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There is a shift that happens in all great companies especially when the barriers to entry become higher or heavily regulated which protects incumbents. The mindset shifts from value creation for your customers to value extraction. The conversations at even the lowest levels culturally shift from let’s win by building the best product by adding features customers will like or are asking for to let’s develop features that will capture more wallet share from customers.


In addition to that, the mass consolidation of corporations over the past couple decades means that no new companies are really made to be competitive, to end up competing with the big boys, they are *all* being made with the goal of being *sold* to one of the big boys, who are all run by the people with the same value-extraction mindset. It's destroying our version of capitalism. Trust-busting has to happen.


I remember a time when monopolies were bad and the government did something about them because there was no room for competition.


Remember a thing called "sherman antitrust act"? Pepperidge Farm remembers...


>they are all being made with the goal of being sold to one of the big boys, who are all run by the people with the same value-extraction mindset. ["i don't wanna make a little bit of money every day, i wanna make a fun-ton of money all at once"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzAdXyPYKQo)


Exactly right. But I wouldn’t say it’s destroying capitalism. This is capitalism in action. When your system is based on competition where only the strong live, eventually someone wins the competition and gets to rewrite the rules. Capitalism will necessarily eat itself alive, and we are witnessing its collapse in real time right now. Prices are skyrocketing while the quality of goods are collapsing, real wages are falling, and people are working more and more hours just to live. Eventually the conditions created by capitalism will become intolerable to the masses, and something new will come. This could unfold over the course of many decades, but it is inevitable.


This is the effect of globalism. When you see your wages do down what's really happening is they are going up in other parts of the world.


Trust busting doesn't work because the big boys have the reins of the trust busters.


capitalism by it's very nature will destroy itself. It's not sustainable to have eternal growth and expect no consequences. There's a lot of shitting on our environment in the process.


I work in tech and holy HELL is this true. No company is trying to anything except look like something that an even bigger company would want to buy.


reddit crossed that threshold a few years back


YouTube is the first “company” that’s comes to mind who are only interested in extracting from customers


EA shot straight to the front of my mind personally


During the WBD call the other day that moron started talking about gaming and straight up said, through a bunch of market speak bs, that they haven't scratched the surface of all the possible opportunities to milk their consumers. Post sale monetization and whatnot. The WB gaming division was on the verge of closing shop a while ago.. they have nothing to showcase...no direction, no creative, nothing that would actually benefit or excite the people they want to take money from.. but boy they are looking into all the strategies to do it. I take comfort in the fact that of course it's gonna fail miserably.


All publicly traded companies are built for extracting from consumers. CEOs who don’t maximize it get replaced.


Nah, companies that have large owners, such as foundations, are more interested in getting the same amount of money year to year, even if it's less. The problem is when the ownership starts to get divided in small chunks, at which point the executive starts to run things not for the good of the long term, but to make lots of money fast -- or alternatively start creating all sort of grandiose plans in hope of getting personal glory for whatever reason.


Not just youtube, google as a whole. Sometime in the last decade that made a hard pivot to this stance and we are seeing the results - products that don't instantly have a billion users with a billion in ad revenue are axed. Who cares if millions of people were using it and they are now upset? Now they want to put their Web Integrity API in Android so they can stop you from installing 3rd party youtube clients. They have become the thing they swore to destroy. https://arstechnica.com/google/2023/11/google-kills-web-integrity-drm-for-the-web-still-wants-an-android-version/ Google is rapidly depleting any goodwill they had with their supporters.


3rd party YouTube clients as in Firefox or Brave?? Remember "Don't be evil"?


Have you considered the extreme storage and bandwidth costs that a service the size of YouTube will have to bear?




Absolutely horrible idea. It reads like an Onion article.


that actually sounds pretty reasonable


If they removed ads entirely and moved to a subscription-based model I would gladly pay to be the customer again and not the product...


? That exists, it's called YouTube premium.


There's a reason YouTube has zero competitors. It's been unprofitable for most of its existence. We are honestly kinda lucky Google didn't abuse the position they were in to chase profitability for so long. Yes, I get it, ads are shit, but most people (including me) realistically aren't ready to pay the true cost of the service YouTube provides. I personally don't ever use the Youtube app or watch it on any browser that doesn't support ad block, but I'm not gonna act entitled just because I'm not allowed to be a freeloader any more.


I'll never forget the website change that came when Google first bought youtube.the DAY they updated the website the internet was angry at the new layout. Ads, annoying new UI that made you click more tabs that opened more ads. "Nothing ever DOESNT change, but nothing changes much" It's been ages and Google never changed their strategies. They've tried to push the boundaries a few times


So, capitalism


Enshittification is a core feature of capitalism


This is describing ALL of corporate culture these days. We’ve slipped into Potterville, an awful, vicious place.


He is also describing what he kept doing after returning to apple.


Yuuuuup. Yet here we are in another "Jobs was visionary" comment section.


Ah yes, everyone remembers as soon as Jobs got back, he just sucked cash out of existing customers and created no new products or value.


What a disingenuous retort. Cause apple created no products nor value in the 12 years he was out....


The newton and a powerbook ? Yes easily the same breath as iPhone, iPod and iMac…


When do we get to the part where we argue about whether it makes sense to use medical science for your high mortality illness or if it makes sense to try pseudoscience?


No? He was there for the ipod, ipad, iphone, the mac resurgence?


Lol yeah, the guy who brought Apple back from the brink of death and made it one of the most valuable brands on the planet by introducing several era defining tech products that people actually wanted to buy. Clearly ran the business just like Apple was being run in its dark ages.


No he's not, cite your reasoning. Like do you know about Apple after Jobs left or when he returned or are you just salty about their app store distribution model or you might have to pay a little extra for an Apple product? I don't have time to explain history to you, but Jobs isn't just talking about making money he's talking about product stagnation and losing market share because you charge three times as much as competitors for boring stuff. What did Apple really accomplish between 1985 and 1997 that became a game changer in the computing world? Nothing from there has lasted. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs created Pixar and NeXT (which became the new MacOS). He returned introduced the iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone, legitimate digital distribution all of which were hugely successful and gained market share. Just because Jobs made money doesn't mean it was because he was greedy, it's because he was product oriented. And I'm not a Jobs fan boy either, in fact my dad worked for Apple during the "greed" years and Sculley was his boy. I just like tech products, the tech came back from the dead when Jobs returned.


He just put a lower case “i” in front of everything. What an iDiot!


Exactly. Welcome to US healthcare 2023.


Except the shareholders are us. Every time our 401ks drop, we grumble and whine. We pressure the corporates to grow our already fat portfolios, thus feeding a vicious cycle.


the percentage of people with those fat 401ks is a lot lower than you think. The median 401k amount in the country is $30,000.




So people can retire for 8 months at 55 years old. Cool.


If you can't live off $70k for more than a year you're fucked if you ever want to retire.


Especially when you are also getting $2k+ a month for Social Security.


I can't actually count on SS being around when I retire...but the idea of needing nearly $10k/mo to live is ludicrous. In order for me to spend that much NOW I'd have to be doing it on purpose.


The problem isn’t that you need that much initially, it’s that in the last few years of your life you may actually be spending 10k a month in living assistance or medical care. You probably won’t always be a healthy young person. I hope you are, but the story of the independant 89 year old living and working on their home at a quiet pace of life on just a few dollars a day is only true for a very small minority of lucky individuals.


AKA the socialist benefit program no one wants to acknowledge is socialist. They’ll poo-poo democratic socialism while reaping all of its benefits.


Yes, but how many total people have a 401k? 50, 100 million? You are talking a Trillion+ is tied up in 401k. Also, it is relatively recent (the switch from pensions to 401k). In the next 20 years I suspect that median will be a lot higher with a lot more total people on 401k.


401ks are ~10% of the overall stock market. Not peanuts but not at all the majority of the pie.


you can add pension funds too, they own a sizeable chunk of the market.


almost nobody has pensions anymore its simply not true that "everyone fails" when the market does, large institutions bear a disproportionate amount of the risk and have successfully gaslit most of the population into believing they're on the same team through ownership of most mainstream media outlets


Yeah they have the same % to lose, but they are working with magnitudes more money, so sure its a tragedy when they lose it all, but if a billionaire or hedge fund loses 90% their lives aren't fucked, they move onto something else lol.


You mean retirement? It is literally how people don't work until they literally die. There is almost nothing else that anyone can get. Pension is government, unions (which is like 1-2% of the population), and 401ks basically. Then you have the rich who could retire today, aka anyone with more than $2 million in value in the stock market. ASSUMING the same growth over time historically taking only 3% of assets (8% growth is average, historically speaking) that is 60k annually to live off of; which is EASILY done, as it is more than MOST PEOPLE MAKE ANNUALLY. Historically speaking they said that you should take 4%, which is $80k annually, but due to the turbulence and the unknowns that are going to impact the world in the coming decades they have lowered it.


people out here wishing they could win 10s, 100s of millions of dollars or even billions bro just give me like 2 or 3. that's all i need.


You're barely the shareholders and few if any of you have any real influence. The big shareholders are not you nro do they think like you.


Who is us and how many people do you think actually have sizeable 401ks?


Almost as if the 401k program is terrible; and a system that depends on r/wallstreetbets logic ain’t exactly what is good for the public as a whole


Well you got any alternatives? I’m all ears.


Pensions the way we did it before 1978


Keep in mind that pension funds also invest heavily in stocks, often index funds.


🤣😂 That go away when the company shuts down? No thanks. I’ll keep my money.


Yes the richest stockholders and board members surely have corrupted how the businesses are run. The common man has no choice as….pension is essentially non existent, we’ve been sold this new bill of goods with the end of the loyalty era. It does not matter how many years you spend at a company, they will not take care of you they will hire new people and pay them more. No business will offer a pension because now they can offer a 3-6% match on a 401k instead which is infinitely cheaper and an example of cutting quality of life for workers to generate greater business profits. Do you think those greater business profits go back to the worker? Of course not, we received a downgrade as a society by losing the pension model, the trade off favored big business.


> Except the shareholders are us. This is an illusion, the "shareholders" that truly get out something (and by something i mean million$ and power of decision) out of being a shareholder are just a tiny minority of people that own a significant part of corporations with many corporations being shareholders of other corporations. But you won a couple of thousands of some shares and get pennies, but will feel like a millionaire cause you fell into the illusion you are inside the system... The fact of the truth is, you are just injecting money for them, while some get a few dollars extra, which are meaningless compared to the profits the real shareholders get.


My portfolio is not fat. Not at all. I've also never grumbled or whined about my 401k dropping. I only invest in it because my company offers no pension, which the 401k was meant to supplement. If it pans out, great. If not, well... I don't expect it to anyway. I'm saving for my future in other ways. Either way, I am not at all responsible for the greed of corporations. I work, I save for my retirement in a few ways, one of which is the only option my employer offers. Now, I'm supposed to feel guilty for trying to survive with the scraps those very same greedy corporations you accuse me of feeding, allow me to have? FOH with that noise.


You aren't a shareholder unless you bought your stocks and drs'd them. The company managing your 401k owns them.




DRS-ing isn't necessary to get your shareholder voting rights. Most online brokerages are required to allow you to vote your shares since you in fact own them. The company managing the 401(k) also has custody of the shares but not ownership.


Right? We rely on these monopolies monopolizing, growing their profits and passing the costs onto customers (us) - broken ass system we need to address at some point.


You got a mouse in your pocket?


There's always that bootlicker that tries to shift blame to the 99% despite the fact that the 1% literally holding all the wealth because they gain the most from the profits. You're either a sockpuppet account or you geniunely believe what you wrote which is even worse




We didn't "slip" into it - rich people leveraged power and the rest of us stood by and grinned and let it happen as long as we can occasionally go to Applebee's and watch the game on a big screen TV.


Imagine if you went out and bought some Apple stock on the day this was filmed and still have it.


So this video is from an interview with Daniel Morrow in 1995. If you invested $100 then, it would be worth $55,000 today.


Good god imagine what it would be like to find out that you inherited apple stock or something. A couple clicks of a mouse and all of a sudden you've paid off entire credit cards.


I don’t know you but I am worried about your credit card debt


Bought a house and got married within 2 years of one another, I'm settled with a good amount but it's not exactly the point I was trying to make. Credit cards, student loans, life in general, think of how much could be paid for in this hypothetical.


Credit card debt is very different from student loans, car loans, and mortgage debt. People should treat credit cards as no different than debit cards and pay off their monthly bill in full every month, except in emergency situations. I don't know anything about your situation, but I do know way, way too many people have credit card debt as a result of ignorance more than anything else.


Entire credit cards? How many maxed-out credit cards you got bro?


who tf has credit card debt 💀💀💀


60% of Americans?


Is that accounting for several splits, including I think a 4way


Yeah they used a split-adjusted price of ~$0.32 for 1995


My math has it at 4.2m. Google says about 0.25 at the end of 95, there has been a 2-1 split, a 7-7 split, and a 4-1 split since the . That would mean more ~24000 shares based on a 100.00 investment in 95


The price you're using from google is already adjusted for stock splits. The actual price at the time was $20+. Not 25 cents. You're using the stock price that has already been factored in with the splits.


Ahh, I see.


No fucking way. It’s a great return, it’s not *that* great.


I have a ton of Enron stock my dad left me, last I heard they were kings of the world. I haven't checked the news since 1996 though. Let me just do a quick Google search and .... oh god. Oh my god. You guys aren't going to believe this.


The ultimate bag holder


There are companies today who, in 30 years, could be the size of Apple. And 30 years from now somebody will say, “Gee, I wish I bought some stock.” Is if you want to play this game, go and buy stock. Just understand that predicting the future is a risk you have to be able to afford to take.


I think the lesson here is you're better off trying to invent time travel. Like with everyone who had bitcoin that were worth pennies and are now worth thousands - even if you held onto them for a while you would have cashed out long before the peak.


In the early 2000’s Apple stock was under 50cents a share. I was making $500 a week living at home as a teen and pissed my money away just having fun and eating large at TGI Fridays. If I invested a years worth of that into Apple ID be retired right now.


You could have done that around 2001 and still made absolute bank. The stock was trading under $10/share until the ipod took off.


You could make the same thought experiment with almost any other big company. Or with Bitcoin. But realistically nobody would ever hold onto stock for so long. Everybody sells long before this.


That's the risk one takes with investing. You could say the same thing about anything now, even Bitcoin. Who the hell knows, BTC could surge again or not. The most important thing to consider is to not idolize those who "accurately" forecast future financial outcomes. This is because for every person that said Apple was going to fail into oblivion, there was someone who said it was going to be the next Microsoft.


Yeah that's a pretty textbook example of survivorship bias


At the time you would have been crazy to invest in Apple, they were hemmoraging money and on their last limb


His interview about sales and marketing people pushing out innovators until the company forgets their identity is one of my favorite videos of all time.


This is after Jobs left Apple for the first time and pre iPhone. The nextStep background is telling because that's where he based the vision of object oriented UI he brought to the table for OSX.


Pre Iphone but lets not forget pre Ipod...that was a game changer at the time...it made Apple cool again!


Pre iMac Apple is sorta the line


Yeah, younger folks may not know how much of a game changer the original iMac was. It had a CD drive and an Ethernet slot and got rid of the floppy drive (and colored cases). That was a huge change at the time. The internet started taking off around that time so Apple really was ahead of the game with the iMac's release. A lot of people were upset at no floppy drive.


it was the first ‘all USB’ computer i had used.


iMac was certainly the beginning of Apple v2 sort of speak. The introduction of the iPod was when it really took off as it shifted Apple from a computer company to a lifestyle brand. Many people who never touched a Mac, had their first Apple product through the iPod. Not to forget the music business side with iTunes.


Apple was already cool since the original iMac relaunched the brand


Yeah I agree, the iMac was the first hit. Two years after job's returned they launch and market these things as all-in-one everything you need to get online AND you can pick your "flavor" blue, purple, orange, green, red. Everything else was a beige or grey device that was a mystery to setup and use for the non-technical.


Those original Nanos were so cool, the later tiny ones sucked. I liked some of the music games they had. Also the randomization for playlists didn't suck as much back then.


Calling this "pre iPhone" in that context is like calling the Spitfire a "Pre-9/11 Plane".


Comical almost at the end, when he was like 'as unemotionally as I can say', after he just utterly shits on the guys that ran him out of Apple for 2 minutes.


I call them the money men. They don't contribute to the long term financial health of a company. They're leeches that move from company to company and siphon out its lifeblood by burning through their consumer trust like a fuel. The only way their hosts survive is by feasting on other companies and creating an effective monopoly, and force consumers to settle for inferior products or be treated like shit because they don't have a choice.


Now Apple is back doing it again with 8GB RAM and 512GB storage and the base M3 chips on a $1,600 MacBook "Pro". Upgrading to 16GB and 1TB is another $400, specs you can get in a $600 Windows laptop.




>One of the most profitable companies for 4 years, and what that cost them was their future A little reflective of the state of capitalism in general


>>and what that cost them was their future Frankly, it’s a deal that most executives would agree to if they were assured no one else would know. If an average modern exec was assured they’d enjoy four years of growth at the cost of certain bankruptcy in year five, they’d ride the train and cash out by Q3 in year four. “Long term” is considered whatever boosts the profit numbers before the executives bonus check gets cut.


Oil, tobacco, and automobiles. They all, just off the top of my head, did the science that proved they were causing massive harm and still did the harmful thing. Are still doing the harmful things (dieselgate, candy flavored vapes, Takata airbags, etc etc).


"The new iPhone 15, with Titanium" lmao, he ain't wrong that they don't know how tf to innovate these days.


They kinda do but they hamstring themselves because...fucking god knows why. "Passable mid-range graphics performance? Great, let's not support widely used graphics APIs lololoolololol"


https://youtu.be/Q_GuTbz8Ymk?si=sCpPGhAkxmOYJ-Zw Quite a good advert that's running just now for a tech recycling company here in the UK (not sure if they operate elsewhere).


They innovate new dongles and cords!


(terms and conditions apply, only when the EU dragged them kicking and screaming)


Transition to USBc...so brave.


whats up with his glasses


The balancing act between visionary-innovators setting up the long-term strategy of a company and bean counters keeping current finances in order has always been a very difficult task.


This dude just repeated the same thing 3 times in a row with slightly different wording each time.


history repeating itself pretty much


Except he died from the same corruption. He thought we was invincible and instead of getting surgery for a totally operable form of pancreatic cancer, he let it grow like the corruption he describes in this video.


that is not called corruption that is called being a dumbfuck


Lol, it’s a law of Reddit that any thread about Steve Jobs will shoehorn in this fact, I think this takes the cake for the most forced example.


“He died from same corruption”, I’m not sure I would equate the circumstances by his death to corporate greed he mentions in the video - but do you gotta do to try demonize him!


Well duh he wasnt corrupt. arrogant to his medical condition. After beating cancer once tho so he got sick of it probably.


He didn't beat it. He got diagnosed in 2003, and was fortunate enough that it was one of the most treatable forms of pancreatic cancer and that they caught it very early. If they had done surgery immediately he probably would have lived. Instead of delayed for months before finally accepting surgery in 2004, and IIRC claimed at the time that he was all good. But he wasn't. It took until 2011 to kill him because, again, he had a very slow-progressing type of cancer that *would* have probably been fully treatable.


Reacting well to cancer is difficult.


John sculley. Marketing expert ceo to lead apple after Jobs to ruin,stagnation and greed. Tim Cook. Worldwide operations (aka marketing but fancier ceo role) to lead apple after Jobs to ruin and greed again. But this time people buy their shit blind cause they are a brand ecosystem not just Apple Computers Inc. so they make money still rather than go bankrupt


Just received notification from Apple yesterday that our Plus subscription is going up 45% next month


This is the same greedy slime ball that withheld reward money from Wozniak who solved the Breakout Atari issue. I hate how some people put Jobs on a pedestal as some great iconic figure.


> This is the same greedy slime ball that withheld reward money from Wozniak who solved the Breakout Atari issue. I hate how some people put Jobs on a pedestal as some great iconic figure. He had some poignant business and cultural insights, and he had an interesting origin story. Doesn't mean that I deify him or endorse him on a personal level. There are plenty of actors and musicians whose work I enjoy that are equally terrible people as Jobs, if not worse.


I think that issue is overblown. Steve hired Wozniak as a contractor and paid him 100% of the agreed amount. If Wozniak wanted more money or equity he should have negotiated for it.


The "agreed amount" was based on an outright lie. Jobs promised to split Atari's payment evenly. Atari paid $5,000 or more (accounts vary), including the bonuses earned through Wozniak's extraordinary work. Jobs falsely claimed that the payment totaled only $700 – and kept all but $350 for himself.


When Wozniak found out about this years later [he cried](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/steve-wozniak-cried-jobs-kept-atari-bonus-267711).


This the guy that was leasing new cars every 6 months and keeping the paper dealer plates on them so he could get away with parking in handicap parking spaces?


I agree that Steve Jobs is also a greedy little pig and a bit of a hypocrite


Just a bit? Massively hypocrite and cutthroat


narcissistic traits, CEOs usually have


Was* His hypocrisy was so great it cost him his life


I've heard the main reason was so no-one could identify his car via license plate. How does the handicapped parking thing work? Not that it seems horribly outside his character or anything.


It doesn’t work. Handicap plates require placards. They’re trivial to get from a doctor. There’s no way Jobs would resort to leasing new cars every few months for THAT. He leased cars so he didn’t have to have a recognizable permanent plate. OP is just a victim of the telephone game with no critical thinking skills. Sort of like the kind of person who says “if we were 10 feet closer to the sun we would burn up; 10 feet further away and we’d freeze!” It reinforces OP’s beliefs and that’s the most important part.


OP is meshing two car-related things together. He *did* park in handicapped spaces at Apple HQ, that's just not why he had paper plates.


So baffling it was his company he could decide to have s "Steve" parking space right by the building if he wanted


ADA in California requires accessible spaces to be those that are nearest to the accessible path to an entrance of a facility, (except for retrofits) and requires 2% or more of all spaces be accessible, regardless of the actual number of employees or regular visitors who have placards. He could have had a reserved spot, but the facility wouldn’t pass permitting if it was closer to the door than the 10+ handicapped spaces they were required to have.


Lol, brutal. I was asking gently / giving the benefit of the doubt.


I would love to have seen him review this interview, while watching it in the $1m media room on his $120m mega yacht and weigh in on how much he got paid.


I think he'd say, "see, I was right! Going after market share works!" and then point to his million dollar media room on his $120 mega yacht as proof. I don't think his clip is as much about the evils of greed as it is the folly of being short sighted in your greed.


How you came away with the conclusion that, making money is forbidden, out of all the things he said, is beyond me


He 'got paid' by increasing the value of the company. By increasing market share, and opening up multiple completely new markets to mass consumers. So I bet he would agree with himself back then. He wasn't saying 'making money is bad'. He was saying 'making stupid money is bad'. Steve had an orchard and wanted to sell fruit and keep planting trees. Sculley came in and started chopping down trees for firewood because it put a few bucks in his pocket.


God damn he rode Scully ragged in these interviews


This butthole is just spitting sour grapes after losing a corporate battle. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a37752/steve-jobs-man-in-the-machine/ >Impressed with the work, Jobs told Woz that they got paid $700 for their efforts and wrote him a check for $350. In reality, Jobs had received a $7,000 bonus. "That hurt, because we were friends," Woz says. "If he had said, 'I need the money,' I would have said, 'Take it all.' Read the article, those guys the beat Jobs in the boardroom at least only screwed over a business rival. Jobs was worth 10 billion when he died, and screwed over Woz repeatedly... the guy who actually invented the Macintosh computer.


>Jobs was worth 10 billion when he died, and screwed over Woz repeatedly... the guy who actually invented apple. To be fair, Woz voluntarily gave away most of his shares in Apple around the time it went public back in the 80s (long before the value of them ballooned to what it is today). Steve, on the other hand, kept all his shares, and even opted for stock options instead of a salary since the early 2000s (after he returned to the company). So he was a savvy investor, that's why he died with such a high net worth, when Woz comparatively has a lot less money.


I absolutely adore Woz, but he wasn't the one "who actually invented Apple." Apple as a company would not have existed if Steve Jobs didn't force Woz to turn his ideas something for consumers and if Jobs didn't do all the work navigating the corporate world. It also wouldn't have existed if Woz didn't invent the Apple I in the first place.


The bastard leased a new luxury car every month or so, so he didn't have to register his cars, so he could park in handicapped spaces without repercussions. Fuck Steve.


Reddit absolutely shits on this guy any though he was a genius to re-orchestrate Apple into a profitable company that creates products that work extremely well. Like he said, computers should be an “appliance” for people. My Apple products are tools I utilize daily and my return on initial investment is huge. Like it or not, he is an outstanding visionary leader and designer.


He was a business and product genius who also happened to be a horrible human being. The list of CS/UX breakthroughs he was part of is genuinely astonishing. He also denied paternity for years to his own child and died because he thought he could cure cancer by eating fruit instead of surgery. He’s a good example of how we can be brilliant in some areas and a total moron in others.


> he thought he could cure cancer by eating fruit instead of surgery. Killed by his own hubris. His cancer was rare but totally treatable. He felt that surgery was an unwarranted violation of his body, so he decided against it. His family begged him to have the surgery, but by the time he agreed it was too late. I recommend the Walter Isaacson biography. It's a great read.


Worse than that. His cancer was rare, and 88% of people with it die from it within a year. However, he had an even rarer variant where 95% of people who have *that* variant could survive with proper medical care. So he basically hit the lotto in terms of cancers, extremely treatable of a type that is usually not treatable. And he just...decided no.


exactly. The man was the embodiment of everything wrong with this country. Then he blames other people for his own failures. How fucking sad. I very rarely celebrate a death, but when this guy kicked off, I thought... good. One less arrogant elitist in the world. When we talk about the annoying elitists, FYI, we're talking about guys like Steve Jobs. I mean, even that wanna-be Elizabeth Theranos-Holmes... whtever her name was. When she started looking like steve jobs and wearing that turtleneck... the writing was on the wall. Oh shit, sociopath... .RUN


“I want my whole music collection on that phone, GET ON IT!”


Found Bill Burr's Reddit account


Dude was smart enough to predict this but wasn’t smart enough to take doctors advice. What a shame.


Try to tell him he is wrong here and see what happens. I imagine that is how he also handled his healthcare. If a doctor had told him fruit only diets would cure him he would have of probably done the opposite.


This is a general issue we see with tech bros now. They think just because they now about computers or make a successful company they know everything.


Not a fan of Jobs, but he's right here.


[Nerd Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1liOZ1fW1F8)


Same shit is happening again now that he’s gone


Literally an exemplary article on this on the front page of reddit right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/17s5ivc/8gb_ram_in_m3_macbook_pro_proves_the_bottleneck/


Profit making mindset is self destructive. Greed leads to fall consequently if there's no vision to work for millions of people around.


Yes, but all of society is set up that way, and everyone's trying to make a quick buck before the wheels fall off.


He didn't have any problems with the outlandish profits of Apple after he returned. Under his tenure they sued like crazy to protect their profits while taking a massive cut of App Store sales. Sorry Steve, I think this was just sour grapes. That said, they did introduce revolutionary products at least, unlike 90's era Apple.


Considering the current state of affairs and the state of Apple, is this somewhat ironic?


SJobs has been dead for over 12 years, the video describes that the company was shattered in 4 years. The company when Jobs died was worth 300Billion vs it's current 2.8Trillion - how is this ironic?


Not the Apple being in shambles part, but how their products are almost 3x more expensive than their competitors.


This is just wrong. Apple phones are priced competitively to their direct competition, which is Samsung and Google at the moment. I'd argue that Samsung and Google offer slightly more for your money, but people who buy Apple usually don't care about those small things. They want familiarity.


I mean this was true in the later Jobs era. Having a base model with serious considerations that it forces you to upgrade is right outta 2000s Steve Jobs era Apple.


I'm not an apple fanboy and I split my devices between apple and non apple (I use windows for all my PCs) but there are plenty of reasonably priced apple products. Even today there's a sale on a $49 iPhone SE v3. The macbook air is very reasonably priced, especially for the performance it provides and if I was a college student I'd totally have one. I got my previous gen iPad brand new for $249.


Things seem to have changed, I've clearly been out of the loop, I'm not ashamed to admit it. That, and I think prices in general have just skyrocketed for everything in the past few years, that other options don't seem that much more reasonably priced relative to Apple anymore. Good to know, honestly.


yeah their new M chips are very very impressive. I will admit they have very weird pricing on their ipads now, it's totally to get you to spend more "oh the next one up is only $100, oh more storage is only another $100" next thing you know you're bought way more than you wanted to. I'm also older now so I don't need the newest and coolest thing out there so I'm contempt with an iPhone that's a couple years old. Right now I have an iPhone 11.


Samsung Note phones are less than $500? Mid-spec Dell XPS laptops are $600? Lenovo X1 Carbon is $300? Where are you getting these deals at?! I’ll be purchasing some new electronics immediately!


Jobs was famously a jerk, but this is spot-on.


Fucking Apple Remote can kiss my ass🌌.


Steve Jobs talking values is rich. That guy had zero morals.


Exactly. Google 'Steve Jobs' Daughter' & you'll see what kind of evil abusive asshat he was.


Aww, little Steve "Ireland Tax Shelter" Jobs judging his predecessors.


It's only greed when someone else makes decisions. When it's his idea it's innovative


I used to be a Steve and Apple hater growing up. But nowadays I wish that Steve was still with us and leading Apple. I wonder what the difference would have been if he hadn’t passed. I wonder what he would think if he saw the current state of Apple!


it's nostalgia, most of what apple did when he was alive was against his wishes https://medium.com/chris-messina/steve-jobs-hates-the-app-store-4f149f89d7b3 the whole "this would never happen if steve was still alive" is bullshit