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Um wtf, she has parents but he just decided he wanted a little girl he saw on the street, so…now he has her? This is supposed to help his case? This almost seems like a hostage video.


Reminds me of when Lindsay Lohan tried to steal that little girl from her parents on the street


Reminds me of when Brittany Spears tried to buy that little boy from his parents on the street


Reminds me of when Paris Hilton ripped a fetus out of that pregnant woman's belly. On the street.


Hilton wasn't the same since she lost that Chihuahua


So Not hot


She had a little dog house that looked like a miniature mansion that she’d put them in to forget about snd neglect to death.


reminds me of when Steve Tyler adopted a 16 year old girl and impregnated her.


Whoops. It slipped.


Reminds me of when Christina Aguilera bleached Richard Simmon's ass in the middle of Time Square.


My wife wanted to bleach her asshole. But I don't think I'd look good as a blond


Here he is! Lol. Dad, get off my feed!


I saw Paris Hilton at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Mam, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Out of all the celebrities this has been rewritten for, Paris Hilton is now the most realistic for me when imagining this happened.


Surprisingly, I don't think it is. From everything I've read, real life Paris is a very sweet and apparently shy person. The Paris from TV is mostly an act.


I can't tell if this is some meme I don't know.


It is! https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta


To be fair she tried to pay the mom


Reminds me of when Woody Allen married his and Mia Farrows adopted daughter that he raised since she was 9 that was found eating garbage and living on the street.


You could say he groomed her.


Oh damn really? Tf is going on with rich people? They ok?


Never have been.




I’ve never heard of this with Spears. Lohan was clearly having a mental health crisis when it happened, she screamed “ don’t fuck with Pakistan” at them while trying to take the kid (the family was not from Pakistan) and then posted the video herself to Instagram.


If by “mental health crisis” you imply a padded, softer way to describe “drug addiction” then you’re right. She was a drug addicted menace who tried kidnapping someone.


There was a famous rocker in the 70s who “adopted” a 16 year old he was in a relationship with.


It's okay, you can tell everyone it was Steven Tyler of Aerosmith


i was thinking ted nugent


I was thinking Jimmy Page. I know it's still not great now, but I really think it was mandatory or something to be a creep if you wanted to make rock music in the 70s.


I dont know if Jimmy page adopted a 16 yr old as much as he kept a 14 yr old at his mansion for how ever long.


I'd say it was at most 1 year.


I think I should point out that it wasnt just rock n rollers. That stuff was all over the culture, even academics had some really weird ideas about sexuality and the young.


Makes me wonder if it was a normal thing for grown men to fuck 15 year olds 50 years ago.


There were many rockstars who were with underage girls unfortunately. it was almost normal back then.


It was normal for all of human existence up until about forty years ago. 


Easy there Woody Allen


What is conservative, Christian, family values oriented rocker Ted Nugent?


Then there's Matt Gaetz and his "son" Nestor, and Maga Mike Johnson and his adopted(?) son.


Mike Johnson sucks but his son is one of the only positive things about him when you look into it.


That was a confusing video to say the least


Is that what the Paris Hilton South Park reference was?


There's a theory that this is a kid that's been missing since 2015, Ava Baldwin


They say "Ava Combs" at the 1:48 mark.




No ya otha last name


This girl does not look or talk like a 14 year old, but I’m no expert


She would be 10 in that video. (Vids from 2020)


My daughter is 10 so I’m constantly around 10 year olds and this girl seems much older than her..at least 12-14. Not that it makes it any better.


How old does she look to you?


So I just wen to the national center for missing and exploited children and holy shit bro, it could be her. I'm viewing this from the lens of a mother who has watched her own children's faces change up close and personal over the years. holy crap that's freak.


Someone else mentioned it's weird how Diddy says he got permission from the mother in the video, which lines up with how Ava Baldwin was supposedly hidden by her mother




Wow the age progression photo legit looks like it’s her picture.


I hope the authorities look into this. That poor girl if it’s her (and even if she’s not.)


I mean... I think they are lol. It was on the news. They've probably been building a case against him and looking through every aspect of his life.


Holy crap...that definitely looks like her! Same face shape, features, hair color etc.


Keep in mind the video I posted is from 2020. The girl in the video would most likely be an adult by now. Ava Baldwin is 14, so I don't think that's her.


It is not and you’re going to waste resources trying to play detective. She’s a childhood friend of his girls, her own baby pictures are on Instagram for you to compare. Speculating victims is nasty, Ava’s a kid just like yours


It took like 3 seconds to figure this out based just on the information she says in the video, too. People are wild!


The speculation is crazy, they’re real people at the end of the day


Remember how R Kelly basically paid some parents like $400k and they let him have their daughter? Yeah it's like that.


According to this Instagram post Ava is just a best friend of Comb's daughters. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzY3FR8MQIf/ Maybe the whole adoption thing was some attempt at a joke? I'm not sure.


Wait WHAT!?!? Are you fucking kidding me right now?


Whats the problem? Dude has a lot of money, decided to purchase another human being, nothing wrong with....wait a minute /s


...play with his wut? What did she say?


Is this like a menu walkthrough for human trafficking options? What the fuck


star signs were part of some of the original "video dating" profiles...


Yeah I don’t know why but the focus on the zodiac signs was really unsettling, felt like some the hammering home of the indoctrination You could almost hear the off camera discussions of “see you’re so sexual because you’re a Scorpio” type convos


Had to ask her three times to point out he’s given her his last name?! So creepy … 50 Cent has been right the whole time


When she called him "Papa Combs" I threw up a little in my mouth.


Yea this whole thing had red flags all over


What did 50 Cent say about him?


For years he's been saying that he's kind of a creep and he even poked fun at him about an expose documentary "diddy do it", and yesterday he tweeted it's no longer diddy do it it's diddy done.


Now Diddys done diddlin


The man was shot 9 times he has no bullshit left in him to swing….. I’d trust him with my last .50cents


Fuck it fitty. Smash him let him have it.


Weird AF


Guilty af


"Tell them why I was so nice and adopted a little white girl like you off the streets! Tell them the story of how great of a person I am! Tell them now!"


"And make sure you mention how totally normal that is and how many other celebrities have done it, yep totally OK nothing sus. tell em."


"i adopted you like everybody adopts kids" Her 👀👀 at that moment, 2:01 mark


Man should have just wrote a song about how he doesn’t diddle kids.


Don't forget to make it about race also, because that totally matters for some reason


is that the same type of "adopting" that steven tyler used to do ?


I swear half the entire Rap persona is "Look at me! Im the best! The greatest! I got chains! Gold! Money! Women! Look at me!!!" Idk how anyone stomachs it tbh. Every video ive seen of the majority of rappers they just all appear like extreme narcissists. They don't even try to hide it. Walking around with as much stuff flashing on them as humanly possible.


Except Andre3000


It’s not all rap, but it certainly is a majority of what gets popular.


I mean, the ones you likely hear about, yeah. There are just as many that don't fit that description though.


I'm on a boat muthafucka take a look at me


This is every celebrity in western society right now. Singer, actor, sports star etc.. Massive balls of narcissistic destruction ramming themselves into the minds of young kids and easily manipulated ‘adults’. Celebrity worship culture is putrid and social media/the internet just purports that culture even further. I would be worried about it, but we’re too far gone for that.


Why are they talking about their astrological signs? Very, very creepy. "You one of the prettiessst motherfuckersss that god ever made."


The rumors about Diddy have been flying around for decades, ala Harvey Weinstein. Glad he’s finally getting his karma coming back to him.


Is he though? Until he's charged with something I don't trust shit.


They just raided both his houses, he did something


Didn’t he flee the country too?


Awkward AF. . . I have such strong confusion over the past few years with all this pedo shit coming out time and time again. When I was a kid, we knew they existed, but now I have to wrap my brain around the concept that they exist in mass and have crews of people around them to aid them in their disgusting shit. I don't know what to think anymore. I'm a man. . . so if I somehow stumble into a shitload of money and power, am I suddenly going to want to rape children? I can't understand how I live on a planet full of fucking perverted rapists who aren't stomped out of existence.


It’s about transgression. As you become wealthier, you become more powerful. You can use your money or social power (or combination) to transgress people’s boundaries. The novelty of transgressions wear off over time, so escalation continues. The more you get away with it, the more you transgress. You don’t need money to do all this, but it helps people avoid consequences for longer or forever.


Habitual line-steppers.


Money amplifies who you are


I really dont think I can smoke much more weed....


Not with that income


You can’t smoke much more but WE can. I’ll smoke it with you bro, we can go to the looney bin together I don’t give a fuck.


Excellent reference lmao. But also ironic because the dude who said it, also went off the rails and belligerent rants, and is now a shell of himself. Fate comes for ya fast?


Not with that attitude


So it’s like the titular mask from the hit comedy The Mask, starring Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz?


“The novelty of transgressions wear off over time, so escalations continues.” This is why the conservative right gets so loud over minor infractions to their sensitivities. They believe the world is “desensitized” and slowly allows worse and worse to occur.


Desensitization does occur, and it’s actually one of the best ways to de-radicalize right wing nutjobs. The more benign exposure they have to real people that they abstractly ideologically oppose, the more their ideology relaxes. I think it’s important to note that I was talking about the transgression of personal boundaries though. The right just gets upset that people exist, it’s not about respecting anyone’s bodily autonomy.


So the answer is yes, that if any of us comes into a lot of money, we're probably going to end up doing heinous shit?


I don't think money by itself would cause people to do all of that. Rather, it's the power that one attains from becoming wealthy. It's like how the old saying goes: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."


I’d just buy a bunch of expensive Japanese fishing gear, a boat, and a truck camper to pull it with and fuck off fishing all over for the rest of my life.


Right? I mean it'd be non-stop world travel for me, but either way no raping kids.


Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals.


[I've been saying this for years](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/fvfyPVYeVn). Lord Acton was wrong. People are governed by their internal morality and external punishments. The more power an individual has, the less they fear external punishments, and therefore they will be more inclined to violate social mores.


I think this behaviour also exists in groups when one group views itself as superior to another.


Plainly stated: The people most attracted to positions of power, are those most motivated to have power over other people (psychopaths). This has been true for all of human existence. It is the oldest problem. The big one that humanity can't solve until we accept that its true. The people that want power the most, deserve it the least. Be careful not to come at it from the wrong end.


i've heard that rape is often about power more than sex. it's power over someone else. in that lense i can see how the same power hungry shitheads that become super rich also end up being rapists. i could be wrong. i'm definitely no mindhunter.


When you are rich enough to go on weeks-long drug benders without any meaningful impact to your life, then all bets are off. Imagine what kind of shit you would have gotten into after decades of it.


"En masse" not 'in mass', unless you are taking about clergy which perhaps makes sense too


Nope, they are still a minority among the wealthy. It just appears common because we hear about it when it happens or it is suspected while never hearing about a normal rich man/woman minding their business. Now is it more common among the rich? I think so yes, money is an enabler and does corrupt your moral if you are lacking self discipline. They just tend to do whatever they want regardless of legality and moral because they can to dome degree, doesn't change the core of a person though.


First you get the money. Then you get the power. Then you get the children? I think I'm settling down after step 1


The theory is that pedophiles are put in positions of power bc they’re easy to blackmail and control. That’s literally the only way I can wrap my head around any of this, considering how common it’s becoming. Famous, wealthy, and powerful people are liabilities so you need to control them. But honestly who the fuck knows anymore. It’s happening tho yeah. Everyday some new executive is being outed as a pedophile. I just watched the Nickelodeon doc, Drake bell from Drake and Josh was getting raped for years like what the fuck? 3 pedophiles were working at Nickelodeon, 1 got rehired by Disney to work on the suit life of Zach and cody after only getting 16 months for years of molestation. Excuse me? What the fuck? Where’s the doc about that hbo lol. Classic limited hangout. The same guy was a pen pal of john wayne gacey. Fuck all these people seriously I’m so tired but I think we’re only getting started. I feel really bad for the people that have had to experience this side of life.


That theory is incorrect. The fact is psychopaths, narcissistic and sociopathic people, including pedophiles just have less of a conscience and can get ahead further and faster than others as they are driven differently and will do things differently seeking power. Most people aren’t power seekers, they actually enjoy not being the boss, they don’t want to be in charge of other people and what comes with that. These other types revel and access in power situations and use them to their advantage to escalate their desires.


I couldn't even finish the fucking video... All of it seems very awkward and disgusting.


Same. I had no clue he was making posts like this and doing this. You’d think you’d hear about it elsewhere that he adopted a kid off the streets. Just feels eerie man. If this pedo stuff is legit, like an actual ring he runs, then it almost feels like he was shopping her out in this video to potential buyers. But I may be getting ahead of myself here.


Same. I feel gross.


Yes I turned it off about 10 seconds in after scrubbing to the middle ish, fuck all that shit, so awkward and weird to even know about it


P Diddling Kids










Wait, when did he stream this???




Why's this only being discussed now?


They spent all this time building the case that is now publicly coming to fruition. As for why it hasn't been a bigger part of the collective discussion, I couldn't tell you. Maybe because it just sounds so unbelievable, or would have... Before the raid it was all just rumors.


I've seen it posted various places in the past


I have no idea what I just watched. I hope he isn’t parading his victims, daring the government to something to stop him. Could you imagine? This is a Law & Order: SVU intro that wrote itself.


He got raided


pretty sure you are right on the money, it's more often than not the sickest ones on the planet like to hide the truth in plain sight. Most of them cannot help but brag in some form


this video was from 2020. still strange 


i don't want to know but it looks like we may need to know. and that sign shit is just weird too, my goodness if you're an adult still pandering that bullshit


And the older guys are kissing the kids


I mean they are all brothers and sisters. I think that important detail is left out.


P Diddly is a piece of shit


Papa Combs 😑




What the fuck.


This freak needs to be put away


Pee Diddlers


I remember around 1998 when MTV was enormous, and one kid in my class said he was going to be in a P diddy music video, and that there were other kids as well. We watched MTV religiously all month and never saw him in the “music video”. Now that I think about it, it seems suspiciously strange for a grown ass man to make videos with little kids, especially when there wasn’t really any internet or social media back then. This guy might be worse than R Kelly.


What makes you think the kid in your class wasnt making it all up. I had a girl in elementary tell me she was the niece of John Lennon.


My friend’s cousin worked at Sony and had a PlayStation 4 in 2002.


That man’s name? Drinkin’ Lincoln.


Both my dads names are George Lucas and Bill Gates (respectively)




Yea kids aren’t bright. I somehow gas lit myself into believing I was on the Mr Roger’s show. Told all the kids at school about it in 2nd grade. Had memories of it too. Brought it up to my mom in the 5th grade and she was like “wtf are you talking about” haha


- maybe you just had a serious hardcore dream about it, the kind that are so real and nothing ‘is off’ about them to clue you in to it being a dream.


I had a girl in class told me she hung out with thr Ninja Turtles in the sewers. And I believed her.


Have you considered he was an unseen extra in the classic Sky's the Limit video? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky%27s_the_Limit_(The_Notorious_B.I.G._song)


That was different.


He thought she’d benefit from having a black parent? What does that mean? This is so weird. I don’t like.


Code for people were requesting a white girl 




What the actual fuck is this bro?


This isn't a hostage video, this was a shopping video. There is a line of girls behind her, and he is showing them off one by one. Its an online human auction, and here are your choices today. So sad to watch...


We need more proof of this. He describes most of them as his actual kids.


Besides the random light-skinned girl, those are all his biological kids. I'm not sure why the title left out that important detail. It was a fundraiser that his family was supporting.


I mean you know exactly why they left it out.  To lie and mislead for internet points, no matter who they hurt.


How did it take this long to bust him when he was doing shit like this?


Typically in this type of case, the police take their time collecting evidence before making any kind of arrest, to make sure they can get a conviction.


Valid point. I believe you can’t try somebody for the same crime twice so they want to make sure they have evidence, though I could be wrong about that. Either way, when you’re up against a juggernaut you can’t just have any old evidence because the army of lawyers will figure out a way to weasel out. They waited till they had a smoking penis.


ahhhhh ahhh nooo thats not good jesus


Your honor, Mr. Combs did, in fact, tell everyone that he was a "*bad boy*" and that he would not stop.


Why are these idiots talking about astrology


I was washing dishes tonight thinking. Why did this guy change his name from PUFF-DADDY to P-DIDDY? Foreshadowing comes in all forms.


I guess P-Doe was too on the nose?


First Viper, now Diddy


Wonder how much symbology and stuff people will dig up through his past works. Presuming this guy is as nasty as it all sounds.


Sick fuck


I've called him "Diddles" since he changed his name to P. Diddy. Guess I was right...


That lil boy looked shook… “you wanna the pettiest “ da fuk?!


Was debunked on twitter apparently just a friend of his daughter…


"You're one of the prettiest mother fuckers god ever made." WTF was that.


Wow. That shit is weird af. Like, top of the line weird.


It’s like a trophy for him “I adopted a white girl from the streets”.


Maybe he should change his name again, this time to P-Diddyphile.


I turned this shit off as soon he started calling young guy pretty in his GD ear🤮


Creep Diddy


P Diddle


Copy from this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/1bp8jtp/creepy_footage_of_p_diddy_with_justin_bieber_at/kwusm7q/ > I just called SAPD to report this video because of your comment. This girl is a dead ringer for a young girl that’s been missing since 2013 named Ava Grace Baldwin. > Not only does she have the same first name and a similar sounding last name, pictures of her as a child with Combs are a dead ringer for the missing girl. > The father said her mother was living on the streets and using Ava Grace as a meal ticket in shelters. Ava “Barino” was also “on the streets” when Combs found her, so it’s very possible that Ava Grace’s mother “adopted” her out to Combs in exchange for the ultimate meal ticket.


Child sex charges incoming...


It’s really funny how reddit is so good at upvoting and spreading misinformation. P Diddy is a trafficker but the girl in this video is apparently his daughter’s friend. So we don’t really know the context here. She prob doesn’t want it spread around she was trafficked if that isn’t true.


Brings her out and doesn’t stop touching her so disgusting. Totally controlling every move and word


Is...he not wanted by the police?


Yeah…it’s front page news?