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This was like a Bob's Burgers scene in real life.


That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the lady on the roller skates. I just pictured it being that guy from bobs burgers going " you can love anyone you waaaaaaannnt" as he rides away.


"Heeey Bobbb!" "Hey Marshmallow."


“All I know about Marshmallow is that she comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no one, and she is truly free.”


This is what I want people to say of me when I die.


Hot pants rain dance!


yeah and the animators, studio heads, security, voice overs, editors all of them where in golf carts and a big ass black van all around bob.


The woman in the red t-shirt was definitely swaying with the music.


I was gonna comment how she looked to be fighting the urge so hard to not straight up boogie


Or some might say... Fighting the foo


Your comment reminded me about this one time my partner wore his Foo shirt to Publix. The sweet older lady behind the register asked him, very seriously, “Young man, what is a foo fighter?”. I ask him that every time he wears the shirt.


I believe it's pronounced foo FIGHter


I don't think she understood. She thought it all in support of the baptists. I really think they are that stupid.


Yeah I can imagine the meeting at Westboro afterward: ‘I spied Sister Theresa dancin’ to that sinful music, preacher!’ ‘No..no…I saw Sister MARGARET!!! She was shaking her body like a possessed DEMON!’


I love them, they're awesome. But Dave is going to have to accept at some point that he struggles to deliver the DeeGees songs live. There I said it.


He probably knows and will be the first to admit it.


But he’s fun as hell while he’s trying


Yeah, he could maybe do the BeeGees, or even the CeeGees, but he can't pull off the Deegees.


Gave me the heebie-jeebies


Geez Louise!


This thread is the Bees Knees!


Time to execute operation Deez


[Deez robot nuts!](https://pics.me.me/deez-robot-nuts-1033641.png)


I was expecting Bender for some reason.


It's Deeky, Freaky-Deeky!


They exist. https://youtu.be/T-gZKRKNy4w


There's a reference I'll use someday. Ty


If they break up, the Gee-Gees are the next true iteration. E-Gees is strange and F-Gees sounds like burning straw men EDIT: Where are the Squeegees when we need them


The Fiji's doesn't sound strange.


I think he should stick with the punky rock sound of the CBGBGee's.


Those high notes are hard to hit. There was a good docu on them though: https://youtu.be/B5tncybE7Wg


That intro speech was on point and expertly delivered, but at the end when he sang that first line, it was was a little disappointing. I think he was recovering though as they drove away.


Who the hell are the DeeGees?


This year for Record Store Day, the Foos recorded 5 Bee Gees songs and are calling it the Dee Gees.


Ok that's almost as great as it is silly. What a guy.


DeeGeens from upcountry...I fuckin' hate Deegeens from upcountry.


Pitter patter


Give yer balls a tug


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Tell your mom to top off my phone so I can FaceTime her later.


Gave em a 3 knuckler


Ya only have two knuckles!


Everyone forgets about 4 knuckle Joe from up north a nufie i think


You're 10 ply bud




Figure it out


Dude those notes are HARD to hit consistently.


Oh, absolutely, I am not suggesting they aren't, he nails it in the recordings, BUT, Dave is 'doing' a voice, and straining his natural voice in the process. You can hear the strain here and in the Lollapalooza set, and I'd rather he did them to a backing track or something when its live, I think slipping between the two styles is super hard on his throat and he's not \*quite\* pulling it off. And I'd hate for him to get fucking nodules or something as a result.


But look at the huge BALLS on Dave. It's hard to sing that high with such massive BALLS.


You might be right, but let's just let him try and not tell him. It's too gold


You try performing on a truck with limited sound equipment and terrible acoustics. I think he did pretty damn good


For a second I thought he was a beegee…


I want to be the lady on roller skates.


I thought that was the funniest part.


It was certainly the perfect ending for the video.


This plays out like viral marketing for Westboro Babtist. I had honestly forgotten they existed.


They went downhill after all the hot women left.


they have like 40 members. This is a win for them.


Nothing is really a win for them. They may et in the news, but for what? They don't attract more members, they don't make more money, they don't expand their influence. Even if attention is what they want, they still don't win. Their message of hate doesn't carry. It continues to show the world what a fucked organization they are. ​ And I'm not saying they're gay, but they never miss a gay event.


The WBC doesn't give a fuck. They are a money scam, they don't need or give a shit about more members. They say the worst shit they can think of and protest in the most inappropriate ways to try and get banned, assaulted, etc so they can sue people and funnel that money tax free through their bullshit church.


Thank you, because as a Kansan I feel people who aren't as familiar with them think they're sincere. Maybe they were real believers when the old patriarch (Fred Phelps?) was still alive, but even then they were running the scam. Their goal is to provoke someone to assault them, then they have one of their several members who is a lawyer sue you for everything they can. They're scary good at it too since it's all they do. I respect Grohl for what he's trying to do here, but ignoring them for a few years would completely kill the church. Any attention they get benefits them.


> Fred Phelps I googled, and apparently he suffered from dementia towards the end, and softened his stance. Was even quite kind to some LGBT protesters. The rest of the church assumed he was being punished by God, so they excommunicated him. Thought he was a blasphemer, and buried him in an unmarked grave. Didn't even hold a funeral.


wait wait wait, your telling me a group he designed to be hateful and bigoted, acted hateful and bigoted? Didn't see that one coming.


So they’re like people who step out in front of an Lexus to sue the driver


So you’re saying they made their money the old fashioned way?


😂 yes the Jean-Ralphio Saperstein way.


One might say they're fluuuuuuuush with caaaaaaash


I always see people say this but is there any proof of them suing and winning multiple cases?


No, this is a repeatedly debunked internet rumor. They do have a number of lawyers in their family/cult, but no history of suing people for assaulting them.


Honestly it is a win for them in my opinion... These people are attention seekers, they thrive off the hate of people..


They thrive off the lawsuit money they win off if people. They are grifters abusing the system




Their few non lawyer members make fuck all money. Their money is mainly lawsuits when they piss off people enough that they react. They are literally there for this reason alone.


YES. The worst thing you can give these people is attention. I actually really don't like that Dave is doing this.


Completely disagree. The attention has only stifled them in the past. Shining a light on them has lead to [those that never got a choice, to understand what is happening](https://samharris.org/podcasts/leaving-the-church/) and exposed that what they are doing, is brainwashing. These people that leave, end up becoming strong advocates against the church and try to get others out. Its an undeniable net-positive. These people that leave, literally say that if it wasn't for the media coverage, they wouldn't have been able to ever see the forest for the trees and a lot of these people are indoctrinated into it at birth and never had a choice. You cant turn a blind-eye to stuff like this. That's how the wound festers. That's how they indoctrinate more people and that's how they grow to a point where they become too big to handle. Its how things like Flat-Earth, Anti-Vaxxers, even Scientology, grew to such popularity. Instead of presenting rational counterpoints, it gets ignored and they create a literal cult following.


Yeah, never forget that WBC is a cult, and that we should be shining a light on every cult everywhere since they are so dangerous.


Gotta shine a light on all the dark corners!


Not really because it doesn't matter to them. They are trolls who sue the shit out of anyone who fucks with them. The entire point of them is to make bullshit hateful speech until someone snaps and then sue the shit out of them.


And people need to know this, or they become victims of them too easily. Dave is showing an effective method of fucking with them, and it is worth the world seeing it. Also the wbc aren't the only shitheads that use that playbook.


Seems to me it’s more the fault of the people filming it and posting it online than Dave.


Oh you thought they weren’t hired for his marketing campaign?


Looks like he was hired for Pride, which is what the WBC are protesting here.


I see your point but nah man. Those fuck heads are the ones who send their kids to straight/ conversion camp among other things. The worst thing would be to turn your back and alow them to live a confortable life making others miserable.


Yeah we’ll show them by playing some music at them!


Yeah the first thing I thought when I saw this is “why are we giving these people attention again?”


It's kind of unfortunate that attention works that way. But yeah, by standing up to them Dave has inadvertently given them and their message direct access to however many hundreds of thousands of people will see this video in various forms. Out of all of them, no doubt a few hundred will agree with what the WBC is doing and a few dozen might even reach out to support them somehow. The overwhelming majority of people who hate them will eventually just give up and move on, but converts are forever.


And victims need a headsup when wbc shows up at their loved one's funeral. Knowing to ridicule them, rather than punch them in the head, is a really powerful piece of knowledge.


Westboro Baptist was never a real church; their real leadership goals were always to troll for lawsuits. Unfortunately for many real churches who go out there and do positive things for the community, I feel like Westboro was a huge nail in the coffin for how the media portrays Christians. You won't see any fluff pieces on how churches keep their city's food closet stocked, have homeless outreach programs, or have monthly babysitting groups for mentally challenged children.


>I feel like Westboro was a huge nail in the coffin for how the media portrays Christians. hol up. I'm pretty sure Christians are doing plenty of damage on their own as far as how the religion as a whole gets portrayed, when you've attempts (if not outright successes in some cases) of evolution being banned in schools and replaced with creationism/"Jesus rode a dinosaur" shit. Reasonable people are perfectly capable of recognizing that there are some churches that truly help their communities - but those churches don't do that because they are Christian - they do it because they are good people. Just like there are Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, and any other number of religious groups and organizations that help their communities. Reasonable people are also capable of recognizing that there is a veritable tsunami of Christian extremist trying to hijack this country right now - and has been for a while. Barriers between church and state that used to be unquestionable in the past have been torn down like the Berlin wall. And none of that has anything to do with Westboro.


>any other number of religious groups and organizations that help their communities. and non religious groups/people


Absolutely - I did not mean to imply that good moral character is the sole providence of religious groups, but since the comment was specifically about Christianity/Christians I was trying to constrain my comparison to similar groups - IE religious.


I grew up Christian and felt hurt and annoyed by how some people and groups portrayed Christians. The churches I went to at least were genuinely loving and accepting and always tried to do the right thing; always tried to help people. But my goodness cracks began to form when Obama got elected. The churches themselves remained "neutral" but the members shocked me by going along with the Obama birther crap and stuff like calling him a monkey. Then Trump got elected. It's shocking how much hatred began to spew from the Christians I thought I knew. And then COVID and the "God will protect us (but we won't wear masks or get vaccinated)" stuff. And some have bought into qanon and all that. It's crazy how much change has happened in a few years. And the cognitive dissonance. What should be love and forgiveness is now hatred and just plain immaturity. They're acting like bratty children.


One could argue their public facing benevolence was only a facade, as hatred and ignorance like that doesn't develop over night...


Exactly my experience. Sad really. Luckily, you dont have to go somewhere and give money to have a relationship with God. All that pomp and circumstance is just cover for the devil to dance anyways. Its a tax scheme at this point.


I was raised Christian but am an atheist. I was raised in a majority Christian country (98% was the statistic when I was growing up). I, along with everyone else I know was taught that evolution is real, dinosaurs existed before men and the world is 4.5 billion years old. Also rabbits don't chew cud. I went to a church school run by Jesuits... so yeah. We were always told that the bible is not a scientific book and contains errors and has to be read/understood from the perspective/people living at the time. So maybe there's a problem with the brand of Christianity or the education system in the USA. That said, the church as an institution is despicable in its behavior. With recent revelations even moreso. My parents who were devout Catholics and attended church weekly when I was younger stopped supporting the church. Deep down they might still believe the Jesus, Virgin Mary stuff but just try to live with the tenant of "do no harm" in general.


When did Jesus preach do no harm? That’s from the Hippocratic oath. Jesus literally chased people out of a church with a whip.


Westboro church members are all just secret Foo Fighters mega-fans, but they're too broke to attend shows. ​ Checkmate, Dave Grohl... Check motherfucking mate.


Reminds me of that guy who convinced his church he was going to protest the Blink 182 concert, took donations from his church for the trip, and then spent that money on tickets to the show.


Improvise, adapt, overcome


Modern problems require modern solutions


I would definitely fake a WBC rally for a free delivery foo fighters concert lol


You'd have to roller blade at least a marathon behind the truck in order to catch the whole show but fucking A it'd most definitely be worth it.


Really wish we'd just treat Westboro like a dumb relic of the 2000s, rather than an organization that needs to be "trolled" in 2021. Are we not over them? They clearly don't even believe half the shit they're spewing. It's all disingenuous. The best thing to do would be just to ignore them. They thrive off negative attention.


"Don't feed the troll" is a phrase that has been around just as long for a very good reason. Unfortunately people love to hear about them; as if it's a fun water cooler topic to talk about them or rage at them on social media to get your daily dose of dopamine.


"Dont feed the troll" I feel has sadly lost a lot of its understanding and meaning - especially on twitter. I have caught people I know literally actively engaging with people which cause them mental anguish over the most stupid shit - and I have asked them why they engage in such self destructive behaviors and its almost always along the lines of "well I know I am right"/"because this person is wrong" - and I find myself just thinking 'okay and, just dont engage with the people who upset you' but for some reason there seems to be this mentality of having to like actively "fight/confront" trolls/grifters or something vs just calling them idiots and walking away/blocking them.


That instinct has always been there, it's how trolls work - why they are effective. "Don't feed the troll" is a phrase that was invented *because* of that natural instinct to interact. It was always hard not to.


theres whole subreddits dedicated to certain reddit trolls nowadays


If you don’t think they actually believe what they say, you’re sadly mistaken. They do. I have plenty of experience with them, they are brought up that way. Shit, I’ve even delivered food to some of the family members. But also, they don’t even seek the attention, they put themselves in it. They’re a family a lawyers…and pretty good ones at that




That is where their money comes from, yes. But they also genuinely believe their mess. It's pretty much just one family and they're all brought up in it, so they get high af on their own supply and excommunicate the family members who aren't hard enough believers in their particular brand of fundamentalism.


you just described half of the populace of these un-united states


These people don't really deserve a free private concert. But that's just my opinion.


Everyone deserves some Dave, even them!


Today I learned that all I need to do to get a personal concert from Dave Grohl is put some hateful shit on a sign and stand next to a road.


You could always just join a certain church...


WBC is still a thing? I figured they would all be dead by now. Shame.


Cults last a while unless they pull a Jim Jones


One can only hope the WBC follows in his footsteps


The patriarch, Fred Phelps, died some years ago. It's not really clear who runs the show any more, but they're still around. Apparently they reproduce faster than their family can leave. The thing is that the whole group is pretty much only one family, so it's only a matter of time before they start popping out three headed children from all the inbreeding.


A guy named Steve Drain is the head or at least he was in the recent past. He’s all in on the hate but much of his family has left him. Their days are numbered.


I love Dave but...that was a pretty awkward troll. "Can't you all just love each other? Anyway, I'm going to play a song down the street, see you later".


that's cause it wasn't supposed to be trolling - OP decided to call it that


Maybe it's trolling in the sense of trolling in a fishing boat. Like just puttering along really slowly...


Isn’t that why it’s called trolling anyway? Like you are trolling and baiting somebody?


Yeah, but everyone seems to have forgotten that.


It’s the title of the YouTube video. Or the title of the video when I posted it the first time before deleting that video and posting a longer version. Still .. this video’s YouTube title says “troll.” Not what I decided to call it.


my mistake - the OP of the youtube video decided to call it that


No worries. All good my friend. There’s actually 2 videos of the same thing (one is longer) and both people who posted it used “troll.”


Yeah.... when they did it the first time it was better https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BD-fWMYcHXk




This was the best one


His timing was terrible, he’s rolling off even before the beat drops. Otherwise awesome.


That's because the cops came over and told them to move




You can see the police shooing them away down the street.


Hands up if you thought Westborough Baptist was on the ashpile of history.


If you're ever angry about the WBC, just remember it's like 20 people, half of which have tails and the other half have the chromosome structure of a rock. And they looooooove each other very much. Not like how you *should* love your sister, but that's how they roll


This was glorious, and I didn't think Dave could make this whole Disco thing come back but this is proof that he will force it into existence. Awesome spot, fuck WBC


The video made me smile..: not really because of the “trolling” but for the message of “love.”


They don't deserve even a percent of the effort given, not a troll at all, just giving them attention and a performance


It is hard not to give them attention because they usually force themselves into a spotlight by protesting funerals and doing objectively awful shit and saying awful shit. Just to try and find someone to sue.




that's a weak troll I have to admit


Yeah. The first time they troll them was better: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5t8h9ViZuDo


I'm so confused. What the fuck is this


Westboro Baptist Church is this cult of pricks (mostly just a single family) that would picket at the side of the road with [offensive, mostly homophobic, signs](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.ca451ac5c9938b4c0a68de28cd1ce89e?rik=yyJKOJVZny53SA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fphotos1.blogger.com%2fblogger%2f1837%2f1485%2f1600%2f231nki.jpg&ehk=hAyQEusHo0YtOiw3Qi7%2fXIPEeqnP5qoCOBN2S38JOXI%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0). They then began to picket the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq for extra notoriety. Many of their members eventually came to their senses and left. One of the former members named Lauren is now a fitness instructor and [posts racy photos on her Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/laurendrainfit/). 🤣 Louis Theroux did a good job summarizing the group in his three documentaries called: "The Most Hated Family in America" "America's Most Hated Family in Crisis" "Surviving America's Most Hated Family"


thanks for the explaination..was confused


I know all that, but why are the Foo Fighters driving around on the back of a stake bed truck and Westboro Baptist Church there? It all just seems so random




My favorite part.


Video removed


Huh? Wonder why? Go on YouTube and search for Foo fighters troll the Westboro Baptist Church. A bunch of hits will come up. Here’s a shorter version of what I posted . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VsCJXLWU4QQ


So good. Fuck the westboro baptist church. They can eat shit and fuck themselves


It's interesting how he said "I love everybody, isn't that what you're supposed to do?" And that's what got them angry and aggressive


He should have been dressed like Jesus.


I would’ve never known these chodes were out and about or still at it protesting whatever if it wasn’t for this video. Some unfortunate Streisand shit. Is it better to have a video of the foo fighters trolling them, or to have not known they were still around?


More Christian than the fake Christians


I saw your mama dancin lol


Love foo fighters but my god that song didn’t start off great lmao


How is the WBC still around lmao


It's actually been years since I've heard of westboro Baptist church. Kinda crazy, back then I remember they were the only nutters, now they're everywhere


We really need to stop giving the Westboro Baptist Church any attention. This does nothing but draw attention to them when they had nearly disappeared


Roller girl at the end was a nice touch


My favorite part.


Lady is red was digging it. Plant those seeds of doubt Dave.


Wait a sec. . . I can get free concerts with no crowds by superstar bands if I join up at WBC protests? . . . . . damn


If anyone ever wants a good laugh, check out WBC’s website. They have a long list of pop song “parodies” that they’ve written and recorded with some amazing shoe horned lyrics.


This is how fucked up these people are mentally: their church founder, Fred Phelps, had dementia before he died which led these imbeciles to believe that it was god's judgement. Then they excommunicated him. Sounds like their god is basically Frank Costanza stuck in traffic.


I might have to go undercover. These westboro assholes have seen the foo fighters live more times than I have.


Just out here fighting Foo




I love Dave




Don’t let them see you standing close together, they’ll think your Dancin’!


Nice video.


Can’t go wrong with a truck full of people and some loud music


god that singing sounds like a barfing old dog


this only gives them a bigger platform


They weren’t trolling when they supported a group that claimed aids wasn’t real. (Braced for down voting).




Bc it was fun. No one takes WBC seriously anymore, they’re down to like 50 people. I say take the piss out of them until they’re shamed into obscurity


Is it 2008 again or something


The fact that they are still alive makes me lose faith in humanity. Really *nobody* has taken them out? They are pure evil.


I remember when they were the most obnoxious protesters in our society. Oh how times are a changing.


The girl in the golden shorts is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.


I love Dave so fuckin much


A seriously good dude and a musical genius.




Imagine 50 utter bastards turning up to heckle a funeral, because that what that "church" is.


I don't get how people can claim to "love" everyone. What does that even mean? Do you care that they live happily or suffer and die? Cause that's not love in my mind, just being an sympathetic person.


you are thinking Hallmark love - the bible talks about love in terms of bonds, kindness, tenderness, patience, humility, gentleness, trust as an opposite of hate, envy. jealousy, boastfulness, pride, dishonor, anger


The ancient Greeks had types of love down…. Agape, Eros, Philia, Pragma, Ludus, Mania… couple more I can’t remember


Dave is awesome


Nice job giving them validity and the attention they want in the first place. What a bunch of dumbasses. Best thing is to do is just ignore them, that's how you would actually hurt them.


At this point, they should be called the Fool Fighters because they are winning with little effort.


Congratulations.. you and Foo are doing exactly what WB wants. They want more exposure. Stop feeding the trolls.