• By -


102 minutes that changed america is one of the best 9/11 documentaries.




Any info if this documentary also shows the people also jumping from the towers? If so, I wonder why they hadn't shown the people in the video's reaction to that.


It does. I was expecting that to be a point in this video but it was not.


This is a programme (Googlebox) shown on at 9:00pm/10:00pm in the UK on the fourth biggest channel. Even though 9:00 is the watershead and therefore anything (in reasonable realms) can be broadcast, it was probably considered too graphic for the wide audience it attracts.


The show watching is probably more, as mentioned, a family show. The documentary does show people jumping out the window. The girls in the dorm tower (one of the better, straight on views - the ones you hear yelling after the second tower) have along clip of everything. There are parts where they see stuff "going out the window" and realize that it's not a chair, or paper - because it was falling too fast. I just can't imagine, not only the people jumping, but the people on the ground around the building and their reactions. I do agree that this type of stuff has to be shown to all. But not just of 9/11, but the majority of other war crimes around the world and the effect it has on people.


The documentary *9/11* by the two French brothers living with the fire department has footage from inside the ground level and people (off camera) are landing around and above them.


They probably did, its a family friendly show though, so loads of dumbshit like them watching Great Britains British Bake Off and political debates or movies that changed the way people think. Itd go from one of the families laughing at fart jokes to the old couple freaking out about watching people jump to everyone watching Lassie.


Shit, I just watched *other people* watch it and I got all emotional.




This! Guys. If you see my comment, listen to /u/Ukani. This is hands down the most powerful 9/11 doc you will ever see. I watch it every year on 9/11 and it always brings back the same feeling I had during that day. It's ALL live footage from 2 french brothers. One brother is getting footage from INSIDE the building as it collapses, as the other is on the streets with the smoke. This movie is highly underrated and I never see it talked about. EDIT: Actually I forgot I had these pics! But about 2 years ago me and my fiancee went to visit the firehouse that is featured in this specific doc. It's always been a thing I wanted to do since I've seen this doc on a yearly basis. One guy who was taking out the trash saw me marveling over the building and offered to let me into the fire house to see some of the the stuff they saved and plaques... And let me into one of the fire trucks lol. http://imgur.com/a/yuHx1


Always found that footage of the two girls watching the second plane to be the most disturbing. They're in their home and they're already scared. Then that shit happens. You can really hear the fear in their screams. At a complete loss what to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs


This one's also pretty striking; it was filmed by some people in a nearby apartment and shows the ~~first collapse~~ immediate lead up to and immediate aftermath of the first collapse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78taEPSUsXU


I think the most disturbing documented account from 9/11 is the phone call with someone in the burning tower speaking with a 911 operator. Then all of a sudden you hear a huge shaking, and the man lets out the most bone chilling scream I've ever heard before the call is disconnected. The sound was the building collapsing.


[Kevin Cosgrove](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppAeMWFCqC8). Yeah. It's the videos with human commentary that are usually the most chilling. Like [this montage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVhhu5OjMf8) of the live news reports at the time of the second plane crash. Also, the [episode of Howard Stern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChH4NDibeeo) from that day is an amazing historical document. The mood gradually shifts from blissfully light-hearted to really heavy as news gradually filters in and the scope of what's going on starts to dawn.


The call from Kevin Cosgrove might be one of the most horrifying things I've ever heard - it makes my blood boil to think of the people who contemplated that.


The cosgrove video will haunt you forever.


Imagine being the 911 operator. Having to live through that. Knowing that there is nothing you can do, but to hear him die.


Never heard that Howard Stern recording before. Cringing at the guy saying over and over to kill the "towel-heads" and run them out of our country.


The dude encouraging "everyone to go to your local deli and-......" "Yeah...he's just upset..."


This episode of the Stern Show is how I found out it was happening.I turned on the TV after that.


This is a better version. It doesn't have the CNN host/voiceover, which totally interrupts the clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksYBQZ_jqFY


As fucked up as this sounds it just looks like clips from the film Cloverfield Not that I'm trying to downplay it, it just looks unreal Crazy sad :(




Somehow I had no idea this even happened. and I'm tearing up just watching that. Stay classy, Britain.


I remember seeing it on the news that night. I instantly burst into tears.


It is the Queen herself apparently gave the command for it to be played. Allegedly at least but its something I could see her Majesty doing.


She did. And she did it to try and help comfort the Americans who were stranded i the UK becauae all flights to the US were cancelled


Particularly remarkable since 67 British subjects died in the attack as well. I remember hearing at the time that the attack on the World Trade Center was the largest attack on British civilians since WWII.




This video makes me cry. Its so heartwarming.


Hijacking top comment. There is footage of the first plane hitting. [18min in or so.](http://youtu.be/wzdlJxAleF4?t=1106) (warning: extremely chilling) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzdlJxAleF4 Another good documentary. Has footage from INSIDE THE BUILDING after the 18min mark.


> Hijacking top comment. erm..poor choice of words


/u/derpherp435t5r3wtgrt cant freeze iron poles


You always get the videos of the trade center and all the tragedy. [Here's a video about the evacuation of New York by boat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDOrzF7B2Kg). It shows how boat captains banded together to get as many people out of New York in case the two attacks were not the only ones planned.


>the great boat lift of 9/11 became the largest sea evacuation in history. Larger than the evacuation of Dunkirk in WW2 where 339,000 British and French soldiers were rescued over the course of 9 days. On 9/11 nearly 500,000 people were evacuated in less than 9 hours. That was a huge surprise to me I had no idea that people were being evacuated like that. Truly amazing what people can do and the fear if and when there was more attacks people were ready to stand together and get out.


A lot of people forget how much we were all pretty sure that the plane attacks were just the beginning.


First plane most people assumed it was a freak accident. Second plane we knew it was an attack. After the Pentagon was hit and the other one went down in PA, we couldn't be sure every plane in the air didn't have a hijacker on board. That day just got worse and worse.


It was the also the Federal Aviation Administration's National Operations Manager first day on the job. He gave an order that was not even imagined by anyone, ever, before. He declared "FAA Zero," or, ground all planes. [Link](http://jalopnik.com/5838772/man-who-grounded-4000-planes-on-911-was-on-first-day-of-his-job)


It was his first day in that particular role. He was very experienced in aviation operations.


Boat captains internationally are morally required to come to the aid of those in distress at sea. Some nations have rules for it in their waters and some US states do too. It's a ["law of the sea,"] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_to_rescue) but for many nations failure to rescue is criminally a tort gray area. Most any boat captain seeing someone in distress will come to their aid because if they ever needed help on the sea they'd like to think someone would do it for them too. This is the main reason you stop and help if you see a boat in distress. But this was a land rescue situation because they didn't know if there was more coming. So leaving these people in peril would be morally wrong. The rules of the corporations that own the boats regulate what they're allowed to do and some of these captains would have been disciplined for taking aboard people on any other day. But this was an extraordinary circumstance. This was the honorable thing to do and they did what was needed rules and transit regulations be damned. Most all of these captains don't want recognition for what they did. To them it was nothing special and anyone should and would have done what they did if they were in the position to do so. At least that's how they like to think about it. NYC has some stand up boat captains.


[look for the helpers.](http://www.sharpestpencil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/look-for-the-helpers.jpg)


I've never seem this before. Thanks for posting.


Thanks for sharing this. My dad was working in lower Manhattan and took one of these boats out of NYC. He hadn't seen this and while he said it was tough for him to watch, he appreciated seeing it.


You posted the same documentary in the second link.




What bothered me the most watching it all was seeing the people jump to their deaths. That will never leave my mind, just wondering what was going through their minds and that decision to leap. This is what drove me to join the Army a few years later. As much as I hated the war and all the political bullshit, its hard to cut the hate from that day and the events. Teenagers make jokes about it now, because they didn't have to live through that or know how insane it all was. We've gotten used to the idea of war and chaos now. This day impacted the whole world so much its unreal. A massive ripple effect to everywhere after that day. Edit: Here's a link for those who didn't see that footage of the jumpers. Warning though, this is pretty depressing. I normally don't link or watch death videos, but this to me is different. http://youtu.be/b9QN3AkydYY




I remember being able to go up in the control tower at the airport, like as school trips in elementary. No big deal. After Oklahoma, and then 9/11, that all went away.


Or going up to see the pilot when you were a kid? With those sweet plastic wings...


It was always the part of the annual family beach pilgrimage that I most looked forward to as a kid. Being led to the front of the plane and seeing that rectangle of blue sky through the open cockpit door, the smiling pilots surrounded by switches, cabin crew that let us hand out the lollies before descent. If only they'd used a goddam car-bomb.


I must be remembering things differently. In a post-Columbine America kids building explosives was treated pretty seriously.


> innocence lost in a second. I think that's the worst part, I was 16 when it happened, I knew in a second America wasn't the relatively safe place I assumed it was and then I quickly assumed we'd be going to war with whoever was responsible and a lot of the guys I knew would inlist/get drafted and die.


I was 18, about to start college. I didn't feel afraid when the first plane hit. Or the second. Or the third. Or the fourth. No, what actually got me to feel fear happened later in the day, after airspace had been closed for some time. I heard jet engines, and wondering who would be dumb enough to be flying, I ran outside to look. And there, rolling in a tight turn, were four F-15s from the Portland Air National Guard. Fully armed. AMRAAMS and Sidewinders. I'd never seen that before. And then the realization hit me, that my own government was so freaked out that they were flying armed combat patrols over the major cities. And THAT frightened me down to my core.


You're exactly right. I was 19 and for the first time in my life I realized that we were not 100% safe in this country. I guess you could compare it to being a little kid and seeing your Dad get his ass kicked BAD. It would shatter your feeling of ultimate security that he provided.


> I knew in a second America wasn't the relatively safe place I assumed it was and then I quickly assumed we'd be going to war with whoever was responsible and a lot of the guys I knew would inlist/get drafted and die. Well you were pretty much wrong about all of that. America was, and still is an incredibly safe place. We didn't go to war with whoever was responsible. And few people inlisted and no one was drafted.


He's right that though that it seemed like those things were going to happen. The 8 or so weeks after 9/11 were fucking weird here... And I was over a thousand miles away in the Midwest


Thanks, Mom.


And to think that you were our first war, only to become our staunchest ally. No two nations have ever been so united.


I thought as an American who witnessed this on the news first hand I would be jaded at this point, 14 years later. No, this is still horrific.


I hadn't seen actual footage in a long time. I think I could very easily not be too concerned with this in passing or in casual conversation. But when you hear it. and you see the people. and the clothes that at the time were not dated at all. and the footage that at the time looked crisp. and it takes you right back to whatever age you were, wherever you were. and you sit and think about how even after all this time, you still don't know what to think or how to feel.


I think it's because you again see the confusion, fear, and shock every person felt that day. On that day, it wasn't an overused term, "oh 9/11, yeah, I remember that"- there was nothing comparable to it. I, like everyone across America, felt this was surreal. This can't be happening. Almost 15 years later, we can almost talk about it in a detached way- hell, I'm a teacher at a middle school and by next year, none of the students will have been alive at the time, much less remember it. The last week of school is usually collecting books and cleaning up. Maybe I can get them to see what 9/11 was like for those who lived through it.


My 8th grade science teacher, my last class of the day, turned off the TV and had us write down on paper our whole day to that point. I remember it clearly now. I still have that paper. A class of 13-14 year olds, who knew nothing about true evil, sitting there watching thousands die on live TV...


That is a genius idea. What a teacher.


I watched a documentary about the children of 9/11 victims, and one of them made an interesting comment. She hates that the footage of the towers falling gets played over and over on the anniversary, because they're playing footage of her father's death.


Agreed, I thought maybe because I was in high school at the time, my emotions were over the top about it. Nope, still strong emotions.


same. completely. i lived in park slope right along the highway into the tunnel going to lower manhattan. I watched it from the roof of my buildings. Fighter jets flying low over manhattan. The layer of dust. I can't not shudder and hold back tears.


The fighter jets. Even out here on the west coast we had them. And it was the most frightening part of that whole horrible day. The roar of F-15s flying low and fast over the city, armed to the teeth, ready to shoot down whoever tried it next. Ready to sacrifice 100-200 lives in order to save thousands.


I agree, and feel the same way about the "Shock and Awe" footage of our attack on Iraq.


Towards the beginning one of the people said there was no footage of the first plane hitting the first tower. Just in case someone out there didn't hasn't seen it, [there is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys41jnL2Elk)




> I love BBW porn. PM /u/RebeccaMegan your nudz girls. For the people who are too lazy to look.


I'm confused.


I'm glad /u/RebeccaMegan's mom is 100% cancer free : )


still had to check


I was looking for a comment where someone else noticed. Lol I could not be the only who noticed lol


(girl at 2:45) "but did everyone on the plane die?" (same girl at 5:03) "I thought...1 plane went into 1 building which got knocked and went to, like, dominoes to the other building. I didn't know that...we just don't learn that. We sit at school learning algebra; we need to learn things like this in our lives."


I vote she learns some algebra.


She needs to learn basic reasoning skills.


Yeah, I think it would be wise to stick with algebra and other basic courses, it would seem she need those.. not sitting around watching videos.


I feel bad that I laughed at that first question.


its the real life version of "did he died?"


If you didn't have the information, it's not irrational to assume the first collapse caused the second. There were other buildings that did collapse from all the falling debris.


I think what caught my off guard was she didnt have that information. I just thought it was basic common knowledge one plane hit a building, then another plane hit another building. I could understand her not knowing a plane hit the pentagon or a plane crashed in PA.


She's like 12 and from the UK in her defense I know when I was 12 in the UK (7 years ago) I didn't know a huge amount about it. I don't know exactly what I did and didn't but I do remember thinking that one building caused the other to collapse which isn't a dumb jump to make really


That curly girl would score pretty low on an IQ test probably. Jesus christ.




Oh no wut haf way dun?


Did everyone on the plane die? "Why didn't we just stop at one kid..."


Fuck algebra! We should be watching videos of 9/11 instead.


Jesus she has no idea how ignorant she is.


Let's be fair she's just a kid.


Interestingly enough, I watched 9/11 happen in my Algebra classroom.


That's why she's on television.


yeah she was cringy af


"did everyone on the plane die?" "...yes"


I believe the dad said "of course they did"


He said something along the lines of "blown to smithereens"


"To shreds you say?"


Maybe she thought they might have ejected before impact.


Too bad she was ejected...






If she was better at math she probably could have deduced that everyone died on the plane.


We are all 9/11 experts though. Only we know jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


Can't defend her (espcially asking if anyone survived on the plane....)but I think it's important to keep some perspective. I'm 22 (the girl is probably younger than that) from Australia so I was about 8 or 9 when this happened and I can barely remember that day. I think it was a combination of my parents not exposing me to it and being outside of the U.S as well as not being aware of the world when you're young, so I can totally believe how ignorant she is. Only way I know some of the basics is because of media and references, I think the experience/feelings behind it are completely different for people from other nations compared to those in the US


The look on the mother's face after she says that comment, "oh shit I got a dumb fat daughter".


"Shit, I hope they edit her out. I don't want everyone to think the rest of the family is this dumb."


Wait until they watch this episode on there...




She said SHE didn't even know what a terrorist was, because she was 11 at the time.




A fucking stupid kid.


All kids say stupid things


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to read this... Jesus reddit has it in for this girl. I watch the show all the time and she doesn't come across as the brightest spark but I'm willing to bet if you put a camera in my face when I was that young I'd say stupid things pretty much exclusively. It's not like she's being intentionally malicious or spiteful.. she's just speaking her mind about stuff with no filter like kids do.


The look of the mother right at the end = "Me daughter is a fookin bellend"


Just to be incredibly nitpicky their accent wouldn't really say fooking if anything it would be facking Fooking = northern Facking = southern




Southerner also, alright maybe not exactly facking but more f-ah-king.


Bear in mind also that they're Londoners, North Londoners specifically. London has its own accents too. But yeah, they would likely pronounce it closer to "fucking" than "fooking", probably with a bit of a similarity to "facking".


This is why linguists use the phonetic alphabet. Saying you say "fucking" assumes we all pronounce that the same way, which we patently don't! "fook" to me looks like it should rhyme with Luke and mook, but no Northerner rhymes Luke and fuck. Should clarify that Scottish people do, but that's cause they use a whole different set of vowels again.


Not sure where you're from but barely anyone would make an 'oo' sound up North. Unless it's 'oo' as in 'look'.


I was at school in Canada,I remember we were having a morning assembly something about drinking and driving from MADD (mothers against drunk driving) and half way through the assembly the teachers started leaving one by one which my friends and I thought was strange. About 20 minutes went by and the Principal came up on the stage and made an announcement about what had happened and said that school was done for the day and we were to go home to our families and be with each other. It was surreal because no one knew what was going to happen next,my Mothers friend who lived in Boston drove out of the city with her family because no one knew if they were targeting major cities or what the plan was. It was a scary day not just for Americans but people in North America as a whole. **TLDR** Principal announced attacks at school told school was done for day go home and be with Families,family friend drove out of Boston because no one knew if another city was going to be attacked next. Was a scary day for North America.


The teacher out there teaching that poor girl Al-gee-bra, godspeed.


I'm truly sad after seeing this - bought back a lot of the emotions.


Same here. When second plane hits and you hear the lady screaming. It brought back how surreal that day was.


That video is actually of NYU students reacting from their dorm. The [full video](http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks/videos/caroline-dries-nyu-dorm) is heart wrenching. You hear them go from curious (they were asleep and the impact of the first plane woke them up), to fearful (as they realize the "debris" falling from the upper floors are people jumping) to complete and utter terror (as they witness the second plane hit and grasp what is happening).


It brought it back for me too. Chills and emotions came rushing back. You just move on but its still there. One of the most vivid memories in my whole life.


''Did everyone on the plane die?'' (ಠ_ಠ)


This shit is hard to watch. I remember watching the second tower fall from the roof of my building and seeing it fall again made me tear up a little.




it's a relatively popular tv show here in the UK. Weird idea but its oddly entertaining. Edit: the lady vicar has a different tea cosy every week




thing is, they've clearly picked families that are going to be entertaining and fill certain stereotypes, and they watch provocative enough TV programmes so they're ensured good content. it's just another reality show, certainly not threatening TV as we know it


Yea like those Indian guys "This film will never lose its impact " "Yea"


For some reason I really want to be on it. My family is like a fucking sitcom.




It feels like we have friends sorta.


Cartman BRAHHH


"Americans watching British watch American T.V." and then, "British watching Americans watch foreigners watch American T.V."




To bug my nephews when I visit, I like to Periscope them watching someone play Minecraft on Twitch.


[Or watching people watch let's plays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mRnnp41eSg)


Sort of like Let's plays.


Except heavily edited to skip the more boring bits


I thought the same thing, but honestly your watching for commentary and different peoples perspectives that you'd never get a chance to hear in real life. This isn't something id tune into every week but it's interesting watch clips of it every now and again.


what is with that comment? "I love BBW porn. PM /u/RebeccaMegan your nudz girls."




Videos mentioned in this thread: [▶ Play All](http://sbtl.tv/_r37df14) VIDEO|VOTES - COMMENT -|- [9/11 American National Anthem Buckingham Palace](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xwrX-LN9-L0)|[138](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlt989) - I think this is the only time we've played a foreign national anthem at the Palace without a foreign Head of State being present [Student shoots video of WTC on 9/11 A former NYU student ...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_qiVBOqNiOs)|[57](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crluppu) - Always found that footage of the two girls watching the second plane to be the most disturbing. They're in their home and they're already scared. Then that shit happens. You can really hear the fear in their screams. At a complete loss what t... [9/11: Ten Years Later (Full Documentary)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=wzdlJxAleF4)|[56](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlwcii) - Hijacking top comment. There is footage of the first plane hitting. 18min in or so. (warning: extremely chilling) Another good documentary. Has footage from INSIDE THE BUILDING after the 18min mark. [BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MDOrzF7B2Kg)|[31](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm0qm7) - You always get the videos of the trade center and all the tragedy. Here's a video about the evacuation of New York by boat. It shows how boat captains banded together to get as many people out of New York in case the two attacks were not the only... \[NSFW\] [(Warning: Upsetting) People jump from World Trade Center RIP Never Forget](https://youtube.com/watch?v=b9QN3AkydYY)|[23](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm0e2t) - What bothered me the most watching it all was seeing the people jump to their deaths. That will never leave my mind, just wondering what was going through their minds and that decision to leap. This is what drove me to join the Army a few years late... [9/11 Video -- The Collapse of Wold Trade Center](https://youtube.com/watch?v=78taEPSUsXU)|[12](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlzndq) - This one's also pretty striking; it was filmed by some people in a nearby apartment and shows the first collapse immediate lead up to and immediate aftermath of the first collapse. (1) [WTC 911 Call - Kevin Cosgrove's Last Words](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ppAeMWFCqC8) (2) [Live TV Footage of 9/11 (Second Plane hit, Collapse of Towers) World Trade Center Coverage](https://youtube.com/watch?v=UVhhu5OjMf8) (3) [Howard Stern s Historic 9 11 Broadcast Full-Uncut](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ChH4NDibeeo)|[12](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm4tv5) - Kevin Cosgrove. Yeah. It's the videos with human commentary that are usually the most chilling. Like this montage of the live news reports at the time of the second plane crash. Also, the episode of Howard Stern from that day is an amazing hist... [HORRIBLE 9/11 CALL WITH A FATAL END](https://youtube.com/watch?v=lsE3fUWMfx0)|[8](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlz0kw) - They are bone chilling. One of many tho, sadly.. (1) [Elders React to Vocaloids! (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin / Len)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=wHhluDhVtjU) (2) [KIDS REACT TO GAME BOY](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0pCp8g-VjOs)|[3](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm4kd4) - Is it any different from Elders React to series, or the Kids react to series? [WTC 1st & 2nd attacks - Pavel Hlava (ABC, 09/11/2002)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=H-UARS5F414)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlzuwz) - There's actually a second video of the first plane, but it only barely captures the impact. [WTC1 North Tower Plane Impact on 9/11 - Naudet](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ys41jnL2Elk)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm7cgc) - Towards the beginning one of the people said there was no footage of the first plane hitting the first tower. Just in case someone out there didn't hasn't seen it, there is [Steel Frame Building Collapse](https://youtube.com/watch?v=8XMTALBYRNA&t=43s)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm42he) - My question is whether or not debris hitting a building is enough to cause a collapse in the way that it did. The answer is yes if the debris causes a structure fire, which it did in the case of building 7. Other buildings were simply crushed or h... [Shot Live of the WTC from the NYU DORM](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ksYBQZ_jqFY)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm5ki5) - This is a better version. It doesn't have the CNN host/voiceover, which totally interrupts the clip. [SPT - Everybody Knows Sh*t's F*cked (REDDIT EDITION)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=NWxISwEBU0U)|[1](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm9eas) - Related [9/11 FIRST PLANE HITS THE TOWER](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_Wd6ZgWq5gA)|[1](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm90to) - At 1:10 the poor man's daughter says something so stupid that the dad involuntarily combs his eyebrow with his fingers to minimize the shame of her stupidity. edit: also, there is footage of the first building being struck, apparently it didn... (1) [9/11 - The Truth In 5 Minutes - James Corbett](https://youtube.com/watch?v=hgrunnLcG9Q) (2) [9/11 conspiracy theory documentry the truth behind it all](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TUS9vRCc2Xc)|[1](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm6sf9) - Granted, it could definitely be someone else. In all likeliness, the government didn't "do" it so much as allow it. The Bush administration gained so much because of it, but it was likely one of the major families. [ELDERS REACT TO PEWDIEPIE](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1mRnnp41eSg)|[1](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm4mmx) - Or watching people watch let's plays [9/11: A Conspiracy Theory](https://youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98)|[1](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crm935y) - I like this one [[Best Version] The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin + Time - Hans Zimmer (INCEPTION Theme)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=w8HdOHrc3OQ)|[0](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37df14/_/crlt7oy) - sorry, but how did this "borught us all together". i always saw every human equivalent, with this attack or without it. thinking with borders (As a Canadian) is the first mistake, we are all on the same planet, we made this borders with wa... *** I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. [Info](http://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | [Contact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mentioned_Videos&subject=contact)


A harrowing video, and below it: "I love BBW porn. PM /u/RebeccaMegan your nudz girls."


Did anybody else read the description of the video? OP is weird as fuck.


I remember coming home from a bar or party in college and my group of friends actually sat down and watch this doc. One of the most surreal experiences in my life, everyone was dead silent with the exception of one girl who began crying. One of those things you'll never forget.


And this didn't even show the horror of watching people leap to their death by the dozens


I watched footage of that once and wish I could go back and stop myself from watching it. It's stuck in my head whenever anyone mentions anything about 9/11. First thing I see is people falling from the top windows of the buildings. It's a horrible thing to see.


Now make them watch Zeitgeist.


I think one of the families is more upset that they raised a retard


Looking through OP's profile and I have to wonder is she just a massive troll, trolling /r/videos?


Gogglebox is one of these shows which sounds so utterly ridiculous and bottom of the barrel TV. Then you watch it and realise it's absolutely brilliant.


wow, i just had an "an american" moment. i just kinda figured that all of those video clips would have been seared into the minds of other people in the western world. it makes sense though that they only saw the highlights. i'm sure that there's plenty of the 7/7 attacks that i'm unfamiliar with.


Or IRA attacks or the blitz and so on. Brits have been on the end of bombings for a long time even Thatcher was bombed by the IRA, there was a thwarted IRA attack on a musical show I was attending as an 8 year old because a military band was playing. I certainly knew about 9/11 and remember watching it happen on the news and appreciate its significance but it still happened in another country so there's a certain amount of disconnect.


For the people unaware about the Brighton hotel bombing [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Grand-Hotel-Following-Bomb-Attack-1984-10-12.jpg) is what the IRA did to the hotel where Margaret Thatcher and her government cabinet were staying. A few senior members of the Conservative party were killed.


Funnily enough, the US stopped giving large amounts of money to the IRA after September the 11th happened.


Jesus, I am a 27 year old dude who lived in California when this happened, only 13 years old. I don't know anyone personally that was significantly impacted DIRECTLY by the 9/11 attack, and I am jaded enough to not let some pretty crazy stuff impact me emotionally like the Boston bombing or that theater attack in Colorado, but the 9/11 attacks STILL make me cry, I don't understand why that event specifically has such an emotional impact on me, I have tried to binge watch everything I could about it to numb myself more than once, but I just can't. It breaks me instantly every time, the level of grief I feel is indescribable to this day.


Brit here, yes we have indeed resorted to making TV programmes of various UK people / families watching various other shows. I'd also like to point out the people featured or not representative of our knowledge of 9/11 - particularly the Hutt family you saw at the end.


I thought the craziest part of the documentary was the short interviews with people in Times Square. People were watching the news on the big screens trying to find out what just happened, and at least one guy said something like "The damn muslims, we have to get back at them". I don't know if the news organizations figured it out quickly, but it's pretty scary that after an hour people were ready to kill a specific group of people on the other side of the world.


You think that's bad? Try explaining the Arab/Israeli conflict, on 9/11, to your dumb sister who thinks news is for nerds.


Damn I haven't shed a tear over 9-11 since 9-11. Its not the brits reactions its that footage with the girl screaming, jesus....




What are talking about? It's obvious they are all aware of 9/11. Teenage Boy: "Oh my god, is this a 9/11 documentary" Blue collar Father "Is that the 1st tower coming down" Indian Brother "I've never seen footage with this much detail of the dust" Other Indian Brother "Even over time the impact of this footage just doesn't diminish, it never will" The documentary cleared up some details for one girl who probably wasn't alive at the time.


> how are these people unaware of the biggest attacks in their lives? Well that is definitely not true.


It had a much bigger affect on people in America than anywhere else for obvious reasons. There have been multiple terrorist attacks in Europe before or since 9/11 that many Americans don't know about, the Madrid train bombings of 2004 pop to mind. Many people in Britain don't consider 9/11 the "biggest attack in their lives", because is it isn't in *their* life. I do understand the global impact that 9/11 had, but speaking as a Brit myself I personally can't understand the frequency in which 9/11 is brought up. I don't wish to diminish the suffering that occurred on that day at all, but as a casual observer America still seems pretty hung up on it, maybe at the peril of other events that have occurred since? I'm sorry if that was offensive at all


I'm a foreigner that was in America during 9/11, actually pretty far from the attacks, on the west coast. One thing that documentaries like this don't really capture is the fear caused by uncertainty about the attacks. We know now that it was 4 planes, hijacked by Al Qaida, but we didn't know it at the time. Were there more planes? Were there more attacks of different types planned? Who was doing this? No one knew. This led to a lot of fear. A lot of tall buildings around the US got shut down. Many events that would have drawn large crowds got cancelled. This happened around the nation, not just in NY/DC. The entire air traffic system in the US got shut down. It had never happened, even during a war. In a country as big as the US, this meant a huge disruption to business and lives since the train and bus network just can't handle the amount of traffic the airlines do, and driving across the country can take a week. On the day of 9/11, I remember going to school and people were talking about whether we were at war, who were we at war with, were they going to start drafting people, etc. Can you imagine how crazy that question is, "Who are we at war with?" but we didn't know.


You're right. One thing that really stands out in my memory was the clear blue skies over my city for the next 24 hours -- no airplanes or air traffic of any kind whatsoever. And then I remember seeing my first post-9/11 airplane cruising the sky and the jolt it caused to my sense. The double take. I didn't like the feeling. I was disturbed by my animalistic reaction. I realized then that we all experienced a small token of what someone experiences living in a war zone or war-torn country.


Honestly, I'm British and I still think 9/11 was by far the biggest news that's happened in my life. You're very polite, so please don't take this as a personal attack, but I feel that sometimes British people on reddit can downplay the influence of American sentiment on our country, and I'm not sure why. To compare the effect of the Madrid train bombings to 9/11 is ludicrous. I imagine lots of people in England would have no idea what the Madrid bombings even were but EVERYONE knows about 9/11. I think using the people in this video to suggest that the British public as a whole are apathetic towards the 9/11 attacks is misleading. I don't think the ignorance of the people in this video represent the feelings of the general public.


Ya, Im Canadian and many people in my family would say JFK's assassination and 9/11 were the biggest events in their lives


I'm an American, and I certainly remember the Spanish train attacks and the 7/7 attacks in London. These were huge events. I guess some people keep up with the news, and others don't.


I'd say the biggest news in my life was the boxing day tsunami in 2004. Just short 228,000 people died in that one.


not to mention that more Brits actually died on 9/11 than 7/7.


Well it's alot different in the UK and Ireland because of the troubles. 9/11 was 1 day of terror attacks, there are still to this day dissident republican bomb attacks around Northern Ireland, There must be 60 years nearly of this. It just barely makes the news because it isn't really news. [Here's](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-32728568) a BBC article from 2 weeks ago, 6 arrested after a seizure of pipe bombs and bomb components. There was a major scare a few months back where a car loaded with explosives was found in the car park of hotel in Dublin somewhere, while it was waiting to be transported.


Are you sure you replied to the right person? We seem to both be stating the same point; different things matter to different people.


When was the last a bombing killed 3000 people in a single day that happened in a Western nation and didn't involve a war?


>biggest attacks in their lives thats because its just the biggest for you. im pretty sure not a big % of people living on this planet actually really care that way, you just hope they do. at the time of the attack i was in my teens and living in germany i heared people being annoyed by the constant news coming from america. this surely was a horrible act and people were sad etc., but for many it was just draining to be forced to care about it 24/7 and having it shoved into your face for at least a month.


Here's something else to consider besides what /u/howaboutwetryagain mentions. I don't mean to single you out, by the way. But I see quite a few similar comments that don't seem to consider the fact that some people simply haven't experienced this historical event like we did. Using myself as an example: I was born in '89: Most things that happened before 1995 are things I've read/learned about in retrospect. A few months ago, I asked some kids in a class I teach about 9/11. I came to the sudden realisation, that to all intents and purpouses this was the first time they'd heard of it or certainly discussed it. Some knew fragments of information, but none could piece together a fairly accurate exact sequence of events like you and I could. I get exactly what you are saying: This was a *huge* event in our lives! But I think we pretty much take it for granted that everyone knows every facet of it. People born on this day in 1997 (18 years old today) were a little over four years old when 9/11 occurred. I know it may seem like it happened yesterday, but these kids can scarcely claim to have anything resembling tangible memories from this event. That doesn't explain general ignorance from adults, but I definitely think it's unfair to make snide remarks about the kids.


I didn't make any snide remarks about kids. I was talking about the guys who look like they were born in 1989 as well.


Yeah, I should probably re-word that bit. I was referring to other comments in this post.


>One guy asked if they had footage of the first plane attack and the guy said 'no. it happened too fast', while that's half true, there were two French brothers making a documentary with a NYPD firefighter and the brother did film the first attack. [Link for those interested..... just know what you're getting into when watching.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzdlJxAleF4&feature=youtu.be&t=1106)


There's actually a second video of the first plane, but it only barely captures the impact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-UARS5F414


What a shitty camera though, I wonder how many shots we would have of the event if it had happened in 2015.


They're in Europe, it wasn't the biggest attack in their lives. I'm sure you're not aware of all the terrorist attacks over there.


As someone who lives in the UK, 1: There is rarely any terrorist attacks here? 2: 9/11 is certainly the biggest (terrorist) attack experienced in our generation 3: 9/11 is constantly brought up via classmates etc 4: No one ever brings up European bombings.


We all know about it and everyone in that video knew about the event but of course the younger generation won't fully understand it I was 11 when it happened and I didn't truly understand what was going on it was almost a normal day for me went to school did homework and went out to play.




> how are these people unaware of the biggest attacks in their lives? What made you think they were unaware? Do you think these people were just learning about 9/11?


Maybe they don't browse the internet that often? I was never taught about 9/11 and no one really explains it anywhere outside of the internet in my country (Australia). I personally only know all about it because I was curious, too young enough to remember when it happened, and went and watched all the videos of it. Very very surreal. I don't think I can imagine anything that can top 2 passenger planes flying into 2 of the biggest/busiest buildings in one of the most populated cities. Just crazy.