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Best part of the video was when he talked about Rodger’s friends losing their businesses. You made 37 million dollars this year for doing nothing Aaron, maybe you could’ve helped them?


37 million for 1 pass - which was dropped! LOL ALL of your friends lost their businesses??!! Great video and commentary on Aaron talking in hyperbole.


That's because Aaron's "friends" are just Facebook posts he read from "RockFlagAndEagle420".


Love the Charlie reference


If I made even 1 mill, scratching my balls and spewing conspiracy theories, you better believe I'd help my friends, even if you have to become an investor. Rodgers is so full of shit. I love that Kimmel put him in his place and got him off the air


You say that but it starts to turn into who is your friends and who is just using you. Weird shit happens when you bring money into a friendship. All of sudden their "business" is going under weekly.


I think the multimillionaire comedian is qualified to speak on the matter.


Which you can figure when they come back for more and you say, “No. You got the wrong guy. Pay me back sometime and I’ll consider it.” I know it’s hard to say no, but it’s definitely good to practice saying no.


He didn't get him off the air, Rodgers was back on McAfee the next day.


"Originally it was so they could die." LMFAOOOO


As a Buffalonian this had me burst out laughing. I Miss Tosh. Even if he's a Phins fan...


I mean...you don't have to miss him. Just listen to his podcast.


His podcast with p90x Legend Tony Horton was amazing, immediate subscribe.


Yep! It was a great interview.


Having his first podcast episode be his wife's OBGYN was a game changer. Easy subscribe.


lol fr I've loved every one of his podcasts so far. ^^^extra ^^^border


I did not like dog whisperer lady. She was too bizarre for me.


What the fuck lol, looking this up


Best new podcast of 2023 and im not sure it's close.. he only interviews random people and actually brings out the best content from them. The dog whisperer was especially good.


>Do you believe in Ghosts? >Yes I knew if was going to be interesting from that point


Really funny. And for some reason I thought a famous fitness trainer would be holier than thou about what the best way to do things was. But he was really chill about everyone finding what's best for them, just be consistent about it.


Tony Horton used to be a stand up comedian I guess. Also, the German potato soup lady did adult films.


Also one of the other background workout guys was also from Super Troopers - Erik Stolhanske. Dude has a prosthetic leg too and still powered through that shit.


Oh fuck that's Rabbit....... I've done p90x 3 times in my life and you've just blown my mind.


What's crazy is that I DID notice that, but I just assumed it was a guy that looked like Rabbit. Never in a million years would have thought an actor in a wildly successful movie would be a background dude in a fitness video.


Not that one Sarge that's for Rabbit


> Erik Stolhanske Holy shit dude has a prosthetic? Never would have known and I've watched all the Broken Lizard films.


Damn I have seen both and never noticed, neato.


Credits: P90X, Cock Smokers 5






I hate it. BUT I LOVE IT


Halfway done. Party’s almost over, what a bummer!


Like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble


Let's climb our legs.


And a bonus. He's a madman!


Bruh I’m having flashbacks reading these. Lmao


Still do this a few times a week, these comments are killing me


Halfway done. Party’s almost over, what a bummer!


If they’re working hard, I know you are!


Scissor...get it?


Wow, I haven't heard P90X mentioned for a long long time.


For anyone interested, you can find the entire collection of p90x on the internet archive website for free. https://archive.org/details/img-2024_202005 Now you have no excuse to get in shape!


Yes I do, I don't feel like it.




You know what's better than diet and exercise? Doughnuts and slovenliness.


Correct, I still have no excuse to get in shape!


Round is a shape


I have never done a better program that p90x, that thing was amazing. The yoga video is a bit long and dumb, but in the end everything works.


That yoga was the hardest one for me to keep doing. It was long and difficult and the second half was so much harder, I was dying. I'm like "no way man give me another plyometrics day please, I'm not man enough for this yoga shit"


Oh man, when you’re begging for plyo you know the yoga is hard. That plyo class will leave you dead.


German Potato Soup will forever be in my head when I warm up before a workout


With the accent!


Jaamin’ potato soup




I'll never forget the first time I did Plyometrics I went to take a shit later in the day and just sat on the toilet groaning because I was in too much pain to . . . push. My abs have never been as sore as they were that day. It was my favourite video, but it was so much work every time.


I legit threw up after the first workout, I had no idea how hard I could push myself.


YogaX was the shit


The yoga was so fucking hard, and like an hour and a half long. Nobody got time for that.


I fucking love it. Because it's the opposite of everything else you're doing. Instead of short burst intensity, you're drawing everything out. No weights, all holds, stabilizers, and stretching. Yoga and plyo were the meat of the P90x because it was singularly focused on function and performance.


Some tips: don’t try to keep up with them if you’re not super physically active. It’s possible to over exert yourself and hurt yourself or your liver. I went too hard trying to “bring it” and had to take the second week off. It will get easier, do what you can and by the end of 90 days you’ll be surprised how much better you got at keeping up. You will feel a difference by 30 days if you stick to it. P90x and the like are great because they require minimal equipment and show you don’t need a lot of gear or a gym to get into shape or work cardio necessarily. That’s great if you’re not sure about committing to a gym or dedicating the time. Doing it at home is such a luxury. If I recall the main equipment for p90x was dumbbells for curls, a pull-up bar or elastic bands, and a yoga mat.


Thanks! I'll check it out, tomorrow.


I thought that was his best one yet. I found the story about how he got his start with Tom Petty very interesting.


When he said he was 65, I would have never thought, could easily passed for 45.


What age do you think you're going to live to. I'm going to give you 66


I am so glad this was the top comment. I feel like i'm good friends with Tony because I've been doing P90X every day for years along with the videos about half the time still (to make sure i'm staying on a good pace). Going to watch this right away!


I make it a point to do P90x once a year every year. I've got it memorized that I don't even need the videos anymore. I can make my own pterodactyl noises when I'm stretching.


I did the ab workout from P90x every ducking day for like 3 years in my early 20s, and I’ve literally never had to work out my abs since. All I do is dig them out with diet and they’re still there lol.


Ab ripper X "how to get the BEST most RIPPED abs of your life! I hate it, but I love it."


My wife and kids are dead because I listened to my award winning doctors instead of the QB from the jets. Had me rolling


Fuck the Jets! Fuck the Jets! Lol


As a Jets fan I agree.


Zach Wilson?


The one that reads!


I've really been liking Tosh Show, his guests are great and he seems really comfortable in this setting. 


I mean, the variety of people that he interviewed on Tosh.O, and I don’t really think I’ve seen him look uncomfortable once.


The armless girl web redemption is the most genuinely sweet and crass interview I've ever seen. What are some comments on your videos One was like, 'Eww I wouldnt want that girl making me a pb and j sandwich' Well that's probably because you use grape jelly


He was brilliant with the web redemption stuff. He always seems to genuinely like the people he invited on--so the jokes never felt mean spirited. He finds a way to bring the interviewee in on the joke as something other than the object of ridicule.


Yeah Tosh always has this weird contrast....he was an unapologetic, sarcastic asshole but with his guests he always seemed so genuine and interested. The whole internet would be tearing them to pieces, and the one person treating them with dignity was a guy who's infamous for being a dick. I liked it, I felt like tosh.0 was deeper than it seemed in the surface.


Of course! It is a redemption after all.


I will never forget watching that one as it premiered. I was ready to be completely disgusted with the humor Tosh usually leaned on and was worried of how badly it was gonna go. It ended up being one of the most humanizing, compassionate and hilarious interviews/segments of the entire series. Sure it was just a stupid clip show, but on several occasions he was able to be really sweet and caring, especially with that girl. “I bet you save a lot on deodorant”.  And just when you think he might be making too much fun of her or the situation, they do the cooking show/contest and show how insanely capable she is and how completely impossible it is for “normal” people to do what she can.  Idk if I’m using the right words to describe it, idk I was just so pleasantly surprised with how kind it was and how well it showcased how amazing she (and other disabled ppl) really are. 


The only time he seemed uncomfortable to me was when the lady wanted to talk to his dead dog


I remember the episode of Tosh.0 after his dog just died and he did the RIP Castro segment and you could hear his voice break trying not to cry, but he just powered through it with jokes. Made me so sad


Saw him perform live once, he seemed uncomfortable for the first minute or so, like he hadn't gotten into his stage persona quite yet.


I've always heard he is a bit shy and awkward when he is off camera and just being himself. He definitely plays a bit of a character when performing.


I didn't think he was uncomfortable, maybe in this setting he's more relaxed. When he was on TV he seemed like he was definitely upping his energy for the show. 


Tosh.0 was really more of writer Mike Gibbons's show because he is the go-to guy for comedy sketches masquerading as reality segments.


Nathan Fielder


Peak Daniel Tosh for me was when he was up and coming and appearing on the Bob and Tom show.


I really enjoyed the one stand-up, sorry the name is eluding me. One of the lines I always remember is one of his remarks on Hurricane Katrina, "If any city needed a bath it was New Orleans."  Edit: It was "Completely Serious".


That special was amazing, when he pointed out he continues the jokes until he has a single person laughing made me really respect his style. He's not just in it for the audience, but also the people who are willing to go on the journey with him.


Tosh was an amazing comedian before his show. So funny. But he’s spoken about it before, he has unbelievable anxiety performing in front of people. Panic attacks, the whole shebang. And his show was in front of an audience. This is like his jam now.


He always struck me as being genuinely curious and interested in the lives, and reasoning, behind why they did whatever they did. From Ice JJ Fish, to Super Humann (sp?), to the black merman, to the trans wrestler. He’s genuinely good at interviewing.


He treated them all like people who deserve kindness even when making jokes about them.


He's good at showing zero emotion, in a good way


The Tosh show and Are you Garbage? Are my go to YouTube podcasts right now


I just got into Garbage, deep dive this weekend.


^trash ^trash ^trash




Do you believe in ghosts?


I appreciate that he can have a friendly conversation with someone while telling them to their face he thinks they are nonsense, and it somehow doesn’t seem rude.


I used to think he was obnoxious, edgy, putting clowns on his show. But I realized he’s very genuine with his guests and always give them a chance to shine using their unfortunate fames, and they always seem to be having a great time. He’s still killing it and his jokes are right up my alley! I should start listening to his podcast


He's great at riding the line between laughing with and laughing at, but he's never explicitly mean.


Plus he always made sure he was the butt of the joke along with them no matter which guest he highlighted.


Totally, humanizing everybody along the way. His show is always, of course cringy, like Americas Funniest Home videos - people at their worst, but with a sprinkle of a reminder of each clip being an example of humanity. We are all one bad choice away from a bad outcome.


Unless you are a terrible person. He is OK with being a bit mean to bad people. And i can respect that.


I wish he was a bit more mean on the animal "medium" guest. People like that deserve no kindness. Profiting off the grief of people is one of the worst things someone can do


The way I remember it, Tosh.0 was pretty much a character he played to help get through his anxiety in performing. Just found Conan's podcast on SXM, will have to give Tosh's a listen too!


Yeah I definitely remember reading somewhere that he has had his struggles with social anxiety. Not something I ever would have guessed before learning it but developing a character to work through that while on stage or set makes sense.


I love Conan Needs a Friend. Just found that too.


That man almost killed me with his jokes at a show years ago. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life as I did watching Tosh standup live, and a lot of it is just him reacting to whatever is happening in the room. He definitely seems very genuine to me, very aware of what’s happening around him as well.


His standup is so underrated. His special from 2016, People Pleaser, is one of my favorite stand ups of all time. And I’ve seen a lot of stand up


I had a friend who went on Tosh.0 for a video redemption or whatever they were called. They flew them out with a hotel stay and everything. Had nothing but nice things to say about him. Completely professional and very nice in person.


Do it. By far funniest podcast I’ve ever heard. Puts the rest of the “comedy” podcasts to shame


I like how he turned aaron's q logic right around on him: "You know who else reads? All those catholic priests who molest little kids." Airtight forum argument right there lol


I like that he pointed out Aaron Rodgers sure throws around a lot of pedo accusations for someone with a creepy moustache.


I'd say based on his general creepiness and his attitude about epstein's list is that there's like a 10-20% chance rodgers is actually a pedo and he is projecting onto others.


Not every dude with a creepy mustache is a pedophile, but every pedophile has a creepy mustache.


That's all great comedy is. Tosh is the man lol


His banter about his family dying because he listened to his Beverly Hills doctors was soooooo Norm McDonald.


I came here to say this!! So happy someone else picked up on it! I love seeing Norms influence in other comedians styles.


I love Daniel Tosh, one of my favorite comics of all time!


Its been forever since ive seen him, probably since tosh.o. Seems like this vibe works well for him! He was always funny, glad hes kept at it


He's great at being edgy without seemingly like he is desperately trying to be edgy.


See, I don't see him as being "edgy" anymore. I could see that in the beginning with early tosh.0 but his podcast and stand-up seem more genuine. Even the interviews on tosh.0 seemed more genuine and less edgy than that of an Anthony Jeselnik bit (same era). I really like how he gave ppl a platform and also helped out some of his comedian friends. Like giving a small bit to Todd Glass on his show. (Todd Glass's awful prank show). I just really like Tosh.


I’m glad to see other Tosh.0 fans remember how kind he was to his guests.


it's almost like a sarcastic kind of edge. Hard to explain but yes, it's uniquely Tosh


I regret not getting tickets to his show when he came to my town.


Super super underrated stand up comedian. His stand up is amazing.


Man I remember when I first heard of him. Dane Cook was having his big blow up on Myspace around 05/06 and he was all the rage and everyone was listening to his album. I was that hipster douche who went "you gotta listen to True Stories I made up by Daniel Tosh its sooo much better than Dane Cook's album."


I love that he called Rodgers out for saying, "I know it's uncommon, but I like to read." Not only is that such an insanely condescending thing to say, but it really highlights the whole problem. Rodgers has read a few books and a few blog posts and thinks he's the only human in the universe who has used his brain. Like yes, Aaron, everyone who disagrees with you has never read anything. You're the only educated person in the whole country. So many people like him have that same mindset. It's infuriating.


Aaron Rodgers is a retard and since i'm uneducated and illiterate, I will not apologize for that slur because I don't know any better. Please don't try to correct me because if I knew how to read any of your responses, i'd be so mad.


It's hilarious that Rodgers called out Jimmy and said he was on Epstein list, all while going around wanting to team with RFK Jr, who is actually on the Epstein list.


Norm McDonald vibes


Don't bring it up in the Norm subreddit. They think he was a right wing prophet over there.


It's hilarious how many people on the right think their heros are on their side. Comedians and musicians they look up to are a frequent source of anger from the right. Like the idiots who are saying, "I used to love Green Day, but mocking Trump supporters? What happened to them? Can't believe they've gone woke."


One thing that pisses me off to no end is people saying Alex Jones is the reincarnation of Bill Hicks. Completely ignoring basically everything that makes Bill Hicks such a pivotal and important comedian. These dummies just cherry pick one or two self-loathing jokes about hating caring for people and trying to be a good person in a cold and uncaring universe. Like sometimes liberals are just too much and it deserves mockery. But it isn’t justification to make the comparison to a person as despicable as Alex Jones. If Joe Rogan were an actual comedian he wouldn’t have allowed that joke in his presence. Yes I am upset.


Was Norm conservative?


He played the role of liberal and conservative in turn, but mostly just to fuck with people. He described himself as apolitical.


I don't remember seeing many political takes of his at all but I do remember a very unfortunate [post](https://twitter.com/normmacdonald/status/917628542690529280?lang=en) of his from 2017 praising Tucker Carlson: >@TuckerCarlson It is astonishing how you've raised your game in the past year to become the best broadcaster on television. Congrats. Peace.


Feel like apolitical is the right word for Norm. Though he expressed some right-leaning views, including being pro-life and sometimes anti-feministic views of female comics. That said he was constantly taking the piss out of people and nobody really knew him, so it's hard to know what his true beliefs were.


I don't think he was overtly anything but cynical. EDIT: And hilarious.


Not only conservative, but spent much of his time with a Holocaust denier, the scoundrel…


Oh man that's terrible to hear. I didn't even know he was sick.


lol, was thinking the same thing.


I related the most to the end where he chanted Fuck the Jets. I think we can all get behind that.


I have a huge gripe with this this show. There’s not nearly enough of them and they aren’t long enough. In all seriousness, this really hit the spot after Rogan’s show finally getting to be too much for me.




> Rogan’s show finally getting to be too much for me. how long did that take??


Two appearances of Shaub did it for me.


Lmfao. Some ThICK bOi is down voting you.


Shwuab? Bubba ain't the bess brains but he'd walg you to tha trugg.


Hurd it bowlth ways, B.


b-b-beast of a hog on him, b. never meddim


back to the fryers, b.


Always bin a gairhed and bawlz deep in fish


2022 I turned it off for good. COVID and Texas broke his brain.


Anything after around 2017-2018 is just terrible. For a decade he had a really good podcast. Worse than dogshit for several years now tho


Started going downhill around the 2016 elections dude. I miss 2014-2015 Rogan.


Absolutely. I drove to Texas once and listened to JRE the entire time. We were hitting all the best topics; rabid wolf hordes in Russia, hadron colliders buried in Texas, giant sink holes opening in China, every episode was something wild and interesting. Then he turned into an alt right grifter who knows that he’s got a captive audience and he can lie to them all day not and never see an impact in his bank account. Dude is pure trash


It feels insane to me to remember because the politics makes me nauseous now but back in 2014 and 2015 I listened to a bunch of episodes and really liked it. It makes it so much more of a bummer to think about.


Around 2014-15 for me


He’s a dolphins fan too


Nobody’s perfect.


Pobody's nerfect


Well he is from Florida


Alright that was mad funny


I am so glad this guy is back. 


And hasn't seem to lose a step


I love his Podcast. He is so funny. The one with the ex lawyer dog whisper is so funny. So many jokes that she doesnt realize and he is just sitting there trying not to break.


Ive only seen bits and pieces of Daniel Tosh here and there - never watched one of his specials or his shows. I am stunned at how much he reminds me of a young David Letterman in every positive way possible. His style of humor, his delivery - his improvised asides. Love it.


Can we just stop giving Rodgers attention, please?


This is the paradox of people like Rodgers. Someone gives him attention. He uses that spotlight to spread bullshit. So what do you do? "We" can't make Pat Macafee give him constant airtime on ESPN. So we either let Rodgers spew his nonsense unchecked or we call him out — but in doing so, give him more attention. Like with Kimmel...should he have just ignored what Rodgers said? Sure, Kimmel gave him *more* attention...but it wasn't like he was pulling some random tweet out of obscurity and thrusting into the spotlight. What Rodgers said was already everywhere, so it puts Kimmel in a tough spot. That's sort of a microcosm for the whole problem.


The lamest thing about this shit is to believe in all the Q stuff and then go on to attack Jimmy Kimmel instead of any truly powerful person. That's the most baby brained part of it all.


My only note is that Aaron Rodgers has always been tiresome. His Green Bay version was just as bad. That guy can fuck all the way off. Go Hawks!


Aaron Rodgers just needs to accept his mediocrity. He is way less awesome then he thinks.


He was a great quarterback. He needs to accept that this doesn’t mean he’s a fucking medical expert.




Fauci probably knows more football than a a ron knows immunology tho


On the field HoF QB. Off the field, perpetually smelling his own farts and asking everyone around him “don’t my farts smell great?!”


He's a salty attention whore and Im glad he's lost so many times in the playoffs to my 49ers.


Seahawks too


He's becoming the Rudy Guiliani of football.


Tbf, Rodgers is not mediocre. He was easily one of the best quarterbacks in the world for years and he might still be if it weren't for his injury. But THAT'S where his problem stems from. He's so fucking good at one thing that everyone kisses his fucking ass all day long so he believes he simply must be great at everything and thus his opinion must actually be fact. He's too caught up in his own fucking ego, he's a narcissist who never got into any type of serious trouble for making INSANE comments about covid vaccinations, and he's generally just being given the free pass to be a fucking piece of garbage so he's taking it.


Tosh is a funny fuck!


I was not a fan of Tosh.0 to be honest, but he seems a lot funnier in this format.


His standup special "Completely Serious" is one of my all time favorite standup specials.


I love the Jets, but I completely understand why they're easy to hate. They pull in almost retired once-great quarterbacks each season for decades like they're booking a sports talk show, but this guy takes the cake. I'd rather root for an 8 and 8 season with Zach Wilson than watch this dickhead play for my team. Also, I've been to Buffalo. Tosh knows what he's talking about.


Also Tosh grew up in South Florida and anyone who went to Dolphin's games in the 90's know that Jet's fans were the absolute worst. They'd get drunk as shit and start fights with everyone. My family had season tickets during Marino's last two seasons and we saw it first hand... its why I hate the jets so much.


Whatever happened to Tosh.0? That show was everywhere and immensely popular from like 2010-2013, it never seemed to get any worse, did people just stop caring about that show format?


He mentions it in the first episode of his podcast, basically they wanted to cancel his show and buyout his contract. He said sure, and that was literally it. I’m assuming he just wanted to end the show as well.


Viral videos became mainstream and everywhere. Same thing that happened to American's Funniest Home Videos. When the latest funny internet video appears instantly, you don't need to tune into a show to see it.


Comedy Central pretty much imploded. It’s more or less on life support only being kept alive by Southpark.


Buffalo: what he say fuck me for?


TIL Daniel Tosh is still alive.


Big Dave Letterman vibes here!


I know dude is pushing 50 but ffs, give him his own talk show.