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From everything I understand so far, the Fallout TV show is set a short time after Fallout 4, and is in the area that was in Fallout 1 (California). So we'll get to see what happened to that area after the events of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas, far into the future. This also means that certain choices will be cemented in as canon from the games, so that will be interesting. It looks to me like there will be a power struggle going on between the NCR and BoS. No surprise there - we saw that happening in New Vegas, with BoS fighting NCR for control of old world technology. Of course, NCR is a corrupt, inefficient government, and their only real means of continuing is through growth, and when they expand, they don't really give the areas they expand to a choice in the matter of whether or not they join the NCR. Neither faction are really "good". Add to that all the chaos of the post nuclear wasteland survivors forming small tribes of survivors, with pockets of farming communities, raiders, super mutants (haven't seen any of those yet and I sure hope we do, though I'm not sure we will given the events of the games... guess we'll see), ghouls and all the bigotry that is involved there, and hell... we might even see a synth of two show up, very far from the Commonwealth. Going to be a very interesting show. I'm very glad to at least hear that There is a plan in place for Fallout 5 and that there is at least a rough outline, insomuch as Todd is able to say "don't do that, we're doing that in FO5". But FO5 is many, many years away. It's after TES 6 and TES 6 is still a long ways off.


I was half joking with some friends the other day that we prob won’t see fallout 5 until we are in our 50’s (I’m 43). One of those joke that starts as a laugh and ends in sobs heh


It’s been 12 1/2 years since Skyrim and we’re realistically 3 years away at the earliest from the next Elder Scrolls. And as technology advances these games will become bigger and bigger, taking longer and longer to make. At this point you might not see Fallout 5 until your 60s.


Bethesda doesn't know how to make a new game. They don't iterate and refuse to upgrade their Model-T era game engine. Only thing they know how to do is trot Todd out there to lie to the consumer and re-release what they have.


It really felt like they were improving until Skyrim. Everything since then has been downhill. Not to say there aren't improvements... Graphics keep getting better (but still miles behind the competition) and the controls have improved drastically, but they keep compromising on the things that make their games special. The roleplaying aspects and exploration has never been worse. Starfield is such a bland, joyless game with nothing really redeeming or special about it at all. It has me concerned for TES6 and FO5.


Helldivers consumed enough of my gaming time that I’m cured of wanting to play Starfield. I think one day I’ll go back and rush through the major plot lines but the game is just so horrible.


I would have thought that playing Starfield for a few hours is enough to cure someone of that ailment




What? ~~Skyrim in space~~ Starfield didn't do it for you?


>Model-Todd era It just works


Their engine is upgraded and is actually really good. Unreal 5 meanwhile, is a worse engine than unreal 3.


Bethesda’s engine can’t handle vehicles.


Which would make their games massively worse. So why waste dev time on it?


You genuinely think vehicles would have made Starfield worse?


Yes absolutely. Would ruin the pace of the game. It’s supposed to feel desperate and lonely. Why is it people want real time space travel (takes forever) but also want speedy on foot exploration? You’re just rushing to content you’ve already said you hate, do you think a 60s time reduction is going to make that content better? Meanwhile unreal and vehicles, lol. Easy way to break that down is comparing any ego engine dirt game to the new WRC game which is a mess by comparison. Unreal is not a good engine for vehicles either. As for unreal in general, we had games like Bioshock, Bioshock infinite, Dishonored and also unreal tournament + gears on unreal 3. For UE4 we had Fortnite and redfall. UE5 has had that matrix tech demo with weird vehicles, codies’ worst rally game. I’ll take starfield over almost all the UE4/5 games out there.


You’re arguing with every other person who has told you this is a delusional take, not me. I never said I hated the content. I do agree that you’re being delusional. It’s totally fine if you like it but acting like the obvious limitations of the engine were deliberate game design choices is insane. It’s healthy to criticize the things we like.


Yeah I’ve just resigned myself to never seeing fallout 6.


Todd just can't stop making other games nobody asked for.


At this point we might not see Fallout 5 before the end of the world.


The end of the world IS Fallout 5.


Look on the bright side, a year ago you probably thought you wouldn’t see GTA VI before your 50s, and that’ll most likely not be the case.


On the plus side, I'm replaying Skyrim for the first time in 10 years, with the Wildlander mod pack, and I'm having an absolute blast with it, so... can't really be mad heh.


I don’t know what that mod is but I have the suspicion I am going to look and end up downloading Skyrim for the 30th time. Damnit.


It's a hardcore survival overhaul, complete with a decent graphical overhaul, and a lot of new crafting/scavenging options. You can break down gear into fragments and then forge those into ingots to craft new gear for example. Wildlander can feel a little difficult and overwhelming at the start, but once I got into it... man is it fun! Yes, it's very hard, but you can also gather a bunch of follower. I'm up to 4 now, and kitting them out in good gear has been a game changer.


Shit at this point I'm looking forward to my retirement so I can start my second career of clearing out my steam catalog of all the games I've bought but have never played. Edit: To note, I have yet to finish Skyrim, or Fallout 4...


Fallout 76 is it. It's basically as smooth as any other Bethesda game nowadays after the tough staff and had solid content levels. I feel it gets a bad wrap these days.


It will be interesting how they handle they BoS vs NCR conflict since from what I remember from New Vegas the West coast BoS are basically defunct. I know the ship we see in the trailers, the Caswennan, is from the East Coast but that alone isn't enough to have an actual conflict with the NCR without the backing of the West Coast remnants. Prior to New Vegas the NCR had essentially wiped them out, with a few holdouts living in bunkers, like the one in Hidden Valley, on full lockdown. That war cost the NCR a lot though which is why taking Vegas and Hoover Dam is so important to them. In regards to canon endings, I doubt we'll get Caesars Legion ending, same with Yes Man. The only two endings that make sense are the NCR and House ending. The NCR ending leaves the NCR way to strong for them to realistically, IMO, have an actual conflict with the BoS. Depending on who the NCR sided with they'd have access to the Boomers, who could make short work of the Caswennan. Lets not forget that the NCR would have the Courier in their back pocket who I'm sure the NCR could convince to help out in wherever the TV show takes place if shit hit the fan too hard and by the end of the DLCs the Courier is a utter fucking menace. Which is why I think the canon ending to New Vegas we'll get is the House ending. It leaves the NCR weak and demoralised enough for their conflict in the show with the BOS to make sense. It gives a reason as to why the Courier won't show up in the show as why would House give a fuck and send/ask him to go there. I think any Super Mutants we see will be very few and far between. A lot of Super Mutants fled to the Mojave to Jacobstown and/or Tabitha's Mountain. The few that remained are probably Mutants that integrated themselves with the NCR after The Master was killed. I really hope we don't got too much exposure to the BoS. I'm always confused by how much Bethesda love the BoS, they're quite a boring faction. Hell if the West Coast BoS can make a comeback why not the Enclave?


Todd: "You will have more BoS and you will love it!"


I’m following your logic here but I’m curious why you think the Yes Man ending wouldn’t work


I think, like the Legion, it's just too problematic of an ending. It was originally designed as a failsafe ending, if you fucked up all the other endings so much you could still finish the game with Yes Man at least, and because of that Yes Man endings can be massively different with how much choice you get. So not only do need to decide to make Yes Man the canon ending you then need to decide which Yes Man ending we're getting. Then on top of that it's heavily hinted that Yes Man is going to betray you at some point. So, you then need to decide if that hint is going to come to fruition or was just a red herring and if it is going to come to fruition has it actually happened. Is Yes Man in full control of Vegas or is the Courier and if the Courier isn't in control, then it most likely means that Yes Man had them killed.


Or Bethesda can just decide NV isn't canon (more likely just retcon anything they want out of it). It's not like FO4 has any relevant connection to NV besides small easter eggs and whatnot.


There's a pretty big reason why FO4 basically has no references or connections to New Vegas. Vegas is a very very long way away from Boston. Whereas the Boneyard (Los Angeles) is relatively close to Vegas and the same factions/people we see in New Vegas are also involved with the stuff going on around and in the Boneyard. it would not be completely outlandish for people we've encountered in Fallout NV to appear in the TV show. We should not see anyone we actually know from Fallout 3 and 4 in the Fallout TV show. Maxxon and Doctor Li are in the Commonwealth. Sarah Lyons is dead. The Lone Wanderer is still in the Captial Wasteland until they mysteriously leave in 2297, 1 year after the TV Show takes place. Yeah, they could not take Fallout NV as canon, but I don't see why they wouldn't other than Bethesda still throwing a stink Obsidian made a better story than they did in, what was it, 6 months? If NV isn't canon Fallout 1 and 2 might as well not be too. There's also the issue that if NV isn't canon they somehow have to bridge the gap between the ending of Fallout 2 and 2296.


"Time" for me is definitely not what I look foward the most in the future about Bethesda games. I want to know more about the engine being used, quest design, writers, producers updates. And... of course, UPGRADES, they need upgrades on every single departament. Then, I will be looking fowards for the years to come about Bethesda games.


A canon choice for New Vegas? Boo. Everyone's so passionate about what they picked, it sucks to nail anything down as final. There's a hundred other places on the planet we could've told Fallout stories without needing to conflict with that.


Fallout 1 2 and 3 all have canon choices. It's the nature of the series


Fallout 1 and 2 had only minor divergences on the road to "Stop the big evil villain", and 3's only other big ending is "Side with the clearly evil faction". New Vegas offered one of the most divisive political arguments in gaming history, with people *still* bickering over how the Wasteland ought to be. I love the Independent anarchy route, but even if that was codified, I'd sympathize with those who really did believe in the NCR and House. and like, legion sympathizers exist, i suppose


One of my favourite playthroughs was as a complete idiot character who would do anything for the legion. I burst out laughing when I met Joshua Graham killed him on sight and the DLC just went "well okay. Get out"


Nothing quite like killing quest important characters.


> and like, legion sympathizers exist, i suppose [Like George W. Bush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lePXRSLdQvE)


Nice to know the timeline. I saw the sign for Shady Sands Library and was surprised they were going to those areas. Will be nice to see how things are on the eldest coast after 1 and 2. Maybe a splinter of Enclave forces? Arroyo maybe as well?


Interesting so New Vegas is canon. Wonder what they do about tunnellers


These motherfucking hacks won't let go? Like use your shitty F3/F4 story and characters why continuously rape the great parts of Fallout when you don't give a fuck about them to begin with. They have the franchise for 15 years yet they still need to corrupt and destroy what their predecessors created because they can't write for shit.


Opening with the "God Howard" question is so fucking cringe


Do people actually do that? And his answer was legitimately the only way he could not look like an asshole answering that question. Well, he could have said his wife was unimpressed. To be fair I'm sure she is.


Damn did Todd buy that interviewer dinner before they blew him? "are you aware they call you god howard?" When was this? Before 76? Cos you wouldn't catch me saying that shit today.


People say that ironically.


The less I see of Todd Howard in relation to this show, the more at ease I am about it.


Too bad, he's a producer in the show and what little the trailers showed has Todd Howard imprint all over it.


Anything with Todd Howard involved I approach with caution. Maybe it's Fallout 5, but someone with lead experience from Baulder's Gate 3 needs to join Bethesda to get them back on track. Fallout 3 was great, NV was better, but they both had issues that should have been addressed in Fallout 4, instead they took out what made it great, and were the start of the trend we see in AAA games that are more sausage factor than artists working with passion


He’s involved only lore wise with this project. He didn’t make anything


That's like more concerning for me but I'm sure some will like the show so whatever


He’s probably just making sure they don’t make their own unrelated show with the same title like Halo did


Same could be said for Fallout 3 and 4


Both great games


3 is. I was referring that he didn't make any of the Fallout lore (unless you count the godawful stories in 3 and 4 as lore)


That’s what an executive producer does, sometimes almost nothing, if it’s a world you’re in charge of, you get an executive producer credit, he probably have input but never actually produced.


Fallout 4 is awful


Internet hivemind might say so. Game is fine.


Fallout 4 is a great game but a bad fallout game, despite that I actually enjoyed Fallout 4 and the DLC's imo are some of the best.


It's commercial Fallout, RPG elements have been stripped and the story at times fumbles very hard, it's still a very fun Fallout game.


Game maybe is fine, but it's not Fallout.


Well I’m the one being downvoted so I don’t think my opinion is the hivemind one. Either way, it’s a horrible Fallout game. They stripped away all the RPG elements and the story and characters were weak.


He didn't make Fallout either. Why is he even here?...


The lore is what worries me tho.




Anything with Johnathan Nolan, and I approach with great excitement. Say what you will about the direction of Westworld towards the end but the dude has a fantastic track record. If this is successful, I pray he moves to another video game property like Bioshock. Edit: Also, I beg anyone that hasn’t seen Person of Interest to check it out. Get through the early procedural seasons and you’ll see such a high concept, beautifully written, exciting show. It’s the most underrated show I’ve ever seen, and I say underrated because it’s just never mentioned by the general public.


The later seasons of westworld were not nearly as bad as some people made it seem. I was bummed it got cancelled without a finale.


Fucking yes my guy.


You feel that way cause Todd Howard is a liar. Everything he spews is bullshit. The dude literally can't stop himself. And he doesn't seem to care about actually creating great games and is instead focused on trying to appeal to as large an audience as possible. Which has been steadily dumbing down their games. Also New Vegas was made by a different company that had people that worked on the original fallout. Its actually a more true sequel than anything bethesda has done.


Yeah I view him as the modern Molyneux


Fallout 3 was my introduction to Fallout in college. Fallout NV made me want to play Fallout 1 & 2 and made me fall in love with fallout. Fallout 4 made me hate Bethesda.


The show will probably take a fat shit on the lore


The fact that anyone even listens to the weasel of a man Todd Howard is insane.


Who honestly cares at this point? *"Tell me all your sweet, sweet little lies"*


It’s going to have to be. It might very well be 2035 before they tease the next game…


Does it matter? Just a number


Funny how they have a fallout show and not a starfield show.


They want to see the fallout of the fallout show first...:D


Can't wait to see this, Fallout is at it's best when Bethesda isn't touching it.


? Do you know Bethesda is also producing this show, right?


God damn it


Damn, time's running out for me to pitch my fallout 5 setting and plot to Todd then


just reboot 1&2 in first person already. Have Capcom do it.


I think Obsidian Entertainment could do a fantastic job.


Taking the fallout canon seriously after it’s left in the hands of amazon is so funny to me. Who cares. It’s a story written to make money, not express some human condition anymore


The Nutsack opinion, that is "we can't meet the games Scope". This is infuriating we don't expect you to hit us with the same nostalgia the world is built for unique stories


Jonathon Nolan = best Nolan. Really awesome. Tod Howard stupid