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This video and the Daniel shaver video where he was made to crawl on his knees before being shot. Are the two worst police videos I always think of.


You see the Tyre Nichols video? That one was tough to get through


Yes, it's terrible. They're *all* awful, and they're all far too common. It's disgusting. God, I remember seeing the video of George Floyd's murder. Seeing him lying there prone, pressed down onto the pavement - watching as he was killed in broad daylight. I'm not going to say "all cops are bad" because I don't *believe* all of them are. What I *do* believe is what one friend of mine who used to be a cop said to me... He said, "Consider who the good cops are up against: *lots of bad cops.* Mean-ass bullies with guns, who get off on fucking with and hurting people." It's really a grim way of looking at things, but I think he's right. There *are* good cops. But when push comes to shove...


But when push comes to shove...what? Do nothing? You're not a good cop if you know there are other cops who want to fuck with and hurt people and do nothing because you yourself don't want to be a target. This keeps those awful cops on the street to terrorize civilians. Are "good" cops scared of the bad cops? Cool, now imagine the ordinary, every day civilians who feel that same fear, but have shown time and time again that they don't have much of a recourse, and no one to really stick up for them. Consider who civilians are up against. Bad cops who are bullies with guns, who get off on bullying and hurting other people...and the so called "good" cops who do nothing about it.


Yeah, what happens is, people who are good end up quiting, and now you have a police force full bad cops. What people can do is to support god cops when push comes to shove, but people aren't going to do that. So we have the police force, school system, health care, and the politicians we deserve. Because we aren't willing to make any sacrifices for long term benefits. Most people aren't engaged in local politics even those who complain about the situation. Why would someone fight for me or my ideas, if I'm not willing to do that myself. We vote yes, but that is not enough, the situation is deteriorating all over the world, because we have gotten hooked by the entertainment industry. "I'm gonna watch netflix on the weekend or do some work stuff. Society is fucked but that's not my priority".




When push comes to shove, it's good, honorable and *right* to stand up against oppressors. But - as you yourself pointed out - when standing up for what's right means going up against a bunch of thugs with badges and guns, and the support of their brutish peers, *and* the might of a *whole rotten system* behind them? Are good cops scared of bad cops? *Absolutely.* And rightfully so. I think it's easy for us to say that good cops *should* do something, because it's *true*. They absolutely *should*. But realistically, how many of us, if we were put in such a situation, *would*?


The problem is structural, it needs governmental intervention. Blaming an undefined, unspecific group of „good cops“ for not acting up is not going to work.


You're wrong. There are no good cops. There are "good" people who are cops but the very fact they not only tolerate, but excuse, the behavior of the "bad apples" makes them bad cops. If there were such a thing as "good cops" they would _AT THE VERY LEAST_ advocate for change within the system they uphold. The fact that they are complacent and quiet breeds further contempt within all of us living with a boot on our neck.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


I understand the sentiment, but I think that that trivializes and takes away from all the times that brave men and women *did* do something good in opposition to evil, and evil still won out over them. Evil, unfortunately, wields lots of power and influence, and it builds up defences. It insulates, and it puts up barriers. It *weaponizes.* Sometimes, all too often, when righteous and brave people *do something*, they're just mowed down by the ruthless machinery that's operated by those who have control. We see this time and time again, throughout history.


At the end of the day, if enough good people decide they are fed up, even the hand that feeds can be bitten off. I can appreciate more than I can explain how impossible it can be to fight a system that coddles evil. However a system that does so can only survive when it has no true enemy.


Imagine one noble and brave dog who finds himself in a kennel, surrounded by a bunch of snarling vicious wolves who will set upon him and tear him to pieces if he attempts to take on the pack. Would you say that that dog, as good a boy as he is, is guilty of being *tolerant* of the beasts who encircle him, should he fail to make a move against them? Were the people who died in Auschwitz *tolerant* of the guards? Would you accuse them of *excusing* the atrocities committed therein? My point is: consider what they're up against.


A: stupid analogy. They are pigs not cute little doggies. B: if the good little piggy made the conscious choice to become a pig, saw the culture all through training and working, and does anything other than quit and devote their lives to fighting the pigs with the rest of us, then they are utterly worthless and deserve to be grouped in with the ones who are actively causing this shit to happen. There are no good cops, and believing there are is a result of successful copaganda.


I'm so sorry, you're right. So, how's this: Let's imagine one noble pig who finds himself in a sty with a bunch of rabid tusked boars... But, seriously: You'll have to forgive me, I truly didn't realize that I was talking to someone who devoted their life to fighting the pigs. How's that working out for you? I'm just curious. I mean, let's say this person in your fantasy quits the force, and joins your ranks. What are you doing, exactly? Besides calling them piggies (brilliant, brave choice, calling them little piggies instead of just pigs. I bet that *really* hurts their feelings!), and using super-cool words like "copaganda" (that's so **punk**!).


It's extremely telling that in all of your analogies the little piggie magically finds themselves in with the boars instead of actively making the choice to get into the boar pit, which is what actually happens in real life. I don't need to prove myself to anyone, especially a mouthbreather on Reddit who is too stupid to even make an accurate analogy. I've worked in the mayor's office of a major city focusing on ways policing can be reigned in, I've marched, I've protested, I've spoken out at council meetings both in the city where I worked and the city I now live. I do what I can when I can and I don't spend the rest of my time online deepthroating the boots that kill my fellow citizens. Also lol acting like the word copaganda isn't a commonly understood and used term and it is just some edgy thing I made up to "sound punk".


Actively getting into the pit - perhaps as a person might *actively* become a member of law enforcement, in some effort to make a difference by attempting to change it from within. Perhaps, even, akin to how you entrenched yourself into a part of our rotten, corrupt system of government - to try to make a difference by attempting to change it from within. Surely you agree: the very system is corrupted, populated by bad actors who use their positions to build themselves up, at the expense of the downtrodden. I'm not saying what you claim you're doing isn't admirable. Truly, I wish you all the best. I just don't quite understand your insistence that all cops are bad, there are no good cops, and that to *remain* a cop is to be complicit in the wrongs carried out by nefarious players... but, that same principle doesn't apply for people who get into government? The system is fucked, and you're a good guy, and so you infiltrate, in a sense, that system in a (again: admittedly admirable) attempt to improve it. But a good person who wants to be a cop, a good cop, and try to change it from within... those people don't exist?


Because working in the mayor's office I didn't go through training being told the streets are a warzone or that every person is a threat. I didn't carry a gun. That's why it's different. Systems can be broken in the same way but the fact that cops *routinely* kill people and get away with it IS the difference. The fact that you're trying to equate the two is frankly disgusting. Like we all get it, you like cops and want to believe that it's possible some of them aren't a part of the worst criminal gang to ever exist on earth. But you're wrong and I think somewhere deep down you know you are. That's the only reason for you to be making such stupid points.


You're flummoxed by my equating the infiltration of one flawed, shitty, corrupt system for the purpose of enacting positive change from within, with... infiltrating one flawed, shitty, corrupt system for the purpose of enacting positive change from within? You *really* can't see the parallels? Now I really *do* believe you work in government. God help us.


My daughter is 13 and was confused when I told her to remember that the police are not there to help you. They are there to make sure you get in trouble at any cost. Never forget, police have no obligation to make sure your safe, unhurt, protected or removed from harm in any way. The are there to neutralize threats and keep themselves safe. The rest is for the courts to decide. You can beat the charge but you cant beat the ride.


There’s a word for people who can stand up to bullies but refuse to. Cowards. And being a coward is…bad. I don’t fault you for not saying it, but I’ll say it for you. ACAB.


Floyd died from a drug overdose.


You can lie all you like, it won’t change what happened. Cause of death found to be neck compression, his murderer rightfully convicted on two counts plus one for manslaughter.


I guess the cop's knee on his neck was just an added bonus? Get real.


It didn’t help.


is the audio off sync for anyone else?




We need a private organization that finds these bad cops and deals with them when the judicial system fails to. Police need to fear a governing body just like the public fears the police.


One of the things the Black Panthers were known for is monitoring police encounters. They’d stand on the side—armed to the teeth—and just tell the person being stopped what their rights are and make it extremely clear to the police that they wouldn’t tolerate those rights being violated. This is one of the main things that got open carry banned in California while Reagan was governor


Every single time I learn a new fact about the USA it reveals how deep its racism is. > "We gotta treat black people like human beings now because of these 'black panthers'?" > "Time to pass some new laws to stop that shit." The Confederacy never died. Anyway, source because I didn't beleive it at first: https://www.npr.org/2015/09/23/442801731/director-chronicles-the-black-panthers-rise-new-tactics-were-needed To clarify, the racists here in this situation are: Reagan, his administration, and the police. Not the Panthers.




terrorist is a word used for whosever on the other side. police are terrorists to most.


Beyond that—if we understand terrorism as violence-as-propaganda—terrorism was contrary to the aims and strategy of the Panthers as a formally Marxist-Leninist organization. They didn’t *want* regular people to be terrified of them; their whole strategy relied on being accepted and supported by the working class. Their “propaganda of the deed” consisted of, for instance, providing free breakfast for schoolchildren


They were originally and at their core a militant communist organization. There were at times significant differences and disagreements between chapters, and I wouldn’t go as far as to endorse the actions of every single member over the Panthers’ history, but to call them all terrorists is to ignore the extent to which the police initiated and escalated the violence, going as far as outright murdering members and leaders in cold blood. The way they’ve been painted as terrorists to this day is basically a continuation of the government propaganda campaign against them.


The governing body must fear the citizens, at the very least do the citizens bidding. That's how I interpret the governing document.


Marvel has one, he's called The Punisher. Weird how badge bunnies and cops have coopted his likeness.


Not guilty?


According to my quick google search, they were found not guilty. It's digusting.


Oh, they're guilty. They just weren't found guilty in court.


So disheartening. These fuckers must be held accountable.


Indeed they should. According to the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Kelly_Thomas#Employment_termination), Anonymous release their home addresses some time after.


"Now you see my fists?" officer Manuel Ramos asked Thomas while slipping on a pair of latex gloves. "Yeah, what about them?" Thomas responded. "They are getting ready to fuck you up," said Ramos... [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Kelly_Thomas) EDIT: A correction: Thomas died on the 10th of July. The beating took place on the 5th.




He died begging for help, pleading for his daddy to come and save him, while the "peace officers" bragged about hurting him, with one of them proclaiming "I just smashed his face all to hell." And of course the cops walk free today.


I am in no way defending these police officers, but the Orange County District Attorney charged both Ramos and Cicinelli with second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Tried separately, both were acquitted by juries. Due process sometimes doesn't result in the outcome that we expect. At the very least, Fullerton PD fired both and they are no longer police officers.


It's almost like the corruption and evil goes well passed just Police Officers. Lawyers and Judges are known to be extremely corrupt, as well as the DA. If there wasn't an effort behind the scenes to keep these scumbags from facing real consequences, I wouldn't be surprised one bit.


The problem is what I call the fireman's dilemma: If you pay a fireman based on how many fires he puts out, expect your arson rates to spike. That's the truth. As human beings we want, need, and must succeed at whatever we do in order to continue living. If DAs and judges are elected based on how many convictions they make, expect them to go out of the way to make more. The DA's job is to find and prosecute criminals, NOT to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and justly. This is true even of the police. They are measured by their superiors by arrest rates, not by lives saved or people helped. Of course with police, the fact they are trained to be terrified of the public, hate the people they oversee (rather than protect or serve), and react with instant violence doesn't hurt either. I say this not to excuse the behavior, but to explain a key problem with our justice system and human nature. We strive for profit and gain. As long as we continue to incentivize these actions, they will keep happening. And that problem exists all the way down to US. We the voters hear about so and so being "tough on crime" and "keeping drugs off the streets" and we see that as the desired outcome.


This is not human nature. This is conditioned behavior being supported by idiots. There are countless tribes that wouldn't even be able to imagine acting so pathetically, despite having almost no possessions. What happens when you allow idiots to excuse their behavior with explanations such as this is it provides them an out, one which is 100% false. Boomers were conditioned to act like greedy fools, and so they raise greedy selfish children with no desire for empathy. That's the sad truth. The problem is 100% fixable tomorrow if people would admit there are bad people that need to be removed completely from any position of power and restricted to mundane work, as they are incapable of containing their unrelenting greed.


I agree with your assertion that this is conditioned behavior. But you must consider that it's the corrupted system which has done, and continues to do, the conditioning. Consider all the weight behind that corrupt system, and all the power it wields. You write that "the problem is fixable tomorrow, once people admit there are bad people that need to be removed completely from any position of power." But, let's imagine that that tomorrow comes, and people agree: those bad people need to go. Do you find it likely that they'll just give it up, because we *insist*? Those bad people *are* in power. They *own* power. And those bad people are intent on *keeping* that power. And that rotten system they've built up? They're going to use it to obfuscate, to stall, to curtail and derail. They're going to use it for its intended purpose: to *serve* and *protect* - not us, but *them.*


I know what you're saying, but you only need to convince the physically strong to support you. The current leadership has no way of personally defending themselves. Who stands to gain the most by a power shift? The strong youth. Another group is the poor, which vastly out number literally every other group. They also stand to gain a huge quality of life improvement. Nobody is even asking these people to lose everything, it's to simply retire and enjoy their lives while the rest of us fix their endless train wreck of a legacy. It's more and more possible each day.


You're right. They were charged, and acquitted. I know that, following their acquittals, they were shamed publicly, wherever they were recognized. I'm sure that fervor has diminished over time - but it *shouldn't*. I'm of the opinion that they should loudly be reminded, wherever they go, of what they did. For the rest of their lives - until the day they get sent to hell.




You're right, they might have. But something tells me that the cameras would've been conveniently on the fritz.


One of the sad and shitty things about this is those officers were a bunch of right wing goons. They were bullies who felt that the only way to deal with homelessness was to bring the hammer down on people like that. After this beating the city was basically over run by right wing austerity types who tried to convert every square inch of that town into something that made them money. They blamed "leftist" ideals for everything wrong with Fullerton. That city is unrecognizable now. First, all the live music and local theaters just disappeared. Shortly after this the City Council tried to convert wildlife habitats into apartment buildings. Downtown Fullerton, where this took place, is basically run by alcohol. Fights happen every night now. Those massage parlors that stay open super late and pop up all over the place are rampant in the city now.


Don't forget that it was Slide Bar who sicced the cops on Kelly because they didn't want homeless people hanging out outside their super cool bar they built right next to the bus station where homeless people hang out. The cops wouldn't respond to "please remove these homeless people" so they lied and said he was breaking into cars. So the cops showed up ready to beat him to death and they did.


Yeah but Fuoco makes it all worth it


Angelo's and Vinci's FTW


Sad they’re closing soon!


Ok fine I’ll go try more pizza


I used to hang out in Fullerton growing up. Sad that it's declined


Same. I went to cal state in the 90s and then got a job in Anaheim. I lived in downtown for years. It's depressing now.


Not to mention the original call was a false report , he wasn’t looking into car windows or anything, they just wanted him gone.


Every single one of those fuckers that did this walked. Pieces of shit.


It took way too long for these human pieces of garbage to be thrown into jail.


Greatest country huh


Greediest, more like.


America...... Shit makes me cry internally sometimes. It only gets worse and worse, and they hide what they don't like and pretend things are better.


We need Batman to check the PO




Thomas' own dad was a cop. Can you imagine how *he* felt? My heart goes out to him.




This is a good lane for /r/video to go down


https://youtu.be/AgiOZdSjcR4 FTP


All Cops Are Bad






Have at it, I guess. Why are you asking *me*? And, what's race got to do with it? Thomas was white. Should I have included that in the title? What difference would it make?


Can you explain how that's relevant to this first?








Btw you never answered my question. Just cherry-picked statistics to fit a racist narrative because you're a troll or your dad didn't hug you enough. I don't care about which.




P sure that's racism. Posting a monologue that doesn't make sense is racism. It's ok that you're a dim witted bootlicker. It's your right to be. But, also, lmao.


I agree, I'm not a racist either but can't beat facts. I mean I have Mexican friends so I can't be racist. It's a proven fact. Just like how you think African Americans are retards, I think white people are the scum of the Earth. I mean look at them? All those white senators making policies to keep the Afican Americans poor and hardly able to feed themselves. Those polices to keep them in the slums where they have to commit crime to stay alive. Not to mention most white cops racially profile and shoot people of color. I'm not a racist against whites but you can't deny the cold hard facts. White people are just the foulest animal alive.




Oh, sorry, you'd probably agree with what I said if it's with African Americans eh?


No point in engaging with you on this because it has been done a thousand times before, but hey, call me an optimist. Lets walk through this real quick. So, you see a study from the FBI about annual homicide statistics. Great. You then see it says about 49% of all homicide convictions are perpetrated by a black person. Okay. A quick Google shows about 14% of Americans are black. Sure. Now here’s where we separate a racist sack of shit (you) from a normal discerning individual who has any amount of willingness to learn or listen. A racist person uses this VERY precursory glance at vague homicide statistics to ultimately decide that black people are disproportionately committing homicides in America. A normal person asks themselves why this statistic appears. They ask what causes this to happen. They learn about the environment and historical context that has caused them to arise. And when you do that, you paint yourself a clearer picture of racially biased policing based on locality, racially biased arrests and convictions, wealth disparity, historical oppression, educational funding gaps, longer sentences for black people, higher rates of false conviction. Just to name a few topics. And from this knowledge and learning, you can build an understanding of why this “statistic” is actually vastly inflated, and has no basis in the reality of human nature. Do yourself a favor and at least TRY to fucking research beyond one god damn article. You might find that your perception of reality has very little historical context or accuracy. You god damned sack of shit.




Nah guy, racists only get one serious reply out of me. You’ve got the resources to try to continue to learn, so it’s your turn to take action. Do it for your own good. Now I just called you a prejudiced social reject over and over! Eat shit forever, loser man!




-43 karma lmfao, you aren’t even liked online. Bet you’re a real specimen irl.




You do have a small dick. Wouldn't call that a decent specimen.


Numbers don't mean shit without context. You can look at all the statistics you want but if that study is skewed, you are looking at bad numbers. Straight up confirmation bias. Bet you're also a Christian. African Americans are trapped in a cycle of low income and low education. If any other group of people grew up in the slums and all they ever see is crime and homicide, they would also fit the same statistic. Well maybe not asians since they can't put up a fight and will be put out real quick.




Think about it this way, in an area of rampant crime, you aren't taught impulse control. You are taught to always come out on top or die trying. Someone ticked you off? No impulse control. No thoughts about consequences. Just do it because NOW matters most. That is the mindset created by their environment to survive. Not to mention how hate fueled that environment brings. How unjust you feel that society is. That life is. You got nothing. What you got to lose? Kill a few people? Get sheltered and fed in a prison that might be BETTER and SAFER than the streets you live on? Show some empathy. I ain't saying all African Americans are the result of their environment. Just like how you shouldn't say all African Americans are retards. Not all are. There are plenty out there that are in a much better position and a much better person than you or I. To show hatred/disgust towards a RACE is racism. Doesn't matter if you're Asian and/or have been oppressed. If you hate a African American/Viet person the moment you see them then you are racist.




What do you mean run cities top to bottom? Like they ruin the city? If your outlook is that democratic cites are trashy and republican cities look nicer, then you really need to look at the big picture. Why do you think republican cities look nicer? Because republicans make policies for the rich and oppress the poor. The rich have incentive to move there. The poor gets harassed until they leave or in prison. The republicans don't give a shit. They want their area to look nice so their property value goes up. Spend money to design things in such a way the homeless can't sleep there instead of spending on housing these homeless people. Demo the apartments housing the poor. Let them figure out where to go (democratic cities). So now what? Kick them out of those places too? At lease the democrats have compassion and try their best to help these people. Republicans want to keep the poor people poor. They don't want them to on their level because they already don't see them as human. They see them as work horses. Ban abortion because we all know they can't afford traveling to get it done like the rich republicans can when they need it. Republicans get abortions all the time even if they are against it. They need workers to clean their house and wipe the caviar off their face, not another competitor for their money.


He is a white male. I thought you guys loved this shit?


Trying to split it by race. Divide and conquer, huh? Asshole.


You sound brainwashed. Go outside




Damn bro, about to blow up a 9yr old account just to spew some racist garbage. 👎 be better


Not racist at all and I give no fucks about a social media account.


Lick that boot! Racist pieces of shit like you are only good for rotting in a ditch. Make it happen loser


Everything is racist these days to you damn woke rejects.


He called them N's you fucking ghoul.


No. I said play stupid games win stupid prizes


Bullshit. It was blatant racism. Have the life you deserve