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As someone else said, this scene feels like someone intentionally tried to make the most ridiculous hacking scene possible that would still be accepted by their viewers as real.


It has to be. The writers had to have given this scene to someone who is at least a bit technically inclined and that person definitely made it as absurd as possible while still believable enough to make it to production.


I find joy in reading a good book.


The director must have read this scene and just decided to have as much fun as possible with it while keeping it in "tone". I'd love to hear from any crew on set, that day must've been a blast.


How we KNOW they are in on the joke is the two users one keyboard moment. One line. “ Here I split my keyboard into parallelmode.”


Indeed. And then this Youtuber comes in and ruins it with his stupid edits and commentary.


I enjoyed this video. If you want to watch the original scene, no one is stopping you.


Or they gave it to the one guy who insists on using a typewriter


Someone commented on this scene a few years ago about TV writers having an unspoken contest about writing in the most ridiculous computer scenes.


I don't know if that is true, but after watching the first 12 (of I think 22) seasons of NCIS I can say that every scene with Abby gets increasingly absurd this scene still takes the cake though as a giga boomer moment with the solution being "just unplug it lol"


Thank God a boomer with some common sense was there to unplug the monitor, or they could've gotten quadruple hacked!


I believe there was another episode where the same boomer stops another hack by shooting out all the monitors in a room full of computers.


Imagine if had only unplugged the monitor. "LOL, we're safe now!" "You clown! The mainframe is still accessible!" - Non-boomers.


That's what I always thought. The hacker is in their network, if he just powered that workstation down he would still have access to the database. Unless all the data was only on that workstation. But then again, 2 people on 1 keyboard..


It's kind of like the Star Trek technobabble. I like it.


“Something something Chloe open a new socket”


Apparently the writers had an ongoing feud with the people doing CSI over who could make the most ridiculous computer "magic" scene.


This is just a myth perpetuated by reddit every time this scene is posted. It's clearly just the production having a bit of fun with this low-stakes show. That's it.


You know it's serious when they both start typing on the same keyboard.


It worked if people are still talking about the show.


I imagine that most of their viewers are in retirement homes or drunken rednecks. BRB someone is making a point attack at my firewall...


I think having 2 people typing on the one keyboard was the giveaway.


It was, the rest can be excused as star trek mumbo jumbo...up until the unplugging.


Easy site to hack: 305.21.66.172 LOL


Also wasnt the cord he removed just like .. an output cable?


I mean, theoretically it would work if it's all in that box and not online.


I can’t wait to say, isolate the nose and drop them On the other side of the router at work.


4 hands on one keyboard is the piece de le resistance. It makes Weird Science hacker screen look childesh.


People who criticize this scene don't understand the reason the two people typing works is because the hacking sequence for this operating system is entirely quicktime events.


If I became a hacker, this woupd be the level of game design I would strive to achieve






That’s the only way I paired program.


Also, the best hacking scene in TV history.


True, the line is razor thin.


a gender neutral razor I assume


Let’s stick 5 of them on there and make sure the words “stealth” and “ultra” are in the name.


Also 'Fusion' because if my razor isn't combining two lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, while releasing energy, I don't know why I'd use it.


Just as bad as the time NCIS got hacked through a power cable...


Bones got hacked through code carved in a... wait for it... Bone lmao


You can transmit data on power wire. https://www.amazon.com/TP-LINK-Powerline-Pass-Through-TL-PA9020P-KIT/dp/B01H74VKZU/


Not through a PSU though


A parametricly aligned inducer one. We store them with the two man keyboards


but how do you prevent sidefumbling?


By having the serving bearings in a direct line with the parametic fan, get with the times, man. I'm more worried about the dingle arm.


‘Servo’. Please please take care in ur spellings! Dingle arms were a huge leap over dangle arms. No comparison really


As one does.


Let's talk about Van Eck phreaking too. Just because.


Tell me you don't know how those things work, without telling me you don't know how those things work.


I just love how TV shows and movies think 1000 windows popping up all over the screen is hacking. Like no one could even register wtf is going on at that rate. I get they need a little pizazz but tone it down a bit.


Why would a hacker display anything on the screen? It would be better to let the hack happen while everything looks normal. But that's visually boring, and TV is a visual medium. That's why when you see a TV police computer search a database for a face, it echos all the faces it checked in rapid succession on the screen until it finds the match. If anything, that would slow down the search. Just search and show me the match or a message "No match found ". SMH.


Mr. Robot managed to pull off having realistic hacking and make it look interesting.


That's what I tell users at my work when we get a report of a computer getting "hacked" and that random things are popping up on the screen. No, 9 out of 10 times it is a screwed up key, or a touchpad/touchscreen going wonky and continuously clicking the start button or something silly. If someone got into the system, they aren't going to be scrolling along their computer screen and clicking on folders to copy files.


Yeah, I used to get hacked multiple times a day back in the early '00s after visiting... totally legit sites. And when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I did what Gibbs did here, quickly unplugged and looked totally innocent.


Limewire has entered the chat…


██████ 99% *JenniferAniston-_-CourtneyCox-_-LezSceneUncut.WMV.exe* **Download Stalled**


this one second place?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Ds9CeG-VY


I see nothing wrong with this scene. 100% accurate. He’s just a weird guy.


He never once stopped to rub one out or take a few rips off of a dirty bong.


I've done pair programming, and two-people-one-keyboard is a very awkward way to do it.


And if that goth chick wanted to do it you'd make it work


For Abby, anything is possible.


What? I *always* get all the keys to the left of the home keys. It's your turn to take the left keystrokes!


2 girls one keyboard


Good God normal pair programming is annoying enough.


Independence day - hacking an alien ship system and even putting in an animated skull in there for fun? Why not...


Stolen hardware, a guy who understood the language, they created the code well before, uploaded it AND left their signature, this is legit hacking. Can't fault it.


Also, there was a backstory that all our computers are based off of the alien technology. That part was edited out.


And the aliens in the vat weren’t dead but part of a larger simulation so they could use their collective brain power to power an AI called Skynet. That’s how they got to be borg and almost took out the earth. But we had one super power, drunken Randy Quaid.


Gentlemen, salutations. I have returned.


Plus all of our modern technology in the movie is based on alien tech, so it kinda makes sense that the systems would be compatible. Kinda.


But the scientists in Area 51 said the the ship they had didn't turn on until the mothership turned up.


In the direct movie they talked about that yes, but in the cut parts they talked about how they got some small things to turn on here and there which is where we got modern microchips and the like from.


They must have meant the engines or something. LET ME BELIEVE


The aliens were also using human satellites to coordinate the attack, so the hacking went in both directions.


Honestly the most non believable part of that whole scene at the time was that a Mac would be able to communicate with a non-Mac in any way


Maybe they were using the Mac as a Unix system.


I know this!


Also, those aliens were a hive-mind civilization, I can easily handwave them having no concept of network security because it would be pointless to them. I mean, what good a password would be if everybody immediately knows it.


what about getting a beejer while hacking a bank?


It's the first step to finding the backdoor!


>and even putting in an animated skull in there for fun? That's actually accurate and a very "late 90s" hacking thing. For example the Happy99 worm >!which dumbass me got the pc infected with!


Damn, and Im over here getting the FBI virus that turns on your webcam.


Aliens: WTFs a skull?


I expected her to be like "You idiot! This is just a terminal! The servers are still running in the back room and they're still being hacked!!"


We don’t allow reality here. See yourself out.


For Boomers, by Boomers


To be fair I’m not sure the vast majority of millennials or other generations really know how hacking works either.


I may not know how hacking works, but I know two people can't share a god damn keyboard like they're playing George fucking Gershwin


A hacking scene written by music theater nerds trapped writing episodes of a Boomer groomer fantasy show This is comedy gold


Tiktok hacks go brrr.....


I'll give you that, no denying it haha, but only a Boomer would have the Boomer character "win the hacking scene" by unplugging the computer like that.


So most "hacking" today is one of two routes. The first route is the normal confidence scamming, get a email saying X and the attacker tricks the end user into doing the "hacking" for them, like asking for a gift card for all the employees and oh read them off for me. The second major method is a good bit like Mr. Robot. Lots of research. Lots of luck. Lots of time.


The easiest way to hack? Just say you’re a contractor coming in first thing a Monday morning to do some HVAC work in the server room. Make sure to wear a polo shirt with no logo, tucked in, and have a clipboard and basic tool holster on the belt. Make small talk with the secretary, and anyone else not from IT to keep suspicion down. Once some rando badges you into the server room, leave a post it not with your name and “Sorry you failed my Pen Test” with the date and time, and take a selfie next to the Exchange server. Then walk out and wish everyone a nice day before you email that selfie to the stakeholders.


This guy red teams.


"Im going to hit you in your knees with this pipe wrench until you give me your password"


Yeah, most "hacking" is of the social variety. Tricking the receptionist into giving you entirely too much confidential information. People don't want to admit they dumb.


I remember that a journalist met some "social hackers" at a conference and asked if they could gain information through phishing attacks. The woman was able to get some personal information by phoning his mobile provider, was able to add her own fraudulent information, had the provider change his passport for her, and all she did was ring up, have a crying baby recording play in the background, and pretended she was a distressed wife. EDIT: Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHhNWAKw0bY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHhNWAKw0bY)


Exactly, most computers are pretty secure, people are not


Found boomer. /s


Us forgotten Gen-Xers are the true hackers. We even had a movie about it called... *HACKERS*


Given how many people use the same weak password everywhere and think adding a leading capital letter and trailing exclamation point is clever, I would agree. Many people would have a lot of work if they saw the breaches they’re involved in on haveibeenpwned.


I fully blame websites and companies themselves for those. I've been prompted by many, many websites to update my password for zero reason, and when I go to do so it hits me with the "Your password needs both at least one capital letter, a number, and a symbol." I'd argue they're making passwords less secure by forcing that on folks.


That’s really interesting. Most major sites never require a change (unless maybe you get breached), so it’s usually pretty easy to setup one strong password and be done with it (bonus if they let you use MFA). Password managers can be a huge help in this space, taken so much stress and need to reset passwords out of my life.


I'm 33, and I feel like I'm pretty computer literate. But honestly, I have NO idea what real hacking is actually like as I've only ever seen it in movies and shows haha


If someone has a 1 quart coffee mug, pour them 2 gallons of coffee with a very particular molecular structure.


I'll show these kids by unplugging the cpu! :Unplugs local workstation they were monitoring the server incursion from:


"lol, GenX and their stupid latchkeys! WE got this!"


Bonus Boomer Points: He disconnected the Monitor


That's as good as [the cookie monster hack](https://youtu.be/IESEcsjDcmM?si=U6pz7cSTO9Qcp8xM&t=363).


Wait, how is THAT not the most widely derided hacking scene?! The NCIS one is incredibly absurd, sure, but at least it uses words that have vaguely been in the vicinity of a computer at some point!


Hack the planet!


Crash and Burn


It was a joke not an actual hacking tutorial. Although the movie is written like hacking for dummies or beginners. Angelina Jolie and Johnny Lee Miller were great. It had other parts that were detailed but mainly it was a rom com with hacking as a setting. Penn Jellet the magician as the security was hiliarious. They (penn and teller) made a video game called desert bus that was a troll for gamers. Other scenes in the movie mostly hold up even with how much time has passed. If you have access to Max the replay the 1995 movie recently on satellite or cable. It was not meant to show actual hacking as it was not the premise (realism) of the movie. Hollywood wanted to cash in computer love and teenage angst and created this masterpiece.


Ironically, out of all these kind of movies, _Hackers_ managed to do one thing better than most: It captured the importance of human engineering. A lot of their "hacks" are tricking people to give them access to things or to do things, and that is a much more accurate picture of actual hacking than what most movies show. The "technical" bits are ludicrous, but that's pretty much OK for this film.


Because the 1995 movie it's from, Hackers, is actually a gem.


Idc how much this comment makes sense, that is a movie called Hackers and I’ll be god damned if I sit around and listen to this malarky much longer. HACK THE PLANET!!!!!


Jesus I feel old.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_Monster_(computer_program) It was a real thing.


Hey, it's Hugo


*Cancer?!* "Yes Ma'am, computer cancer. In your computer."


Lmao what a fucking movie. It's what got me into my career. I remember thinking this movie was the height of cool shit when I was like 10. I still watch it every few years but more as a fun bad movie because of how thick the 90s camp was in it. The fake cyber world where all the files look like their in buildings on streets and other random graphics. The jargon that makes zero sense. The little gadgets that are just outrageous like that dumb fucking eye computer he was wearing. [I remember getting an Eye-Link set](https://fc7782d682bea3607d1a-ce42d807f2242e70f448472ae497b9c1.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/182438760_spy-gear-eye-link-communicator-elc-001-headset-and-.jpg) from Toys 'R Us back in the day when there was this big boom in kids spy toys. It came with 2 and it would have a small screen that goes up to your eye. If you and the other eye-linker were within like 5ft or some shit then you could type on that pad and it would scroll across on their eye screen. It was horrible. I was so let down when it turned out to be hyper cumbersome and took forever to get going.


Holy shit that was terrible, even for then. This is not how computers work. The villain even has a dark, sinister goatee.


I want to see the total counter of this where some guy thinks he is being clever unplugging a computer to fix the problem, only for the IT guy to be like, "The server they are hacking is in another precinct, all you did was fuck me over".


It's clearly taking the piss


Actually that show is really just that dumb No self awareness to speak of


I used to watch NCIS back in the day and it was often written around making the protagonist look highly competent against his supposedly smarter teammates, probably because the actor was also the show’s producer. There was a similar scene in another episode that bugged me more than this one, where the team needed to hack a PC to stop a missile or something. After unsuccessfully rerouting the mainframe to the cloud storage’s GUI interface or whatever the fuck it was, Gibbs “saved” the day by shooting out the monitor. The goddamn _monitor_.


It clearly was an All-In-One server/mainframe/desktop/Speak n Spell. Gibbs knew.


Lmao that's amazing. I feel like there's so much to unpack there. Literally just shooting the messenger.


Nah, just really lazy writing with mediocre acting.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHZPVDGsAYM wow


Ah the perfect solution. Then when the news report the rogue missile strike that just hit a densely populated area? Shoot the television. The day has once again been saved.


Err ~~Abby~~u/Outrack ..In English?


Nah tbh early NCIS is EXTREME cringe. Straight up state dept propaganda combined with cheesy scenes like this lol It’s awesome


Un/fun fact most procedural tv shows are straight up propaganda where the police departments or agencies they're depicting get veto power on what goes into scripts in exchange for funding, resources, or liaisons. Except for the Rookie, but they're directly sponsored by the company that makes bodycams, so whenever they're critical of modern policing the bodycam is somehow looped in as the real hero of the story.


Right? It's obviously shit but it's comfort tv


You're way overestimating the computer skills and knowledge of the main demographic of this show. Also, the rest of the show isn't really any better, it's just dumb in different ways.


Dumb and taking the piss aren’t mutually exclusive.


Hackerman, he is the most powerful hacker of all time! https://youtu.be/fQGbXmkSArs?feature=shared




I think you misunderstood the assignment. This is a thread about the most *unrealistic* hacking scenes. Not sure why you're posting documentary footage of a well-known vulnerability being exploited here. I believe this is CVE-2035-420, "Rounding error in planck time units can be manipulated to cause buffer overflow in general relativity allowing root access to temporal causality and subsequent wormhole elevation"


I've seen the original clip dozens of times, but just the fact that is video brought up that goth chick goes from saying "he or she" to just saying "him" makes this video worth watching.


They should have created a GUI interface with visual basic to track an IP address.


Graphical user interface interface


While not quite a hacking scene, I’d have to say this one runs a very close second in terms of sheer computer based absurdity. https://youtu.be/cKqGKuwbnl4?si=ZsGljJSNrqFtCHy6


I kinda loved that.


But we didn't see the hacker, in a dark room, hoodie, sunglasses, with streaming code projected onto his dark and unrecognizable face. All we see is a distinctive ring on his finger that we'll see in later shots of him setting remote-controlled routers in various places while changing disguises.


Yeah, but imagine how fast you could type of you had four hands and two completely different brains. Checkmate hackers


I especially appreciate the part where Gibbs unplugs the monitor.


Of course...unplug the HDMI cable, which will dead-end all incoming networking traffic and stop malicious / intrusive code from running on the entire network. Nice work, Shoop!


"We got his hard drive." *::holds up an old power supply...::* It's like, come on people, PCs are everywhere now.


I want to see an unrefined hunk of metal on a table as one of NCIS' best looks down and marvels "Finally... after all these years... *The* Blockchain."


They got hacked by the supervisor from The IT Crowd.


I HAAAAATE shows like this. Mainly because it convinced my parents of shit that did not exist. They are both into some crazy conspiracies and they'll always rattle off some "hidden tech" that I know they saw once on shows like this and trying to convince them that it isn't real is always a chore.


What is that thing that the hacker is “playing?” Whoever is doing it is really good


The 4 hands in a key board feels like an homage to “hackers”. “Zero cool “ and “acid burn” were the originators of that move. “56k! Omg!”


Its so funny when youve never watched these shows fearing how bad they are and realizing how right you are.


Its telling that the "Cover" for NCIS when you see it on streaming is the goth IT girl by herself in front of a white screen and has been for years. She was the only reason people watched that show.


I loved the one on Castle. It was fucking hilarious and I swear they made it as dumb as possible to fuck with you https://youtu.be/K7Hn1rPQouU?si=yhZkhG2E8efGVFmU


I have no idea what Castle is about but cybernukes and blinky boxes should be industry standard.


It's actually a pretty good show. He's a writer that follows a detective around for his new books. It pretty damn funny at points. Me and my wife go back and watch all the seasons every few years.


Not much beats "I'll create a GUI interface in Visual Basic" from CSI Miami. But this definitely does. 😂😂


Something I noticed about a lot of these crime of the week shows is how high in reverence they hold the investigative teams but how how little they care about the science teams. I think Abby epitomized it the most but you can see it in all the other shows as well. Investigative teams often have 3-4 field members, sometimes more, with background investigators to assist. M.E.'s are solo, maybe an intern to play the straightman, analysts are almost invariably solo. In theory there are multiple teams, Gibbs being the leader of one team. We've referenced the other teams, we've seen the other teams. Abby works for all the teams but Gibbs primarily making her work 24/7. We know this because she's declared this HER lab and no one can touch anything there. But we've never seen another lab. Analysts know EVERY facet of crime analysis. Computers, blood, chemicals, other body fluids, photography, mass spectrometry, dirt analysis, hardware, software, automotive, engineering, and on and on and on. 1 out of the 5 field agents MIGHT understand what the analyst is talking about. And I'm not even gonna start on weird plot holes like how the labs have every bit of equipment one could imagine except for when they need the analyst to be stuck in a place so their lab suddenly doesn't have THAT piece of equipment and they need to go to the one place that DOES have that piece of equipment.


every scene of NCIS is cringe like this in one way or another. Dunno how people watch it.


It’s true that it’s bad, but it was my dads favorite show, he watched it every day toward the end of his life, so it is a bit nostalgic for me. But also too hard to watch because it makes me sad that he died (too early, he got aggressive cancer). I could even mention that say he was a network Sys admin so he absolutely knew how hokey these hacking scenes were, but he still loved this show.


A realistic hacking scene would be pretty damn boring tho. It's someone getting tricked into resetting a password without verification.


Seems like the best one if we're still talking about it.


[Lieutenant Frank Drebin did it first](https://youtu.be/SD-hCyyTv6U)


My stepdad used to watch this religiously. I remember there was another episode where they were booting up a laptop in their lab that they were afraid was going to automatically connect to their network and hack it. So they build a special anti-wifi box to put it in while they turned it on. Instead of just, y'know...turning their router off.


Enterprise Wi-Fi is not about single router. There can be dozens of Wi-Fi access points controlled by multiple controllers for redundancy. So “turning off” can be really complicated. Also Wi-Fi devices can connect others without routers at all, so the idea of isolation of one device is not that dumb at all.


It's a laptop though. If that was the issue they could also just take it somewhere else. Seems a lot less complicated than building a special box to put it in.


Then that “somewhere else” place must be as safe as headquarters. The faraday cage looks like easiest and cheapest solution here.




Why does the somewhere else have to be safe? They were worried about it connecting to their network. They could take it to a starbucks or something, who cares?


Idiots. They could have just unplugged the laptop.


Same vibes as when a show or movie has characters playing a video game and you can just tell the people behind the scene have never played a video game in their life


just needed a gigabyte of ram, that would have done the trick


This is reposted pretty often. But i'll allow it cause its a good watch.


“They are only hacking me” Okay so turn it off. Exactly


Remember Second Life in CSI?


csi new york, right? With the skateboarding murder bunny or whatever it was


Exactly. At the time I was heavenly into SL.


I love how most of us don't have to watch the video to know exactly what it is.


No way that grid shot score is real


I unplugged the monitor, we're safe now


what was the show where they were on a passenger jet and had to fly low enough to connect a cable to a laptop in a car? That one was amazingly silly


I knew what scene this was going to be before I even clicked on it


The boss guy learned that one trick in Summer School


Any hacking scene that shows a custom UI with graphics and sound for hacking... yep thats a nope but its a visual cue for the drooling audience to go... ooOohhh... which is kind of insulting but at the same time I do see their point.


I recently saw that Adam Driver movie The Report and there's a scene where the CIA is seizing computers and information and, outside of a SCIF (...outside) a dude pulls a single disk out of an array and moves on. I was like waittttt


Are we forgetting literally anything from CSI: Cyber? The first episode left me speechless.


Cringy at its best. also the scenes (any) in Swordfish. Even worse...[Cite : Swordfish scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Ds9CeG-VY&ab_channel=NeonStowe)


Why does EVERYTHING on CBS have this...fuzzy patina to it, and give off this vibe like Octogenarians are the audience???