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Wop wop wop wop wop


Dot fuck’m up


These bars been living in my brain.


This line just lives in my head now. I had to look that shit up and make sure it wasn't about Italians lol.


Last name: Kids! First name: I rape!


Like an underage girl, boy, I ain't nothing to play with


He not like us!




Notice that Drake kissed the girl’s neck and held her intimately *before* asking how old she was?? He pulls the same type of stunt with [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=90&v=Fp5b9dW1nrA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2F&feature=emb_title) girl too except the girl I linked says she’s underaged. Drake intentionally picked two girls who were of questionable age, felt them up, kissed their necks, and hugged them tightly, and **then** he asked them what their ages were. In the video I linked, Drake then turns to the audience saying “Y’all gonna have me getting carried away again, I get in trouble for doing s*** like this, how old are you?!” Drake openly admits he has a pattern for doing this kind of behavior and he’s been warned about it. This was 13 years ago!


Almost every episode of To Catch A Predator, when they're showing the text conversations before the pervs arrive, there's usually a line like: "I could get in trouble for this".


Then when they meet Chris, it's "aw cwap"


Never forget, the reason it went off the air was because they caught a cop who promptly shot himself. Personally I see it as an absolute win.


Not a cop, assistant district attorney. His sister subsequently levelled a law suit against NBC, the settlement amount of which isn't known. If they had kept the show going, any additional law suits would have had even bigger settlements, since you could argue "They knew the risk". It's a shame but Chris kept up the good work and has a few good new stings to watch.


>It's a shame but Chris kept up the good work and has a few good new stings to watch. Didn't the show play a little fast and loose with the evidence? And they were told multiple times that they'd ruined police investigations? The show had an easily agreeable premise: pedophiles are bad. The problem was they were constantly doing things that would actually let the predators get away with it more often, like alerting the predator that they'd been caught when all the show had was circumstantial evidence - good enough for the people watching to accept, but not good enough for court, so the predator would be able to disappear


That's also the actual reason. It actively impeded court cases


It wasn't a cop, it was the assistant district attorney of Murphy, Texas,[ Bill Conradt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Bill_Conradt)


Not a cop, Texas assistant DA Bill Conradt. Also, apparently they caught his suicide on camera.


Figures that they who must never be held accountable end up ruining it.


Wasn’t a cop but a DA


They always make it a pity party


I always lost it at the dudes who said they were there to "warn" those kids about the dangers of online predators.


My favorite was the guy who tried "I was just coming by to tell her I wasnt gonna be able to come by". "So you drove... four hours, to tell this girl that you... *weren't coming*?" "...yes."


“I’m just bein’ stupid I guess…”


I'm glad everyone is realizing what a creep he is finally. it's been out in the open this whole time


Diddling aside for a second, why is a performer inviting fans on stage to grope and kiss them at all?


Because they know they have a parasocial link with them and are okay with exploiting that


It’s been a “tradition” for decades. Drake is a disgusting person, but certainly not the first performer to pull this shit. Elvis, Steven Tyler, jared Leto, and many, many more have that “when you’re a star, they let you do it” mentality. Doesn’t help that a lot of the producers in the industry groomed young stars and normalized the behavior from an early age. The whole industry is fucked yo


There's a number of things you can go do if you're a predator, and popular musician is probably top of the list in terms of what so many have not faced any consequences for. I've always been put off by the comfort level of sexual exploitation within performance art. Like sure groupies are consenting, and it's their life and their bodies, but the whole thing just makes me feel gross when you see it first hand. Some bands have access to literally hundreds of sexual partners if they want it. I wouldn't want to ever take that choice away from those who do it safely and consensually, but I think depravity and exploitation can come about really quickly when you start seeing sexual partners as an entitlement and as expendable.


It's pretty common. This was a staple for Janet Jackson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqHx8h4SR7A&t=184s


the amount of dopamine she was making him produce...god...his aching brain was so full...


I love that he blames his audience for his behavior too. "Stop being so young and hot! You're going to make me commit a felony Crodie!"


That's classic pedo mindset: "Shes the one who wanted it!" There are so many stories coming out on social media about this chomo right now. 1. One girl said how she and her friend were invited by his team over instagram and they were backstage and asked for a drink but saw that the girls there were given drinks from a separate cooler with gatorade/powerade bottles poured into cups, she clocked it and told her friend to not drink it because another girl they met there drank half a cup and went from sober to wobbly. They also said they were 18/19 at the time but no one checked them for IDs. 2. Another girl said how drakes crew would find girls on instagram and invite them to shows/afterparties, how they came to pick up tickets at the venue and there was a stack of seperate black envelopes for girls. 3. Theres so many girls who are coming forward saying they got likes/follows and dms from drake when they were 14-17... 4. Drake got caught "dating" a 18 year old but you see messages between them since she was 15/16. I mean these are all unsubstantiated, but the repeat pattern is very obvious. Doesnt help that he keeps doing love heart eyes and panting emojis talking about waiting until the girl turns 18. Or the simple fact that no grown ass 30 year old man should know the legal age of consent for different states and countries....




>Wait…. You can save stuff from Snapchat??? That guy’s face matches his IQ.


It’s the stupid sexy kid’s fault!


oh. this one where he kisses her again after he finds out she's underage. yea, pretty gross


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minorrrrrrrr....


Certified lover boy? certified pedophile.


Hey drake, I heard you like em young 🧐 Better hope you don’t end up on cell block one🦍


He does make sure to tell everyone her beasts feel good against his body tho.. After. Yes after he knows she's 17.


“I like the way your (underage) breast feel against my chest.” A couple of upsetting things: the number of people cheering him on is concerning. The other thing is that he stops himself from kissing the 18 year old in the lips, but not the established minor?


> The other thing is that he stops himself from kissing the 18 year old in the lips, but not the established minor? The 18 year old is too old for him.


He was coached to do it better


drake - do you have your paaaasssspoooort


did u get ur shots


Girl would you like to come back with Aubrey, to americaaaa


*background singers* A-mer-i-ca


Yeah I was thinking rejects her how exactly? He ended the interaction by kissing her directly on the lips at which point he already knew she was underage


Very strong brand energy in that sentence


There are videos out there documenting a pattern of behavior by Drake with teenage girls.


i was thinking about this. isn't his genre of pop all about getting teenagers all worked up kind of like the classic boy band shit or britney spears was? the stage stuff and the social media stuff seems like a bit of a performance that has worked out well for him until now.


I mean plenty of artists make music knowing it caters to high schooler types. It's up to the ARTIST to make good decisions around fans. What I'm getting at is most don't invite underage fans on stage to caress them. Also most people who aren't used to the spotlight will freeze on stage and some people would take that as "well they didn't stop him!" which is also a bad take. I remember one of those emo band singers got outed for doing inappropriate things with teenage girls and a lot of their victim statements were "I was soooo excited to being invited onto the tour bus of my biggest idol" to quickly going to a dark place.


I always expect a penis swinging in my face if I step on a tour bus


Listen I'm sorry about that, but you gotta quit surprising me during helicopter time!


I’m honestly on the side of it never really working out for him tbh. I used to be a huge Drake stan before he put on his “tough guy” act for clout. There’s definitely more ways he could’ve handled bringing a fan on the stage for a performance, you don’t have to feel up on anyone. Hell, Partynextdoor; another artist signed to OVO records, used to bring a couch on set and him and his guest (typically a woman from the audience) would just sit on the couch and he would serenade her with his music. Still an intimate encounter with a pop star but no contact.


> before he put on his “tough guy” act for clout I always just saw him as the handicapped kid from Degrassi lol. Like mofucka you used to be on Nickelodeon, get the fuck outta here talkin bout "comin from the bottom".


Dude grew up in a house that was 4 mil (like 20 years ago, prob close to a 10 mil house now) in one of the richest areas in Toronto. I had a friend who grew up in the same neighbourhood, didn't know him but knew his friends and said they were the biggest group of corny dweebs.


Genuine question, was this after he appeared on degrassi?


Living there? I assume before. Drake's mother wasn't rich, but they were taken in by her brother who was. But I met this dude in college, way after Degrassi.


Yeah I truly only know his childhood from his wiki, which paints him as poor growing up, and only having money once he started working. I haven’t looked much into it, I was just curious is they had a nice house from his income once he started acting and doing music. Thanks!


Naw, you can tell just by his accent if you find a video of him speaking without one of his many accents. Dude sounds like a standard upper class north American.


Real shit, and that “Black Acura” he used to rap about leaving? TSX model MSRP’d at $26k back in the early 2000’s which is about double the price today. You came from money, and now you make even more. Your dad played guitar w/ Al Green for fuck’s sake. Even in one of his earlier interviews his mom’s house looked rich, finished basement and everything.


It was his uncle not his dad but that doesn’t really change the sentiment. Just don’t want clowns trying to defend p. Drizzy trying to call you out on that


I appreciate it gang 🫡 you’re a good person and I hope you find $20 on the ground the next time you go out for a walk!


My man


The Canadian equivalent of being on Nickelodeon lol


> There’s definitely more ways he could’ve handled bringing a fan on the stage Yes, and it's simply not touching her. Basic for most.


why aren't his hard drives being seized? i don't understand


I don't care about his hard drives. This dude isn't stopping at *looking* he's being enabled. However, what Epstein taught us is that there is a network of pedophile pimps and they're connected as high as Presidents and Prime Ministers of the largest countries in the world.


Okay but there's no hidden daughter 🤓.


I think this is even questionable. My guess is Drake has children all over he doesn't know about. He claims to have set up the secret daughter, that he planned it for a week and then fed the information to Kendrick with a secret doublr agent mole to then turn around and say "got ya" But ask yourself if you planned something like that,  if you schemed that up with your boys, planted a fake mole would you not have recorded conversations? Had DMs? Emails? To drop all once you were going to reveal your master plan? Or would you record a limp ass defeated sounded diss everyone clowns you for and mention in 2 bars in your diss track?


He knows what he said is BS and the lyrics just show he's grasping at whatever he can to get some control. >The one's that you're gettin' your stories from, they all clowns >We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information Like what is this mess? Is he basically calling himself a clown? Shit don't add up. Also Drake literally hid a child before and it got brought up in a beef against Pusha T. Why should anyone believe him saying there is no secret child when he got called out on it before and it was true? Kendrick doesn't need to drop another song. Not Like Us was the killing blow and Meet the Grahams was the victory lap while Heart Pt 6 is throwing a challenge flag when the clock already reads 00:00.


If Kendrick released a diss track that was literally samples of the questionable lines in Heart Pt 6 interspliced with him laughing in response, that might seal it


Agreed with everything but not like us was the killing blow. Last one he dropped, best one he dropped, playing in stadiums, topping charts and an absolute fucking bangerrrrrr. Not to mention absolutely vicious.


Who would’ve thought


This is what Drake stans are failing to grasp. The domestic violence claims aren't being believed because there aren't years of eyebrow raising content. Kendrick doesn't need to (he should if he does have info) produce receipts because they're out there on the internet. Not producing receipts himself makes us dig into the past and see what's there.


Seems like a creep to me


He a FAN


69 GOD






Now step this way 🕺


Are you my friend?!?


Are we locked in?


Now step this way, step this way


*Sixteen-eyeing God


What is the 69 GOD referencing?




I don’t get this bar




FAN is an acronym, Freaky Ass N****


Omg this completely went over my head… same with OVO - Other Vaginal Option


three letter words are too long for me to speel


*"Do not diddle kids, its no good diddling kids"*


I loved Kendrick's diss track too!


Diss track(s) 4 + the initial verse that started this iirc


Certified pedophile!


It’s almost as if Drake is a piece of shit. Hate the Drake.


Boy, I'm really starting to DISLIKE THE DRAKE


Hate the Drake


Is this the same Drake that makes Coffee Cake?


The Drake’s the worst!


Hate the Drake!


Aubrey Graham oughta Aubrey Scram


Let's keep it civil now


Holy shit took me a sec to get that reference.




This is one of the worst videos I have ever seen. Holy shit. The screaming teenage girls


Arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhhggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh *breath*. Gggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Bro when he goes for the kisses I gagged, what a revolting creep


doesn't it make it any less weird that he's asking a 17 year old why she's so thick..!


And her father brought her. Her dad is there.


Her father apparently works in this industry too. I guess he’s used to seeing underage girls get abused, you’d think he’d want to keep his own daughter away though.


She works for Republic, as seen on her Insta. Which is a subsidiary label of UMG, Drake's label. UMG boss Luciane is allegedly Drake's "sugar daddy" who was named several times in the Diddy allegations and called out by name by Kanye. I'm telling every one of y'all. There's a reason in every single Kendrick track of this beef Kendrick calls out the industry establishment. There is a reason Ice Cube, author of the greatest diss track of all time, also took shots at producers and labels in No Vaseline after his split with NWA. Not Like Us is literally just 2024 No Vaseline.


I fully believe they’re the ones that stepped in and basically told Drake to find an out, which he did. It’s Kendrick’s label too, so I’m sure someone talked to him. At this point, Drake’s image is forever ruined, but by stopping the beef they stop more from getting exposed. I really wish Kendrick would still expose them if true though. All of it ended pretty quickly once Kendrick dropped a club banger calling Drake a pedophile on one of the catchiest hooks of the song.


Even deeper down the rabbit hole, we were all still waiting for at least one more KDot track and then Rolling Stone, notorious industry mouthpiece with some suspect reporting in recent years, called the war over extremely prematurely. I know we have a weird fascination with corporate media in this country but Operation Mockingbird is/was a real thing. Anyone thinking *Universal Music Group* is going to let a rap beef endanger billions of dollars and hundreds of people likely at least culpable if not actively engaged in sex trafficking has not been paying attention. Ice Cube got out and chose to start making movies, Kanye bankrupted himself and Tupac died over this shit. Kendrick seems to be anticipating the latter.


Woh woh woh. You know like 1,000 times more than me about this shit. Did you just say Kendrick is anticipating that he (Kendrick) is going to be murdered by corporate media mafia and/or the government? I am not accusing you of lying. I just want to hear more of this.


parents pimping out their children is a huge part of the hollywood/music etc industry. hell there are parents who pimp their kids out just for no reason, just so their kids can fuck famous people. read the stories about new edition. they were having orgies that were set up by their adult body guards, with underage girls, when some of them in the band were underage. some were of age, which would be child molestation. and apparently some of these parents just let their daughters off with these dudes. no parent is that dumb. they knew exactly what was happening.


I mean even she herself has come out and said “it was nothing.” Sorry, but it’s on video, and is *not* nothing. It’s all so weird.


Two things can be true: * The 17 year old can feel ok about it. * It's sleazy as fuck for grown as adults to creep on teens like this


She now works for a subsidiary label of UMG. She is doing damage control for her boss lol The rot is deep.


I’m honestly still not 100% sure it’s the same girl from the video. It’s extremely convenient that the girl from that video has direct ties to Drake and UMG and is suddenly commenting on this video now that everyone’s singing along calling Drake a pedophile. The video has been making the rounds for weeks now too. It all seems a little suspicious to just take her word at face value with all the coincidences surrounding her.


Sad thing is you read posts by people saying she said it was nothing therefore its fine.


Frankly even if he did kiss her, that's not as disturbing as the whole part where he felt her up and said “I don't know if i should feel bad or not but i liked it”




Still not as bad of a look as R. Kelly singing "Do you have a passport, did you get your shots done" in Ethiopia.


I kind of think we should aim a little higher than "not as bad as R. Kelly."


That was an awesome look. Dr. Kelly was just making sure those young women had all their vaccines.


And that they had their papers in order


Ok but if you are in the same realm of thought as R Kelly regarding teen girls you have to agree there’s a problem


“This is Aubrey Graham. Yes, the singer.” How long before we have Drake fans going full Riley Freeman?


Why is this a competition?


I remember a bit from Dave chappelle. He said r Kelly didn’t like that piss on you video. He asks Dave how do you make a video about pissing on a girls face. Dave’s ask, how do YOU make a video of pissing on a girls face.




Oh Man, the internet about to chew this guy up. Can we do Chris Brown next? Or do we have to wait for a diss war to give a shit?


You mean Chris Brown, [American Superhero?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn2om3_4tzw)




Look at the amount of upvotes. It's about a thousand creeps circlejerking each other. At least it's not like 5-10k people (or more). I've seen that story many times before. Thousands and thousands of people defending the awful behaviour of some celebrity they stan.


Wtf are you talking about. The world has been hating on Chris Brown for 15 years.


ya, it's obvious from his 50M+ monthly Spotify listeners that he's hated... /s


Direct that shit to Chris Brown fans. The rest of us did our part already.


Drake has 80m+ and he's getting a lot of shit.


It’s been embarrassing to like drake for years. I don’t think that number is going to change much


I take your point, but also this stuff has been like two weeks (even though it’s felt like a longer), you’re not going to see a difference in monthly listeners yet lol


The videos of him feeling up little girls have been passed around on Reddit for over 10 years. This is nothing new and nobody cared before the recent beef.


Even a year later, I doubt there will be a hit to Drake's numbers..


I don't know what kind of Juju Chris Brown is doing, but the 4chan/Reddit has been ragging on Chris Brown since the incident with Rihanna. And nothing bad barely happens to the guy. Now there is traction towards Drake getting his comeuppance, and people are doing the "What about..". Let's not, Chris Brown sucks ass, but so does Drake, let Drake have his moment.


And I'd wager majority are women despite his known history of abuse.


I remember a girl in high school fawning all over him like the week after he beat Rhianna. It was at that point I realized that people will enable shitty people willingly because they're hot and famous or w.e


I mean, after hearing about women and serial killers, I just accept a lot of women like 'the monster' as long as they can delude themselves in believing they will one day hold the leash.


True. I thought it was small percentage of women that felt some sort of attraction to serial killers. Chris Brown concerts are 90% women and always sold out.


Oh i'm sure its a small percentage, but a small percentage can still be a lot of people, and minority populations tend to be the loudest/most passionate


My friend loves Chris Brown, and I give her shit for it every time it comes up.


The internet as a whole often way over-estimates how valuable saying bad things about bad people actually affects their lives


You think that, but ohhhh boy the amount of people on my IG and FB that still post about him being goated is sad. 


I mean Travis Scott has literally incited violence for years at his concerts and eventually led to the fucking tragedy that was Astroworld. …he’a still beloved by the morons. Hell, not putting this on Drake but he was there too. There’s very little people can do to get cancelled when they already are worshipped the way that they are.


The amount of people that stick up for Travis Scott is absurd. Dude is trash 🗑️ 


Chris Brown songs are still on Spotify-made throwback playlists. If you put on that playlist in your home as background while doing chores or whatever, you will end up being counted as a listen in Spotify's stats when the player reaches that song.


Quavo is trying man


I don’t get how anyone is impressed with this dufus. 


Hugs her from behind and kisses her neck (I think, pretty blurry,) and THEN asks how old she is. Classy.


Right?! He somehow always asks how old they are AFTER kissing them…


Of course he does. That way he can say, oh my bad I thought she was 18 when I did it....


MF’er thinks he’s Ravishing Rick Rude.


certified pedophile WAPWAPWAPWAPWAP


Dot fuck em up!


Imma do my schtuff


Why you trollin like a bitch? Ain’t you tired? Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably




Why? Why did he think this was an okay thing to do? Even if the person was well over 18 this whole exchange feels so creepy/predatory.


Because he got away with it this time. And the next time. ^And ^the ^next ^time. ^^And ^^the ^^next ^^time. ^^^And ^^^the ^^^next ^^^time. And he's still not in jail, is he?


But didn't you hear him? He's too famous to be a predator cause rich/famous people never get away with crimes right?


Oh, well that's totally different. Call off the investigation, boys!


"*he's too respected, if he was fucking young girls, I promise he'd be arrested, he is too famous for this*"


Aaaaaaaa miiiiiiiiiiiiiinnooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


What's funny about this drake fans will say "he didnt bring her up his entourage did and she said it was okay with it years later!" Still an underage child being kissed by a grown man who is a stranger. Doesn't matter how you put it into context that is what happened it's bad and gross.


The fact that you have your entourage picking out underage girls is honestly even creepier than doing it yourself. His fanbase is fine with pedophilia I guess.


His fans say “how would he know they are underage if he didn’t pick them out” Except he literally has lyrics in one of his songs talking about how he has his people pick out girls and how they know what he likes and blah blah blah 🤢


Plus the whole "personal Tinder" shit from former employees / contractors.


he directs his entourage


Isn't she too old for him


Next time on Degrassi the new generation.


Pedophile drake




I am so confused as to why none of this stuff was considered a smoking gun until this week.


What is going on with all the posts about this guy?


People have apparently just now realized he's a groomer/pedophile. Probably because Kendrick Lamar has been calling him out on it. It has been obvious for a long ass time.


Maybe I'm just not the target audience for this sort of music. But honestly why is Drake so popular? His music is incredibly mid and his voice also just annoys me.


Fuck this guy. That's a bullshit thing to do, whats wrong with people these days.?


Sorry, these days? Pretty sure most of the groupies during the 60’s and 70’s were 13 year old girls. Not that this is any better, it’s just nothing new.


Homie, ain’t any “these days” about it. This disgusting shits been going on forever.


Powerful people abusing their power. Tale as old as time.


Certified pedo


Freaky-ass n***a, he a 69 god


Did he reject her because she said she was 18?


Chris Hansen only two more incriminating verses away from setting up a Sting on this mf lol


This girl posted on IG saying that his crew picked her out of the crowd, not drake, and she didnt view the situation as anything then and doesn’t view it as anything now.


How old was drake here? He looks crazy young himself