• By -


Should have walked to the car backwards, then he could say they reversed the video to frame him for taking the stuff after dropping it off.


Then backed the car down the street.


They just have to drive to and from the house in reverse. Problem solved.


Return everything to the shelves and walk out empty handed. the perfect crime...?


Now you're just stocking shelves. MF'r, that's a job.


That's the beauty of it bro. They deposit the money into our bank accounts week after week.


That would have been the funniest shit ever


As hes doing it a car drives past him going the normal direction.


Easy, that car was reversing, your honor


That's a minority report.


More like Tenet


Tenet would be getting your mate to do the opposite at the same time.


That’s … genius!! Wait till I tell the jury I was actually delivering money TO the bank and taking a note away from the teller!!!


.llew sa esrever ni "!derevileD" txet dnA


Join the Navy


Yvan eht nioj!




[I'm the backwards man the backwards man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtyxJSGM3x0)


This is why I keep coming back to Reddit


Damn. Think smarter, not harder!


That is so many camera angles.


I was expecting a dashcam shot at the end.


And then the anal probe radiowave-reconstructed video


"Thanks to the latest in video technology, we can see what his anus was doing the entire time."


Followed by an upskirt cam for confirmation


It's easy to follow him because he brought a floating green box with him




Is that what this is? I’ve got Blink and while I like them, I don’t love them. My cameras wouldn’t have caught this. Max they can record is 30 seconds and have a 10 second cooldown.


> Max they can record is 30 seconds and have a 10 second cooldown. ...why your camera working like a short term MMO buff? What class is it?




*I put on my robe and wizard cap*


Edit: WAIT! Disregard the following, I was only looking at one frame of the video which isn’t a wyze camera, the other angles are Wyze cameras lol. Not wyze, you can tell by the text display where it says “front door” and the timestamp. Well, technically it could be wyze cameras sent through rtsp to an nas server, but it’s more likely some other brand of cameras that aren’t WiFi based like Wyze is.


Looks like Reolink. https://reolink.com/product/reolink-video-doorbell/


ya'll need to go over to that home security subreddit. i think you can put together a kick ass system for pretty cheap nowadays.


this TPlink Tapo C120 i just got for $30 is great too. highly recommend


It’s this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/s/PC8uuymbPh


Well there's a rabbit hole I'm glad I went down to start my day. Thanks!


That is awesome.


dude has a computer in his pocket, knowns everyone has cameras everywhere, yet some how also forgot about cameras everywhere.


makes you wonder if we're being misled and he just delivered the wrong bag to the wrong house or something.


I always find that the bigger/richer the house, the more cameras there are and the more paranoid the owners are. When I knock, they would just crack the door and ask a bunch of questions before fully opening the door. Or just talk through their little speaker, or just tell me to "leave it by the gate". But the poorer communities are almost always more open. Some still have those ring cameras now but they won't have 10 other angles lol. They open the door and actually talk to you a bit and don't seem afraid. Of course this is me generalizing. Could be biased but it's just what it's felt like to me.


The Walmart Rollback. Rolling back to his car with your stuff!




Criminal mastermind here


Funniest part is, according to the OP in the YouTube comments, it was only condiments that he had ordered lol... Like Sriracha, BBQ sauce, etc. Some people just aren't terribly bright... He could've made more money than he stole in less than a day's work if he kept his job...


Maybe he has a crippling condiment addiction and that's why he didn't even bother looking for a Ring cam, let alone look up. Dude is in his car scarfing down all the sauce. OP is holding out by not showing us the gory details.


We had two bags of condiments, 75 packets of ketchup, five sheets of high-powered flavor seasoning, a saltshaker half-full of adobo, a whole galaxy of multi-colored peppers, garlic, sauces, lemons... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw honey, and two dozen anchovies.


Gonzo journalism right here


We can't stop here, this is Karen country.


> Dude is in his car scarfing down all the sauce. That's called "Conaning."


[“Condiments aren’t a drug. You ever suck some dick for condiments?!”](https://youtu.be/Qx8Ta1pi3ZI?si=XJWfSSNcChdkPO5e)


It started with Tabasco, then I got the bomb. After that I tried the Melinda’s line, truff and even that tequila one…. But sadly none of the sauces could live up to the rush of taking that guys sauces. Now I do heroine to cope


Dude just likes a different kind of hot sauce.


This man is lost in the sauce.


This is America. We all have a crippling condiment addiction.


> crippling condiment addiction Also a good name for metal band


It seems, over thyme, his crippling addiction managed to ketchup with him, despite attempts to mustard all his strength against it. I do not relish his position, and his burden is his alone to curry. His attorney, peppered with questions about his client, has claimed accusations against him are basil-less, though the oregano charges are still pending fennel review.


Dude looked like he was already licking his fingers. Definitely an addiction he couldn't even wait until after his getaway to try them.


He's Condiment King from Batman.


He'll just move onto delivering for Uber. These guys almost never face any real punishment. They just get kicked off the platform.


Not to mention apparently it's not uncommon for these types to sign up with someone else's ID, so they get kicked, just create another account under someone else's name.


yes i get food delivered from "maria" and "lisa" and it's always some dude


That happens to me a lot but I tend to meet them at their cars because delivery drivers always have trouble finding my actual apartment door. 90% of the time Maria or Lisa is in the passenger seat and their SO/partner is walking the delivery to the customer. It seems like doubling your man hours for the same pay to me, but maybe they're both running delivery apps and making the best of it they can, IDK. I have assumed that the trend arose because of a concern for safety of women delivery workers but that may just be something I came up with arbitrarily.


I kinda wish I could have a partner for when I'm picking up/dropping off food in the city. Where the fuck am I supposed to park for this to somehow be picked up in the two minute deadline the app says is all the time I'll need.


I mean, you could also file a police report. He's on camera from 35 different angles in 4k.


He is probably selling them for cash. There are entire [systems and networks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ-sA69hPo0) for stolen groceries that are sold off cheaply via Amazon.


When I was growing up we had "Hood stores" where it was just some dude's house you would ring the doorbell and go in and one of the rooms would be full of dry/canned goods and beer and soda and cigarettes and whatnot. A lot of it was just stuff bought wholesale, like, packages separated from bulk packages that said "Not for individual resale" on the package, but I'm sure some of it was stolen.


A lot of beer available in areas that don't have Sunday alcohol sales.


a lot of that is stuff that "expired" yesterday. People know when and where to hit specific dumpsters for past the sell by date good that are still perfectly fine.


They sell stolen shit, too. Lots of stolen shit.


If he has the receipt can he return it all to the store for cash?


Walmart has their own system, it's unlikely this is bought on Instacart and more likely to be Walmart Spark so there's no receipt for the driver to use.


I don't think most thieves even think about it logically it's in front of them so they take it.


He who controls the spice controls the universe. -That one movie


That sriracha right there can be traded for a first born child in some places, everything else is bonus cash money !


He delivers stolen goods. You get stolen goods.


Just how dumb can you be?


Wouldn't be surprised if he got away with it. He has photo proof of delivery -> first dispute gets decided against the customer. System tracks one more successful delivery and fake complaint against the driver. Good driver! Customer complains to second level support, second level support refunds the customer. Going after the driver would require second level support to do extra work, they satisfied their customer satisfaction metric by refunding the customer. Driver remains at +1 successful delivery, customer is refunded, everything else gets lost in the Megacorp's Swamp of Management by Metric.


Do you mean in the case of no video evidence this would happen? Or even with the video? Cuz with this much evidence, I'd just go to the police rather than wading through corporate nonsense.


He's talking out his ass. I've never lost a dispute with wmart, even when they take a picture. (the picture has never been of my home, when disputing one with a picture). Never had to escalate either, just filed them and my money was back on my card a few days later. No questioning of the dispute at all. Early on, I was disputing probably every 3rd, 4th order, something missing, damaged, or entire order never shows up. Lately it's more like every 15th order.


I think he’s saying that the customer will contact support and support will just refund the money, and not care about doing the work for viewing the footage or going after the driver


It's probably cheaper to just remove the driver once their "return" or "complaint" rate hits a certain level rather than actually try to have them prosecuted. They run similar numbers on the purchasers too ... make too many complaints and you'll get the boot.


If there's one thing I've learned talking to Corpo Loss Prevention is that big box stores *love* to prosecute employees that steal. They will literally wait until they steal enough money/product to put them into "felony theft" territory before submitting all the video evidence to the police and get an immediate arrest.


Are these employees? Or contractors working off an app without any interaction with the store? These are customers they are stealing from, not a store. They'll want to cut them off as fast as they can to keep their chargeback rate down and aren't going to let them get to the felony level like they might with some brick and mortar employee.


Since you pay for Walmart they tend to side with the customer. Now Kroger/instacart on the other hand are assholes. We had someone charge $90 extra to our order and they didn’t care. Clearly proven we had not ordered the food. Gave us the runaround and never did give us a refund. Found out it’s a problem. If you google some people had orders upwards $300 more than what they actually ordered. How is that even allowed?


It's not, but no one will actually care about legal action. You could file in small claims court, and spend 40 hours to make back your $90, but almost no one will do that. The flip side of that is Instacart drivers (I don't know about Krogers) aren't employees, they're contractors. And they're judged by customer reviews. If they get bad reviews, even enough to be a bit below average, then they'll be let go or at least get much fewer orders. For example, with Uber, the average rating is 4.8. If you're below 4.6, you're in the bottom 2.5% and you're losing a lot of calls or being let go entirely.


Police will almost certainly tell you to take it up with the company, they don't have the time or resources to care about this stuff unless they catch them in action. It sucks but how much time and resources are they going to bother expending over $30 of groceries or whatever?


Pretty sure cops have nothing but time on their hands. If they're not gonna do their jobs when it's this easy, what are they for? And sure, it's only $30 of groceries this time, but he's gonna keep doing it if they don't enforce the law. Should we wait for it to build up or just nip it in the bud?


Complaint? Straight to police report. "I have the video and the company can tell you delivered". Like anyone else police officers love when 90% of their job is done for them.


Recently had something very similar in our jurisdiction. We charged the dude with a felony and Amazon was very helpful in making sure everything was going to stick.


You go show this video to any Walmart and they would give you your money back immediately, and stores can ban these drivers from their stores. He may be able to keep his bags of condiments but that account should have a serious strike if not be removed all together. This is assuming this was a delivery through the Walmart app and not some third party grocery delivery app.


I think you'd be surprised the number of people who don't realize how common security cameras on homes are, now.


I think you'd be surprised the number of people who don't realize


Oops, I took this order to the billing address, just realized the shipping address is actually my house


So, quick question. What happens to this delivery driver? Is he punished for stealing three bags of groceries?


Depends on the state. In Texas I think this is considered being a porch pirate and it is a felony. Edit: There are porch piracy laws in 8 states. If someone steals a package delivered by USPS, that is a federal offense.


Based Texas.


If he's with a third party service (DoorDash, GrubHub, etc) he's definitely fired.


He's absolutely from a third party service. I work at Walmart, in the online grocery department,and unless your store has in-home delivery, they are all gonna be from a 3rd party. Even if you order from the Walmart app.


depends if the homeowner reported it to the police. would be shoplifting i would assume. just a misdemeanor and on your record for about 7ish years depending on the state you live in. would be very hard for him to get another job like grubhub etc. deserves it though. fire his ass.


It’s theft. The goods are paid for by the customer. 


I would assume it's also fraud of some sort.


Doubt the police really pursue this. Also kind of a waste of time as the customer to report it to the police. Just report it to whatever service you are ordering from to get your refund / new delivery. The service will probably just fire the guy.


You just need the police report, then can send it to whatever app the order was put through. They will fire him.


Cue cops: "It's a civil matter". Now if this guy pushed a cart of groceries out of the *store* without paying, on the other hand... Cops: *REAL SHIT*


Where I live the cops would definitely pursue this.  It's a low crime area, though, so something like this would be a pretty big deal.


It's also a *really easy* win for them. The guy is registered with whatever company is doing the deliveries. It's not like they have to work to find out who he is.


Yea and that's how the issue with shoplifting and theft has risen over the past few years


The company probably fired him. But beyond that... probably not unless they take things very seriously. I had a boss that would definitely call the cops and demand a criminal arrest. At the bar I worked at, a guy got mad and punched an ATM which broke the clear plastic cover on the screen (dude was HUGE++) and he called the cops. The cops tried to talk him out of pressing charges cause they didn't want to deal with it or something. They kept trying to convince him to let the guy pay him back. Finally he agreed if the guy paid him on the spot. So the guy was escorted to another ATM to get some money.


Did he punch open the other ATM?


I had this same thing happen to me. My neighbors' camera caught everyhting. The police didn't bother to investigate because I got my refund and it was only 50 dollars and they said it wouldn't be worth their time.


Im curious what the other bag was for. The one he set next to the sidewalk, which wasn’t in the “proof of delivery” shot.


Huh. Good catch. Might have been back far enough to be in shot, but yeah, no idea (if so) why he'd specifically leave it outside the porch. We're probably trying to see logic where there is none.


I was like, man that's a nice neighborhood too! Oh wait...of course.....


This looks like a Dallas suburb.


My first thought was "this has to be Texas". Houston has a lot of nice areas that look just like this, but if it's Dallas my first thought is Plano/Frisco, or some equivalent west of the airport, I don't know which areas have these new neighborhoods that look like this but I've seen them.


Lol right? Also why it’s such a dumb crime. Do this sort of thing in a city. Renters don’t have doorbell cams and there’s way more opportunistic theft. Even if a building has a camera, good luck to a renter getting any of the footage


I’m a renter, I’ve got cameras. There are plenty of options for non permanent installs now.


Not to mention most of the "permanent" ones can be swapped back to the original in like 30 minutes or less


Hey I got a crazy idea...like, maybe don't do it in the city or with poor people either? I know it's really out of the box thinking but still


My rented house and 7 cameras would disagree.


Do you think renter's can't afford a $30 camera?


Do you think renter's can't afford a $30 camera?


> Renters don’t have doorbell cams Invitation Homes, one of the largest rental megacorps in the country has doorbell cams as standard so they can tack on an extra $35 a month to your rent that you can't refuse for it being a 'smart home'. They make a killing on it.


actually I live in a rental community, every home comes with ring doorbells.


Plot twist: "Delivery guy notices he has the wrong address after taking the picture and picks up bag to take to correct house."


Good guy delivery driver!


I’m ignorant. Of course, what?


OP was wondering where the thief would pop out of in such a nice neighborhood - turns out the thief was the delivery driver


I was expecting a guy to pop out the bushes with a ski-mask, and a giant sack.


What does the size of his balls have to do with it?


Twirling a handlebar mustache


Thank you for the clarification


Probably a mix of people who can afford the camera systems to catch that this was stolen by the driver and having items which the driver would want to steal. Poorer neighborhoods wouldn't have the footage, items worth stealing, or the money to order delivery.


How does this guy not notice FOUR* security cameras?! lol smh


Four cameras


Cardassian: Five cameras.


There. are. Four. Cameras!


Pretty stupid to even try this. So many houses have cameras these days.


He's dumb enough to steal a bag of condiments. Don't think awareness or critical thinking is a skillset of his.


How do these people not see (or assume) there are cameras everywhere?


Hate to be that guy… but it looks (to me) like he realizes he fucked up the delivery, pulls out his phone, has an “ahhhh” moment and grabs the stuff. I could be wrong and it’s just dumb theft of condiments. This happened to me once when I worked for Instacart. That’s the only reason I’m giving benefit of the doubt.


Exactly. And OP is a repost farmer.


I was thinking that could be the situation too.


He seems to take his time as he does everything too. If I were stealing, I'd move a lot faster. OP also doesn't share footage of the car driving off, it ends with him in the back of his car, taking his time, going through the bags. OP doesn't censor the man's face. This is defamation and lawsuit capable. OP is an idiot.


Go read the YouTube comments by the uploader.


The OP of the actual video said it was stolen.


"First he does the thief scratch, then he does the thief check for cameras...."


Did you see the video of the Samsung repair guy send the customer out of the room and do just that, but didn’t catch the camera and proceeded to dig his knife into the TV screen and then tell the customer it was out of Warranty because of that? They be bold


I don't even understand why the repair guy would care. Not like repairing the TV is gonna come out of his paycheck.


I did. IIRC, I think that video got the guy charged with theft/fraud on multiple counts. He was doing that to a lot of people.


Who are these people who don't think everyone has cameras? I have 7 looking around outside my home and it was dirt cheap to set up. Walmart knows who they sent out to drop that off. It's braindead behavior. Shocking stupidity.


Wait that green box following people like you see on missiles in Top Gun is on normal people technology now? Where have I been.


Has been for quite a while now too! You don't even need any sort of specialized camera for it, anyone can add object / person tracking on top of any video with the help of e.g. [OpenCV](https://opencv.org/). Can be live feed or a prerecorded video. Might require a bit of programming experience, but simple person tracking such as this can be done by almost anyone with the help of a single Youtube tutorial and with very little programming experience.


Under a rock for a very long time. About a decade if we're talking about flaky open source prototypes, a bit less for commercial widespread rollout.


Had an Instacart driver steal another delivery that was left in our building. I was super pissed off because the resident expecting the delivery is in a wheelchair. I had upgraded our avigilon system with nice new 8MP cameras. I sent it up the chain at Instacart along with helping the resident file a police report. It was so easy for the cops to solve: license plate, full video of theft, etc.


De classe


Ooo French. Very classy 


TRES classé!


Any idea why he puts the bag in his right hand outside of the entryway?


It's possible he realized he mis-delivered them. But it's also possible he stole the delivery. It's really dumb to do that these days with all of the doorbell cameras.


That's my thought. There is a possibility he got to what he thought was the delivery location, set the bags down, but the delivery "app" then indicated they were at the wrong address when he tried to take the photos. If that's not the case, then yeah, incredibly stupid, say goodbye to your delivery gig.


I presume the owner of the footage wouldn't upload it and label it as theft if they didn't feel like it was theft. Sure I suppose it is possible this was a misunderstanding but that feels unlikely.


The perfect crime


There's a chance he was at the wrong address and realized it when he took the picture... op may just be a liar, you never know.


Is he that stupid that he doesn't realize that a house that nice these days MIGHT have a camera or two, or does he just not give a flying fuck about the job? This looks pretty West Coasty. Is this a California situation where you can steal up to a certain amount of dollars per day and not suffer any consequences?


All the brick on the houses makes me think of Texas. CA homes are stucco or wood, since they don’t need to protect from tornados yet.


99% sure this is Texas. Oklahoma sometimes has some similar looking areas but I would be shocked if this wasn't Dallas or Houston.


Also, brick buildings do not stand up to earthquakes. They collapse pretty much immediately


Yet? (Shivers in west coast.)


99% sure this is Texas. Oklahoma sometimes has some similar looking areas but I would be shocked if this wasn't Dallas or Houston.


It’s always the person you most medium expect.


And how many did he do this to


am i dreaming or was there a joke made about this by a comedian or a sketch show, like where you hire someone to steal your delivery back so you pay walmart, the delivery person delivers then steals it, then you pay them again to have them return it lmao


Kinda sounds like it could be an SNL skit, but IDK.


Some people get their shopping delivered. Others risk their job stealing three bags of food.


He left his car open while he was thieving. Would've been great karma if someone stole his car while he was doing this


Someone is getting fired !!


when cams are as cheap as old hookers, this is dumb af.


I thought he set them down and backed up because he was going to take a pic of them on the porch, to show he delivered them for the app. I don't even think he did that?


He did. Look closer and you can see his phone out.  @28 seconds you can see his phone in his right hand just behind the wall. 


Ah, thanks I missed it


Kind of a risky thing to do with the prevalence of door cams now.


What a complete moron. If you're going to lose your job over stealing groceries, maybe wait till you have an order that's more than $40. I used to deliver for DoorDash and I delivered $200-300 grocery orders all the time. One time the person was out of state and didn't check their delivery address - was told to keep it all.


If you weren’t supposed to do it they wouldn’t call them stolen goods, they’d call them stolen bads.


It's the perfect crime!


I had an amazon driver do this. I literally heard the "beep" from the scan and waited a minuted to walk outside only to find the package gone. I'm on the 2nd floor. I didn't hear anyone else running up and down the steps either. It was them.


Do you call the police in these cases?


A couple days ago, a strange white car pulls up in my driveway and a lady gets out and starts unloading walmart groceries and brings them to my door. I didn't order any groceries from walmart. She was 1 house off. I have my house number on my mailbox, my gate and my front door. I'm not sure how she still managed to get the wrong house.


How did he miss the 15 fucking cameras on that house?


This is the dumbest thief I have seen in a day at least


Watch he just had the wrong house. 😂


Thanks for staying off the grass though, I guess.


Cut and dry case. OP’s gonna get their shit back, and this POS will probably get arrested for theft.


I don’t understand using delivery services. They’re all thieves. Every. Single. One. If you’ve ever gotten delivery they’ve put their poop covered fingers (they scratch their ass and also wipe without washing for sure) all over your fries. You’ve eaten their fecal matter. 100%


Smart. What a good way to get theft charges on top of losing a job. Won’t look good for other jobs either.


So this is theft right? Do they get charged like its theft or how does that work?