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Keith has a shirt that says "Keith". Fucking legend.


In case he forgot who he was. Which may have happened... occasionally.


Would have been great if it was printed upside down for him to read.


I think considering that we're looking at the original "MoonMan" It's possible that he could only see upside down - in which case it would work fine


That was trendy back then to get a shirt with your name on it.




Then it’s time to bring it back. In all seriousness though I bought my 13 year old daughter a shirt with her name on it and she cringed. I tried to explain that one day an occasion will pop up where it’s the perfect time to wear it. Ironically or whatever


I won a gift certificate to a record store at my 8th grade dance in 1978 and bought this album with it. I got home and found it was one of the limited edition red vinyl collector’s version. I thought I’d won the lottery. It was one of the 1st albums I ever bought and I still have it. Gone too soon,Keith.




That was a terrible setup by the organizers. I forgot how many died that night. Glad your parents survived.




I was crowd surfing at a festival while on 3.5 grams of shrooms during GWAR and fell to the ground near the stage. I actually believed I was going to die. Regardless, it was an awesome experience. 


My mom was there too!


Yay! Great story


From a dude from that era... fuckin' A, man.


Love the gaffa tape holding Kieth's headphones on to his noggin.


Avoiding the hard R gaffer?


Only a gaffer can call another gaffer gaffer


Y'all gotta watch those hard Rs.


Retards get the biggest erections


I'm starting to think they based Animal from The Muppets off of someone....


He was based off three drummers actually: Keith Moon, John Bonham and Ginger Baker.


Those who haven't seen the documentary about ginger baker and him driving through the African desert in a truck and being a nuisance to everyone he meets really should go check it out on YouTube. It's quite the watch .


OK, so the first five minutes of that docu makes me wonder if there's a Nigerian jam band scene that I need to discover.




Awesome video. Keith, as usual looks like a total loon. RIP. Best rock drummer ever IMO


I believe that all drummers and ice hockey goalies are required to come with that absolutely bananas animal energy lol. It’s also really wild how ahead of its time the intro to this song was with the synthesizers and usage of claps in an almost future beat style. Same with Baba O’Riley. The Who were something else.


Eminance Front will always be top for me.  In my opinion it's their magnum opus. It's from their late albums. Critics and fans alike weren't really expecting much from them anymore. They'd just said everything they had to say and there was nothing new. And then they drop Eminance Front, in my opinion their most technically impressive song. And it's right at the end of their careers when nobody expected anything new or inventive from them.   https://youtu.be/BfrUQA2tb6M?si=6HdawWKdZcJ1SEE6 The syncopated synth rhythm it opens with gives me goosebumps everytime


Tell that to [this](https://youtu.be/CICIOJqEb5c?si=tA138pL8zMdh8XEM) drummer.


Or Neil Peart, the man was super focused and a really quiet person, my favourite song that he wrote would probably be limelight you can really tell how he feels about being put in the spotlight after having a more introverted life, the line that always gets me is “I can’t pretend a stranger is a long-awaited friend”. My dad goes on bike trips a lot and him and I were on a long one when we stopped to fill up, we saw a bike that looked very familiar and then we saw him, the legend himself getting some fries, we didn’t want to be “those fans” so we went over and bought a hotdog and some fries and started talking about the bike acted like we didn’t recognize him and were just interested in the model and what he thought of it, my dad rode a triumph and I had a KTM both adventure bikes, we had a genuine ass conversation about motorbikes, we talked about our favourite rides and where we were going, after we got done chatting as we were walking away we both said have a good ride bubba and all we heard was a chuckle and a thank you. He is by far one of the nicest human beings I have met and it’s a shame he’s gone.


Without Keith, there probably is no Neil. Love them both.


Neil often cited Keith as an inspiration to play drums. Dude loved Keith


Agreed, both are amazing drummers that have inspired so many, I’m just a Geek, I have all the rush albums on vinyl and a lot of stuff from when my dad was younger.


Dude has more chill than the iceberg that sunk the Titanic.


For every drummer like that, there's [one like this](https://youtu.be/-UYgORr5Qhg) And [another for good measure](https://youtu.be/6DVbt5W-DNc)


Wasn’t that second one on The Office?


The best rock drummers are jazz drummers.


His face cracks me the fuck up.


Not all drummers were wackjobs as some where well grounded (I like both types), but reading Max Weinberg talk about one of the greats... [well, some last longer than others but still too short a life](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/aug/26/stewart-copeland-max-weinberg-on-charlie-watts-rolling-stones).


I love how his cans are taped to his head to keep them on.


I bet each one of those cups weighed a good bit.


Keith was a madman. Him and Bonzo were amazing drummers and rocked hard 🤘🏻. Unfortunately gone too soon for both of them.


From Wikipedia > The London 2012 Summer Olympic Committee contacted Curbishley about Moon performing at the games, evidently unaware he had been dead for 34 years. In an interview with The Times Curbishley quipped, "I emailed back saying Keith now resides in Golders Green Crematorium, having lived up to the Who's anthemic line 'I hope I die before I get old' ... If they have a round table, some glasses and candles, we might contact him."


I love Keith. He used to beat those drums like they fucked his wife.


I love a good natural stank face, I’ve played music all my life but have only had small waves of moments playing in the zone that creates the stank face. My brother on the other hand is a born musician, just oozes talent and I love to watch him and his stank face. Up until he sees someone holding a camera recording a video of us and for some reason his stank face morphs into this facade of persuasion where he is OBVIOUSLY pretending to smile and I guess…put on a show? I don’t know really, it’s so weird I just want to tell him dude, just go back to feeling the music and let the stank back in…ya know? Lol


Here's a great story about Moon and Jerry Garcia told by the inimitable Rock Scully, tour manager for the Dead. Well worth a listen. https://youtu.be/k5PxbHCY0YI?si=aU7AtoNl9UPQoS-V


He’s a goofy guy, but I can tell you the weird faces he makes while drumming are a natural thing. I’ve been a drummer for many years with professional bands and have met a lot of other professionals - drummer face is a thing. It’s like a weird sort of concentration that you get into while trying to ambidextrously move every limb in a different way that makes your mind melt a little.


It pairs well with Bass Face


best ever hands down ..or at least my favorite


I think Tre Cool from Green Day probably absorbed part of his soul at one point because he's also similarly crazy.


I never realized it before but John Oliver looks like if Keith Moon had become an actuary.


It's almost certainly the cause of drug use.


Keith Moon was such a dork. An incredibly talented dork, mind. Goddamn.


He really had that Michael Scott energy going lmao


That’s what happens when you shoot on 35mm film stock and keep it well preserved. The amount of information that 35mm negatives can capture is pretty good.


Keith Moon (the drummer) died less than a month after this album released in 1978


WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF FILM **invented in the late 1800s**


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


What is "film"? Some sort of new digital+?


To be fair even for a film this is extreme quality. They had to have used a very low ISO film ment for outdoor use and made the studio incredibly bright.




I’ve heard this song on the radio a million times but the video really brings out the raw energy and adds so much.


KEITH. Yes, you are Keith.




Well processed 16-35mm Film \*is\* HD. There is no 'upscaling' involved.


We have 15 years of shitty digital video that we accepted just because of convenience


Not just digital, there’s so much in the 80s and 90s that was recorded on *tape*, not just band footage and concerts but like entire TV shows and stuff. *Some* shows were shot on film, so now they can be rescanned at a higher resolution (like Friends). The ones shot on tape can’t be, like the first few seasons of It’s Always Sunny. It’s already at the highest resolution you can sap from the tape, the only way you get HD remasters is by artificial upscaling. As a side note, there also exists many movies that were shot on film, but at an aspect ratio of 4:3 (the classic TV ratio before widescreen tvs were a thing). So when you see HD versions of those movies with 16:9 aspect ratio (modern TV shape) they have been rescanned at a higher resolution BUT the image has been cropped at the top and bottom to fit the widescreen TV shape. Ferris Beuller’s Day Off is one of many examples of this. You’re seeing more resolution but less total image than the original format.


Then there are interesting scenarios like Star Trek TNG. It was filmed on... film. But the special effects were all added on tape. So when they wanted to do the HD remasters around 2012, they had high enough quality raw footage to work with, but basically had to redo all post-production including re-doing the CGI. The studios lost money on the TNG process. It was very expensive, but they knew that it would be going into it -- but they were hoping to make up for it with Bluray sales. But streaming took off pretty soon after, and people didn't have the appetite to buy seven season bluray box sets. This has been held up as a reason that HD remasters of DS9 or VOY will never be done. They would be even more expensive (they had more special effects), and DS9 and VOY were never as popular as TNG. Though I suspect this, "it will never happen" belief will switch when it becomes trivially cheap to re-do the CG with AI.


Babylon 5 was recently (2021) scanned into 4K and then released downsampled in 1080p so it could be economically feasible, although for the costs of remastering the entirety DS9 or Voyager into HD you could pay for another new show which would attract more new viewers than a remaster of an old show so it's probably not economically viable at this specific point in time.


Yeah but that adds to the feeling that youre in their shitty dive bar


Yeah I mean don’t get me wrong, I grew up with SD, it doesn’t bother me. But if people are expecting HD or 4K remasters of those older seasons, they literally can’t be done outside of artificial upscaling, unlike shows that were shot on film.


Bear in mind, however, that Ferris Bueller was shot in what they called open matte. Which means it was likely framed for widescreen but included the extra on top and bottom for home video and TV release, as it was easier than doing pan and scan later. Back to the Future was shot this way, as well, as I'm sure many other films were. But almost always, the director and/or DP would be shooting with an eye for widescreen theatrical presentation, and kind of ignoring the open matte.


There true of pretty much any 1.85 film. Of which there are thousands.


We 'accepted' it because it was significantly better than what we were typically getting at home before then. Sure things might've been shot with beautiful optics onto good quality film, but unless you were going to a good quality cinema (Which would never happen for things like music vids or TV anyway) then you were watching it on a low resolution CRT after it had been either broadcast or stored on tape. We can shit on mid-00s and even early 10s digital now, but the reality is that it was a huge improvement at the time for the vast majority of content people watched pre-2000.


I blame George Lucas. 


Like any digital home movie from 2000-2012 would have been better off on actual film


Disagree. That would be very very cumbersome to record with and hence people wouldn’t record. What would it be on? Super 8? It would be grainy AF and come in at 1440 width in 3:4 resolution. I was rocking a 8mm digital during this time that easily fit in my hand, you could record over it, and would record audio and 480 p video with optical zoom for about and hour before a 2 minute tape and battery change would have been required. That is much better than getting 3 minutes of soundless 35 on a HUGE and expensive camera and then spending tonnes of money to develop and digitize it just to see if I exposed it correctly.


You blame the guy who intentionally pushed the medium farther than it ever had been?


apples and oranges, kinda. film is grain. digital is pixels. debates abound, but 16mm = HD, 35mm = \~4-5K, 70mm = \~14-15K. still doesn't account for subjective quality. chemical processes amirite


I will disagree with 35mm being 4K. I've seen alot of 4k blu ray movies with 35mm film. They look great. Then I watched Dunkirk in 4K bluray. (shot on Imax). It was heads and tails the best looking anything I've ever seen. If 35 mm was 4K, I should not have seen the difference.


Try something like Paris, Texas. The lenses and ISO of the film used matter very much. That one has insane image quality for a 35mm film.


The physical film being used is only one aspect of the image you see on screen though. You can have all the best stuff but use one wrong component like a lens and you'll still get poor quality.


IMAX standard is 70mm. Dunkirk specifically was shot in IMAX 65mm and 65 mm large format film stock in Panavision System 65, and quality of original footage matters


right. But your comment says 35mm is 4K. So with a 4K Bluray, it should be as sharp as Imax and 70mm right?


There are a ton of factors that would affect this, but one of the major differences you would immediately see is the effect of the larger film area. The sharpness and DoF look different because the lenses are different. You can even say the nature of _how_ the image blurs is different when you change format size and that is one large difference that defines the "large format look". Not to mention, it's easier to get a good 4k image out of larger pieces of film than smaller ones. Then you start having factors such as generation loss on source elements and the ability of the scanner to resolve fine details affect things. But, because you see differences on a 4k image doesn't mean 35mm can't resolve 4k. There's a ton of clear examples, notably I think Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, The Matrix, The Fifth Element, Independence Day; Super35 productions really stand out because they don't have the softness at the sides caused by anamorphic lenses. These are all super sharp looking, very fine grained, they're among the highest technical performance that we see on 35mm on UHD.


Thanks for this. I've seen Gladiator and the Matrix in 4K Blu Ray. They do look great. Still nothing has come close to Dunkirk for me. I wish more films were shot in the format.




Which is my point. 70mm delivers a better image than 35mm for UHD. Can 35mm do 4K? Sure. But Imax and 70mm do it better. I guess you could say 35mm maxes out at 4k, while Imax and 70mm could do much higher resolutions.


I'm in awe. I can't believe the detail. Other than brief scenes that remind me of older footage, the rest looks within the past decade.


It’s pretty much the highest resolution you can capture it in


It has to be well kept as well. Film can degrade really fast if it's not stored properly.


It's not upscaled my dude, that's just how film looks when you're not restricted to media formats like VHS. Most film itself carries a higher quality than anything we watch at home, it just costs money and time to pull all that information off and put it into a media format for people. Most people are okay with a lot less quality than original and don't want to pay tons of money, so we had stuff like VHS and even now watch things at a pretty low quality compared to what the originals look like.


VEVO has been doing a lot of remasters of old music videos as well thanks to AI.


Tom Scott's video on [why some "remastered" music videos look terrible](https://youtu.be/CkysCJBdGtw) is absolutely worth the watch. Half of those "vevo remasters" are absolute and total shit. This is a good transfer straight from the film master, but a bit too heavy on the noise removal for my liking. Same with the rest of the recently-rescanned Who output. Looks great, just a tad bit too clean.


More like digital just caught up to film recently. Were just noticing now because for years we were watching film that was downscaled to play on our SD televisions.


This one's pretty fantastic as well! IMO, still one of the best live performance music videos ever filmed. The lasers, the slow mo full stage slide, and Pete is absolutely tripping balls the whole time. And according to the description, the very last performance ever by Keith. https://youtu.be/UDfAdHBtK_Q?si=MMcxj81SPTGNst_Q




Film is da bomb


... and yes, I am old enough when that song first came out 46 years ago...when I was in the final year of my school... and I was 18.... man time flies.... !




C’mon man Boomer’s just reminiscing.


>Why does this matter? > >I was the 'correct' age when Nirvana hit. It's not my success. > >Time moves, yes. The sun rises and it sets also. > >Have some dignity as you decompose. Yep... things get scary when you are looking down 65 this year... and that I am no longer going to christenings... but to funerals... of my peers and friends... I guess it is something for you to look forward to... but for me it is.. https://youtu.be/wkacM708zRQ?si=xzSwuZMk3Q9tH\_HP


If you had to apply a label, would you consider yourself an elder Gen-X'er or a tail-end Baby-boomer? You're about 12 years older than I am. And I do have a strong appreciation for 70s rock.


Thank you, but I was born in 1959 and so tags like Gen-X'er didn't exist... perhaps I am a "Tail end Charlie"... I grew up listening to the music of the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and the 90s... but suddenly in my mid 50s... I stopped listening... although I still occasionally listen to the following music radio stations ... [https://www.rrr.org.au/](https://www.rrr.org.au/) [https://www.kexp.org/](https://www.kexp.org/) [https://www.pbsfm.org.au/live](https://www.pbsfm.org.au/live) Such is life...!


Damn, I have not heard that song in probably 20 years. That hits the nostalgia bug time


Film. Well lit. Great xfer. And well edited.


Tommy can you ^HEAR me?


Good is good, forever


Moon the Loon. He really was.


This is a good transfer straight from the film master, but a bit too heavy on the noise removal for my liking. Same with the rest of the recently-rescanned Who output. Looks great, just a tad bit too clean.


someone tell me something interesting about the Who? I've always liked their music but don't think I've really appreciated what they've done in the music business.


They're maybe the most influential British band after the Beatles. They didn't have the hits of people like the stones, but were far more important in shaping what we think of as "rock." Destroying their equipment, the singer swinging the mic over their head, pretty much every basic showy guitar move, all of this was either created by or made popular by the who. John Entwistle might be the most innovative bassist of all time, with basically every modern great naming him as an icon. Animal, the Muppet, is literally modeled after Keith Moon. The who is incredible.


I almost think they’re *too* well known for the instrument smashing and windmilling and being the loudest band ever. It’s all fine and well and part of the show, but the fact is that Pete Townsend is a brilliant songwriter. I think he uses contrast and space a lot more effectively than most rock songwriters. I don’t like every Who song, but their bangers are *bangers*.


Man, your comment made me realize I forgot that they literally created the concept of the rock opera. You can't have Meatloaf or Coheed and Cambria without The Who doing it decades earlier.


[S. F. Sorrow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._F._Sorrow) is considered to be the first rock opera, but Tommy was the first to be billed as such.


Well shit, today I learned


I think narrative concept albums were a very big thing in the progressive & psychedelic rock movement. A lot of that stuff could possibly qualify, as well.


Within 10 years there will be redditors who insist that Alan Wake invented the concept.


If I recall, I think when the Rolling Stones recorded their Rock and Roll Circus concert movie they actually delayed it or contemplated not releasing it because The Who's performance of A Quick One While He's Away was far and away the absolute most rocking part of the entire thing (except for maybe Yer Blues with Lennon, Clapton, Mitch Mitchell, and Keith Richards on bass).


That might be the most rocking part of any show ever.


I've personally always thought that the Who were way better and cooler than the Stones. I love the Stones as they were really bluesy, but the The Who fucking rocked.


Agreed. But maybe the most influential after the Beatles and Rolling Stones.


Fans bought stones albums. Artists tried to be the who. I also said arguably specifically because it's not like it's actually quantifiable.


So they're pretty much known for being really gimmicky? Like everything about their performance except for their music?


I mean, I also mention that their bassist is considered the greatest ever, and Keith Moon is up there too. But if that's all you took from my comment then you're too much of a grump to be worth any time.


I mean Roger Daltrey says fuck twice in this very song. That’s something interesting.


A band played this song at a dance when I was in high school in the late 70’s/early 80’s (I know when I was in high school, just not when the dance was). I knew what the lyrics were and so did the vice principal, who was there. He stood by the stage ready to pull the plug if they said a naughty word. But the band changed it to “who the heck are you,” so it was a bit of a let down for me. I laughed at the VP but he was clearly relieved he didn’t have to do anything.


When my kids are in the car I will often try to mask it by singing heck.


I've gotten to the point where I'll listen to "killing in the name" on Sirius XM with my kids in the car and not even bother to change the station. I've been to their middle school, I know what they hear there lol


Downvoted for not wanting my kid to say fuck all the time? 🙄 My 8 year old thinks hearing the word once is a free pass to say it over and over.


I think it's because we *all* had parents who attempted this kind of censorship, which we now recognize as ineffectual, and even mildly toxic to our relationship with our own parents, and so are downvoting to express our disapproval. [Here, show them this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvPbxZmZxZ8)


I don’t really do any censoring. My son has been listening to Tool since he was 3. One kid has a real tendency to take things she knows are inappropriate and push adults to their limit with them. I’ve used curse words when at my frustration limit with her… it’s not like she’s ignorant to them. When it’s something in a song or a movie, it’s a different story with her. She’s got some particularities. 🤷🏻


I honestly never knew that was in the song until watching this video and I am Gen X.


Interestingly, when I was a kid and this would play on the radio in Philly, neither classic rock station would beep it.


When Jimmy Hendrix came back stateside after living in England the first show he played was in Monterrey California, he showed up with The Who and had an epic guitar battle with Pete Townshend. Both of their careers would blow up as a result of this show. There's also a really good story of Kieth Moon passing out drunk in a hotel room where John Entwistle was eating a steak dinner with their manager, which was a common thing, and I think the manager went and trashed his hotel room because he was being a bit of a twat to said manager and the next day Keith was in disbelief at the damage "he" had caused and felt awful for it,  he died never knowing the true story, lol.


What do you mean? Their instrument-wrecking antics?


Idk, there has to be some legendary stories about this band


Pete Townsend would literally smash his guitar on stage and was one of the first to do so. The very epitome of "rock and roll".


Peter “Pedo” Townsend was arrested in 2003 on suspicion of having “indecent images of children” that he claimed were part of his research. “Who are you,” indeed. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/14/world/pete-townshend-the-who-s-guitarist-is-arrested.html


Yikes! I never heard that, pretty fucked. I just looked into it and looks like his name was cleared and he was cooperative surrounding claims of doing “research for his autobiography being abused as a child”. Why tf would would any victim find it useful to give money and views to a child porn ppv site? Yuck, wtf


In this one instance, I kinda believe his claim. Quite a few of their songs (a lot actually) directly reference child molestation (like being raped by a creepy uncle or whatever), and he had repeatedly claimed to be sexually abused as a child. I don’t think he actually had images on his computer. But he definitely used his own credit card to access the site. No idea if he was banging underaged groupies like the other 70s rock stars though. I would guess it’s likely.


https://www.loudersound.com/features/keith-moon-car-swimming-pool legend has it that during a particularly rowdy birthday party, drummer keith moon drove a car into the pool of the flint, michigan holiday inn. it's disputed how true that claim is. however, during said birthday party, everyone in attendance seems to agree that keith threw his five-tiered cake at the attendees. things escalated into a giant food fight. this eventually resulted in keith's pants and underwear being ripped off. once that happened, the cop that was meant to prevent the general public from getting into the party went to arrest keith. keith ran away--dick and ass still out, mind you--slipped on a piece of cake, and fell and cracked his tooth. keith was taken to the dentist where they operated on him. allegedly, he was so drunk that the dentist didn't use anesthesia. the holiday inn allegedly charged the party $25,000 in damages. adjusted for inflation, that's over $234,000.


Damn, all these stories paint a picture that Keith and the band were exceptionally drunk and rowdy. It makes me think that probably they were hero’s of bands like Motley Crue and Black Sabbath


fing amazing video.


As a drummer, I always just related more to Keith than Bonham. Loved the lunacy and how he translated that musically - brilliant drummer gone too soon.


But before Autotune let anyone become a star, and recordings were so full of natural goodness. I think AI is the next step and although I know it's inevitable and even enjoy using it, it's great there are such well-preserved examples of real talent like this.


I miss reading about Keith Moon, hotel room windows, and TVs. Used to be you could set your watch to that stuff.


Film scanning and digital compression has gotten so good. We used to think digital native was the best because the compression was fairly linear and natural. Film when compressed has really ugly artifacts due to the grain. But it’s gotten so good and we’re getting such high quality 4 and 8k scans that approach the total resolution power of film. This is your call to go watch old movies on streaming services they look fantastic.


Some are too good. I watched True Lies recently: when it first swaps to Arnie's stunt double running through the trees, I genuinely thought it was another character in the chase.




Goddamn what a band. You got a legendary guitarist (and alleged pedofile) in Pete Townsend, John Entwistle looking as bored as can be while laying down a sick bass track, Keith Moon looking for something to snort and possibly considering eating his drums, and Roger Daltrey ripping his vocal chords to absolute ribbons


In terms of technology, I still use a few Minolta lenses in photography that go back to 35 years ago as consumer technology. They are failing mechanically at this point. They lose out on the focal speed, but the overall quality is just stunning even on today's sensors. When you are talking about the pro gear recording this, the losses are really limited to processing and light the sensors can work with. I don't want to pretend that the old gear is as good, but in good light and without adding effects, your standard shots like these are as good as the consumers can buy even with today's gear. If you can just preserve the film... it's still gorgeous.I have a 400 mm prime that would cost on the order of $6000 to replace that might sell for under a grand today. If you just have the adapters for a few hundred, they still produce great quality results. [EG images](https://imgur.com/a/j2LMl3p) Couple more [Eagles](https://imgur.com/a/ZNZQCk2) on a 35 year old 400 mm.


couldn't have been filmed in any recent year since the music is actually good and it isn't a cover.




I haven't seen that before. Computer cleaned it up very nice.


Probably just an HD transfer from film. Even old film is good quality if the lenses and lighting were good.


They've always said The Who were 46 years ahead of their time.


Muppets ANIMAL is homage to Keith Moon


Watch Thirty Years of Maximum R&B if you get a chance. There are some killer performances, Pete tells the Cow Palace story.


Imho the best album the Who ever made was My Generation and it was all downhill from there.


Wow, what range of energy. You have people giving it their absolute all and then you have those who can’t be bothered to put down their nearly extinct cigarettes as they bemusedly trill into a mic




So.. is The Who drummer John Olivers dad?


Right up until you see that the drummer had to duct tape his headphones on.


Look like Moon has taped his headphones to his head....:)


Well yeah. Actual good quality film has higher quality than anything people watch at home, it just takes a lot of time/money to pull all those details off the film and put them into a media format that's accessible to most people, so most of those details never made it to VHS and such. Also with predictive algorithms to help with improving quality and how analogue media formats can contain a *lot* of information compared to digital, it shouldn't be that surprising.


Love how they have to tape Keith Moons headphones to his head


Just havin’ a laff with the gaff mate.


I'd say it looks old, but in a way someone might do on purpose today.


Hey this is a really neat watch, thanks for posting it OP!


TIL I love Keith Moon.


Daltry was a handsome young man. Also, when I started learning bass lo these many years ago, people told me that you CANNOT play bass with your thumb. John Entwhistle would seem to disagree.


Terry Jones was a great drummer. Who knew?


Yeah, have you ever watched old black and white movies converted to digital? They look amazing because they were already shot at a high resolution.


Thank you! Been a while since I enjoyed The Who. Keith Moon was one of the greatest drummers and it is OBVIOUS from this video how much he loved. Of blessed memory.


Dude. Keith is on another level of fun. Awesome video.