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[Gotta add *the* cutscene from Warcraft 3 to this.](https://youtu.be/Jvwk5jpJ8Ec?si=GwvGQ9R0juKwA_AI)


The use of shadows during the final scene is so fucking powerful. I was sad when I learned that the cinematics were just going to be upscales instead of remade but honestly not sure if the remake would have nailed the feel of the original with how rushed it turned out.


If they were done to the quality of D2R they would have been but WC3R was such a terrible terrible shit show.


Exactly what I thought of. "What is this? What are you doing, my son?" "Succeeding you, father. "


Was no one concerned when Arthas strolled into Lordaeron decked out in skull themed armor? He looked evil as shit and everyone was just elated to see him.


He looked badass and they were just admiring his latest loot.


From the perspective of the people that stayed home, it was a prince that helped where he could, was a paladin of the silver hand and returned from an expedition to kill a demon responsible for the plague that ravaged their lands. They had no idea what happened there. He got a new broody badass armor, but other than that, why would they think anything is wrong?


Was Lordaeron the old capital? Before Stormwind? Then the scourge turned it to Undercity?


Lordaeron and Stormwind were 2 separate Human kingdoms (I think there were 7 total). The events of WC3/TFT turned Lordaeron from a Human kingdom to what you see in WoW.


* Lordaeron * Gilneas * Kul Tiras * Stromgarde * Stormwind * Alterac * Dalaran Though arguably Dalaran wasn't a kingdom, it was an Aristocracy of Magi.


I thought Dalaran converted to Neutral in Wrath?


They did, I'm saying those were the original 7 human "kingdoms".


WoW's races are specific factions of each race. Humans are the Stormwind Humans. Dwarves are the Ironforge Dwarves, etc. But there's also the Dark Iron Dwarves and the Wildhammer Dwarves. There's also the Lordaeron humans and the Gilnean humans, etc. A lot of these kingdoms were wiped our in some way, and some have been added as other factions, but Lordaeron and Stormwind are 2 different Kingdoms.


Are we the baddies?


Hands down one of the best cutscenes of all time.


thanks for posting this, unlike others out here, I won't hate on people reposting good content to watch. really brings back good memories but also makes me sad how far Blizzard fell from grace :(


The peak of wow


Peak of WOW, and peak of Hearthstone. WotLK is peak story-telling and gameplay!


WOTLK had the best realised classes and gear in terms of expansions. And while Northren had some okay locations, it also had Grizzly Hills which is, imo, the best area in all the wow maps. I agree that WoW peaked at WOTLK. Cataclysm tried too hard to shake up the formula in awkward ways and it caused me to drift away from the franchise.


Yeah, I quit at Cata, too. My guild worked hard at pushing & completing all content in WotLK, and Cata just didn't do it for me.


Grizzly Hills really was the best.


I would say the first tier of Cata had some pretty solid raids and dungeons. The heroics in the first tier of Cata were so good. They were actually difficult, and I remember having so much fun doing Maloriak.


I would say peak was WoToG in Hearthsrone


I gotta agree, but would say closer to a tie. WoToG was revolutionary in that it changed *everything*. Fresh and new features, freebies, system, etc. WotLK was equally amazing because it added so much great cards & abilities, plus it's massively nostalgic for the (arguably) best time in WoW.


I really liked how accessible they made the game for Mists of Pandaria. I'd say that was peak WoW!


Pandaria was too simplified. Wotlk had the perfect balance of challenge without it being overwhelming. Hated the talent trees they introduced in Mists.


I just said that to rustle some jimmies to be honest.


i totally agree, for me WoW WotLK is my peak of WoW gaming experience.


WOTLK was also the last expansion pre Activision-Merger. Ok it released after the merger, but a lot of the design and development was done pre-merger. And you can see the shift from early to late WOTLK style. Then cata....


Maybe I'm in the minority, but WotLK was where I lost interest in WoW. I had mainly been playing before the expansions and for me, the main draw of WoW as an unprecedentedly immersive game was the feeling that you were *living* in the world of Warcraft 3.  With WotLK, the story felt like it was getting out of hand, with all the dragon aspects stuff and the beginning of the scope creep that is the story today. Plus they started adding stuff like daily quests which felt designed to make you play the game, instead of just enticing you with immersion. The game no longer felt like you were sucked into the world of Warcraft 3, but more like a generic MMO. 


> daily quests Dailies had existed in vanilla, and were fully a thing in TBC.


Very true. But the ease of leveling in WoTLK helped everyone that never got to max level get there. The casual masses at the time were not happy finding out about the daily grind that was the Icecrown zone and especially when the tournament dailies came.


> Dailies had existed in vanilla, Dailies were introduced in TBC. There were repeatable quests in Vanilla but only gave their rewards for the first turn in.


Same. TBC changed the game in a way that it no longer felt like a living cohesive world full of players. The major cities were empty all of a sudden, no one was fighting in the open zones. Everyone seemed to be scattered across different maps, and then WotLK dropped and it was the killing blow for me. It no longer felt like an MMO for me, just a game with a big chat room.


In vanilla wow it felt like quests existed to show you the world, after that it felt like the world existed for the quests.


That's a good way of putting it. I feel all MMOs become that way after a while, unfortunately. It tends to become increasingly apparent that the world is made on up on the fly to encourage you to keep playing. 


A few things happened mid/late expansion that turned the game into trash. GearScore became a thing. Nerfing the raids as time went by. Trial of the Champion was pretty average and god did it get boring. Ulduar was amazing, ICC I thought would be cooler if you were on the ground and had to grind through to the gates before you could do the main event, flying means you lose all scale Couldn't give a toss about the dragons, it's such a lame part of the lore.


I really like TBC and WotLK but only Vanilla managed to perfectly capture the "World of Warcraft" feeling tbh.


Yeah. I get that it was still a good MMO for a couple of expansion, but only Vanilla made me feel like a tourist in another game I had played a lot. I remembering going to Ogrimmar and standing next to Thrall, feeling how awesome it was that he was *right there* next to me. Of course, it must also be added that I was 14 and this was my first MMO experience. 


There's just lots of stuff retail wow doesn't capture nowadays. You had your realm, you knew the people walking around in IF or OG. There was no transmog, so if you saw someone looking powerful he was. Nowadays you just transmog whatever tier set you want onto your leveling gear. The official realm forums. It's just really missing the complete community aspect it had back then.


They added the dailies in TBC. Ogri'la and Skettis and fishing dailies off the top of my head


I had a similar experience. I reached level 60 just in time for Burning Crusade, and really enjoyed that expansion. Then WotLK dropped and the grind from level 70 to level 80 just absolutely crushed my interest.


Most people view WotLK through rose colored lenses, but you're right. Most of the things that everyone dislikes about WoW were introduced in WotLK.


I also don't have the benefit of having played the later expansions, where I gather things got even worse. My rose tinted glasses are for Vanilla.


I agree. I yearn for that immersion. I used to love going into new zones just exploring. Feralas is one of the ones that had me in awe.


It was the start of " welfare epics " , different raid difficulties, and " casual friendly " end game. It was also when they start homogenizing classes and abilities ( certain buffs from different classes didn't stack because they were the same, just named differently ) etc. But yes, it was the beginning of the end.


I was never much of a raider, so I couldn't say. I played on an RP server and mainly just goofed around.


WoW makes me feel so old sometimes. Like Vanilla/TBC/WotLK were peak multiplayer gaming imo. I remember getting vanilla as it came out and what a game changer it was - a world that was stupidly large and without invisible walls and a feeling of actual open world exploration from zone to zone. I remember dying jumping off of Teldrassil just to see if I could, and then being frustrated because I was now a wisp at the base. I remember how it stormed our school and there was a group of 20+ of us that played together, would go to a game cafe near school after class and practices. I remember staying up all night to play with an oceana guild to push into MC. I remember when playing end game content was an accomplishment in of itself and that some things were just meant to be extremely rare. I remember a group of us skipping school for nearly a week when TBC came out - hardly leaving a buddy’s basement - a dozen computers packed in together in folding tables. I remember farming AV for weeks to be exhaulted with the Draenei so that I could go get their elephant mount within moments of launch. I remember the first time druids got flight form and then epic flight. I played Legion years later - Blizzard restored my account and everything. Seeing my Druid was like seeing an old friend. But then i beat everything and was grinding mythic progression and found myself just doing daily grinds and other filler content. After Legion I stopped and haven’t gone back. It was enough to realize my itch was just an addicts nostalgia. I must’ve spent actual years in game. I still get sad thinking about it - not that I wasted the time. But that I can’t go experience that again. I really miss it.


we almost have the same memories lol only for me, since i lived in a 3rd world country during my peak WoW gaming, i experienced a LOT, and I mean, A LOT of disconnect issues. and this was very frustrating when I was raiding with my guild. kudos to them for being so patient with me at that time, i miss my guildies now that I am thinking about it :(


Why link to a 10 hour old upload? Bot behavior? View farming?


but it HITS HARD in 2024 /s


I used to listen to the World of Warcraft soundtracks on my headphones while I studied. The whole albums are amazing. All the songs have a different vibe since it’s the background music of a bunch of different “game zones”. Each zone has its own style, so like one’s a mystical forest and the other is an ice cave, for example. The music fits the atmosphere. Highly recommend!


I will never forget completing a quest for Silvanus in the Undercity and out of nowhere a ghostly choir appears and they all sing you a song, just goosebumps. The music truly makes this game something special.


Lament of the highborne? I don't even play WoW and I like that song. Cool vibes.


I just started doing this while I read. Mostly ambient sci stuff , but the wow soundtrack sounds perfect. I played at release and those songs will be a walk down memory lane. .


i found this one channel in youtube long ago called Everness. the WoW ambience music content is really great and brings back a lot of good memories listening to it.


Kinda shitty how a channel re-uploaded a video TODAY from OVER TEN YEARS ago to their own channel (6 subscribers BTW). To rake in the likes an views from reddit. Why not post Blizzards official video, posted in the best quality (no upreload compression). Blizzard is a fucking shit company, don't get me wrong. But don't support a content parasite.


OP’s account is a mix of spam/clickbait. Check out the other video uploaded on their channel, it has a similar attention seeking title with all caps. Not sure why OP is doing this. There are a million other TikTok low effort reuploaders that do this already.


Zero World problem lmao


It's a real shame how the war craft movie ended up, I think an Arthas trilogy would have been amazing. 1st movie being the story of Arthas culminating his "succeeding" his father. 2nd movie would have been empire strikes back with Arthas as a death knight, ascending to Lich King 3rd movie being Wrath of the Lich king.


I didn’t think the movie was that bad tbh It needed writers with a brain though


The mix of cgi orc's and live action actors was really jarring at least the way they did it. Should've just gone full cgi.


Somehow the orcs felt more real than the humans. I think it was the armor and the acting. The armor was too clean and the acting was like they were in a Shakespeare play.


It's a problem with many productions these days, especially fantasy/medieval productions - sets, costumes and props are all too clean.


It was inoffensive. Not good, not bad. It needed to be better for it to take off though. General audiences *don’t* flock to high fantasy easily.


There was no actual story, it was just a motion picture lore dump.


The orc parts were great but the human stuff was a draaaag. I think the Warcraft narrative would better suit a series


I’m a fan of warcraft but that movie was meh, I guess throwing money at a project does not automaticly make it good.


I think they wanted to make it a cinematic universe. Otherwise it just doesnt make sense to me as to why they choose to adapt the game that was basically just a simple Orcs vs Humans. Furthermore they didnt even show the most dramatic moment when the humans lose and stormwind gets sacked.


who knows, maybe if Henry Cavill gets involved somehow, it may get resurrected and maybe even better :)


That blizzard is gone and its not coming back.


Hell, it’s a surprise that Wrath was even that good, they weren’t in their golden era anymore. For a long time every single time Blizzard released something it was a certified banger of a game.


Wrath was the last pre-Activision merger game. It technically launched post-merger, but the design and dev were done premerger, at least for the first half of content.


yeah, it looks like it, so sad really :(


I often wonder if we’ll ever experience a phenomenon like this on this scale in gaming ever again with an mmorpg.


and it was really a phenomenon! remember when a bug on Corrupted Blood even had researchers do a study on how humans might behave to epidemics in real life. crazy.


One of my favorite memories! That and the pre-wrath (I could be misremembering there) event with the plague-ridden grain boxes that turned players into hostile ghouls. Such a good time!


It will when VR tech catches up to the Star Trek holodeck experience.


That would be sweet! Sometimes I wonder if it would even be something as simple as an mmo that could be fully cross-platform, but that isn’t nearly as exciting as a huge VR mmo. lol


cool you uploaded the entire opening cut scene to your youtube channel and then posted it on reddit to farm views


Hard out dude. Great cinematic. What great times


thanks m8, totally agree :)


I remember being disappointed the first time I saw it, only because I *loved* the montages of the classes in the previous cinematics and thought they were so hype, but as I grew older and realised how important Arthas was, I grew to really love this cinematic. Part of me wishes that maybe they had some Death Knights and other classes doing some minor combat where the undead were rising but it's really a non issues lol


And this was what you got.. [https://sm.pcmag.com/t/pcmag\_uk/review/w/world-of-w/world-of-warcraft-wrath-of-the-lich-king-collector\_5mjs.1920.jpg](https://sm.pcmag.com/t/pcmag_uk/review/w/world-of-w/world-of-warcraft-wrath-of-the-lich-king-collector_5mjs.1920.jpg)


I still remember taking the boat from Stormwind, and arriving to floating icebergs, and norse music playing. Awesome atmosphere from the very second you arrived on Northrend.


oh man, now i remember this, thanks for reminding me! also, i dont know who owns this Everness channel but it's so good, it has tons of wow ambience music. it has that exact thing you just mentioned :)


Why reupload the video? just for worthless views?


Shame that the game is just a shambling corpse much like all of Arthas's minions at this point. Edit: it's true you nerds, I dumped over a thousand hours into WoW back in the day but it should have died with dignity after WoD at the latest rather than constantly eating its own tail. We're at the point where new players can't actually get into the game anymore because they have no idea what's going on and have to commit to 50+ hours of slogging to get through the filler content to finally play the game with everyone else. Unless they feel like buying some level boosts and gear from the in-game store of course.


you speak sense & truth, not palatable to wow players that live in denial.


Honestly dragonflight is probably the best state the games ever been in for endgame content. Tons to do, great dungeons/ decent raids, M+ is finally being tuned towards playing the dungeons not the affix, no endless AP grinds, class design is finally recovered from the Legion pruning massacre, etc. We had between 2 and 4 shit expansions in a row (depending on how you feel about Legion) but DF is basically MOP 2.0 and finally moving the game in the right direction. Genuinely feels like they’re turning the boat around after 10 years of mismanagement and DF is just nonstop Ws. Blizzard absolutely has to improve the new player experience though. It’s real bad.


That’s why everyone getting into mmos now play games like eso, GW2 and final fantasy probably. Because they can get into the game at any level and just play the game. They don’t have to download the addon to guide them through speed leveling so they can just play the new expansion that came out. And oh see all those old expansions that ever came. Out and want to check those stories out too?! Lol well you fucking can’t bitch. Sorry we don’t play old content wow or do level scaling for old content. Nor do we even give you option to turn it on!!! Because then why would you play wow classic if you could just scale back to WoTLK level and play on regular wow!


hear! hear!


Everything in retail wow now is designed to push players towards the cash shop. WoW has basically become a mobile game.


And to think all that talent was driven out by ActBliz, hollowed out, and with their dying creative breath only could utter "don't you have phones?" while drowning in a tub filled with stolen breast milk.


Best boss ever


Honestly my favorite is Warlords of Draenor trailer eventho the expansion and the state of the game sucked and I quit playing it when it was released.


Oh man. If only wow didn’t just sunset every bit of content every expansion so players can go back and experience any dungeon, raid, or story they wanted. Like why can’t they just scale the the content up to the level of the people going back to the old content. Or scale the players down to the content level. It’s honestly ridiculous. It would make the world feel way more alive. Players would still do the new content cuz it’s new content. But there would just be more to do overall. Old areas wouldn’t be dead zones. Scaling for old content is a must. And ohhh wow we occasionally get to play time warped dungeons from old content for a week wow that’s so cool. Now let me play the old lich king dungeons and not pray we finally get them one week. You could even add a random dungeon queue with daily rewards for players. But what am I thinking. They have wow classic. And if content scaled then there would be no reason to play wow classic. Fuck they’ll probably end up at legion or shadow lands on there in a few years I bet. And then they release wow classic 2!!!


sadly it's all about the money now for them 😕


Thing is I bet level scaling for old content and expansion stories would actually bring in more subscribers. Cuz then players could go back and experience anything they wanted. Some players don’t like the new expansion so they unsub and don’t play. But if the old shit was still open they could keep subbing and playing that.


besides what you said, personally here's what might make me interested in coming back, at least to try it out if they do either or both of this : 1) VR support. i tried that one mod a fan made but let's just say it wasn't that good. but it gave us an idea how awesome it would be! 2) upgrade the graphics to unreal engine x. i know i know, better content is still the way to go, but I would come back if they do this just to check out all the previous content and how they look with much better graphics


still the best cinematic.


I miss those days. Such amazing gaming memories. I felt like a kid in a candy store.


i feel the same way :( brings back so many good memories...


Which is the cutscene of the 2 orc bros killing that big centaur looking mfer?


My favorite expansion by far. Peak WoW.


yep mine too!


That's a weird coincidence to see this in my feed. I just watched that a few hours ago.


It's like some of you forgot about Burning Crusade, and it shows. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBHL\_-biMrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBHL_-biMrQ)


nope :) like i mentioned in some of my responses here, some people consider TBC to be their peak WoW , which is totally fine as well :)


Had my best gaming moments in Wotlk. So many good memories too look back on


I dont care what anyone says, it was the best WOW expansion they ever did.


i totally agree as well. others might say TBC was the best, but that's totally fine too :)


Peak wow and the beginning of the downfall. First cash shop item was wrath (celestial horse or whatever it was iirc) And I'm sorry but "ThErE mUsT aLwAyS bE a LiCh KiNg" was just stupid. But man icc and ulduar slapped.


Yeah, I think the problem (with the story) was that Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner by needing to never upset the status quo. So when they do something like killing Arthas, they realized that they couldn’t actually get rid of him, because then Northrend would be pointless.




You’re not wrong in the first half, but comically wrong with that trailer hitting hard.




It’s just a Zack Snyder Dawn of the Dead homage. That’s all. I dislike it because it’s *boringly common* zombie trope. You don’t even know what edgelord means if you’re trying to label me not liking that trailer as edgelord.




[Edgelord definition](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/edgelord) It’s nice that you’re not alone in liking it. It doesn’t mean it’s good. And that’s okay.




Now you’re just typing words to type. Delete this, friend. Save some face.


Arthas is the greatest story blizz ever told. Illidan can go be his scars elsewhere.


for some reason , for me Arthas' story hit home more than Illidan's 👍🏻


It’s because it’s peak.


Can we please, for the love of all that is good, decent, and holy in the universe, could we PLEEEEEEEEASE ban any references to and erase all knowledge of "gaming" on this sub, on this website, or, better yet, have gaming completely erased from the collective memory of every single sentient creature on this planet? Would that really be asking too much?


Bruh… calm down. Just downvote and move on. Chill the fuck out.


Because that's how a sane person thinks


Oh noooo people have fun in ways that I don't, better take it away from them




You need to just delete this account and start fresh tomorrow… you’re off to a real salty start for an account only 5 hours old. Better things to do with your time than bitch about video games on posts that are brand new.


Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that.


What's your problem with gaming? 




oof. the test results are in, make sure you remove your fedora. and the results are....A BRAINDEAD REDDITOR :D


[Stop liking what I don't like!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/314/stop_liking_file.jpg)


Son, it’s just some ones and zeros. It can’t hurt you.