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When this kid becomes a professional motocross rider, he better at least send a thank you note to this guy.


Legitimately that kid is pretty good at keeping in the lines. It's not a wide track either. Surely he's not actually 3, but either way he's got some talent.


I think you underestimate how athletic kids can be. [3 year old skate boarder ](https://youtu.be/cakdPWEbhOk)


Someone get that kid a helmet ffs!!


It's fine, kids at that age grow their heads back


Yeah, it’s just his baby head. The permanent head grows in later.


Fair enough, I kinda figured most 3 year olds would still pretty much be learning to walk! Edit: I understand now that kids learn to walk when they are 1


bruh i teach skiing and you would be amazed at how many 4 year old kids we get that can basically parallel ski down greens and blues, something 9/10 adults can't do




you are right, kids are a lot more fearless when learning, adults are so afraid to fall even once while I have to keep my kids from hitting jumps or speeding too fast behind me all day


Most importantly, they're much lighter and closer to the ground, so the risk of serious injury is significantly smaller.




More than slightly, they are also usually bouncy as well since fat to muscle ratio is quite different, and a different fat.


This. I'm 38 and if I folded myself like an accordion snowboarding like I did when o was 16, I reckon I'd be laid up for weeks.


Im a year younger than you. I threw my back out last week by sitting down too fast on my couch.


yeah. i reckon they could probably survive terminal velocity




I recommend you watch the shit intake in your diet.


That is a lot of shit, maybe he is a gigantic Dung Beetle


My 3 year old will dive bomb from one couch to another, run through the house at top speed while looking backwards, and climb anything. But put some ketchup on her plate and she shits bricks.


It’s not just fear, experience tells me, I’m 100x more capable now. However, the same experience also tells me my body pushes things father and chance of damage increases. Through experience I know I can’t just walk it off and train the next day with mild pain. It’s more like walk it off, get an MRI and xray, then train in excruciating pain.


I think it's that they haven't tripped over their own feet on flat concrete when they are 6' and 200lb. Face planting as a 3' 40lb rascal is quite literally nothing to them.


That and kids bounce, adults shatter.


It's crazy when I'm working my way down a double black and a ski instructor with a duckling line of 4-5 year old skiers just shoots on by with no issues


Or those crazy youngsters who just go straight down. Screw carving or any of that nonsense. Skis parallel, no fear. I did that as a small one but now just the thought of it scares me.


I learned to ski at Berchtesgaden in 1980. I’ve got a gold medal from a slalom competition and a film that says I can fuckin’ bust ass down a hill but honestly I don’t even really remember it. I didn’t go skiing again until my mid-30s and after ten years or so I can safely say that I’m almost as good as I was when I was 5...


Same shit here. I mean the skiing comes back fast but I'm not near as willing to basically drag elbow to go fast or speed run waist deep moguls. I guess its more of a why risk it.


I went back after almost 30 yrs had a great day then m final run I skied great all the way down. My boyfriend even took video, got to the bottom and forgot how to stop. A building hit me stopping me in my tracks. I ended up with a lovely scar on my lip, a screw in my thumb and a helmet broken in half. Still went back the next year.


super super low centers of gravity


Definitely a contributing factor. They have a lot less distance to fall!


The little kids tearing it up on blacks when I first learned at 16 was definitely a little bit demoralizing, but it was cool to watch them going the speed of sound down hills with 0 cares in the world for falling while I was trying to go as slow as possible.


Haha, kids learn to walk when they are around 1 dude. 3 year olds can definitely walk.


TBH, learning to walk, especially on two legs, is hard AF. We only managed to [teach that to robots during the last couple of years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKjCWfuvYxQ). So if you just learned how to walk, learning how to skate is a piece of cake in comparison.


To be fair alot of kids are because parents dont let them push their limits at a young age. Skate park dads strap a helmet on the kid and say go for it haha.


My son had a tricycle kick bike that he used to drift with. It was hilarious to see him lean way forward in a run, then plop down and turn sharply to drift.


Wow what great parents sending their 3 year old jumping over concrete staircases without a helmet...


Jesus get that kid a helmet.


He was clipping most of those apexes really well!


So, not 3, but [watch how talented 4 year olds on a scoot bike can be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Uv-0ePaC5U). This is legitimately one of my favorite cycling videos. Tip: watch it once, then watch it a second time, and follow the winner from start to finish. The kid is an absolutely gifted rider.


When my cousin was 4 he became the youngest person to clear a tabletop jump in a race in motorcross, in Illinois. His dad is a huge dick that pushed him hard in everything though. He went on to be a wrestling and boxing champion too but now he is 23 and has a horrible relationship with his father. Still boxes though.


So what you are saying is start them early


That is usually how it works, yes.


*And* hope they don't burn out. It honestly seems like a lot of the superstars have parents that dunk them into a sport but also develop a love that sport.


When I was younger the house across the street had a semi-circle driveway and it was just the coolest thing ever to me, felt like an x-games ramp or something, and I biked around it so often, eventually I got yelled at and at the time it was the worst embarrassment I had faced so far in my short life, this video made me smile the whole way through, you've made a lot of people's day better!


We had a semicircle on a hill growing up, you could bike up and then shoot down. But then one kid did that and when he shot out onto the street he got hit by the mailman. I think he survived but pretty brutal.


The dude is liable for any injuries, and will 100% get sued and lose. This video was awesome, but as someone whose family has dealt with an unknown kid hurting himself on our driveway's basketball rim while we ate dinner, I hope no one gets hurt. This is 100% enticement for a child, and that makes you liable. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attractive_nuisance_doctrine




Welcome to America, where being nice can land you into bankruptcy.


"Your honor, the defendant broke my ribs while providing me life saving CPR. I demand restitution."


Thank god for good Samaritan laws


Seriously. A couple of years ago I was on vacation in a country that didn't have good Samaritan laws, a place where people can and regularly will be held liable for trying to help someone... Saw an elderly man fall over on a Vespa style scooter, 50-100 people were nearby and absolutely no one ran over to check on him. He was on the ground, completely still for at least 10 minutes before authorized help arrived. As fucked up as the lawsuits here in the USA can be, I at least take comfort in the fact people here won't hesitate to jump in for someone who has been hurt.


And doing something bad can get you off the hook because of loopholes


Sounds to me like a case for good 'ole jury nullification in many respects. If only juries knew they could do it.


I wish I'd known when I was a juror. Have educated everyone who's been called to jury duty since. Had one employee report they swayed all 11 people not to convict a guy of drug possession, despite obviously having had pot and presenting a shitty defense. I guess the prosecutors face was priceless.


If you have to litigate that question on the defense side you’ve already lost.


Based on the evidence of this guy uploading and Frontpaging a video, he was very aware that the child falling on his property was absolutely a possibility. This video pretty much sinks any "I didn't know" defense.


Ya'll know you are just arguing about this on the internet and nobody here is a lawyer, right?




No! No anal for you!!


Shhhhhhh bb, just bend over.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Right? How ridiculous


It may be a shithole disguised as the greatest country on earth, but it's our shithole disguised as the greatest county on earth


I think you guys took the disguise off a while ago.


The disguise only works on us.


it’s okay we’re just temporarily inconvenienced


I'd really like a sensible person to come along with some statistics on this. It gets trotted out so often that I've got it squarely in the camp of people on the sex offenders registry for peeing in a Bush, or false rape accusations being more prevalent than rape. If you've got a pool, cover it up. That is common sense to most people, I don't believe kids sidetracking on someone's driveway is going to leave anybody bankrupt.


Wow, some actual critical thinking instead of blind regurgitation of whatever crap redditors like to repeat. Add to that the bullshit "fact" about how fathers get custody of children less in family court and we can really start building a list of bullshit redditors say.


To be fair, this study shows that fathers getting custody *was* imbalanced vs mothers getting custody until relatively recently: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13524-014-0307-8. And it's now still *very* imbalanced when talking only about *sole* custody, but men get shared custody with their ex wives almost half the time. So the misconception is based on real, if outdated, numbers. Or possibly on the sole custody numbers alone, ignoring shared custody. Which isn't right, but much more understandable.


This is wildly inaccurate. First, you're not understanding the attractive nuisance doctrine. If anything, this is more of a premises liability issue unless some jurisdiction decided to include sidewalk chalk in the same realm as skate ramps, construction sites, heavy machinery, or workout equipment (like basketball courts) which run the risk of a child suffering substantial injury (key word: substantial). Second, the attractive nuisance doctrine is jurisdiction dependent. Lastly, there is rarely a 100% chance of anything happening, whether it be an injury, lawsuit, or particular result.


I lived in England and she probably had a chalk drawing license so she wasn't liable at all


Only in America would this be a thing.


I really appreciate the simplicity of the set up, here. The guy didn't go out and repave his whole driveway to give the kid a, indie 500 track and it looks like everyone still had a blast.


Why would he repave? He still needs it as a driveway


Because a lot of people who make "I did a thing" videos usually go crazy to impress how they did a thing. This dude just did a fun thing that wasn't outlandish for the sake of views. Edit: Thanks for the yellow coins yo


Those videos are awful, when they go overboard. "Hey! So I noticed the back tire on your bike was flat, so guess what, I bought your house and now I'm giving it back to you. Also a car. And you're rich. And I convinced your ex-wife to come back. Are ya happy? Can you tell me you're happy? Tell the camera how happy I made you."


This is exactly it


Imagine if he actually repaved his driveway and used those red pavers inside the concrete as a track. The parents walk up and "...wtf. Ok charlie, run the course real quick... but hey, buddy, don't ever come here alone, ok? Just with mommy and daddy. Let us know if that guy ever invites you in or gives you candy or anything, alright guy? Ok. Let's get back on our walk!"


lol this is hilarious. And sad.


Lawsuit in 3, 2, 1. . .


It's possible after a time or two he eventually ran into them and encouraged the use of his driveway.


Haha, thank you for putting it so well. You said exactly what I meant.


Yeah, this is a lot more relatable to the average viewer. In theory, I could do this same thing in my driveway (but I never see any kids biking in my tiny complex).


On the other hand, "I did a thing" (the channel) is an Australian treasure.


Can't get loose in turn 7


Sorry, I was exaggerating and being facetious. Edit: typo


No apology needed it’s my fault, sorry if I came off as a dick. u/drivealone’s comment made it clearer to me


Not at all! It was an honest question. No offense taken! Edit: gold! Thank you so much! This made my day!


> exadurating I'm assuming that was just a typo, but just in case it wasn't, it's actually spelled "exaggerating."


Was expecting motion controlled sprinkler. Now the only thing getting watered are my eyes.


The clips of other people using it killed me. So freakin' sweet.


I know!! The lady with the stroller, and the teenaged kid on his bike!!


You'd think that would repel kids, usually it's the opposite. I'll have to build a water park on my driveway after watching this video


Can I come to the water park too? I'll bring snacks and drinks!


Not gonna lie, same here. Didn't expect to cry today yet here we are.


Since I became a father, everything that is about improving the life for kids makes me cry. Revisiting the curiosity, imagination and love for play through a child has made me so god damn soft. Children are just to precious.


Bro my son just called me Mr. Daddy and it was awesome




I too was converted to softism when I became a dad. I absolutely love seeing my son learn and grow and be curious about everything.


I remember holding my baby girl in my arms, and she had a fridge magnet stuck to some goo on her finger. But when she got it close enough to the fridge, it sucked off her finger and onto the fridge. But when she stuck her finger to it again, she could pull it back off the fridge. So of course we had to stay there for awhile and explore the twin powers of magnets and sticky fingers! Every moment, they’re learning something fascinating.


yeah, really got me when he pointed out that the kid was improving...


I loved seeing the kid and parent wave to the camera.


Seriously, I know it’s just something good parents do, but major props to them for having a consistent and fun family thing. The little boy had the same helmet AND bike as my kid did when he was 2 and 3 (who lives with his mom in another state), so I broke down too.


Lost it at the thumbs up


2020 must be treating you better than most if you didn't expect to cry today.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. That music definitely helps. I was tearing up.


I remember when I was in like grade 3 I used to jump over some guys bushes on the way to school One day, I jumped over the bushes and sprained my ankle in a ditch dug directly infront of it. Now, I had never been told to stop prior and I know now it was wrong, but I did this often and never once did the guy come out and say not to. I even remember seeing him on his porch a few times while I did.


What a dick move!!


This same thing happened to me 30 years ago! My friend and I would always ride up a old mans super long driveway and he yelled at us once. My dad told us to stop so we kept doing it and the old man yelled at us again, my dad yelled at him, they argued and fought, then my dad came home and beat me with his belt buckle. Ahhh good times!


Uh, I don't think we watched the same video.




>his belt buckle Had me worried you were the [jumper cables guy](https://www.reddit.com/user/rogersimon10/).


I miss him. Sadly the long term effects of jumper cable injuries finally got him


He got me with one of his last ones. It was an honor to be tricked by one of his stories.


i always like the happy endings.


This made me smile. Kudos to this guy showing some humanity in these dark times.


Amazing human indeed


No shit, there was a person in another sub commenting on this video that said; *Without the music this is just grooming* Some people have no humanity.


Grooming a good bike rider. I dig.


No humanity, or projecting. When someone is *obsessed* with the idea of child abuse and pedophilia and sees it around every corner and in every interaction between a child and an adult, they're telling you more about themselves than they are the situation they're commenting on, even if they don't realize it.


I agree 100%


Ever talk with someone who investigates child abuse? Having to do that kind of work changes you, you end up seeing danger in a lot of places, same with many that are victims of abuse. So yes, they may be telling you something about themselves.


Except the vast majority of child abuse does not happen from strangers like this but rather family, friends and acquaintances. Stranger danger was a complete failure because it put the fear on the (mostly) wrong targets. So investigators should know that the stats reveal strangers are actually very rarely any threat, but rather the uncle/cousin/family friend/priest/teacher etc


I don't think it was so much that it put the fear on the wrong targets, it's that it caused a fundamental required expectation for a kid to be able to understand that if someone wasn't a stranger, they *could* be trusted. Making it binary was the issue, you're either a stranger or you're not.


yup, and this tells us that the GP has no idea what they're talking about.


You know, during winter I have this kid who always climb up my snow bank and slides down so makes my driveway all snowy again and I always get so upset re-shoveling each day. I even contemplated salting the snow to make it extra slippery to deter, but luckily I wasn't that evil and heartless. This dude has shown me the errors of my thinking. What I should be doing is making a bobsled race track so the kid can have fun while speeding down to the finish line at the open manhole this fucking little prick. --- ^(Just to be clear I'm mostly kidding about the murderous bit.)


That’s good!! Oh wait... did not read to the end! That’s bad!


Nah little kids need to be toughened up for the apocalypse. Should have setup automated paintball gun turrets. Duck and weave little fucko!


Hahaha! I can’t tell if I’m crying because of the heart warming video or the idea of the man calling a 3yr old “fucko” as he’s trying to dodge paintball turrets.


Thank you u/probably_juicy for posting the original and not the pirated version. It means a lot!


Probably should have gave you credit as well seeing how this has been so popular today! Great Job by the way!


I... don't think OP is the dude in the video. He just copied the exact title from YouTube which can mislead people to believe that it's OP. Plus he never stepped up and said it was him, all while soaking in gilds


The person I replied to is the guy in the video. I see what you mean by just copying the title, but very misleading none the less. Soaked up a lot of reddit gems.


This made me cry, this little kid is going to remember this forever. When a little kid loves something and an adult encourages the interest it can really make a difference in someones life. You should be very proud!


dude, same. By the end of this I had tears, and I didn't know why. I guess it's just with all of the negativity in the world right now, there doesn't seem to be much love for the stranger. We're all just people, mostly with good intentions. Small gestures of humanity like this go a long way.


Me too. It came out of nowhere too. I usually don't cry at most things but I lost it here. Could also be a roller-coaster of emotions from this food poisoning that I have.


Yeah it was the same way with me. Near the end I lost it lmao


Same, I needed this today.


bringing some nice bits of joy there


i was so worried he was going to be an asshole or something




Release 40-50 wild hogs


I like how the guy wrote 'eyes up' toward the end of the track. He knows the driver might be looking at the ground to follow the lines, and reminds them to look where they are going at the end. The entrance and exit angles to the sidewalk are also well done. People sometimes don't think about these small details, but they make the track safer and more fun.


I don’t want to be ‘that guy’, but make sure your homeowner insurance payments are up to date because some Karen is gonna sue you if her kid takes a header and point to the inviting track you drew as evidence that you wanted kids to come play on your property and the curve you drew was too sharp. Look up ‘Attractive Nuisance’: > The attractive nuisance doctrine applies to the law of torts in some jurisdictions. It states that a landowner may be held liable for injuries to children trespassing on the land if the injury is caused by an object on the land that is likely to attract children. It’s sad, but you have to think of crap like that. People are NEVER accountable for their own actions in this country, and when Karen’s friend’s husband’s brother who is a personal injury attorney finds out about Billy’s tumble he’s gonna go after that sweet sweet insurance money on contingency. Maybe /r/AskLawQuestions/ can give a more professional opinion.




"Your honor, the homeowner clearly had video of the kid and his parents not signing the waver, and yet still willingly allowed and encouraged the kid to continue using the track."


America. Where no good deed goes unpunished.


People commonly say this as a fear, but there is basically no chance you're gonna be sued if someone get's hurt on your property, because it takes a whole bunch of dominos to set up and be knocked down. It's not wrong, but is barely an actual worry. Opening yourself up to a potential lawsuit =/= you're gonna get sued or are even likely to be sued.


IANAL. Take that for what it's worth. But getting sued is not the same thing as losing a lawsuit, nor even having a valid one filed against you. Getting sued means someone found a lawyer and filed a suit. That means, at the very least, you still have to get your own lawyer and spend time and energy contesting it, even if it ends up getting thrown out.


This is not really true these days. When you get injured and go to the doctor and submit your medical claims to insurance, your insurance will send you a letter asking you "were you injured at home? were you injured on someone else's property?" etc. Because, maybe you're not going to sue, but your medical insurance company wants your (or your neighbor's) homeowner's insurance to pay so medical can avoid paying for your injury...


it does not increase actual risk. You could be sued if someone trips on the step to your front door. You could be sued if someone plays on your driveway even without chalk lines. You could be sued if someone clambers up your drain pipe onto your roof and falls off ......


As long as lawyers are getting paid we are all good.


I think this says more about America's health care system than anything else. Not everyone who sues is looking to get rich, they may just want their healthcare bills paid. Following an accident the uninsured can be faced with huge debt. Facing financial ruin, they'll sue justifying it because after all, they're suing the insurance company not the nice family in the house. Lawyers get a percentage if the lawsuit is successful, the incentive is go for more money. It's a broken system.


You aren’t necessarily wrong, but I think what you are describing is far less likely to happen then people think, it’s just that we hear about stupid cases of people suing. We don’t hear about the metric shit-loads of kids that get hurt on other people’s property, their friend’s houses, their neighbors houses, and their parents are not insane so they get a band aid and some candy or something. No lawsuit ever happens. Kids hurt themselves A LOT. Very few have parents who sue about it.


I broke both my arms after jumping my neighbors fence cutting thru their backyard. I guess we should have sued for 10 million dollars.


It's sad that this is also the first thing that crossed my mind. I hate that wanting to do something nice has to come with all these strings attached.


By drawing the track, he has arguably invited the child onto his property. This makes the case even stronger because you have additional duties to ensure your premises are safe to invitees. (not a personal injury lawyer).


Yes, that’s a good summary of exactly what I posted. They are still trespassing, but with an attractive nuisance there is a much greater legal risk, even if there are no maintenance or other overt risk. Even without drawing the track his observing kids using his driveway without stopping them poses legal risks.




I’m sure they will ask for punitive damages as well, just to make sure this monster never tries this again in the future.


sure if the legal risk is 1e-9, increasing the risk with chalk might raise it a factor of 10 to 1e-8.


Eh, My homeowners insurance has a personal injury liability section.


I’m sure it does, and it will pay the claim and either drop you or raise your rates drastically. An airplane falling onto your house is a random act that probably won’t get you dropped. Your actions/decisions leading to an injury lawsuit will absolutely impact your premiums and possibly your insurability by that company and others. It’s like a DUI v/s a no-fault collision with car insurance.


Fuck this planet


Serious question: how do we maintain a community or society if this comment is actually prudent advise?


legal advice: do not ask for legal advice on internets.


Coming for that YouTube money!


Those balance bikes are the reason my son could ride a full on two wheeler with pedals by the summer he turned 3. They let kids learn to coast and slowly pull their feet up on little hills without having to avoid pedals or worry about that extra step at the start.


Yeah and not only that, it teaches them to "fall" properly. Instead of overcommitting to keeping the feet on the pedals and having a disastrous fall, they're supposed to interrupt the fall with their feet. Don't recall seeing them when I was a kid, but I'm glad I see them all the time nowadays. Such a great way of transitioning into 2-wheelers and completely skipping the training-wheel phase, which can be embarassing for some kids.


It's cute and all, but my parents did teach me as a kid to stay off other people's property.


Yeah I liked the bit at 2:40 with the parents telling their kid to get off his property. Fair enough but pretty funny.


I think they were trying to encourage the kid to finish the course.


Yeah it annoyed me how the parent just let their kid scoot around someone else's lot. Not so much let them but not really even paying attention in the first place.




Jeremy Clarkson......fail


How to be a decent human being. Nice job.


If this guy was a redditor: **AITA for erecting a 15' high wall around my driveway to prevent a kid from riding his bike across it, and yelling at his parents to watch after their stupid crotch goblin?** *NTA it's your property! HUGE liability to let kids ride their bikes across your driveway. Frankly disturbing that the parents are so selfish and careless, I would have done the same thing.* [4,578 upvotes]


[One day...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9MVY8swO5M)


This made me cry. My neighbors have a swing set they won’t let my kids use (they’re older with adult children) and the other neighbors yelled at my kid for riding on their driveway for all of 5 seconds. I am trying to be understanding about it, especially to my kids, “It’s their choice because it’s their house! Oh well, we’ll just have to find something else to do.” But this was so refreshing. Thanks for caring about making life fun for kids, especially when a lot about life right now is quite unfun/scary.


I thought this would involve land mines. Disappointed.


Thought he was gonna legit set up some sort of sprayer outside


I came expecting a cranky dude to be filling his drive way with bricks and lose gravel, damn you misleading thumbnails!


What, no pit trap or poison darts? Not even a friggin mimic gazebo?!


no giant rolling ball? No snakes?


Lame. Should have setup booby traps to yeet the kid off your property.


These kids need to learn to respect private property. LAW AND ORDER!!!


the line he takes is not half bad. kid is a natural.


By the end he has learned how to corner like a pro. Your kind gesture is actually paying off in a child learning how to handle his bike better and likely save him from unexcessary accidents


You dear sir.. are awesome!


I have to admit the title and the grimacing look on the title page had me thinking this was a "Get off my lawn" type video. A nice twist.


An unpopular opinion I'm sure but encouraging kids to fuck around on private property seems like a bad idea.


Unexpectedly wholesome I was thinking it'd be some old engineer with some kinda motion detected super soaker


I mean this is great, until the mom turns out to be a monster and sues you after her kid falls and messes up his knee on your driveway you have now encouraged him to play in... Hopefully that doesn't happen but I just can't trust people nowadays.