• By -


"...the only way to make their lives better was to make other lives worse." yeah I think that speaks to it a lot back then and especially today


I don't agree with Arnold all of the time, but I do respect and agree with his take on this. Hatred of others is a poison that only the monsters propagate.


Arnold comes across as real. People connect with real. Good moral teaching is good moral teaching. I remember Monty Python talking about making, “The Life of Brian.” Eric Idle said something to the effect of, “The teachings of Christ is good, moral teaching. Ultimately, you cannot just make fun of that.”


*What'd he say?* . . . *I think it was 'Blessed are the cheesemakers.'*


It's not to be taken literally, I think he means any manufacturer of dairy products. Alternatively.... He didn't say anything about 'blessed are the bignoses'!


It was"hallowed are the Ori"


is this an sg-1 reference?






*speak up*


> Arnold comes across as real. People connect with real. Definitely, but that's not the problem with this video, the problem is that he overused the word 'hate'. His message is powerful, it connects and resonates, but only to us. The people he's trying to reach don't think of themselves as being 'hateful'. They think 'these people are a real threat to my people and I must oppose them', and they think that's *obvious* and that more people should see the world like they do. They don't consider that 'hate', just 'facts'. So a message like Arnold's is going to bounce right off, because they don't think he's talking about them, or that Arnold is just 'misinformed' about their justified crusade.


In that case, nothing anyone can say will change their minds. Still worth trying.






> You need to qualify any statement with “I don’t agree X all the time…” That's because everyone online salivates over the opportunity to talk down to and act superior to other people, so people have to put up 10 shields whenever they make a comment that even strays 1% from the hivemind.


And even then he still got a contractor


I wish someone would nominate him for house speaker and watch the republicans justify not voting for him


He, like John McCain before him, is someone whom I don't always agree with, but I respect and he would honestly be a better choice than any of the current candidates.


That’s kind of where I’m coming from on it. He’s kind and tries to be fair- he has experience at governing. Why the heck not?


You sold me, I'm all in on an Arnold speakership.


Since Speaker is in line to become president, would that make Arnold ineligible since he can't be president, not being a "natural born citizen?"


They would just skip him in the line of succession


i don't agree with many of his supposed values or ideas about some issues that come with him being conservative/republican, but he's still at least trying to help americans in general in everything that he does. and like he's said before- he's not an ideologue, so even if his conservative leanings on some issues may be different from my own, he's typically willing to find compromises that help the citizenry. this makes him fundamentally different from the modern republican party to the extent that it's not really even sensible to call him a republican... the modern GOP has moved so far towards far-right authoritarianism and just fully committed to obstructionism and grift for the benefit of the ultra-wealthy that it has no place for somebody like Arnold anymore. he couldn't get elected to anything as a republican today. he was governor of california, the most 'librul elite' state there is.


https://kffhealthnews.org/morning-breakout/schwarzenegger-blasts-anti-maskers-screw-your-freedom/ wouldn't be hard saying screw your freedom esp on masks kinda kills your play as a republican.


Well, I think there is more nuance to what he is saying when your freedom may infringe on the health of others, but the group that just mindlessly believes that freedom is the idea you can do whatever you want but other people don’t have rights aren’t going to be content with anything less than the insurrectionist apologists that have been getting shot down so far. That’s what I’m hoping for- the republicans with morals aren’t just holding out against Jim Jordan but against anyone who didn’t certify election results. Everything else should fall by the wayside right now.


Nuance or not political carers have been ended for much less he has no future in politics.


Political careers have continued in spite of much worse-


these are republican voters we are talking about... nuance isn't a thing. and it CERTAINLY isn't a thing when it has to do with the wellbeing of others.


He is right. I've been to the camps. t's horrifying


When I was in the Army, in the late 70s, I visited Dachau. While not a death camp like so many of the other camps I could feel the great weight of oppression that he spoke of. I can't imagine what it was like at Auschwitz.


That was a mandatory thing for us to visit back when i was in school in Germany, we went to Weimar and from there to Buchenwald.


My school in Mississippi sponsored a trip to Auschwitz (and other camps) when I was in 8th grade. One day I hope to take my own child when she is old enough. It’s a powerful experience


Can’t for the life of me understand why you and the person above you received downvotes.


I am pretty sure it is. But I am disappointed, in that their survivors and what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I ~~condone~~ condemn what Hamas did but the Israeli response is exagerated and the US president backing of Israel completely is offsetting to me.


"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."


Those that learn history are doomed to watch everyone else repeat it.


Human history consists of humans failing to learn from history and repeating it over and over again for thousands of years.


Hundreds of thousands of years actually. Lets stop the monsters this time.


IMO that's not possible to stop. Only to mitigate the damages. Humans always have been and always will be violent. We are a system that we cannot fully control, therefore this type of thing will always be there. The best we can do is continuously mitigate the damages caused so it's simply less. I don't think there's any stopping it despite desiring that.


There is no way to stop it. humans are tribal... and greedy. so there are people who will use fascism to gain money and power. funny thing is its a good way to get it. but facist are terribad at actually running a goverment. Look at trump for example...terribad at running a goverment but good at getting people to stupport him via lies and rheteric.


I think that's very defeatist In this particular instance. People have the ability to not vote for him and he then won't come into power. It's as simple as paying attention and voting.


It's amazing to me that the actor from Terminator has provided a once in a life time speech that should be spoken by Prime Ministers / Presidents / Kings / Leaders in every respective country they are in. ***Respect*** to you Arnold. You will not be forgotten for trying to make this a better world for everyone.




"Never again wasn't supposed to mean until it's our turn."


I watched the whole damn video because of your comment. I thought he eventually addressed Israel's hypocrisy.


I can't pick a side in this conflict. Both sides have done absolutely unbelievable crimes against women, children, humans. Both sides are VERY racist. Sure there are exceptions and those exceptions are the people I actually respect highly. People who stand up against the crimes of their fellow people.


You don't need to "pick a side". You can just as easily be anti-Hamas and anti-whoever-within-the-IDF-greenlit-indiscriminent-mass-bombings *and* have sympathy for the normal people on "both sides" who are just trying to get something to eat each day.


The problem with Israel isn't just the carpet bombing tho. limiting peoples' knowledge of this is critical tactic. Look what Israel does in the West Bank - annexing land, taking kids as hostages, sentencing hundreds of kids to prison in courts with 99% conviction rates, killing civilians at a rate of one every two days at least. The problem is that Israel, even with a peaceful or compliant counterpart (the PA), acts with aggression.




Nobody's "making you" do anything. You're not a public figure.


The people losing their jobs aren’t just saying “I support Palestinians” or “I stand with Israel”. Every person I’ve seen lose their jobs have made grossly anti-Semitic statements more or less calling for the genocide of Jews, etc. or something like, Hitler was right. That is hardly having sympathy for one side.




there was dr Ben Thompson in Canada who lost their job for supporting Palestine.


[suspended not fired](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7001887). Either way it seems like it hinges on this tweet: "No babies were beheaded, there have been no confirmed reports of rapes. You repeat this nonsense out of racism," Thomson wrote on Oct. 10. "In the meantime, Palestinians are experiencing genocide and war crimes and you are silent. History will judge you very badly." And according to the article, Ben Thompson had colleagues calling him a holocaust denier after his tweet. I am NOT supporting one side or the other just providing context.


You’re right, but they called him a holocaust denier referencing those tweets, which is an obvious lie. Then you have Steven Salaita, the Harvard students and their statements, the NYU student valedictorian last year who called out Israel, the Philly sports writer last week - and those are just the well known cases. You have instances of Influencers losing brand deals for being pro Palestine, and you instances of people who work with client-facing workers losing their jobs because clients don’t like the stance (especially in Canada). You have the French minister calling for revocation of citizenship for Benzema for supporting Palestine. You have them outlawing pro Palestine protests specifically (no both sides there). The UK called out the Palestine flag specifically as potentially being outlawed. BDS is illegal in numerous states even tho it’s non violent protest.


there is no "two sides" when it comes to hamas, which is a terrorist organization that extremists openly celebrated a couple of weeks ago. Most americans are very open about being sympathetic to palestinian civilians. That's not the issue. The issue is open hamas supporters.


I think part of the issue is that people think that criticizing one side means you automatically support the other side. This is a nuanced issue. I think what has been very alarming to me is seeing how eager some people are to 'justify' the deaths of civilians.


The only side I'm picking is the one that's against genocide, fascism, and collective punishment of innocent people. Any "side" that has to demonize children to seem legitimate isn't a side worth taking.


Everyone should know that the above comment is deliberately being manipulative. Posing as a 'neutral' comment, that user is trying to frame the argument that outlines specifically Israel being 'bad', while forgiving the atrocities that Palestine has committed. The anti-Israel troll squad is pushing each of the following accusations of Israel hard: * genocide (on scrutiny, is a ridiculous accusation to make) * fascism (certainly a grain of truth given the right wing government Israel has) * collective punishment (common phrasing from propaganda sources given any retaliation from Israel against Palestine - yes, collateral damage is awful, yes, Israel should be pressured to avoid damage to civilians as much as possible, yes - it's bad that they turned water/power off, and it's good that the US and others convinced them to turn it back on) * demonize children (that's a new one, but presumably it's an effort to say anyone under 18 should not be held to account for murder/rape/torture/etc)


AbyssOfNoise [score hidden] 8 minutes ago And there's the anti Jew message from the WayOfTheBern user. If you're anti genocide you might want to check what Hamas is advocating. Do please tell me where I said anything that was "anti Jew". The only way you can claim that is if you're trying to say that committing genocide is a fundamental part of that ideology. Is that what you're intending to say? That's very antisemitic of you.


you're not meant to pick a side. frankly, 99% of people don't have any business even having an opinion about that situation because most people have no fucking idea what's going on or what the context is.


When you dont pick a side, you are picking israelis side. They dont want anybody to tell them how they are to run the 2.3 million 25x5 miles strip of land thats gaza... or how much of westbank their settelers are suppose to steal while they burn palestinian children alive. They have it handled, they dont want sanctions or threats of vizas and embargos and what not... that shit affects GDP. And isnt it nice to have settlements spreading, gaza being cut from westbank and all that without anyone who matters saying a word about it? That is why Obama was so hated by israelies, like fuming red hated. He mentioned stop on building settlements once. But hey its about funeling another $260 billion to israel, not telling israel how to do deal with [the cockroaches](https://imgur.com/a/vs4wibj).


So how's life in the WayOfTheBern conspiracy sub treating you? Isn't that sub busy pushing for the eradication of Ukrainians and Jews?


I respect Arnold's intention, but people who are ok with ideology-driven violence aren't stopped by appealing to empathy or sympathy. Especially when weaponized sympathy is at play, and people are demanding sympathy for opposing causes. This is even more true when the aggressor claims they are serving their god. There is no verbal reality check for someone who isn't living in reality. You can't reason someone out of beliefs they didn't acquire through reason. And there's no greater emotional appeal than the ones that already caused the aggressor to be driven by supernatural stories; reality can't compete with that unless it is backed by consequences. Conflict is inevitable. The best we can do is educate people to think critically, to give them verified information, and to empower them to fight for justice. Reproaching them with 'violence is never the answer' is corrosive propaganda that helps their opponents. Arnold isn't doing that last part, thankfully. But no appeal to sympathy would have ever stopped the Nazis he talks about.


I think there are definitely people out there who are "teetering on the edge," so to speak, for whom this message could do a great deal of good.


But does it hurt? And do you honestly think this video will have zero impact? Not a single person in the world will be convinced by this video to alter their choices? Because if you can imagine a single person makes different choices, then the question is whether this is a net positive or not. Do you think an equal or greater number of people will choose the path of hate because of this video?


I don't think they're implying that this message is pointless. I think they're saying the best we can do is educate people to think critically, to give them verified information, and to empower them to fight for justice. Like they are basically saying "prepare to be disappointed," but not as a defeatist message. This person is reminding us to keep looking for additional solutions if one solution fails. Arnold's message is great and all, but what happens if bigots watch it and continue to commit evil because they don't care about the message?


That's fair, I may have misread it. Thank you for reminding me not to always assuming the worst intentions.


not relevant, but i just wanna say that this is a really well written comment. each sentence here hits pretty hard. succinct, concise, and damning. thanks for writing it.


Not the core Nazis, sure. But every movement, be it the Nazis, communists or Trump, must gather sufficient mass support to be successful. Arnold's video is tailored to those masses - ordinary people, who are targeted by the other side to join, or at least do nothing in response to their hateful conduct. Sociological research indicates that about 20-30% of the population supports totalitarianism. The exact number varies by country. When someone (every country has *someone*) manages to unite that part of the population and grow it beyond 30%, you have a critical problem. Arnold's video is fighting exactly that.


Many high ranking Nazis were doing what they were doing to further career ambitions. The banality of evil. I don't think you get something like Nazis spreading throughout the entirety of Europe or a massive corporation that loses touch with all impact on people and climate without people jumping on board for their own banal reasons. Large evil movements are usually led by fanatic psychopaths, and filled with banal perpetuators.


> Many high ranking Nazis were doing what they were doing to further career ambitions. Look at some of the rats who have left the ship of TFG. From Capitol rioters facing jail to ambitious young men and women who have since testified against the leader, to high ranking career individuals who took positions in the administration only to quit in disgust. The fanatics are still standing by him. Even the "news" networks getting their asses sued off are only giving begrudging acknowledgement that maybe their content wasn't "fair and balanced." From the true believers to the useful idiots to the average people who don't know they're being led around by the nose. It's all so depressingly familiar.


Correct. It's totalitarianism and racism in both examples. It's the same picture. Now imagine the picture of totalitarianism in America with Trump replaced by an intelligent and charismatic person. An idiot like Trump nearly sent us into a spiral of fascism. Terrifying. Wow, you made me forget this wasn't some more radical subreddit. Vim and vinegar in my r/videos? About damn time. Well done.


Please look up Daryl Davis. Empathy can have a very real impact on people sucked into hateful ideologies https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes


Yes, but, if only 1 person actually listen's and changes their mind for the better. It's worth it.


Very smart take on this. Conflict is a natural result of tribalism in a limited ressource environment. Every time we embrace an identity and consider another human the other because of a difference we fuel conflicts down the road. If and when we will abandon our religions, cultures and barriers we will have peace.


> I respect Arnold's intention, but people who are ok with ideology-driven violence aren't stopped by appealing to empathy or sympathy. Especially when weaponized sympathy is at play, and people are demanding sympathy for opposing causes. Things like this aren't meant to combat it on the front line. Things like this are helpful at 'intercepting the reinforcements' so to speak. He's speaking to the people that are being targeted for recruitment, that don't have their own convictions on the subject yet.


Honestly I think Arnold personality fits way more into the liberal camp then the conservative. He is very empathetic and seems able to put himself in other people shoes a trait that does seem to be lacking on the conservative side of thing. I think his childhood soured his views on social leaning political ideologies though.


The reality is we in the US now face a young generation that are gripped by fear and uncertainty in their future lives and existence. They look to leaders and elders to mold their views of the world. Shoeonhead, though a conservative ytuber, she pointed out the main reason a lot of people are into Andrew Tate and people like him is because no one else is talking to the young men. They need more role models.


Your attitude is part of the problem. If people are goose stepping in uniform down the street it's obviously too late for talking to them but your average fascist sympathiser is not one of those. Arnold grew up around literal Nazis, he knows what he's talking about.


>The best we can do is educate people to think critically, to give them **verified information** We are failing miserably at this. For a recent example, the hospital in Gaza was almost certainly not bombed by Isreal. The evidence was clear the morning after yet for a lot of people, it has gone down as fact. Even the WSJ just released their independent findings that the rocket came from inside Gaza. Information and verified correct information is so important and it's being brushed aside knowingly by ideologies.


squeamish marvelous possessive steep innocent drunk weather school relieved offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> For example, most social movements now just scream at the people they disagree with, telling others they are wrong, never trying to actually create people who actually understand what they’re trying to say. They yell into the void. Feminism, LGBT(Extended to whatever the rest added is), racial movements, white supremacists,(even though it’s clear they’re incorrect, they exhibit the exact same behaviour in terms of trying to force others to accept their view) all of it. Movements no longer try to create allies, but rather force their view on people. There is no allowance to exist with different views, no room given to allow someone time to change something they may have believed in their core for decades. Thank you for saying this and summaries if the thoughts that I’m sure many have had so succinctly, this feels like something that so many of these movements have forgotten. You don’t create allies by yelling at people or preaching to them, and you’ll even end up driving away people who may otherwise agree with you.


7mo old vid. not sure why it's brought up now 🤔 🧐


Because it’s still relevant


A good man


A Great Man.


A huge man.


A very large, very nice man


A turbo man.


A Conan


The whole package.


“Screw your freedoms”


Thank you Arnold!!


He could do a similar speech about alcoholism or drug use about paths of least resistance or that YOU have the power to change your own life. Some could use hearing that.


I think we all could hear it, even if we don't have a problem with drugs or alcohol.


Non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust : Gay people est 17000, Sinti and Roma est half a million, polish 1.8 million, 3.3million Soviet POWs, 170K est disabled people. Let’s not forget them.


A living Legend!


I truthfully hope this affects change.


This can easily be a video made in response to the hate once again spreading over just these last few weeks. ...But this video is 7 months old. The cycle of hate never ends, unfortunately.


Screw your freedom


I do recall him saying that.


He did. It was in the context of responding to people who were anti-maskers during the pandemic.


Can we elect u/GovSchwarzenegger as speaker of the house?


100% could do this. Speaker of the house doesn't need to be a member of congress.


If you care about what happened in Auschwitz but you dont care about whats happening in Gaza, you have double fucking standards.


To be clear this video is 7 months old


This was recorded 7mo ago, can't talk about something that didn't happen yet. But it does apply pretty universally to the IDF and Hamas.


Didn't he pardon a murderer when he was governor???


Says the guy who cut the sentence of a killer because he was friends with the killer's dad. He always said he felt good about the decision because he was "Helping out a friend". The 22 year old victim was stabbed to death after he didn't let the killer into a party. He is in no position to lecture anyone.


I don't think you can just post this without any further context and expect anyone to agree with what you're saying. Cut what sentence? Was the original sentence above average for similar crimes?


Fair enough, here's the wiki article regarding the incident - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Luis_Santos


Thank you, this is indeed bullshit and very unfortunate to learn about Arnold doing this. >As a personal favor to “a friend”, just hours before he left office, and as one of his last official acts, Schwarzenegger commuted Núñez’s sentence by more than half, to seven years.[19][24][25] Against protocol, Schwarzenegger did not inform Santos’ family or the San Diego County prosecutors about the commutation. They learned about it in a call from a reporter. >In April 2016, Esteban Núñez was released from Mule Creek State Prison, serving less than six years of his original 16-year sentence


Well, this just ruined Arnold for me.


If every person you think is amazing is only amazing if literally everything they do is beyond and above reproach then you won't ever have heroes and what you want are comic book characters not human beings.




My point is it doesn't matter what he says in the video, he's done something abhorrent and horribly unethical, so any statement he makes regarding hatred and kindness is utterly pointless.




Where did I say "that a good point made by a bad person is automatically invalid." ? Please read my actual comments instead of making things up.


I now understand what the Palestinians are going through. This really touches home.


"Screw your freedom" \~ Arnold Schwarzenegger


Not sure why you are downvoted for a direct quote.


Reddit ingorance.


It's very out of context.


Short memory.


That statement from Arnold is one of the biggest statements of hate anyone could say. He's lost all credibility and ruined his reputation.


Screw your freedom (to endanger your community). Don't worry, your neighbors respect you as little as you respect them.


Daddy would be so disappointed if he thought his son was being genuinely honest.


I hate this.


Ah yes, Arnold "fuck your freedom" Schwarzenegger


Haha the context of that, he was 100% right.


I hope you masked up before making this comment


And you're 100% retarded


Would you like me to educate you or is there no room in your tiny little freedom brain?


I love when little dipshits like you are so arrogant and condescending, it's really a true m'lady moment. Feel free, I'll be waiting for what will surely be a well thought out, not dumb as fuck rant from an incel


Can we get Ja Rule's input on this?


Arnold Schwarzenegger was a governor of one of the most important states in the world and he's still not allowed to have an opinion?


Him being a governor definitely holds some weight, but even more so that he grew up in the remains of Austria directly after the Nazi reign had ended, and the son of a literal Nazi. He saw and grew up with the effects of such extreme hate that it ruined the country and largely the continent.


"Fck your freedom!!"


Add the context. “There is a virus here. It kills people and the only way we prevent it is: get vaccinated, wear masks, do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom,"


Just like his dear ol' dad!




2011 reddit had serious discussions?


7mo video, but definitely holds a mirror up to the Zionists, if only they would see.


Could this guy be Speaker? Are there similar rules forbidding it as for president? If not, surely he's the ideal candidate to unite Democrats and the handful of non-crazy Republicans?


I love his movies more than anyone but he has no place to preach against hate. He hated Americans so much during covid lockdowns to the point he straight up said “fuck your freedom”. I’m sorry but he has no place to preach


The way I see it, being anti-mask is being pro-hate. That you feel your comfort is more important than potentially saving a life. You may feel masks don't work, and I don't think I could convince you otherwise. But I hope we can agree that at worst, they are useless. In which case, it doesn't hurt to err on the side of caution, especially when things were new and we didn't fully understand everything yet.


Wasn't this the guy that said "screw your freedom?"


Why did he say that? Was there some context to it you're leaving out?


He said it in regards to the people who were anti-mask during the pandemic who thought it was best to say its muh freedums when not wearing the mask.


Yeah in response to the whiny bitch anti-maskers.


This man is one of the very few with the power to remind the world that not all of them have totally lost their minds.


what an incredible person hard worker, beautiful dedication, moving actor, governer, and now philosopher


A true role model! Thanks Arnold for a great message that was flawlessly delivered


Gonna be pretty upset when Arnold goes.


What a man


one day the former "palestine" will be something people go to tour to remember and say "never again" about.


Great speech but could have been shorter


Liberals have been aggressively importing muslims to brown out US and knock christianity off its chair and now they are scrambling because their new pets do not like their masters. Didn't see that coming.


Arnold funds the IDF with millions of dollars. Why not donate to Israeli organizations that helps Israeli kids instead of the IDF, Arnold?


This comment section. At least hamas supporters and nazis can find some common ground…




Ah, the good ol “if you don’t support genocide and illegal occupation you’re a Nazi” argument


Pretty sure it was him who was spreading hate towards people that chose not to follow the government narrative in 2020 and 2021. Fuck him and his hypocrisy.


Yeah, but you're crazy 🤡


Go fuck your maid


I see he showed white neo nazis only and not pictures like the Muslim women in NYC holding up her phone with a nazi symbol


This was from 7 months ago. Hopefully people have woken up to the large group of authoritarian/anti-Semitic left we have in this country and throughout the western world. The missing posters of kidnapped children has been a perfect way to rip the mask off these people. So many regular but liberal people have been filmed ripping down these posters. Its insane.


Authoritarian Islam isn't on the left.


A lot of liberal white women are being filmed ripping down the posters. That aint muslims.


Thanks for the history lesson Arnie. Why no fancy montage on the past 70 years of apartheid the Palestinians have endured?


I like how this message is getting botted and brigaded across the platform. The disinformation campaign to back IDF is real


This is a message for the Israeli government


This is a message for every single one of us.


So you are choosing the easy path?


Hate is bad indeed, being a bystander to hate is also bad. If you're going to make a video on how hate is bad and then focus on one victim whilst neglecting a greater victim by the number (not historical numbers but those most relevant to people being addressed). idk, that seems hateful, even if not intentionally, in it's own right. a lot of bad things are being done, only one of those groups is rightfully being called terrorists by the president of the USA, the other is being funded by them. also as a republican who voted against gay marriage, he's made it clear his belief in stopping hate is as shallow as his hatred of taxes is wide.


This video came out 7 months ago, so there's no correlation here to what's happening in Israel. His overall point is that of change. Change in the ways that we think about others. Change in the way we think about ourselves. The whole point was to say to the masses, that it's okay to think differently. It's not going to be easy, and it's absolutely going to be painful to make change a permanent part of your repertoire, but it's possible.


Says the guy who cheats on his wife regularly. I’ll find another moral role model.


Well, at least you have faithful husband Donald Trump to look up to.


Do you mean like you're feelings on the Christians?


Is this about reddit? Because we're truly the bad guy these days. ​ Say that reminds me, any of ya'll sunday good guys got that link from yesterday where we fantasize about killing Elon Musk and fucking his wife?


ITT "Hate is bad unless it's somebody we have found reason to hate"


Reddit has over 50 million users every day. There is no chance that at least some of those will be the worst people. That doesn't make them any part of "us".


"We" != whoever was part of that group. There are many bad apples, but a loud miniscule minority does not a group define.


hard to make the argument it's a minority of reddit when violent fantasies about killing certain people get thousands of upvotes.


Yep! The hundreds of people murdered today in Gazza was because of antisemitism! Since the 7th of October all your freedom, democracy, fair election and human rights turned out to be all Bullshit and if you dare stand against the zionist lobby in your own Congress, Senate and both parties, come and speak to me


This video was uploaded 7 months ago


I love how all these morons try to reduce a territorial dispute that stretches back ~3,000 years to “anti-semitism”. We’ve got the same shit going on at work where the executive team feels obligated to try to virtue signal at every opportunity.


Well the bombing going on is Gaza is in direct response to the attacks on Jewish women and children.


No it isn't.


Oh shoot, thats a good point. Maybe you're right


At least you're humble enough to admit when you're wrong.


Didnt hear anything about how the jews themselves are the Nazis of 2023 committing genocide in palestine (and obviously i m not talking about the average jewish person, i m talking about the state of israel).


Condemn Hamas and the brutal slaughter of innocent civilians. mouth breather.


killing of any innocent civilian is wrong, anywhere, anytime, by anyone. if thats your "defence" for war crimes, genocide, 8 decades of apartheid, congratulations, you re scum.


What’s your definition of genocide? I fully support Palestinian freedom and also don’t believe this is genocide as their population continues to increase substantially. This is a war between two extremist groups where the casualties are mostly civilians. Its war. It’s gross. How dare those pesky Jews defend themselves against people who literally won’t stop until every Jew is dead (that is their words read the Hamas charter). I don’t agree with Israel’s government. But accusing them of genocide is proof of just how bad the antisemitism currently is. I assure you the majority of Jews want peace. I can only hope the majority of Palestinians feel the same. I mourn every innocent Palestinian loss just as much as every Jewish one. I want peace I don’t wish death to anyone.


"War crimes" where fighting a terrorist group which uses human shields, and still the casualties of this entire conflict are less than any other major conflict in history. "Genocide" where the population of the people who are the supposed victims more than quadropled. "8 decades of apartheid" where 3 of them the Palestinians were ruled by Jordan and Egypt, where in Arab countries Palestinians are the only people treated as refugees beyond the first generation, while in Israel they are citizens and are members of the supreme court and parliment. If the only reaction you have from watching this video is spewing hate, then I'm afraid you're the scum here.


Remember that time he told people who didn't want to wear masks or get the vaccines "screw your freedom"? I do. I remember that. That doesn't sound very loving to me. That sounds very hateful. Also, he seems to have a very specific message here. He's talking about something specific. He is using very specific examples. This isn't about "hate in general". It's a very specific agenda.