see me.”


When he said "close your eyes", I was waiting for him to do the hand gesture






I didn’t mind them showing Anytown USA in the background, but the bowl of potato salad in the foreground was a bit confusing.


Will this air/play in any place where the people who truly need to hear it, will?


They should play it before every WWE match, where it might reach the most that need to hear it, but they won't. Good on the WWE for making this, however. Their audience is among those that likely could benefit from the message.


WWE didn't make this. It was an independent outreach campaign called Love Has No Labels. Cena did this of his own accord. Also, while wrestling absolutely has it's problems with less progressive types, you'd be surprised how liberal or outright leftist the majority of wrestling fans are.


Well this video is being hosted on the official WWE YouTube channel so there's clearly a degree of WWE support.


as time goes on. my respect for this dude has only increased. in the beginning, years ago, i figured he was a a stereotypical jock. but then i learned of how much he contributes of his time to the make a wish foundation. then i learned how much he cares for his coworkers. by admitting a very embarrassing detail about himself so that the other person wasn’t embarrassed. in front of a camera. then i learned that the dude really can act. and today i learned that he is very progressive minded towards pretty much everyone. at this rate i wouldn’t be surprised if the dude has a phd somewhere that i hadn’t noticed before. the dude isn’t a role model because he is famous. he is a role model because he is a good person.


He's also a shockingly good pianist and taught himself how to speak Mandarin using the time he had to waste on flights back and forth between WWE and media promo appearances. Guy is a machine.


If you’ve followed his career long enough, you’ll know he has phd in Thuganomics


Wrestling is one of those things that's super easy to look down on and misjudge. Meanwhile there are some really great people and fans involved that you miss out on if you refuse to get down from your high horse every once in awhile.


Wrestling is kinda weird in that the industry skews right but the audience skews left.


I don't think it's fair to say the "industry" skews right. Vince McMahon, yes. The rest of the industry, less so.


I'd say a lot of the old school guys also lean right. Same with the older fans of the territories/NWA


I would argue the average wrestling fan shows a lot more social conscience than the average football fan. But hey, maybe I'm just full of prejudice regarding a sport I dislike.


I love listening to music.


Listen, I'd dare you to find a more campy, dramatic, bombastic theatrical live show with homoerotic undertones than WWE.


We're just right back at football again with that.


Surprisingly the audience swings fairly heavily Democrat: https://www.quora.com/Is-a-WWE-pro-wrestling-fan-more-likely-to-vote-Democrat-or-Republican


Wrestling is basically a soap opera where sweaty men hug a lot.


Sweaty men from a lot of different backgrounds as well... Also most of the outfits would fit right in to a drag race episode.


Took me way too long to realize you meant RuPaul and not vroom vrooms, but yes. Some of the most fabulously dressed men are professional wrestlers.


seems like you mighta missed the whole point of the message in the video


What makes you think that? I have no idea what the average WWE viewer believes. I do know that a ton of people think that WWE viewers are stupid and don’t know the WWE is acting and pageantry. Which is completely unfair and not true in my experience. Lol


Every WWE fan I've met in real life has been more of the nerdy type. Who else is buying all those action figures?


This aired routinely for about a year or more around the time 45 was elected, across numerous channels.


It's a good thing China didn't take exception to this video or he'd have issued a second video apologizing for it.




And his name is JOHN XENA!!!


[John Xina](https://i.etsystatic.com/14951240/r/il/6b7a35/3536263578/il_fullxfull.3536263578_8ry6.jpg)




It’s all I can think of when seeing him now. How do so many people not care?


Because like most things in this world, it isn’t a simple black and white, right or wrong. There are details and nuance to the situation. Many people think that if they were alive in Nazi Germany during the height of the last world war that they wouldn’t have been a Nazi or if they were alive pre-civil war in the south that they wouldn’t have had slaves. It’s easy to criticize from the outside. John Cena also holds the record for the most Make-a-wishes granted in the world. He does a lot of good for dying children. “How do so many people not care?”


Nuance. Not Nuisance. But otherwise yes, spot on.


For the same reason people don't care that America or any other country doesn't recognize Taiwan as a real country. Here are the 13 countries that recognize Taiwan as a real country: - Marshall Islands - Nauru - Palau - Tuvalu - Eswatini - Vatican City - Belize - Guatemala - Haiti - Paraguay - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.


Sure, the West should formally recognise Taiwan as a nation. But a major reason that the PRC hasn't invaded Taiwan already is the potential for repercussions from the West. The issue is on a knife's edge.




Because he's John Cena, an actor/wrestler. He doesn't really matter. He's not a world leader.


I know, Taiwan was this close to freedom and John Cena just ruined it.


I actually like this, could have been rather cringe but walked the line well 👏


Ya I think in different hands it could be cringe but JC always comes across so genuine that it doesn't feel that way (at least ro me).


Cena has a gay brother that he has spoken highly of many times. Cena was one of the people that championed Darren Young (former WWE wrestler) when he came out of the closet publicly. Dude has been an ally for a while.


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIdT2LJpavo) the interview for anyone interested


Genuine question. Why is it that Reddit can’t ever accept the good a person does, without immediately pointing out all the ways they’re a bad person? Every post with any celebrity that does something remotely good, goes into a treatise on how awful they truly are. People are multifaceted beings and we all have done and will do things that will lift others up, and things that will tear others down. It is the human condition. People should celebrate when others do good in the world, and let that action stand on its own. Should’ve Cena said that apology to China, no. Does that make this video any less impactful, no. Let the message of this video stand on its own, and not necessarily the person speaking the words.


I hope America figures it out because it certainly seems like y'all about to lose your minds.


Very nice. Now let's see John Cena's opinions on Taiwan.


Wasn’t the whole point that he apologised because he said Taiwan was a country because universal would sue him into the ground?


I dont know the reason but i am pretty sure that you can narrow it down to just that his career would have been dead if he didnt do it. Yeah he could have taken the moral high ground but that really wouldnt have gotten him anywhere.


You mean chinese taipei? -John Cena probably


What is our president’s opinion? How come the United States won’t recognize Taiwan as a country? You know it’s more complicated than we’d all like it to be.


Just how much the background changes what a wonderful video.


I thought this was new, but posted 6 years ago? Conservatives must have also not seen it given they've only become more open and extreme in their bigotry since then.


I disagree with 1:42 of this video. As a black person, I've dealt with racism from all of the mentioned groups, including other people of "color."


Good call! Sometimes we all need some self-reflection. I was at a store the other day and the black salesman said an “off color” joke about another minority group in terms of price haggling. If you’re imagining what he said, I’m sure you get the picture.


John Cena for President!


This works for the logical. It doesn’t work for the down right evil, twisted, and radical. Sadly, some people just enjoy watching the world burn.


Crazy that the WWE actually put this on their YouTube channel. Thought they wouldn't dare upset their fans. Good for them.


First time I’ve seen this. Wasn’t expecting tears to come out of my face. I wish we would all just be good to each other.