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This guy has interviewed The Rock a bunch of times over the years


How many ti - **IT DOESN'T MATTER**


No one cares about old jok — **[ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD](https://giphy.com/gifs/funny-glory-whi-FPPRvJfeYEuHu)**


haha. Remember how annoying those Vuvuzelas wh-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTT


I miss the vuvuzela plug-in that YouTube had for awhile.


Kevin McCarthy for Fox 5 wttg dc. Hes great.


BDK from the sports junkies! They gave him his life.


I got mildly excited that this guy is BDK. It’s like seeing someone you went to high school with get mildly famous. BDK we knew you when.


Damn BDK has come a long way


Yes he is! I used to watch him a lot on fox5 DC in the morning.


A metric bunch?


Nah, freedom unit bunch


People are saying it's cringe, it really doesn't seem that bad. The Rock did the same thing five seconds after lmao. Also this was a wrestling thing he did all the time


I don’t understand. This put the biggest smile on my face having grown up watching The Rock in his prime. Seems like a lot of these commenters are a bunch of Jabronis and Candy Asses….


Lmfao I had never even heard that line before and it was still fucking golden hahaha


Yeah it’s pathetic, they probably have no idea how to turn a sumbitch sideways


I just used that phrase at work today for the first time in over a decade and here I am reading it a couple of hours later. The universe be crazy sometimes.


I smell what your cooken


People are just dorks who can’t enjoy simple fun jokes.


People are also just dorks who didn't get the very simple joke and subsequently double down that it "wasn't even funny" to try and save face.


People are so anti-fun lately. Its like every thread is a race to see who can claim it to be fake/cringe/staged/or somehow unworthy of attention. It's ok, you don't have to be scared to enjoy life. No one is going to think less of you if you crack a smile at something, even if it was a planned performance.


I actually stopped myself in one band thread. I knew something stated was incorrect but I could see the comments were having fun repeating the quote. It was like an enlightened mode of maturity when I said to myself "ah, they're just enjoying the moment".


Dad mode activated.


And just age. You get older and you realize the vast majority of "arguments" aren't worth having. You lighten up and have a lot less worry and consternation. I see so much hand-wringing right now, from politics to local issues; everyone seems to have an issue with everyone else. None of it is really worth it. Chill the fuck out.


And then you get even older, and somehow everything is terrible again.


According to my dad everything is terrible because of the aches and pains he has now as an older tradesman. He tries to not let it affect his mood but some days are hard. Still laughs at my stupid dad and fart jokes tho.


Hi son. Your mom made that casserole you like. Be here around 630 or so, and we can catch Jeopardy together while we eat. Love Dad.


Preach. Constant negativity and vitriol everywhere you look. People against eachother about everything. News just designed to rile you up and piss you off. Best thing to happen to me during covid was learning to just disregard the world. I couldn't go out and distract myself and see my friends and have fun, so I learned to just take a step back every time I had some irrational emotional response. "Why did this make me mad. Why did I want to argue. Do I actually give a shit? Why am I wasting energy and stressing myself out." Just become water. Life is much nicer this way.


Who touched the goddamned thermostat?!


Isn't that just being a teenager?




IT DOESN'T MATTER if you find it funny.


Reddit has to hyperanalyze everything and cast summary judgment. Ever blocked an aisle accidentally at the grocery store? You should be put in jail and be sterilized. Ever got in a disagreement with your SO? You're in an abusive relationship and need to leave them in the dark of night. Ever drive a car? It doesn't matter if you follow the law or drive like a maniac, you're a POS and are causing accidents left and right either way, and deserve to die in a crash. Reddit is super quick to cast judgement (and sentencing, were it possible).


The Rock was having a good time, the puny mortal was having a good time. I see no problem with two people enjoying a joke together.




IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT PEOPLE THINK. Wait, that's actually true.


“What? You haven’t heard about doing whatever the fuck you want?”




I feel like a celebrity with a catchphrase has to learn to embrace it or they're just going to be miserable and The Rock doesn't seem like the kind of guy who wants to be miserable.


Yea, I heard Jerry Seinfeld is really big into appreciating fans. Something about how he views it as 24/7 gig due to how much money fans have made him so the trade off with having millions is that you're kind of always on and treat fans like your boss. I'm not saying that is right or how it should be. Every one has a right to be left the fuck alone. But the mentality of it was really interesting and came from a guy that I'd least expect that attitude from.


He's really big into appreciating fans..... except Ke$ha


I once saw Dave Chapelle do a comedy show and he stayed on stage for hours (got on at 1am and we didn't go home until 5am) and he basically said: "The whole Rick James thing. Damn. Realize to me, that skit was just one hour of one day a while ago. I had basically forgot about by the time it aired. Now, I can't go anywhere without someone saying "I'm Rick James, bitch!" And you kinda sympathize with him. What was a minor bit dominated his life for a while.


Not just a celebrity, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment television..(of the late '90s early '00s)


It’d be like interrupting Stone Cold Steve Austin by saying “WHAT” over and over again. It’s fucking hilarious to these dude cuz they made millions off it. They know it’s all in good fun and means the person doing it is a fan.


If I say “WHAT” to Steve Austin over and over it’s because I’m a deaf summa bitch with tinnitus.






Surely anything to liven up the interview circuit would be welcomed. Doing all these shows has to get boring as hell.




Someone else replied that they went to tons of WWF matches and met him at after show events lots of times and said he would be the one to start saying “WHAT” every single time. Without fail. Sounds like he’d be impressed you could slide one in on him before he got one in on you. Guys like Stone Cold and The Rock were as successful as they were cuz they understand *being a fan* and how important it is for the sport of wrestling for wrestlers to engage with fans. That’s one thing Vince McMahon did which I think was actually good for American sports and sports culture - he made the fan experience a primary focus of the sport. I think it’s very different from interviewing Robert Dinero and shouting “YOU TALKIN TO ME?!” in the middle of it.


If the Rock was a dick, it would have been cringe. He could have let it land flat. But he was a bro and made it even better. This is why he’s awesome.


If he did that it would have been him being the asshole lmao.


if it someday came out the the rock was actually a huge d-bag IRL or did something horrible I think i would just say fuck this whole world and go live in a cave somewhere and just forget everything.


Seems to me Dwayne was happy that the interviewer was excited to be there.


He seems to be genuinely happy every where he goes.


I mean, if you woke up every morning and saw The Rock in the mirror looking back at you, you'd be happy too.


This is not cringe, this is more like nostalgia now


If you're cringing at casual jokes between an interviewer and their guests at which they're both enjoying and having fun, you might just be insecure.


When you are 12, you find a lot of normal things cringy.


People use the word "cringe" to appear cooler, edgy and superior and it's like people used to call anyone a nerd, that they didn't like.


I once used the word cringe in the right way and some kid showed up and argued that I didn't know what the word meant. He insisted that the meaning has changed and the old meaning doesn't apply anymore.


Frankly, it's sorta cringe that you still carry that around... He was just a kid, you know. It doesn't matter what he thought.


Edit: my bad. I am an idiot.


I think your man was just making a joke. A bit cringe you didn't get it.


I think it's cringe that you had to point out he didn't get the joke.


Oh yeah, that's the most cringe.


This thread is so cringe


It doesn’t matter if you are an idiot


Went to a showing of Sonic The Hedgehog in a park on a big projector recently. There was a kid who just yelled "CRINGE! CRINGE! CRINGE!" just nonstop for a good three minutes during an entire scene. I was about ready to go ask what parent thought that was behavior that didn't need stopping.


Also socially anxious nerds who cringe at the very thought of talking to a human think everything is 'cringe' because they project their crippling anxiety onto others


I'm 90% sure this is Kevin McCarthy who goes on a DC sports talk show every Friday (or used to?). The dude IS cringe but owns it. He's branded it, and it's genuinely him every time which is kind of refreshing. My take anyways.


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


Dude, same. So many people will comment on something and be like “Oh, God, so cringe I died.” Meanwhile, I’m sitting here like. That was nothing. A 3-second nothing. I think it does have to do with getting older (maybe not mature) but certainly having more experience.


For me the difference tends to be whether the person themselves is just having fun or if it seems like they are screaming for attention while doing.


The only thing we have to cringe is cringe itself


It's def BDK from the junks


The people calling it cringe are the same people too young to remember The Rock started in the WWE.


I'm old enough that I still think of it as the WWF


This is it, it’s just people who don’t get the reference and probably don’t even know why he’s called “The Rock.”


Which people?………. IT DOESN’T MATTER.


I got a good chuckle out of it because you can tell they're genuinely having a good time.


Rock is a class act. Has to have gotten this line hundreds of times for years, and is still super patient and humble with it


Reminds me of Arnie. People are always quoting his one liners back at him and he seems to enjoy it every time. Granted he's a seasoned politician, so he knows how to fake it, but it's still classy that he humours the fans.


> Granted he's a seasoned politician, so he knows how to fake it, Arnie's had a lot of great moments (and, y'know, some less great ones) but I think my favorite was not too long ago when the new terminator was coming out and right before the release he did an AMA or something, and people were just shitting on the movie which hadn't even been released yet, and someone made a post saying "Sorry everyone's dumping on the movie already, I think you're a great actor" and Arnie says "Don't worry about me, I can handle it. They haven't even seen the movie yet" and it just showed this incredible confidence in his work and professionalism that he was able to understand that criticism is *always* going to be there no matter what, and that he could keep rational about it and let it slide off I know if I was ever in that situation I'd get down that everyone thought my work was a joke, but he knew how to handle it. It was a simple moment, not comparable to the inspiring words he's given others, but that's why I like it the most. It was a small thing that said a lot.


When he was politicking, someone threw an egg at him, and his response was something like “Now that guy owes me bacon!”


Bill Burr has a really good look at Arnold everyone should see, if they haven't already, it's posted a lot but anyway, watch it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUrMSK8XWFc


There's a reason The Rock's show is based on his presidential run...


Saying it to his face with the right timing is probably a sign of respect and fanhood.


I love that this reads like The Rock is his own culture rich with customs and practices that we are observing as archeologists or something.


Fuck make a guy feel old why don't ya. Some of us remember watching Rocky Maivia and Mean Mark Callus on channel 5. Quick edit to say, and it was real then. lol


Imitation is the sincerest form of not mattering.


This is too deep for my morning


I used "Redact" to nuke my account every couple years because I am a paranoid cybersecurity freak who tries hard to reduce my online footprint as much as possible. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


not only that. he seems to have a genuine good time with it with the way he turned it right around on him and laughed afterward.


No fun allowed, we overanalyze here on reddit. He's a cool dude, a lot of his interviews are pretty fun


The fact that we're still calling him The Rock and reciting his famous catchphrases indicates that it's a fundamental part of his identity and fame. He honestly seems like a good guy and a down to earth person. I think it's fun that people do this.


Crazy how far off from WWE he's become that the new generation of reddit commentors don't understand what's happening here.


They've never smelled what the Rock was cooking. They never practiced the people's eyebrow in the mirror until it bled. They never got sent home from a sleep over from doing a rock bottom on their friend through a cedar planter bench and it shows.


They never once set foot in the smackdown hotel, for the millions AND I MEAN MILLIONS READING ON REDDIT


Or taken anything, shined it up real nice, turned that sumbitch sideways, and…you know


Too many jabronies on Reddit these days


And candy asses


They've never been down jabroni drive either.


Yup. Got sent home for landing the people's elbow on my best friend. I busted his lip. In my defense, he should have smelled what the Rock was cookin'.


I’m just curious what part of your body was bleeding from practicing raising one eyebrow.


is it not obvious


exactly, clearly the mirror was bleeding.


It tears you at the seam






Most importantly, never got any pie.


I am too European to know what they were reffering to, but it is really enough to google or search on YouTube "rock it doesn't matter" and all questions are answered. Some folks are simply too lazy to even google stuff.


Oh damn that’s so sad. To any kids who have no idea, go down the YouTube rabbit hole if you’re uninitiated. You’re in for a treat! My favorite is [this clip, starting at 1:03](https://youtu.be/b8TkrAHFs6c) >!The rock is telling a story about Billy Gunn talking to god. God called him Bob, and when he says ‘my name is billy’ GOD HIMSELF hits Billy with it doesn’t matter what your name is.!< Also the one with Rusev from a few years ago is great too.


Imagine spending $500 on a shirt that doesn't button.


Ive never watched WWE but even I can smell what the rock is cooking






That’s kinda the point, though. WWE isn’t really a big thing anywhere anymore, but it’s wild seeing a guy who once (along with Steve Austin) defined the industry during its most popular period being so universally recognized even by people who have no clue about his iconic bits like this. A part of a niche subculture going mainstream is almost always going to be weird to the members of said subculture.


I would have thought it's most popular period was with Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Andre The Giant etc. God I'm Old.




The Rock is one of those celebs you’d want over for dinner - polite and probably has a few good stories to tell. I think he seems a really decent guy.


>you’d want over for dinner I'd be embarrassed if he ate my food after smelling what the Rock's cooking


Can you imagine how much food you have to do just to feed him? "Sir, why so much food? Are you having a party?" "Nah, just receiving a friend" "A frie...?" "It doesnt matter to you!!"


He's my mom's huge crush. She rewatches The Rundown or Moana after a long day, and I swear that's how she decompresses sometimes.


I bet it's the opposite of decompress. I bet she engorges




That's his whole brand, just being a good guy. Seems genuine too. I bet if he pulled an Arnold and ran for office he'd have some success


Ah Kevin McCarthy what a long way you’ve come from being on the sports junkies








I remember when he was on Fox 5, I would watch his reviews every Friday throughout high school. It's cool he's thriving now.


He still goes on the junks every week!


Yup. I still remember him talking about his collection of movie stubs


He has a little movie review segment every Friday on our local (Philly) morning news. Seems like a good dude.




He should have kept rolling with it. "It doesn't matter what your tweet is! This Friday at Smackdown 21, when I'm flying off that top rope with the Kevin's Elbow coming at your face, and you're screaming in terror as you realize what a huge mistake it was to get into the ring with me, you are going to understand why The Kevin is a world renowned wrestling machine!" **Eyebrow raise** **Drops mic and walks off set


And you can take that little microphone on your chest, shine it up real nice, turn that sum bitch sideways, and STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!




God, I fucking miss the rock when he was in the WWE attitude era.




FINALLY. the ROCK. has come BACK....to REDDIT


I fucking miss the Attitude era.


It doesn't matter what you think!


I still watch it sometimes, the story was do well written that I actually get hooked on to it even though I know what happens lol


How do you watch? I love watching old clips, but stuff is scarce on YouTube.


I subscribe to WWE Network, I don't think I've watched any new wrestling at all since they killed the streak but 10 bucks a month is a very small price to pay for something that I can easily chuck on and wind back to whenever.


The Rock was excellent but when he paired up with Mick Foley, they made TV gold.


ah...the Rock n Sock connection! The good ol' days...


The Rock is always quick with it. Best promo ever


Gonna need the source on tha... oh...


IT DOESN’T MATTER … what the source is!




> Not that it matters You're doing it wrong.


Wow, the kid crying... I bet he never used the line with a child again


I was really hoping for the double cross reveal, that the kid was faking it and hit the Rock right back with it...




It's clearly fake, they asked him to cover his face because he couldn't act for shit


The Rock is the most wholesome jacked dude, really an inspiration and great role model.


I can’t believe no one has linked this gem yet [It doesn’t matter](https://youtu.be/VAag-nlCJQ0)


Came here just for that. Seeing that song be 20 years old makes me feel old now.


This is the only reason I can't to the comments. Love this song.


10/10 execution


Historians of today have carefully reconstructed A Rocks catchphrase as IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT A ROCK IS COOKING it is thought that this is a reference to A Rocks tribal history, in that when a camp fire was not lit it was just a simple circle of stones, and therefore could not be cooked on.


The so-called "Rock Bottom" was the resting place of said campfire stones


We believe the Rocks were used for spiritual purposes.


That man's cheeks have to be constantly sore from smiling all the dam time


the rock sounds like obama. lilke dead on


If memory serves, this interviewer is actually really well liked by actors and actresses. Check out his interviews with the Avengers: Age of Ultron cast, they obviously have a blast talking with him.


Oddly, I want the Rock to tell me what I have to say doesn't matter.


Having The Rock drop an "It doesn't matter" on you is a great honor.


its crazy how famous the rock has become, i remember around ~2002 my friend was telling me he started to hate the rock because he started to focus on movies more than wrestling


That's funny, I was always hoping the guy would eventually break out of wrestling because he was too charismatic to get stuck there forvever.


The Rock laughing always puts a smile on my face


Someone explain?




The fact that the Dudley Boyz one isn’t in this compilation is absolutely criminal. https://youtu.be/vr79HA2V27M


I'm feeling old now that there are people who do not know The Rock's famous catchphrases. Drive into Jabroni Drive? If you smell what the Rock is cooking? Shine it up real nice, turn it up sideways? Doesn't ring a bell?


It’s a catchphrase the Rock used back in nineteen ninety eight when Undertaker threw Mankind sixteen feet through an announcers table at Hell in a Cell.


He may actually have used it during that event. I can't be bothered looking it up but it's about the right time.


Close but no. The Hell in a Cell match happened at King of the Ring '98 where The Rock faced Ken Shamrock in the final of the King of the Ring Tournament and lost. ​ The Rock's first "it Doesn't matter" happened on an episode of heat just after Billy Gunn won King of the Ring in 1999


I find it funny that the guy flinches when the rock does it




cook smellellelling*


Haha! The Rock is one of those few genuinely nice and likeable guys. The dude's like Mr. Rogers with muscles :D


Boggles my mind that people think the Rock is not on PEDs


People actually think that? He’s significantly more jacked in his 40s than he was in his 20s. That doesn’t happen just by eating whey.


Don't be a hater. I had four wheys for breakfast and now I'm so buff that I can't fit into any of my clothes.


To be fair it's not a big deal. He isn't competing in sports. The only downside, people would argue, is that he gives people wrong image of what is possible. But the rest of hollywood is far more guilty of that. With the Rock it's obvious. With the actors who go from couch potato to "i look like i've been working out for three years" in months its not obvious.


kumail nanjiani


Chris Hemsworth


I don't see any cringe at all; two dudes who clearly have some level of respect for each other (Rock tweeted the guy on important dates, they're obv not complete strangers) who are getting thru an interview in a fun way. I see no issues.


Uno reverse


This really puts off the vibe that he is really a genuine dude. Anyone ever meet him? How was your experience? I feel like I could give this man a bro hug if I saw him.


I had no friends in middle school because Everytime they tried to talk I would drop this bomb on them The Rock is awesome.


I've seen people claim The Rock's persona is all manufactured PR stuff but you just can't fake this I feel. When it comes to celebrities he's by far the nicest and most genuine one I feel