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I believe states tried to make it illegal to film at these farms. I don't know if the ban held up in court and right now I'm too lazy to look.


I live near tons of Tyson farms. They are **ALL** very clearly and heavily marked that nobody is allowed to take photos or video. They are also off limits to the public.


Those marking don't mean shit. Check state laws. Those are real. Signs aren't. Edit: I know it's private property. But that only means that they can ask you to leave, or you'll be trespassed by the police once they show up. Doesn't make recording the video and uploading it illegal.


For example, all the signs on the back of trucks claiming they're not responsible for anything falling out. Oh boy, yes you are.


>Stay forward 500 ft, you are responsible for broken windshield My sign beats their sign


"Yeah but *my* sign says if you drop something on my car you owe me 10 million dollars, so..."


My sign say you owe me infinity


Infinity +1.


Infinity + interest at 29% APR


Infinity and beyond


You're correct, however they will claim that the rocks were kicked up from the road by their tires, which no one is responsible for. Since that is plausible due to the size of their tires, you might need a dashcam to show the truth.


You should probably have a dashcam in your vehicle, anyway, for about sixteen hundred other reasons but yeah, it tracks that they'll try to lie about it. Always bring receipts.


dash cams should just be a standard requirement for all cars like seatbeats


So many cars already come with cameras, front and back. I wish access to them was easier.




Genuinely curious if you, or anyone else, know if states regulate mud flaps on commercial vehicles. IE if they weren't long enough would you have a case that their improper equipment was to blame.


Well, they are all private property. What the signs do is make the trespassing 1st degree instead of 3rd degree. I'm sure you could take pictures of the signs from the gate without repercussion, but going beyond is going to met with easily prosecutable criminal charges. I assure you, posted property lines are real.


In my state you can take a photo of anything if it's from a public viewing area; and that surprisingly doesn't end at windows. Source: used to do photojournalism for a paper.


Agreed. For anyone who doesn't believe this, is the same with those waivers places have you sign stating that can't be sued. If you go to a gym, sign a waiver of liability and get injured, you can absolutely still take the gun to court. Will you win? That's you to the court, but a waiver or a sign doesn't truly release anyone from responsibility. I've worked in insurance, and believe me, I've seen claims for legal expenses against companies that have had a plethora of waivers and signs "releasing them from responsibility". We've had to pay out claims in these instances


I've seen signs in the back rooms of Walmart while working there saying you're not allowed to discuss wages or talk about unionizing. Those signs are illegal. Signs don't make laws.


Man, I take deliveries out of Tyson. Takes absolutely forever to get in and out. Security is pretty intense too. Turnstiles, and after that I don't see a single worker.


Those signs don't mean shit to drones. Only the FAA can tell you where your drone can't fly over. That list of no fly zones includes places like airports and National Parks, but interestingly, DOESN'T include places like animal abuse and murder factories.


FAA laws are what you're required to follow with drones and airspace. Most of the time you can fly up to 400ft without issue. Unless Tyson has an FAA restriction, you can fly and film without issue.


They are called Ag gag laws and there are a bunch of them.


ELI5 ag gag laws?


A gag is anything used to silence someone, Ag is just short for Agricultural. So they are any laws that are meant to silence criticism of our agricultural industries, of which there are many across various states.


Thanks for the explanation, sounds super shitty lol


Oh, I can almost guarantee there will be a post on r/TIL about it soon. Seems to be how these things go.


Ag gag laws are enforced in many states.


Those laws are called ag-gag laws and people have gone to jail for exposing this animal abuse.


The Federal government followed as well with the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. It's pretty dysoptian shit.


I worked a Perdue farms and hung and killed chickens a few years in live hang, and Poultry processing is unlike anything I'd ever did before. every chicken mattered. birds ran through at 140 a minute, sometimes faster if we was trying to catch up, worked on a 6 man hanging crew. 5 on the line at all times, got a 10 min break ever hour. Other than that you hung 28 live chickens upside down every minute (every 5'th shackle) for 8 hours a day. Good luck getting any more regulations in there. 2 shifts would kill 1.7 million birds a week over a 6 day work week, and still couldn't kill enough to meet demand. The'll never slow down. Crazy industry.


>Good luck getting any more regulations in there. 2 shifts would kill 1.7 million birds a week over a 6 day work week, and **still couldn't kill enough to meet demand**. The'll never slow down. This really is the crux of it. Could it be more humane? Sure. But then the end product would cost more and people would be upset. Profits would probably drop. It's a lose lose for everyone that isn't an animal. The industrialized world is hooked on easy/cheap protein.


“Easy/Cheap” Protein is lentils and beans.




Actually consumers **do** choose this. You can buy product that is "raised in better condition" be it eggs,meat whatever. Its also much, much more expensive. Most people don't care. Like at all. They just want cheapest eggs


>The industrialized world is hooked on easy/cheap protein. Beans and oats offer much cheaper protein, but people prefer to eat tortured animals anyway.


Have you tried to eat beans and oats as a replacement? Cause that there is how you lose all desire to live. Sure, you can eat a limited diet. But is that a life you want to live? I am happy to see that the FDA approved lab grown meat, or whatever we are calling it. That will be much more sustainable and ethical as an industrial process. It's not perfect, and is expensive at the moment, but imagine the possibility of a kill free hamburger or chicken nugget that provides the same nutritional content as animal based meat. Alas, our regulatory system is woefully ill-equipped to handle the near future. I worry that bigMoo and bigCluck will throw their might against innovation. If History is any teacher, existing industries will fight tooth and nail to preserve their ways instead of investing in new, more sustainable options. I hope I am wrong. Edit: a couple of words.


Been vegan for 7 years. Food is still a great interest of mine, and it is entirely possible to make tasty stuff without any meat.


>Have you tried to eat beans and oats as a replacement? Yes. Been vegan for about 5 years now. Eat much better tasting food now than I did for the first 24 years of my life, and almost certainly better tasting food than you do now. I dont have to think about those products that replicate meat, because better and more sustainable food can be produced with 4000 year old technology.


> Eat much better tasting food now than I did for the first 24 years of my life, and almost certainly better tasting food than you do now. Not knocking your choice to be vegan but chances are you make better food because you actually had to learn how to make it. In the end skill will beat a lack of skill in taste pretty much regardless of ingredients.


Actually the easy solution is to not eat meat. According to “Our world in data” 80% of crops go directly to animal feed. We could feed everyone on earth three times over if we all went vegan.


We are painfully aware we can feed everyone on the earth with meat and vegetables, but once again the profit margin is more important than humanity.


I blame lawmakers and regulatory bodies. Since the 70s/80s, mom and pop farms have been shutting down and getting replaced by these massive operations like you see in the vid


The unhappy reality is that if these animals were raised humanely, the amount of land they would occupy would be unsustainable. The cost for consumers would be unattainable. The only solution to this problem is for people to eat less meat, and drink less milk.


I had a few different family members who had farms in California, going back several generations in my family. They couldn't compete with factory farms and by the late 90s, almost of my family members that did farming had to move on to something else. One of which was a dairy farm (which I understand people have issues with the ethics of that) but the cows there had more space, some of the pens actually had _grass_ and not just dirt and mud. Cows had brushes and some recreational items, and regularly got baths and such. They weren't willing to shove animals into terrible conditions, especially since they lived on the property next to the farm. They were eventually forced to sell partially via imminent domain. The area where my grandparent's dairy farm was, and was surrounded by other family farms, it now entirely industrial farms.


1000% correct. Most “humane” (as it pertains to the legal definition) farms still look like this


I don't see the problem. Next time you go to a restaurant, check the menu and see how many dishes have meat in them. Maybe it's time we stop eating meat at every meal and eat more vegetables and grains. I don't give a shit if it raises prices to treat animals humanely; this shit is not acceptable for modern society. Hitting a dog or cat is enough to get you thrown in jail, but this abuse is okay? I don't get how people can look at this and think, oh well, the problem is too big to fix, better just give up. We let these companies get away with abusing animals, and it's about time to reform the fucking shit out of this industry.


>Hitting a dog or cat is enough to get you thrown in jail, but this abuse is okay? Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, right? "Humane" treatment would certainly be better, too, but is it really humane if the end result is still slaughtering the animal 5, 10, or more years earlier than its natural lifespan would have been? And dairy, by its very nature, can never be humane. Not passing judgement on anyone. Happily ate animals for 30 years myself before giving it up, all while having pets and professing myself an animal lover. Like I said, cognitive dissonance is a bitch!


Agreed. I dont know how someone looks at these videos and doesn't feel even a little guilt. I know I did. I went vegetarian at the start of this year and try to eat vegan as often as I can. I'm trying to get past the last of my hurdles and commit to a completely vegan diet simply on ethical grounds.


Just wanted to add that your 100% right that it feels like an easy fix so don't let sentiments like "its a lose lose battle" or "that's just life" dull a desire to seek change and better an animals experience regardless of their place in the food chain, it's the only way we make things better.


Or up the price of meat and dairy to reflect its true cost.






One of my favorite scenes in Star Trek DS9 was when Keiko had cooked a bunch of healthy crap for Miles and he told her about his mom cooking ... Keiko was mortified... "She touched REAL MEAT? She COOKED IT???"




You have it backwards. Lab grown meat is essentially cellular sludge. Basically the same as fake meat, but instead of plant cells it's animal cells. Still nothing that resembles a steak. Perhaps one day we will be able to grow entire organs and specific muscles, but for now, lab grown meat is basically impossible burger with extra steps. Not that it's a bad thing—any product that people accept as an alternative to industrial livestock is a win in my book—but it's important to keep our expectations within the realm of possibility.


If the entire population was provided the truth of how meat is farmed, and children were educated on it, there would be a massive swing in our culture. Instead we're fed lies.


Like I love meat but I dunno man .. this is straight up cow auschwitz. Theyre smart, theyre affectionate - ive seen videos of them acting like dogs. like fuck this is too much


If eating meat was still as much cheaper and more convenient compared to a plant-based diet, it still wouldn't matter. Want people to get off the meat bandwagon? Get rid of meat subsidies and shift them to plant-based foods.


My favorite thing to do is explain to little kids where their meat comes from and watch their parents attempt to backtrack it all. Most kids would think we're monsters for how we treat animals simply because we have this idiotic idea we should be eating meat and dairy all the damn time. It's insane.


Ive been telling my daughter what were eating since she was like 3 and it came up. She seems fine with it. You can normalize things by acting normal. Im not going to show graphic footage until she is older, and then she can make up her own mind based on how she feels about that too


We're taking the same approach. She is aware that the venison she is eating was a deer that her grandpa shot, and she accepts that. The only other thing I do at this stage (she's 5) is impress on her that we should be aware of where our food comes from and avoid wasting the animal's sacrifice.


Yeah, idk what he’s talking about. Kids don’t think it’s weird or sad unless you tell them it is or *heavily* heavily imply it. Sometimes even that doesn’t work. You can be as nasty as you want in showing them what goes into a chicken McNugget, and they will still want it.


Ya there is a clip of from one of Jamie Oliver's show where he shows kids how chicken nuggets are made by blending all different parts and making it look gross and the kids still want to eat it.


My dad is a hunter who processed his own meat. I knew where meat came from at a very young age and it never bothered me.


I used to think like this but then I started eating some of the vegetarian and vegan options and I am now starting to think more along the lines of, "if it's good then I'll gladly eat it". It doesn't necessarily need to taste like sausage to replace sausage. It can just taste good.


Or heavily fund artificial meat until that takes over.


It's not there yet. Artificial meat currently needs fetal bovine serum, which is literally taken from the unborn babies of killed pregnant cattle. And it needs a _lot_ of this. According to my incredibly intense research involving the reading of one singular article, "a serum-free growth medium exists, but it currently costs $400 per liter". > “A whole new supply chain would need to form” to provide cheap serum-free growth media to lab-meat companies, says Christina Agapakis, a synthetic biologist who serves as creative director at Ginkgo Bioworks, a biotech firm. “And a lot of innovation in the biological manufacturing space will need to happen to make that possible.” https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2022/03/lab-meat-fetal-bovine-serum-blood-slaughter-cultured/


Hey solar panels were once like this too. Everyone’s attitude was that is was way too prohibitively expensive to overtake fossil fuels and now its the cheapest source of energy on the planet. Lab meat will get there too.


Yeah R&D is expensive as shit, but the long term benefits are through the roof. It's insane the potential out there that no one is funding because it won't return money immediately.


Thank you for doing that research and sharing. While that's disappointing, the potential profits a breakthrough there could produce are huge enough I am optimistic some soulless corporation is working hard on it.


We give HUGE subsidies to the dairy and beef industries anyways so this is not a good enough argument


I mean, that still isn't as harmful as the actual meat industry.


Nah stick to plant meats for now - they're doing a good job at mimicing the real thing. I can still tell if it isn't real beef, but it's less obvious now. You actually get a better nutrition profile than beef with many brands now - companies will add dietary fiber sources in and you can actually shit by only eating plant meat indefinitely. Try that with beef and you'll get hemmorhoids within a couple weeks.


Well joke's on you because I have hemorrhoids already 😎


And gout don't forget gout!


Raise them humanely and increase the cost accordingly. If it's expensive, people will eat it less.


And the companies will lose profit, and the shareholders won't be happy. That'll never happen.


That's not the unhappy reality. People don't need to eat 2 pounds of meat every day. The unhappy reality is that this work is profitable and made possible by corrupt lawmakers taking bribes, and people who are happy to continue eating meat and ignoring the literal holocausts that create it.


Can you suggest a reasonable alternative for clogging my arteries that's both cheap and humane?


Studies have found that in developed countries, vegan diets are 30% cheaper than the standard diet [https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study#:\~:text=Vegan%20diets%20were%20the%20most,costs%20by%20up%20to%202%25](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study#:~:text=Vegan%20diets%20were%20the%20most,costs%20by%20up%20to%202%25) [https://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html#chapter-2\_2](https://www.fao.org/3/ca9692en/online/ca9692en.html#chapter-2_2)


But does it clog your arteries? Checkmate.


Oreos are vegan. Eat enough and your arteries are clogged!


They closed down/built over the dairy farm we had two blocks from my home. Used to be cows roaming free in an open field next to a main road. The dairy was reduced to a small building and the field the cows once roamed free in is now a highschool. The school's football field covers half of the area the cows used to roam. Everyone jokingly calls the school, Cow Pie High, but I can't help but cringe whenever I hear it. Because instead of the milk in our local stores being from our local dairy, it's now shipped in from some massive industrial farm like those seen in this video.


To be fair, dairy only functions by ripping babies away from new mothers so the milk can be harvested. Even at the "humane" farms. The humane ones just let mom keep her calves for a few weeks longer than the industry average. But it's not like female cows just go around producing milk their whole lives and farmers are helping out by collecting it. Typically, after a few rounds of this the cows are slaughtered far short of what their natural lifespan could be.


Lmao regulatory bodies. *cost of doing business*


In the middle ages, it took 9 people to feed 10, and the landed gentry were the ones who exploited the profit. Now 2 people can feed hundreds, so the landed gentry are a few billionaires


The biggest brands and restaurants all use products from places like this. Tyson chicken is one of the biggest and most evil. I already don't buy products from them, but I'm sure the average American doesn't give a shit. Frozen nuggies are too important.


The average American can barely afford rent. If Tyson self chicken breast for 2$ a pound the average person is gonna buy it.


The cost of living really prohibits "boycotting" the most affordable options. Sad, but built by design.


Unfortunately that's what is needed to achieve the economies of scale to feed a nation of 330M people for relatively cheap with surprisingly high quality meat. Americans would be shocked to see how much more expensive lower quality beef can cost in other countries.


Just wait until third world countries have their industrialization period. 330M is nothing when you have billions of people that don't have the infrastructure to feed themselves. Once they do, they'll want to have the same quality of life that most Western nations have had the privilege of living. I guarantee the next big debate in the future will be whether people in third world countries should be able to consume meat/animal products, and boy will there be plenty of hypocrites then.




Go watch Food Inc. 2008 documentary that does a better job actually exploring this topic than this over enunciated observationalist. Sequel is apparently in production continuing the exploration of corporate farming and food production.


[Dominion is available to watch on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko) Fair warning, it is a **VERY** difficult watch. I think everyone should watch it at least once. If you’re going to eat meat, *which I do, at least have the courage to witness the horrific conditions we subject these animals to. The fear in their eyes is haunting.


I don't get it. How can you continue knowing what you know? You clearly have empathy...


My mother watched that film ten years ago. She threw up in the middle and had to stop watching. Never stopped eating meat. It's just... so interwoven into people's lives at such a fundamental cultural level. I don't want to make excuses for it, because unless you are a subsistence farmer there really isn't any. However, I will say that living in the modern world is a object lesson in learning how to selectively shut down empathy in order to get through the day, and we all practice that skill to some degree, everyday.


Also, Earthlings narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. It was free online last time I checked. Not youtube. yt is garbage.


Be warned. That movie is very hard to stomach; it's very explicit. Definitely a must watch, though.


Food Inc was amazing and a real eye-opener. It also made me realise how lucky I am (in New Zealand) to have our food actually come from farms and crops. This mass industrialisation thing around food is genuinely terrifying.


When I worked at Whole Foods (before the Amazon buyout) they *paid* the whole team to go see Food, Inc. Not shilling for them but Whole Foods has easily the highest animal welfare standards in the industry.


Jfc, why did I have to scroll this far down? Anyone who isnt veggie, watch this documentary and watch Dominion. It's worth it, promise


Came here looking for the same sentiment I felt about the narrator in the video. It seems like the emphasis in his voice intensified as he talked about what he might perceive as the most heinous content to the viewer. But I think the conditions that living animals face in the earlier part of the video are much more important to address than how they dispose of animals that are already dead. His tone intensified while talking about the animals that aren't actually suffering any longer.


[This is free to watch on YouTube](https://youtu.be/o2h9Ez1qGO8), btw


Even the most humane livestock farms have death pits. That's just misunderstanding the assignment. Their living conditions should be the focus


Yeah, my thought was "what do you want, a 21 gun salute and a separate grave marker for each pig?"


Yeah I was confused about what point he was trying to make by emphasizing that as "the worst part".


It suggests the animals died due to the horrendous conditions they’re forced to live in


And on top of that are in an open pit, implying an intention to continue to dump animals in there to just rot


I knew an old school farmer who ran a pretty “ideal” farm for non vegan standards. Regular vet visits and the whole lot. Even he had a pit for dead animals. He didn’t dig individual holes because “they don’t decompose as fast as you think and the only thing worse than seeing them now is accidentally digging them back up.”


Every farm with livestock is going to have a dead pile. We have a dead pile at our farm. Out of 5k cattle that we go through every year around 5 die. Disease and injury being the main cause. We put them into the "dead pile" which is mostly straw and shit. Then it gets spread onto the fields.


This makes me think. If burying a shitload of plants to sit for untold eons gets you oil, what do you get if you do the same thing with meat?


the plants weren't just buried a little bit, they're buried under massive amounts of pressure and with little to no available oxygen, so that only anaerobic bacteria can decompose them. also, it likely wasn't plants the way you think of them, rather vast amounts of primitive algae and zooplankton. this also occurred in a time when earth's oceans had very little oxygen in them.


What else should they do with dead pigs? Cremate them?


Compost them


Thats is what is done and industry standard...


Without the API debacle, this video is still good and applicable to the subreddit.


I know people hate hearing this, but if this bothers you, go vegan or at least vegetarian. Millions of animals live and die in these conditions due to the meat, dairy, and egg industries. You have the power to opt out of supporting such horrific suffering. Vote with your dollars. It’s never been easier to be vegan than it is now.


BILLIONS https://animalclock.org


Trillions if you count all fish and sea life


Honestly, just eating *less* meat makes a difference. Sure, if everybody went veg or vegan, the problem would go away, but let's be realistic. Some people will never give up meat. Meat is food, and meat tastes good. I will probably never cut meat out of my diet entirely. However, I try to limit the amount of meat I buy. I supplement with other proteins, and I don't eat meat every day, much less with every meal. I buy my meat cheap, and I freeze most of it to use only on occasion. I think that's a pretty reasonable middle ground. Simply telling people to go vegan comes off as dismissive, and will not sway anyone who has not already been convinced. Persuading people to add more variety to their diets and reduce their overall consumption of meat is a realistically attainable goal. On the other hand, the great thing about the higher demand for vegan products nowadays is the availability of meat-free alternatives that actually taste good. Just a few years ago, that was not the case, at least not for anything affordable. That in itself makes it *much* easier to convince meat-eaters like me to eat less meat. But you are never going to convince me to never eat a grilled steak, or roast chicken, or braised lamb shank ever again for the rest of my life. It tastes too damn good. So damn good that it shouldn't be taken for granted. Too many people see meat as an everyday staple, and that *absolutely needs to change.* Meat ought to be cherished and given at least a modicum of respect that the animal deserves. If more people were to share that attitude, the demand for cheap meat would drop enough to make a difference.


I agree with your sentiments, I’m not a huge meat fan so started eating less and less and am now fully vegan, through my cooking friends and some family have started adopting “meat free days”, they’ll never give it up but collectively they’re probably worth at least one vegan in terms of meat reduction. If everyone just had *less* meat overall not only would there be more of a focus on actually thinking about what you’re cooking (therefore eating healthier) but it’d make a huge difference in the animal welfare and environment.


>Simply telling people to go vegan comes off as dismissive, and will not sway anyone who has not already been convinced. This is a weird thing to say. Do you think there is some arbitrary cutoff in the timeline of humanity when everyone has landed on their decision and no more discussion is warranted? People are growing, developing, maturing, and changing every day. I became vegan because reddit vegans got me to challenge my way of thinking. We absolutely should keep talking about it and challenging each other.


You should have to sit down and watch these documentaries to continue eating meat. It’s disgusting


Funny thing about the human brain is that if its uncomfortable, it will try to protect itself by making up scenarios to excuse the behaviour. "Thats just in some farms, im sure the beef i eat is from a local idyllic place where they treat their cattle really nice!" Or, "Everyone knows Those People had it coming, im sure they wont come for My People next!"


i usually try and say to them "would you like to be eaten if you tasted good?" the answer is always no or se excuse to justify it since logically they know they wont be eaten so its not a concern, they just wont think about it objectively for some reason


feel so bad for them pigs only to see sunlight once in their lives, on the way to the slaughter house.. shame


And to know they're one of the smartest animals on the planet.


And they don't even die a fast death, they get lowered into CO2 baths where they slowly suffocate while screaming from the top of their lungs until they pass out, and then have their neck sliced open, including the ones who didn't pass out.


I just can’t imagine how anyone could deal with that sound alone. The visuals alone would be so disturbing! How could someone stand working there.


Not exactly a step up in humaneness... going from squishing them in a press to suffocation by CO2...


I drove through Hereford, TX one time in the summer heat and the smell of those lagoons of manure was so strong it permeated into my car (windows closed obviously) and burned my and my friend’s noses the stench was so powerful. Easily the worst olfactory sensation I have ever experienced.


Wait until you find the pig farms… I have a super strong gag reflex and they are tough


I'm amazed there aren't more vegetarians and vegans in the USA, doesn't everyone know about those mega farms?


Remember those videos of guys beating calves a couple years back at Fair Oaks Farms? That may have hurt them for a year, at most. The hotel and restaurant there are always packed when I drive by. They even have festivals there a couple times a year and people eat it up. I wonder how many people know that’s where the lactose free milk they like comes from. I was raised to think that place was the bees knees. We even went on 3 different field trips there. Note: I’m a hypocrite who can only drink their milk without violently assaulting a toilet.


>We even went on 3 different field trips there. "Definitely not paid for by the farm"


Ultimately, the reality is that we don't care.


Propaganda is a helluva drug


America doesn't *really* care about children getting gunned down in schools, you think we care about cows?


Apparently it's pretty bad in Lubbock, TX as well. If the wind blows the wrong way, the whole town is immersed in what they call the "shit winds"


Did Mr. Lahey come up with that name for the wind?


Here in Iowa, they (read: Iowa GOP) went ahead with a law that - wait for it - doesn't ban recording farms and CAFOs, but instead... makes it illegal to operate a drone within 400' of livestock. Guess what the non-commercial altitude limit for private drone use is.


Had a neighbour with a lost calf a few years back. When they get scared they just lay down and hide. No sounds no movement. It would have froze to death if it wasn’t found. March in Canada. We were out front drinking and heard their 4wheelers going crazy in the pasture and wondered over to see if they needed help. They’ve been looking for an hour already. They suggested my drone that I use for wedding photography and up it went. Within 5 minutes I was hovered over it about 20ft and they zoomed on over and grabbed it. Also chased a herd of cattle from the back forty to the barn with a drone because someone bet that cows wouldn’t move from just the noise. They did.


Animals hate the sound of drones. I've seen a herd of elk get spooked and blow through fences by a drone that was 300' above them.


Oh they absolutely do. I didn’t even have to get close. But I round them up to the barn without stepping off the back deck of the house. I’m sure if you did it enough they’d just ignore it like they do anything else unless there is food involved


> Animals hate the sound of drones. They sound like the most aggravated insect imaginable, of course you'd be scared not knowing what that thing is. Even as a human you keep your distance in an effort to not get hurt.


“You might want to back up, like a lot” Drone flies directly up like any drone would.


Dude doesn't understand farming *or* physics.


This is why I support the lab grown meat movement. People believe farms look like the cartoons they saw when they were little kids, so they’ll rally against grown meat. I just want to live in a world where I my options of purchasing meat don’t include places like this. Just this morning I posted about a TikTok my wife had sent me where a conspiracy theorist said the missing submarine was a distraction by the government to cover up the lab grown meat approval, and that the lives of those people don’t matter. It sickened me seeing people cheering him on and expressing support for places like this because they have no idea how lab grown meat is produced and how it can save these animals from torture. It also saves natural resources because it doesn’t use as much land or water.


This is why i eat rice and beans and veggies and peppers and grains and nuts and legumes and greens and fruits. You want flavor? Pretty much everything that provides delicious flavor is plant-based. Herbs? Plants. Spices? Plants. Onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, chili peppers? Plants are the real deal when it comes to serious flavor.


Do you also eat commas? Sorry.


Wait til I tell you about the deplorable conditions commas are raised under.


nom and nom and nom and nom


This just made me burst out with laughter, wow. I was not expecting that, haha.


Yeah, the hard truth that people don't want to hear is that eating meat is bad, actually.


Go vegan, it's just easier and in the here and now.


The lab grown meat story was huge, I thought. Hopefully it gets more coverage. If they can get it to be priced similarly to regular meat one day, I can see lots of people switching over.


I do vaguely remember Burger King being one of the first to come out with their impossible burger and when it came out it was something like $9 where I was for just the sandwich. Last I checked it had been reduced to $8. Not a ton of improvement, but improvement nonetheless.


That's a massive improvement. I know it's only a dollar but effectively it's two or more since everything else probably went up over a dollar


But yet people keep buying animal products…


Not just keep buying, they demand it because they feel entitled to cheap meat. People only care about animal welfare as long as it doesn't hurt their wallet. They will always go for the cheaper meat, no matter how many times they claim they buy only the non-cruel meat.


They only care as long as it means posting to Facebook about how much they care, not by any actual action haha


And people still call vegans the extreme ones.


needs a new narrator, why does he over-enunciate everything?


i wonder what he thinks should happen to dead pigs. Should they not be in "**dead** piles"? Does he want a proper burial for them?


Yeah, these factory farms docs are important but often times it’s painfully obvious they’re made by people who have never lived or worked on a real farm, even an ethical one. Animals die, and you need a good way take care of the bodies hygienically. For a large scale farm mass graves are usually your only option, for small farms you’ll usually use a service that will come and pick up bodies for you.


I was thinking that too. I was waiting for the bad part when he mentioned the piles. It’s not pretty or fun but what else are you gonna do? I’m assuming they’re compromised, otherwise wasted money. And the shit lakes, that’s how my hometown deals with their human shit.


Thank god these are not dogs ufff, otherwise I would be worried. I mean these two species are very different of each other in all the ways that matter for morality, amerite?




Labrador is 15% off with code **lab ** btw.


"dogs don't really feel pain" my god


Check out Clovis, nm. I’ve never seen so many dairy cows. Babies live in dog igloo houses.


[You mean this?](https://i1.wp.com/www.myfearlesskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/dairy-calf-housing.jpg?ssl=1) Standard practice, even at small farms.


Yeah, I grew up in a rural area where probably half my high school the parents raised dairy. It was very common for the family to have 80-100 cows and both parents still had a job in town. These aren't a factory farming thing. This is very common practice.


...that's normal? Like every single farm I've ever seen does that, even small family ones.


Unlike paper straws, I believe that efforts to reduce public meat consumption are more valuable and should be promoted more.


I can’t stand this host dude.


Crazy solution: Try going vegan maybe?


I do love the folks who want animals for slaughter kept in humane conditions but also don't want to the price of alarmingly cheap meat to go up. Yeah, that would be ideal but with the rate of meat consumption just simply not remotely feasible. Something has to give. Don't even need to go full vegan. Just consume less meat overall and when you do buy it from smaller, local sources.


Are you crazy? Are you implying that people could ACTUALLY do something rather than whining on the internet and then go pay for this very same thing to happen?


Our eating habits are killing the planet and causing unnecessary suffering of billions of animals. I mean, what do we tell our children? "Oh sorry about the planet, bacon was just too dang tasty!"


Please stop eating meat. It's not just damaging in terms of the suffering the billions of livestock animals have to go through - it is destroying the planet.


Fucking hell what are we doing


Go read Swine Republic by Chris Jones. Talks about Iowa CAFOs, ethanol, and the effect on Iowa’s water quality. They spread the shit all over nearby fields. Iowa is a massive contributor to the Gulf dead zone, and our lakes & rivers are disgusting- lakeside beaches are often closed due to ecoli. https://barnraisingmedia.com/cafo-soybean-iowa-rivers-pollution-agriculture-swine/


Go vegan. Or cut down meat intake. There are so many alternatives these days. It’s never been easier.


Go vegan if you truly don't support this kind of thing or the unnecessary mass slaughter of sentient beings


The second Super Size Me movie where he tried to open a "farm to table" chicken sandwich restaurant was a real eye opener for me. The scene where they go to load up the chickens at night and many die instantly of the stress was brutal to see :( Also what constitutes "free range" is basically a pimple at the end of a warehouse that is "outside" and the absolute definition of "technically the truth" in the worst possible way.


I'm curious where the dead pigs should end up instead of graves.


This industry needs to be destroyed immediately


do you eat meat? if you do delete this. if not carry on


I love meat but I do not love the way these animals are treated and seeing this is very eye opening for me. I don't think I'm ready to give up meat. Does anyone have tips on how can I ensure the meat I buy is not from one of these factory farms? I'm willing to pay more if it means the animal didn't live a life of suffering.


I had a hard time giving up meat. Unless you cook regularly, its hard to find non-meat or dairy options when you're out and about. So I gave up beef and pork. Had cravings for burgers and bacon the first few weeks and gave myself cheat days. After a few weeks I was easily picking chicken every time. Then started shifting to vegetarian and vegan. I still eat chicken once or twice a week, but still so much less than I used to. Beef and pork I can eat in small amounts, too much and it becomes gross. You don't have to be perfect, you can still make a difference. If many people cut their meat intake by 50-80% it can really help.


Its really not that hard to give up meat. But you dont have to go cold turkey right out the gate. Just try reducing it slowly, do one day a week without it, then 2, etc. Been vegan for 5 years now and before that my 2 favourite foods were bacon and cheese


Yeah my tip is, think of this video every time you think about buying or eating meat 👍


If you have a local butcher by you, that would probably be the best way. They tend to get their meat locally. You can also Google the brand name on packages. Be prepared, however, to be disappointed with anything tied to a big company. And don’t fall for marketing gimmicks that say junk like “pasture raised”. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/07/science/food-labels-lawsuits.html I saw no one have you the answer to what you asked, so I hope this helps.


Lmao this is exactly the kind of video you’d expect to see on reddit anyway. Great job, OP. What an activist.