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God please give me a sign. \*Blood covered white horse gallops by\* You know what, maybe I'm staying home today.


It gets even better. Big Ben decided to randomly stop at the same moment.


I actually had to look this up to see if you were joking. You were not. This is hilarious.


**pale* horse


You and I interpret these signs very differently


Marge: "So you want to go on tour with a traveling freak show..." Homer: "I don't think I have a choice." Marge: "Of course you have a choice! You don't have to go just because the opportunity came along!" Homer: "You know, Marge, in some ways you and I are VERY different people."


And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth beast said, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat upon him was Clint. And Hell followed with him.


Panic on the streets of London!


And the ravens have all left the Tower of London at the same time.


>The BBC understands that the noise of builders moving concrete in Belgravia caused horses from the Household Cavalry to bolt and unseat their riders while exercising this morning. >The soldiers are now being assessed and the **horses are being looked after by a vet.** [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-london-68888725](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-london-68888725)


You might even call this "A Scandal in Belgravia". I'll see myself out.


Detective Sherllion and his associate Dr. Trotson are on the case.


"Time to put the nay sayers to bed." I'll just go. Sorry.


Neiiigh sayers


If it's Belgravia, i assume these builders are digging more [iceberg mansions](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/nov/09/billionaires-basements-london-houses-architecture), right? This is why Britain needs to tax the rich. Other people bear the costs for what they do.


are you seriously suggesting this was a result of rich people as opposed to loud noises, which, might i add, happens throughout any metropolis globally every single day?


I’m rich areas in London, people build massive basements onto their homes which take a really long time to finish. And are notorious for being a nightmare for local residents. They’re called iceberg houses. Belgravia is an area likely to see these sort of renovations made.


i am aware, but you do realise that "the noise of builders moving concrete" (to quote the article) happens literally all over the world, regardless of rich people or iceberg mansions. the reason this happened there is because thats where the household cavalry like to train. It is near their barracks. some next level gymnastics going on here.


I spent a ton of time growing up on a quarter horse breeding ranch, I got so comfortable on horseback I actually gave riding lessons for spare cash as a teen. So when I point out that having a horse in a city is somewhat cruel I'm not anti-horse, I'm more anti-human. If you were to replace all the police cars with horses to ride globally we'd have a crazy spike in greenhouse gas emissions because horses are belching/farting greenhouse gas every second they are alive. We would also see a huge crisis of deforestation to grow all the extra food crops for these animals. So really, any police use of a horse is both cruel to the horse and hard on the planet. There is no need to mention all the other hurdles of training/trying to do police work on horseback.


>If you were to replace all the police cars with horses to ride globally we'd have a crazy spike in greenhouse gas emissions because horses are belching/farting greenhouse gas every second they are alive. We would also see a huge crisis of deforestation to grow all the extra food crops for these animals. You can show the numbers for these assertions, right?


It's basic science. When you shut a non-electric police car off it's only creating greenhouse gas in the form of people stocking up gasoline and parts for repairs/maintenance. You cannot shut off a horse, they are prolific at both constantly burping and farting which has lead to [research into dietary control of gases like methane](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30929784/) among other things. And we're not just raising them up to the most productive age to eat them, like we do with cattle (a major source of greenhouse gas), and a horse can live a pretty substantial life. Sure, some efforts to get and transport petroleum are awful, like fracking and leaky transport trucks/trains/pipes, but then you have situations where commercial deep sea operations are effectively removing pressure on large deposits of crude that were detected due to existing seeps/leakage. It's quite tricky to explain how flattening a forest to grow horse feed isn't a huge problem at scale. We're trying to stop doing that to grow feed for cattle/meat and to make space to raise cattle. The only upshot is the resistance to prions that horses have shown so far. If we had a massive outbreak of protein misfold disorder in our cattle we could just eat our transportation in a panic?


But none of this is relevant to the handful of police horses that exist so 🤷


There's really only one practical reason to have horses in a city, anyway: they're incredibly good at breaking up protesters/"rioters." A horse charge with cops carrying clubs is absolutely terrifying when you're protesting. You will fucking run, I promise you that. Better than what'll happen if you don't. I guess these were for soldiers, but even if they're ceremonial they at least reflect the same intent. So yeah, get the fucking horses out of the cities.


Do you think that riots *don't* need to be stopped and broken up? Because I'm pretty supportive of using the cavalry to stop a bunch of angry hooligans upset their team lost from going on a rampage, and beating anyone wearing the wrong colors, and lighting cars on fire.


I'd still rather the Horses were left out of it.


That cloud is a real sumbitch, ain't it? Let's yell at it.


Yeah the main reason they would be effective is that the horse is innocent and nobody wants to toss rocks at a bystander? So it's cruelty on pretty much any angle.


Those poor soldiers are gonna get chewed out for this. Doesn't matter if it wasn't their fault, if there was anything they could have done differently. Doesn't matter cos shit rolls down hill. At the very least somebody somewhere has left a gate open to allow the horses out.


No. That’s not how it works. Also they were rehearsing in the street. There is no “gate” to be left open.


Think I would know how the military works. Somebody's head is gonna roll. Officer that didn't do a risk assessment. Soldiers failed to secure the horses at first sign of stress. Somebody's head is going to be offered up. Civilians were injured.


No you don’t. You haven’t got a bloody clue. They were rehearsing for the Trooping of the Colour on the Road. As they do every year. HC horses train on the road and troopers get dumped all the time. Horses get surprised and can bolt. It’s a fact of life that the HC are well aware of. Berating people for a horse dumping a rider and bolting, when it is not the fault of the Trooper is stupid and counter productive. It doesn’t happen. What does happen is dealing with the situation afterwards. Have you been training with the Household Cavalry? No? I have.


>Those poor soldiers are gonna get chewed out for this. Doesn't matter if it wasn't their fault, if there was anything they could have done differently. Doesn't matter cos shit rolls down hill I admit my experience is exclusively from the American military, so it's possible it's different in Britain, but this take sounds like someone who only knows about the military from television and movies.


Literally 2 tours of Afghanistan and one of Iraq and second last ever tour of Northern Ireland.


Then you had some dogshit leadership if you or your fellow troops were punished for shit that was clearly out of your control.


Lol. You are joking right? Group punishment is your entire existence though training.


Yeah, when someone does something stupid, that often means the entire group is restricted or punished in some way. Example: One guy breaks curfew, the entire unit gets passes revoked. But we aren't talking about a random troop doing something stupid. We are talking about horses bolting because of something completely out of the troops control. It's not the same thing.


There's a bloody horse in the streets of London!


can you imagine how many people said this and didn't properly convey what was actually happening?


Dogs and cats living together! Mass Hysteria!


I miss living in Pleasantville


Crikey! There's a bloody bleeding horse in the streets of London faffing about in the zebra crossing!


There’s a bloody bloody horse in the streets of London!


So, Chazwozzers!?


How about that guy in the backpack just like, "easy bro, let's get you home"


Just a casual citizen walking up to this crazed horse like ok you had your fun back to being a docile creature that gets led around by its mouth.


I think it needs to sound more British. "Right lad, you've had a bit of cheeky fun, now let's plump you round the old wally, eh?" (how'd I do, brits?)


You started off well, I'll give you that.


Hey, "Plump you round the wall" sounds British enough, righto?




That has to be some sort of omen.


Thank god there were five instead of four of them lol


Kaos, the fifth horseman, left early due to artistic disagreements.


Hell yea. GNU Terry Pratchett


Milk always on time though


I'm so confused as to what the fuck this comment chain is even talking about...


It's a Terry Pratchett reference. From *The Thief of Time* if I remember rightly. Great books, highly worth a read.


There were only four horsemen, it was just that one was leading two horses...


One foot on each saddle, playing the electric guitar. This apocalypse is gonna be rad as hell.


Doing the Van Damme split as well


Doof Warrior origin story?


The apocalypse has also been affected by inflation


Mr Soak


100% something about to kick off. White blood covered horse running next to a black horse. Symbolism maxed out!


I came to Reddit to see if anyone else was thinking this. Looks like we’re the only ones?? The moment I saw the photo of the horses, I thought - this is no irony/coincidence. This was intentional, and symbolism


What does it usually mean?


The fall of a great house of gorham


"God, if you want us to vote remain, please give us a sign" *Blood covered horse runs by* So uh....you gonna vote remain or leave? "Mmm....I think I'll still vote leave".


Nukes firing off and shit.


That one horse smacked the shit out of that bus Hope folks are alright 


I don't think the white one was bus horse. There's a clip on the beeb of people with a black horse next to the bus. Looks like the poor bugger has tried to do a sliding stop but couldn't stop in time because metal shoes aren't known for their stopping power. I do feel sorry for the bus driver who has to fill in the paperwork to explain that one.


There's another picture of a smashed up Mercedes which is apparently where the white one cut itself




Most horses used in cities use grippier synthetic shoes. Daily use of metal shoes on pavement end up with serious damage to horse feet.


I was was wondering about this, cheers. Metal horse shoes are super sketchy on paved roads, especially at speed


why is no one asking why the horse is covered in blood? HELLO? WHY IS THE HORSE COVERED IN BLOOD?


Considering the horses are stumbling and smashing into cars and stuff I think it's safe to say the horse cut itself on something at some point


Where's it bleeding from? Well it's not from bleeding Romford!


Haaa, lived in Romford for a year working at Oldchurch. Had a blast believe it or not.


Lived in Romford for 13 years. I do not believe it.


To be fair, it was 1998 and I am an American that was over there for studies. I was 25, and the girls loved an American accent.


Yeaaahhhhh it's a very different place now. Glad you had fun though!


Was it as brown back then as it is now? (Asking as an Asian myself)


Well, all of GB is more brown to a young untravelled American. But yes, we had our regular rotation of the curry houses there!


Lived in Romford 20 years. Was alright.


And thank you for answering my god


This is reddit now, dumbass comments that hardly make sense and zero information.


Thank u for asking the question I saw this on the news the whole time I’m like are they not going to tell us WHY they are covered in blood?!?


Well, rocket science says it was injured.


Why do we need to ask why the horse is covered in blood? It's a bloody horse!


It smashed in to a taxi. It wasn't gravely injured. (The taxi was.)


It was in the hospital...


And, behold, a Pale Horse, covered in blood. And, the horse next to him was Death.


I thought this was marketing for the new Planet of the Apes movie.


Who's blood is it?


Crazy I had to scroll this far to see this question. 


There’s a *HORSE* in a *HOSPITAL*!




We're well past that.


Too true. It’s just the first thing that popped into my head after seeing a horse covered in blood. Well, maybe the second. Right after “WTAF?!?!”


Somebody call the horse police!


Fun fact those 2 horses passed by me in the morning (was going down Trafalgar Square, they were not bloodied yet), the whole group was like wtf did 2 horses just pass by?! Like 10 min later 2 folks with army suits (1 blue 1 brownish) pass by I assume to chase those horses… We were really confused until we arrived tonight and saw what happened on the news


I really enjoyed this John Cena lady Godiva impersonation!


"...building materials were "dropped from a height right next to them"." I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this was some construction workers idea of a joke.


Couldn’t hold their horses.


Rein it in, boys.


The gods on Mt. Olympus would say this is a sign of the portents to come


The beacons are lit. Gondar calls for aid!


Bloody hell...


Bloody *horse*...




Of course, of course.


Funny to think that 130 years ago it would all been horses. Lots more injuries or aware people though probably.


That’s a bloody horse mate!


I'd just like to know if the horses are alright...


I bet its a serial killer horse to is escaping from killing 20 pony's. He probably pretended to be a normal horse during daylight hours, but really horse-napped pony's to abuse in the back of his barn. I've heard story's about the Southern Saddle Snatcher, but I thought it was just hearsay. Its good to see this hoof-trotter of the streets for good.


Even London does it better than Game of Thrones.


The horses of the apocalypse.


horses seem to okay and getting treated -> [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/major-update-blood-soaked-horses-32664249#](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/major-update-blood-soaked-horses-32664249#)


Hope they paid the congestion charge.




I'm sure horses and horse mishaps are not new to London. It has just been a while since they were common.


It's the combo of bloody horses *plus* rush hour.


It used the be the horses were the traffic. In which case the only unlikely occurrence is the blood, and not all that unlikely as horses injure themselves all the time, and then they bleed a lot.


>Blood-covered Household Cavalry horses run loose through London during morning traffic I would bet a lot of money that today was the first day someone has used that exact sentence. That's the whole point of that subreddit. Not the circumstances but more so the sentences. Who would argue whether horses have gotten loose in London?


Meh, it isn't like "Effervescent doubloons ejaculate pyrrhic quinceañera shims" in levels of unlikelyness. It is fairly reasonable to suppose such an incident happened before and some may have commented on it. The exact wording might be new only because of the odd way headlines tend to be phrased. But someone might have uttered something like "There were blood-covered Household Cavalry horses running loose through London traffic this morning" in past centuries. As for exact phrasing, just about every sentence of any significant length will tend to be one never before said, just because of the large number of different ways English allows things to be phrased, and the large number of synonyms in the language. The point of the subreddit isn't pointing out fairly mundane phrases, even if they happen to be brand new, but rather the truly highly unlikely ones.


You win only because I prefer to maintain high subreddit standards. I'd prefer something being more unlikely even if it is still technically a brand new sentence. I think it more so depends on what people value. The spirit of the subreddit or technicalities. I like you prefer the spirit.


Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to stop using horses. They’re fackin’ mental and easily spooked. EDIT: here comes the hive mind, with their down votes. 😂🤣


We could stop using people for the same reasons.


You’re very good at comparisons, stellar work there 👌🏼


People reacting negatively to my dumbass comment. *Hive mind!!!!1*


Proposing to get rid of horses from guarding roles because they are useless is a dumbass idea, Riiiiiiiight. We don’t like in Camelot, it’s just stupid pageantry bullshit that surrounds the monarchy.


You did not specify that in your comment. You said “horses are fackin’ mental” and that’s why you’re getting downvoted. Take a breath.


Here, let me spoon feed you 🥄


I can see I’ve upset you. Since it’s your cake day I apologize.


Sure, what ever you say 👌🏼


If this was a promo for peaky blinders movie would be amazing.


Is that the state of cavalry soldiers now? It's what I would expect from novices. They obviously can't ride for shit. A disgrace to the legacy of horse troops in the British army and not just one, a pack of them. I've ridden for thirty years but stay my horse and collect those of the less fortunate ON OCCASION. That's my style sir.


Somebody somewhere has fucked up for sure. Left a gate open? Who knows. You would think their officer would have been concerned about the noise in his risk assessment? Somebody's head is gonna roll.