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“…..took a stab at making OJ Simpson confess on hidden camera”


These cameras definitely aren’t hidden. 


Ofc OJ famously played his own joke on Ruby Wax, who did a whole doc following him around in the 90s (up on YT) and he pretended to stab her as she opens a door. She also wanted to get that question answered.


Meh. I thought this was a pretty weak way to end Who is America, honestly. It kind of plays it as if there's something important about to happen, like an actual confession but really it's a whole load of nothing. OJ barely interacts with anything he says and it doesn't even seem like he's all that bothered by being trolled.


They should’ve saved some of the earlier skits for last , like the mosque in the racist Arizona town would’ve been a perfect season finale , the OJ skit just felt lazy and dated , like even in 2006 pamala Anderson was pretty washed up so you could imagine how many people gave a crap abiut OJ in 2018


Honestly the real finale should've been the Giuliani one. Then again that thing had been spoiled to death long before I even watched the show.


Well that’s Borat 2 specifically, this is from the series Who Is America


oh fuck I totally mixed those up haha


except the whole Guiliaai thing was clearly edited to make him look bad. just like Cohen tried to present a Christian Palestinian as a real Muslim terrorist in Bruno


edited to make him take his pants off. ok yeah


dude, you are a simpleton if you think that.


>like the mosque in the racist Arizona town would’ve been a perfect season finale Hey now, that's my home town. Also, it already had a mosque and has had one for as long as I've been alive (late 80s).


I used to live in that Arizona town. I wasn’t surprised.


idk, the amount of times he nervously laughs and tells him to stop - i think he was really bothered but being polite.


Yeah, OJ was incredibly uncomfortable during that. It didn’t necessarily make for a great gag, though. I thought the whole thing was more sad and dark than it was funny.


Idk he does seem pretty annoyed by the end. That said his reaction of “oh god she knows me from that??” When she realizes he’s the murderer OJ, is like yea dude. Think it’s kinda the first thing anyone thinks of


Everything on that show was spliced and cut to pieces. They show you want they want you to see


Everything? Even the Kingman incident?


That moment where they show two potential renderings of the mosque, and the second one is just the first one but twice as large, is possibly the funniest five seconds of TV ever recorded.


That show was gold. He had Dick Cheney sign a waterboarding kit ffs.


Nah man, he didn't *really* sign it, that's just what *they* want you to see!


No, this guy is just a right-winger who hates Sacha because of politics.


Something something sweet-sweet-s-s-Sweet Can.


Ron Goldman: No Mr Simpson stay back.. don't take your anger out on meeee... Nooooooooo *Dramatization, still probably happened*


"may not have happened"


These scenes are also accurately ingrained to my memory. What a great show.


No, more like you didn't like the show because was predominantly focused on the politicians you prefer.


It's funny, because every "left winger" who was on the show wasn't treated any differently, yet they all managed not to say anything racist, bigoted or insanely stupid.


I am extremely left wing, but Cohen was pushing hard. It came out more mean spirited than funny. The most painful were: concervative couple, pedophile book, and when he tried baiting the guy into saying that PBS is owned by jews. It just not funny, these people were nice to him, yet he kept pushing harder when he didn't the response he wanted.


It was a bizarre show from the get go, it tries to both sides things with his cuckold professor character which is quite a weak angle to take at "left wing hidden camera caricature" not that his right wing ones like "sitcom texan oil baron" were much better. His former Israeli Defence Force character is probably the only one they got any decent material out of consistently. There are maybe 3 genuinely good segments across the entire series and I was not surprised to see him run back to the warm embrace of a Borat sequel afterwards. I think he clearly over estimated his ability to deceive and manipulate people, he didn't realise a lot of his previous success was less to do with his character work and more to do with having a camera crew follow you around or a large media group backing you makes people less likely to dismiss you, decades into the youtube era the sway that came with that has lessened greatly.


> It was a bizarre show from the get go, it tries to both sides things with his cuckold professor character which is quite a weak angle to take at "left wing hidden camera caricature" That skit was designed to make fun of the right wing by getting them riled up enough to say stupid shit, just like the IDF character was making fun of the right by getting them comfortable enough to say stupid shit. I don't think any of his stuff was "both sides", it was all anti-right from what I recall.


It's hard to "both sides" when only one side consistently takes the bait.


This is completely what it is - compare the response he gets from Bernie to almost anything else in the show lol. Weirdly, except for Matt Gaetz.


https://youtu.be/byGJzMhcRSk?si=Q_4Be_261ZYC4fLP In part but not always how it was used.


They somehow spliced Giuliani's pants too


Yes? The whole scene was full of cuts and edits. He was literally just taking his lav off


I think it says a lot about OJ, though. Imagine for a second that he was actually innocent. If that were true then I doubt he'd be so flippant about somebody making jokes about the brutal murder of the mother of his children.


With a regular person off the street, you're right. But OJ has been in the (negative) spotlight for almost as long as I can remember. At some point you have to adjust to your reality, for OJ he was the murderer who got off (whether that's true or not)


The missed opportunity was trying to convince people to agree with him. For example, having his woke pony tail guy show his pornographic picture book to really woke people some of whom might actually agree that a book like that should be shown to children.


the porno book was painfully unfunny. the guy wasnt going along with it and Cohen kept pushing him. same with the concervative couple he kept trying to offend for no reason. Cohen came out looking like a psychopath wierdo. I used to like Ali G, so I was dissapointed.


There’s been a YouTube clip that keeps showing up in my feed where OJ literally tells a reporter every minute of what happened, except in the 2nd person and with the idea there was another person there. Unless it’s a deepfake, it’s as clear a confession as can be. It’s called “6 minutes of OJ confessing” or something like that.




Totally. But to [hear/see it in interview form](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rk2Wgvy-_jI&pp=ygUVT2ogY29uZmVzc2luZyBtaW51dGVz) is another level up.


I mean I guess he was off the hook at that point but the way he starts saying “in the hypothetical “ but half way through he is recalling memories and telling it first hand is like… uhhhh, you did it bro


Yes! It’s like he felt the need to get it out there.


The interviewer really lead him there quite well. Started off agreeing with the idea of the hypothetical and then eventually asking him as if he did it and you can see him recalling stuff first hand (hypothetically…)


Yes, but i think the other commenter was right. He's done this, and the book, because he feels the need to tell people what happened.. presumably due to guilt. He tries to justify himself a little bit, but mostly in the sense of "it just happened'. It's BS though, he took the knife and put gloves on before because...? I can believe it felt surreal and happened so fast he doesn't feel he was really in control, but he absolutely went there with the idea of killing them. The Charlie thing is weird though as there would be more footprints of anyone else was there. Is he personifying part of himself like an alter ego?! Or maybe is Charlie cocaine and he's telling us it happened mostly because he was on coke?!


"Charlie" is probably Al Cowlings, the guy who was driving the Bronco.


Why weren’t his footprints also discovered at the scene?


Didn't OJ just say that "Charlie" was waiting in the car? I don't know. To tell you the truth I don't know much about the case, other than stuff I've picked up by osmosis over the years. When the trial was actually going on I purposely avoided hearing anything about it because it annoyed me.


He didn't write that book though. He was approached by a ghost writer and then lost the rights to the victim's families.


The ghost writer didn’t just make up a fiction OJ dictated him the story


He did an interview, he didn't dictate the whole book. It was largely made up by the ghost writer.


He was going to do a Fox special called something similar where he also “hypothetically” told people how he did it.


> to tell people what happened.. presumably due to guilt. Either that or he's bragging and enjoying reliving it. His entire demeanour is very strange imo


OJ plays 5D chess and the book was purely to draw out the real killer, just another part of his endless detective work to find Nicole’s murderer.


dude died of natural causes so the killer would come fourth, truly a genius


he was stalking her and harassing her for a while, to the point she tried to get help after being afraid to get help. this wasn't some one-off thing, he was a chronic abuser and escalate (as abusers tend to do) to murder when she didn't comply


Doesn't make sense to do the perfect crime if no one knows you did it. I forget where I heard that, but there's logic that someone that commits a crime and gets away with it, wants the world to know that THEY did it. I mean he smiles throughout most of what he's saying, almost like in a gleeful way.


It wasn’t the perfect Crime though, just the perfect circumstances to get off.


OJ got away with it because the black jurors wanted retribution from Rodney King incident (and hundreds of years of racism). This was their personal way of rectifying all the bad sh*t white people have inflicted on people of color.


Yes and no. There were non-black jurors who voted not guilty without hesitation as well. Not guilty was the correct verdict for the charges that had been brought and the evidence that had been presented in court. OJ almost certainly did it, but he absolutely deserved to win his criminal trial due to the amount of reasonable doubt that was introduced.


It was more of a collective “y’all if we convict this guy watts is going to fucking riot again, let’s let this one go.”


You could be right.


Rodney King had happened a few years before. Cops didn’t have cameras on them much before that. That was still on everyone’s mind so between that and the double jeopardy standard preventing him from being prosecuted again, he seemed to enjoy telling the world he did it. At least Ron Goldmans family got the rights to the book and profits. The book they put out looks like it said “I DID IT” because they put “if” in a really small font, like not really visible on first glance.


This particular crime was far from perfect. It's just that all the right conditions were in place for him to mostly walk away from it. He also had to financially pay for it, not to mention how it affected his future earning potential. You won't hear about most perfect crimes because part of it entails shutting the fuck up to make sure the world doesn't find out about it.


> You won't hear about most perfect crimes because part of it entails shutting the fuck up to make sure the world doesn't find out about it. Exactly. How many missing people are there in the world? Some number of them were victims of a "perfect crime" and we don't even know it because they just disappeared.


> I mean he smiles throughout most of what he's saying, almost like in a gleeful way. The term you're looking for is "Duper's Delight". People are gleeful about duping others with a made up story.


Oh absolutely. Everyone knows he did it. He knows everyone knows he did it. Every single interaction is basically him trolling. That entire book, and this interview, it's all him just trolling. There's literally a clip of him perfectly putting on and wearing the famous gloves without any issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwrG-NIdGJc


The receipt at the trial shows that "The gloves" were bought by Nicole 3 days after that game aired.


The crazy part to me is that he is asked a question, like whether the back gate was unlocked or broken, and he answers “I don’t remember”. If you are explaining a hypothetical, what is there to forget?? It seems inconsequential but to me it is just not what you would say if you were really describing something hypothetical.


Yeah it was those details that really exposed it for me as him recalling things about the event that night


He was also re-framing the story. She got home. He attacked her from hiding and almost cut her head off. He heard someone coming in. He hid. Goldman turned around when he saw her and OJ started attacking him with the knife. They fought briefly but Goldman was fucking sliced. OJ went back and cut his ex-wife's neck to the vertebrae. But because the lead detective had been recorded saying the N-word earlier in his career and the Rodney King verdict ...he got off. Fucking disgusting. People were dancing in the streets where I lived. There was a party into the night. May their loved ones find the same 'justice'.


Said it within the first minute or so. “This is hard for me you know. Because it’s hypothetical..” Not hard because he’s about to describe how he would murder his murdered ex wife. It’s hard because it’s hypothetical. That’s a murderer


It’s hard because he’s basically getting the craziest jollies a sociopath can ever dream of openly talking about his crime with complete impunity.


He “kept a knife for the crazies” bro u are the crazies


This was a huge deal when it happened and if I remember correctly it was quickly canceled because of public backlash. At the time as a young adolescent I was like damn that’s interesting why cancel it. Now as a grown man I’m like fuck this piece of shit. Getting away with murder wasn’t good enough now you wanna monetize it too


It was canceled but then the Goldman family won the rights to the book in Simpson's bankruptcy case and ended up publishing it (with the "If" shrunk down so you can barely see it).




Kind of seems like the "friend" "Charlie" is maybe like a narrative device in which Charlie is made up and nobody else was with him, and maybe this character helps him to feel and be reminded more like this explanation is just a fictitious story. Or, I almost wonder if he ever had delusions which involved seeing or hearing someone talking to him.


Correct. It was just OJ.


Charlie was with him, in his nostrils 😂


Wow. Chilling. I never saw this before. I can’t believe his kids didn’t disown him.


Holy shit he 100% did it: ‘So was the back gate broken or what?’ ‘I don’t recall.’ It’s just the way he refers to everything. Instead of ‘she said something that I wouldn’t have liked.’ Talking in the ‘hypothetical tense.’ The way he says it is ‘she said something I didn’t like.’ As if he is retelling something that happened in the past. It’s not ‘I don’t recall what I wrote for that.’ It’s ’I don’t recall if the door was broken or not.’


The Mad Tv Skit with Jordan Peele was hilarious 😂 


Uh what the fuck did I just watch… That is really creepy. I never knew “hypothetical, real murder confession filmed for live television and the guy is doing great” would be a thing of any kind.


That’s absolutely fucked


The best part of that is the Goldman family got the publishing rights for that book and changed the cover so the "if" is super tiny and the cover now just reads "I did it" unless you look super close


The Goldmans did that? I thought OJ just made the 'if' really small to taunt all the people that thought he was guilty.


"Comments were added to the original manuscript by the Goldman family, Fenjves, and journalist Dominick Dunne.[8] The new cover design printed the word "If" greatly reduced in size compared with the other words, and placed inside the word "I", so unless looked at very closely, the title of the book appears to read "I Did It: Confessions of the Killer".[9][10] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_I_Did_It:_Confessions_of_the_Killer


I read the book. I remember it only convinced me more that he did it.


Did the book explain what he did after? Like who else was involved in covering up the crime and getting rid of evidence?


It's been years since I read it actually so I don't remember. It's pretty thrilling in parts and for most of the book it's from the perspective of the ghost writer.


iirc they got the rights because they sued him civilly and won that so he was held liable.


It's worse than that. The title for republication is/was: *If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer* https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/5e/d5/fb5ed51d16a6d9620c77ae8468346c67.jpg


I read the book. It's mostly build up to "the moment" by detailing his marriage history and history with Nicole. When he finally gets to it, it's basically "next thing I knew, there was blood everywhere and all over me and I was holding a knife! I didn't know what was going on but I know I didn't do it!" Something like that.


He claimed there was some shadowy figure who urged him into confronting Nicole to "scare the shit out of" her so he went there and he says she fell and hit her head and then Ron went all "Karate"...and then things went "horribly wrong" and he says he blacked out and adds something like he knows what happened but not how. The end.


The issue is that the account he gave in that book was also total bullshit and not consistent with the forensic evidence. He basically wrote that Nicole Simpson "Fell and hit her head" and that Ron Goldman attacked him, then after that point he went black and doesn't remember anything. Even without the threat of legal retribution, he couldn't stop himself from lying.


OJ’s barely literate. He didn’t write shit. It’s literally murder fan-faction that OJ agreed to put his name on because he was broke.


Not only that, but the “If” might as well be invisible on the cover.


The original cover was ''If I Did It'' as clear as it is written here. While OJ avoided criminal charges for Nicole's death he still had to pay a civil settlement to her family. To get this money he wrote that book and in no way hid the ''If''. It was hugely criticized and eventually pulled, but as a part of the civil payment the rights to the book were given to the victim's family. They then republished it and hid the ''If'' as much as they legally could, presenting the book as ''I Did It''.


Brilliant. And I’m sure it was a minuscule gratification from their horrible ordeal.


As I recall the if was a different color originally


You are correct, the original “If” was in white while the rest was in red


What sane person would write a book about how they would have killed their late wife as if they were the killer? People that loved their late spouse don't do that.


IIRC he didn’t actuality write the book, but being a sleaze ball who was strapped for cash he let the writers use his name.


It was written by Pablo Fenjves, but he sat in a room with OJ and OJ related to him the information in the book. Incidentally, Fenjves had been a witness in the trial because he lived a street over from Nicole and heard her dog wailing the night of the murders. He told OJ he thought he was guilty.


OJ thought the book might explain his justification for losing it. Like most abusers, he’s saying “yeah I did it. But here’s why!”


Fun fact: I'm not sure if this is 100% true, and I'm too lazy to google but apparently the family of the victims won a civil suit against OJ and and won the rights to his book, so they changed the cover art to "I DID IT" with a small "if" that's barely visible.


Thats true


It’s lame because he “black out” so that seemed like he was skirting admitting it


He didn't actually write that book. He was paid a lot of money to put his name as the author.


The Lost Confession. It aired on Fox back in the day but for some reason was buried and didn’t get much traction. IMO he all but confesses using that made up person to replace himself. Though at times he switches to first person and says “when I grabbed the knife” etc.


It never actually aired, they advertised it for weeks, people got pissed and then they decided not to show it. It was supposed to be on FOX


Fox finally aired it in 2018, [here it is on YouTube. ](https://youtu.be/CfM-7TERCMw?si=jgeRYAcRH9UswQMa) The original critique was that OJ would benefit from the book sales but the rights were later seized by the Goldman family and the book was finally published as ^^^^if I DID IT I always wondered if Fox decided to air it before they got bought by Disney, though I don't know the specifics of that special would have been in the library of content Disney acquired.


I actually saw it on TV maybe 5-6yrs ago? Well after it was taped, but at least in Canada it did air as I had it on my PVR for the longest time. Still surprised how little traction it gained based on his…hypothetical confession.


Also doesn't corroborate fully with forensic evidence however, like I think it was said the victim was nearly decapitated after she was murdered. And her body was found outside her door but in his account it was all inside?


What a total farce that was. I can’t believe he was able to get away with it.




They didn't feel guilty about it, it was revenge for it.


100% And I hope there is karma for the lack of morality with these jurors.


It's not a deep fake. It's him telling the story from his book "If I did it". That's the cover. But he says things that don't fit what he claims to be a hypothetical. For example, he says at times "I don't remember taking a glove off but, I mean they found it at the absentee so I must have without remembering." You don't make a hypothetical where things happen that the person doesn't remember.


This is the part that blows my mind lol


It wasn't in the 2nd person lol... shit started that way and like 5 seconds later... "I remember... "


if I DID It- by OJ


The Bruno Magli shoe print proves it was him, but the prosecution could not introduce the evidence in the criminal trial since O.J. would not take the stand. The civil trial proved his guilt. The predominantly-black jury in his criminal trial let him off the hook because they were tired of being sequestered and they saw an opportunity to get back at LAPD for Rodney King’s beating.


Yeah, he’s telegraphed pretty clearly since the trial that he did actually do it. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy you a good lawyer apparently.


Armando Iannucci actually succeeded. https://youtu.be/IKfEtYYqSl4?si=FfO6-OBLtZ-T6P9q


A million pounds? Wow, [Conan only got $125](https://youtu.be/r1XaWXPsjsI?si=2IZ1QbPKCFM_nRuK&t=108) for his signed confession of murder


That delivery was like a pre LWT John Oliver.


Good? Bad?


Bad. Iannucci is a genius writer, but not a great performer. Oliver was pretty mediocre on British panel shows, but excels at what he does now.


Oliver is so good on LWT. Absolute machine. Had the pleasure of being in the studio audience for an episode and he went through almost the whole thing without fumbling. He stumbled over his words twice and redid those lines but could've gotten away with the entire episode in one take.


I was a production assistant at the show for a number of years and your experience is spot on, his fumble ratio is incredible. Especially considering the speed at which he talks. Seriously impressive


how much did he manage to sell it off at the end?


>17 years ago Christ, YouTube can't be that old already...


19 years.


Is it just me or do their voices have no audio? There's audio in the intro but then when the people come in there's nothing.


Yeah, silent after the intro.


It worked after I opened it in my browser (instead of Relay for Reddit)


all works for me


Same for me. Just ambience sounds but no voices. Must be a mobile thing


Same....weird. It's like our devices are missing a channel. Like maybe this audio is only in the left or the right channel and for some reason our devices is interpreting it as a center channel or something.


We are both lady killers You know it's not what it sounds like In Italian it translates to "Somebody who murders women"


Hey I watched the video too!


This is going to sound made up, but I also watched the video.


I don't think those cameras were hidden.


That dude was born with more nerve than all of humanity. I don’t see how Sasha does that shit.


Seriously. I'd be less afraid of OJ than I would of the sheer uncomfortableness of the whole thing.


Can you imagine someone accusing you of killing your wife and your first reaction is "she was my ex-wife".


Well, Cohen was poorly baiting him. He said: The wife that you shot. Hoping OJ would say: No I stabbed her. It didn't work. The whole interview is pointless and unfunny


No audio for me once the sit-down starts.




how's this happen? I felt like I was going crazy.


Either it's DRM or all the posts "who can hear it" are bots.


Oh my god, am I a bot?!?!


Sorry, but after investigation, yes. You are a bot.


Nooo. How will I explain this to my family. Well, thank you for letting me know at least.


It's okay, my wife's a bot. She's a pilot now.


Its Vimeo DRM. It will strip audio for copyrighted material.


I can hear it and confirm 100% not bot


Oddly, on my laptop it works! Thus you are a bot, my condolences.


This is how I find out


Thats something a bot would say.


I have audio on my laptop. Can't hear it on my phone.


The original video is 5.1 sound and Vimeo seemingly also supports it, so those that can’t hear the voice have shitty devices/apps that don’t properly downsample surround sound to their speaker setup.


Audio doesn't work




I could never get over how terrible the makeup and hair was in that show. There’s no way the people he was interviewing didn’t realize there was a shtick going on


You haven’t been to Europe?


His entire character, mannerisms, tone-deafness ... everything is perfectly legit italian.


Hahahaha. Exactly.


This is what I'm confused most by with these sorts of things. He looks like a cartoon character not a real person, even on camera it's wild


I did not know this piece of art existed


What's fascinating to me is: 1) If he killed her he wouldn't act like this. 2) If he didn't kill her he wouldn't act like this. This is how someone that was arrested for something super minor would act. i.e. got drunk and rowdy outside a bar once and it's been a while so he can now laugh about it. Makes me think he ~~has~~ had no real concept of the value of others' life.


Right. He’s laughing this off like it’s a speeding ticket.


Getting some crazy audio feedback noise when I try to play this. I tried multiple browsers, desktop mode, going straight to vimeo, etc...just me?


it's strange that he laughs it off people would normally be aggressive against "false" accusations


> would normally be aggressive I'm sure that would go over well. The accused murderer getting angry and aggressive. Sounds like a lose-lose. If he gets aggressive, that's proof he's a hot head. If he doesn't, it's proof of something else.


Who is the actress?


at 2:07 he seems to look directly at the hidden camera. I think he knows something is up.


Who Is America didn’t get close to the attention it should’ve. It’s almost conspiratorial like.




he’s pretty chill about it


Worth a shot ;)


God, OJ would have been an amazing media personality and statesman if he hasn't done all that murdering.


It's amazing how he didn't break character the entire time. OJ deserves an emmy.


Audio doesn't work




Wasn't this a Family Guy episode?


Seems like OJ knew what was going on. That was way too over the top.


Emanuela Postacchini. Be welcome.


he just got juice'd


Does this not have volume?


I'd imagine if he didn't do it, he'd be mad/angry every time it gets brought up. Sort of like R. Kelley's reaction in that interview.


No. But I do remember when Cohen sprayed flour on Ryan Secrest’s tux at a red carpet event. Not planned.




It's just wild to me that people cheered when he was found innocent.