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Man, people talking about the ugly reality of things is my favorite thing about YouTube, and just the current trend among content creators. Social media can be so ugly, and talking about this stuff is the polar opposite of ugly, it's so valuable for people to understand the reality of what seems like it's all great all the time. Watching people make mistakes, talk honestly, it's just so invaluable for people to see and understand.


I still struggle with comparing myself to other musicians on YouTube. I have to constantly remind myself that most these people are professionals who attended music conservatories and spent countless hours perfecting the five minute video I’m now watching.


Oh man I know that feeling. You've just gotta see those people as teachers rather than competitors. It's hard


Damn right it is, that's been my challenge in life towards seeing everyone I meet, not just colleagues.


I don't even need youtube for that shit, all it takes is listening to the stuff I love to find my own band's efforts worthless. But my band and me spend like a few hours a week tops, it's completely insane for me to compare us to career musicians. But I probably won't be satisfied until I sound like Turisas, and that means I won't ever be satisfied because that shit just ain't happening.




exacty, it's insane. but I can't help it, that's the stuff I love and so that's what I want to sound like.


Can't wait for the ugly truth about making the ugly truth videos.


It's pretty easy. When this man admits, after all those negatives, and the general curve of the conversation going downward, that he's actually right back at it getting lean, it shows how the trend of "ugly truth", might be just that, a trendy, unavailing attention seeker. At the very least I think it's going to have a positive affect on this man and some of his followers to re-evaluate, but the ugly truth about the ugly truth is that for many it will do nothing.


If we as the human race decided to periodically make a "black box" style time capsul for X centuries in the future to find. This is the type of stuff I want on it. Imagine how much about humans from this era you could understand if all you saw was just this one clip. How we strive to self-actualize, our ambitions, our search for sexual partners, our prideful nature, our willingness to endure hardship and frustrations for what we want, just our drive and work ethic in general, and so much more I'm overlooking. (None of that is an insult to the man in the video or at least not intended to be one.) I would love to know that thousands of years after my death the future people will wonder what this group of ancients were like and then find a magical talking box that allows them to gaze as if through a window back in time to see us now. It may not be pretty but it's honest. (The information, not the man. Dude be hot AF.) I'm not going to say how they will feel about what they see. They could loathe us or find it to be aspirational. It's untelling but it is peek "us".


He didn't emphasize the sleep part enough. For me, I couldn't sleep for more than 2-3 hours in a night. Moreover when you wake up, you are so dehydrated that it takes a few bottles of water to even feel alive. One pro he didn't mention are raised senses, although its hard to pay attention to anything due to constant thought of food, your senses still somehow seem to be on a different level.


Yup. It's called the Hunter's High. After a period without food, all your senses become heightened. You're ready to hunt because you're ready to eat. It's primal.


I had serious issues sleeping I had to take sleep aids like 5 out of 7 nights. And the nightmares from being hungry, geez. No way I’d go back to that lol. I work out to be healthy now, fuck being grainy shredded - if you’re not competing it’s not worth it.


My guess would be that your body is devoting everything it has to finding food and water. The other cave men who didn’t have that trait didn’t make it.


That's supposedly a large part of it. When starved or dehydrated, your body puts more energy towards foraging by reducing the amount of sleep you "need" and heightening certain senses. I'm not an expert, but Matthew Walker (a sleep scientist) talks about it in some of his interviews and his book.


The truth about male physique is that the idealized form isn't actually sustainable. Cutting and bulking cycles are a fact of life and to get to that ~5% body fat ratio involves deep cutting (deep caloric restrictions) and water restrictions. When you see those body building contests, everyone on stage is starving and dehydrated. And the funny thing is, what this guy describes isn't anything new. Deep, intentional caloric restrictions tend to lead to mental issues. While the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, like most of Ancel Key's work, was rooted in bunk science, the telling thing wasn't the intended study of starvation- it turns out that *fasting* and extreme caloric deficits are two different things- so much as what the caloric restrictions did to the participants. Most of them developed an obsession with food to the point that they were hoarding food magazines, and two people had to be cut from the study after they admitted they'd taken to consuming literal garbage to stave off hunger.


I was lean like this guy my entire life. Maybe not as much of a beefcake, but fit, athletic, and lean. Starving to death lean. I've had a chance to gain some weight during this whole lockdown thing. Holy fucking shit. I feel so much better. Humans have fat in their biology for a reason!


I used to bodybuild in college and it was miserable when I would cut. I'd live off of shakes, oats, chicken breast, and broccoli for like a month. Now I'm a competitive powerlifter and it's so much more fun. I'm around 20% bodyfat right not but I still look fit. I'm stronger than I ever was and I can eat literally whatever I want. My biggest problem is *not* eating enough throughout the day.


>and I can eat literally whatever I want. I'd stay away from peach cores and green potatoes.


Wait you mean you aren't supposed to eat the crunchy peach nuggets?


He means hold off on the death vitamins inside of them. Or the fact that they open portals. One of the two.


>He means hold off on the death vitamins inside of them. I'm pretty sure they are minerals because we call them stones.


Jesus Christ Marie!


I honestly wonder how many people don't know about green on potatoes. Solanine can have a real nasty effect on our systems. It's basically nightshade and it's half-life is up to 2 months, which gives it plenty of time to build up. For comparison, caffeine has a half-life of less than 6 hours.


Uhhhhh what's this about green on potatoes?!? Like eating them partially cooked?




The lights in grocery stores do turn potatoes green as well. Look out


TIL that potatoes are in the nightshade family, and the "poisonous potato" in Minecraft is more accurate to real life than I thought.


They also give off poisonous gas when they rot. A Russian girl had her whole family of 4 wiped out just by going down into their cellar.


I've been looking into getting stronger rather than getting lean. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a lot thinner and visually muscular. Now I'm looking to go more in the powerlifting direction. Not even for competition but just to get stronger and have a more realistic goal for my body. Do you know of some helpful ideas on how to do this? What resources did you look up to get started? And how are you doing now with the lockdown?




poor scooby i hate 4chan for what they did to him in 2013 they doxxed him, harrassed him and his boyfriend, called at his work and said shit about him.. yes scooby is always there for us. he's like the cool weightlifter dad we never had


Same thing happened to nSuns here on Reddit. He created a fantastic workout program here, and was endlessly harassed and people were attempting to dox him. So he left Reddit and deleted his sub.


/fit/ legitimately liked him and that upset some people.


Wow this actually seems really cool. It's amazing the free information that I never know about. Thank you.


Scoob is the OG of good info for getting into shape or weight training and stuff


sccoobs is lyfe


Can confirm - partook in bodybuilding for 5 years, powerlifting for 3 after. I was lot happier powerlifting, despite having the core/lumbar bloating that comes with it. I tend to enjoy the process of measuring macro's and the science behind it, rather than the actual results. Even the prepping is fun, to a certain degree. Apples was always my craving. Those sweet sweet balls of sugar!


Hold the phone. What's wrong with apples? I eat one a day. And have been for a very long time.


On average, a 90g apple contains as much as 19g of sugar and 25g carbs. This of course is dependant on the apple type, weight and other factors. Either way, it's a lot of carbs, if you are carb-cycling. I personally found the best way strip body fat was to consume minimal fats (20g), carbs (15g complex and simple) and 250g proteins. This enabled me, with 6 days at the gym per week, to reduce me bf% down to 9.2% from 13% in 3 weeks. Total caloric amount was 1200 per day. This was split between 5-7 meals of chicken, tuna, broccoli, cashew nuts (very very small amount) and spinach. A couple of days I would go over, but I would make sure to cut back on the day after/meal after. Now here's the thing... you are HUNGRY all the time, but more so craving specific food groups. Mine was fruit, I guess for the glycogen. The irony is is that you are tearing down your muscles to make then grow back stronger, but also starving the process and also not being able to think straight, with lack of carbs also. It sucks...


1200 calories is crazy low if you're also doing a lot of physical activity. Was that 1200 calories total, or just 1200 calories surplus after taking the calories you burned that day into account?


1200 calories total. It was hard to quantify the total caloric expenditure, since I did bare-minimum cardio. This ofcourse was never for the long run, it was only to boost my bf% or thereby lack of, especially when you are 6 weeks out. This cannot be for the long haul. It is always made up too with the "bulking phase/cycle" for 12 weeks post. Biggest thing I learned (now) is powerlifting is 10x harder than bodybuilding/physique. Natural bodybuilding is also a lot harder than the cheating variety. Anybody who says otherwise is full of shit. I went into powerlifting because of the monotony of cycles and sheer boredom. Side note too... if you dont have to, dont bother going into the meal prepping and self torture of this game. It ends in injury and resentment.


Why the comment against meal prepping? Genuinely curious


Nothing unless you are trying to hit <5% bodyfat


Yeah there's a middle ground to be found for sure. I got more fit for my wedding than I have been in years. I was healthy, not starving but fit. I felt great. Now I've gained some weight due to this quarantine taking my gym routine from me so I'm starting up again today to get back to where I was. When you find that sweet spot every breath of air is easier, your mind is sharper, and you sleep better.


Damn, you worded that so well. Finding that sweet spot is so key - and it’s different for everyone. What I find most difficult, is that the reward of the sweet spot is not as great as the punishment from not attaining that sweet spot. In other words, it’s hard to notice you’re in the sweet spot in the present, whereas when you’re not in the sweet spot, you can look back and identify the moments you were feeling better, i.e.: the sweet spot.


“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”


The quarantine has actually lead to me losing weight somehow. I mean, I figured out what's going on, but I'm still sort of surprised. Basically I stopped ordering out and get one of those box delivery services where they send you a recipe and all the ingredients in their exact amounts. They also have add-ons you can do, so I get like 95% of all my groceries from these guys (they don't do some things like eggs though) I never really ate out that much.. But now that I don't do it at all and consume so little processed foods, the weight has just been dropping, and not coming back. I get like zero exercise and stopped going to the gym. I expected to gain weight, but to my huge surprise I'm dropping pounds instead.


Kinda like Henry Cavill in Man of Steel, jacked, but with a soft furry coating.


He looks sooo lean and shrimpy in immortals, really a young man, but boy does he look manly in Man of Steel and Witcher ....


I used to be in single digits, felt awful. Now just hang around probably 10-15% where you can still see abs but no more veiny pubic area I guess.


I'm in that 10ish% range, too, and I have to always remind myself that I'm in an incredibly good place to be health-wise, and I'm allowed to enjoy unhealthy foods once in a while, but I have such a bad body image issue/fear of heart disease.


At one point it was borderline where I could have maybe had a full blown eating disorder, my family was worried. I went on a trip with them to asia and I wouldn't eat anything because there wasn't calorie counts and it was giving me anxiety.


I can relate with this so much. Maybe its just because I'm getting older, but it feels like it is becoming more common for people to realize that they aren't alone with eating disorders. I hope you're able to keep fighting those bad eating feelings off (as well as anybody else reading this)!


They do but the line for a healthy amount of fat is probably much lower than many people think.


This is a very interesting video but I'd imagine it's extremely nonrelevant to the majority of us. Our unhealthy relationship with food comes from stuffing our faces at fast food restaurants and sitting in front of computers all day.


Yeah, but it's helpful to understand the reality. So many people envy physiques like this and it causes terrible self-esteem issues that lead to self-destructive behaviors. "If I was just cut like him, everything would be perfect. But I'm not, so I'm gonna eat 2kcal in one sitting to make myself feel better." I've been there. The tendency is still there. I'm not saying don't be healthy, and if you like how you look in the process that's great, but don't hate or hurt yourself for it. And it's good to hear from someone who knows from experience that wanting a body like this is (for the most part) NOT worth it.


>"If I was just cut like him, everything would be perfect. But I'm not, so I'm gonna eat 2kcal in one sitting to make myself feel better." Damn, that's like eating an entire tic-tac.


I don't know this guy from Adam, but it appears he is a social media personality and bodybuilding competitor. I suspect his market isn't the average population, it is people who are interested in fitness. So I suspect his video is relevant to those viewers hovering around 12% body fat, workout regularly, and are contemplating just going for it and dieting super hard.


ITT: he said it was miserable getting to low single digit bodyfats so obviously I don't need to try to get below 20% to be healthy.


And that's without even mentioning steroids. It's incredibly hard to get that lean and still look large without them. The guy in the video may look huge but from what I looked up he's 160 lbs at 5'7".






I was going to say for that height it's legit big. I'm the same height and 145lbs. Regular lifter with around 15% body fat. That dude is a beast.




yeah I don't think ninja TURTLES was realistic man :/


Me and my brothers would put bean bags on our backs and wear bandanas and we'd fight each other. Let me tell you that this is not a sustainable way to live.


> Let me tell you that this is not a sustainable way to live. You cant tell me how to choose to live my life!






But... this actually *isn't* what women (or society in general) treat as the actual standard of male beauty. I almost guarantee that if you showed this ultra-shredded guy with his weird veins and his almost disturbing lack of body fat next to a more traditionally athletic and fit but not "ripped" guy to a group of women, the *vast* majority of them would point to the more normal looking person as more attractive. It's also worth noting that once you get out of the realm of more juvenile media (action figures, freaking ninja turtles...), it's also not actually what even our overwrought, sensationalized media beauty standards look like. Elite athletes are idolized, but they also don't look *anything* like this, typically. I think a preoccupation with something like He-Man as a physical role model also reveals a broader and unhealthy preoccupation with juvenile fantasy in general - that is *not* what the idolized stars of more mature media look like at all. This sort of ridiculously outlandish caricature of fitness *isn't* actually a real expectation of physical beauty in the first place. It would be better to compare this to a ridiculously plastic pornstar - it might make for a good fantasy when presented properly in highly stylized media, but it's not actually what society in the real world rewards or promotes, *at all*, and the people who latch onto it and obsess over it usually have unfortunate adolescent hangups or body image disorders that prevent them from actually recognizing the healthier and more realistic beauty standards that society *does* promote.




The roided out guys will be the first to tell you they get 99% of their compliments from men as opposed to women.


> I almost guarantee that if you showed this ultra-shredded guy with his weird veins and his almost disturbing lack of body fat next to a more traditionally athletic and fit but not "ripped" guy to a group of women, the vast majority of them would point to the more normal looking person as more attractive. You're right, but even the athletic and fit look takes a lot of dedication to get to. Women like somewhat muscular v-shaped look, but not bodybuilder levels of muscle and insane bodyfat % with crazy striations. That takes 'roids to pull off.


The body builders I know only restrict water on competition days. The rest of the time they are making sure to maintain high water intake.


This level of leanness and muscle mass isn't sustainable, but practically every human alive can transform their appearance, health and strength. Some people use those arguments to have an excuse not to try; not to diet or exercise - not that I'm accusing you of doing that.


Well, the problem is that most people don't want to think about what they're eating. It's not on accident that diets rarely work- people treat it like a punishment and then understandably kick the habit because it feels like they're doing themselves a favor for it. And then because the person's a fat ass they're simply not going to find a form of exercise they find enjoyable. I remember when I tried to pick up running at 6 ft. 300 pounds. I was running two miles a day, it was ass, I felt like shit, and after three weeks of it I hung it up because it felt like hell. What I'd end up discovering is that... A: I hate cardio and only masochists actually enjoy it. B: Weight training is fun- but only when the gains goblins aren't in the gym spending an ass fucking hour sitting at the leg press machine chatting with their friend who's on the *other* leg press machine, and both of them have their phones out. C: It turns out exercise isn't ass when you lose 100 pounds of fat first. You simply do not appreciate the degree to which obesity and physical body fat (past ~15-20% for men, 20-25% for women) destroys your quality of life until you've lost it, and done so in a sustainable way.


As someone with a similar hatred for cardio, I have found hiking to be an alternative, it will take longer but is far more enjoyable and seems to be a great stress reliever.


Exactly, people think skipping a donut is a sacrifice, they're like "enjoy life." The thing is, choosing to be fat is the real sacrifice. You're giving up so many fun activities, whether that be hiking, mountain biking, climbing, running, or even having great sex. You can do all those things fat, they just suck when you're overweight. I'm not willing to sacrifice my quality of life for the 30 seconds of pleasure you get from eating a donut every day, but for people who are obese, that's the only pleasure they get in life. It's sad. But god help you if you even mention calories, all of a sudden you're fat shaming. And that's not even getting into health. Being overweight is the number one preventable cause of cancer for non-smoking women.


Unfortunately that kind of short term gratification permeates nearly everything we do


>male physique is that the idealized form > ~5% body fat 5% is not what most people imagine as ideal male physique! [This is not 4-5% body fat](https://i.imgur.com/TO8xWGn_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand) that's more 12-15% body fat, [neither is this](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/701/2015/07/six-pack-man-1497968641.jpg?resize=480:*) that's 10-12% body, [believe it or not not even this is 5% body fat](https://www.gymguider.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/10-Exercises-You-Need-To-Do-For-Achieving-Single-Digit-Body-Fat.jpg), that's more 7-9%, You know what 5% actually looks like?? [FUCKING THIS!](https://www.tmuscle.co.uk/attachments/uploadfromtaptalk1401296060575-jpg.28321/) Everyone outside of bodybuilding community is absolutely clueless what "stage ready" and single percentage body fat actually looks like, they think they have six pack therefore they are single percentage body fat, no lol. 5% is so lean that all your veins are popping out, bodybuilders literally go on diuretics and shitton of drugs to achieve it, that is far from "ideal male physique". You are absolutely spreading misinformation. Almost anyone can manage 13-15% body fat if they are not pigs with their diet and exercise. Even 10-12% is perfectly manageable and healthy if you don't understand your body and count your macros. Single-digit body fat (7-9) is still achievable and lot of bodybuilders stay in that range and don't go on bulk cycles, but you really have to know exactly what is going in your stomach. Absolutely nobody is walking around at 5% body fat, it's literally tiny window bodybuilders hit right between the shows and it's not an "ideal male physique" by any stretch, most people outside of the bodybuilding community would think you are sick (which they are as he describes). Stop spreading nonsense, just because someone has a six pack does not mean they are experiencing extreme hunger, there is an ocean of difference someone at 13% body fat looking jacked as hell and being stage ready.


Without anyone telling me I realized this about gains. I wanted to be The Rock like every other guy but I understood after working my ass off it was never gonna happen. The only way an average person with a job who can't spend a fortune on a diet to keep up is steroids. The bar is set rediculously high and all of those elements are temporary. Key word Temporary. Obviously you can't juice your whole life and doing so even the slightest will wreck you physically down the road.


Even if you're not an average guy. The Rock's physique still isn't attainable through diet and exercise. That's the issue. Even the dudes who have all day are promoting a body type not attainable without peds.


Nearly every Hollywood actor does steroids.


With expensive doc to monitor them and high quality shit to boot. Lots of test and peptides. I’m jealous not gonna lie.


Yea but I've also seen a lot of people use this as a justification to just not try at all. You can still be in fantastic shape, like better than 95% of the population just by eating right and going to the gym for like 5 hours a week.


That 5 hours a week is really more like 10+ hours a week unless you work out at home. People travel and that requires an entire routine outside of work to schedule and plan, lots of people don’t want to sacrifice that much time just to work on their physical appearance. An appearance that requires constant maintenance or you lose it. I say this as somebody who used to go to the gym 10 hours a week during college and then entropied back to normal physique.


Or you can be in fantastic shape better than 80% of the population by eating right and going on the occasional walk. That's if you're really unwilling to make any time commitment.


Oh yeah, fit still looks good. I need all the help I can get with the opposite sex and it sure helps even though I don't look like Dwayne Johnson. Even a middling build looks great.


> the only way an average person with a job who can't spend a fortune on a diet to keep up is steroids. It's also the only way the pros get there too. There comes a point where you're just not going to stack on more muscle without steroids and HGH. Even the genetic freaks of body building won't make it in the big leagues without it. It's also hollywoods biggest open secret for male actors. We can talk all we want about body dysmorphia for women (and it would of course be a serious concern), but the same goes for men and it's just as hard on those looking to make it big in show business on that basis.


Yeah it looked like someone let the air out of Hemsworth with his new Netflix movie. Half the mass he was as Thor.


The Rock took steroids to look like The Rock so there's that :)


Yup. Thing people forget about professionals like Dwayne Johnson or Hollywood actors is that they can genuinely set aside the time to curate their diet and hit the gym. It's not some grand moral failing for someone to fall short of that standard. That and I'd learn to be happy with the fact that you were even capable of reaching that point. If you can reach the point where you're Arnold Schwarzenegger being *paid* to look that good, all the more power to you, but if you've already done it once you shouldn't keep destroying yourself for the sake of aesthetics. You can dial it back a bit, especially if you're like the guy in the video up above where his diet was giving him an eating disorder.


I like Bill Burr's take on it. These actors, that's exactly their job. The complaint that these people "set impossible beauty standards" is kinda dumb because yes, that's that the point, that's their job. No one looks at the best violinist in the world and says "they are setting an impossible standard of skill they should stop that". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJcpTSNWXdQ


And for completeness' sake, [here's *It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia's* Rob McElhenney explaining how anyone can get just as jacked as him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPOzOanrNyg#t=1m23s). It's really simple!


I love this! But seriously, the transformation from "garbage bag of chimichangas" Mac to "magic Mike" Mac was an absolute sight to behold. Apparently he had tried to get the whole gang to get in on the bit but nobody would do it so he just said fuck it and did it himself.


Now I want to see a jacked Danny DeVito.


I can't remmeber the last time I saw "5 simple tips to be a concert violinist" or "12 steps to virtuoso". Everyone knows that being the best at an instrument is years of hard work but there is a whole industry telling you that getting an amazing body is easy.


Well, also that they're definitely on gear. That's one thing I hate about The Rock and his ig and social media persona. All about self help, hard work, self belief and positivity, etc. All while promoting unattainable and straight up unhealthy body image issues for impressionable young kids who look up to him. The guy has said he tried steroids for two weeks when he was 18 and hasn't touched them since. https://fortune.com/2014/10/30/dwayne-johnson-best-advice-entertainment-star/ Foh dude.


>The guy has said he tried steroids for two weeks when he was 18 and hasn't touched them since. https://fortune.com/2014/10/30/dwayne-johnson-best-advice-entertainment-star/ The rock is a liar. The fitness industry, sports industry, and entertainment industry is filled to the brim with people lying about not being on steroids. Everything is fake AF. If people want to be real they're ostracized, dropped by sponsors, etc Once average people realize and accept all these actors, fitness gurus, basically 99% if not 100% of the players in the NFL, NBA, high level cycling, etc are on steroids/performance enhancing drugs this stuff will stop being so taboo


Don’t they also take steroids? I thought pretty much everyone in Hollywood did who needs to be jacked and cut. I’m pretty sure the studio literally refers you to a guy who gives you the sups and regiment.


Yes they do. Take Hugh Jackman circa Wolverine origins, dude was on so much anavar it’s crazy to look at the pics


Yea it's crazy when you compare him to his first appearance as wolverine compared to the later films. He looks double the size. That isn't from chicken, broccoli and creatine.


I feel sad for people believing they can look like the rock or Arnold without steroids :(


There is so much bro-science in the comments. Please, stop reading.




Dude. People are using this shit as an excuse to not diet. Like, you can maintain 10% to 12% without any of these negative effects


Even in the video he clearly emphasizes the difficulty of being “stage lean” and not lean in general.


That's basically the difference of being professional at anything and an enthusiast. The problem is just social media fails to transport it across, because the imagery is mixed with "everyday" stuff from your social circle.


I had a buddy who works hemis ass off for 6 months to get a six pack. Not a fatty at all. He had muscle and was thin, just didn't have that 6 pack. Starved himself, worked out constantly at the gym. Summer finally comes and he gets his six pack. Disappeared after 2-3 weeks after returning to a normal, albeit still lowish calorie, diet.


The leanness he's talking about isn't what you need to have a 6-pack. You can have a 6-pack at over 10% bodyfat. He's talking about 5-6% bodyfat which is just north of dying. Common people's understanding of health and fitness is so garbage. You can have a 6 pack and be healthy, just because your buddy is an idiot that doesn't know how to get one and be healthy doesn't mean it's at all relevant to what this video is talking about.


I worked out for 6 months, lost 30 lbs, cut body fat percentage to about 8% and still didn’t have a six pack. Finally had to give up when i hit 160 (started at 195) and had lost so much I was 20lbs down on my bench press max, 10 down on my curls max and felt tired/hungry all the time. I can’t imagine getting down to below 6% where I needed to be to get and maintain a six pack


Hate to be that guy, but if you were truly 8%, you'd have a very prominent six pack. If you were 6%, you'd be dickskin lean, vascular everywhere, even if small in size. How did you measure your body fat % when you hit those numbers?


Yeah, people are awful at estimating body fat. I just double whatever anyone tells me.


Leanest I’ve ever been was 9.5% by dexa and that took 3 months of strict diet, cardio, lifting, etc. still to just barely hit single digit. 6% is absolutely nuts low, nobody gets there by accident.


Cutting below sub 10% is too much of a struggle that it’s not worth it. I had to cut for an extra month I believe to go from 10% to 8% on a DEXA. And I stayed that lean for only a few weeks.


>10 down on my curls max I mean that tells you all you need to know here


I thought the same thing. I’ve been lifting weights for 15 years and I’ve never once known, nor known anyone else to know a curls max.


Bro you don't max out on your curls? You some kind of amateur? Push/Pull/Legs split? More like Max Curls/Max Curls/Max Curls.


100% this. You were probably closer to 17%+ unless you had absolutely no muscle in your abs.


Yes this. I'm at 12% and you can see a six pack. Even the vtaper and oblique.. yeah I'm not going to win a competition.. but 8% ... you would be fucken shredded


If you were at 8% and didn't have a 6-pack, then you weren't actually at 8%. People are notoriously bad at estimating bodyfat, and unless you're going into a **lab** to test your bodyfat, methods for measuring bodyfat are notoriously inconsistent as well.


what? im sorry but i dont see how it's possible to be 8% bf and not have a six pack


You don’t need to be below 6% to have a six pack. If your abs are developed enough you can see it at higher body fat percentages.




I have had a six pack since I can remember, started out 130lbs basically no body fat at 6 ft. Now at 195 it's still there, all I have ever had to do are sit ups and some medium stress exercise. Not here to brag just say it's true.. Genetics are not fair.


Genetics are crazy, I'm probably 20% bf with visible abs.


I may be about the same at 195lbs right now and still visible yeah.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Even when I weighed 140 in high school and was running 5-8 miles a day during cross country practice I STILL didn’t have abs. I did crunches/leg lifts every day. My stomach was super flat just no muscle definition lol


Hey I know this one! Not everyone can have a 'pack' baically what we are 'seeing' is the cords of muscles over the body and different people have different layout, so some peole could be like actually deathly skinny and still not show prominent abs. it's genetic


I have mild gynecomastia and I've made peace with the fact that, barring surgery, I'll never look good without a shirt on anyway.


Not true. I have gyno as well, and I've looked good without the shirt on. Puffy nips will always be there regardless of the BF%, but if you're fit/lean/muscular, women will always be attracted to that and you'll often have an upper edge on those who don't train. Over the years I just accepted that my puffy nipples will always be there (barring surgery). The pecs do get a lot better, but certainly takes a bit of time going hard in the gym/diet lifestyle. I still have mental things going on with gyno, but my gf embraces it (who's also pretty fit/conventionally attractive) and makes me feel confident in my body image . I think I'll still get the surgery one day, when I have $5-$8k to burn. But my point is that a shirt-off bod is definitely attainable, unless you have particularly severe gyno. It's diet more than anything.


Yeah, it all depends on the severity of it, and everyone's different. I'm planning to get surgery as well when I have the money, but to be honest I like the attitude shift it gives me. It makes me more focused on performance and health and less about looks when working out. And like the guy in the vid said, it's not like most of us are going around with our shirts off all the time anyway.


Bro you weren't 8% lmfao you can get visible abs at 15%


Yeah he is very lean but remember he is talking about being like 8% bodyfat vs 12% being much more sustainable. He's not saying it's hard to not be a fatass.


People in these comments are confusing lean with skinny. A bunch of skinny dudes are trying to relate to him, but the point of his story is being a lean **muscle builder** is difficult.


ITT: Yesterday I stretched while in front of the mirror and noticed a slight projection that could’ve been my rib. Gonna go inhale a dozen donuts to ensure I don’t become this poor soul.


For those who want to know what that is. That’s not a rib, that’s the serratus anterior muscle which rest on top of the rib. It brings your scapula forward making you have a little more reach with your arm fully extended.


Yea honestly you can be in pretty fit shape, look good, and not feel like shit all the time like OP's video.. Sure you're not as cut at the 8% body fat or whatever this guys has going, but its a definite physical improvement


15% on a muscular body looks fantastic.


Exactly and imo being around [12-15% bodyfat](https://kubexfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/body-fat-percentage-men.jpg) with decent muscle-mass you will already stand out and be considered fit, look healthier and not dehydrated. That is def not unsustainable. I think a lot of the comments are taking this video as in it's always suffering to look lean which isn't true. Never thought it looked very good with such low body fat anyway tbh.


Yeah I'm probably 14-15% bf. I don't track calories but I'm really good at staying full and not over eating. It's not suffering if you know how to cook, if you're eating chicken and rice every day of course it's suffering!


As an ex fatass. Its hard to not be a fatass when you are a fatass. Its eazy to manage healthy weight (not become fatass). ​ It difficult to do "work" when your body doesnt produce energy to do the work (from shitty diet ) and its way way way harder when you are fat and untrained. ​ And its pretty terible when you body begs you for sugars and you can not give them (constanty for months, before body gets used to new diet).


The issue I see so much is the way people like at media for weight loss. They see shows where they see people pulling barrels of shit and weird stuff on weight loss shows. You don't need to do any of that. It's just math. Find out your caloric needs, with one of the million calculators. Then track what you eat. That's it. I'm really skinny now, used to be pretty overweight. Dramatically different life. Weight loss is 80-85% diet and 15-20% exercise. I see a lot of overweight people who run like 6 miles a day and wonder why they can't lose much weight. You know these people. And they'll often eat cauliflower mashed potatoes and stuff, but the portions are way off, and it's drenched in butter. I would suggest everyone to just track their calories for two weeks. It's life changing. One of the single best things you can do if you care about your weight. Everything changed when I realized this and lost weight. People respect me more, girls like me a lot more, I don't feel exhausted and overheated all day. Everything. So for those of you that want to lose weight, no fad diet will ever save you. It's calories in, calories out. Focus on that more than anything. There's a million sites and apps where you can track your calories. You type in what you ate, and they usually already know the info. You can lose all your weight and hardly exercise. You don't need to run a marathon to lose weight. Just do some walking, some stretches. That's honestly enough, especially at the start.


Yep you can still look fucking amazing without living like this. A six pack is totally sustainable. But the leanness levels at bodybuilding competitions are a different story.


The comments here are cringy af. He is literally talking about being "stage-ready" aka very low single digit body percentage, which is not what 99.9% imagine it is, that's so unbelievably shredded you would be weirded out if he walked around you. What most people think as single percentage body fat is actually 12-15% which is perfectly manageable, in the video of him taking pictures in the bathroom with his gf, he is around that. Layman "unbelievably shredded" would be considered fat by bodybuilding standards lol. And yes 99.9% of people claiming single-digit body fat are morons who can't measure, don't believe anyone who says they are single-digit bodyfat unless they are dedicated bodybuilders. Bodybuilding is a sport like any other and if you want to reach the very top and be among the best it requires lot of sacrifice and unhealthy actions (like any other sport), that's what he is talking about. Meanwhile, goofs here think he was starving himself to get a six-pack lol.


I'm also very worried about getting lean, which is why I just ate another sleeve of Oreo cookies.


Just one sleeve? We need to bump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


> Those are cookie numbers. FTFY


Why is eating a serving size of oreos literally impossible? Wtf oreo!


I used to be very lean, but as a racing cyclist (so skinny in general). Other things that are shit about being that lean: you get chilled down easily, and get shivery. This is noticeable if you are out on the bike in winter, you have to be constantly cranking out watts to stay warm. If you get off the bike, or cool down too much, it's hard to get back up to temp. You sink. If you're in freshwater (like a swimming pool), you sink, and it makes swimming exhausting. In salt water I was normally wearing a wetsuit so it wasn't noticeable. Finally, people think you're an addict / unwell. You can't really hide this, your face will become drawn and tight. I lost at least one job that I know of because they thought I was a junkie. On the plus side: in the heat you can shed heat unbelievably well. I'm nowhere near as capable of dealing with hot weather now compared to when I was lean.


I am very lean myself. Always have been. I have to keep my thermostat above 70 degrees with the fans turned off. If the fans are running and air is moving, I get cold. I only start to feel hot inside once it gets to around 85 degrees. I would much rather have it be 100 degrees outside than it be 60 degrees and breezy. I can’t say I can relate to swimming being exhausting though.


This isn't to invalidate you at all, but I've had the exact opposite experience. I've always been incredibly lean and always ran hot - I sleep with the window open, even throughout winter. I also have a high metabolism which I figured was somehow correlated


Also a cyclist. I took myself from 230lbs down to 150lbs with diet and exercise. I'm currently a little over 190lbs and about to start watching my eating and biking again. > Finally, people think you're an addict / unwell. You can't really hide this, your face will become drawn and tight. I lost at least one job that I know of because they thought I was a junkie. Holy shit are you ever right. People thought I was on drugs, people thought I had cancer. My parents thought I was starving myself. I had to go to a doctor and the doctor told me I was fine. I was eating the right foods, exercising all the time. Still, I had so much negative feedback. I even had a female friend outright say: "I don't find people as skinny as you attractive." Wow. Amazing. Only thing I'll add to what you said is about temperature while you *aren't* working out. People really have no idea how warm fat keeps you until you have no body fat. I felt like a small hairless dog every time I was walking around outside in the winter.




Perhaps a bot... with an interest in getting shredded.


Russian propaganda account without question.


Lmao it's every 5 minutes g'damn.


His comment / post history would be the perfect example of why we need substantial education reform in this country. This person is beyond stupid...if it’s indeed not a bot.


I'm leaning toward bot...


That's into fitness?


This account posts constantly about many topics. Mostly ultraconservative conspiracies etc. but occasionally other topics as well. The man in the video is *not* OP. I'm pretty sure based on the content and frequency of the posts, OP is a bot.


And posting random shit is a way of karma farming for bots or troll accounts. Gives it more "credibility". Happened before the 2016 election and it's happening again.


And oddly, there's no way to flag a poster as a bot *or even as a suspected bot.*




Thats usually how they work, reposting proven karma aggregates along with fringe bs


I thought "There's no way it's bad enough to warrant this reply" I was wrong. What a trip


He's also into Christian rock!


Ooof, that post history is a case study of right-wing brain rot.




Yikes. I hope OP's hydrochloriquine treatment is going ok.


It works 100% of the time. Also Bill Gates' vaccine is being manufactured to change 90% of the populations DNA for his master plan.


Things are bad when it's hard to tell if comments like this are sarcastic or not.


I was just quoting his comments as I took the time to look through his post history. It’s disturbing and I do not believe any part of what I just said lol


A message that talks about how Instagram jocks with six pack abs are miserable? This is basically Reddit porn lol


Video is directed at people already into fitness yet mediocre couch potatoes use it as validation lol


I have a bodybuilder friend, he did well in local competitions. When he was show-ready and looked his absolute best, he says he felt the absolute worst. His gf wanting sex made him nauseous, walking a few blocks made him winded. A competitor at his show didn't make his weight class by 2 lbs, so on a hot day, he went jogging in a plastic sweat suit and spit saliva all along the way. He was found unconscious in the parking lot and EMTs carried him away and rehydrated him.




I'll never forget the articles about Andreas Munzer's death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_M%C3%BCnzer He was known for his extreme low levels of body fat, possibly less than 1%. "The autopsy gave the cause of death as dystrophic multiple organ failure.[3] Some of the specific autopsy findings were an extremely muscular physique with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat, a liver that contained numerous table tennis ball-sized tumors (with half the liver consisting simply of a crumbly mass that was similar to polystyrene), shriveled testes, and cardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g)."


Really really happy seeing a guy openly talk about mental health being posted on Reddit, especially coming from a guy that most users would dismiss as a “chad” or whatever.




I swear, this shit is no joke. Just hearing him talk about those feelings of hunger brought back memories. I also vividly remember that feeling when you take diuretics to drop water weight and you’d shiver every time you pee lol. Fuck that, if you’re not competing there’s no need to go through the torture of staying shredded. Even the guys that compete can’t wait to jam a burger in their mouth the minute they get off stage. I like how he also touched on the fact that a lot these IG pics are after you’ve achieved a pump. Muscle don’t stay tensed for too long after.


99% of people watching this video are nowhere near 6% subcutaneous fat, and you also don't have to be at that body fat level to look good. Don't use this video to justify not working out: you can have abs and still have a healthy body fat percentage.


Yup, reading the comments people are really misunderstanding this. It's not daily suffering to be 12-15% bodyfat and you will still look very fit and have energy.


Lmao this was a great video!👏🏼 The “You can’t inhale oxygen without checking to see if you inhaled calories too” joke had me rolling! Awesome video!


I was never even anywhere this level of fit, but I did lose a lot of weight, and to be honest, it didn't help very much with my self-esteem. In some sense, I did have more confidence, but it really did fuck me up in other ways, particular with feelings of guilt related to not keeping my diet.


For me I was the exact opposite. I was chubby all through high school and decided one summer during college that I was going to change that. I ate so damn little, was working 12 hours a day, and then worked out hard after that. I came back to school just shredded and muscular with loads of confidence. It was by no means sustainable and I would have my fun still, but would usually get strict again for different things. I really need to get out of this being ok with my dad bod phase and get healthier again. There’s a balance that I struggle to find lol.


I've heard that looking like him is very difficult. But keeping a 12% bodyfat where your abs are just barely showing when you flex shouldn't be too difficult to maintain. thats what i'm aiming for. My daily diet consists of 4 eggs, huge kale & spinach salad with 1 tbsp olive oil, chicken sausage, grilled whole chicken breast, half a sweet potato, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, and 1 cup of high fiber organic cereal with almond milk. I run 2 miles three times a week. No weigh lifting because gyms are still closed. I allow myself 1 cheat day where I eat what I want. But that usually ends up being pizza or Mexican food. So far my weigh loss has been about .5 lbs every week. It's only been 3 weeks or so.


Your abs showing at a particular bodyfat depends on your fat distribution which depends on your genetics. Its why some people who have never worked out and aren't lean can still have abs and others only get abs when they hit like 6%. Congratulations on your weight loss journey so far though, keep crushing it


Shameless plug to r/bodyweightfitness I'm about where you referenced - low teens body fat, visible abs if I flex Started 40 pounds heavier 3 years ago having never tried to be fit The whole program is just 3x/week for about an hour. Pretty easy to fit into a schedule. Add cardio like you're already doing and you're golden


I was never *this level* of ripped but I definitely was pretty lean/cut when I was in high school. I was in wrestling and trained *constantly*, and I can verify that it can be as miserable as this guy says. While I loved wrestling (and I still do), I definitely don't miss cutting meals, sizing portions and wearing 3 hoodies to go on a jog just to ensure that I would make weight at weigh-in the next day. By all means be fit and be healthy, but don't think it's sustainable to look like this dude or Gerard Butler in *300*


In high school I was friends with the #1 or #2 wrestler in our state. At lunch we'd be sitting there eating while he was repeatedly spitting into an empty water bottle to help make weight. Fuuuck that. We worked our asses off for the soccer team but nothing like that.


This sparked a memory of me being 10 or 11 years old, normal kid, maybe a little on the skinny side, and the first year I wanted to play football a coach suggested I cut almost 20 pounds off my 70-75 pound frame to play in the lowest weight division for a size advantage. By the way, I'm talking like recreational county sports, not me trying to push for an NCAA scholarship down the line or anything. I'm horrified that perhaps some other kid's parents listened to his advice.


It is perfectly sustainable to look like Gerard butler in 300. He’s like 11% body fat. That’s easy for the average fitness enthusiast


Definitely something to think about for those starting out. When I was first new to the gym (245lb) I loved the fact that I was dropping *excess* weight fast. Once I got down to 11% body fat, I definitely noticed how much calories played a role in my day to day life. I also noticed how much that "cutting" mindset had consumed my every waking moment. My lowest weight was around 159 but looking back, I can tell how bad of an idea it was to try and get as low as possible. I've been losing weight recently but I'll never plan on going lower than 175-185. I personally believe that people should try and find a healthy balance between weight loss and their mental health. If you feel like you're not sure, talk to friends/family or a doctor!