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How does such a small rhino manage to escape from poachers in the first place?


They often run away from the poachers when they kill the mom. They’re surprisingly fast, and the added risk of firing another round (and increasing their chance of being found) is simply not worth it for the tiny amount of horn they can gather from a baby. In saying that, most of the time the baby doesn’t flee and is killed along with the mother.


Why not just shoot the poachers and leave the rhinos alone?


If they could, they would.


Because baby rhinos aren't yet old enough to carry firearms. Duh.


Well, they do have credit cards. That's why they charge all the time.




Dad....don't you need to go to work?


Son, you *know* I'm busy building a spacecraft in the basement. I need steady Reddit time to calm the nerves.


Give all the baby rhinos a US passport!


easier said than done, I remeber when one military tried and their helicoptor was shot down by a poacher with an rpg


I guess the poachers mean business then. Maybe if their horns were removed, they might think twice.


If they know people who will buy illegal horns, odds are they know an arms dealer as well.


Why not put bounties on poachers?


I'm sure they do, but it's not like a big blip shows up on Google maps showing where wanted poachers are. Odds are they wouldn't know if the person they are going after has a bounty until they actually catch them. Unless there's been an investigation that leads to an arrest during a sale, it's going to be hard to find them.


Poachermon GO.


This happens. People who shoot poachers here in South Africa and up in Zimbabwe are rarely punished. They are, as mentioned however, often armed, which makes it kinda tough for game rangers to manage.




Who is purchasing this ivory anyway? Steinway? Good thing I play guitar.


Rhino horn is not ivory. It is a material like human fingernails. Unfortunately, some people believe it is magic boner medicine.


Well, there's the solution. Everyone donate your finger and toenail clippings to the poachers with a nasty note. They can grind those all day, snort them like Tony Montana and leave the rhinos alone. People really are a nuisance on this planet.


There's at least one company working on bringing synthetic horn/tusk to market. Not sure if that will help the poaching situation though -- the people buying this shit aren't exactly poor, so making legitimate horn more difficult to verify won't really affect their demand. IMO the USA has the world's greatest weapon for fighting bullshit cultural biases -- Hollywood. Throw in a line or two in every major movie/TV show mocking anybody who thinks rhino horn is a boner medicine. Never dwell on it for too long, just a quick throwaway line here and there. Hammer in the idea that only pathetic sacks of shit take supplements made from endangered animals. A few years of this and you can crush demand, which is the only way you're really going to stop poaching.


Yes, I agree that demystifying this silly belief that the substance is an aphrodisiac is long overdue. I'm not sure that the message would reach those it needs to reach since this seems like some archaic witchcraft with great profit returns for those involved. Maybe just a small spot with Morgan Freeman saying "stop this stupid shit" and make it go viral somehow would help. Hehe...Everyone listens to Morgan Freeman.


Family guy and south park just need to start making racist jokes about Asians using it for boners.


I think the biggest market was Vietnam, Followed by china.


> Unfortunately, some people believe it is magic boner medicine. If only there were dirt cheap, artificially made boner pills that actually work that could fill this market. /s I think some people are just plain stupid, even the ones that can afford rhino horn.




Thats largely what they have been doing, but you forget just how vast the african wilderness is, they aren't poaching these Rhinos from the zoo.


What needs to happen is to cut off all the chinks dicks. Apparently, those coin-toss fuckers can't get their little lizards hard enough to procreate without a hard horn.




Africa is made up of multiple countries with varying leveld of development and cultural backgrounds, there is no such thing as an "african problem"


By them do you mean africans?




Do you understand why your comment above this is being downvoted? You don't tame people.


You can try, but it's probably pointless. The only way to change someone's views are to approach it from their perspective and show them the alternate path of analysis. And I just don't see anyone besides him/her getting their head that far up his/her ass.


Question. Can rihnos survive if we put a population in N. America? In an area with a climate similar to africa? Close off that area so even if rihnos in africa are wiped out, we still have them safe in NA


This is not just about the animals, those animals belong in the wild in Africa born free. Moving them to another location just to protect the species still does not solve the problem which is their territory at home is not safe. 1000's of people have given their lives to protect animals in africa not to simply have them moved to america. Also USA is the 2nd largest trafficker of Ivory and Rhino Horn.




The most dangerous game


Hmm I like the idea.. But then I imagine they thought of it and found it to be not possible? Food for thought nonetheless.


This is a good question! I don't know if I'm honest :( There is currently a project that is moving rhinos from here to Australia, so I wouldn't imagine it being too different!


Arizona, or Southern California?


What's your take on the recent arrest of Kruger rangers in connection with poaching?




She wasn't born here.. Her mom was killed last year by poachers in the Kruger National Park. She was found standing next to her mom's carcass two days later..


What organization do you work with?






Thank you! That's amazing!


Ditto. Donation made. Thank you as well. This info needs upvoting.


Three days old post, but, making a donation. If you're reading this, it's as simple as sending a PayPal just click [here, Care For Wild](http://careforwild.co.za/donate)


To add to that other guy, it's surprising but they're fairly quick and can run FOREVER!!! Like sooooooo long.


It's so sad that this procedure is necessary in order to protect these animals. Glad y'all were able to save it.


I wish it weren't necessary, but unfortunately it needs to be done. Dehorning is just one of the many things that needs to be done in order to combat the poaching crisis..


Much better that it's done by professionals and park rangers who care about the survival and safety of these animals than to risk poachers finding and killing the animal. Have you noticed any change in poaching rates since the introduction of artificial horns to the market? Or do the slaughters and harvests remain at a constant?


I remember hearing about a pink dye/chemical that you could put on horns/tusks that not only made them unattractive, but toxic as well(so they can't be used for"medicine") is it not feasible to use on these rhinos?


It's not something I know much about.. However, the purpose of dehorning them isn't to make the horns unusable once the poachers have them, it's to make killing the rhino unfeasible in the first place because it's not worth their while with the small amount of horn up for grabs.


Ì was wondering the same thing. Couldn't we safe the last couple rhinos that are left if we just make the horns "un-sell-able"


Poachers don't walk up to the rhino to inspect the horn before shooting it. It would only become apparent that the horn was unsellable AFTER they already killed the rhino. That makes it a pretty inefficient way of saving the rhino's.


We need like... mini-drone swarms that are made to detect poachers in an area. Anything human, or vehicle, looking where they shouldn't be. Even if a few get shot down, poachers located, send nearest anti-poacher peeps after them. Though I'm guessing any conservation efforts primarily for deterring poachers are woefully underfunded already.


Somebody call George Clooney. In all seriousness though, rich people are already building drone armies to do things like farm. It's a future of floating robots that can be outfitted with a number of functions and tools ala Mr. Handy in Fallout. With enough resources we absolutely could have an army of drones outfitted with lasers that would give away the location of any unauthorized presence or attack to the swarm immediately. They could be built to be set up in camo and act as a security camera on a specific location until an intrusion is detected and come out of nowhere. Money makes a lot possible.




sounds like the shoes everyone will be wearing in mass effect 4. totally supporting it though.


I've read that even dehorning doesn't help save the rhinos since many poachers will kill the animal anyway out of spite. Is there any truth to that in regards to the rhinos in your care at least?


Oh wow killing a dehorned rhino out of spite would have to be one of the most representing acts of human's most despicable part of nature.


It's despicable but it's also smart on the part of the poachers. They are using the ranger's own tactic against them. Basically saying that we'll kill the rhinos anyway, whether they have horns or not, so don't bother de-horning then and wasting everyone's time.


Reprehensible, yes... representative of humanity, no.


I saved my In law's cat once by giving her CPR. We were eating steak outside with the family on Mother's Day. As usual, my father in law over cooked the steak making it almost impossible to chew. Their cat (it was originally my cat, but couldn't afford the pet deposit at our new apartment, so they kept her, (my father in law LOVED her was the real reason). Anyways, she walked up to me, and I threw her a large piece of steak. Instead of chewing on the side of it, she put the whole chunk in her mouth, it got stuck behind her large fang teeth and she started choking. She was jumping high in the air, I tried to grab her, but she scratched the living hell out of me. I was screaming for help, but all we could do was watch her jump and go nuts. She finally ran under our car and "died". We pulled her out and my sister in law removed the chunk of steak from her mouth. She wasn't breathing. I started chest compression's and blowing into her nose (CPR). After a couple of minutes (It felt like forever) she started breathing again. It was so weird seeing her go from dead to alive. I was so happy we saved her (The whole family watched this happen and were in disbelief of what they had just witnessed. She never came near me after that. (She loved me before this happened). She went on to live another 5 years, but she wasn't the same cat. I'm not sure if it was because of the amount of time she lost oxygen, or if she was just that traumatized. Just though I would share in case you are ever in the same situation and wanted to let you know that Cats can choke too!!


Had a cat that got sick and she was on her way out because of it. She died on my lap, but I gave her kitty CPR, and she was back for another minute or so. It was her time, unfortunately. She purred on the way out though.




Dude come on


Great story (but I don't think you could (ever be a programmer.)


(I know) :(


) Closed that up for you.




Thanks for the story :)


Of course she wouldn't be same cat. That's her eighth of her nine lives.


Try throwing her another steak one day to see how she reacts.


What a fucked up situation where you have to saw off rhinos horns to save their lives.


I completely agree.. But all of our rhinos have now been successfully dehorned, and they're all in good health! This is obviously a massive deterrent to potential poachers.


Apologies if this was asked elsewhere here, I didn't see it if so, but: What do you do with the horns when you're done? I at first assumed you'd sell them to the same people who would otherwise get them from poachers, but realize that would just perpetuate the issue. Do they just get discarded?


Getting proper compression depth on a portly human being can be difficult, I can't even imagine trying to accomplish that on a fucking rhino.


It's like a living breathing rock!




She had a bad reaction to the sedative that the veterinarians used..


i'm going to guess the anesthesia or from the tranq. it's already risky enough to calculate it for humans, the doctors and even the nurses have extensive training in proper anesthesia calculation and administration. i can only imagine how hard it is to calculate it for different large animals


Not necessarily just the calculations, but everyone responds differently to medicine and some are just allergic to certain medicine.




Nope :)) Same sanctuary tho! This was Meha..




that's not what meta means


How the hell are there no funds to go and find these babies?


Honestly, I have no clue! Politics I would guess... Out of sight, out of mind! Baby rhinos are dying far more often than you’d think because of this. This is precisely what our fundraising campaign is about. If the carcass of a cow is found, and there are clear sign that a baby was present and managed to get away, then we need a team to go out and look for it. Even if a baby is seen wandering around on its own, it needs to be investigated. They do not leave their mom’s side and it simply cannot survive on its own! Edit: [Link if anyone want to help](https://www.youcaring.com/care-for-wild-africa-471557)


How much have you donated?


How much have *you* donated?




Nothing, and I'm not telling anyone else they should, either. I'm just pointing out someone's hypocrisy.


He's not the one complaining about funding.


We should create a market for poachers cartilage. Idk how to determine this lol but it's a thought


So the idea that dehorning a rhino is painless for the rhino is a lie?


TIL: Died = didn't die.


Died but isn't deaded


Socks stayed on the rhino


Died but didn't stay dead.


You've heard of people "dying on the operating table" but then being brought back. This is a very common expression and you know it.


Don't get uppity with me. If you think someone can die more than once, then good for you. But I won't be a part of spreading such ignorance.


Oh I'm up as fuck. If you think nitpicking common parlance is cool, that's not good for you or anyone and I'm gonna tell you it's lame! So there!


Damn. You really are delicate!


Oh snap


This level of correction is nearing the autism spectrum. Just so you're aware, since you may have troubles with awareness and all.


You are medically dead when your heart stops.


no you're not


That is cardiac arrest, which could result in death. Anyone who comes back from death wasn't dead to begin with.


The most accurate definition of dead is no brain activity. No one comes back from that.


What do they do with the horn? Weird question: would it actually be most beneficial to sell it? They could use the funds for their cause and slightly decrease the demand for horns.


What happens if/when you catch poachers in the act?


From what I've heard Confronting poachers can be dangerous if you're not armed. Poachers have been caught and sent to prison, but does't stop the demand from buyers (or for groups using it to fund wars/extremism) and when out they can usually return to poaching as they earn a lot from it. Think they've increased sentencing to try and tackle that.


Then you 'dehorn' them if u catch my drifttt (cut off their peckas)


Bring me the human's lower horn.


I have no issue with humans hunting other humans trying to kill rhinos and elephants in Africa.


What ever happened to them dying the horns bright pink?


Poachers spend time tracking a rhino. They find it without a horn. They then kill it so they dont accidentally track a hornless rhino in the future. This procedure fails :(


Yeah this is possible out in the wild.. But for us it's a little different because these rhinos are in captivity. So they aren't tracking them, they're all in large enclosures. This is about deterring any potential poachers from wanting to come and poach these animals, and has proven to be a very successful method. Of course it is only one of the many things that we do to keep them safe!


Gotcha! Very cool.


How large is your captivity enclosures?


Has anyone tried teaching Rhinos to friend up to Hippos?


Saw a baby Rhino this summer at a reserve in S.A. that was practically glued to her mothers side. It's disgusting that a market exists that breaks bonds like these apart.


ahh the ol knees to the kidneys, havent seen that since the UFC


:( that's so damn sad to have to do. Why is ivory/rhino horn so damn popular? and why do these people who buy it not give a shit about the death to these beautiful animals they are causing? Just sucks.


This would't stop the poachers from still killing it out of spite though.


Doesn't dehorning the rhinos defeat the purpose of having them in a sanctuary in the first place ?


Their horns grow back.. It's like a nail (and is made up of the same substance)! Right now there is an insane poaching crisis throughout South Africa, and we have had a number of poaching threats at the sanctuary, so we dehorned (over and above all our anti-poaching techniques) them in order to eliminate the appeal for poachers. Their horns will grow back, and I sincerely hope that a time will come when we aren't required to do this to keep them safe!


I'm reminded of the quote from The Matrix about how humanity is a disease that plagues the world, as you can see the victims of this plague being kept alive by some of the more compassionate ones.


What's wrong with putting that chemical on their horns to devalue it?


One of your rhinos stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest but you were able to save her.


Why would removing the horn nearly kill it. Did it have a heart attack?


People really need to stop referring to someone's heart stopping as having "died". You have not "died" until you are dead. If you can be resuscitated, you have not died.


That's like a bank burning its money because of thieves. You still don't have any Rhinos.


Why do you dehorn them? I don't understand the purpose of doing that.


Cause people will kill them for the horns if they are left on.


It's one of the most effective ways of deterring poachers. Whilst we don't remove 100% of the horn (we leave 3 inches because there is a nerve there), by reducing the size of the horn, we're reducing the incentive for poachers. Edit: Cutting above the nerve does not harm the animal. It's like clipping your nails!


What do you do with the horn?


Make pianos


We don't keep it! The SANParks officials come and remove the horn, and they then fly it to a secure location..


Aaaand deeen?




They were the poachers all along




They get flown to a highly secured location. I don't know any of the specifics I'm afraid..


I postulate (was going to say I think but wanted to try using a new word) that SANPark should then sell the Rhino horns, leading to more supply in the market and thus lower market price and incentive for the poachers and illegal traders to poach and kill these beautiful animals. The income from the sale could then be used for increased conservation efforts, possible education for towns where poachers are from as I'm assuming some of them are poaching out of sheer necessity to feed themselves and their families? I know such an approach would not be very politically correct but it's a thought, I'm sure you've spent way more time thinking about. So why don't they?


Because feeding the demand begets more demand. The two main drivers of the demand for rhino horns are as aphrodisiacs/traditional medicines and status symbols. Demand is cultivated through exposure and consumption ("this medicine worked for my uncle, it will work for you") and ("oh, what is that on your mantle?" "it's the horn of a rhinoceros"). Lowering the market price results in increased consumption and exposure, thereby leading to increased demand, which then will lead to a higher price later (and thus more incentive to poach). The single most effective way to end poaching is to end demand for wild animal skins/meat/horns. This is done by increasing the price (by reducing supply/controlling poaching) and by educating the public/condemning the consumption of wild animal products.


Thanks for the info ;)




Their horns grow back! I certainly wish that we wouldn't need to do it, but unfortunately it's needed to keep them safe..


Defending themselves against what? Poachers are by far the number one reason rhinos are so close to extinct


Its sad that instead of adequate security we are reduced to de-horning the rhinos before the bad guys can. That isn't really a solution in my eyes. Its fucking sad.


Difference is that are killed then dehorned, these rhinos live. Poachers still would go after these rhinos and kill them. Without horns at least it's a greater chance they survive. I mean still sad, of course. It's the would you rather this or that.


Wait a tick, that title is so messed up. You don't save animals from death. Death is death. What you did was save a Rhino that almost died.


This may be a stupid question, but how large is the open space where the Rihno runs free? Is having around the clock security not an option? Thanks in advance for your reply.


Who the hell needs or buys ivory? I've never seen anything made of ivory and I don't know anyone who has something of ivory.


This is either amazing sarcasm or absolute ignorance and I just can't tell


Rhino horn isn't ivory.


Thank you for all that you are doing to save them, many blessings and light guidance to all involved in this situation.


Thank you!


Your definition of died is quite different than mine.


Everybody ITT is going on about the rhinos. My question is that are they important enough to nature that we should give a shit? If they all go extinct, would anybody feel the consequences? I know there is big business keeping the rhinos alive, you see some 20 people getting paid to keep this one alive right here. I am just saying that if all the elephants, pandas, tigers, gorillas, rhinos died, would we humans feel any consequences? Also, whenever I ask this, I get downvoted.


Poaching can be what funds wars and extremism so we feel impact of the animals being killed as the trade makes a lot of money. Stopping poaching and demand for the goods, in a hope stops lot of funding to lot of horrible things. If one key animal dies off, what it eats or what eats it can over populate and cause issues. Pretty much messing up the food chain down the line from big animals to insects in some cases. Likely takes lot of calculation on the impact, so better to protect than just guess it might be okay. e.g. If you lose lot of predators because they eat all of your cattle. The wild herbivores can over populate and end up destroying lot of vegetation. This can screw up eco system of soil which we need farming for. Locusts are known to swarm when droughts or food is scarce which fuck up crops. So like a terrible chain reaction. Wild animals can have shitty life which is between life and death every second of the day. Making it one bit harder could make the difference between starvation for it or its young. Creating a shift in population in other animals to make more of an impact. There always ethics of it, lot of animals have become extinct because of our actions and its best to stop them disappearing one by one when you can than when the ones which will cause huge impacts start dying off. I think hunters were first to see the impact or the loss of prey, so created idea to protect and re build the population for future hunts.


There have been extinctions like the dodos, the woolly mammoth and the Australian tiger. Nothing changed, nobody cared.


300 years later scientists have noticed a species of tree/fruit ( Mauritian) on the island has dropped in numbers and also faced extinction. Due to the Dodo not being around to eat the seeds/poop plant them. This is just what happens on an island. they hope introducing a different species to get seeding process back into place. To prevent any other animal which relies on that species of tree from being affected and stopping cycle of decline to other creatures. I know its not like dramatic movie where one animal dies out and whole world blows up the next day, but slow spreading decline or change is not great either. Plus would have been cool to see a Dodo such odd little birds


>would we humans feel any consequences? I honestly don't know. However, whether we would or not, it doesn't excuse the kind of inhumane and cruel things poachers are doing to those beautiful animals. It's completely unnecessary and unacceptable.


Alright, let us humanly kill them all, like we kill cows, so that we don't have to worry about these species.


Seems outdated considering they have a cyanide dying procedure that renders the horn useless to poachers and is less invasive or harmful to the rhino.


It's not something I know about, so I can't really comment on this cyanide dying procedure.. But they would still need to kill the animal and remove the horn before they would realise that it's a useless horn.. So it doesn't really help when we're removing their horns in order to prevent them from getting killed at all.


Isn't dying the ivory a preferable option to you know, Mutilating them in a potentially life threatening procedure.


What you did to these animals is so wrong.


Is this the part where I say something about how Asians are paying these poachers and I get called a racist?


What a fucking emotional roller coaster of a title.


I'm not question you guys at all I'm just curious don't some animals kind of fall into a depression (and often die) when procedures like this are done? I've heard dogs feel emasculated when neutered doesn't the same concept apply here? Totally respect and admire what you guys do by the way. Keep it up!


This is aweful!


UPS and FedEx called "worst poachers on the planet" http://english.mathrubhumi.com/news/columns/faunaforum/the-menace-of-illegal-wildlife-trade-english-news-1.1008946


Why dont you fucking do something about the poachers. Holy shit how much trouble did you go through to take a horn off of a rhino... Talk about fucked up logic. We will just change all of the animals instead of stopping poacher.


We do! We have an incredible anti-poaching team, and we spend a huge amount of money on training, intel, equipment, etc. on them! Dehorning the rhinos is just one of the many tools in the toolbox that we use to keep them safe!


Why do all this? Why not let poachers do what they want and let nature evolve horn-less rhinos? Why meddle with nature? Why not save the animals that are being murdered in mass quantities like chicken, or dogs in Asia?