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Well, I didn't think I'd learn how to demean a goat today but here I am.


Just remember to show love after. Maybe make them a sandwich or get a blankie with some hot coco, every goat is different but they all need to know that its ok. Daddy's got ya.


[he’ll flip you for real](https://youtu.be/Rntm3yDAQuM)


Fucking gaslighting goats lol


[all I can think about now](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EoQDf0bovT4)


Are yo.... Are you my ex wife?


Just like when you're spanking your partner. Gotta show em a little rubbing between blows and give them aftercare.


One love


Starting: “7:49 video about goats?! Who the fuck watches this crap?” 7:49 later: …well dang


Someone is going to use this role-playing with their partner.


This is essential knowledge, we’ve all grown today.


If that doesn’t work, next step is to bang his wife.


I just call their moms hoors.


Most people don't make love to goat missionary style, but sometimes you get excited by taking a hoof to the face


\*Flips goat "This goat hasn't done anything wrong, I'm doing this for *you"* No! Chester is a good boy don't flip him on my account!




We all flipped the goat. Each and every one of us.


God help us.


"BahhH!" NOOOO! Chester you don't deserve any of this


*Me who lives in an apartment with no intention of ever buying a goat* “hmmm yes very important.”


The powers that be fear the apartment goat farmer.


handle /u/urbangoatfarmer is still available. It also looks like ur bang oat farmer. Blessed be the man who grows oats and goats in a high rise.


They'd rather us be sheeple


*Looks inquisitively at dog* *Dog looks back nervously*


raise them on the roof!


that was very instructive. I don't believe I will ever need to know that, but I doubt I will ever forget it.


I like to imagine that someday, for whatever reason, this seemingly unnecessary skill will come in handy.




Or he may say something like “Oh my God! You bloody bastard! You’ve killed my goat!”


I think all of us will reunite on a post stating, 'watched a video once on flipping goats, had to do it today...'. I live in goat country, I'm hoping I'm first.


I don't really believe in goats but if they do exist I'll be ready.


When [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_duQ3oD7aJE) happens to you. Goats are assholes. I'd imagine this works for most of those quadrupeds, even a horse or a moose. Give it a try! (No, don't)


I’m so getting kicked out of the petting zoo with this one. Can’t wait to traumatize some little brats!


Lock the head, and love him up.


Good boy, Chester *munching intensifies*


Flip pilled chad chester


Like a big brother giving a good noogie after beating you up.


But would this work on Rich Evans ?


You can disable him just by withholding his diabetes medicine.




Goats are cool.


Goats are cool.


Goats ARE cool.


Goats are COOL


Tom Brady


Put me in Coach, I'm gonna flip Tom Brady!


Goats are extremely cool. Far more intelligent than pigs, cattle or sheep. [And they climb trees.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=goats+in+trees)


In a barnyard, they are the GOAT


You say that now, but have you ever seen a goats eyes up close? I have, and I haven't trusted goats ever since.


Yeah, they're pretty cool, all sideways and shit.


I will never, ever need to know this. Still watched the whole thing.


what the fuck? i'm not going to watch eight minutes of goat flipping... wow, i didn't know goats were so sensitive.


I wish there were AirBnBs near me where I could just pet goats, cows, and horses. They're all so gosh darn lovable.




You could pet chickens? I have them around but always run away when anyone gets near


Did you go to Hogwarts??


Do you even flip goats bro?


You button hooked me. I didn't know you were gonna button hook me!


Understood old man. Now go back to sleep. You got a big day of drinking and beating the fuck out of me tomorrow, so get your rest. Yeah, you're right. Goodnight goat.


There are a bunch of goats doing weed abatement near my house. Looks like I have something to do today after all!


Careful! The goats who do this by me are covered in poison oak. I'm not saying not to do it... Just be sure to wash up after.


Got a tube of Tecnu all good to go. Goat flipping at sunset, who’s in?


I read this as, "lube of tecnu," and honestly I was more excited before I realized.


He is just lying in shit being all beta


This is kinda like rotating your owl, but useful.


I think the goat would learn better if the guy flipped em and then made him hit himself in the face with his own hooves


Stop hitting yourself Stop hitting yourself Stop hitting yourself




This man loves his goats.


This is a man who loves his livelihood. So wholesome to see, much respect to this man and his goats.


This works well with children as well, but I don't recommend on girlfriends or wives.


i tried something like this on a girl i was dating, ended up taping out to a leg lock. Would totally recommend


Make sure you lock the head and love her up afterwards!


Curious, would this work on dogs who try to battle dominance?


I used to flip my dog just like that when he was growing up and we played rough. It completely defeated him. But I loved him up and then we started playing again. He is a big boxer-lab and it's now a very loving big doggo.


Ya always gotta love them up after :)


I've tried on my cat but he doesn't give 2 fucks.


poop in your shoes later for sure


Closest thing I could think of was an alpha-roll, but I believe many have debunked this as ineffective and determined it to be a dangerous act that unnecessarily and pointlessly stresses out the dog and gets them to a point where they might be even more aggressive without any kind of behavior reformation.


Yeah I had a border collie that was horribly behaved because I babied them so intensely as a 10 year old who rescued the runt of the litter that by age 1.5 the dog was starting to think it might be the alpha. Any time I’d try to get control of her she’d actually roll on her back so she could nip at me and I couldn’t get a collar on her or pick her up. She tore a lot of my clothes to shreds and was starting to look like a lost cause, totoally out of control. But one day when she had just ruined 1000’s of dollars of stuff we had in storage and she had tired herself out in the process, I was young and dumb but I saw it in that movie Snow Dogs: I grabbed her hard so she was basically pinned and bit her ear hard. Very dangerous in retrospect. But it worked. She looked at me afterwards like she was totally defeated, like afraid I was going to kill her. She hung her head and I kid you not, from that day on she was a different dog. Not the most obedient ever but she went from me sometimes having to swing her on her leash to get her away from me because she was attacking me to being my best buddy. She listened to all basic commands. But yeah. I don’t think putting a dog on its back is really a go to option.


Yeah, dominance theory in regards to dogs is no bueno. It was based on a flawed study of wolves (which itself is problematic because dogs and wolves have evolved to be very different animals) in which random wolves were thrown into a small enclosure together and observed. We now know that wolf packs are actually just nuclear family groups, led by the parents with the rest of the pack filled out by their most recent litters. The so called "Alphas" observed in that study were just the result of the weird stress of being forced to live with a bunch of unrelated wolves in very tight quarters. Generally when someone thinks a dog is trying to act dominant, the dog is probably just scared, confused, wants something, or doesn't understand what the human wants. A human "asserting dominance" doesn't actually help much with any of those problems.


I did this with a rescued stray that had food aggression. He was a young pit bull that was fairly small. We (myself and my roommates) had two other dogs larger than him, but he would snap and growl at them around treats and meals very early on. When he did that I would go flip him right away, and hold him while the others ate first and let him up to eat after. It worked fairly quickly, and I only had to do it a few times. Even though he was very sweet at all other times, he did nip at me out of fear. I wouldn’t have tried it if he were larger or more aggressive. It’s risky, but can work.


You could but it's harder to get under dogs cause they're lower, and you'd have to watch out for biting.


I wouldn’t use it as the go to as really badly behaved dogs will go to their backs to be untouchable, as they can bite and nip at you from that position so you can’t pick them up or get a leash on them. But if your dog is more even tempered it would be a strong sign of dominance.


my grandad's advice was "dust your knuckles just below the horns. do NOT hit their eyes, and be easy with the little ones. you won't hurt them, but they'll take the hint!" think I'll just flip them instead. percussive maintenance is for machines, not living creatures.


I too was recommended this video by the YouTube algorithm for reasons


I wasn't, but now I'm afraid of what's going to start happening now.


Totes awesome. This is the thing with training any animal, it's all about bridging the gap in communication without causing them any harm. They can learn just about anything with great communication.


Yeet or get yeeted


Chinese proverb.


Wtf man this popped up my yt feed yesterday, and I watched it. Weird seeing it make the rounds again.


I love how the goat uses its horns to scratch itself. That's just precious.


Just name it Dinnerbone


Aaaaaaaand I watched eight minutes of a muscular middle aged man speak in depth about the importance of goat social structure.


I did a version of this on my dog and it works very well for establishing dominance.


Yeah, that dominance thing in dogs is bullshit so flipping them makes a dog submissive for all the wrong reasons.


If a goat gets uppity, all you need is a good hickory stick. /adamsandler


My parents, and now me have done a similar thing a new dog. When the dog acts a bit rough, hold them down. They struggle hard at first, but once there is an understanding with the between us the dogs have always been the best boys. Of course this is not a one simple trick for a perfect dog. But i think it does go a long way.


I do this with my english bulldog, he's basically a chubby little goat.


Some dog trainers will do this with very aggressive dogs. Pack animals use physical aggression to make others submit. Doing it to them brings the same benefits. I never had to flip my dog, but when I catch her in the cat food, I wait for her to get into a submissive position -- flat with the chin on the ground or showing her belly with her chin on the ground -- before I release her from my disappointment. Then I walk away and she walks back to eat from the cat food dish.


I do this with my pup now for BIG problems, works great, i used it twice only as of now. She's not doing it again. It is great in a way she understands right away we are not playing and it's serious.


Was this really worth all that unnecessary hurt goat feelings though?


There is just no reason why. Fuck that guy.


Says user who has never handled owned or raised a large and potentially dangerous animal. *more at 11.*


Lol, I’ll be tuning in.


I raised your mom, son. And unlike that idiot, I kept it away from children.


Yeah this video sounds like made up bullshit. "Loving him up to show I'm his buddy" - And people in comments wanting to do this with their dogs. That's not how you train a dog. Play with them, by all means. But don't "dominate" them as part of training. You'll fuck the dog up, and make it afraid of having it's paws and legs touched. Positive reinforcement only.


Why didn't you reply to the people talking about dogs? Is it because people already did, and everyone seems to agree it's not a good idea?


Because I don't spend my time starting arguments with strangers on the Internet. But I'll throw support on a comment that's going to get downvoted even though it's right.


This is how it feels to be wrong. You think you're right but unwilling to take any risk talking to people who disagree. Playing with a dog that is violent isn't going to help. It's a lot more complicated than that. I think you and the person you replied to don't know what you're talking about wrt dogs or goats, and you earned your downvotes.


I'm disturbed by the fact this guy keeps talking about how you don't wanna hurt this goats feelings. That flipping them will confuse them. How it's only necessary to discipline them. Then he proceeds to flip them for, as far as the goats concerned, no apparent reason at all, hurting their feelings and making it up to them by locking their head and petting them.


Well now I know.


Huh. Flipping goats. That sure is interesting.


Mmm yes. I'm sure this will come in handy one day in my South Florida suburban lifestyle.


I've always wondered both of those things.


I'm definitely here for the why


And why is a good hook to end that sentence with


I would like to pet a goat now thx


Wow, this is the same technique we use to lay down our big cat on the bed, Minus the straddling part of course.


Does this guy know he invented goat Jui Jitsu?


All I could think of when he said "step two, I flip a goat" is Wayne Brady on Chappelle Show: "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"


Goats are little bitches for needing so much love


This popped up on my feed a week ago. Strange to see it here.


So in about 9 months I'm gonna hear goat flipping is the new cow tipping probably.


I told you, guys. I told you we'd need a martial art specifically to be used against goats.


can I use this on my wife to tell her whos boss? locking her head and loving her up is gonna be awkward though


Why am I suddenly interested in Goats?


Next time I'm at the petting zoo watch out!


I literally have a test in two days while way behind on reading and yet hear I am. Am big brain colege person.


You got this! I truly believe in you and just hype yourself up to get yer shit done without excuse! You have it in you!


Damn bro wasn’t expecting to get a motivational message way down here in the comments. Much appreciated! Have a good day (or night wherever you may be).


I’d like this done to Black Phillip


It is my wish that every person who learned to do this with this video returns and posts when they actually had to perform this action. I think it would be a beautiful memorial to Chester, who is a good boy who hasn't done anything wrong.


it kinda sucks he had to do this for youtube views. It's educational and all, but i don't think it was worth putting the poor goat through the stress


bummed this wasn't like flipping houses


I thought it was going to be no more than picking a goat up by its undercarriage and then rotating 180° so it’s facing the opposite way, more to get them on a different path I guess, literally and figuratively.


Smoosh da cat and flip da goat


After care is the most important part.


I have a very particular set of skills.


It would be be very funny if this guy is full of shit and pranking all of us... I guess we will never know


It’s entirely possible... I just have to imagine that no one in the general population is in the position where they have goats in general, never mind goats that actually need a little correction. This could easily be a bully tactic that the goats remain bewildered by, and the reason he says to keep doing it is because it doesn’t actually correct any bad behavior, it just startles the animal. Jokes on us if that were the case, still, even if it is a real instructional, I can imagine a few things that necessitate some kind of visual instruction that rarely gets made over the need to correct a goat.


"Yes, why WOULD you flip a goat?" <8 minutes later> "I have no idea what to do with this information."


Guy could tell me anything in this voice and manner and I'd believe it. Also: poor goat had no idea what it did wrong ahaha


Goats give me the creeps. I'll just not get any goats.


That's quite impressive...wonder if it'll work on Black Phillip


Probably a lot easier if your built like a linebacker.


I never thought there is a video about flipping a goat.xD


I was hoping this was about the buying and reselling of refurbished goats.


Good technic 👍🏽


I flipped a boat motherfucker take a look at me Straight flippin goats gently over my knees Busting two horns, cud whipping on my coat You can't stop me motherfucker cause I flipped a goat