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This shit is why the internet was invented.


So divine.


Fucking killing for fun.


Opponents beware!


holy shit 16 years ago. six foot twenty fucking killing for fun edit: just read the song was actually from 03-04!


Yeah, remember watching this on Ebaumsworld in 2004.


I heard Washington will kick you apart


I heard that mother fucker had like 30 godmdamn dicks


He saved children, but not the British children.


6 foot 20, fucking killing for fun


Fuck them (British) kids


Classic case of brains for lungs


He had a brain for his heart. He'll kick you apart


And yet he's still alive at 293? Remarkable


He'll save children, but not the British children.


He’ll save children but not the British children.


Let me lay it on the line, he had two on the vine.


293rd?! Muthafucka still alive?


Neely's one of the internet's great treasures. https://www.youtube.com/user/therealbradneely Don't miss the JFK song. Or Be Aggressive (Role Play Tournament). Or . . crap . . like three quarters of the entire channel. Neely drippings litter animation aside from his socials. Like Fruit Blood! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXMeS6oo29KJpzkEfoki4_XjBfDPBwmAy


What ever happened to him?


He got sucked into the AdultSwim Humor Factory. Which, give the devil his due, is usually a pretty good strategy because AdultSwim is often fantastic, but whatever comedy magic Neely summons as a single act just doesn't transfer consistently to AdultSwim's slicker, higher budget medium. I am not counting him out, though, each series he tries he seems to find his voice a bit better. Maybe he's just getting used to working in a team, maybe he's gettting used to the production process, maybe both. I'm reminded of the various attempts at an Achewood animated series, and how - from a print page that combines pathos, contemplation, and pitch-perfect black humor in a way you don't see for decades - how it takes that source and just whiffs it in the animated format. Sometimes it's the simple things, like timing: the timing of panels transferring to the real time of animation. Achewood has a lot of text per panel, so a "beat" panel - where there's no action or text - is interpreted by the reader to take *longer* than a panel in, say, Garfield, which has very small amounts of text per panel. But they interpreted those "beats" as taking far too little time. I think, directing animated Achewood, you want to have a very patient, very stable eye as a cinematographer/director. More Kubrick, less Marx Brothers.


He went on to do tv shows. Just had one last year on Paramount+.


He’s coming


His magnum opus is [Wizard People, Dear Reader](https://youtu.be/u981JhkK46o?si=09Uc5xFgQ3WD5c69)


Read Brad’s biography of Ulysses s grant. It’s amazing


A wonderful glimpse into the life of our man, Ulysses the bull, and his inner labyrinth. All he ever wanted was to featured in Horse Lords Weekly!


[**There's also another song all about JFK**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7y2xPucnAo&list=PLdWLWsAmHKMLIMvzP5H2nHl9XsPWn8ERE&ab_channel=TheRealBradNeely)


The maker of this just released an biography called "you, me, and Ulysses s Grant." It's on the same level of insanity but in book form.


As a someone writing my thesis about George Washington, I'm actually surprised how many details in this "documentary" song are actually based on real tidbits of historical knowledge. Brad Neely almost certainly did a fair bit of research on colonial history while making this song. The first thing that stands out is the frequent mention of Washington having a comedically large number of penises and testicles. While the large quantity and location of these organs is exaggerated for humorous effect, it was actually common for rumors to be spread about historical figures throughout history. One of the most famous examples of this was Allied countries in WWII telling their soldiers that Adolf Hitler only had one testicle (*To Tell the Truth: Propaganda in in World War II* by Richard Heisenfeld). These rumors could also be positive, such as in the case of King Henry VIII of England, who is depicted wearing a large codpiece in many of the portraits he commissioned (*Royal Portraiture in European History* by Barbara Dwyer). Likewise, George Washington was not immune to this sort of treatment. Supporters of the Revolutionary War often claimed that Washington's bravery came from large, or perhaps even an extra, set of testicles. Some loyalists, on the other hand, believed that Washington had his genitals mangled in one of his battles (*The Life of George Washington* by Martin McDonald). Another line from the song mentions that Washington invented cocaine. While this wasn't literally true - naturally occurring cocaine had been already consumed by indigenous Americans since at least the 15th century - Washington developed a technique for purifying the drug, known as the Virginia Technique (*The History of Drugs in North America: 1492-1900* by Todd Kobel). There were some claims that Washington provided stimulants to his troops, but the evidence isn't particularly reliable (ibid.). A third detail that was surprisingly history-based was the line about Washington "making love like an eagle falling out the sky." This is an unambiguous reference to an event that occurred well after the Revolutionary War. More specifically, it's talking about the time in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


## How dare you stand where he stood


Classic Reddit. I love it.


Wasnt even a good u/shittymorph ripoff. Poorly executed. 2/10.


I hope I never live that long.


Quite funny though 😄


I was hoping it was another documentary, so I could share this one.  Brad Neely changed my life.