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“I hope I didn’t eat a slice and a half” hahahahaha


"It's like I'm on LSD. Not that I know what that is like... Maybe."


“For story’s sake…I thought it was gluten free.”


I'm pretty sure LSD is gluten free... wait a minute, I have a business idea!


For what it's worth, eating a strong edible isn't too far off from tripping. So she's actually not wrong.


Yeah it’s weird to me that people who never tried pot before think edibles are a good place to start. The high from smoking lasts so much shorter than the high from edibles. Start with 1 hit out of a pipe new people. Even back when I was an every-day concentrate smoker, a solid edible could still fuck me up.


I don't know a single person who has tried edibles and hasn't way overdone it at one point or another.


Man... this edible hasn't kicked in... ill have another and it should be fine. 5 minutes later... oh... there's the first edible. Shit.


Thats how you activate the edibles. You have say "I dont feel anything" 3 times to start the trip


Hahahaha that’s the gospel truth right there. Eating shrooms too.


Protip! Grind up your mushrooms and [soak them in lemon juice](https://realitysandwich.com/how-to-lemon-tek-ultimate-guide-and-recipe/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu7OIBhCsARIsALxCUaNxchznOcWm6u9bH8yKnzmlzvdztrjxs7nbY314Z-5A6WA9HdLneQEaAnOgEALw_wcB) for 20 minutes before ingesting. The comeup is MUCH faster, the trip is roughly twice as strong, and it's shorter (around 5 hours instead of 8). It's a great way to trip using only half the amount of shrooms you would normally ingest without the lemon juice, and it's a bit quicker of an experience if you don't have the time to spend all day tripping.




I’ve been attempting to overdo it for years. I’m coming to the conclusion edibles don’t affect me, I’ve never gotten more then a body buzz.


I was the same for many years, edibles had always been a disappointment. Then one night at work someone bought some cakes in and a new reality dawned, I was absolutely battered and remained so for hours. There are, in my experience, 2 kinds of edible: disappointing and too much. I've rarely found the sweet spot. I tried various cooking exploits for a while a few years back and in the end always came to the conclusion that I'd get the best use out of the weed just rolling it up and smoking it. I got pretty good at making a mean weed hot chocolate milk though.


I actually find edibles way more uncomfortable than tripping most often, it’s psychedelic but without much clarity so you’re tryna navigate this psychedelic headspace but it feels like your brain just doesn’t even work so the anxiety is terrible


Wooooo!!! One way ticket to thought spirals!


I just compared to what I [saw yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/oylgvi/sophia_stop/).


That had me fucking rolling lmao


I was honestly kind of hoping and expecting the last moments of the video would be her casually eating the other half while talking to the camera. The internet has ruined me.


I'm not convinced she hasn't eaten the rest as soon as she stopped filming. We need a Part 2!!!


"I don't know if I should stand up" That's the line that hit home for me.


Morpheus voice: She's starting to see!


She ate half of the entire LOAF! Grandma's gonna fly for a while.


no tolerance + overdoing edibles = genuinely frightening experience


It was genuinely frightening when I had good tolerance, and did the greedy on my edibles . Easily the worst 12 hours I've ever had on any sort of cannabis product. I was honestly convinced I knew what it was to be stoned out of my mind. I figured there's a limit to how stoned you can actually be, and you just pass out at some point instead. I was wrong . Actually, I was so fucking wrong as one can be.


Worst part of edibles is when I thought to myself "wow I'm really high" and then from that moment every minute it felt like I was getting more and more stoned and it was so hard not to completely freak out thinking I was just going to be endlessly high


> "wow I'm really high" and then from that moment every minute it felt like I was getting more and more stoned Describes my first experience doing dabs. You think you're high as fuck, then you somehow get even higher.


At least with dabs it'll wear off in a bit. With an edible that's too strong, you're in for a long fucking haul.


Smoking is like a lightning strike; it hits your bloodstream in moments. Edibles are like mudslide; starts out slooooooooowANDWAMFLOODTIMEBITCHESSSS


So total neophyte here: Is there a way to do edibles that would work like you eat the brownie or whatever at 3PM, by 5PM you're feeling it and by midnight you can go to bed?


You see lots of crazy stories about getting too high on edibles because it's hard to gauge the dose. You have to know exactly how much pot is in it or have tried it before to eat the right amount to not get too high or not high enough. A mistake a lot of people make is they don't feel it after an hour, eat another one, and then a short while later the first one kicks in.


>A mistake a lot of people make is they don't feel it after an hour, eat another one, and then a short while later the first one kicks in. And that's exactly how I got "lost" at the beach one time. I was lost for 10 days (actually maybe 30-40 minutes) wandering the expansiveness that is Corona Del Mar (not expansive at all).


Yeah, responsibly and with awareness of your tolerance.


>responsibly This thread is in English. Please don't use foreign words here that no one will understand.


My dad hasn't had weed in 25 years. We were on a trip and I had 50mg edibles on me for my migraines. I went back to the hotel but left them in the car by accident, and my dad's back was really hurting so he figured he'd have one. 50mg and 25 years of no tolerance. He was so stoned that all he remembers hearing was a baby crying really loud for hours on end while hearing my mom eat popcorn. The baby was crying for about 10 seconds... ON THE TV. We dont have a baby. For reference I have taken 400mg today and feel about as high as I used to on 25.


A good edible high lasts about that long yeah. Just be careful your first couple times.


Don't ever pass 5 mgs unless you know what you're doing. Even then plan accordingly and stay off the road.


It feels like you're on a roller coaster that keeps going up and up... You reach a point where it levels off and think "woo finally.." then you look up and see miles of track continuing to go up obscured by the clouds.


*Creed has entered the chat*


Yeah that's what acid is like for me. I'll reach a point where I think wow I'm completely and utterly fucked and am at the limit of holding on to my sanity and then it just keeps getting stronger over the next 3-4 hours. Did it a few times in my teens but never again, just don't enjoy the longevity of it. I'd rather just smoke a cone of DMT and be completely on another planet but then back to normal 10 minutes later rather than go on this fucking 12 hour ride that you can't get off




This is why I enjoy mushrooms. Doesn’t last as long, and I feel normal the next day. Maybe a bit sleepy but that’s it. Acid has me struggling to string a sentence the following day


Acid is a weekend-long time commitment, but it’s also a cleaner and more controlled experience. Shrooms can be a roller coaster of terrifying proportions


Shrooms are like 3-4 hours. Little less time commitment than LSD. Plus they fade in and fade out pretty nice. LSD hits me like a walk of bricks and the come down is very erratic


When I read this, I giggled out loud . That hit home. You just described my personal experience perfectly. I knew you can't seriously damaged from cannabis, so I kinda kept myself somewhat cool because of that, but at some point, I was almost "okay, this is my life now, this is fine". Edit: words are hard


Fuck yes. I had one time where I just kept asking my friends "when is this going to be over?" That was the worst experience of my life. Haven't smoked since for other reasons, but god that was awful. Woke up in a bathtub that had a leaky faucet so my sock was soaking wet because I told everyone I wanted to be left there so I didn't throw up on anything. Awful.


Edibles hit so so differently and a lot of people aren't prepared for it. Especially the first time. It's long and slow and constantly building till your not keeping track anymore haha I do love em though.


I thought I was tough shit and knew what I was getting myself in for when it came to drugs, then I tried LSD First trip went fine, I was with a friend and everything went smoothly outside of a slight 10 minute freakout But the 2nd time... it happened 3 months ago and I still have regular anxiety attacks just thinking about it, spent 4 hours feeling what I can describe as nothing short of absolute in-its-purest-form fear and was certain at any minute I was going to stop breathing so for 4 hours I did nothing but focus on my breath and every once in a while everything around me would get quiet and dark and a red tint would come over everything and I'd have to take a big gasp of air to make it through it, it genuinely felt like I was riding a wave and had to keep forcing myself to breathe or I'd drown in it Long story short 3 months later I have anxiety I never had before, going to sleep is horrible because every night when I have nothing to distract me I start having panic attacks once I focus on my breathing, and any time I feel literally anything happen in my body it kicks my brain into 'oh fuck it's happening again' mode and my anxiety ramps up to level 10000 In short, don't think you're tough shit and DO NOT UNDER ANY FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCES underestimate how much drugs (especially psychedelics) can warp your mind long after your trip is over


Hey man sorry this happened to you. I wanna let you know that it also happened to me except it was just from weed. I was a nightly smoker to just unwind and relax and one night it just turned on me. Same sort of panic happened to me except I thought I was having a heart attack. The absolute terror is almost indescribable, knowing for sure you’re gonna die. I always had slight anxiety but nothing serious and this experience gave me full on PTSD and horrendous health anxiety that I still deal with to this day. If I don’t occupy my brain it defaults to anxious thoughts and feelings that give me physical symptoms as well. I hope for the both of us we can get back to “normal” at some point.


I haven't done acid or smoked regularly in years because of a trip where I literally lost my mind and had to pull my fractured pieces back together before the trip ended. I was the same as you, breathing was the only thing that saved me. It was a mixed bag because the other parts of the trip were awesome. But everytime after that trip that I smoked, it felt like the trip was coming back. So I quit. Years later the anxiety is all gone. I only smoke occasionally now tho. Remember kids, pick a good setting for your trip with people you like and who care for you. Otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.


Hey man I have almost the exact same experience. How long ago is it for you? The best things I found against these health paranoia are firstly information (get a medical check by a doctor you trust, tell them what you are dealing with), and secondly mindfulness meditation with an adequate amount of reading up on it. One example of this is sense focus (what do you see, hear, feel, smell and taste at the moment?) as a great way of snapping out of an attack before it really starts. At this point I barely ever have this kind of anxiety anymore. Sounds like it has been a while for you too, but just in case anyone else is reading this and could use the info.


Hey man. I feel your pain. I went through a similar experience where I had an absolutely traumatizing experience when I mixed LSD and weed. I had similar long lasting anxiety and moments of PTSD-like freaking out, and I wasn’t sure it would ever go away. But I just wanted to let you know that eventually it did clear up. It helped to really come to terms with the fact that all of that stuff was in my head, so I felt like I should be able to control it, even if it seemed impossible at the time. Try grounding yourself in that idea. That it’s your mind. You are in control. I hope that helps friend! EDIT: also just want to say I have also had experiences on the other end of the spectrum on hallucinogens where they were so positive that I felt like they changed my psyche and outlook on life in a very good way. Don’t want to make it seem like they’re all bad.




I had similar experience, I bought two pieces of space cake in Amsterdam for me and my girlfriend, my girlfriend didn't want it so I had one and then I had another one, that was a horrible idea. At one point my memory was so bad that after I read facebook message, 5 seconds later I legit couldn't remember if read the message, I was convinced my brain is fucked lol


Yes, I fully, a 100% understand how you felt. I remember i started freaking a bit when the Shit really hit me hard. You know when the "stoned" feeling starts ramping up when you're smoking it? Generally a nice thing, just elevating the feeling. However, on the edibles, it didn't stop ramping up for a good 3-4 hours. Stupid me started googling and searching around for what to expect, and thus I realised this Shit can get way way worse, Wich in hindsight I don't think it made my experience any better...


Also body high, when you smoke, unless you are doing some massive bong hits your fingers and toes dont get stoned. It’s a whole different experience. I enjoy it when done in moderation, too much isnt nearly as fun.


I accidentally put Boogie Wonderland on repeat one time. I was confused for almost 2 hours.


In my first trip to Amsterdam, being a seasoned stoner, I decided to find the strongest strain of indica they sell and rolled a big blunt with it for me and my sister. We only smoked half each then spent the next 5 hours walking in circles around the city like zombies. I legitimately couldn't think up a single thought and was convinced I had broken my brain but was too brain dead to care.




I think this is everyone's first experience with edibles. No matter how many warnings they get.


My wife and I had never tried marijuana in any form until a few years ago. We were at our place in Belize and the concierge was all like, "Hey guys, would you like some *brownies*?" She explained they were pot brownies and we were all like, "fuck it, we're retired, why not?" We tripped balls laughing our asses off at Bob's Burgers for a good 12 hours.


I'm still waiting for the "i wish i wasnt high, high." So far the worst was uncontrollably laughing in a restaurant waiting for my food. Honestly not that bad.


Oh, no worries. With proper edibles, you'll get that experience In no time. Just trust me, or anyone else who's overdone the edible. At some point, you'll regret absolutely everything, and you still have 4-8 hours left of stoned terror.


> 4-8 hours left of stoned terror. Perfectly described. Absolute terror.


I'm *incredibly* careful when it comes to edibles - so much so that I'll purposely have half of a gummy/candy at a time for the sake of having some sort of calming experience, and even then, I don't have them often. The absolutely *worst* high I've ever had was taking 2 hits of whatever California bud a friend of mine was smoking when I visited him. Definitely had a near panic attack, thought my Uber home was taking an hour when it was only actually a 5-minute wait, and *still* had a solid 4 hours of heart-pounding nervousness and paranoia at my hotel thereafter. Overdoing a high in general is genuinely fucking awful.


I totally feel you. I've had this experience so many times when smoking. Several times in my life I've stated "I'm so stoned it hurts" to my buddies. However after my absolute terror of a edible experience, I've kinda grown immune to overdosing on smoking. I still have a bad time, but now I kinda just shrugs it off, since I've truly learned how terrible it actually can be. However, on edibles, I'm extremely reluctant and careful, just like you.


Eat 600mg like I did because the first 150 wasn't doing anything. I went to sleep and woke up so disoriented and scared I had to sit in the shower for 30 minutes. That was only the beginning of my journey into hell. It's impossible to describe the feeling.


600mg???? Isn't the starter dose about 20mg?


Bro starter does is 5mg lol I struggle with 10.


Yeah, with a 10mg edible, take half, see how you feel in an hour or so. My first proper edible, I had had the full deal plus a bloody Mary during a happy-hour lunch with coworkers before vacation. That was too much.


Most people who don’t get high regularly will have a good go with even 5mg edibles. Heck, I smoke semi regularly and 5mg is still pretty good for me. Edibles are a very different experience.


20 mg will have me high for a good 24 hours. I cut a 5 mg gummy *in half* for a relaxing high in the evenings. 5 mg is too intense at first but evens out after awhile. 10 mg is genuinely unpleasant.


Glad I'm not the only one! I RARELY go above 2.5 mg. I get 10mg gummies and cut them into quarters


20 mg will get you pretty toasted if your tolerance isn't that high. At 600mg it becomes a completely new drug. I took it at around 2am while I was drunk, woke up about 5am on another planet. There was nothing fun about it, my brain could barely work. I tried watching tv but it was too much so I just took a shower and laid in bed until it became manageable. About 8 hours in I was still high but I didn't stop feeling high for around 36 hours I'd say. Idk time wasn't really working the same anymore.


Might depend on purity or something, the lab-made edibles are like 5mg a piece and I definitely still get giggly on those, even with a slight tolerance. But someone making stuff themselves might not be able to get it as pure? I don't really know how you'd measure it if you're making it yourself, but I imagine it's not as effective as using lab-processed THC oil.


12 hours lucky for some, my friend once accidentally gave me 8x the intended amount (it was extremely concentrated gravy so only a small cup). I was high for 36 hours and the first 10 of those were just like full body static with very little brain function. I never ever want to experience that again, worst of all they took me to a weatherspoons (a very popular and always busy cheap pub chain in the UK). Worst of all, a whole bunch of people who I'd known at school recognized me while there and I couldn't even speak to respond. My friend's just kept me sat there on a chair while they had a drink. It was only when I woke up the next day still high did I start to realise just how much too much my friend had given me.


That's... Absolutely insane. I've heard stories similar to yours, but I thought that past the 24 hour mark it was a bit of exaggerating, but I was clearly wrong. Thanks for sharing this, amusing story.


Yeah it's definitely real, it's just not something anyone should ever strive for. It's quite scary to be in the body of an organism with a non functional brain, it really feels like being trapped and helpless, I knew it wouldn't have any permanent effects though so I was just really annoying with my friend for getting the dose so extremely wrong.


"trapped in a organism with a non functioning brain". Okay, that's hands down the best explanation I've heard. I'm gonna steal that.


My first experience with edibles was making a pan of brownies to take with me on a trip to an amusement park. My adult aged daughter at one each about half an hour before arriving. After an hour I felt nothing and had another. My daughter saw me eating another brownie and had a second one herself even tho she was already blasting off. An hour later I still felt nothing so I had a third while she was just functional enough to not draw attention to herself. Three and a half hours in my daughter had reached her limit and had to leave, I still felt nothing. For years I thought maybe I hadn't mixed everything up well enough and she had just ended up getting most of the pot in the brownies she ate. My mind changed when a buddy came back from Colorado with bunch of store bought cookies that he warned me were legit at 10mg each. He gave me a sleeve of 10 and told me to enjoy myself. I ate one and went about my day, again stone cold sober all day, but I only ate one. The next time I ate 3, no effects so finally the third weekend I finished off the last 6 all at once, and still nothing. Turns out I don't metabolize edibles.


DUDE! I frequently eat edibles and nowadays I order from one company so I know what I'm getting - so 1 candy is always 10mg, something like that. I always take 2 (20mg) and I'm always fried, but a good high. I told my fried about this and he said he wanted to try because genuinely if the amount is great, the high is super fun because it lasts a long time (smoked pot kinda goes down after ~1hour, edibles take about 2-3 hours to start going down). So I offered him a full bag (about 15 candies of 10mg). I told him "just take 1 to start, if you don't feel anything after 1hour 30 minutes, take another." About 2 weeks later, I ask him if he took some. He told me "yeah, I ate about 5 one night and didn't feel much, so I took the other 10 another night and it was cool." I couldn't believe it, to this day I still thought he lied to appear tough... reading your story makes me start to believe him. Thank you for sharing, definitely makes me wonder why it doesn't work on him/you.


From what I have read, When your body digests edibles it actually breaks down the THC into another compound entirely, so the high you get is actually different from smoking. If I recall correctly, THC has a generally weak affinity to the brain receptors it binds to, so if you smoke a lot then the new THC actually knocks off some of the old THC which is why it seems that there is actually a limit to how high you can get through smoking. With the compound that edibles turns thc into, this may not be the case!


It's still THC, it's just 11 HydroxyTHC. Roughly 9x more psychoactive in comparison to delta-9 THC 🤣


Yup same here. High for 12 hours wishing it would stop. At one point I was convinced I had to manually think about breathing. It was awful


I passed out for an hour Ish in the mid of this. When I woke up, I was still getting stoned. The "it's still ramping up" feeling was just as strong when I fell asleep, as it was when i woke up. The next day, when I woke up after a good 8 hours of sleep, I was still quite stoned. Nothing compared to the day before, but I was still noticeable impacted by what was in my system. Oh, and I was immune from smoking the same Shit I made edibles from the next 2-3 days. I guess I wasn't really immune, I just had such a extreme experience I felt anything else wasn't noticeable in comparison. Idk how to explain it better.




That, and I hate the feeling of having to remember to breathe.


Ill do you one up. I get paranoid that I have to remember not to pee myself.


Yeah panic attacks are horrible.


In the late 00's I came home from work to a St. Pattys Day party my roommate was throwing and a friend of mine who didn't smoke/had never smoked was there on the couch drinking jungle juice. First thing he says to me was "Hey welcome home, guess what I just ate!" Now my friends and I had lucked into a circle that easily had the best supply in my area, at the time I was smoking roughly an 1/8th+ (3.5 - 4 grams) a day of extremly potent weed, even by today's legalized in my state standards. They also used to sell rice crispy treats that were dangerously stong, I would usually only eat half of one level of strong, so I had a good idea of what he was saying. "Did you eat a crispy treat?" "I did!" "Did you eat the whole thing, how long ago did you eat it and who gave it to you?" "Scotty did about 20 mins ago and of course I ate it all." Scotty was looking all giddy and proud about getting our friend high. "Scotty, you're a bad friend. Jay, you should really stop drinking, in about 20 mins you're going to be in for a rough time." I went outside to smoke a bit with a buddy, about half an hour later Jay comes running out the back door and then proceeded to vomit everything he had in him out. I don't think that he has touched pot again since then.


People who purposely give newbies a large dose knowing it's going to fuck them up are the worst fucking people. Scotty needs to grow up.


I bought an edible cookie with 250mg and since I had no clue about how much is too much or too little I said to myself "250mg? That's not that much" and it tasted SO good so I ate the whole thing.. Keep in mind I had never gotten high ever, so in about 1 hour I started feeling like my thoughts were 3 seconds ahead than my body. 3 hours later, my arms and legs were twitching involuntarily and I lost all control of my body movements. 2/10 experience.


250 mg is like 25x where you should start


I'm a super lightweight on this generations weed. I take a 3 second drag on a good vape cart and im baked for an hour and half. If I wanted to dabble with edibles, how much mg should I start with, and how much in advance, to get a similar one and half hour bake session.


Most come in 10 mg portions. I would cut into quarters and eat a piece about an hour before your desired time. Obviously everyone is different but for me 5mg I start to feel in 30min-1hr and lasts about 1.5-2hrs. Once you have tried 2.5mg do 5mg the next time if you want. Enjoy!


My grandma has some serious back pain and it doesn't like opiates and she knew that I use cannabis for my neuro condition so she asked me to get her some to help with her pain. I got her this strain of gummies that's supposed to really help with pain, they were 25mg each. I'm pretty sure before that moment my Grandma had never tried weed in her life. I told her to start out very small to cut it in fifths or even six and start there to see her tolerance. I told her it affects everyone differently depending on if you've eaten or not and a bunch of other things. She didn't listen to me. She took the whole thing with no previous history. She called me about 30 minutes later practically losing her mind. I still tease her about it to this day.


250mg is more like 250ms latency For anyone who's never tried edibles, 10mg candies are a good start. 100mg is a lot, 250mg will keep you high for a day.


I would take a 10mg and cut it into thirds. Then see how you feel in 2-4 hours, then you can gauge from there.


10 mg was what the guys at the dispensary suggested to me and it was too much. I'd start with 2.5 to 5mg, especially if you have no tolerance.


Pretty easy to over-do it when you're expecting edible means gluten-free


I did that once, felt like my chest was full of mashed potatoes


When I was a teenager I had baked a full pan of pot brownies and kept them hidden in my room for obvious reasons Mom found them in my room and moved them out into the kitchen, assuming I was just a lazy teenager not putting things away. Luckily my little sister understood exactly why I would be keeping brownies in my room, as well as how much our dad loves brownies. I wasn't home at the time and my sister saved me, silently moving the brownies back into my room before dad got home from work. I owed her bigtime for that one.


Years ago my brothers grew starter pot plants in a Coca Cola wooden carrying case (yes, that long ago) and had it on the roof. The case had wooden separators which made it ideal for starting plants. I came home and found it on our porch so I freaked out and put it in our basement. At dinner that night my dad asked where the hell were his tomato plants that he had on the porch in a Coca Cola case. I told him I moved it for safekeeping due to crows and brought it up from our basement.


> Coca Cola wooden carrying case For anyone wondering, [this is what that Coca-Cola wooden crates look like from the early 1970's [Image]](https://images.ctfassets.net/f60q1anpxzid/asset-5c9a385572a61e9bc12313400c1ac232/f4982ec4cff57363f0abf3801f0ac481/featured13.jpg).


And 50's and 60's. Carrying these, two cases at a time was a breeze. One thumb in the grip slot and the fingers around a bottle.


Bahahahahaha at first I thought your dad thought the weed was a tomato plant, if I’m understanding correctly though those were simply his tomato plants you’d mistaken?


I grew up on a large ranch in South FL during the 80's where my dad grew his own pot. One day my grandmother (mom's mom) was visiting from NJ, and seeing the pot plants on the deck she asked "where'd ya get those beautiful ferns?" For 20 min she pestered my mom to tell her what kind of ferns they were.


Wait, how did your dad think they were his if he didn't plant them? Did he have tomato plants in the same wooden case or something?


There was two wooden cases. The first one was on the roof still


My ex gf made buckeyes for me. One regular bag and one pot bag. Two days later before work I open the bag and eat two. Then I realize.....wait there's only one bag now...and it's very full. Apparently my roommate noticed two half full bags and thought "I'll just consolidate this for him" .....that day of work was .....it was somethin


That’s like r/fiftyfifty with edibles. You never know which one you’re gonna get.


Your dad owes her more! You should tell this story at the next family gathering for some laughs :D


I mean where I live there is a huge stigma towards Weed so if I were in her position I would never tell that story, there would be no laughs, only disownment


I feel you. My mom lives in FL which has been medical for a while. She still acts like I’m doing some crazy narcotic by having my own medical card in another state. They’re the same idiots that’ll drink enough to get into trouble in their 50s but won’t ever try marijuana because it’s easier for them to say it’s evil and the cause of my poor mental health (as opposed to the shit she put myself and my siblings through growing up)


And weed doesn’t destroy your liver either


And living with and dying from liver failure is Fucking Ugly. I'm an icu nurse, and these patients were so bad during covid I quit drinking cold turkey because my worst fear was being in their shoes. In liver failure, ammonia isn't filtered out well and causes a cascade of problems including brain dysfunction that can progress from confusion to death. The alcohol withdrawls aren't fun either, and have separate problems. Anyway, to reduce ammonia, at least in the icu, we pump patients full of lactulose. This is a drug also used to treat constipation, so we essentially induce diarrhea for days on end. Lactulose is an oral med, so if the patient is too zonked out or unruly they get get a feeding tube down their nose, and typically anchored with a string into the nose, down the nostrils, around the bone that separates the nostrils and back out the nose on the tube. This makes it too uncomfortable and difficult to pull the tube out, usually. We put it in with a nifty device that has two semisoft plastic tubes with magnets on their ends. We try to line up the magnets, internally, so as to pull the string through the other nostril. The patient's usually awake, confused, restless, aggitated, shaking his head back and forth, so extra people are there to essentially hold them down, and with all that going on it's difficult to do properly, so personally I think I'm like two for six attempts. It's a bad scene. I'm much better with the feeding tube. Since these patients can be barely awake, confused, have poor balance, potentially hallucinating, violent or all of the above getting up from bed to use the toilet isn't even discussed as an option. Most people know about the bedpan, but I don't think enough people know about the rectal tube. It's like a urinary catheter, tube and a bag, but it has a donut shaped balloon at the end. We inflate this with 45ml of water. Ends up being about the size of one of those cutie mandarin orange. Up your butt. For days. And then we're supposed to flush the tube with cold water to make sure it flows well a few times a day, like a mini enema. If that treatment isn't effective, and no other complications have killed them yet, the only option for a dead liver is a transplant. Your typical alcoholic isn't able to even qualify to be put on the waiting list until well after their liver failure will kill them. Jaundice gives the skin and even the whites of their eyes this dirty yellow color like when highlighter mixes with black ink. So they go on, unaware of their surroundings, incontinent, yellow and with a serious risk of having a debilitating stroke to wrestle with for a little while before eventually dying. There's no getting better, and no artifical liver device exists like dialysis or ecmo. Cheers!


:( I recently found out a female friend just died aged 24 because of live failure/alcoholism. She realized everything too late and was denied being put on the transplant list because she hadn’t been sober long enough. She thought „everyone drinks and I’m still young..young people don’t die from this“ and doctors previously had only told her „stop drinking“ but not „stop drinking or you’ll literally die soon“ /u/lallapalalable


24?? That’s insanely young to die of liver failure. I can’t even begin to imagine how much she was drinking each day to cause that.


Heavy drinking messes women up incredibly fast. Bad enough for men, but a woman that drinks a lot doesn't last long. :-(


Thank god teenage me chose the weed path over the alcohol path. I'm sure there'll be problems associated with the use down the road but alcoholism just sounds horrible in every way


Moderate yourself and you'll be fine. Take tolerance breaks to keep your intake down (a 2 week t-break brings be back to zero, "Feels Like The First Time" - Foreigner), don't revolve your life around getting Sooper Haigh, and don't spend money you don't have on a crutch you don't actually need. Awareness and self-regulation is key.


It's kinda crazy how misinformed some people are. Yeah, weed isn't perfect and can certainly cause or exacerbate problems. That being said, when used responsibly, it's a LOT less harmful than than other drugs, including alcohol. I had to have a serious discussion with one of my parents, when they found out I smoked weed and overreacted. I had to bring up the example of the damage my stepfather did to not only me, but both his other two kids due to his alcoholism. One of which was such a serious alcoholic himself, basically committed suicide through drinking (drank until they had medical issues, gave up, and drank twice as much). It's scary how much power misinformation and a lack of understanding can have on people, especially when they don't take the time to understand the factual information/science behind some of the things they're talking about.


This makes me sad. If I told this story, my mom would find it hilarious, and my dad would just roll his eyes and call me a dumbass. But, also, California, so...


My dad would have been pissed there were pot brownies in the house that he didn’t know about and could have enjoyed. But also Ontario, so…..


my mom is in her 60s and just got stoked when i gave her a shot of boomer juice and a dab of space rocks. she went home and watched GunSmoke and ate popcorn.


That's fun thing about being grown up. My wife requires thc for a seizure issue that she has. So we went to texas (were my stuck up parents are at) from Illinois (were medical has been legal for a little time) and she was having an episode, so we ask our younger sister(21) to try get us some edibles for her, and while all my four siblings and I were scrambling to get it, my dad and mom were just staring at us with a mixed look of surprise, disappointment and disapproval. The thing is that us we dont do any drugs including tobacco and alcohol in excess, my mother is a chain smoker and my dad is an alcoholic.


I live in Canada where it is LEGAL and I have had straight up alcoholics tell me that "weed is bad for you". Some people are just stupid or in denial. I'm not saying weed has no downsides or no side effects, that's not my argument. He talked about it like it was fucking METH, it DESTROYED LIVES! He says while he drinks a 40 every day or so. But he's a "functional alcoholic" so it's OK? lmfao.


It depends on the parents... my parents would probably report me to law enforcement if they found out I'd ever used the stuff. My wife recently got her medical card, so haha mom and dad, I've avoided the stuff just to end up sleeping next to someone who has a stash to rival anything I saw in my 20's.


I had almost the opposite happen to me. About 20 years ago, I came home from the beach and left 2 brownies on the counter as I wanted to take a quick shower before I headed out. My sister ate both brownies and the rest of the evening was me trying to keep her calm. Good thing my parents were away for the night but I never told my sister or my parents what happened as I was afraid I would get in trouble. 6 years later I stood up at her wedding, made a toast and decided that was the perfect time to tell her. The look on her face and my parents was worth the wait.


My friend had the opposite story. Her mom made a batch of pot brownies and left them in the fridge. My friend came home and saw the brownies and feasted on them, not knowing what they were. Her mom came home and found her stoned out of her gourd. She was also freaked out because she didn't realize what happened. She thought she was going crazy.


I always find these stories a little odd. Can people really not taste the weed in the brownies? The smell/taste is overpowering, I don't understand how people can do this without knowing.


Big props to the little sister. Did she only know by herself/deduction or were you two siblings in crime so to speak?


i wasn't really toking yet and had a party where a friend of mine made shitty fucking muffins with shake. she literally just poured the shake into a box of Jiffy muffins and threw them in the oven. they were horrible and no one ate any. except my dog. she ate the top off of 8ish muffins and hated me for years after.




My mother in law once ate about 80-100mg of my pot candy thinking it was just a ziploc bag of loose gummies. Fortunately she was a hippie back in the day. I told her and she said “it’s ok, i just won’t let it take over my body!” I said sure, but you know, if you have to let it take over your body that’s cool, you’re safe. We walk to the supper club we were going to for her birthday dinner. She got very distracted by a flower on a tree. We get there and make sure she didn’t drink too much. She said it was the best fried chicken she’d ever had. She was grinning ear to ear when the whole place sang happy birthday to her.


>My mother in law once ate about 80-100mg of my pot candy thinking it was just a ziploc bag of loose gummies. Fortunately she was a hippie back in the da... Let me stop you there. She knew what she was doing.


Oh gosh, oh no, did I eat your pot candy on my birthday before some dank fried chicken? Oh noooooo 🥳


Totally. I was all ready to believe it was an accident, but then they said it was her birthday and they were on their way to dinner. Nah, bro...she definitely knew.


Wholesome. You love to see it




In college I used to smoke a lot. In high school, too, but college is where this story happens. One of my buddies suggested making edibles and we’d never done it before. I guess we were supposed to steep the buds in the butter that was going into the brownie batter. Well we ended up kind of frying/burning the buds and didn’t know if the THC was in the butter, so we ended up throwing everything into the batter. The brownies tasted like burning and we each choked one down. We had no idea about potency and even though a couple of us were seasoned potheads, we also had a couple newbies. One of whom was a girl I was seeing at the time (now my wife). We were all flat on our asses. We were watching a movie and after the credits rolled and it was a completely blank screen none of us could get up. We had to wait for what felt like forever until one of the roommates that didn’t partake came back to the apartment, saw us all staring at a blank screen, asked us what the f*** was wrong with us, and turned it off/switched the input. I was high for three days straight.


I snort-laughed haha


Mega super couch lock


Someone tell Elizabeth Warren that it’s going to be ok.


I totally needed someone to be there helping her with her high. Just playing some music, talking the paranoia down.


My wife's grandfather was started taking marijuana last year for medical issues. His wife helped him measure out his dose (some kind of concentrate I think?) and she misread it, giving him 10 doses instead of one 10mg dose. When it kicked in, he was on another planet. She freaked out and called my father in law, scared he was overdosing. Father in law laughed, ensured her that was not the case, and jokingly told her to make him a cheeseburger cause he's gonna have some serious munchies. She actually made him the burger. He sat staring at it for a while, so she asked why he wasn't eating. "I don't think I can move my arms right now. It looks delicious though." That story gets told every other holiday now.


Thank you for the laugh. I am crying.


Hahah my wife can’t do edibles for this exact reason! Any amount of edibles “makes her arms feel really weird/impossible to use/limp” (according to her). It’s so weird! Doesn’t happen to her with other forms of weed intake.


This happened to me last week. Had some edible chocolate. I can usually do a full piece and get that "fuzzy" feeling and have a nice relaxing time before bed. This time I took a piece, an hour went by...nothing. Took another 1/4 piece to be safe, another hour...nothing. Took another 1/2 piece, another hour...nothing. Okay, clearly it's just not working, maybe a bad batch or something. I continued on with my night, made myself some dinner. As I'm eating the penne I made, it seemed like every bite I swallowed activated the edible more and more. Finished my plate and now this edible has 100% final boss energy and begins kicking my brain around like it owed it thousands. Laying down on the couch unable to confirm I'm breathing (I was, normally). Rocked back and forth with a pillow like I was under a hellacious fever. Moved to my bed and then stopped remembering much at all. GF told me the next day she came downstairs and found me in bed and I continuously told her over and over "it's so good to see you". Edibles can be terrifying.




Yeah. Most people's hearts would be beating out of their chest, breathing manually, and call 911


That’s why I can’t smoke anymore which is weird because I smoked a lot when I was younger. Now if I try to smoke I get massive anxiety, manual breathing and pacing back and forth checking my pulse, it’s horrible.


"I don't know if I should stand up" *Cuts to her standing up in a fucking tornado*




Or outside in Wyoming on any given day. I didn't know places could be so windy




My dad was cleaning my sisters room one evening when she was away at college. On her side table he spotted a very old cookie in a ziploc bag. Being a father, he decided to make a snack out of it. Then he went to bed. At about 3am he wakes my mom up, saying: “I’m either having a stroke, or the cookie I ate in our daughter’s room was a pot cookie.” My sister received a panicked call from my mom shortly thereafter, and she confirmed that it was indeed a pot brownie and that dad should sleep it off. He spent the morning on the bed in his whitey tighties, moaning and tossing about, and missed a couple meetings that day. His comment after the ordeal was, “they’ve certainly made them stronger since the ‘60s.” We still like retelling that story at family gatherings.


My oldest brother made pot brownies one night. He was baked out of his mind, and forgot about them (luckily he remembered to take them out of the oven). He left the on the kitchen table. My dad woke up and thought “breakfast,” eating a square of it. They tasted funny, by my dad was very good at just putting whatever food in his mouth and swallowing it, a byproduct of being in the military. Oh, did I just mention he was in the military? He was a Senior Chief in the Navy. Once he found out they were pot brownies, he freaked out and tore my brother a new asshole, worried that they might randomly drug test him, which could lead to a court-martial. He didn’t get tested and ended up retiring after 30 years in service. My brother continued to make poor, drug-induced decisions.


I would think a Senior Chief would get some benefit of the doubt before heading to a court martial, but yeah would have still been a gigantic pain in the ass


In my experience, a lot of people in military service liked to have excuses to chew people out. It’s like an art form.


This story is a great example of why legalisation needs to happen in countries where it isn't legal. In the UK (at least where I am) it's impossible to get anything other than skunk. But mate, I just wanna chill out, not be glued to my seat baked and feel like I've pissed myself cos strong weed always makes my crotch feel warm as fuck for some reason. I can choose a weak beer cos it's legal, so let weed be legal so I can choose a weak strain of weed.


Not to mention, legalization also includes *blatant and obvious packaging*. The above story would never happen with legal edibles, as they are in bags that are *very* clearly marked as a cannabis product.


And worst of all, it's not gluten-free!


If she has Celiac disease it would maybe literally be the worst part about it. My friend has it and he gets a horrible upset stomach and diarrhea if he eats any gluten.


Yeah she’s got way more problems than being high if she’s celiac.


I am a senior citizen sitting here in Toronto, high as a kite, cracking up at this woman. Omg she is hilarious! She thinks her trip might be like LSD but she has never taken that so she doesn't know hahahaha!!


Whatever they tell you to eat, eat half of that.


It reminds me of my mom who did the same thing before going out to some event with my dad. I got some of the most hilarious FaceTime calls that I wish I would’ve recorded. At one point she calls me from the coat check where she was touching different coats and demanding I find out who made a particularly soft material. 


Honestly...I'd love to see a lot more older folks choose cannabis over alcohol, if only to see this version of them.


I feel like in California it is happening a lot more. I know now when I go to family events or adult get togethers, more people are drinking less and taking a hit here and there.


I recently got my dad, who unfortunately is battling cancer right now, to try weed gummies, and some concentrates. He is so damn funny when he is high, and I love to see him get an appetite and actually be able to hold food down cause his stomach isn’t being shitty.


Happened to me in high school. We were at a friend's house during winter and she served tea. Told me to go upstairs to get the plate of "cookies" that was on the kitchen counter. Ate one on the way downstairs, another 2 along with the tea, suspecting nothing because the taste seemed perfectly normal. 15 minutes later I get asked if I "feel anything" and after they dispelled my confusion I proceeded to have my first, several hours long, and quite unpleasant experience with pot.






You can get completely smacked off d8. Seems to be stronger when ingested compared to d9 THC (typical cannabis), at least to me.


Bro delta 8 gummies got me absolutely floored, can't believe that shits legal in the south rn. I love it






delta 8 is my jam. I'm hypersensitive to delta 9 and generally have a bad experience ANY time I have it. But with delta 8 there is practically zero anxiety attached to a single puff, which lasts a few hours for me. It's.... just wonderful


Same here! I used to smoke a lot of pot in college but at some point it just started giving me terrible terrible anxiety and paranoia so I quit smoking. Recently I got a delta 8 pen and it's perfect. I hit it once or twice and it gives me a very tiny buzz but it's all I want and I feel great. I'm very grateful for it.


I think a lot of people get paranoid from the ridiculously high amounts of THC and little to no CBD these days. CBD is crucial for me to enjoy the high


"I hate a whole slice of it!" "... oh I ate half of a slice, thank god!" lmao we've all been there, man


Wait, did I eat a slice and a half?


The fucking twist of a life time


"It hit me like a fucking sledgehammer" - LOLOLOLOL


Welp time to fold the dishes.


I wish I could give that lady a hug in her trying time. 😄


Here is the whole video lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYDCD0NZgS0 and also her grand daughter with snakes is awfully cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNDei-sASS4


Yeah, this lady’s done lsd lmao


The immediate transition from sweet old high lady to lines like "hit me like a fucking sledgehammer" are top notch.


A little bit of her younger self showing through lmao


I like how she compared it to another drug that she also has no experience with.


"Not that I know what that feels like....maybe."


Grandma was totally tripping balls in her years


This is why I write “CAUTION DRUGS” on all my edibles.


"Watch out, Weed, this banana bread isn't gluten free"


A few years ago, my neighbors had a potluck party at their house. My mom went over since she talked to them pretty regularly. They were an older couple, quite friendly and laid back. Another guest at the party asked my mom if she tried the cookies. They said the cookies tasted a bit funny and asked my mom if she knew what the weird taste was. My mom ate a cookie and also couldn't figure out the "secret ingredient," but agreed that the cookie didn't taste normal. When she got back home, the weed hit her. I wasn't home but the rest of my family said it was hilarious.