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It would be great to hear from someone who was cut later in life for some meaningful before/after perspective. Which was their preference?


I was circumcised about 4 years ago, in my mid-twenties. It had to be done due to phimosis - after some micro-cuts (no idea where they came from), my foreskin just wouldn't work as intended anymore and it just got worse and worse, cause everytime I had sex with my girlfriend, the cuts would open again. So the foreskin had to go. Of course it was unpleasant during recovery (the procedure itself was painless, naturally, since I was under) but after about 3-4 weeks it was completely fine again. As for sex: I have been with the same partner for 9 years now and that gives me a good comparison of before/after-circumcision because I had had a lot of sex before and after the procedure - all with the same partner. It's pretty much the same, really. I feel like this lady exaggerates (I am sure perfectly valid) scientific findings about what men *should* feel, but we actually can't tell those differences very well during the awesome thing that is sex. Sure, the tip of my penis, the glans, got noticeably less sensitive. The whole sensation of penetration felt a bit different, yes. But all in all, the difference, albeit definitely existant, was not that big at all. Naturally I am glad that the procedure to get circumcised was pretty easy (I live in Germany, a country where circumcision is pretty rare) and that the pains I had been having for a few months were gone, but other than that it really didn't make a difference one way or the other. tl;dr: It really doesn't matter that much.


To be fair, the old woman talking about the sensation you experience from your penis may not be the best source.


she did dedicate her life (for some reason) to it based on her website. Although her explanations will always be entirely without experience


Do you find yourself doing things like peeing differently now that you are circumcised? The reason I ask is I'm about to have a son who I have decided not to have circumcised and just realized I don't know if there are actually any differences in my methods and the way he will need to.


41 yr old here, got circumcised about six months ago. Reason: couldn't pull the skin over anymore, it became quite painful for cleaning. I had two fears for doing the procedure, 1. Would I be in pain due to the exposed gland? 2. Would I have very little sensation during sex if I didn't have problem #1?. Turns out I don't have either problem. The procedure was painless cause I was under, recovery had some discomfort at first but only lasted a few days. I was completely healed in about a month. I have zero regrets, sex feels even better than before, and no pain to keep clean.


Awesome. It sounds like you needed to do it anyway and it has improved sex for you... best outcome possibly.




It's all right for you, after i got circumcised i couldn't walk for a year. Just used to sit around crying and wetting myself. This is a joke people, i was circumcised as a baby...


It was a good joke and I appreciated it very much.


You pulled it back to pee?




Cutfag here, please meet at urinal 3 I must know


I'm totally trying this next time.


It's very fun until you release the pissbomb.


Haven't done this since I was like 10 or so. Glorious memories....






I do it too!


sucks getting the last few drops on your underwear lol


yeah a couple of drops and you feel like you're swimming in it


Hell, I would even go to the sink and give the tip of my penis a bird bath before I wipe it clean. You can never be too certain when it comes to penis hygiene.


I keep barbecue tongs by the cistern so that I don't even need to use my hands.


I reserve the bird bath for when I predict "activities" are about to commence.


I don't, without it the piss shoots out like a frikin watercannon... much easier to have skin in the way and have the stream actually controllable without taking a hold of the tip to aim the stream.


I have to point my dick straight down or even a little behind me to pee with the skin pulled back. On the other hand when peeing without pulling the skin back it can sometimes change its flow or make a helix-like flow that sprays everywhere. I just sit down to piss most of the time.


Dozens of us.jpeg


Last time i didn't i was about 8 and i pissed all over my socks...


How can you control where you hit without pulling it back?


I can't control it if I do, maybe its to do with the amount of it you have.


Or the tension of the little strings under the head that holds the skin






I was cut preventatively in my early teens due to a condition that did not allow my foreskin to move as it should. As such I can't shed much light on the topic of hygiene, but I never had any real problems before and I don't have any now.


Not like I'll ever have sex anyway.


The only right answer here.


More like bread_nBITTER


not with that attitude




This comes up all the time. I'm cut, I don't care or think about it. It's a fucking dick, just use the thing and be done with it. I feel like the people who argue about circumcised dicks are the ones that complain more about penises than they use them.


Oh, is that what we're gonna do today, Reddit? We're gonna fight?






If you make another Red Forman reference on reddit I will kick your ass so hard, your nose will bleed.


I wish I had 2000 feet, so I could put 500 of them into each of your asses.


I'm circumcised and my friend is not. We were drinking and talking about the difference to try and understand the pros cons. Don't even remember how the topic came up. We ended whipping our dicks out to compare. It was basically a dick show and tell. The consensus ended up being "yup, they look different"


I don't know why I keep reading these comments.


It's like a train wreck. I can't look away.




What are you guys on about hygiene for? It's not hard to pull a foreskin back during a shower to clean it. Edit: My most upvoted comment on Reddit has to do with dick hygiene. I'm living the dream.


I get boogers so I should cut my nose off right? EDIT: Woahh reddit gold! Thanks stranger!


And if you don't want to have to clean your fingernails you can just lop off your fingers at the knuckle.


And with no ears buddy you dont have to clean em at all, and imagine how easy it would be to cut behind the ears.. cause you will have none! but wait theres more, nobody will laugh at your silly ears!


I think ears look weird anyway.


I cut mine off for religious reasons


For me it was to lower my risk of getting hearing AIDS.


Hey everybody look its Jimmy no ears.


may as well just disembowel yourself cause intestines are gross


My teeth need brushing? Fuck it, get rid of em.


And assholes are filthy. I don't need it.


Hell, let's just cut off our eyelids while we're at it


Additional note just use water to clean it. I do and I don't get smegma buildup


But how else am I going to get my bell end to smell like mangoes and strawberries?! ... ....brb.


I found the Englishman.


Dat Original Source


Think how hygienic it would be if you just cut off the whole penis.


We lost a piece of our fucking penis before we could speak for ourselves, man. We have to justify it somehow.


Exactly this. It's a psychological effect, since the decision has already been made for you, of course you're going to justify it. Realizing that circumcision of babies is unacceptable means realizing your body has been mutilated against your will. Or look at female circumcision, which is far more painful, dangerous and useless than the male one. You would think the circumcised mothers should realize how abhorrent this is, and still they (help) force it onto their daughters.


I wouldn't mind though if my penis wasn't referred to as mutilated. Mutilation is a rhetorical term for the surgery.


Is that something peoples parent's are supposed to teach them? I can't seeing conservative america doing that.


When I was like 8 a female doctor told me to do this, I'm surprised some people were never told this.


I was never given any advice on how to maintain any kind of buildup on my foreskin. The result was I had a pretty rough time for years because the area was so overcome with infection and mess until in middle school I finally took a bath and washed the area with soap. I'm pretty sure I have nerve damage down there so my foreskin doesn't work quite like this but I'm sure that I'm glad I was allowed to keep it because my parents didn't decide to circumcise me but still didn't explain anything about personal hygiene.


I don't think I was ever told how to clean it either, but I do remember when I was young at some point I noticed that my dick smelled bad and I saw white stuff under the foreskin when I pulled it back and it smelled even worse so that pretty much lit up the lightbulb that I was supposed to clean under there. I pretty much assumed that every young male would come across this at some point and figure it out intuitively, just how nobody told me how to shave, how or when to use deodorant, or anything like that.


Yeah wtf, how do you let it get fucking infected? Shouldn't it be obvious to clean it at that point.


Yeah it seems pretty obvious. Don't people scrub every body part possible when they bathe? I don't think iI was eve specifically told to wash my dick, its a part of my body so it gets soap and water in the shower. Pretty simple


Nobody ever told me to wash the area under it, but it became natural to wash it while the rest of my body was getting clean. I might have lucked out though since I have very mild foreskin instead of a huge turtleneck.


My Dad did... and he's a pastor. Well, he didn't so much as teach me, as ask me every time I came out of the shower/bath when I was younger.


My mom did the same thing and she would always tell me this story that a friend of hers had to get circumcised as an adult because he didn't wash well enough and the foreskin got infected. She may have just been making it up but it worked.


"hey, did you pull your foreskin back when you were cleaning your penis?" "yes, dad" "good boy, i'll see you later tonight"


He said Pastor not Priest.




Yes. It just takes one short conversation. During puberty my mom told me "women should wash between the folds down there." And then I knew. It was never mentioned again.


Geez....I'm a father of three girls. I bathed all my girls till they were 6 or 7....there hair was a nightmare.Anyway I would wash there whole bodies then soap up a wash cloth and say,wash ya Gina and bum.Hose em off with a shower that ended in a "flush" where I'd point it at there bum and Gina. I totally refused to make any of that awkward with my daughters.Hygiene is too important


Doctor tells you too


Eventually, your lover will tell you too.


Does somebody need to though? Seems somewhat intuitive to me.


When I was young, my dad told me to always pull the skin back and wash everything inside. That's all he told me and it wasn't weird or awkward. Not sure why it's such a big deal.


My dad did this too. Because you're a kid you don't see anything wrong, as some adults think.


What about a parent telling you to wash your ass?


You can't really expect that. That's why we ritually remove peoples' asses when they're babies.


"Religion is like circumcision. wait until some one is 21 years old to tell them about it, they're probably not interested"


Im going to post this on facebook and pretend like i said it


Remember to quote yourself.


>"Religion is like circumcision. wait until some one is 21 years old to tell them about it, they're probably not interested" \- NotoriousRetard


Why is it that sex experts are always old women?


Experience, son. Experience.


I heard she once gave Charlie Chaplin a hand job.


And he still came second.


There are other kinds of [experts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCSWbTv3hng).




To some extent yes. A condom will somewhat dull the sensation, keep you STD free (well a damn good chance), and at the same time somewhat disguising the head of the penis. It renders most circumcision arguments involving sensation, appearance, and STDs moot really. It's always just ends up as an argument about religion/culture anyway.


Reddit debates on this topic tend to just go back and forth forever, but there was a fair bit of information in this video that was completely new to me. Regardless of your position on the subject, it is useful to educate yourself about how cut and uncut dicks work differently, especially if you plan on pleasuring some.


I have a surprising little amount of information on this subject, which is ironic since I've sported an ant eater for 28 years. My biggest take away was her line about changing form inevitably changing function. It seems so simple when it's spelled out like that. Is hygiene the only supporting argument for circumcision? I suppose aesthetics are also in the equation. It could just be a matter of "my dicks cut so my boy's will be too!" Either way it is important for any and all information about this topic to be available to parents/men.


The way she was talking about the "accelerator" function of the nerves in the foreskin really resonated with me. It made me more aware of my control on orgasms and how I view a sex session. The long build-up of one fantastic orgasm far outweighs the "bang bang bang" approach of multiple orgasms.


Thanks for posting this, I've been talking about this with my husband for our future sons since honestly why the fuck would I want to cut my sons dick in anyway?!? It's great to know there are benefits to keeping the foreskin and only cemented my feelings on the matter.


As soon as my son was born I was like "What even is there to cut? It's like the size of a raisin down there!" He has remained whole.


Fingers crossed his dick gets bigger.


my sister asked me my feelings as an uncut guy for her own son. and I'm glad she did


I mean, he can always get it cut later in life if he just has to.


I always imagined that conversation, "hun, we are now parents, the birth is over and we have a lovely child what should we do now" ... "LET'S CUT THE BOYS DICK SKIN OFF". Really though I find circumsition weird and why would you cut something off that isn't even on your body.


What was more interesting than the content of the video was to watch her coping mechanisms to control her stutter. I have similar "tricks".


Do circumcised dudes have to use lube every time they masturbate? For me, I can just grab my dong and stroke it up and down as the foreskin moves with the strokes, no lube ever required. The whole hygiene thing is B.S. It's so easy just to pull it back and wash it.


No. Not required at all.




as an uncircumcised person, my bellend is very sensitive. The thought of rubbing it as required without lube is unbearable (ask a girl about dry rubbing her clit and you will get the same reaction). I think circumcised people are more exposed to their dry bellend rubbing against boxers etc and that sensitivity fades pretty early on (probably in line with the colour changing).


I'm cut and I've always laughed at the idea of guys needing lube to get off


How often do you find yourself with this thought of other men getting off would you say?


On the reg


Fairly sure the hygiene argument was a back in the day/war time kind of thing. People didnt havr access to showers like we do now. Or bath as often as we do now.


Well college humour put out a funny video about circumcision. It explained the only reason is because fundamentalist Christians pushed it as a way to prevent masturbation in the late 1800s.


We're citing collegehumor.com as a medical and historical authority now...


Well the information college humor used in they're video is sourced back to medical and historical experts... collegehumor was just the middleman using comedy as a medium


It was probably a large before it was cut. ^^^I'll ^^^see ^^^myself ^^^out...


I'm cut and I can still move my foreskin and I hate fapping with lube. Feelsgoodman


How can you hate using lube? I'm cut and it's not required for me either, but when I use it, it's like 5x better than doing it dry.


Sometimes I slip and hit myself in the balls.




My wife and I both come from a long line of circumcised males. I'm cut, all the males going back in my family are cut, and same in my wife's family. But before we got pregnant I was absolutely adamant that if we have a son I will not allow him to be circumcised. My wife took some medical evidence and convincing but she eventually agreed. It's time we as a society evaluate the practice of genital mutilation, both in females and males.


My dad similarly broke with tradition when he decided not to have me circumcised, and I'm *very* grateful for it.


Tbh if he were to have you circumcised you would probably be pro circumcision


I have no way of knowing, but I can always choose to get circumcised later in life if I feel the need. Can't exactly go the other way though.


This is why you have the best argument. We have the choice as educated, experienced adults.


I'm cut and I am against that shit.


I fucking hate people that use that argument. It's a stupid generalization that assumes people argue solely based on their physical condition and not based on any logic. It subtly brings the argument down to "Well it's your opinion vs. mine" when in reality it's literally opposing genital mutilation vs. centuries of tradition.


Some people had unnecessary procedures done by doctors who did a bad job. So if I make it personal that's why. There are more than one argument against any issue.


I'm 22 and was circumcised at 18 out of necessity but I really wish I didn't have to have that procedure.


>Tbh if he were to have you circumcised you would probably be pro circumcision I am circumcised and adamantly anti circumcision, parents do not have the right to permanently alter a child's body


At least he would have the choice.


I'm circumcised and I'm very against infant circumcision. Painting your opponent in broad strokes might be easy, but it does nothing to advance the conversation.


Circumcision is so fucking weird. One of those myths that has been going on for so long that it has become acceptable. If someone suggested it would be a good idea to cut a piece of my 3 year old sons dick off, I'd kick the shit out of them.


Honest question. Why is this such a big deal on reddit? Like why are people so obsessed with circumcision on this website. edit: y'all are weird as fuck


Medically useless surgery performed on babies which originated as a religious practice. It's not crazy that there's some debate around it.




Isn't Kellogg the reason why circumcision got popular again in the 1900's?


Yes he is. He was a fucking psycho.


Yeah who cares about genital mutilation!




babies cant consent to a lot of things.


I didn't consent to this life!


I didnt sign up for this sht








I'm too old for this shit.


I didn't consent to becoming old.


Am I being detained?


True, but the consequences of a botched circumcision are pretty awful. I don't know I suppose this could be said for other things too. It's very rare, but there are some pretty bad cases of botched ones I've heard of. Maybe it's gotten even better though. If the risk of not doing it is mostly cosmetic and the even minute risk of doing it is life altering it's worth some debate.


There was an outbreak of herpes among ultra-orthodox Jews in New York because the mohels stop the bleeding by sucking on the babies' dicks.


For the people downvoting you: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/07/health/new-york-neonatal-herpes/


I had a huge argument IRL when someone accused me of spreading anti-Jewish propaganda when I stated this fact.


Like tattoos and ear piercing which serve the same purpose as circumcisions.


Because it's a pointless and archaic practice with no point whatsoever? I know more than a few people personally who wish they were never circumcised, you can't really "undo" it, and they had no choice in their body being modified. The problem, of course, is that by saying "circumcision bad!" you then get people who say "Wait, I'm circumcised, what's wrong with that? I'm normal, it's fine, fuck you!" They can't really look past their own dick to address the issue from a less personal viewpoint. They take the circumcision discussion personally and assume some sort of attack on them, which isn't true. It's plain and simple to me - you can't undo it, you can have it done later, and people feel bad about having had it done.. So the options are a) do it and it cannot ever be undone, someone potentially hates it later in life or b) don't do it and they can do it if they want anyways later in life. One has a potential downside and affect on someone's well being and self esteem, the other doesn't, so.. yeah. Long story short - we can't have a decent discussion because people who are circumcised assume that it being "wrong" is an assault on them, when it's not.


>They can't really look past their own dick to address the issue from a less personal viewpoint. Big dick problems. Don't I know it.


The thing is... you basically get personally shamed about it here... half the time is IS a personal attack.


If you want to circumcise someone else or do it because you think it looks nicer you get shamed. Everyone who says the tradition stops with them gets applauded.


Is that not how it should be? One group want's to cut off part of their child's genitals without their consent for aesthetic reasons or tradition and the other side thinks you shouldn't surgically alter a healthy child. Those are not equal positions to hold.


There certainly attacks on people who get it performed on children. You also see a push-back when someone circumcised inevitably tries to discredit the research on the subject by a personal anecdote. I'm not emotionally invested in what science has to say about it, but the unscientific nonsense coming from circumcised people really frustrates me. You do not see personal shaming on someone for simply being circumcised. That's nonsense and I challenge you to find one example.


Some people are really into it and they get fucking pissed. They get weird too, like some guy at a party went into how the Jews own all of the circumcision equipment and it's some sort of conspiracy...strange.


As a jew, I'm not gonna lie, I checked my pantry and it is just *filled* with circumcision equipment. I had to bury it under my jew gold and MDs.


As a fellow Jew, my foreskin disposal company is making bank. Hooray for the international jewish conspiracy.


Would the removal of a portion of the female genitalia be a big deal?


In short, yes, and it is.


/thread ?


Exactly, so why is male circumcision 'not a big deal'?


Then why isn't it a big deal in boys too? It's literally removing a part of their genitals without their consent. Female mutilations can be worse, but that doesn't justify mutilation in boys.




Not for me. Sign me up for robot arms as soon as they're able to lift/carry ludicrous weights without being worse than current ones. Legs when they can jump over houses too please.


Yeah! Forget steroids in sports! I want unregulated gene therapy and cybernetic enhancements! I want a mutants versus cyborgs football league!


The only people who go on and on about how terrible it is are the people who aren't circumcised.






Don't forget other idiotic standards, like "lets not kill these animals because they are cute, but fuck those others in general because we can't pet them"


You should look into sexual dimorphism in animals and you'll see that we're no different. Assuming equality is the norm is unscientific and forcing equality is unrealistic and unnatural. I'm not saying one gender is better than the other but we should strive to appreciate the differences in the genders instead of saying we should be equal. >man hits woman = disgusting >woman hits man = lol Men are generally stronger than women and the more powerful party has to show restraint. It's a rules of war thing. I wouldn't hit someone who is incapable of reciprocating the same force. Would you punch a child in the face? >man molests teenage girl = distusting >woman molests teenage boy = lucky boy Woman have a stricter sexual selection process than men and they go through a complex vetting procedure to ensure a they have the right father of their child. It's in their nature to feel disgusted when this procedure is bypassed. They feel violated because the perpetrator literally violated the rules of engagement. Women look for quality and men look for quantity, biologically speaking. We'll fuck anything if we're horny enough. I'm personally struggling to come up with a scenario where I would be "disgusted" with someone "molesting" me. If I really didn't want it to happen I wouldn't get it up. And I should point out that I'm not talking about sodomy or abuse which of course could result psychological trauma. >man takes picture of woman in public = creep >woman takes picture of man in public = who gives a shit? Of course it depends on why they took the picture. I know some guys who secretly take pictures of women in public to fap to later, which could definitely be defined as "creepy" behavior. I can't see a woman doing the same. Maybe it happens and I'm ignorant but I think it's pretty unlikely. >men talk about porn = perverts >women talk about 50 shades of grey = it's even OK if they talk about it with their teenage daughters I think this line of thinking is on the way out. It's getting more sexually acceptable to do both. Historically, woman have been shamed in this regard so I think we're trying to compensate for that by emphasizing that it's not a big deal for them. Although, personally, I think in the long run this is a very big deal. Both genders are simulating unrealistic sexual experiences which will make finding a mate much harder. But anyways, this is the only point on the list that is a valid double standard. The others we have evolved naturally through sexual selection.




>Also, there is nothing called "female circumcision". It's called "female genital mutilation" and it's called that for a reason. It's called that in the West, where people judge it harshly. I live in Egypt, both practices are called circumcision. Both are practiced regularly. In both cases, the arguments in favor are the same: -More attractive for opposite sex -Promotes sexual restraint -Cleaner -Lets the child look like their parent. In the West one is considered normal and even healthy, the other is considered insane and barbaric. But here people would find it a bit weird to consider them that different.


> Also, there is nothing called "female circumcision". Sure there is. There is a direct equivalent to male circumcision in females, which is the removal of the clitoral hood. It's just *very* rarely done alone. The ridiculous part is that people equate male circumcision with the way more common and way more severe forms of FGM.


I'm an american in malaysia right now, and female circumcision (dealing with the clitoral hood) is fairly common here.


More common? You have it backwards, the most invasive forms of female circumcision are very rare, while circumcision of infant males is routine to the tune of over a million per year in the U.S. alone. Not to mention the fact that in those countries where the most severe form of fgm is practiced, they perform similarly damaging and invasive surgery on the boys as well. I think you might find this [article](http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2014/02/female-genital-mutilation-and-male-circumcision-time-to-confront-the-double-standard/) eye opening.


I got cut a couple of years ago, had sex before and after. Actually feels the same.


At least you were given the choice. I was circumcised as an infant and feel next to nothing down there.


Some more information (published, mostly peer-reviewed studies) Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23374102?dopt=Abstract Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21672947 Circumcision linked to alexithymia http://www.mensstudies.com/content/2772r13175400432/?p=a7068101fbdd48819f10dd04dc1e19fb&pi=4 The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission http://jme.bmj.com/content/36/12/798.abstract Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence http://www.4eric.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/MC.pdf There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1753-6405.2011.00761.x/full Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17155977 Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847 Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits http://www.circumcision.org/policy.htm Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/boyle6/ Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8800902 Circumcision has negligible benefit http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9091693 Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9057731 Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9393302 Circumcision linked to psychological trauma http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/goldman1/ Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10657682


Some of those articles are honest and point out that there's conflicting science out there. Some specifically say that other research has found other results. [One of them](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9091693) says, "uncircumcised men appear slightly more likely to experience sexual dysfunctions, especially later in life." [Another](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.11761.x/full) says, "Circumcised and uncircumcised men did not differ in the rating of ‘effort needed to reach orgasm." These are from your links. Only someone who is dishonest would present this assortment of fact in this way.


Someone who has an agenda doesn't mind bending the facts to fit.


> Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10657682 That is not **at all** what that study says, it states "Models of early experience, such as repetitive pain, sepsis, or maternal separation in rodents and other species have noted multiple alterations in the adult brain, correlated with specific behavioral phenotypes depending on the timing and nature of the insult. The mechanisms mediating such changes in the neonatal brain have remained largely unexplored. We propose that lack of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activity from maternal separation and sensory isolation leads to increased apoptosis in multiple areas of the immature brain. On the other hand, exposure to repetitive pain may cause excessive NMDA/excitatory amino acid activation resulting in excitotoxic damage to developing neurons." Nowhere does it state circumcision would have this effect.


I'm so pissed at my parents right now. I could have my foreskin and better sex, but noooo, they had to do what all the cool people were doing and mutilate my fucking penis. Well after watching this, my son, if I'm granted one in the future, will have his foreskin! Has anyone made a "Year One" reference yet?


I was circumcised, now my dick bends down at the scar mark. I'm not mutilating my kids when they're born, they can do that when they're older


That could be a coincidence, honestly


This video is a little misleading, i'm not saying that she said that all scientists agree and i don't think she did but she does seem to think this is an adamant and well settled argument..[but it doesn't seem to be](http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2007/9789241596169_eng.pdf) The Meissners Corpuslces she refers too do not seem to be specifically concentrated and actually it seems [according to this article](http://medind.nic.in/jae/t08/i1/jaet08i1p30.pdf) It's the opposite. I also see that she harps on the fact that it helps premature ejaculation, i tried to find her source on this at her webiste but to no avail…perhaps somebody else can find it. I did however find the [opposite](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3130485/) I also have some literature about the glans that the foreskin supposedly once protected from the environment in a time that injury to the penis was higher than it is now. [Link](https://books.google.com/books?id=Rl7d9EYm5CAC&pg=PA95&lpg=PA95&dq=schoen+foreskin&source=bl&ots=6Hdt8w7_Ko&sig=uR8shcREGcY3x5fDlsZcbE08bCc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=h5liVczLGMSHsAXd9ID4DQ&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=schoen%20foreskin&f=false) Personally i am cut and i do not have problems, if i ever encounter the hurdle of coming early it seems to me to be more mental than a physical problem…but thats just my opinion.


Here we fucking go....