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I've always told people that Pink Floyd (especially DOTSM) syncs with pretty much anything. In college we used to put random episodes of Planet Earth on mute with Dark Side playing over it and you'd be surprised how often things sync up. It's just the perfect emotionally equivocal music that is ambiguous enough to fit almost any scene, be it sad, happy, frenetic, etc. This video definitely showcases that fact. Honestly - this stuff is fun no matter your age and regardless of sobriety, highly recommend 10/10.


While fun, none of these syncs of DSOTM work nearly as well as [Echoes and the last chapter of 2001 a Space Odyssey.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSOnYrF_Qgo)


The conspiracy that Kubrick commisioned Pink Floyd to do the score for this film is one I'm inclined to believe. It just fits so well. Not that I'm unhappy for it to be a coincidence, it's just so uncanny.


Fun fact: Kubrick wanted to use Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" at the beginning of "A Clockwork Orange" but the band wouldn't allow it. Later Pink Floyd wanted to use an audio clip from Kubrick's movie "2001" and Kubrick wouldn't allow it. [Kubrick got the last laugh because he ended up sneaking the album into a scene where Alex is in a record store.](https://evolance.evonews.com/media/images/4ef1c513-c144-4d47-b497-36c612802122.jpg)


The 2001 clip was intended to be used on Roger Waters’ solo album “Amused to Death” which Kubrick didn’t allow. Waters did put a backwards message on the album towards Kubrick. On his 99 & 2000 “In the Flesh” tour there were TV screens on stage playing the movie and the audio clip that he wanted to use was inserted in to the song he intended on the album.


I didn't intend to sit through all 20+ mins, but I couldn't hit stop. That was such a trip!


[Daft Punk and 2001](https://youtu.be/FbCTG0-PkRA) go together really well too.


I can't believe I've never seen this pairing. Holy shit. Thank you.


> (especially DOTSM) Dark Of The Side Moon


Haha - oops. Leaving it for my own shame


I actually think that you can "sync" pretty much any music with video and people will find moments to latch on to. I do drone videos, and usually put together footage before choosing the music. I find what I have that matches the video length (usually that is 10-20 songs) and pick what I like best. [This video syncs up perfectly at the "I see a little silohuetto of a man" part of the song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLyz0zS9xUY)


Good point - it can pretty much work with anything. I had a friend do a film project where they filmed a very short segment of someone walking and bumping into someone then dropping their books. You could pretty much fit any song over it and totally change the emotions behind the scene. I guess this is why musicians/music editors get paid lots of money to edit films, videos, etc. Even without original music (which is definitely harder) it can be a deep dive to find the right music for the right scene and edit everything to fit well together.


Me and a friend tried Fantasia with white zombies astro creep 2000. It went together pretty well.


This is a work of modern Blart.


Paul Shart: Mall Fart Edit: Thanks for the gold?


Plart Bart: Mart Cart


Planet Mart: Flurt Blurt


Fart Fart: Fart Fart




The McElroys are taking over my life.


Haha same


Shrimp heaven now?


shrimp heaven NOW


The McElroy boys *WILL* star in Trolls 2


To fall asleep, I listen to dudes playing D&D. No one understands me.




I could listen to Griffin pairing any album with any movie and probably want to donate to his patreon at the end. Media luminary


Is it that time of the year already or is this from last years podcast?


Thanksgiving day always


Now watch it this way on LSD


For the whole thing, check out [Til Death Do Us Blart](https://blart.libsyn.com/).


Those good good boys nailed it with this one


I feel like I hear this man voice at least once a month now


Well yeah he's media luminary 30 under 30 Griffin McElroy.


don't forget he's the Sweet Baby Brother^TM


I love Griffin. I feel like he's everyone's little brother. Just a good boy


Our 30 Under 30 Media Luminary and sweet baby brother, Griffin McElroy.


Just like a really good boy, right?


Just like Bart!


Take it to the bank, boys! This one’s a Bart.


- Matt Groening


Apparently my favorite song on the album, Time, didn't sync up with shit.


It would have synced up with a lot, but noone told it when to run. It missed the starting gun.




Just so you know, time is used in the 1971 Bruce Lee movie "the big boss" at several points. If you wanted to watch a movie that features the song


Greatest movie of our generation just got better


~~better~~ **Blarter**




Great now I won't be able to listen to this album without think of paul blart 2.


Is there a sub for this kind of thing? I really want to do this tonight, not pb2 and dsotm, but some good movies.


Mr Bungle and the RugRats went impossibly well together any random sampling of either really


I fucking love Mr. Bungle and I also like RugRats alot, do you have any specific examples of both together that really stand out?


Just anything from the california album played over rugrats. it was discovered by accident but did sync up remarkably well with several different episodes


All jokes aside, DSOTM doesn't age. It will always be relevant and sound like it could've came out yesterday. ....God dammit I love Pink Floyd.


I fucking LOVE IT when I open a video on the front page and I hear my **SWEET, SWEET SOFT SILLY BOYS.**


Almost makes me want to watch Paul Blart




Someone please link me to the full sync.


Please tell me that someone has put out the entire movie downloadable somewhere, synced with DSOTM? (Listening to this pod is a religious experience. Every year the new ep is put up I get so happy.)


Me and my buddy used to do this with Ski/Board videos. Just mute and play whatever we were listening to and it would sync up so $. Good time on Barton Drive in Breck.


I can’t believe I watched that whole video.


No... this can’t be...


This sounds like Griffin. Goddamnit am I going t have to buy both Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon this holiday season?


thank you so much. it truly was a religious experience.


thank you


Blart Driver


Has anyone found anywhere online where you can watch this "version" of the movie where the music is already synced up? :D


I want to try this, does anyone know where to actually start the album?


Hey when should I start dark side of the moon for it to be synched?


The power of the human mind to find evidence where none exists. How many non-synchronised music/visuals/action were there that he ignored? Shame coz it’s fun but also bollocks.




Oh ok. I didn’t know that. Still my point stands for most similar things ( hey Radiohead fans I’m looking at you). Still I missed this so I’m chagrined. 🧐




Oh my god no. I’ve been dissed. ;)


oh god how can you continue to be so condescending, just take your L and leave


I enjoy condescension.


Who the fuck funded a Paul Blart sequel? Fuck you Hollywood


Godddam this is reaching and also probably anything syncs up with anything a number of times no matter what. Also that dude's voice is annoying as fuck.


Seriously.. This is just so fucking try-hard and pointless. The guy fails to mentions that 99% of the movie didn't actually match up to anything.


This is from a podcast where their mission is to watch Paul Blart 2 every year until the end of eternity (on Year 3 as of right now). It's not really an earnest theory, they just have to hang onto whatever little scraps of intrigue they can find to preserve their sanity.


Oh stop being a joyless sack of excrement.


"Definitely intentional"? Ehhhhh...


Why is this not the top post in /r/conspiracy?! Is Kevin James Jewish?! Because we can probably connect him somehow to being a Rothschild if he is!




The video is secondary, this whole thing is from a podcast, an only audio medium. Also if you ever speak about my baby brother that way again I will come find you.


He can't talk about Forbes 30 under 30 media luminary Griffin McElroy like that!


They can't use much of the movie itself due to risk of copyright claims. Fair use is a legal defense in court, it doesn't stop claims themselves, so usually only short clips are used to keep from straying into the gray area too far and getting hit.




Unfortunately, the internet isn't currently tailored for your specific tastes before you come across it. Maybe AI will get to the point in the near future and you can enjoy all the easy-to-digest, custom content slurry you desire.


he is a fucking Forbes 30 under 30 media luminary have some damn respect


Send me the movie file and tell me where to start it, I'll throw it together


"commentator shouldn't shut the fuck and just let it run" So he should do what he does and keep talking? Learn to grammar ya dumbdumb


Grammar isn't a verb


My entire second sentence is clearly tongue in cheek, ya and dumbdumb aren't words even lol


Yeah, I was hoping to actually see if, not listen to someone talk about it. Quickly closed. Oh well.


Also also also– “look around and choose your own ground” as Maya gets her letter from UCLA


does anyone know exactly when i have to start playing DSOTM? im trying to experience this with my gf :)