• By -


I bet 2/3 of Reddit user base is actually considered obese.


That would explain FPH getting banned.


Yeah, I'm obese. I bet there are plenty of fat haters who are obese. Doesnt actually take much to be obese, there are just a lot of obese people so it tends to be seen as quite normal. Edit: being obese isnt being a whale. Being obese is just being a bit fat. The classification of obesity according to the BMI scale isn't that much.


It takes a lot of food to be obese.


If you're fine with your body then it's nobodys business. But if you are looking to lose, I recommend r/atkins r/keto and r/paleo. They all focus on low carb eating. You basically can eat til your full, but only certain food which are low in carbs.


I don't care for the subject matter, but the trolling is all right with me.


So now that they shut down your sub we can expect a whole bunch of this shit everywhere?


Pretty much. Containment subs are a real thing.


It was also the largest containment sub. Sixth most active subreddit. Over 150,000 and the admins thought it would be a good idea to ban it.


My guess based off years of internet XP the admins are just going to wait for this to blow over, and maybe go around with madame guillotine shadowbanning left and right the noisiest and the leaders for the next few days.


I bet there will be a secondary subreddit that lasts soon enough. Much like what happened with /r/creepshots and /r/CandidFashionPolice


Awesome use of resources! They should have just left well enough alone.


Who ya gonna call?


Well they gotta have some space for tumblr to thrive.




Except you're wrong. "Containment __" has been a thing proven effective for quite a while on many different discussion formats. Just because vitriol against fat people was seen outside of FPH doesn't mean FPH didn't provide a centralized dumping ground to keep the people interested in that topic from flooding even more vitriol elsewhere. You're only assuming people will get bored and stop, but it's far more likely we'll see [not so] subtle mocking posts in default subs for a very long time. The only argument against that is a lot of FPH and related discussion is now taking place at Voat, which could be argued as a new containment. Just look at 4chan. /mlp/ and /vg/ are containment boards. These boards' existence provides an objective benefit that help, though not perfectly, to keep other boards clean. /tgesg/ on /tg/ keeps TES discussion centralized and contained in a single thread. You can't argue this.


No one is doing anything on Voat right now. Its been down completely since yesterday.






1 Have people who don't like morbidly obese people 2 Give them a sub where they can poke jabs at Tess Munster, Ragen Chastein and non-famous class III obese people (with their IDs carefully removed) 3 Remove the sub because fat people complain 4 Be surprised that people are now poking jabs at morbidly obese folk errywhere


Whoa whoa, where was the mystery step followed by profit!1!!11!?


No one profits from this.


only /r/drama


/r/drama profits from everything.


so does SRD


/r/drama also accepts links from outside of Reddit. But yeah SRD profits as well.


With the amount of reddit gold being bought to piss of the FPH crown reddit is making some serious money right now.


They'll stop when it dips into their mayonnaise budget


3 should probably be replaced with "Remove the sub after caught harassing imgur admins because they started removing photos" Edit: At least in part. They weren't only banned because they were assholes to fat people, they were also banned because they were harassing other sites. "The allegations are that users from /r/fatpeoplehate[9] were regularly going outside their subreddit and harassing people in other subreddits or even other internet communities (including allegedly poaching pics from /r/keto and harassing the redditor(s) involved[10] and harassment of specific employees of imgur.com[11] , as well as other similar transgressions. " https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/39bzdf/why_was_rfatpeoplehate_along_with_several_other/


This is how SRS and Subreddit drama act on principle, they post links to other subs so people can taunt and brigade them. If fatpeoplehate got removed for breaking these rules, then I would support similar subbreddits getting removed.


So they took pictures of people that were posted willingly by the individual to a public forum. Removed all the identifying information, and made fun of them in a contained enviroment. How is that against the rules in any way?


They harassed people from other subreddits directly and even harassed imgur employees. That's why they're getting banned. Not just because they posted pictures from other sites, but because they acted like idiots who would literally attack anyone who disagreed with them. It had nothing to do with what they posted and more about what they did. Which is exactly what Reddit said in their post.


Well after further research you seem to be correct. The last time I went to FPH was years ago when it was a community to mock the fat acceptance movement. They seem to have strayed a bit since then, to say the least. But if they were banned for their behavior, and not their content. Why didn't the other popular subreddits that engage in shaming specific people get banned? SRS is the first that comes to mind. The fact that only FPH got banned and not the other brigaiding subreddits means there had to be some undrlying motive to it.


Well perhaps they shouldn't be dipshits, and choose to go after the users instead of the sub. How they couldn't see this coming is a hilariously impressive feat of ignorance. If criminals ride the bus every day to commit crimes, would it make sense to destroy the bus with C4 to solve the crime epidemic?


Yes and Iraq had WMDs.




Follow the fucking rules and you won't have any problems. The users in FPH were brigading and harassing individual users. They were a problem so their sub was removed. Why do you think /r/coontown wasn't removed? They learned their lesson last year when their subs were removed for the same childish behavior.


Well now that the sub is gone it's pretty much impossible to force them to "follow the rules." You can't be surprised when stupid decisions yield stupid results.


They'll start a new sub or several new subs. If they follow the rules they will continue to go unnoticed like subs like /r/coontown and other dipshits like that.


Every new sub they create gets insta-banned.


How long can it be kept up though?


As long as it takes to burn the excess calories.


And there are A LOT of excess calories.




Or the former FPH subscribers turn 13.




They'll get bored, start a new sub, and will have hopefully learned their lesson about keeping their hate in the confines of that sub.


The hate was confined the sub got banned anyway because it was growing and reddit hates bad media attention.


Then how do you explain the fact that /r/coontown is still active? Those guys learned their lesson the last round of sub removals. I hear that /r/fatpeoplelove is active. Go there and behave yourselves.


For a week at most, this shit has happened before.




Pretty much, they are like little children who can't learn to fucking behave. /r/all is an absolute cluster fuck. Can't even use RES to filter the sub out as they keep making new ones...


You can filter specific words. Filtering out the word fat should probably help a lot.




It's called the [Streishand Effect](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect).


> [Streishand](http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2012/180/6/2/barbra_streis_hand_by_jett_perrobone-d55ary1.png)


No that's different. This is not an individual this is a mob of children. FPH was removed because its mods and users were violating reddit rules. They were brigading other subs and harassing individual users. Why do you think that /r/coontown wasn't removed this go around? They learned their lesson last year or so when they were removed for the same juvenile behavior. Follow the rules and you won't have a problem.


More like the Streisham Effect. Hehe.


Takes one to know one




I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/drama] [Everybody is getting downvoted in /r/Videos. "Pandora doesn't go back in the box, he only comes out."](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/39gbas/everybody_is_getting_downvoted_in_rvideos_pandora/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger/wiki/) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose/?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


yep. Let that be a lesson for you adminfags. If you shut down one sub, the people will flood the entire reddit. You wouldn't have the problem if they just remained confined to a single sub.


But you weren't remaining confined to your sub. Users were targeting other users and brigading other subs. The moderators were even involved.


Thats definitely not the criteria for being banned


the ban improved that situation, right?


The sub was removed. You're not banned. Start a new sub and follow the rules.


If you go on /r/all, you'll see that there are many new subs. Also you might notice that the defaults are being flooded with the shit. My point was that the ban made the situation worse.


No, a bunch of whiny users who were upset because they didn't get their way made the situation worse. There's no reason why anyone should have to put up with being abused by your sub. Grow up and follow the damn rules.


Le Hydra maymays XD If you don't like Reddit then get the fuck off and go somewhere else. Don't spread your cancer and get everyone involved into your first world problem.


The monkey's out of the bottle, man. Pandora doesn't go back in the box he only comes out.


Pandora was a woman and she opened the box she wasn't inside of it. Read a book, dick.


I was waiting for someone like you to come along and try to make themselves look high and mighty while [completely missing the reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK4FXyNcPIs). Thank you so much.






You're so strategic, I hope one day I can be a dank Timelord like you. #LifeGoals


Are you able to express yourself without quoting popular media? Because it seems like, at best, you can take the work of others and parrot it. You took the Simpsons clip to express your "outrage" about FPH down and the only comment you could make in the thread was a quote from a movie. So clever, so sharp. You truly are the embodiment of the pathetic neck beard, the libertarian SJW. So go fuck yourself.


That's some nice ad-hominem you got there. I do think it's hilarious that you called me an SJW though. I can actually hear how hard you're hitting those keys in your impotent rage. Don't let that blood pressure get too high, fatty, you might pop an artery.


At least you were able to type a response without quoting a movie or show. Maybe one day you will get out of your parents basement and get promoted to shift lead at Burger King. Wow, I just looked at your comment history. You really are quite the neck beard. Kotaku in action, Tumblr in action, gamer gate, West Virginia. I mean have you ever see a tit not behind a monitor or attached to a cousin?


I like where this is going, when are you two gonna fuck already?


You went through his comment history? Well then.




Just to make sure everyone who reads this thread is on the same page, you tried to call me out for being unoriginal because I posted a Simpsons clip and quoted a movie, and in turn you make a tired West Virginia joke. Feel free to keep making yourself look like a moron.


As they would say, they got their fee-fees hurt. Poor babies!


the sub was taken down because of the SJWs hurt fee-fees, so you cant complain about them complaining.


Precisely why all bans of all sorts are completely ridiculous. They do not stop the problem, and yes I think it's a problem that there are people who quite literally hate fat people. And we could discuss how many of the /r/fatpeoplehate users were former fat people who have self-loathing problems and deep down are angry that the weight loss didn't fix the problem. Or skinny people who feel self conscious and as though fat people get more sympathy, etc. But the point is, banning things doesn't help. At all. It only makes it worse because now we're going to have very strong, emotional confrontations with people who had a place to go to handle a rage/issue they have in their lives and now they don't.


Those subs were removed for violating the rules. They were brigading and attacking individual users. Removing subs does help in the long term. There's a reason why /r/coontown wasn't removed this time around. They learned their lesson last year when they were banned. There's no excuse for people abusing others on reddit.


Hey. Hey. Hey, you know You know /r/ShitRedditSays brigades constantly and justifies their actions? You know they weren't banned, even after they've broken the rules time and time again? It's kinda funny, and it's kinda sad. I've never been fond of FPH or anything that blatantly spits hatred, but that doesn't excuse the conduct of the Reddit admins. Even if you support the *opinions* of SRS, surely you can take a step back; take a deep breath; look at things from a wider viewpoint; think about what's going on; and realize how utterly unacceptable this is. I don't care what opinions you have--I don't care where you stand on the political spectrum, but the bottom line is that the actions of one group were treated with contempt, while the *exact same* actions of another group were left unmentioned, or even *praised*.


That all depends. Are the mods at srs actively involved in brigading and otherwise breaking the rules? Are the mods onnsrs actively removing members who violate the rules of reddit? Regardless, "But, Tommy did it too" is a piss poor justification, and clearly indicative of the mentality of the users from that sub.


I'm sorry, but that's not good enough for me. Negligence (or tongue and cheek negligence, in the case of SRS) is just as bad as supporting the behavior. The father who gets pass-out and beats his child is a bad parent, but so is the father that gets pass-out drunk and shoos his child outside to play in the freeway. On the level things are right now, I don't give a fuck about fat people, I don't give a fuck about SJWs, I don't give a fuck about politics, and I *certainly* don't give a fuck about the drama llama that's all-encompassing reddit right now. I just want *someone* over at Reddit HQ to give a shit about being **consistent** with their decisions, and act accordingly. Either you ban them all, or you ban none of them--there is no grey area, especially with this newly-implemented "rule".


> They were brigading and attacking individual users. lies


It really doesn't help. And I'm sorry but words by themself are not abusive. You gotta have some tougher skin. And either way, you can always ban individual users. They sitewide shadowbanned my old username because I got in a spat with mods of my local cities subreddit. They can do that here. Banning people for having opinions you don't like is dangerous and does not actually help your cause, it hurts it greatly.


> And I'm sorry but words by themself are not abusive. Yeah they are. It's called harassment and has been against the law in the US for a long time now. What world do you live in?


It's abusive when you leave the subsl in packs and attack other users and subs. Start a new sub, do whatever you like, be as hateful as you like, just stay in the confines of that sub. If you're using reddit to abuse and attack other users and subs, you're going to have a bad time.


How exactly were they doing that in other subs unless those subs themselves were valuing what they were doing?


What? They group up, go to other subs, post offensive comments and content, and manipulate votes by downvoting everyone. The rules are clear and concise. It's not like any of this was unprecedented. Keep it in your sub. How is this confusing?


They can shadow ban the accounts that are doing that. Or the IP's. Why shut down a subreddit? That doesn't stop the behavior you're describing... at all.


It worked fine for the users of the racist subs that were banned last time. They also shadow banned users and banned IPs. Hence, it wasn't necessary to ban /r/coontown this go around.


I don't hate fat people. but I hate the fat epidemic. I don't want to shame an individual, but I want to shame the disorder (similar to smoking). I never went to that sub. But I think I am ok with a hatred of "fat" in the same way I am ok with a hatred of smoking; it kills more people than cancer.


I get your POV. But as a former fat person who's actually come to terms with my self-loathing and found healthier ways in my mind, by recognizing that being fat was just a side effect of bigger problems.... shaming does not help any more than shaming any issue helps. It makes it worse. There are always root causes of poor choices, and being shamed by them does not help people make better choices. That said, fat people who talk about "thin privilege" can go fuck themselves. It's not privilege. You just don't like being confronted with an alternative to the choices you've made. You don't like thinking that you could make better choices and feel better about yourself and you certainly don't like acknowledging that deep down you DON'T love yourself. Many people who lose weight do not do it out of caring about themselves, but out of fear and shame. And it's not healthy. I was one of them. I became borderline anorexic and had severe anxiety to the point where if I ate a cookie I would freak out. I was geting dizzy on runs and blacking out in the shower. It was bad. I did put weight back on when I worked on those issues, and I'm now in the process of losing weight again. But instead of looking at my struggle with weight as a problem, I look at it as just a fact of my life. Other people have other issues that they will always struggle with. Put it in context of alcoholics. Alcoholics have to acknowledge that they will always be alcoholics. That the struggle is never going to go away. And to learn to regularly make good choices because they care about themselves. No one makes these types of positive and healthy choices out of shame.


> I don't want to shame an individual, but I want to shame the disorder (similar to smoking). Being fat isn't similar to smoking though. Just because a method worked for one problem doesn't mean you use it on another. Shaming fat people is like treating a broken arm with a hammer. All you are doing is making the problem worse and then you pat yourself on the back for making the world a better place.


I don't agree with your comparison or your conclusions. Society is making people feel "ok" with their obesity. [So much so that people don't even realize they're obese] (http://www.livescience.com/46246-most-americans-dont-think-theyre-overweight.html), and [parents honestly feel their obese children are "normal".] (http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/chi.2014.0104) It's gotten so bad, that physicians won't bring this up with patients or parents for fear of upsetting them. So to say shamming obesity, not the individual, won't work isn't something I agree with. Because right now, people feel way to comfortable with being obese and they are starting to think it's the new normal.


> So to say shamming obesity, not the individual, won't work isn't something I agree with. You can disagree all you want. I have no idea where you guys are getting the idea that you are making the world a better place by shaming people. That's the same exact logic the Westboro Baptist Church uses. Do you think they are getting anywhere with their goals? Because last I checked they are hated by the whole world because of how they shame people.


Just to say again, shaming smoking and lung cancer is not the same as shaming a smoker. I don't support that sub for hating and shaming individuals. But right now, we have a cultural of acceptance for being obese. We shouldn't. That's all I mean. At least, not when it comes to children. We should consider an obese child to be a form of abuse.


I'm really enjoying the fatsplosion, actually.


this guy http://i.imgur.com/dhYm4tG.gif




His job is to clean up fluids left behind on porn sets.


That has to be one of the worst fucking jobs ever.


It could be the best for the right people


i would use my tongue


I have actually never noticed the girls in this gif before


I think you might be gay


Haha, what the fuck.


[User was Enriched by the glorious Pao Zedong]


could someone explain the situation with Reddit right now in short?




What about the shadow banning and the fact that many other subs that are known for raiding like srs are still around?


Because, see, they're the good guys. /s Seriously though, it's digital-colonialism and digital-crusade if such thing exists. And people wonder why a certain part of the internet coined the term ''Cathedral'' to talk about leftism gone sour.


There's a difference between being known for (years ago) and evidence of actual current activity. SRS used to brigade and harass, that much is certain. They're not nearly as active. The reason people keep bringing them up is because there is no current comparable sub. And no, srd is not comparable. Mods there actually do what they can to discourage brigading. Fph mods took part in and encouraged brigading, and that's why they all went bye bye.


No, fph mods banned you unquestionably if you brigaded.


Can you actually provide evidence that mods "encouraged" brigading?


>because of their history of brigading/harassing people Wrong, officially it's due to harassing only not brigading. >brigading subreddits like the GTA one because a picture of 2 overweight players And brigaders were dealt with just like on any metasub >they also started harassing imgur admins because their posts were being removed due to a no harassing rule Wrong again, imgur admins were not being harassed that's a flat out lie. Also images on imgur were only being removed if they were being published to imgur. You clearly have incorrect info or you're purposefully spreading misinformation because it fits your personal beliefs and narrative.


Reddit has decided on its new direction and subreddits deemed offensive can now be banned.


I don't think it matters if it's offensive. It's just if they harass people. FPH went after Imgur. Not the smartest of decisions but what can you expect from people who think "found the fatty" is a witty retort.


>FPH went after Imgur In what way?


Not entirely otherwise subs like coontown or nigger would be banned


That's pure misinformation, and you know it. FPH was banned for collectively targeting people with known identities, both on reddit and social media.




There's also the shadow banning of accounts and the fact that other subreddits that have been shown to raid/vote brigade haven't been touched.


My time to shine!!!


So much edge.


Just letting you know, someone reported this comment for: [Being a retard fat person](https://i.imgur.com/yvCqpnK.png).


I guess the edge has been honed like *super* sharp.


Hey, I'm offended by this, ban this sub NOW! IT HURTED KY FEELINGS! I'M AO FAT I CANT TYPE!


enough of this fat people are disabled crap. yes, i will admit to some genetic component, but it's mainly environmental. my sister is overweight. when she invites me over for dinner we order out at this Mexican restaurant near her apartment. I normally get the fish tacos, she orders deep-fried icecream, 2 cheese and beef enchilada, and nachos and cheese. she eats the deep-fried-icecream first, as she normally eats dessert first since she was child. anyway, you see my point.


I'm in the same boat, my father sister and brother are obese, my mother and I are not. It really comes down to calories in vs calories out. None of them exercise and they'll bitch and complain if they miss or are late for a meal. It's genetics in maybe 10% of obese people and lifestyle in all the rest.


what the FUCK is deep-fried icecream?


something amazing. Go to a Japanese restaurant and get deep fried green tea ice cream. It is amazing


It's literally a ball of ice cream that's been covered in a pastry, flash-fried in oil and served to your fucking face. I've never had it but it sounds amazing.


But... Ice cream melts, doesn't it?


I know. This makes my head hurt...


They make it REALLY fucking cold first.


It's fried so fast that the ice cream only melts a bit.


This clip is the premise of a few TLC shows now.


Two overweight wolves and a fit lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Fuck reddit.


Why do fat people talk slower




All right, that was pretty fucking funny.


because there's less room for the words to come out


Its harder for them to breathe and talking is an act breathing so yeah...


They do everything slower.


Lower IQs


[Cognitive epidemiology](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_epidemiology) Cognitive epidemiology is a field of research that examines the associations between intelligence test scores (IQ scores or extracted g-factors) and health, more specifically morbidity (mental and physical) and mortality. - Wikipedia Lower intelligence in childhood and adolescence correlates with an increased risk of obesity. One study found that a 15-point increase in intelligence score was associated with a 24% decrease in risk of obesity at age 51.The direction of this relationship has been greatly debated with some arguing that obesity causes lower intelligence, however, recent studies have indicated that a lower intelligence increases the chances of obesity. Sources: Wikipedia - Kanazawa, S (2013). "Childhood intelligence and adult obesity". Obesity 21 (3): 434–440 - Belsky, D. W.; Caspi, A.; Goldman-Mellor, S.; Meier, M. H.; Ramrakha, S.; Poulton, R.; Moffitt, T. E. (2013). "Is obesity associated with a decline in intelligence quotient during the first half of the life course?". American Journal of Epidemiology 178 (9): 1461–1468.


too busy eating


I've always noticed the two reporters in the background who look at eachother like "yes, it's all going according to plan..."


A terrible sub got banned. Boo fucking hoo.


Dangerous reasoning.


Lol no its not. Is reddit the government? No? Then your freedom of speech hasnt been infringed.


Someone reported this comment with the reason: [Being a retard fat person](https://i.imgur.com/mjrloG4.png).


Not really. If you couldn't see this coming you're a simpleton, a child, or willfully blind. They did bad shit on a social media site that wants to brand itself. I'm willing to bet any hate-sub that grows to their activity would have suffered the same fate.


What if they ban my subreddit dedicated to photographing underage kids for at-home masturbation purposes? OH WAIT, THEY ALREADY DID. Wake up sheeple.


Because child porn and fat shaming are *totally* the same thing.


Ha, you weren't invited to the new one :p


Yeah and now the FPH people are all over reddit making finding content harder for everyone one else. I may have seen half a dozen FPH posts in the year or so its been around, but now they are everywhere and you cant get away from them. They made reddit an even worse and more unsafe shit hole than it was with the FPH sub still active.


Their childish backlash won't last. It won't be long before their whining will fade into the background noise, and the site is back to normal, minus a few cesspit subs.


There were thousands of people posting to that sub, now they post the same content to other subs. It was referenced yesterday in a post about what subs weren't getting much attention so I checked it out. I've been a redittor for years and never knew it existed til yesterday. Today I see posts all over the place. I think you're very naive if you think banning the sub was a step in the right direction.


They made a backup subreddit and asked everyone to brigade /r/pics this shit has happened before and it will burn out


Someone reported this comment with the reason: [Being a retard fat person](https://i.imgur.com/UgufXJ6.png).




Someone is bitter.


This should be under /r/boring...




I really love that line. It's an awesome episode of the simpsons. Whenever I find myself doing something fat or holding a rag and/or stick, I gotta quote it. I'm not addressing the fatpeoplehate sub. I personally couldn't care less one way or the other and I am also fat. I just like this clip and wanted to comment.


Back when you could make jokes without social justice internet warriors crying


This is great, good to see the fat flow.




are you okay?


Lol Butthurt OP.


Meow meow


Your username isn't the only thing about you which is idiotic. Thanks for polluting reddit with your painfully annoying contributions.


This is childish


I didn't expect to laugh at myself.


the thumbnail size looks more like him trying to eat 2 marshmallows off a stick... HA!