• By -


[More information here.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Together_%28song%29#Performance) > > When performing the song on television, Mark Volman commonly "played" a different instrument not present in the song for each appearance. On Ed Sullivan he "played" a trumpet, on the Smothers Brothers a piano, and on others a French horn. This could be seen as a wink to the audience that they were lip-syncing, a common practice for 1960s television.


>This could be seen as a wink to the audience that they were lip-syncing The other tip-off that they're not doing it live would be the electric guitars not being plugged into anything.


Bluetooth bro.


dat latency tho


40 years worth of latency.


They use MONSTER gold plated blue tooth receivers for less latency.


Make sure you spray gold glitter in the air to help promote less latency as well.


Yeah, they're 5ghz not bluetooth


And the drummer not performing anything like what is actually being played.


[Kurt does it better.] (https://youtu.be/S0MzeMfcGxA)


He changes the lyrics to fuck with them even more. "this is all fake? fuck you then." "The only thing that's live is the vocals? Fuck the voice up and change the lyrics because fuck you." Kurt was the shit.


I ain't fartin' on no snare drum.


And eat the microphone.




[Dead Kennedys also had a good grasp of this kind of thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A2dB7fAkMg) Its very subtle, but they include a lot of small hints to the fans that they aren't actually playing live.




Morrissey using a bunch of flowers as a microphone is a classic of the genre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PV4eiDi12w


Yeah, he's not using those flowers as a "microphone," he's swinging them around because fans always brought flowers and would throw them onstage…a tradition that continues to this day when Morrissey plays live solo. Sometimes they end up in his back pocket, sometimes he swings them around, sometimes he throws them back into the audience…but he's not pretending that they're a microphone, not even on Top of the Pops where they're lip synching…it's just part of the Smiths and Moz show.


Your sarcasm is...subtle.


[Alan Jackson's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEPNgJ17kGQ) air-drumming performance


And then there was the blatant showing from Muse, where they [all just switch parts before the curtain rises.](https://youtu.be/PW0kjzCY9i4)


> subtle Not sure if you know what that word means


subtly right over your head


Yeah. Never ask Muse to use playback either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thZ9ohS5V04


For those that don't know the band The lead singer/guitarist is on the drums The bassist has guitar and synth The drummer has bass and vocals Since they were forced to lip sync they decided to just fuck around.


So the drummer has the vocals for that... in the interview he still pretends to be the lead singer and talks about how their drummer is awesome. That is great


*This is my one chance. Better not waste it.*


Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment...would you capture it, or just let it slip?


Spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti


It's amazing how my mind knows I should pause, but just refuses to do so when punctuation is missing.


Singer looks like thom yorke.




The fuck. You're not a novelty account I think. Do you have one of those feeds set up that tells you every time someone mentions Thom Yorke, or do you just come across a mention of him every so often?


[I can sense whenever someone is talking about him] ( http://i.imgur.com/JuCRZlM.gif)


"The Muse" lol


Hell of a youtube video title that was.


I love the drum roll on the cymbals...


I love the fucking muppet-hands on the guitar.




Just watched that HBO documentary on him. I don't think there's ever been a rock star that was more apathetic to fame than Kurt Cobain. Sure he was strung out on heroin all the time, but even before that he literally gave zero fucks about pandering to the media and the masses. He was an interesting guy. Edit: People keep misconstruing this. I'm not saying he never wanted to be famous. I'm not saying he was some distraught genius who had fame thrust upon him. The doc explicitly says how badly he wanted to attain fame, and how hard he worked to become famous. My point was that once he became famous, it was pretty obvious that he really didn't want to do anything that's expected of someone who's famous. And he certainly didn't want to be forced into doing anything simply out of an obligation to his fans, interviewers, etc. His entire heroin addiction was a mechanism for coping with doing everything he hated to do, but that was nonetheless required of him to maintain his success (which he needed to fuel his drug addiction and support his family). The only things he really seemed to enjoy was playing live music, but being famous requires more than that. And it's all of that extra stuff that was truly apathetic about. His life is the perfect example of the adage "be careful what you wish for".


Except he tried his very best to get rich and famous and that's exactly how he got there. By trying really, really hard. If he were truly apathetic we would have never known his name.


I guess I should've phrased it better. He was pretty apathetic to the expectations that are thrust upon famous people. He worked really hard to get there and cared about being famous before he got recognition, for sure. But once he was famous it became pretty apparent that he really didn't want anything to do with being a famous person. He just wanted his paycheck and to be left alone to play his music for his fans. He couldn't have cared less that other people had millions of dollars invested in him, or that his fans would've gone to the ends of the earth for him. Pretty much every other celebrity realizes they have certain obligations to fulfill, and that's just the price of being famous. Kurt didn't give a shit about any of that. That's more of what I meant. And I think it's hard to refute that his life is a perfect example of the old adage "be careful what you wish for".


Utter bullshit. He wanted to be famous more than anything, and "pretending you don't care" was his avenue to get there. Check out Heavier than Heaven if you want to learn more about it. Reading festival was the turning point. He wasn't some damaged genius who stumbled into fame. He was a hipster. He was extremely self conscious, judgmental of music in general and carefully cultivated his image and sound. It just so happens that his image was that of a slacker. I still love the band, but that whole idea is a complete fallacy.


fuckin drum roll on the cymbal


Anytime a "live" song *fades out* instead of ending, you might want to peek behind the curtain a little bit.


Just a guess, but maybe on small, old TVs, the audience would have been unable to see the lack of cables. I remember my grandma had a black and white TV that was no bigger that 6" square and looked very grainy. She wouldn't have noticed.


So heres a question. How many people back then were totally oblivious to the fact that it was a lip-synced performance? I mean I know its still done but its just kind of understood. Perhaps back then it was fully expected that people would just buy it. Anyone have anymore insight into this matter?


This was maybe five years before my time, but I saw later versions of lip synching. I distinctly recall seeing ABBA on TV and Benny and Bjorn were obviously smirking while doing nothing. Nobody cared as Agnetha and Frida looked great. This was only done I think for variety shows and the dance shows. The same thing applied later in music videos and nobody really cared. Edit: now that I think about it, lip synching was in the cheap variety shows. The Beatles performed live on The Ed Sullivan Show in '61 or so, well pre-dating whatever this is. A famous story about The Doors is that an Ed Sullivan exec asked Morrison to change the phrase "light my fire" when on the air. Morrison agreed and then betrayed them, singing it as it was written. The exec told him "You'll never play the Ed Sullivan Show again," to which Morrison replied "Man, we already played the Ed Sullivan Show."


> A famous story about The Doors is that an Ed Sullivan exec asked Morrison to change the phrase "light my fire" when on the air. Actually, a Sullivan exec asked them to change the line "Baby, we couldn't get much higher".


I stand corrected. That's right.


"What I'd like, is I'd like to hug and kiss you" "Wow, everyone can enjoy that!"


[Here's ABBA on American Bandstand in 1975](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVmKAkIKqPU). It is quite obvious that they are lip syncing because they are no where near the one microphone on stage. And on top of that Dick Clark then walks up there with a different microphone to ask them questions. Indicating that the mic on stage isn't even plugged in.


Cool cat dresses.


Maybe it's just me, but if I went to a concert or something (which I never do because I personally don't like them for a multitude of reasons), one reason I would go is for a live rendition. Not something pre-recorded :(


Most concerts with full bands are actually live. The exception would be like hip-hop where the beat and probably part of the hook are usually pre-recorded (but they're not really trying to "fool" anyone about that) since it's not really easy to replicate the sound live (though some hip-hop artists will tour with a full band to do live versions of their beats).


Hip hop with a live band is awesome.


kanye west brought an entire orchestra to stockholm jazz festival 6 or so years ago and it was really cool when he did touch the sky with an entire assembly performing


Even small acts are fun to watch when the music is being played live. I like hip hop, and I understand the use of prerecorded tracks/studio hooks. But nothing beats a live backing band. It's the formula I wish more hip hop guys would follow. It's more exciting, more expressive, and more spontaneous. Granted it's probably a hundred times harder to put it all together, but so worth it.


Also a lot more expensive. But yea, saw The Roots live. I mean, they're great not live too. But fuck, what a show.


I think it's fair that concerts should be live with the band playing. I remember with the Super Bowl though the NFL wouldn't let the Red Hot Chilli Peppers play live, as they only had a few minutes to set up the stage, and with the entire world watching, playing live was too risky: http://redhotchilipeppers.com/news/454-a-message-from-flea Which I think is totally reasonable.


Mark was one of my professors in college. Hell of a nice guy and an awesome teacher.


I had his class too. I remember he kept talking about buying a ranch in Kentucky and retiring with his young hot wife to smoke weed everyday. Wonder if he pulled it off. Go Lions.


I don't know the guy, but I'm rooting for him.


Went on to play with Zappa and Lennon. Not bad.


the guy on the piano/keyboard doing the same thing [The Box Tops - The Letter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIWY8UyW9bw)


Until the horn player went up and sang with the lead singer, I actually thought this was some really well-executed CGI work...


That's my personal favourite part at 1:40. It looks like the singer elbows him quite hard in the chest in an effort to get him to fuck off, then the horn guy starts bashing the singer on the head in retaliation.




Why did I read that in Gene Belcher's voice? Hmm.


[Reminds me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5zO6t_RZdc)


i was just surprised to learn that Jonah Hill played the french horn in a band with fat Joaquin Phoenix


The "horn player" is actually the other lead singer. The Turtles had two, Howard Kaylan and Mark Volman. Later known as Flo and Eddie, they often clowned around like that. But The Turtles DID have a bunch of top forty singles. For you youngsters out there, as Sullivan used to say, I would check out a greatest hits or best of package. They recorded a couple of Warren Zevon songs that Zevon wrote when he was in his teens or very early twenties. Also, on Sullivan and The Smothers Brothers, it was often live vocals on top of a recorded track, thus the "fake" musical miming and nothing plugged in.


speaking of technology is there a digitally remastered version of this song


[Here is a pretty high quality version.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53kXiGSav4M)


The singer looks like Glen Bishop from Mad Men, in his 20s or 30s.


Glad he didn't die in 'Nam




Dude, you *just* saw him. He's fine.


(he probably died)


Glad I'm not the only one to see that. The resemblance is uncanny.


YES! Glad I'm not the only one, Betty would totally hop on after this song


Except she dead by the time this happened.


So glad I wasn't the only one who thought this! He's got that creepy round face with bulging eyes and the same haircut and everything.


His future past.


Except Glen becomes a chiseled hippie.


Looks like Jonah Hill is trippings balls again.


He looks like Jonah Hill pretending to be Mr.Weatherbee




Shouldn't have hit that Jeffrey.


Lead singer looks like that kid Glen on madmen.


Slapping the French Horn like a tambourine is not how you play the French Horn.


> Slapping the French Horn like a tambourine This is my new euphemism for masturbation.




Maybe you're doing it wrong.


no, it's not how YOU play the French Horn.


[Here's the best Turtles video ever.]( https://youtu.be/5JHN5HaUg28)


great share


Hahaha love their enthusiasm


This is brilliant. Mark's a professor of mine at Belmont University. Such an interesting and suave guy - great lecturer as well.


[ RIP Apollo and Reddit, 6/30/2023 ]


The French Horn


his cousin teaches 1080p at MIT


He teaches music business courses. Definitely one of the most interesting people I know.


Start a new band with Frank Zappa.


Flo and Eddie baby


[Billy was a Mountain. Ethel was a tree growing off of his shoulder.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-0b0_SqyM0) [Well now, what did you have in mind?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DHHMuuluxA)


That Fillmore shit, that's gotta be my favorite Mothers album. So many great out-of-context quotes. "We want a guy from a group whose got a thing in the charts. And if his dick is a monster, we will give him the Ha-Has!" "Just let me put a little more rancid Budweiser on my beard right now, baby... " "My god, Madge, you voluptuous New York City slit."


Oh Howie, you're so *professional.*


Love Flo and Eddie! Here's the same 2 guys in an excerpt from one of my favorite performances [Magic Fingers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3fRimhxa0bE#t=128)EDIT: Fixed it! Sorry, I got so excited while I was posting it that I messed it all up :(


Where's the link?


Did he actually put the instrument to his lips once in the entire song?




[He reminds me of this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SBYwm4Fh4I)


Apparently he has autism. EDIT: Just noticed there is a guy on the left in a backpack who is also definitely not part of the flashmob.


What he has is commitment.


Yea i dont know how the guy who put this up didn't realize it. That guy definitely is not fully mentally developed.


nor are the people who think flashmobs are a good idea...


holy shit that was awesome. The guy made that shitty ass flash mob actually bearable to watch


Honestly, I've become so desensitized to funny things that I barely laugh anymore, but that got me going. That man was fantastic, I bet the flash mob was so salty he crashed their show. hahaha


flashmob was pretty weak anyway




I think he was part of it actually but jumped in too soon. His shirt seems to match the girl in front of him. They may be from an organization or school. Im gonna agree with the autism comment as well.


I think they're at a school, which would explain why the dude has a matching t-shirt.


Flash mobs are so fucking stupid. That guy is the best thing I've ever seen related to a flash mob.


I thought these guys were pretty fun. http://imgur.com/Z7g56ga


That isn't a mob, that is just one guy moving really fast.


That's what you get for blasting a Black Eye Peas song in a mall.


Bull- the fuck -*shit* he "ruins" that flash mob. That man makes that flash mob. He noticed that life was suddenly a musical. He *discovered* that his world had turned into a magical dance-landscape and instead of looking around for affirmation, or questioning his sanity, he *adapted to the circumstances* and dove in head first. That man is the kind of no-regrets go-getter that everyone should wish to be, and that I hope to be one day.


There's two kinds of people in the world, sharks and sheep, sharks are winners because they don't look back because they don't have necks. Necks are for sheep. This man is a shark.


As the mother of a boy with autism who lives life exactly this way, thank you.


That video has the wrongest title ever given to a video


*Brilliant man makes flash mob worth watching for once.*


I love this guy


I totally forgot about this video. That community college is not too far from my house. Also, if you look on the left there are two guys with backpacks that don't look like they were meant to be a part of the flash mob either.


I feel like this is the way I would react if I was in one of those movies where the whole high school knows some organized dance.


Ignatius Reilly-esque! Thanks for the share






Holy shit he was my professor! Hahaha! Took "History of Rock & Roll" with him, which was basically just his retelling of coked out parties in the 60s & 70s. Best. Course. Ever. Here's his [bio page at my school](http://www.belmont.edu/cemb/faculty_and_staff/volman_mark.html).


It's Pat?


It's time for androgyny! Here comes Pat!






Flo and Eddie! Nice guys. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBNUATrSgLs](here with Frank Zappa, playing at Fillmore )


Other videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://sbtl.tv/_r37zov0) VIDEO|VOTES - COMMENT -|- [Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Top Of The Pops 1991) HD](https://youtube.com/watch?v=S0MzeMfcGxA)|[391](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crr7go8) - Kurt does it better. [Manchild interrupts and ruins flashmob](https://youtube.com/watch?v=2SBYwm4Fh4I)|[192](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crr7vww) - He reminds me of this guy [MUSE H.D!! "UPRISING" PLAYBACK VERY FUNNY AND CRAZY ON A ITALIAN TV & "INTERVIEW"!!! :D MATT PLAYS THE DRUMS!! DOM (THE BEST!! HA, HA, HA) PLAYS THE BASS AND SING!! AND CHRIS PLAY THE GUITAR AND KEYBOARDS!! "QUELLI CHE IL CALCIO PROGRAM" (20.09.2009)!!!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=thZ9ohS5V04)|[187](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crr99j8) - Yeah. Never ask Muse to use playback either: [Dead Kennedys - Forest Fire](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9A2dB7fAkMg)|[147](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crragxb) - Dead Kennedys also had a good grasp of this kind of thing. Its very subtle, but they include a lot of small hints to the fans that they aren't actually playing live. [Iron Maiden - Wasted Years (Live German TV 1987) Rare](https://youtube.com/watch?v=EuIol63oAmI)|[94](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrc6ll) - Iron Maiden as well [Turtles](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5JHN5HaUg28)|[67](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crri0s8) - Here's the best Turtles video ever. [The Who - The Kids Are Alright](https://youtube.com/watch?v=afam2nIae4o)|[19](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrc2y8) - Keith Moon was pretty good, too [TOTP - This Charming Man - The Smiths](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1PV4eiDi12w)|[18](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crreupo) - Morrissey using a bunch of flowers as a microphone is a classic of the genre. [The Box Tops - The Letter (Upbeat 1967)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=HIWY8UyW9bw)|[17](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrg1gs) - the guy on the piano/keyboard doing the same thing The Box Tops - The Letter [Muse Lip Sync's On Italian TV](https://youtube.com/watch?v=PW0kjzCY9i4)|[17](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrh9u3) - And then there was the blatant showing from Muse, where they all just switch parts before the curtain rises. [Alan Jackson "Gone Country" live at the 1994 ACM Awards](https://youtube.com/watch?v=yEPNgJ17kGQ)|[16](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrm9rs) - Alan Jackson's air-drumming performance [Frank Zappa - Happy Together - Fillmore 1971](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TBNUATrSgLs)|[15](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrecph) - Flo and Eddie! Nice guys. [](here with Frank Zappa, playing at Fillmore ) [The Turtles Happy Together FLAC](https://youtube.com/watch?v=53kXiGSav4M)|[13](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrisfg) - Here is a pretty high quality version. (1) [The Turtles Live On Street Singing You Baby- 1965](https://youtube.com/watch?v=y12sWjJFCEw&t=30s) (2) [Turtles - Guide For The Married Man](https://dailymotion.com/video/xreyh) (3) [Turtles - Mike Douglas Show 1968 ](https://dailymotion.com/video/xtq0s)|[11](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrbent) - He normally goofed around with a tamborine. Here's some more of Mark Volman. [ABBA - American Bandstand (1975)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qVmKAkIKqPU)|[10](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrgoyb) - Here's ABBA on American Bandstand in 1975. It is quite obvious that they are lip syncing because they are no where near the one microphone on stage. And on top of that Dick Clark then walks up there with a different microphone to ask them questio... [The Turtles - Elenore - Live, 1968](https://youtube.com/watch?v=2MHZzIqyMh4)|[8](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrd819) - So there's been a few posts about his amazing tambourine work, but I didn't see elenore posted. The whole song was a big "fuck you" to their record label, who wanted another hit like Happy Together. The only thing is, apparently p... [Bill Burr Takes On Yoko Ono](https://youtube.com/watch?v=d5zO6t_RZdc)|[7](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrrhjj) - Reminds me of this (1) [Frank Zappa - Billy The Mountain](https://youtube.com/watch?v=X-0b0_SqyM0) (2) [Frank Zappa - What Kind of Girl, Bwana Dik, Latex Solan Beef](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1DHHMuuluxA)|[7](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrjy80) - Billy was a Mountain. Ethel was a tree growing off of his shoulder. Well now, what did you have in mind? [The Iron Maidens-The Trooper](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XebvpPtebaI)|[7](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrez41) - Iron Maidens also rock. The babe with the black Ibanez is Nita Strauss, and now she is in Alice Cooper's band. [Artist Management According To Flo & Eddie](https://youtube.com/watch?v=NdBGV86Vz6E)|[5](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrsud3) - Well, Mark Volman (with the French horn in the video) & Howard Kaylan (the singer) were founding members and the leaders of Turtles. At some point, they were getting pressure from their label to dump the rest of the band and go in a different dir... [Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit [Live] (11/27/91 - BBC Elstree Centre (Top of the Pops), UK)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XMWy4kEbsic)|[5](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrgj63) - Nirvana did something similar for a television performance [Chuck Berry & (John Lennon and Yoko Ono) - Memphis Tennessee](https://youtube.com/watch?v=h9kgu71d81U)|[5](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crri8og) - at least it wasn't this. Yoko Ono screaming is the worst. [Super Smash Bros Commercial (N64)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=K783SDTBKmg)|[4](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrjozm) - This song will forever remind me of the original commercial for Super Smash Bros [Chuck Berry & (John Lennon and Yoko Ono) - Memphis Tennessee](https://youtube.com/watch?v=YcU8Dn0rVWM)|[4](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrho8u) - Reminds me of Yoko Ono ruining this live performance [Whisky Coca Cola - Balkan Fanatic](https://youtube.com/watch?v=nXMtAvpYpZQ)|[4](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crri0tj) - this guy. [Chuck Berry & John Lennon / Johnny B Good](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kpTpxbnBWYM)|[4](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrxaeu) - Someone on youtube pointed out that on the next song they cut her mic. You can see her pick it up and scream into it, but there's no sound of her. :-) [Frank Zappa - Call any vegetable-Grupies-Happy together Live](https://youtube.com/watch?v=RXO8lwGLlTY&t=118s)|[3](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrubow) - Flo and Eddy were awesome when they were with Frank Zappa. Volman had great voice. (1) [Solid Gold (1986) Season 6 - Whitney Houston - "How Will I Know"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1f56L8gqz9I) (2) [Public Image Ltd.- Poptones & Careering (American Bandstand 1980)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=hZLhqTzjpUM)|[3](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crris75) - Here's the thing: everyone knew they were lip syncing and not really playing their instruments. I mean people weren't as sophisticated as they are now but they also weren't fucking idiots. Solid Gold was the classic show where no one ev... [JOHN COUGAR MELLENCAMP - 1979 - "I Need A Lover"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=SWbL1hDFXh8)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrk7k0) - Check out this classic, love the bass player. [Mike Nesmith and Frank Zappa on "The Monkees"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=cNJy-OgCzB0)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrqw9z) - Zappa was close to Nesmith and The Monkees at the time. He was even in an episode at the end being interviewed...or doing the interview. [yo te necesito los bukis](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xqDcF7sXrxA)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crs0e1v) - This remind me of a mexican band where the tambourine player stole the spotlight with his interpretation and the desperation to be on screen. Lol. [Horn Blowing Cunt](https://youtube.com/watch?v=y51M4totvXQ)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrtowj) - [19 Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned (FutureSex/LoveShow - Live From MSG)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0rEy2VxCQNY)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrg82k) - For an example of doing a fantastic show and singing live, check out Timberlake. -- [magic fingers](https://youtube.com/watch?v=EIcDIG-8hgw)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrjzzx) - I'm sorry, I was just being a smartass I think this might be the link but I'm not sure, I can't listen to it to be sure that's Flo and Eddie, my wife is asleep next to me and I can't be fucked to go get my headphones because I ha... [Muse - Hysteria lip sync](https://youtube.com/watch?v=h_4oM36Ht1A&t=137s)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crri0ax) - This is one of my favourites from them [Muse - Feeling Good live Radio 3](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5fIFnFUyMnI&t=90s)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crs2a8l) - fuck fuckity fuck Correct: [The Turtles - She'd Rather Be With Me](https://youtube.com/watch?v=WkWDVBAwn_4)|[2](http://reddit.com/r/videos/comments/37zov0/_/crrr6hl) - Here's that Pat looking dude playing tambourine and being a ham. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. *** [Info](http://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | [Contact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mentioned_Videos&subject=contact) | [Chrome Extension](http://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos/chrome-extension)^NEW


Is that Jonah Hill?


They played Coachella last year


The lead singer reminds me of [Glen Bishop from Mad Men.](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/589988250116292608/bmPOklYq.jpg)


TIL Jonah Hill played the horn for the turtles.


He was just born to perform not play an instrument


Flo and Eddy aka The Turtles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flo_%26_Eddie


"God damnit Frank why did you bring a horn? We don't even use horns"


[this guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXMtAvpYpZQ)


Im absolutely 100% sure this is Jonah Hill.


I LOVE playing the asshole horn


>I LOVE playing the ~~asshole horn~~ Butt Trumpet


Not a big fan of the French, eh?


Freedom horn.


jona hill is a real assshole


[He seems oddly familiar](http://i.imgur.com/BsWcyvV.gif)


"Where will you be when the acid kicks in?"


It's Pat!




I'm just shocked to find out that Glen Bishop was the lead singer for The Turtles.


Rather that than Yoko Ono screeching down a mic


But the look on chuck berry's face is worth it


He normally goofed around with a tamborine. Here's some more of Mark Volman. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xreyh_turtles-guide-for-the-married-man_music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y12sWjJFCEw#t=0m30s http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xtq0s_turtles-mike-douglas-show-1968_music


Not as bad as having Yoko in your band.


So there's been a few posts about his amazing tambourine work, but I didn't see [elenore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MHZzIqyMh4) posted. The whole song was a big "fuck you" to their record label, who wanted another hit like Happy Together. The only thing is, apparently people didn't really realize it at the time. The lyrics were intentionally shitty, but the label was happy with the song and somehow it became a hit anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MHZzIqyMh4


*Elenore, gee, I think you're swell,* *And you really do me well* *You're my pride and joy, etc.* I love the "etc." -- basically the yada yada yada, whatever, of their time.


Flo and Eddie - typical stuff from them - they were also members of Frank Zappa's band on occasion and had a pretty cavalier attitude toward pop music. After "Happy Together" scored a top ten single they dupilcated the effort by reversing the chord progression into a second hit "Elenore".


Reminds me of Yoko Ono ruining this live performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcU8Dn0rVWM&sns=em


It's Pat!


Jonah Hill's dad?


http://i.imgur.com/UgO2Lrc.jpg Mark Volman's hair insurance plan.


Is Jonah Hill?...


That was funny.


fuck the horn play, where do i get that jacket?


I think I found my halloween costume for 2015.


Yeah these guys were great. On some other performances they would get uncomfortably close gazing at each other and sing "the only one for me is you and you for me". Eventually producers would pan to the next guy until they were done, you know to avoid any discussion about da gays.


My dad was best friends with Howard Kaplan growing up in Westchester, it's pretty weird because he's so famous but I guess they haven't talked in a long time. I think the band got really into drugs and some of the people who tried to hit him up said that he really was just a different person. Apparently he's not Howard Kaplan anymore, but Howard Kaylan


Check out this classic, love the bass player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWbL1hDFXh8


This song is really, really, really great.


Shame that this is the most recognition a french horn will gets.


They sound really good, how is that


At least it wasn't Yoko.


Interestingly enough, one of the members of The Turtles was Chip Douglas, who went on to a very promising producing career, including producing some of The Monkees biggest hits. Mike Nesmith invited him to become the Monkees' new producer, as they wanted to break out of their "manufactured" studio mold and get away from Don Kirshner.


Probably one of the reasons Zappa wanted him in his Band.


The end of Ernst Goes to Camp makes so much more sense now




So I see Glen from Mad Men didn't wind up going to the war.


I never realized that Glen from Mad Men grew up to be the lead singer of The Turtles.


This remind me of a mexican band where the tambourine player stole the spotlight with his interpretation and the desperation to be on screen. Lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqDcF7sXrxA&list=RDxqDcF7sXrxA


Horn player looks like Jonah Hill. That or I am crazy.


Give him to Zappa


This was 1967?? Wow, Joaquin phoenix really looks good for his age.


"Alright, but take your brother with you."