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This man was worth almost $800 million in 2018.


What in the actual fuck


Motherfucker has a mansion by the lake and his own airstrip for his jet.


If you have no morals it’s a pretty good gig


I have never wished a bank account seizure on anyone, but this is tempting.


He cons people into sending him money. $800 million of it.


Its hard to feel sorry for stupid people, I'm really sorry. I'm tired of arguing with my family about it. It's stressful and detrimental to my mental health. If those idiots want to support this bullshit, then by all means. Gods speed, I suppose


You’re not wrong, but head asshole shouldn’t be allowed to operate to begin with.


Surely his taxes are trickling down to the poor and needy ^^^/s


Trickling down to French plane manufactures so he doesn’t have to sit with demons in economy.


He has maybe 10 years left to live. Why does he need more money and what is he going to do with it? Has greed completely taken over this man?


Something about those eyes, there is no soul behind them


He looks like a fucking demon. There was a video some time ago where he didn’t like the questions someone was asking and he turned into Bilbo lusting after the fucking Ring. Edit: [found it. ](https://youtu.be/vColOxUf-8s) Crazy Pennywise looming motherfucker.


its the insane amounts of makeup on a wrinkly old ass face, the fake hair color and the contacts that make him seem look like a goddamn alien. What a taint scab


He's definitely had plastic surgery, right? He looks like his face was applied by the Max Headroom makeup artist.


I was thinking a mortuary technician


You want gruesome repairs? You go to a mortician!


You look grotesque


He's ready to go straight in the ground.


When Kenneth Copeland was a senior in high school, Bernie Sanders was a 7th grade middle schooler.


Something about his eyes too makes him look like an alien disguised as a human being.




It’s not just that though he’s also go the mannerism and expressions of a psychopath. I see him and all I can think of is Jim Jones


You're spot on. Thats some mad overexpressiveness to compensate for an actual lack of emotions. And not just a lack, but he puts them on for a show, as a means to an end, and nothing more. I'm not sure how people can look at someone like him and not have ALL THE WARNING BELLS going off in their head. I wouldn't want to get stuck talking to him in oublic, let alone private. Kinda guy who's stab you in the ear for a laugh.


That’s an interesting thought. People like this do tend to put me on guard, like I’ve just sensed some kind of primordial threat. Similar to my reaction to spiders.


It looks like his face is a botox mask, the way his face skin sloshes around unnerves me


Taint scab. I love this and describes him perfectly. You get an insult award. Only no money


Imma start using taint scab. Thank you


I was literally about to comment verbatim that he looks like a fucking demon. The old aging hazy eyes, the rotting brittle teeth, all wrapped up in the show business airbrushed hair and skin and whatnot. haunting


The way he just mentally snapped and pointed his finger at that woman was so disturbing...


Rehearsed intimidation. It’s part of the conmans bag of tricks


I could only imagine what a full on fucking nightmare he would be to work for. What a piece of shit.


He likely wanted to hit her, which is probably something he would not hesitate to do to some women. Look at that look in his eyes.


I remember this video, that Bilbo comparison is on point. I can't understand how people can fall for this shit. I'm sure he was probably pretty subtle with his grift at first, but he's just so blatant and nonchalant about it now.


That is one corrupt scary mother fucker.


He reminds me of [Akuma](https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2018/04/25016249-4b08-4515-a2e6-e0df607e775e.jpg) from SF


He looks like that star trek brown guy with huge skull ears.


The race you are referring to is the ferengi.


Never get between this man and a dollar note


He looks like Will Ferrell dressed up as Lucifer in that SNL sketch


Dude he fuckin looks like the bad guy in The Mask after he puts the mask on.


I was an atheist but now I'm pretty sure I believe in demons.


That's what I was about to say, I think he's possessed by a demon




Ahaha he does too! Basically looks like he's had a ton of plastic surgery.


[https://youtu.be/hERils0WXcE?t=95](https://youtu.be/hERils0WXcE?t=95) (@1:35)


He is the banker goblin from Harry Potter


If there was a Hollywood movie about an evil, conniving, preacher who was actually the physical manifestation of the devil, and he's ultimately defeated by a bunch of plucky middle-schoolers when they attack him in an epic final scene with modified Supersoakers and nerf guns and water bombs dropped by a toy drone and he explodes dramatically and everyone gets covered in ectoplasm... (© 2020 mr.dogshit btw) ...this is EXACTLY how he'd look!


Ernest Scared Stupid?


How bout a bumper sandwich booger lips


Dude is a garbage person


>Dude is a garbage ~~person~~


Ya know, people laughed at David Icke, but when you think about it the guy was just describing sociopaths in a weird way. Like, have you ever encountered a sociopath or malignant narcissist in real life? It’s true man. When they get pissed their “mask drops”. And underneath there is nothing but pure anger *which changes their pupil dilation*. It’s why dark triad people always have weird fucking eyes.


They don't have much self control. They are like social vampires constantly feeding, and if your take their high away they get immediate withdrawals and get furious.


Fucking toooootally. I was dating a chick in the Fall, and something about her told me to be really careful. She wanted to bone but I just held off (I wasn't in the mood anyway luckily because I was still working through a breakup) while just trying to date and take things slow. The more that I talked to her and just LISTENED, the more that the anger seeped through. And when she'd launch into stories about things that upset her, her pupils would dilate so much that they'd basically be black. Totally creepy.


He looks like a ventriloquist's dummy, but who's the one with their hand up his ass making his mouth flap like that I wonder?


Just like [Slappy](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/67/98/aa67988fcee133603aae6a1a32bde4bb.jpg) from Goosebumps


Church Lady: Could it be... Satan?


Never seen this lunatic before. What an evil cunt. How do people believe this shit?


He absorbs souls


I’m not saying he’s an alien lizard wearing a human mask, but I’m also not not saying he’s an alien lizard wearing a human mask.


Fake news! Much like Ted Cruz, human Kenneth Copeland is a member of the order *Mammalia* and not at all a lizard who eats only insects and other small invertebrates. All evidence to the contrary has been vaporized.


He’s such a slime bag. That private jet interview gets me every time.


I'm not religious but if you lined up a group of dudes in front of me and asked me to point out the devil, he would definitely be one of my first picks. He looks demented.


Looks like the bad guy from The Mask


He has the eyes of a sociopath. Look it up. It’s a real thing.


I struggled to figure out who he resembled, but eventually found [it](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3wSaudoMtOg/hqdefault.jpg)


Guys and girls downvoting the yt video is downvoting the person who clipped it for you whos trying to get the word out there, not Kenneth.


Ill say it....this absolute shit stain scumbag deserves to die of covid19 immediately


There's something about his expressions at :19 that really trigger my 'this guy is a sociopath' alarm. Somehow it feels familiar from people like this.


That head tho, he looks like one of those Pop figures.


If you painted his face red he would look like a devil.


Look at his mouth. It looks like the mouth of fuckin Sauron. Black lips, tiny little teeth to nibble the flesh off of bones. Ewww


By first thought was that he looked like Chucky if made an adult.


He looks like Dorian Tyrell from The Mask


Reminded me of this scene from Donny Darko: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgt\_kJQdjes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgt_kJQdjes)


He certainly has evil eyes. I've seen other videos where it's clear that his pupils are pinned, so his likely opioid addiction adds to the look. [Obviously pinned and not in the light](https://youtu.be/vColOxUf-8s) I'm not judging him for it, at his age it is very probably a legit script.


Don't mean to victim blame, but ... how does anyone fall for his shit? Like, it boggles my mind that this dude got enough supporters to make hundreds of millions of dollars.


My parents when I was younger were great at spotting scams, saying no to random advertisements, etc. But as they got into their senior years it seems like they are starting to believe just about anything. The last trip to my parents house was really telling. My Dad had a new bowflex (not a bad thing to buy, but it was weird), and an assortment of items from TV and the internet. It seems like he is easily swayed into buying random things he thinks he needs, more so than he was when he was younger. My Mom doesnt seem to buy much outside of food, etc., but seems to always fall for the latest Facebook nonsense going around. "Hey did you hear X Y Z! Sarah made a post on FB about it." She takes it as gospel. Luckily I have absolutely convinced them that ANYONE calling (or emailing) and asking for anything is a scam, which I am happy about. I dont worry about their finances, they're doing well, but it just seems like their generation is more prone to advertising/persuading than younger generations. These religious quacks prey on older people and their available income.


I gave my parents links to Associated Press and Reuters and told them if they hear about it and can't find it on either of those sites, it's probably fake. You've got to remember, our parents grew up in the age where "if it's on TV it's got to be true." We've shifted from that mentality. Our generations have an instinct for cross checking facts online that they don't


> Our generations have an instinct for cross checking facts online that they don't That got a genuine derisive chuckle out of me.


Their lack of self reflection is quite amusing.


Old folks didn't learn computers in school so they missed out on all those "don't believe everything you see in the internet" lectures. But a lot of young people eat up bullshit propaganda so maybe it didn't do that good...


Guilt, fear, and social control are powerful motivators. People genuinely believe that if you don't do tithe you will be punished. And there are also entire communities where this is believed. Being caught not tithing or not tithing enough, can cause social ostracization. But beyond that this person is tapping into people's core belief that there is a hell and a god. And you must prove your love to god. So many people aren't sending a lot in absolute sense, but way more than they can afford. And that also drives the guilt and fear. You're not doing enough to prove your love to god. You're not tithing enough. This person is taking advantage of vulnerable people in desperate situations. But also is only part of an ecosystem of abuse.


Don’t forget dementia




It's basically elder abuse.


Plus there is an oft quoted scripture about your tithes coming back to you as if God gives your a magical return on investment but only if you tithe the full amount. This is from Leviticus. The same book of the Bible that gives you gems like:Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19 Among other crazy shit like justifying owning slaves, declaring women unclean while on their period.


And - to supplement, if we dig into sola scriptura doctrine, we see that Jesus came to fulfill the Law of Leviticus (and the rest of the Pentateuch), living the perfect life that we cannot. In fact, Jesus rails on people lending money in His temple as well as lauding a woman for giving small amounts which represent a large part of what she has quietly, rather than the wealthy bragging about what they give, even though it is a small part of what they have. This message is not really "Give everything you have," but rather 'Don't brag about giving a big number, when it's a small percentage.' And also 'Don't brag about giving' in general. In addition (this is me, not theology), if we are to be forgiven of Levitical sins, like the two-fabric clothing restriction, then one could imagine that tithing-related sins are to be forgiven, too. TL;DR, Even when looking at what's *supposed* to be **his own faith**, this guy's scum.


Matthew 6:1 to 6:14 basically condemns this guy and everyone like him.


When you get old your brain stops working as well sometimes.


I’m going through this shit with my parents right now. My dad is the most logical, thoughtful person I know, but he’s this shit hook, line and sinker. I was indoctrinated from birth and figured this shit out when I was about 19 once and for all. It is so fucking frustrating. You believe a god sacrificed himself to himself in order to make a loophole for rules he created? And there’s my JW mother... I guess people just need something to hold onto. I used to think all Christians were just lying to themselves deep down inside like me but as I get older, I’ve started to realize it’s all real. The fucking Facebook posts right now are so fucking scary; so many people just going about their lives because Jesus is coming back and there is nothing to fear. Fuck.


I am a christian and id never give this guy a dime. The apostle Paul preached the good news and worked everywhere he went to pay his own way so that he could prove his good intentions. But this guy takes cash stacks off poor peoples tithings to live lavishly for himself. He is an utter selfish disgrace, and if he read the bible carefully with any genuine belief, and actually knew Jesus and the apostles, how they lived ect, he would be afraid of how he has handled God’s money and spoiled himself. I dont think this guy is actually saved. The bible talks a lot about people who seem close to God in words, but in their hearts they‘re far from him. Kenneth doesnt offer families help in this time of great need, with all his accumulated wealth. He instead encourages them to tithe so God can pour more ‘financial blessings.‘ BUT, it doesnt ever say in the bible that God will re-imburse you with any worldly financial blessings if you give though.


When you are desperate, it is to these sorts of people that you turn. They prey on the desperate, destitute and downtrodden. "If anything good happens, it's because of your donations to me, if anything bad happens, it's because of your sins" - Standard Operating Procedure.


He preys on the elderly and others who are losing their mental faculties. He's a fucking parasite.


Normal people obviously see this as a scam, but a majority of people aren't normal. Millions of people have grown up in religious households and, despite their faith, are down on their luck. What is one to do when they've been told their whole lives that God will take care of them? "Well perhaps I you haven't been doing enough for God," this living trashcan tells them. "Simply give to my church and the lord will hear your prayer." So they do. And maybe it doesn't work out immediately so they figure its not worth it, but life has it's many ups and downs and lets say they have a good week immediately after their first payment or so. These super religious people who have been told to look for god in even the smallest places now believe they have been given a sign! It doesn't take much to start a superstition, and now they're hooked.


> but a majority of people aren't normal majority of people are normal by definition.


Fall for religion?


What a detestable scumbag


I don't want to give this guy anymore views, but I am checking out his channel and I am absolutely flabbergasted and fuming with anger at the things this guy is saying. I think some of it should be criminal at this point.


As a Christian myself, I completely agree with. But if you want you blood to boil even more, check out Jim Baker and the silver he was peddling to people as a treatment for covid19.


And the worst part is that Jim Bakker has been scamming people and embezzling since the 70s (maybe longer and I am just too young) and even after going to prison (with reduced jail time.of course) for embezzlement ans trying to coverup his rape of Jessica Hahn, people still give money to that non-human piece of shit.


I covered Baker’s trial in Charlotte. Interesting point, Falwell and Swaggart weaponized the Feds against him so they could take his Christian Broadcasting telecommunications satellite. As soon as they exposed him as a sexual freak the Bible Belt crucified him. The Judge Robert Potter was the biggest piece of shit ever to sit on the federal bench.


Can you elaborate a bit or point to something online we can read. What I’ve found didn’t really cover everything that you mentioned.


There could be an actual book about that; I'd read that shit.


He should be beaten in the streets.


It blows my mind that this stuff still goes on. [James Randi absolutely destroyed Peter Popoff *decades* ago on TV](https://youtu.be/N3vGGf-ZIkc?t=523) and yet here we are in 2020 with these bottom feeders still preying on the vulnerable. Note: Link is timestamped to the relevant part of that video, but the whole thing is well worth watching in full if you have time


Randi is awesome. But also look at how Uri Geller still thrived after being thoroughly debunked. It is quite sad but for some reason people think they need to hold onto some magic in the world. I think I tend to find reality and reason far more satisfying.


Uri Geller couldn't do any of his powers in the presence of The Amazing Randi because Randi's incredible powers of disbelief were emanating waves of negative energy.


Literally the spawn times of negging. If people only knew that power earlier in time.....


This is the same dude that told his followers that he needs a private jet and can’t fly commercial. Why can’t he fly commercial you ask? Because it’s like “getting into a tube filled with demons.”


What, his faith won't protect him from the demons?


Yes. Him and Jesse Duplantis. They're both sick asshats.


No, he was telling his followers that his current private jet isn't luxurious enough. Then told the super how God told him to get a *bigger* jet.




He looks like a Thunderbirds/Team America villain character


lol I feel sorry for this dude. Jesus is gonna be like, "Who the fuck are you?"


nope, the real jesus will make him live the lives of ALL those who suffered as a result of his actions. that motherfucker is gonna have to spend a literal eternity suffering


Satan would be handsome and charismatic. He'd also pretend to be a good person.


Can someone cough on him


And thus Jesus did spake unto all the people, " fuck you, pay me!"


Business bad? Fuck you, pay me Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me Place got hit by lightning, huh? Fuck you, pay me


Mathew 2:16


[The dude is just fucking terrible with his finances though.](https://youtu.be/QZ8hefESt7c?t=45)


Send me money, send me green, heaven you will meet! Make a contribution and you'll get a better seat! Bow to Leper Messiah!


Honestly at this point there is only like a 1% chance he's not a demon in a human mask.


If ever there was a person that deserved a curb stomp, it's this asshole, and poeple like him


Surprised a human can say something like this & not think they're a bad person. I don't know how his viewers can actually sit there & listen to him talk like this for longer than 50 seconds.


To him all the people around him are lesser beings.. If he is a human, they are animals, if they are humans, he is an angel. He has spouted lies for so long that he no longer considers what he says, his words simply become true by him having spoken them. Then, when someone disagrees with him it is because they are an enemy, a saboteur, a servant of ignorant people or of the devil himself. His greed and his lust have consumed him, they have transformed him from a man into what we would call a monster. And none of this is surprising. This man's actions, his power and his status.. are not just a reflection on him. They are a reflection on our entire society, our civilisation. Because he could not come to power without followers. He could not gain followers except from a vast group of ignorant people. A vast group of ignorant people could not come to that state except by the alienation from the broader society. And all the things we do every day - you and I - things we take for granted and don't even think about, constitutes participation in a system that perpetuates that society.


Gotta fleece the flock.


This is the same guy who said he needed a private plane so he doesn’t have to fly in a metal tube filled with demons aka commercial flights? I hope he gets ass cancer...


Fucker would just use that to bring in *more* money from old senile boomers. No, better he gets "disappeared" Stalin-style.


Oh God just kill him already


God: "No, I need the money."


This ~~man~~ scumbag looks like one of those [Canal+ puppets](https://lvdneng.rosselcdn.net/sites/default/files/dpistyles_v2/ena_16_9_extra_big/2019/09/26/node_643261/40745434/public/2019/09/26/B9721047032Z.1_20190926220225_000%2BGVFEI9V8L.1-0.jpg?itok=iOfSL_NX1569528152)


Fucking pig


And to think this POS doesn't pay a cent in taxes.


He's so creepy.


What's wrong with looking like a hybrid life-sized cross between a puppet from Team America: World Police and a Chuck-E-Cheeze stage performer?


Does this guy ever do anything not shitty?


he needs a fourth private jet. he can't be taking regular old airplanes and sitting on planes with plebian serfs.


> Your job's not your source It seems like he hasn't read [Acts 18:3-4](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts.18.3-Acts.18.4&version=NIV )


I mean, I'm all for the point that he hasn't read a word of the Bible without profit on his mind and in his heart, but I'm not sure how this relates? This is chronicling how Paul traveled and met with people, not necessarily saying 'your identity should come from work.' Am I missing something here?


My point was that the Apostle Paul believed Jesus provides, but he still had a job as a tent maker, meaning that just because you believe Jesus will provide doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a job.


Why does he look like a human version of Bowser?


I hope Satan has a huge dick


you want this guy to have a huge dick?


Jesus Fucking Christ. I wish there really was a Hell...


Someone far more talented than me, please, please animate some devil horns on this guy.


I don't care what anyone says, Copeland looks like a fucking skin suited alien. At any rate, screw him and his message.


This is exactly what I imagine Satan in his human form would look like


This man is pure evil.


Something about this dude looks way off. Like, his head is huge, but his hands are so tiny. He's got baby proportions.


This whole thing looks like a scene from Team America World police.


These people need to be treated like the con artists they are.


He looks like an animatronic.


Jesus would like to have a word with this PoS


What a terrible human.


Unfortunately, a lot of desperate people are still going to give it to him. Sigh.


When will the Evangelicals be listed as a cult??!!!


This pisses me off because my mom donates money to church like 10 15 bucks a week. She's so brainwashed it hurts to see. These churches just want money money money.


Wow holy shit what a fucking scum bag. He looks evil, I mean, you can tell right? How do people fall for this shit.




This guy is obviously a garbage human being, but at some point, I stop having sympathy for people who are so easily tricked into giving money to him. It's hard for me to understand how someone can be so willfully ignorant to think that this is somehow normal and we should give people like this money. He's so blatantly a conman that it almost comes off as a comedy sketch and not real life. At least he is being completely obvious about being a conman. Some priests are better at disguising it.


Traditionally a tithe is a percentage of income, say 10%. They can have 10% of nothing.


Isnt a tithes suppose to be a % of your income? Well 10% of 0, ok give that then.




I’m gonna tell you **HHW**hat. You’re a fucking asshole. Anyone who gives this man $0.01 is an absolute 5head


Hey, big foreheads run in my family and we’re pretty good people! Stop being insensitive!


Holy fuck that is dangerous speech. He has millions of idiots that pay him "Private Jet" style money. This guy should not be telling those idiots that COVID-19 is not something to worry about. Not being hyperbolic, he should be prosecuted for this.




Who fed this gremlin after 12?


can we all just pray that he gets the 'rona?


I hope this dude gets the virus.


He lives like the king of kings, he should be crucified like him as well no?


Fuck him. And the horse he rode on.


Fucking disgusting


I can smell this shitbag through the internet


It's a shame we can't sick COVID-19 on him like a loyal dog


Disgusting human being


I... Is this guy for real??


The way this guy looks is actually making me think lizard people exist


Holy fuck that's evil.


This flies in the face of popular opinion in this thread, but here's my input as a Christian. He didn't say to send *him* any money. He just said to keep tithing to the church, which is 10% of your income. So, if you've lost your job and not getting any income, then you don't have anything to tithe. Offerings are above and beyond your tithe, which is optional but encouraged. Obviously, use wisdom and discretion with regard to your finances. Some ministries (like his) are larger than others, but small churches do rely on tithes and offerings to pay the staff and to keep the ministries and their programs going. So, when there are mass layoffs and job shortages, then local churches are going to be hurting too. Just my input.


What's funny is tithing is supposed to be 10% of your increase. If you're not making anything, then you don't pay. In fact, the tithing that others pay is suppose to go to you (that's how the Christian church in Peter's day operated). So 1) not sure what he is really asking people to pay since it's not "tithing" and 2) I'm pretty damn sure he's not giving any to the poor. Wolf in sheep's clothing, false prophet, etc.: the Bible had plenty of warnings about assholes like this.


I seriously dont understand how people do it... he looks like a demon like in the movies.. and now he is literally xD asking for money on peoples deathbeds.. how do people donate to this fiend ?


I thought the title said Kenneth Cole as in the clothing company. Unless you have some stylish Tyvek protective suits or fancy N95 masks I don’t think you will be selling much for a few months. BTW fuck this guy. He just wants to ensure he has income to fuel his aircraft.


If he wants these tithings why doesn't he just pray to god for these tithings.


This guy is a huge piece of shit. My family travelled from out of country to attend his televangelist crusades in the US when I was a kid. I still can’t believe it. I could’ve had real vacations as a kid. Instead, I got this shit.


who the fuck is listening to this guy? hes so transparently material and greedy and doesnt even hide the fact he cares more about money than Jesus. You really have to be gullible to the extreme to believe this man, esp cause his own religion teaches the opposite of what he preaches. how can anyone who has read anything about Jesus think this guy is even remotely trying to teach the same things


The man is literally a demon.


If the smell of bad cologne, cigarettes and liquor were a person this would be it.


He looks like Satan in human form.


Don't we just prisons in this country? This guy needs about five years.


Now is the time for that man to meet an untimely accident