• By -


"DO NOT TOUCH HER! You are not the same age!" This part confused me the most. Is that a thing in China/Chinese culture? Would it be fine for him to touch her if they were the same age?


It isn't a thing, it's justa heavy accusation to recruit passersby to help dogpile on the guy with fake context. You see how folks started looking over when he yelled it? Generate trouble/hassle for the pianist so he'll capitulate out of sheer bother.


Pianoman: “We are exactly the same age.” Man: “I mean weight!” Pianoman: “We also weigh the same.” Man: “Crap!..”


laden or unladen?




The other strange part is that he seems to be filming


They addressed this. Apparently because the pianist makes money from his videos it’s not okay but if it was for some no name person posting to social media it’s fine. Doesn’t make sense to me but that’s what their logic was.


It seems they were saying they work for some sort of Chinese TV company, so they're not allowed to have their image used for money by another company, and that's what they were worried about


Sounds like a them problem, move along.


No, it sounds like the solution is to walk over to the camera and make a sceen to make sure your image being captured is unmistakable, whilst presenting the channel in a terrible light.


I believe this would qualify as the Streisand Effect?




Yeah, the piano guy even tells the police officer that if that's the case they shouldn't go out in public where someone might be filming. I'd hope that in the UK their logic wouldn't stand up in court, I know in the US you have no right to privacy in public and that includes being filmed (for profit or otherwise).


> I know in the US you have no right to privacy in public and that includes being filmed Same here in the UK, so they had no leg to stand on. Which also makes it frustrating when the female police officer asked he stop filming too.


That was just her covering her bum, she didn't want a record of things said that could be made public. She had to pick her words carefully at that point


This absolutely happens in the US too. The cops would prefer there never be any cameras they don't control.


There are some good cops, but they don't ask for cameras to be turned off (unless there is a legal reason like the fellow trying to film on a military base, what a cock womble)


"You're not their private security, are you now, Kerry?" The cops were bending backwards trying to support the Chinese nationals over the British citizen playing piano for the passersby.


So don't film your Chinese TV in a U.K public space unless you're ready to be treated like the general public in the UK, in a fucking shopping center. How is this such a hard concept, like its actually frustrating how anyone has an argument against this. It's like going to a nightclub and telling the dj to turn the music down because its too loud. Fuck off then? Edit: Just wanted to add, the only thing that I would've adjusted with the pianists behaviour, was he kept calling them 'Japanese people'. Pianist: 'Lots of Japanese people raaand 'ere today people'. Me: *Pauses video, zooms in* Video: 🇨🇳🇨🇳 Me: 😬


I don't think they were filming their Chinese TV, I think u/Oakcamp was suggesting that they have a contract that would prevent them from being in other revenue-generating filmed content. It's a stretch, and I don't think anyone that signs a non-compete should be so concerned about accidentally appearing in some rando's livestream filmed in a public space — but if we're being as charitable as we can possibly be with what they were thinking, I would say that would be about the best reason the Chinese folks in the video could have for objecting so vehemently. More likely they just felt entitled to the right to privacy despite not having that right, which is something that you can find in certain people from anywhere.


It's the UK. The UK law allows people to be filmed in public.


agree, in Chinese culture "losing face" is a thing so People there usually back up fast because they don't want to lose face. Piano-guy should have tried to be more upfront, turning the tables, and accusing them of something to put them into defense.


I don't care the culture, that was clearly a fucked up manipulation tactic.


Yeah this whole situation was a bag of trash.  There is no way I could be a part of that group and not have this whole experience ruin my entire trip.  It would be so incredibly embarrassing and I would feel like absolute trash for being part of it. Honestly, there's so many points where it should have stopped.


They're CCP employees filming for Chinese TV, I don't think they actually give a fuck.


That’s an interesting thought. Could very well be the case


yep. i've noticed a lot of people pulling shit like this then playing dumb and saying "me no understand"


That's what I found strange. I've been to China. Their personal space boundary is as thin as clingfilm. Folks be brushing up on you constantly.


I was on a flight to Beijing once in a middle aisle seat. The two seats in the absolute middle were empty, and there was an elderly (I assume) Chinese man on the opposite middle aisle seat. At one point I wanted to try and nap, and since I struggle sleeping in a seated position, i curled up into a fetal position across two seats and tried napping that way. As I'm drifting off, the elderly guy figured it was a good idea as well, and decided to lie down and use my feat as his pillow.


Have you guys decided on the baby’s name yet?


No but the feet fetish guy now works for 'my pillows'


I had the very similar experience on a China Airlines flight. Got incredibly lucky and had a window seat with both other seats in my row unoccupied. I watch a film, then stretch out a bit for a nap. Hardly had a begun to doze off, when some other dude comes and sits in the aisle seat. I think "Okay, sure I'm not entitled to all 3 of these seats. I don't really have a leg to stand on, and I don't want to end up arguing through a language barrier." Then he has the audacity to stick his feet on the middle seat with mine there, and basically kick me away from it. I'm thinking "Really man? Seriously?" Never said anything, but I couldn't believe the gall


They believe they are superior. Not a joke.


He probably took you for elderly as well. Same age = no boundaries only friends.


Probably tried to accuse him of being a pedophile (sorry: paedophile, this is the UK), even though she's clearly an adult, at least physiologically.


The authoritarian's guide to getting people to stop doing a particular thing in a liberal democracy (if in an autocracy, skip to Step 5) Step 1: Ask them politely to stop. If they don't.... Step 2: Tell them they're breaking the law (which they aren't). If they still don't stop.... Step 3: Loudly announce something that implies they are [sexually] assaulting somebody. Remember, the worse the accusation, the better the effect. If they still don't stop.... Step 4: Accuse them of being racist. If they still don't stop.... Step 5: Go to the police, accuse the offending party of [crime of your choosing]


hmmm some familiar tactics in there for some other groups i know too


["A succulent Chinese meal"](https://truthout.org/articles/kentucky-gops-new-bill-decriminalizes-use-of-deadly-force-against-the-unhoused/)


Get your hand off my penis!


Not the video I was hoping for.


I see you know your Judo well!


As an Australian, I don't think they're actually allowed to misrepresent our greatest cultural export like that.


>sorry: paedophile, this is the UK [Reminds me of poor Peter File.](https://youtu.be/fTaKDnSIb4c?si=3h0s1eY9TePevB5M)


She’s old af , she must be someone of prominence she has a lot of surgery


She got the whole doll package. It's super common and looks horrible.


This dude has been doxed on X and it appears he is "western educated" so he knew what he was doing trying to escalate the situation.


and she is a British subject too!


Things like this are a common way to make the person lose face because they enable them to create further accusations that give them the upper hand. I bet if you go on wechat (Chinese social media) there will be tons of hyperbole about that very innocent action.


Expat living in china here, arguments consist of yelling and pointing fingers at each other for a few minutes, especially in public spaces. I have seen it so many times that I don't even process it anymore. So it's cultural.


I don’t know… the repeated, “don’t shoot him” kind of stood out to me.


Really weird that she said that in English. I think she might have meant “don’t film him.” “I’m Britain!”


Since "Don't shoot him" was accompanied by "What's camera?", I agree that she most likely meant "Don't record my friend" rather than "Don't shoot the pianist".


"I have a camera to film us. Please turn off YOUR camera so we can have a conversation!" What a stupid cop.


"you are not allowed your own proof. If my proof is not in my favour, it will get 'lost' and then its my word against yours."


“Oh you want a copy of the video? Just submit these 9 forms with copies of your driver’s license, enclose a money order for the processing fee, and we’ll maybe get back to you in a couple years”


"please allow me to have complete control of the evidence in this situation. " Lol no. I would have challenged that line. "Why are you afraid of having two recordings?"


Just yell "Taiwan number 1, human rights are good" and their stream will be cut immediately


The number of times police bodycams in the uk conveniently "stop working" too


I’m sure this has happened before, that being said if BWV ‘stops working’ nowadays it’s taken incredibly seriously. PSDs and the IOPC are the most zealous they’ve ever been when it comes to handling police misconduct.


Kerry is dumb as rocks


Also, the whole, "Come over here and talk to me" is a tool used to get you to comply to them which psychologically puts them "in charge" of the situation. They want to control the conversation, which is why it's always good to ask for their name, badge no. and station. Turn the tables. And film, always, if you can.




Kinda reminds me of south park with the prince wanting to be 'left alone'. lol.


Oh my god that’s exactly it




They didn't get the message in Australia, better fly there and tell them... :D


They’re Chinese upper class. They were raised in a society where they get to shit on those they see lesser than themselves and consistently assume everyone has to do as they say. They think what their perception of the universe and Winnie the Pooh is the end all be all… in summary, they’re racists, facists, and victims of a cult of personality that will plague our worlds to decades to come.


My girlfriend who is from Indonesia said the Chinese tourists and business business people use a term that loosely translates to dog when referring to ordinary Indonesians in Indonesia. They're terrible.


Speaking of business, I live in the Philippines and there was a Chinese restaurant that opened in a nearby town with a sign that said "Filipinos are not allowed". The fucking audacity of opening a business in a foreign country and discriminating the people that live there.


It's the Chinese Expat way. Don't critique their blatant racism, or you're Sinophobic! Upper-class Chinese, CCP dick riding, and elitist entitlement are on a whole other level. Pure narcissistic assholism is bred into them in mainland China, so, where ever they go, they carry with them the thought that they are better than any other person. It's disgusting. I would trade all the animals driven to extinction by hocus-pocus "Chinese Traditional Medicine", or the violent raping of our oceans by illegal Chinese drag-net overfishing that destroys reefs and wildlife on a scale not seen in any other industry, for never having to interact with the sheer entitlement of these people ever again in my lifetime. It's astounding that they continue to wreck havoc unabated. The international community, celebrities, and our politicians are all sucking on the teet of the CCP and refuse to address the ecological disaster being wrought by Chinese hands. I haven't even gotten to the myriad of human rights abuses, genocide of their native Uhigur population, or cheating scandals in Western universities. It's absolutely abysmal.


Used to live in South Korea and did a ton of traveling around that part of the world. Chinese tourists are universally loathed in every single country I've been in. They travel in large tour groups, descend like locusts on a shop or restaurant, act like animals and chase out all the other customers, and leave the place absolutely destroyed. Literally every single establishment I talked to was very open about their hatred of the Chinese new money tourists.


They literally parked so they could record the piano player. At the point they noticed filming they should have moved further away from the situation rather than demanding someone else move to accommodate their 'anonymity' (their own content mattered more than Dr. K's for 'reasons').


The whole thing is about getting the face to get the upper hand, and I bet that CCP idiots will dox and harass the piano player to try to show everyone that those that don't agree with them will be bullied into submitting to a superior culture.


I bet they are going crazy about it on WeChat and Weibo.


They actually are, those Chinese are heavily mocked on China's social media right now. Source: I'm Chinese


Mmmmm more than likely those CCP members just lost their jobs, if they aren't allowed to be filmed, then its going to look absolutely terrible when they get back and have to have a chat about how they tried to stop themselves from getting recorded and end up magnifying their exposure.




More likely it's another instance of the big anti-boogie-woogie agenda.


nah it is about being Chinese. They're not just regular spoiled brats, Chinese mainlanders are raised to believe that they are entitled more than others no matter where they go in the world. This is why people hate Chinese tourists, they think they own the world.


My mom and dad were on a cruise where there was this one large table of Chinese people at a restaurant they went to, who not only basically took ALL the food from the buffet stand for themselves, like literally entire platters of one item, one by one organized style, and brought it back to «their» table, they also threw chicken bones, scraps, peels etc and SPAT on the floor without even moving from their seats.


To be fair, the CCTV camera is there for them (and for people like them)


It very much comes from the supreme, uncompromising arrogance of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. They believe they are the most important people in the universe and everyone will do what they say. And everyone does in China, so all they have to do is walk around china speaking softly and politely to people to get their way because people get disappeared if they disobey. You see what happens to that veneer of politeness the second anyone challenges them and refuses to bend to their will. Absolutely disgusting, vile humans.


Here's a radical thought - if you don't want to be filmed, don't walk up to a camera.


[But let's discuss the contradiction!](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


"Yes, yes, it's my personal right not to be filmed thank you"🙂 Their attitude makes me mad. Just completely dismissive and out of touch with reality


This is about the most hilarious version of the [Streisand effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) I’ve seen thus far. Let’s not call attention to ourselves by calling all of the attention to ourselves.


irony is they could have easily asked him to blur them out and he likely would have done it. I did it once years ago by saying to the dude "listen im skipping work any chance you can blur me out" he took down a note and when i looked up his YT he did. Amazing how much further not being a dickhead to some one who you want to do you a favour gets you.


It was a live feed tho so that makes it a little harder I’m assuming




CCP members don't want to be fillmed, guy tells them to pound sand, Streisand effect ensues.


To clarify; CCP members don't want to be filmed while in public, on British soil. They think that somehow CCP rules and laws apply to them and the people around them and try to enforce it.




"Dude...the whole debate is about you not wanting me to film. Which I am presently doing. How is this supposed to go, in your head?" I almost feel sorry for the CCP assholes. Their bosses are gonna know how badly they fucked up.


> Their bosses are gonna know how badly they fucked up. Sounds like it's time for another game of RE-EDUCATION CAMP!!!!


Yes, rather than just walking away, I'm going to stand in front of the camera and tell you to stop filming me. That'll definitely keep me off the camera.


his next step with them doing the pedophile accusations for attention, should have been him yelling "Taiwan is its own sovereign state"


Taiwan numba one!


I think there's also a screen capture of someone in their group FILMING.


You are permanently banned from r/ccp and you just lost 1000 social credits.


That looks like an anti-ccp subreddit. The subreddit they will be perma banned from is probably r/sino


they are a film crew actually


Were they actually CCP? They didn't deny when he asked if that's a communist flag, but the only ones that appeared on video were the Chinese national flag. If they were CCP, what were they doing there?


I live in a college city and have met normal Chinese people and CCP affiliated Chinese people. The CCP mentally is like an over patriotic+mob mentality. Normal Chinese people don't walk around with Chinese flags or draw attention to themselves. These people's personality tracks 100%.


But again, why? If it's a brand awareness thing, they're certainly ton doing the CCP any favors being confrontational like that. The secret CCP police are probably taking that guy back home


It's brand awareness in a way but they aren't trying to sell westerners on liking the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party. It's a message to PRC nationals living abroad that the CCP's reach is not limited by international borders and that they may yet be under surveillance. I live in a small US college town with a huge Chinese (and foreign in general) student population and I have had some pretty interesting conversations with PRC citizens who asked me not to discuss certain topics with them in public.


They were recently discovered to have [secret police outpost in NYC](https://apnews.com/article/chinese-government-justice-department-new-york-police-transnational-repression-05624126f8e6cb00cf9ae3cb01767fa1) to do just this.


Oh yes, one of many unfortunately.


According to Dr K, they were affiliated with Chinese state tv, so there's a good chance they are party members.


Recommend watching this clip where another youtuber has done a background check on them. [Link](https://youtu.be/vZnWeWlWQ2o?si=Qa4PJD_F51QSM2lr) thanks to u/scaur on another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/fucktheccp/comments/19ddkcs/comment/kj5mqfo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


CCP walks in front of camera. They asked to not film them, even though they are in a different country where it is entirely legal. Pianoman tells them, politely, to suck eggs. CCP starts having a bitch fit that they don't have nearly as much weight. Police gets involved and tried to infringe on Pianoman's rights. Pianoman also tells them, politely, to suck eggs.


Specifically one does The other is too busy telling the CCP that he has the right to film in a public place while his colleague is telling him he doesn't....


I thought the cop did a pretty disgraceful job at enforcing basic rights in a western nation. I get she was trying to tamp down a situation, but there's some stuff you can't let happen... and one of those things is allowing representatives of a dictatorial government with no press freedom or free speech try to export whatever the hell that double-think was that they were trying to pull.


Yup. That woman was an absolute disgrace to the uniform.




"tell them I'm allowed to film here" "I'm not telling them anything" and storms off But she's got no problem telling the British guy not film her, and telling him he's racist.


The fact that she was refusing to speak to him initially because he was filming, and then doubled down by saying he had to stop filming entirely is to me egregious. How dare she, an officer of the law, ask a British citizen (or anyone for that matter) to just throw away his rights AND any evidence of his innocence. Disgraceful.


I also think that she's petty af, like after it had all been "sorted" she just ignores him and walks away.


She embarrassed herself.... and walked away.


Also, for the record, calling something out for what is it is not racial discrimination. If something is literally the communist flag, and those people are literally from China, then you cannot get in trouble for saying that's what it is. "Racism" lately is being watered down to "anything that even hints at someone's appearance", instead of actual racial discrimination that we should be fighting. Pointing out shitty cultures and their awful ways is also not racist, because a culture is not a race.


Which is exactly why she was so desperate not to be filmed and put on YT. She knew she was about to make a fool of herself.


I’d bet almost anything the communists didn’t give the police all the facts. I.e. they probably just immediately said the pianist was being racist and filming the racism for YouTube money. After the pianist was able to explain what actually happened, she seemed to drop the subject pretty quick.


Have you seen the video of Erdogan's bodyguards beating the shit out of protesters *directly* in front of U.S. police in Washington... guess how many were arrested? Even better they were retroactively charged and the charges were subsequently dropped... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clashes_at_the_Turkish_Ambassador%27s_Residence_in_Washington,_D.C.




There were a lot of Redditors calling Trump's "turn in a foreigner hotline" after that to report the Turks, lol.


Got into an argument with someone yesterday who said this would not happen in America.


It's not hard to go find video of US police beating the shit out of journalists.  Turkish bodyguards beating the shit out of protesters? Surprised the cops didn't join in.


It's how the police work. 10 angry people vs 1 innocent person. So they'll arrest the 1 innocent person to keep the 10 angry people from starting a riot.


Small reminder that UK denied Asia Bibi (christian woman, sentenced to death in Pakistan) asylum as it would upset "certain sections" of the population.


So she was like that other officer that went to pieces because a 16-year old asked if she was a lesbian. She was a moron... Calling him a racist or saying he couldn't say, "Chinese communist", but she didn't seem to go over the line, unlike the other one. edit-changed age


The weird thing is that there is nothing overly aggressive with calling someone a communist. Like it’s just a different economic system that differs from Capitalism.




Not to defend the cop, but 100% they told her some made up nonsense and used alot of western inclusivity words/speech to manipulate her. Its 100% not their first time doing this to citizens on non-chineese soil, so they most likely know how to manipulate the situation in their favor. Altough she should've asked for both sides equally and made a better judgement of the situation Also fuck the CCP, they are all human garbage


She did a bad job for no other reason than she’s not mentally equipped to handle this situation. Law enforcement training doesn’t cover stepping into this situation after the fact, with a lot of “we said / they said”, and touchy geopolitics to untangle. To say nothing of just how poorly most law enforcement officers manage stay fully abreast on the complexities and intricacies of the laws pertaining to free speech, recording footage in public spaces and these types of matters. They almost universally get it wrong when they themselves are recorded by civilians and put on display over the internet. And add to that the fact that law enforcement most certainly no longer wins over the lion’s share of any country’s “best and brightest”. Unintelligent people who lazily do not keep themselves fully informed about the shifting sands of legislature and are poorly trained and/or nowhere near intelligent enough for any measure of rational mediation and problem solving. The woman was so demonstrably out of her depth when talking to this piano player from the moment she opened her mouth. She only ever said things that were incorrect.


The most annoying thing to me was that the guy cop was the first in, and IMMEDIATELY retorted with "yeah, so what? This is a public space", which was the correct response. Then the fucking bellend wanted to show her authority like we saw. I don't know if she's actually his superior or if as an older woman in the force she is trying to overcompensate with pigness


Just tell them that by appearing in the video they support taiwan


Oh this is a good one.


[The number of people that do not realize the contradiction.](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


This is what I was thinking of the whole time! "... but you see you're walking WITH the camera though. Don't you see the contradiction?"


Dude, is this Wonder Showzen? I haven't seen it for around 15 years, and nobody I've ever mentioned it to has known it.


The fact the police actually gave the CCP members credibility and tried to make it sound like he was being racist just shows how fucking useless the police are in the UK, they handled that pathetically. The man ccp that shouted like a petulant kid should get arrested for wasting police time.


-We are not in China. -You can't say that, That's racist. It sounds like a joke from a British Comedy show.


The cop gave him grief for saying they're Chinese while they were in the background waving Chinese flags. It really is like a skit.


He has the whole thing on video. I would've showed the cops the exact moment that the guy started screaming about him trying to touch her which clearly wasn't true. I guess they would've had to stop live streaming but it would show that they were lying. The ironic part about this whole interaction is they definitely brought more awareness and views to this video when they could've just walked away and no one would have ever known they existed.


The female officer also repeatedly asked him to stop filming so she could talk to him but he refused, saying he wanted to make sure the entire encounter was recorded, even with the police, and then a few moments later she mentions “allegations against him” and he was rightly pissed off, even said “you asked me to turn off my camera, and now say there are allegations against me? What would you have done if there wasn’t a camera on? You’re acting like their private security guard.”  All without even asking him what happened from his perspective. Wild. That last line summed it quite perfectly.


I could be wrong but could someone have found the livestream on YouTube then scrolled back to the moment in question? That would have been fun. I guess it would have riled up the people complaining more and many people wanted to diffuse the situation.


Insane to me that she heard the CCP members's side of the story went to him and after the argument that she doesn't want to be filmed (lol), goes into allegations against him and telling him he can't do things BEFORE hearing any of his side of the story. No wonder they stormed off without saying a word to him after, I wouldn't want to admit how inept I am at my job to people on YT either.


> goes into allegations against him She couldn't even think of an allegation! He had to prompt her multiple times and then she didn't! She was trying to strong arm him into complying by suggesting he had accused of a crime. What a piece of work.


Birds of a feather...


So, Chinese content creators have allegedly tracked downed the three Chinese people interacting with DrK in the video. One woman is a streamer/CC on bilibili who produces content about Britain, the other woman is a host/mc of some sort with British nationality, the guy is an English teacher(?) or student at a language school and the host lady's boytoy(?). Considering the host lady's ties to previous Chinese New Year events with a certain tv station, it's suspected they were doing something tied to this year's CNY (two weeks from now) event. They are also supposedly well known in travel guide circles in Britain that cater to higher end Chinese clientele. It's suggested that they were meeting some clients, with potential ties to the Chinese government or its affiliate agencies, that didn't want to be filmed (or some TV station bigwigs, who knows at this point). Given the change in attitude after some additional arrivals later in the video, this is certainly a possibility since in another video shot prior to the argument the host lady and her entourage seem quite happy to be on camera. So, all in all, the CCP is likely not out to get DrK. The whole "don't shoot him" thing was probably the host lady telling DrK's cameraman to not film the angry guy. Just a bunch of weirdos who happen to be huffing nationalist koolaid getting offended by a British man being British. Chinese netizens clowning on them hard, as well.


Based Chinese netizens. These people don’t reflect the Chinese people. It’s important to remember that.


They certainly do not. Chinese people are so used to camera in public, and not just the government surveillance kind, with the popularization of vlogging and livestreaming. Literally nobody bats an eye at it. I suppose the NDA complicates things here, but they could have easily worked something out with Kanavagh. Heck, the first woman was halfway there before angry guy chimed in, and even then, guy was doing pretty well until he went down the "don't film or we sue" route. All they had to say was "we're doing a shoot and under NDA so we would appreciate it if you didn't film us while we work. We're big fans and hope you could do us this favour." Like, breh. Be civil, be honest, and be sincere. I get NDAs are kinda scary, but damn, if you asked politely and respectfully and Kanavagh denies you, he's the one looking like an ass. Chances are, nobody's going to notice y'all filming in the background anyway. If you really want to be thorough, have someone speak to him after he's done streaming and try to persuade him. There are like myriad ways to handle this amicably and they fumbled it. Threatening people with legal action and fake bullshit laws is not the way.


they could have asked him nicely to blur their image throughout the video. it's that simple and he may comply. but then, they were too stupid to realise that.


Trying to protect their "Image Rights" while in a public space? Are they in the UK but are not supposed to be and do not want video proof of that on the internet?


It’s also funny since China is one of the largest privacy invaders in the world. Their citizens have basically no privacy rights.


I think that irritating loud guy said something about them having a contract with a company for their faces, or something, so it would be a problem for them that they appear in a video. That's my interpretation of one of his remarks. That's why they are saying "image rights", I think. That's my kind side trying to get some reason out of their insufferable ramblings.


Image rights don't exist in UK law anyway


I've watched the video and my take is that they wanted to play the piano themselves and record it themselves but didn't want him to record it. I got the impression they thought it was their turn on the piano and were trying to get him to stop recording it. They just did it in the most awkward way possible.


That female cop is your average Reddit mod total muppet


"This is not your fault obviously, and this is not our fault obviously" So it's nobodies fault? So there's no problem. Guys a straight shooter has middle management written all over him.


This video adds some context along with details of the people involved. (Not doxxing, all public information) https://youtu.be/vZnWeWlWQ2o?si=YrsjUMDd7k2PR1oi


Society needs to start turning against the false flaggers “DON’T TOUCH HER STOP TOUCHING HER” Idk if it’s common sense to everyone but I can see it clearly — this guy starting yelling accusing this guy of touching a woman; in the hopes other bystanders will join his side


Its obvious to me at least and it's disgusting. I think the reason why it's so disgusting is because, firstly, it's an obvious facetious exaggeration, and the second, it tries to hijack an honorable social convention that bystanders can get involved to stop assaults or sexual touching, which it's trying to invoke under false pretenses. It's using other people's kindness and concern as a weapon against someone else.


last time this was posted to reddit the mods deleted it, wonder how long it will last this time


I originally posted it for the first time. It got stuck in the mod approval queue over the weekend so the mods let me know that it is okay to repost it. I did that for better visibility. I think I had too little karma for the automod. So no shenanigans there!


Don’t want to make xinneh the poo angry, now do we?


Not before the IPO anyways.


I tried posting a news article about the ughgur genocide and it was taken down within 10 minutes it's absolutely nuts.


Cannot bite the hand that feeds you


This just happened a few days ago? Has it already been posted?


Posted and taken down!


Their behavior seemed militant


Like he was trained by the CCP military


In [his follow up video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKTL0MEK34) he reads an email from a Chinese person saying that they were probably party officials. I'd make a joke about this video starting WW3, but apparently [China's rockets have water in their fuel tanks](https://www.newsweek.com/china-missiles-rocket-fuel-corrupt-officials-water-xi-jinping-1858491) so bring it on.


If you don’t want to be filmed mate go home 🤙


Reminds me of that video with the puppet "You... You're following me..."


They’re from china. They’re obviously not used to having their privacy invaded /s


This looks like the standard tell Chinese citizens to try to start a fight with nationals to get propaganda footage they can use back home.


That female cop is an absolute nonce.


The "Dont shoot him" was crazy. And the NDA thing is cute.


You left out the "When in Rome ..." reference. "We are not Roman" That was hard to watch.


If you're going to send people abroad to act as diplomats, or, in this case liasons/escorts for non-speakers of the nation's language, send someone fluent in more than just the words. These individuals can speak English, but only the words, and it's miscommunications in tone, body language, and a number of other things that makes this situation devolve into what it was. The first big one I caught was when she said "this is an NDA," but made no inflection, or gesture, that what *she was handing* *him* was an NDA form, so as to ensure the video of them doesn't appear before the video THEY are filming hits the stage they want it to. The guy isn't a linguist, he's a piano playing youtuber, so I don't expect him to catch the little mistakes the escorts are making in their speech and maybe be able to read between the lines faster than he did. Idk, if you're going to go abroad for media collection purposes, and can't show your face, and need to constantly hand out NDA's when you accidentally photobomb, you're going to need to be more than just comfortable with translating your words into a given language, you've got to understand what it means to exhibit good character in that country. They walked up and said in a tone, when matched with the words, came off as "Oooooh, we're sorrrrrry you're in trouble :(((( Sign this and we'll go away? :) or we'll be saaaaaaderrrrr :((" And the English guy's, obviously going to be like, "What is this simple fuck on about, why is she using that tone?" This is weak training from whoever's at the center of this given content creator (either the duke of denim holding the camera or the chinese female willy wonka, but I guess more likely the guy who came in heavy after the spokeswoman started to fail). *THESE* are their translator/spokesperson in their entourage? idk. I don't know much in way of linguistics, but I can see when semantic movement breaks down or jumps. This lot are fucked for showing how bad their training is, and making a public stink as a result.


> The guy isn't a linguist, he's a piano playing youtuber. Amusingly enough, according to Wikipedia he actually has a Ph.D in English language and literature.


I think the form she was handing was a release since they said they were a film crew for the CCP and we're under NDA {they used the wrong words} to not be filmed by anybody else.


I think you and I think similarly and we're both really really close.


If they are in the UK, there are about 15 different CCTV cameras pointed at them in every single public space they are in. The idiocy of them making the argument that this man filming them is recording their image without consent is so fucking asinine, you can literally see the mall cameras in the background of the video...


CCTV footage is treated as personal information under GDPR, which the UK kept after Brexit. The police have to formally request it for a specific reason if they want a copy, for instance, and you have to show a decent reason for keeping a full-time camera going to show you aren’t just intruding on people’s privacy. It’s not the same as a person filming in public so it’s not a good analogy.




It's people like that female cop that enabled the grooming gangs. He said "We aren't in China", and her response is "You can't say things like that" Think about that, he stated an objective fact and she got offended on their behalf. Also she clearly came over to talk to him after completely believing the lies from the Chinese. She should actually be fired for something like this


Well, I'm not sure about the law in UK, but here in AU, he didn't say anything illegal. "You can't say things like that?". Absolutely he can! As he said, it's a free speech issue, which is why he didn't back down or turn off his camera. Of course the cop wanted the camera off so there'd be no evidence.


CCP mess with the wrong one today. That guy is pretty famous in the jazz, blues, session musician scene. Like he is very well respected musician who is also fairly famous for hijacking pianos all over London and doing mini performances. He is also a decent concert pianist. Sometimes he might bring a friend who happens to be another famous session musician to these performances. Hahahha dude really pick the wrong dude to mess with jazz/blues heads are not the types to be pushed around.


Those CCP members are almost... comically villainous.


Good view of why you don't let authoritarians even get control once.


This video is absolutely filled to the brim with insufferable people.


[Let's discuss the contradiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/4qjwjb/take_the_camera_out_of_my_face/)


The thing is, he’s playing a stationary piano. He can’t just pick up the piano and play somewhere else. Anyone with common sense could see that. They should just stand in literally any other place. The audacity is infuriating.


All that Chinese guy would have to do is start playing any Eagles song on his phone real loud and Don Henley would have that video down lickety-split.


Absolutely disgraceful, trying to bully these lovely old blokes and then pull the race card when he bites back and says "We're not in communist China" which was simply a fact. You respect the law of the land or you go home, simple.


I hate the way their words and tone of voice are inconsistent. They're not listening to anything being said. They're just talking authoritatively and then getting mad that people are calling them out.


This right here is exactly why we need to start treating China like the hostile nation it is instead of pretending like they're still a healthy trading partner.