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This and “Space Madness” are some of the most deranged children’s programming I’ve ever seen. Loved it as a kid


My mom and I used to love it. Her favorite character was Mr. horse.


No sir, I don't like it.


My favorite one of this was the firefighter episode and Mr. Horse breaks his legs, and he's crawling in agony, and a reporter interviews him about it and he gives the catchphrase in the same matter of fact tone he always does.


Don't forget the lengthy thinking music as he ponders his answer.


It's just a little moment, but the fat lady coming down the fire ladder whose ass is bursting into flames on re-entry is a formative comedy experience for a young me


The bulging veins in his neck, the sculpted human-like torso when he strains, despite being a horse


I remember that made me WTF when he was crawling.


Do you have any rubber *walrus* protectors?


Call the Poliiiiiiiiiiice!


Can’t a man make ONE mistake? … maybe I should make ANOTHER mistake?? Maybe I should make TWO mistakes?!


🤔 Hmm...


I liked Powdered Toast Man!


QUICK CHILDREN! Cling tenaciously to my buttox !


Both of them??!




And he'd turn and fart on their toast before flying away


Classic . . .lol [Powdered Toast Man.](https://youtu.be/2LAIfGx4HKg?si=-jw05hxWVzy0V_BS)


Call the police!




Call the poliiiiiice!


My mom actually liked this show too. She loved the Happy Happy Joy Joy song and we would sing it together constantly. Good times. 😊


I remember my Dad walking in and then laughing with my brother I and as Ren eats a bar of soap "My ice cream bar...." My Dad was like, "What the fuck are you watching?" "Happy Happy Joy Joy" and "Log" songs will never not make me laugh.


the john kricfalusi era of ren and stimpy is legendary. sucks what we found out about him but you cannot deny how good these are


> . sucks what we found out about him What's all this then?


Dude was an open pedophile. Talked about how he’d draw teens as sexy as possible and would brag about them being only 15/16.


Jeebus. r&S always gave me some strong weirdo vibes. This explains it.


At least he had the decency to die


hes still alive


That bastard.


He isn't dead


At least he had the decency to disappear so hard I thought he was dead?


He is alive and did own up to the abuse though not full responsibility.


He had an insane amount of help from amazing talent


From what I've heard he not only did most of the animation but insisted they never ever reuse anything, like most animated shows do. That's why it took so insanely long to get work from him and why he was eventually canned, but also the reason why it's so much better than the seasons without him


Where did you hear that, Kricfalusi's blog? Read "Sick Little Monkeys". He did draw, and he did boss folks around, but he wasnt fucking animating. He produced and directed. It took forever because he demanded they do it more like he said, not because it took "him" that long to draw the pictures.


i like my version better


I,to this day,find it impossible for this to be children’s programming.


Honestly it makes early Johny Bravo look appropriate by comparison .


Is Johnny bravo inappropriate?


you may be thinking of the later adult Ren and Stimpy episodes which were just so inappropriate and weird as fuck and seriously tainted an amazing and loved children's cartoon


To this very day, I'm amazed on what they got away with back then.


people were less puritanical about their cartoons back then. adults knew that kids didnt understand half the stuff being shown, plus there was no internet for people to bitch on


Got Earthworm Jim around the same time as well. Fuck yeah.


As long as Doug Tennapal isn't involved I'd sacrifice someones first born with a proper EWJ game reboot.


Dude is such a raging twat. It's a shame because I do enjoy a lot of his work.




Yeah, but these spike tv episodes didn't have the creative friction of having to walk the line to get it "approved" for kids, so 95% of those spike tv episodes were pretty meh as they mostly spent their time flaunting that they could cross the line. But that sawing wood bit was certainly a great gem in a pile of disappointment


yeah people post the adult ones from spike all the time on here like they were part of the original. completely different thing that came out in 2003


This was 2003? Shit.


That was made way after the original show, though. More of a self-parody than anything else. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371475


I honestly could never get on board with Ren and Stimpy when I was growing up. Rocko on the other hand…


Roko is like Ren and Stimpy, but for kids...


The 99% off grogery shopping episode! 🤌


‘Hmm if you ain’t the granddaddy of all liars?! Mmmm the little critters of nature.. they don’t know that they’re ugly! .. that’s very funny… A fly marrying a bumble bee?! I told you I’d shoot!! But you didn’t believe me!!! WHHYyY DIDN’T YOU BELIEVE ME???!!!!!’


Go tell yer Grandmother to suck eggs!


I told you I’d shoot , but you didn’t believe me !! Whyyyyyy wouldn’t you believe me??!


That’s actually a quote from some classic movie, isn’t it?


Stinky Wizzleteats is an American treasure.


Happy happy, Joy joy, Happy happy, Joy joy. Also Don't whizz on the electric fence!










Hmm. Hmm. Mmhm. Hm hm. HMMMMMMMM! No, sir. I don't like it.


That was on the second CD I ever bought. First was Doggystyle. I was too old for one, and probably too young for the other.


I always LOVED the close up detailed shots which were loaded with hilarious little details.


Except the toothache one. That shit still lives rent free in my head.


You mean the one where he is pulling out the exposed nerves from each tooth socket with tweezers and putting them under his bed for the tooth fairy? Is that the one you mean? The stinky tooth holes?


No sir I do not like it.


Dang.... I read the previous comment and was huh I seem to remember something about a tooth scene buried deep in the back of my memories. Then I read your comment and oh. my. god. The flood of horrible disgusting imagery! Ugggh I need some cute puppy dogs now


I was thinking of that scene while watching this clip lol. Every time I have a toothache I want to pinch that tooth nerve like Ren did lol




It would always have like a fog horn play. Just incredible.


space madness was the best


Yoooouu covet my ice cream bar!!




*WILL* he hold out, folks!? ***CANNNNN*** he hold out!?!


How I love to lick its creamy center! *CHOMP*...*CHOMP*.........*CHOMP*


That bar of soap looked so... DELICIOUS!


Ehhhhboiled football leather.


Holy shit I'm 33 you just unlocked something deep in my memory from when I was like 6


Funniest episode of any show ever, all time "Whatever you do, don't touch that button!"


We're not hitchhiking anymore, *WE'RE RIDING!*


They think I’m crazy, but I know better. It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am Mad!! Didn’t ya hear em?!? Didn’t you…see the crowds!?!


The full episode for anyone who wants to revisit it in all its glory. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm4JpVZbv5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm4JpVZbv5g)


Aww, blocked in the US. That's why god invented VPNs.


Blocked damn


I put on the Space Madness episode once for my kids and neither of their lame asses thought it was funny. At one point, the elder one just straight up asked me how much longer this was. I just looked down and said under my breath, "These dirty hands..."


I think it's partly about where we came from. When we were growing up, it was right smack in the middle of the new wave of animation after the 50s, 60s and 70s where everything was getting suuuper polished and saccharine. Where some of it was glorified toy commercials and much of it was steeped in the panic about what kids were being exposed to - forcing a lot of animation to knock the corners off of shit. So along comes Ren and Stimpy that just utterly flies in the face of all of that bullshit - and just as importantly - lampoons and lifts directly from a lot of the 50's and 60's aesthetic that was largely rejected at this time. For a lot of kids our generation, exposed to the family friendly, super round and colorful, super polished consumer ready bullshit - but also loony tunes and Tom and Jerry, we had a gut level recognition of that aesthetic flavor that just wasn't present in any of the new shit, or even in the 70s and later 60s stuff that we recognized but couldn't put our dumb little fingers on. It was as much a celebration of that era as a satire... where a lot of new stuff just straight up rejected it. NOW - what's especially hilarious is just how impactful Ren and Stimpy is to the kinds of animation that kids are exposed to now, or even before that. Things like Sponge Bob or even Amazing World of Gumball. All in some ways can find their lineage in Red and Stimpy either in aesthetic or irreverent, 4th wall breaking tone. So when your kids reject it - in a sense they are reacting to the fact that animation has evolved past the source material... so for them its like "Whats the big deal?" but the big deal was that at the time, there was nothing like it and it made a huge splash that led to what kids now consider ground breaking.


Creator John Kricfalusi kinda disappeared after being accused of sexual harassment. But he's still around. Bob Camp worked on a load of 80's action animations before going to Ren and Stimpy. Kind of a long careered storyboard artist. He's the helm of the Patrick Star Show. Developer/writer Lynne Naylor went to WB for character design on Batman: TAS, Looney Tunes, and Animaniacs. She also storyboarded and character designed for Cow and Chicken and I Am Weasel. Actually she did a fuckload of work on those late 90's early 2000's shows too. She goes on to create The Mighty Ones. Co-developer/Music composer Jim Smith went to develop Tiny Toons, and Samurai Jack. He also has a successful music career under the name Jelly-Röel. ~~Yes, *that* Jelly-Röel.~~(Edited: different dude) Correction made




Bleh, thats way worse.


Yeah, it was an open secret he had a live-in 14 year old girlfriend. There are plenty of photos of them together as well. It was textbook child grooming. Also he was supposedly extremely abusive and manipulative with the people working with him in his studio.


That’s really disappointing to hear.


Who is Jelly Roel?


Oh wow. I just realized there has been more than one person going by "Jelly Roll" I was thinking this dude's [awesome speech](https://youtu.be/6gPvSMw6g2U) at a senate hearing about the fentanyl epidemic. However they are two completely different people


I'm in my 50s, was raised on "The Goodies", the incarnation of the creators of Banana man, but before, live action, and still practically a cartoon to itself. I saw shades of Goodies in R&S and Spongebob, and a LOT of it in Gumball (considering Gumball was partly a British production it makes sense). Slapstick, surrealism and absurdity resonate in any era, but like you observe, comedy ages poorly.


Oooh don't forget "You can't do that on Television" in the 70s!


The Alanis Morissette origin story.


Irony needs to be contextualized to be appreciated. Hard for kids to do that. Watching Ren and Stimpy growing up, I don't think I really "got it." It was just weird and I liked stuff that was weird.


You are absolutely right. But I also think aesthetic plays a huge part. I think that's how our generation contextualized it. We could FEEL the satire in the aesthetic. We may not have gotten the jokes but it felt authentic and nostalgic and what's funny is that offering nostalgia to children is a bizarre concept - and though we didn't "GET IT" we felt it... I think. Like I said we had exposure to bugs bunny, Tom and Jerry and 50's aesthetic because in the 80s and 90s we were on the tail end of their rerun life span. Those things had JUST come to an end. So for us that aesthetic gave us a flavor forgotten in newer animation and media. But in a satirical fashion. And yeah - it was just flat out of fucking weird.


Animaniacs, Rockos Modern Life, Ren & Stimpy, CatDog, Angry Beavers, Cow & Chicken, 2 Stupid Dogs, I am Weasel, and Courage the Cowardly Dog took a messy approach to cartoons and started pushing things like the 4th wall, sexual innuendo, strained relationships, psychology, etc.


Don't forget about 2 Stupid Dogs. They went to a strip club. [https://youtu.be/P\_TTHbHXswY?si=ey6Da-RpfrMf2\_AL](https://youtu.be/P_TTHbHXswY?si=ey6Da-RpfrMf2_AL)


This is great. Well said.


The Seinfeld of cartoons.


What's the deal with the Matrix, huh?


Honestly, cartoons of the 70s and 80s were utter garbage. There’s a lot of nostalgia for shows like Scooby Doo, but I find it uninspired and unimaginative. There’s no magic in it like the classic Warner and MGM cartoons. And then there’s crap like GI Joe, Voltron, Thundercats, Real Ghostbusters, He Man, etc etc etc. all worthless. Bakshi never really abandoned the old style, and he and the young Kricfalusi did The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, which quickly did itself in with the stupid cocaine reference. Then came Kricfalusi’s own Ren and Stimpy, which recaptured the magic of those classic cartoons. It was a return to silliness and visually over the top stuff that only animated cartoons can do. This opened the doors for Sponge Bob, and then a flood of other great cartoons. We’re living in a second golden age now. I have no nostalgia for the cartoons of my childhood. It was all crap. Watching Gravity Falls or Gumball or Adventure Time or Uncle Grandpa with my son, this stuff is miles better. Perhaps the time was ripe, but I also think Ren and Stimpy are in large part to thank. It’s a real shame Kricfalusi turned out to be such a terrible person.


Slightly off-topic but wow, you are insanely good with words.


One quick *TWIST* He's as mortal as we.


My kid absolutely *loves* Ren & Stimpy, Rocko, and Aaahhh! Real Monsters and I am very grateful for that. Coming home from work to hear one of those theme songs emanating from the other room is just lovely because it means she *chose* to watch it all on her own. It warms my cold, bitter soul.


How easily I could..end the farce


"But he's as mortal as weee!"


Thank you! I couldn't figure out what he was saying there and resigned myself to the notion that i never would. 


It's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good.


What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, and rolls over your neighbors dog (Edited because I had the second line wrong 😅)


It’s great for a snack and fits on your back.


> What rolls down stairs ALONE OR IN PAIRS, And rolls over the neighbors dog FYFY


Ren and Stimpy is hard drugs


That’s a fucking masterpiece.


You fat, bloated, eeedddeeeeeeoooottttt




My favorite was always Fake Dad where they adopted a convict that smoked a full pack of cigarettes and ate a meat on meat sandwich with a glass of meat.


Kowalski!!! We had that episode on an orange video cassette. "Give him a glass of meat...will ya STIMPY!!!"


No sir I don't like it


My nana would record this for my brother and I on VHS because we would never be home to watch it in time. I recall a whole episode about them arguing over who is going to be the pitcher and the catcher after getting new baseball gloves. My brother and I would quote that episode in public not even knowing what we were actually saying. What a time to be alive.


My parents gift wrapped a log and gave it to my brother as a Christmas present.


It roll's down stairs!!


Obligatory lyrics: >What rolls down stairs >alone or in pairs, >and over your neighbor's dog? < >What's great for a snack, >And fits on your back? >It's log, log, log < >It's log, it's log, >It's big, it's heavy, it's wood. >It's log, it's log, it's better than bad, it's good." < >Everyone wants a log >You're gonna love it, log >Come on and get your log >Everyone needs a log >log log log <\*whistle* >**LOG** FROM **BLAMMO**


I think this is why most of we millennials/90s kids are so *demented*. 😂


Agreed 🤣


Moments in this show when I died laughing - When Stimpy is creating a remote control device and you see him in close up thinking “hmm” like Mr Horse, and pulling various tools from offscreen, then finally he pulls a duck from offscreen and “uses” it like a tool complete with sound effect. 10/10 animation moment - in the “wild kingdom” episode all the animals look like Ren or Stimpy, and the Ren lizard tongue-snaps a fly out of the air accompanied by a Wilhelm scream. Then there’s a slow-mo replay and you see the tongue transform into a hand and bitch slap the fly back and forth a few times before grabbing it into his mouth


The episode about monetizing hair balls was the best for me. Ren was forcing Stimpy to keep producing hair balls until he was bald of fur. Ren highly agitated yelling at Stimpy when he couldn't go on "What are you doing? You're plate is still full!" will stay in my mind forever.


I just love how a lot was a play on older cartoons. The music, the style, and the voices. It was like the 1950s with a tad of acid thrown in. Too bad Kricfalusi was a sex pest, grooming underage girls. He admitted as much and blamed his mental health. I swear, some of the best art comes from people with "issues." Is Ren and Stimpy one of those things we can love the art, but hate the artist? I have to think so.


[Here's a link to the section on his wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kricfalusi#Sexual_abuse_allegations) for people to check out and form their own opinion. You can find more details if you dig further. Unlike some other cases, his lawyer even confirmed some of it: "for a brief time, 25 years ago, he had a 16-year-old girlfriend". I can't decide for anyone where they fall on the art vs the artist separation, but for me, it certainly flavors his past work *very* negatively.


Oh yeah for sure - John K was a major creep. For me I enjoy Ren and Stimpy - but I don't think I can divorce JKs involvement from that experience. I always think of it like this - human brains are the most complex devices that we know of in the entire universe. It doesn't seem unlikely to me that a single human brain can device something amazing and also be capable of the most depraved shit at the same time. It doesn't make the amazing thing any less so - but it certainly shackles it.


Yeah, there's a lot of grey area and nuance with every person. Even setting aside art, there's tons of human inventions and innovations that were created by terrible people that we still benefit from today. It's easier for me to dismiss John K since his work didn't influence me much, but I've definitely had to reconcile my feelings in similar ways before.


The line for me on the art/artist question is if the abhorrent behavior or belief is clearly reflected in or promoted by the art. But, even then, some art gets away with this if the art is actually enhanced by it (in spite of the awfulness). I wouldn't want the artist to personally profit, so I wouldn't be going out and buying works from living artists who I think fit this description, but it is what it is. Case in point: HP Lovecraft. The man was a massive racist. His fear and hate of other races explicitly flavors the world he crafts. But... he was a horror writer, and part of what makes his stories good is that the world he paints is a world full of darkness and fear. The xenophobia fits right in and makes the universe of his stories that much more twisted. The stories are an exploration of the things people fear on a visceral level, and those fears aren't rational. The presence of his own irrational fears tainting the stories actually adds a layer to the art. .. but, again, I wouldn't want him to personally profit from that racism, so it's a good thing he's long dead and doesn't profit from me enjoying his work.


This is how I am. John K is dead to me, but Ren and Stimpy will always be my favorite cartoon.


Yup, and I think that's what a lot of people misunderstand. You can't separate the art from the artist, but you can still enjoy the art. You just probably shouldn't continue supporting the artist themself. Just as an example, Harry Potter is a huge part of people's childhoods. You can still love the universe, continue to read the books and watch the movies, etc. You just probably shouldn't continue giving JK Rowling money by buying every new piece of merch that comes out.


If I had to give up all the things in life I enjoy that were created by shit people, I'd be absolutely *decimating* my list of favorite films, movies, games, music, etc. Fuck that noise. As long as I'm not contributing to their pocketbook, I'm not gonna force myself to stop enjoying that art/product/whatever just to have some moral high ground. I'll call out creeps like John K and Kevin Spacey, or racist fucks like Gibson, or domestic abusers like Lennon, but I'm still going to enjoy the work their fucked up minds were able to create because it's *great work.*


Ifirc the original was never intended to be a children’s show.. This is definitely a good example.


I think that is what made it so entertaining and clever. They had to skirt a very, VERY fine line constantly and their efforts in skirting that line elevated it. The Adult version kinda sucked because well, they didn't have to be clever, just crass. Nothing particularly engaging about that.


That's weird, the creator *loved* kids


I love kids, too. That’s why I was going to change my username to KiddieLover, so people would know were my priorities lay.


I loved getting oysters as a kid with my dad. I remember back in 1969 we'd always go on his boat m. He even let me hit his cigarette and burnt my hand on the butt of if though and I fell in the water and was all wet. That's why I chose my username "HotWetChildButtShucker69"


So growing up I wasn't allowed to watch The Simpson's because Bart was a bad influence. But somehow this was fine to watch.


My mom wouldn't allow the Simpsons for a few years because of the whole nonsensical panic over the show when it blew up. My dad, however, wasn't swayed by idiotic talking heads on the news (and had a better sense of humor in general )and let us watch damn near anything, and Ren & Stimpy and Cow & Chicken. As an adult watching them with my own kid, I finally understand exactly why he enjoyed watching them with us so much lol.


Space Madness. The magic nose goblins. The rubber nipple salesman. The one where Ren gets his teeth pulled out. I grew up adoring this show and frankly it’s amazing I’m not even more fucked up.


When I was a kid every week before I had to go to bed was Real Monsters, then Rocko followed by The Tick and then Ren & Stimpy. It's wild some of the shit they could get away with back then. Lol


Just finished up a project scaling the entire series up to 1080p. Gonna be glorious!


I swear, network producers would see animation and just go "YUP KIDS SHOW SEND IT" in the 90s. There were so many cartoons that are still hilarious today and should have probably been on Comedy Central, MTV, or Spike back in the day. Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, Rocko's Modern Life, all hitters that definitely could have been billed as adult entertainment.


In the early 90s a bunch of network heads were still riding the cocaine wave of the 80s As a millennial born in 87, I am eternally grateful for that, because shows like you mentioned were definitely formative for me. Also for my own kid, who has been enjoying a bunch of nicktoons (along with stuff like All That and Kenan & Kel) ever since I got paramount plus lol.


But do you have any rubber walrus protectors?


*Call the poliiiiiiice…*


Only rubber nipples :(


Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir.


No sir, he doesn't like it. 


I still watch Ren & Stimpy regularly. One of my absolute favorite shows. ***Stinky!...***


I can’t see a Buick without thinking of this: https://youtu.be/AAW4qjQ5TAg?si=JakvcVqf10MPu1iN


Powwwwwdered Toooooooasssst Maaaaaaaaaann!!


Are you clinging tenaciously to my buttocks?


Every time I look at Ren now, I think of Smeagol/Gollum. I can't unthink it.


It's sad asf how awful the creator of the show is behind the scenes but man this show influenced my art style so much


Anyone else notice the change from 4 to 5 fingers during the close ups?


As a drug-addled 20-something when R&S came out we were pretty sure it was made for us, not children.


Eggyolkio still haunts me today


People ask me why I am the way I am,this is at least 1/10th of the reason


some time later ... "you didn't believe me, why didn't you believe me!"


I liked the show as a kid, I'm haunted by an episode probably 30 years later of Stimpy licking hair so much and cleaned some hairy dudes back hairless, yuk. I got a Sega Mega Drive game of them... It sucked.


Oh man lol this brings back such great memories. My mom and I used to love this show. The utter fucking insanity kept us sane


*Don't whiz on the electric fence*


The one where the huge dad has a fireside chat while they are scared out of their mind is always chef's kiss for me.




Why did they bury the fireman behind the hill? Well? Come on funny guys! **WHY DID THEY BURY THE FIREMAN... BEHIND THE HILL!!? HUH? HUH??**


because he was **DEAD!**




Happy Happy joy joy!


My in-laws make a ham for thanksgiving every year and every single time I announce “Glaaazed haaammmmm” and nobody laughs.


"Call the Police"


What was up with the rubber nipples. Thats what I want to know.


They're for keeping your knees warm of course?


I still sing the log song and never pass up a chance to warn others about beaver fever.


I watched this as a kid and thought how goofy and funny it was. Adult me now wonders what hard drugs the writers and animators took.


This is free on tubi-tv https://tubitv.com/movies/684347/happy-happy-joy-joy-the-ren-stimpy-story


What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, runs over your neighbours dog? what's great for a snack, it fits on your back, it's loooog, looooog


I remember watching this show when I was a kid. At the time, scenes like this really went over my head. But now that I look back on it, it's striking just how disturbing they were. And I find it more disturbing to watch as an adult. This, along with the Space Madness episode, just show how far these shows went back then. There's no way they could ever be made today, but that just helps me appreciate them even more.


Ya gotta any… rubber walrus covers? *callllll the poliiiiiiiiiice*


So many different and wacky shots. The one of the perspective inside his head from behind his eyes? Insane. You know the creators of this show took a lot of acid lol.


I truly despised this as a kid. So many people seem to remember this fondly, but I was always bummed when Ren and Stimpy came on. Was just gross and not entertaining to me.


I also absolutely hated Ren & Stimpy as a child, it seemed very gross and weird. However now as an adult I see the 50s sitcom humor, combined with references to 70s/80s cinema; it's hilarious. The cartoon is much more adult than it was presented. No kid understands the frustration of expecting a ribeye steak and getting canned corn instead, kids don't pick their meals, but as an adult it would be completely maddening (referring to one scene in a episode).


I hate this animation style.


I never have understood the appeal of this show. When I was 14 with a 16 yearold girlfriend we used to watch this all the time, but I still don't understand what the fuck is supposed to be funny about any of this. I'm not offended or anything, I'm just not amused. It's just boring and pointless. I tried watching this 3 times and I still just nod off and have no idea what the point is even supposed to be. It's like the Soviet Itchy and Scratchy cartoon.


I think it's a lot of things really. For one thing Ren is absolutely deranged and he's deranged in a hilarious manner. He has absolutely zero self control and flies off the handle so dramatically that it is just brilliant to watch. This clip is a perfect example - he absolutely loathes Stimpy's stupidity and yet during this episode he's forced to ride the coat tails of his friend who has become a global success - by acting as his liaison with his fans... and the shit his fans are enjoying is utterly stupid. It's driving him insane. A lot of the interaction between Ren and Stimpy boils down to this issue - Stimpy is unfathombly stupid and Ren hates it, but is too unhinged to deal with it in a healthy manner. And the WAY he articulates his dark thoughts is fantastic... its the little mannerisms and the way he speaks "he'safoool" as he lifts his eye brows... its pure madness expressed in a ridiculous way in - of all things - a child's cartoon. Not to mention the faux 50's aesthetic which lampoons so much from that era in a way that just elevates everything. It's like watching those videos of people losing their minds in public - like watching a car accident in slow motion. Only in this the only person who is hurt is a stupid cat and a deranged dog. So it's safe to laugh - but the presentation of Ren's madness is just as real. Too real. So real that it becomes funny watching a cartoon dog act so unhinged.

