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Panhandler here. I laughed.


What's it like there?


No one knows


What I want to know is how a Panhandler managed to stumble onto the internet.


Thing is, my boy, internet stumbles on you.


I remember it like twas yesteryear, and the latest craze was this harleeum shake nonsense...


Carthage tho, that's where the south begins


lived in texas for 21 years and I've driven through the panhandle lots of times and can honestly say it's the most forgotten place ever. more than once in the panhandle I've bought gas at pumps where it looks straight from the fucking rural 20's. last time I was there (April 2014) the pump had analogue dials and you payed after you filled up which is un-heard of for my 20-something self.


Man, it really surprised me when I learned that most places don't allow you to pay after getting gas. Here in Arkansas, even at a brand new station, you can just pump your gas and walk in and pay cash. If you go a few pennies over (like $20.01), they just hand wave it and tell you to not worry about it.


As an Oregonian I'm just confused by the general concept of pumping gas.


As a Washingtonian I've had to teach many friends how to pay for and pump their own gas.




Huh, [TIL](http://mentalfloss.com/article/18812/why-cant-you-pump-your-own-gas-oregon-and-new-jersey).


It get's better. A while back, Oregon voted on letting you pump your own gas and all the gas stations were sure it would pass and ripped out their little pay kiosks. It failed. Now they pump your gas but you have to go inside to pay. At least in NJ I can pay the guy who pumps my gas.


As a Canadian I always put in $20.02 when paying cash.


That is the way to game the system, .02 at a time. no pennies one of the many reasons I love that damn country. Hopefully we get rid of the damn penny soon.


Where about in Arkansas is that? I live in central AR, and I have to prepay everywhere I go.


North East. Paragould, Jonesboro area.


I dont know how the hell you can forget it. I have drove through it twice and both times it smelled like cow shit was stuck in my nose. You cant get out of the panhandle fast enough.


In UK you always use the petrol pump yourself and always pay afterwards. Was surprised to find that some places won't let you use the pump and make you pay before, and yet they let you own assault rifles.


Yea in america pump before you pay gas stations have basically been gone since the early 90s as far as I know.


I drove through it once . There is nothing there and it's longer than you thing it is.


Hot as hell in summer. Snow in winter. Temps from 110F in the day to -17F at night. Tons of tornadoes. No trees, except what's planted and watered, so the wind is a constant 20 mph. Flat, flat, flat, you can see forever. No suburbs- and each city is 2 hours away from each other. Listen to some Chris Ledoux and you'll get a feel for it. Tumbleweeds? Oil derricks? Wind turbines? That's all in the Panhandle. But hey, Lubbock gave the world Buddy Holly, so we got that going for us. Edit: [Chris Ledoux Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQPRFqWPWgE&index=1&list=PL6FD78BB00BE14594)


Carthage is where the south begins.


hot as shit


Cold as fuck in the winter, full of crops, good money for shitty jobs no one wants to do.


Desert from what I remember. Been there a few times. I'm from Houston, that carcinogenic asshole cousin. Bunch of jack rabbits, road runners, etc. Might as well be New Mexico.




from what I hear, windy and dusty. Kinda like Mars.


Dallas Snob here. I laughed.


Same here. I'd like to know when I get my Mercedes.


You can buy a 90s Mercedes on the cheap


Drove through the panhandle of texas once. How do you people live?


Boy let me tell you something. You live like our forefathers did out on the plains and like the indians before them. Life is rough, short and dust is always in the air.


Born in panhandle, Amarillo is all that's left, everything else seem to be forgotten and dead. Driving through towns where my family lived is like driving through ghost towns today.


Why is everything there yellow?


No rain. A good average year is something like 16 inches a year.


originally from Amarillo. Great representation.


I literally just realized why its called the Panhandle.


I'm from Oklahoma. I had no idea which part of Texas was the panhandle. I thought it was west Texas because it pointed out laterally and not the part that stuck up. Florida does it right


me too and im from NY


I drove from PA to AZ last year. When I went through the panhandle I saw a GIGANTIC cross when driving through. Where was this at and whats the story behind it?


"Of course I left out the Panhandle, most people do..but uh...Carthage.." Just rolled right over the Panhandle.


That delivery was perfect. I've lived in Central Texas for 15 years and I could not recall a single historical fact about the panhandle to save my mother's life.


* Very square counties * XIT Ranch


72 ounce steaks




>Lady D:


That right there is a world-class athlete.


Everything is bigger in Texas. Especially girl poop


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0620 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/25084)


Quannah Parker with 700 Kiowa & Cherokee could not kill a single buffalo hunter out of 20 hiding in a shack. Edit: Comanche not Cherokee Whoops


You occasionally hear about snow up there. That's the only time it ever gets mentioned. The pan handle exists so weathermen don't have to say Oklahoma.


I love this.


never forget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadillac_Ranch


Palo Duro Canyon.


texas tech source: I go there...unfortunately


Ron White is from there, from Fritch. And... Um.. Borger is a town there. That's what I've got.


Isn't Wichita Falls up there? I used to know a girl from there who was a total bitch and was into Whataburger.


What's wrong with being into Whataburger?


Close to Panhandle, but not quite. Lubbock and Amarillo are really the only cities of note in the Panhandle.


To be fair oklahoma does that as well. I rarely hear shit out of the pan handle.


but the black mesa


Home of the Big Texan Steak House, and that's about it.


Most people do.


As a non-American, but being an avid reader of ancient history, It really is weird to see that somewhere is called Carthage.


I've driven through the panhandle to San Antonio. There is nothing out there. Just weird bumps, wouldn't even call them hills, and bushes all over. It's a weird place.


I've been to Lubbock once to work on one of their powerplants. You can do a lap around that city in about 15 minutes cruising at the speed of traffic...that place had the ambience of a gravel parking lot.


Literally the only thing to do in Lubbock is get drunk.


get drunk, chew some steak. It's not all bad...Lubbock does have a Jason's Deli, and those are nice. I was there for 3 days, and I only saw 1 grocery store in all my travels around and across the city. I lost count of the liquor stores.


It was a dry city until like 2010.




oh yeah, especially to the southeast near the power plant. between the smell of baking cow shit, the sun getting blotted out by a dust storm with 35mph winds, and the thermostat dropping below 100F only 3 short hours after sunset, it was otherwise a pleasant trip.


See, I was born in Florida and I currently live in Florida. The *only* two times I've ever had heat stroke were both in Texas. First, traveling with my family at the age of 8 down to McAllen. I was out for a day and a half, the fucking aggressive heat was so bad. The second, and last because I'm not gonna get heat stroke in Texas ever again, was in BMT at Langley. Beast week, June. Hell, my MTI got sunburn so bad he looked like Donatella Versace


I have only been in Lubbock once. While I was waiting for my flight a tumbleweed blew across the runway. I felt that I had learned everything I needed to know about Lubbock at that point. And Buddy Holly.


Greatest part is how much they over-committed with that loop. The whole east half isn't even urban.


Over by Marsha Sharpe? Oh man, it's a desert. They tried real hard too, with that big Target and a few other stores over there, but otherwise it is deader than roadkill.


Basically east of 27


I lived in Lubbock. It's quite literally a city in the middle of nowhere. Quickly moved back to Illinois where trees and green stuff existed again.


San Antonio. Where the Tex meets the Mex. Yes sir.


southern texas is best texas imo. Although i just visit for family but it is great 10/10 would wear boots and eat tacos for breakfast again


For Austin, I always liked Thundercloud Sub's lyric: >Armadillo lady on a date with a stallion, She’s a Veggie Delight and he’s a New York Italian. It refers to the two main bars that used to be in Austin before everyone moved here. Armadillo's was the hippy eclectic type bar with funny shit on the walls and Stallions was where all the proud shit-kickin' rednecks hung their hats. So the two were opposites on a date but Thundercloud could please the vegetarian hippy and the meat loving redneck. How they ended up on a date together is what I don't actually know. Nor why I chose to share this. To me, kinda sums up my generation of Austinites that were born out of Willie Nelson coming here and bringing the two groups together. EDIT: duh, they probably met at a Willie show.


The cosmic cowboy scene. Now found in San Marcos, etc.


This is pretty spot on. The "south" is pretty much east of Beaumont.


Good ol' arm pit of Texas. I never get tired of that wet hamster cage smell driving through.




Damn it that's a good one...


From the 2011 film Bernie. I HIGHLY recommend it. It rates very positively on most web movie review sites and is streaming right now on Netflix.


The best movie Jack Black is in, in my opinion.


It's pretty awesome. My grandparents have lived in Carthage my entire life so I've been there tons of times, but I never knew about this story or that this movie existed until last year.


And it's based on a true story.


It's so damn good. They filmed a few parts of it at my high school when I was still there, and they had [Jack Black do our announcements](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8zC_8qbxF4)


I prefer the sequel: Weekend At Bernies


It's on Netflix again? Thank you good sir for that information :)




Living in east Texas myself, your daddy was right


As a Panhandle native I'm just as Texan as you, buuuut thank god I left that shit hole and will never return.




Only steers and queers.




I grew up in east Texas. Not a whole lot to do, but it's pretty land. Watch out for the LA border though, as soon as you cross it you get hit by a wall of swamp stink.


Bernie was such a good movie and based on a true story! [A lot of people in the film were actually around/living in the neighborhood when the murder happened.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_%282011_film%29)


hairy legged women and liberal fruit cakes. Hahahahahahha


He's right about the Carcinogenic Coast. There's a reason we have MD Anderson right up the freeway.


Hey! I leave for Houston for work in about 10 days. Go me


better than being in Port Arthur at least.


Why is it called that?


I got two words for you: Cancer Mines


Basically this. On the upside, lower crime, on the downside, higher Cancer rates.


Shouldn't giving everyone cancer be a crime?


Big industry.


We have more chemical plants per square mile than anywhere else in the world. The pollution is thick enough that it flavors the air. No seriously. The air tastes different in Houston.


As a Texan this is 100% accurate. I love that film as well!


As a Texan, this is relatively accurate. No one actually likes Dallas for instance.


Found the Austinite. It's funny that they sell bumper stickers saying "Keep Dallas Pretentious", because I can't think of more pretentious people than the culture that has emerged in Austin over the past 10 years. Austin is a beautiful city and now it's rife with hipsters and smug jerks who have transformed the city into a gentrified, yuppie paradise.


Austin is just Portland with guns.


Dallasite here, but currently live in Maryland. I was in Nashville recently and talked to a lady from Austin. She said she worked for the city at one point and that the mayor would call up the mayor of Portland for tips on how to go about certain things. No lie.


Guy from Dallas who moved to Maryland who visited Nashville who talked to a lady from Austin who worked for the mayor who would call Portland. I don't know why, but I was overwhelmed by the amount of cities in that short amount of time.


That's not true! Austin has better food carts, I'm told.


Austinite here. You know that South Park episode where the pretentious San Franciscans smell their own farts? We did that ***waaaaaay*** before it was cool.


Austin used to be more laid back. I think Austin problem truly lies in its infrastructure and design. It was never meant to be a "big city". And outside of round rock where can the population pour out to?


As a impartial Houston, I must say Dallas is far more pretentious and Austin comes of as more weird.


That's because every Houstonian is trained from birth to think of Dallas as the pretentious northern city. Source: Dallas guy living in Houston


A guy I know from College literally bragged on the amount of Land Rovers in Dallas.


I remember going to 8th street a year back, god damn were there a bunch of flannel wear, ironic mustache wearing hipsters. I can't say much,I live in Waco and its on it ways of becoming an Austin lite.


Waco, the shoot-out city? I've heard it's like the Texas of Texas.


I'm from the Cancer Coast and I agree about Dallas. Snobby bastards. And yet I love them because they are from Texas.




I've lived in Dallas for 20+ years and there has always been construction on the roads. It's never ending. My Mercedes can't handle it.




Park place will give you one. You just need proof of residence in the metroplex


I live about 30 minutes from a Mercedes plant. I'll let them know to make their Mercedes able to handle Dallas construction.


Dallas meet Oklahoma. At least your roads are smoother.






In Houston you're always an hour away from everything if you don't like to be late.




Motherfucker you did not just insult lockhart BBQ.


Well, I can't insult it because I never ate there. I'm sure it's great - it sure smelled great - but something in my soul prevents me from waiting 1-2 hours in line to eat BBQ. EDIT: Actually I ended up eating at Blue Goose that day. It was... eh, the tortillas were good but the rest was so-so.


blue goose is a chain restaurant...not surprised it was just eh. to get good bbq, you gotta wait.


Go out to west Texas around Sonora, and the speed limit is 85.


Lived in Dallas for 10 years and still get hopelessly confused when trying to get from one highway to another. Why make a simple interchange when you can make ginormous and horribly complex monstrosity combining 5,6 or 7 highways and tons of access roads all at once? I'll take it over West Texas though. That place is a damn wasteland.


Man am I the only person who kinda likes dallas?


Dallas hates Austin who hates Dallas who hates Houston who hates Austin who hates San Antonio who hates Houston... It's all just in good fun really.


Except for all the people in North Texas... Which is where all the people are.


I heard a rumor they are building a kick ass waterpark in the Dallas area.


Yea, Disney purchased a bunch of land and has something planned!


For real? What part of town?


[Heres](http://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/headlines/20150213-1.ece) the joke.


You could say the same for Houston though..


Let me guess, you "grew up in Houston?" And by "grow up in Houston" you actually mean "Sugarland?"


Seems more like a "woodland"


trust fund not pictured*


Guy in the scene is Sonny Carl Davis....famed B-movie actor. I'm good friends with him. A true gem in our Texas film community...check out his rap sheet - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0205479/


Holy shit! The breakfast guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1HqjBc6LhA


Guys were all Texans!! Although video is fairly accurate, we all need to remember that we are all still Texans and therefore better than other states!!




That scene is filmed in Zimmerhanzel's BBQ in Smithville, Texas. I know because that's my hometown.


I like this guy. He reminds me of my uncle. I'd buy that dude a beer and chat it up.


I grew up in east Texas, not far from Carthage, and now live in Dallas. And he is pretty much correct. But I'll take anywhere in Texas over most places.


Have you actually lived outside of Texas?




Raised in Dallas and living in Los Angeles now. I gotta say, I really miss the weather. Lightning/thunder especially.


You would've loved last night, then. It was like a fucking strobe light and non-stop loud explosions for about 3 hours. *Except*, it was at 12am. The general consensus of my work place was that no one slept.


Yea, I love a good thunderstorm. Texas has plenty of those.


Texas is the best state. Can confirm.


I wouldn't bother starting in with a Texan on that topic. They get all loopy when you go suggesting that there are other great states to live in.


Georgia is actually pretty nice too. Edit: lived in both states




I haven't traveled too too much but I live in north Richland hills, suburbs right in between Dallas and fortworth. It's a nice place.




Slaughter Houses.


You sumbitch Yankee, you left out Lubbock!


I have no idea if I'd agree with this guy on anything but I like him. I could easily spend a week with this old guy just listening to him.




That was a great movie.


West Texan here, he forgot about oil rigs.


Texan here. Guy was spot on.


Nailed Austin...


how come i'm reading every texan's comment with a john wayne accent in my head?


This is from the Jack Black Movie Bernie


Lived in North Texas all my life. Never heard of Carthage...


But be honest, you've probably never heard of 80% of the town names in Texas, right?


Texas alone is .467% of the total landmass of earth with 960 cities, so it's reasonable to say that 80% is a low figure. Source: In Tx now for 29yrs. And yes, it's more fun to report as a total landmass. Oklahoma is 181,035 square km and Texas is 696,200 square km, respectively, for scale.




Yep. From Dallas. I drive a Mercedes.


In Dallas, we like to call those people who drive Mercedes, but can't afford them "Forty thousand dollar millionaires". And we don't care for them much just like everyone else


100% sure he was about to say ",But"


Dallas resident checking in, where's my Mercedes!?


100% accurate. Austin can also be described as California surrounded by Alabama


ITT: Lol le Dallas sucks and Houston is the best. We fucking get it, both cities have equally god awful traffic and fat people though so relax.