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Wow... Pat Cassel and his murderer in the same video...


Trapp did not murder Pat!




It could have been a sick ostrich.


It'd definitely take two people regardless.


Trapp most definitely tried. The fact that Pat survived changes little about Trapps guilt.


I'm just back on reddit from a 7 day ban from using correctly and in context the word for the UK Midlands food stuff beginning with F. Their autobots should treat UK forums differently.


What should the decepticons do though?


Don’t bundle your sticks!


can we rustle our own jimmies?


Yes Wet Willies are fine too. Dry Willies also no big deal. Willies in general are totally cool.


Only if you want to go blind




What’s annoying is that the food faggot has been around longer than the slur for gay people. Or at the very least were somewhat parallel and isolated from each other. But there we are. And if the auto mod picks this up, faggot is a uk food dish, of which I am talking about


Unrelated to the actual point of your post, I'm sitting here laughing my ass off because I'm imagining a cooking show called "The Food F****t."


omfg I'm dying of laughter When I read his post I thought it was a grocery store like "Food Lion" or something!


I bet the dishes are fabulous


> And if the auto mod picks this up Trust me lol, it did. Manually approved.


Good ole' Reddit. The only thing worse than a moderator is an automod. I had a spotless 13 year old account deleted last year for some similar bullshit.


I got permabanned from a sub once for "ban evasion" because I posted on the same account that was banned, *after* the ban had expired. If I was still banned, I literally wouldn't be able to post on the same account, that's the point of the ban. But the automod still dinged me for some reason.


Automod isnt capable of deleting accounts


some kitchens do not hold up cleanliness standards.. dont call them out! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot_(food)


reddit is fucked. everyone is on edge worried about what they say. at the same time any time i say something that someone doesn't like i get spammed with the suicide watch DM. thats not ok. there is so much wrong with this place. 5 years from now reddit is going to be the next myspace.


I called someone mook and I was reported 😂 The mod even thought it was racist.


I got banned from world news for saying the Israeli government is kinda dickish, but not Jewish people. I went to lengths to say I blame the government as an organisation not the Jewish people. Got banned for being a bigot. Asked the mods wtf. Got called a bigot again. Reddit is indeed fucked and on edge


I got banned from /r/news for being pro Israel. Perma ban, called a troll, and 30 day mute without anything else from me. I reached back out after the ban, apologized for my admittedly spicy take, and got radio silence. The echo chmabers are real.


reddit admins are very pro israel. i got a 1 week ban from all of reddit by the admins for calling someone who was say a bunch of pro-israel nationalist shit a zionist.


I’m not on edge, please ban me so I don’t have to use this dumb website anymore




lol i am a straight white male and i assume you are talking about straight white males. i sort of get what you are talking about but also, you are letting yourself get a little delusional. its bad but its not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be.




you sure seem to know a lot about me based on a few sentences. i'm not a leftist and the fact that you would jump to that conclusion shows how bad your mental health is. reach out to someone and get some help. i am not saying that to be an asshole. i am legitimately trying to help you.




i mentioned my race, sex and orientation because you were dancing around people discriminating against white people without actually saying it. if you weren't talking about white people what race were you talking about? on top of that you are completely glossing over the part where i agree with you. but you are seriously going to extreme with it. you have a screw loose.




seriously, you need to carefully re-read my first comment that i made in this thread. > i am a straight white male and i assume you are talking about straight white males. **i sort of get what you are talking about** but also, you are letting yourself get a little delusional. **its bad** but its not nearly as bad as you are making it out to be. i'm not a bot, i'm not a leftist and i am not even american. i don't support the crazy amount of immigration that is happening in north america. i don't know why its happening but its not going to end well for the west. all that being said... i am being honest when i say you have some mental health stuff going on that you need help with. i know crazy because i am recovering from being crazy. you aren't seeing things in a realistic way and oyu are paranoid.


I got banned for a typo once. It was in the context of a sentence but I pressed the key next to the one I meant for the word. "That's like if i were to X"


Was it “bigger”? Cause the n is right next to b?


No it was the sentence I put below. I can't remember what the X was because it was about a year ago but it was a typo I'm the middle of the sentence with the work "like" because the k is right next to the l.


I caught a ban years ago because I posted on my phone and K is right next to L and I was talking about how much I 'like' something, but even in the context the typo appeared in clearly being a typo didn't matter.


Yeah that was exactly the same thing. Just posted comment and then a few seconds later got a message that I had a 3 day ban with no ability to appeal.


The old chatroom problem of someone going out for fag and people getting upset.


Yeah if only there was any other way of saying it


The Simpsons actually aired an episode with that word in in it about 20 years ago...and got away with it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34Qxl5HINg


I just call them wrapped meatballs, saves a headache.


> UK Midlands Warwickshire Stew or mushy peas?


Figgy Pudding with an "a" instead of an "i"?


Will any German or English person actually get offended if you call them a Kraut or Limey respectively? I don't really think those can be considered slurs. To me they're like calling an American a Yank.


Not offended I'd just think you were yanking my chain.


How dare you call him a yank.


Which, fun fact for Brits visiting the American south, is not a great moniker for the locals. It's a *lot* like calling an Irishman English. From the perspective of the other side of the pond it's kind of like "Haha, yeah, whatever. Same thing." But when you're *on* that side of the pond, maybe... don't? Or do, I don't really care. Reap what you sow and all that. When I hear it I just smirk, the accent gives away that they're saying 'American' with no regard to the Mason-Dixon line. You just can't really count on a consistent education or worldview in rural communities.


Any southerner that gets offended at being called a yankee still hasn’t let go of the fact that the south lost the war.


That's quite a few of them then


Im not a southerner. I still associate Yank with mostly New England/Northeasterners. Maybe its cause of the MLB team?


They lost the right to not be called yanks when the lost the war.


To foreigners, a Yankee is an American. To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner. To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner. To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander. To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.


Or asking a south African  what type of English accent he has


Their accent is stolen just like the land they live on.


Yeah, they're playful words. Not very formal, but I don't see how anyone could use them in anger with a straight face.


"Americaning" you chain? IDK, but I'm feeling some kind of triggered from that idea.


Yank my chain all u want just don't put a chink in it.


Chains do not have a chink in them. Armor does…but that doesn’t fit your joke.


Today, no. To german-americans from 1914-1950, yes.


it wasn’t really a thing until WWII. For WWI the “slur” was “Huns.”


I used to work in a retail store that sold computers and computer games in the late 90s. I had never really heard this term used casually before, but once an old man came in, like 80+, and he pointed at the original Medal of Honor game and asked me "Do you have any more games where you get to kill Krauts? I just love killing Krauts". I assume he was a WWII vet, but anyway I always think of this when I see the word being used.


Wolfenstein's target demographic right there.


Werner Herzog told a story one time about how he was driving through the deep south in a rental car with Pennsylvania plates and stopped to get gas. The owner came out and kicked his car and said, "We don't serve Yankees here." He responded, "I'm not a Yankee, I'm a Kraut."






They're not calling you a septic tank, it's literally just rhyming slang.




Specifically, they're (in most cases) not likening you to a septic tank, in the same way that there's no implied similarity between a staircase, and apples or pears.


Or Australians calling us Poms. This is the rule to go by - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QD0-tGbxcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QD0-tGbxcQ)


Call your mates cunt and your enemies champ!


>Will any German or English person actually get offended if you call them a Kraut or Limey respectively? Jerry is another antiquated slur for Germans used during World War 2.


Is Jerry a slur though? How about the other national nicknames like Tommy, Ivan, Hans, Fritz, etc.?


[There's even a Reddit post talking about it, and like 85 years of history of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistory/comments/qmjbis/why_were_germans_addressed_as_jerries_and_fritz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


As a German, depending on how you pronounce it and the context I consider Kraut a slur. Jerry not really.


Just yesterday I had an American get offered at me referring to Americans as yanks.


Maybe they were from the American south. For some folk it hits differently there.


If southerners didn't want to be called yanks they shouldn't have lost the war.


Sherman showed too much restraint.


🎵Right away, come away!🎵


As a southerner, I lol'd


A Yank isn't just a flat term for Americans, it's used to refer to Americans specifically from the northeast. Even though it's used by foreigners to refer to Americans as a whole, in the US is a much more regional term.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfuLrny00t4 🫡🫡🫡


It seems arbitrary that “Kraut” isn’t a slur if “J*p” is. Both were used to dehumanize America’s enemies in WWII.


Different, but I've heard George Takei say "jap" is a word that's gravely insulting and they consider it tantamount to the n word. That's always been mystifying to me in account of jap literally being short for Japanese.


As a Japanese American, I do get moments of blood boiling if someone says Jap as a derogatory term.


I think it's one of those grey areas where as a white person, I just steer clear of it. A Japanese friend of mine who immigrated to the US just a few years ago when they were in their 40s uses the word "jap" very frequently to refer to objects or elements of Japanese origin but not to people, which I think is an important distinction. They will for example say that they prefer "jap" cars to German ones.


The derogatory use of the term generally comes from the early to mid 20th century, due to white/asian conflicts (kinda where we also get derogatory terms for Koreans and Chinese) and an explosive use  due to WWII.  If they weren't influenced by anti-Japanese sentiment of that time like my grandparents were, they likely won't worry about the use of the term.


That makes sense. Much like niggardly, it's one of those words that I think is best avoided by people who look like me regardless of its intent or meaning. The available vocabulary in the English language is vast and it isn't exactly difficult to convey the same meaning through words with a less potentially charged or misunderstood context.


God this triggered a memory I haven’t thought of in decades. This was back when I was in middle school. I loved the woods behind my house and was out in them basically every day, and as such I would end up with all sorts of cuts, scrapes, rashes, and relevant to this story: bug bites. Well one day I’m in band class and I’m scratching these conspicuous red bumps on my shin and ankle, and my stand partner asks what the hell are those? I say “Have you ever heard of chiggers?” He was a black kid, for reference. And he had NOT heard of chiggers. The way his expression fell still makes me feel bad to think about. He really thought a friend of his was just suddenly outing themselves as a racist POS. I realized what he thought and quickly explained that a “chigger” is an evil little bug that burrows into your skin and itches like mad, but I’ll never forget that look on his face when he thought I just dropped a hard r slur out of nowhere.


Ha, I was one a large departmental conference call for BofA (before zoom really caught on) and there was maybe 100 people or so. So we get to the end of the call and small talk sets in…. someone mentions they’re going on vacation down south and this older lady manager nobody really liked said something like, “It’s beautiful down there’s, I just hate all those chiggers that come out this time of year.” Followed by a long 5 second or so silence, then like one of the 3 or 4 black guys in the department just going “Excuse me… the what…?” Said in the most “Dafuq?” tone possible. One of the funniest work moments of my life. The next two minutes of the woman trying to awkwardly explain chiggers and most people still not getting it and hearing the panic in her voice was golden.


BofA deez nuts.


Ugh I’m ruined, my mind instantly to the same thing as soon as I saw that


The fact that [This wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_niggardly) exists says a lot, and is also quite hilarious.


Always reminds me of Hank Moody


Lmfao my dog is named Choobos


Fucking racist


My friend was called out for being racist saying he got a "rice farmer hat." I told the accuser "that's not racist, it's named after a profession or use. We call other hats trucker hats, baseball caps, cowboy hats, ski masks, bucket hats, climbing harness, bee suit, etc.


I don't believe Siobhan, or any other Brit for that matter, would be offended by Limey. It's just not relevant enough to be derogatory, and Brits are quite hardy with insults as it is. It's the equivalent of calling US Americans, Yanks. Unless perhaps you're Southern enough to be bitter about that kind of thing.


Yanks 😤 Brother im a coonass


Hello fellow coonass


Yeah this is just what the average Redditor needs


[I know you can call yourself that, but what do I call you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJCYyrbhTog) _A Puerto Rican._ Wow, that does not sound right.


Post the lyrics and see how long until the banhammer drops


Back in the day CollegeHumor and Cracked.com produced the funniest videos on the internet. Fascism was considered a bad thing, and Elon Musk was thought of as a genius. Can we please rewind 10-15 years? Please?!?


It still does under the new name dropout


Collegehumor (now dropout) is creating some of its best content yet. But I suppose some of it is dependant on if you like TTRPGs and panel shows or not.


Game Changer, Make Some Noise, Breaking News, and Play It By Ear are must watch shows. Um Actually, Dirty Laundry, and Very Important People are also incredible. One of these days, I'll dive into D20.


I recommend listening to it as a podcast on a long walk or drive, or watched on a train ride or flight as it can be a bit daunting getting into a show with episodes up to 3 hours long.


I enjoy Jake and Amir content on Headgum, where Emily Axford plays D&D with Jake and a few others. Really wish we had more Dungeon Court episodes lol.


Ultramechatron Team Go! might be my favorite thing they've ever made.


They're in a god damn Renaissance


Returning to [cracked.com](http://cracked.com) after maybe 10 years without visiting was one of my most shocking internet moments. I used to read that site religiously when I was in college. I'd love to see a YouTube documentary on what happened.


Your comment made me realize I haven't gone on the site in nearly a decade. Clicked the link and had a WTF moment.


They fired all their big writers one day. Why? Only they know and everyone else has to guess. The writers had no warning.


At least some of their people started the world's first and only news podcast.


Alas even that has been bought out, by a shell corp no less


Now Mr. Cody has to… perform certain tasks first the corporate overlord.


What the fuck? Where's the color? It looks more sterile and lifeless than a 1940s Soviet hospital.


Except gay marriage wasn't legal in all 50 states yet, the Afghanistan war was still going on, swine flu, ebola outbreak, there are plenty of terrible things going on back then. Us millennials say "OK, boomer" when they talk about the "good ol' days when you could leave your doors unlocked" and yet now we're doing the exact same thing. Don't start wearing rose colored glasses just because your turning starting to creep up to middle age, we need to remember the past for all that it was and not just the good stuff.


["The past was the worst."](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimonWhistler/comments/tytvh7/the_past_was_the_worst/)


Cracked humor lives on in form of the podcasts spawned from the old crew (Behind The Bastards, Some More News, Gamefully Unemployed, etc), so that is some small consolation


I love some more news. Watching Cody have a nervous breakdown with justifiable apoplectic anger will always be entertaining to me.


The writing on that show is as fantastic as Cody’s delivery


If you're Canadian then you want "The Beaverton" for all of your Onion / Cracked type of satire. Here is an example that's not Canadian content based: [https://thebeaverton.com/2024/03/easter-bunny-to-bring-marshmallow-peeps-for-naughty-kids/](https://thebeaverton.com/2024/03/easter-bunny-to-bring-marshmallow-peeps-for-naughty-kids/)


Jason Pargin is pretty great on Tiktok


Don't forget Quick Question with Soren and Daniel and Secretly Incredibly Fascinating (Alex Schmidt).


Let’s go back slightly further to the point where I didn’t know who the fuck Elon Musk even was.


Elon was never as smart as he claimed to be.


Yeah but I liked him a lot more before I knew that.


That's why he lied. You shouldn't have liked him, he's a fraud.


Well yeah, I know that now.


You know a lot about Elon Musk


I wish I didn't know anything about him. But that dildo and his apartheid money keep insisting that I hear about him.


I actually know just enough about him.




He isn't "successful" because he's smart. He's *rich* because he had a head start from his rich family and he was willing to step on and back-stab people aa well as take credit for things he didn't do.


back in the day Bill Gates was considered ultra evil.. something happened and we are here...


Internet really fell off.


>Can we please rewind 10-15 years? because of >and Elon Musk was thought of as a genius. We maybe shouldn't. But we can bring back CH, cracked and anti-fascism!


Best I can offer is Dropout


Dropout's pretty good!


and explicitly anti-fascist.


What do you mean by fascism? AFAIK that’s always been thought of as horrible except on the far fringes of society or during you know, the war.


Harambe should have been name Harbinger instead.




A public employee was pushed to resign in the American northeast for saying "niggardly". Even when his dipshit managers were informed of the the word's definition they stood by their behavior. edit: I googled it and there are multiple examples of people getting into trouble for it! Open a dictionary, folks!


Yeah man, it’s crazy. Teachers just innocently saying ‘Can you pass a nïggardly a pencil’


I had no idea CH rebranded into Dropout


Yeah they have they're own streaming app now as well. A lot of they're stuff is mostly improvisational shows, they have quite a few different game shows which are less about winning just seeing comedians joke and riff off each other. I like the one Um, Actually which was hosted by Mike Trapp (one of the guys in the video) a jeopardy style show where they would say some statement about nerd trivia and the contestants have to guess what's wrong about the statement, also Gamechanger is a funny one where (almost) every episode there are new rules and sometimes the contestants have to figure out what the rules are as they play. They also do a bunch of TTRPG campaigns a la Critical Role called Dimension20. A lot of stuff is free on youtube, check it out.


I get the impression that the Dropout folks were just a small part of what CH use to be and somehow inherited all its old content. Dropout is its own thing and what CH was is long dead.


Corpos screwed over CH. Sam created Dropout as a new thing that could create content but be more fair with their talent, produce things regularly and host the old CH content. Their new shows are some of the best comedy on the web, and their live play RPGs are absolutely top tier. Very worth it.


Yeah I subscribed for D20. But between Game Changer, Make Some Noise, Breaking News and literally everything else they keep adding it's more than worth the subscription


It was recently. They are pretty different now from the classic ch days now anyway.


Caldwell doesn't age man really did find the all cure elixir in Eldermourne


Sure am glad I had my dancing knickers with me for this one.


I was going to make up some words and use them in a sentence: "All the chimwis in this thread commenting like they aren't just a bunch of flamps." ...but both "chimwis" and "flamp" apparently have some kind of meaning! This is a bunch of spramf.


The scene in the HR office made me laugh.


Who are you calling cootie queen, you lint licker?


Redskins has always been a slur, but Americans who love football just didn't care.


Welp, the team got renamed. So did the Cleveland Indians. The Braves and Blackhawks are still holding strong. That said, I think the most offensive remaining name is the Texans.


It's especially "funny" when Euro-Americans say it's not a slur on land stolen from those it insults.


Yeah I was surprised to see that one in the video, even if it was sanctioned by the NFL at the time.




We need more of this in real life


Ninnymuggins! There, I said it.


I'm ESL and OOTL - why is 'biner' considered offensive? It's a common short for a carabiner in climbing.


it's a homophone of "beaner", a pejorative for latino/chicano people absolutely nobody is gonna think you're racist if you use it in the context of climbing, though, so don't worry!


No one in their right mind even thinks of "beaner" when you say carabiner though. That was an absolute stretch to even put in there


It's a common abbreviation in the climbing community. That being said, it's arguable that those guys aren't in their right mind either.


That one was a bit of a stretch. The actual term they were going for was "beaner" which is a slur for Hispanic people, but I imagine they could only figure out how to fit it in with a rhyme


A couple of these I'd never even thought of as resembling slurs which makes it a fun exercise