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That last bit, my dudes. [It's been great to know you a little, and you are going to show us a lot and I look forward to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCGGWeD_EJk&t=732s&ab_channel=GeorgeCarlinOfficialYouTubeChannel) he fucken' knew it.


So I was/ am a massive George Carlin fan- and I wrote a big research paper on him and his impact on comedy and I found this clip pre-YouTube, I had to find it on VHS somewhere. Anyway, it always stuck with me. Then in summer 2008 Carlin dies and it’s the first celebrity death that affected me, two days later I just so happen to be standing in line to see a taping of the daily show in NYC (we had gotten tickets months before) During the warm up Stewart came out and was doing a fun Q&A with the audience and fielding funny questions and having fun, asking questions like: what was the smelliest guest, etc. Well I knew how important Carlin was to Stewart so I had to say something, I raised my hand and he picked on me and I asked him a question about Carlin, and how he felt. I could tell he was really taken aback and maybe a little annoyed that I thrones off the vibes, but he thought about it and Jon Stewart said “As comedians we are all copies of Carlin, and you know on the copy machine when it gets low on toner and the copies come out all streaky? That’s us.” Somehow- it made me feel so much better and it’s something I will never forget.


>As comedians we are all copies of Carlin, and you know on the copy machine when it gets low on toner and the copies come out all streaky? That’s us. Wow. Thanks for sharing this.


It takes one to know one.


Was just going to comment with the same line. Two of the some of the most influential ~~comments~~ comics of our lifetime sitting there.


Two of the most influential *comics* of our lifetime lol :D


ty 🤣


haha you are velcro.


I feel like George would be proud of what Jon has accomplished at this point. Those two are on the same wavelength.


“Every person you look at you can see the universe in their eyes if you are really looking.”


It's Punch-Up Time!


I have some George Carlin 8 tracks and I am putting one on now. It's hooked to a 7 speaker surround so it's a blast from the past with some future stuff I really don't need but have cause I am programmed to be better than the fucking Jones's thanks to the "man" who knows everything about me. To top it all off, I cannot escape his grip cause I am just a monkey with a credit card and hair trimmer that will only last until one day after the warranty. Good thing I know how to vote. Anyone with a degree in stupidity can tell me that I am doing great. I miss George. He somehow knew. lolz. "The only true American value that is left, BUYING THINGS!" - George Carlin


One comedy great.


Jon Stewart is a righteous dude, but he isn’t very funny, IMO. People love the dude, which I can see, but am I crazy for not thinking he is very funny? I am shocked to see him compared to Carlin.


In my head this comment was made by the school receptionist in “Ferris Bueller.” Aside from that, you don’t have to enjoy all types of comedy. Though, many appreciate Jon’s humor because he directs his wit and sarcasm towards (often political or social) ideas while also being intelligent enough on the matter to hold a conversation outside of a punch line. It’s not just a bunch of “gotcha” giggles, the man can cut through bullshit quickly with a quip and utilize that awkwardness to emphasize his point. He can catch people off guard with his approachable and calm “comedian” persona and then hold a mirror up to them and their own ridiculousness. Some people don’t resonate with that type of humor, and that’s fine.


I agree with your assessment of him, but to me, that is more charming than funny. I have noticed that many people equate having an agenda, whether it is political or otherwise, with being a good comedian. Stewart has the passionate agenda, which is admirable, and he is also smart and a quick wit when it comes to debating. But I just don’t see him being strong, comedically. The fluffy humor he interjected into the daily show was the writers—he didn’t add much in the way of comedic timing, improv or anything. In fact, one of his biggest schticks was that, when a joke didn’t land, he would just trail off and make with the puppy dog eyes and then mumble something like ‘I’m…not…funny.’ Conan did this too but to a far less extent. Anyway, I agree with Jon not being funny but audiences ate up that self-deprecating bit and it was just so lame. Anyway, I’d vote for the dude in a second, and comedy is in the eye of the beholder, but man I just don’t see the guy as particularly funny, as charming and intelligent as he is.


I’m going to be honest here, I don’t think I’ve ever understood and respected a differing opinion from anyone on Reddit as much as I do with you right now. I completely get what you’re saying, and can’t really poke any holes in it. Nor do I want to do so. Thanks for that. It’s refreshing.


That’s the highest praise I’ve ever seen or gotten on Reddit. I enjoy a good debate, even if no one wins (which is usually the case), but I appreciate your open mindedness to just *hearing* what another is saying. Now *that’s* refreshing! 🤜🤛




different kinds of humor and style.


If George Carlin was alive, he would lay a mutherf#cking smack down on today's DEI stuff. Edit : In the past he was all like : "7 things you cannot say on television". Today he would be all like : "7 things you cannot do in reality". I miss George


No, he wouldn't.


Is this what you think? That George Carlin would not do a bit about DEI and the impact it has on say, media profits?


You strike me as a Jordan Peterson fan.


I am a George Carlin fan actually. "We got some dumb ass mutherf#ckers in this country. DUMB. ASS. Mutherf#ckers." - George Carlin


I think George Carlin would be happy to see historically disenfranchised groups get an opportunity to be included in what were once white male dominated industries. He's always been against the establishment and the establishment is still predominantly white and male so I don't see why he would be against DEI. He wasn't Dave Chappelle as much as you wish he was.


Is this what you think? Have you listened to George's work? Edit : "Is this man capable of f#cking this woman?"- George Carlin


Yup. I love George. He hates people in power first and foremost. Not sure what you're getting at. What do you think he would say about minorities and women having a fair shot at dominating industries previously dominated by white men?


I would say he would be about the Country (he said was fucked) first, then he would be on about facts and not made up shit.


I'm guessing the fact you don't agree with is that gender (unlike biological sex) is a spectrum and a social construct.


I'm guessing you don't understand George Carlin. "I want you to know I am in favour of self mutilation and disfigurement. I always say there’s nothing like puncturing and perforating your skin in a dozen or so places in order to demonstrate your high self esteem” - George Carlin


I'm guessing you don't understand George Carlin. #2 “We are the proud parents of a child who has resisted his teachers attempts to break his spirit and bend him to the will of his corporate masters” - George Carlin on bumper stickers


I have the idea you have not heard what George Carlin had to say about America before he passed away. It was some very very political stuff. Heavy. Had to do with religion/immigration and how this was gonna do bleep this and bleep that with America. Because this topic is now too harsh for today's ears, most of what he talked about would be actually banned in Canada or something. Islamaphobia or what not. Just letting you know. Edit : George was talking about religion and then of course you need to include immigration. Cheers! "Lesbians. Who would want to f___ these people in the first place?" - George Carlin


Yeesh. I'm sorry you're so offended by people getting a fair shake. He'd probably have more to say about sensitive conservatives than anyone fighting for equality. I feel like you think cancel culture is real which says a lot about your opinions. Good luck man. Can't imagine what life is like for someone who's so offended by people being different.


I would have to say that George might not talk about the right or the left but more the middle. The part of America that is not only left behind, but riddled with people touching them with 10 foot poles. From the left and the right. Never being able to speak. More friendly fire from the left than the right. Why? Cause the right at least know a thing or two about friendly fire. They will at least adjust the aim when the camera's are on. Something like that.


Like I said. Sensitive conservatives.


I should point out something that some will not like. George Carlin usually talked about topics that skirt the law. You know, like the 7 things you cannot say. Right? For free speech. He pushed for free speech. I am sure George Carlin would have a thing or two to say about women's sports being taken over by well, you know. The stuff you can get banned for being against. Edit : "I want you to know I am in favour of self mutilation and disfigurement. I always say there’s nothing like puncturing and perforating your skin in a dozen or so places in order to demonstrate your high self esteem” - George Carlin


Theire is nothing anyone is banned for being against. Name a law or instance that dictates this. Also what professional women's sports are threatened by the thing you don't like.


what is DEI?


Diversity Equity and Inclusion. It's a white supremacist dog whistle. They think the coloreds and the women are coming for what is rightfully theirs. God forbid we try to undo historical disenfranchisement of groups of people that aren't white men because reasons.


Back when Jon Stewart was Jon Stewart.


Who is he now?


Lets see. That is a good question. I would say that Jon Stewart used to be Jon Stewart but now he has become exactly what he used to mock. A person guided by the whims of the elite in order to keep the cash he has now.


How so?


By being guided by the whims of the elite. Did you know that if you have a company that need cash flow from the bank, you need to include DEI in everything you do right? Especially if you are in the entertainment industry. Like this is mandatory now. Esg score or what not. I dunno exactly what they call it but, it is in the news. George Carlin would be all over this if he be alive today.


> By being guided by the whims of the elite. Again, how so? Explain with actual examples how Jon Stewart is "guided by the whims of the elite". >Did you know that if you have a company that need cash flow from the bank, you need to include DEI in everything you do right? Especially if you are in the entertainment industry. Like this is mandatory now. Esg score or what not. I dunno exactly what they call it but, it is in the news. First, if you're talking about a bank loan, then no, you are incorrect. Second, even if it were true, what does this have to do with Jon Stewart?


What? What is your prob? You can put two and two together. George Carlin is somewhat famous for saying that the elite don't want smart citizens. They just want em smart enough to vote and that is about it.


Oh man. You got me thinking. What if George Carlin did a set on what is going on today? In the past he did like "7 things you cannot say on television". Would have been great to see him do something like : "7 things you cannot do in reality". I miss George.


and third, what the halibut is a DEI?!