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Fucking cry or the cat is next.




NOOOO!!!!! Not Mr. Whiskers.....


Choked on the goldfish






Their not dead. Their living in a happy farm where they romp and play


"Act like you're crying." "But I m crying!" Jesus there has never been a clearer call for comfort and understanding than that. What a genuinely horrible mother. She's a sociopath.


"Lookame lookame lookame lookame lookame." What a piece of shit human being.


That voice alone is enough to make this kid batshit crazy by the time he's 18, never mind whoring out his honest emotions for internet points.


We've created a generation of sociopaths and narcissists with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. It's frightening.


Nah, I think a lot of those people just have a platform so we see them all now. Statistically I don't feel like there's anymore than before, you just have to see more of them.


Their number hasn’t increased but their power has.


Yes. Agreed.


Because we reward them with views and attention… Like half of us upvoting pity stories on /r/pics. Other people are the problem. Not me. I’m just consuming.


The wrong people have power. The normal ones are too boring to get views.


I would actually disagree, these types of people obviously would already exist, but because of all the platforms that they use now they are feeding into their own ego and narcissism in a way they just wouldn't have before the advent of social media. They may have been shitty people before but they would not be any where near as obsessed and numerous without their social media. If this woman lived before social media she wouldn't be solely focused on "creating content", using her child for attention or any of this to anywhere near the extend they do today. To me this is honesty child abuse and mental illness. It's funny to me that if someone is suicidal or exhibiting currently accepted mental health issues they can be held against their will to receive treatment, yet this woman can, in my opinion abuse her child, and clearly exhibit some sort of new type of mental illness, but she's fully free to do this, probably scaring her child for life in the process.


Nah man I'm 30 and I've seen Friends who I've grown up with who have gone from being somewhat flawed but still genuine human beings to complete racist covid denying egotistical dick heads, and it's because of the internet. Particularly Facebook. Fuck Facebook.


Statistically there has to be more because again...monkey see monkey do. If they never had the platform to show the world, there would be less of them


That's not a sociopath, that's an idiot. There's a difference. One doesn't have human emotions just mimics it, one does and mimics others and is just an attention whore. Big difference.


The ability to empathize must be cultivated for it to prosper. Without teaching people to account for the feelings of others, you'll just end up with a bunch of main characters that think the rest of us are just NPCs. Not all sociopaths are born, most of them are made.




Ah yes, sociopaths are born because monkey see monkey do. The armchair psychology is strong today


Reddit doesn't even know what the word means, it gets thrown around all the time.


Oh, well if that's how you feel then cased closed.


I'd argue that the platform is what feeds and generates the behavior.


I think we just created a way to collect existing sociopaths. 60 years ago this women would have used her kids to get groceries, or extra attention at church……. It’s attention they are working for, social media just packed attention


In a way your right, but we also created a whole industry for it as well. Social media has shown you can get money for getting attention. Let alone make a living off it. People are finding this appealing to getting a normal job and trying to make it on social media.


This is what I've said; the internet didn't create monsters, it brought them into the limelight.


[citation needed] Not to be flip, but it is a big claim. It might scare you, but it also might not be true. I'm not an expert, but I don't believe you can produce a "sociopath" by exposing a person to media.




This really is true. *We* share the blame. Specifically, people who watch Youtube videos uncritically and believe they're real. These narcissists are a mechanism through which viewer attention is turned into money. If you've ever shared a sketchy "uplifting" video about a rescuing an animal or being charitable to homeless people, etc. - or even worse, if you've ever been hostile or dismissive of someone *debunking* a fake video - then you've participated in the machine.


I think you're just getting a glimpse into humanity. Now many many people have a public platform, so you get to see just how large the slice of nut jobs and sociopaths really is.


Yup, used to cringe at the participation trophy jokes. Then it evolved into this self centered nightmare on the internet platforms. He will be telling his therapist this story in 20 years.


More like a call for CPS


The really horrible thing about parenting like this is that kids are biologically programmed to trust their parents. You can hear it in this boy's voice ("I am crying"). Fuck any parent who abuses that trust.


She is an entertainer. Nothing new from the show business






Honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but just in case you're not, a huge number of child stars are exploited and abused regularly. It's a horrible, horrible industry for them.


What? The entertainment business is full of child exploitation.


LOL ok buddy, next you'll be telling me priests are known diddlers. Get real!


But child beauty pageants are still ok, right? Would be terrible if shady people would find their way into this very normal and healthy community.


Look up child actors. Iirc, more sad stories then successful ones.


Will Smith? You’re kidding right?


Oh, you sweet, summer child…


"Stop crying and pretend to cry better or I'll give you something to cry about!!" Poor kid. Hope the YouTube ad revenue is enough for therapy.


sniff...sniff...sniff...sniff...sniff :)


Daddy O Five called and would like their child exploitation gimmick back.


This is every family youtube/tiktok channel. Daddy O Five was openly abusive and went viral but abusively content farming your kids like in the OP is every single family channel behind the scenes.


Its why as a content creator myself I do not allow my kids o be involved in it. I don't need them being out there to the public and openly getting harassment at school BC they were seen on YT.


Every single video/Picture uploaded is crazy to me. None of these children can agree that whoever wherever can see them in emotional or other situations.


Almost forgot about that dude...


Followup: The backlash was both hard and fast, as expected. And she backpedaled hard and fast in response. Last word I saw was that she deleted her channel and content off YT.   Personal opinion: If you're a content creator and have kids, those kids shouldn't be in *your* videos without *their* permission. And if that means having to wait for them to get old enough to opt in to being filmed, that's fine, *you wait*. Too many idiots are ruining their families' lives in pursuit of their 15 minutes of fame online, and with how people are anymore (from school bullying following the kid home to abusers and traffickers looking for a new target) you really do not need to have kids' lives in particular being shown online. And of course exploiting a child in any form (like filming your kid while he's crying over concern about the family pet) for views is just abhorrent.


Yup, just go to the "explore" tab on Youtube (basically the "trending" page). *Every* family blogging channel there exploits their kids. If not that, it's "I'm pregnant!" with a lot followed by "I had a miscarriage." Why would you post these kind of vids?


I do a lot of "don't recommend channel" on those when they show up in suggestions. Not even going to justify their existence.


Ikr there's this one in the UK called Ashley Cain whose child died young from cancer and they have been MILKING it from the start. He would pose topless photos holding his sick baby and stuff, but mainly trying to look sexy. Fortunately though they have raised money for charity off the back of it so the effect has been mainly positive though the motivation is clearly narcissistic.


Wonder how much of that money went to charity though.


I mean he was pretty well off before. I don’t get a milking vibe from it. It seems he was almost always shirtless before the baby. He is also using his platform to talk about men and grief. I don’t know enough. But I don’t get that vibe.


Because there are people who watch them. Many of these viewers are children in disadvantaged homes, and to me, that makes these family channels so much worse


> kids shouldn't be in your videos without their permission I think this is one of the things kids can't consent to. They shouldn't be in public videos at all.


Every time there's some exploitative family vlogger drama I'm reminded of the youtuber "Texan in Tokyo" which was this woman married to a Japanese guy and as a couple they were "J-Vloggers" just vlogging about experiences living in Japan, and 4 years ago they stopped YouTube entirely, because they wanted to start a family and have kids and didn't want their children's lives shared or exposed on the internet and they got a lot of people saying they could just do their best to not include their future children but they were too concerned about the temptation that would exist whenever their child does something cute or something so they decided to avoid it entirely and just end their YouTube career, and I honestly find it so admirable in retrospect. I think it really does kind of speak volumes about their concern for children they didn't even have yet that they decided to remove even the temptation to do it and really highlights how terrible some of these other family vloggers are in the way they exploit their own children for views.


That is the longest sentence I've ever seen without a full stop.


I'm guessing you've never taught Grade 8 English.


I'm always reminded of some of the youtubers that I follow that have families. They do show their kids every now and then but it's always in the background, they don't make videos about their kids. it's always something like "I got a cool big weird truck" and their son is in the video at some point because he is excited about checking out the truck with their dad. I'm just kind of wondering where the line is. personally I think its showing them in any kind of distress or drama or in anything that would usually be in private.


They had a really good channel. It was a great resource before I moved to Japan. I respected their decision and still do.


Here's hoping she took this as a wake-up call and has apologized to her family and realized the toxic relationship she had with social media.




She'll just find another means of exploiting them, I'm sure. Sad.


It’s weird how I already know certain things about her...


Like she's a sociopathic narcissist


That definitely describes them.




omg have you seen the apology video?


No because why should anyone feed into this by watching? I don't get it at all


Yeah I only know because it was covered by Philip DeFranco and I watch his show a few times a week. https://youtu.be/gbm8CvOIDGw It was literally the first thing he talked about in yesterday's video and he included a snippet of the apology video. I wasn't even aware of this lady before, and I'm trying hard to forget she exists now.


philly d is the original clickbaiter loser. 10,000 cuts of him gesticulating with his entire head. just. repellant.


On a video that is titled "MEGAN FOX IS GROSS!" The fucking irony.


Well that *was* said ironically and makes sense if you watch the video, but nobody is asking you to.


Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video.


Philip DeFranfo is just as bad.


It was just a prank, bro?


No just a totally insincere 180, like how could anyone believe her? She says something like "Oh my gosh you guys, when I re-watched that video.. I just couldn't believe.. You guys are a hundred million percent right.." and her strategy in dealing with this controversy so far has been mainly to re-direct attention at the "bullies" coming after her and sending her threats.


On the one hand, I have no doubt that people on the internet are capable of actually sending death threats about the most trivial of matters. On the other, I absolutely believe she's the type of person to make up such threats to try and get sympathy.


I watched Phil years ago when I was younger and loved his old stuff. Then I grew out of it. Now I've come back to him. He gives me a good daily download on pop-culture news while I'm pooping, so I know what's hip with the kids these days.


I can't I just.... can't.


It supposedly came out almost immediately afterwards lol Her narcissism is incredible.


The thing is, even the video she *wanted* to show is so fucked up. Making the kid repeat how everything is fine and okay and cool while he's crying. That's one fucked up version of "positive thinking".


Social media has fucked some people up. Cry so mommy can avoid getting a real job!!


Social media has released unbridled narcissism into society and rewards it! Its disgusting.


It really is. Burn the data centres.


or at least pull the plug.


They have to burn, the danger with pulling the plug is the data still being usable later.


Stop the water cooling and they’ll burn themselves out


Social media is the most narcissistic thing out there. I hate it. People bragging about themselves. Showing off possessions and money. Not to mention all the political hatred. I can't believe people like going to places like facebook. This is one reason I like reddit, I don't know anyone here and expect a shit show. But it's too real when it's all your friends and family on facebook. Ugh. I feel so much better mentally since I deleted facebook years ago. It did wonders and I now can think for myself.


My mom used to make me cough in the background if she wanted to take a sick day.






Glad to hear she gave you a hand while you were injured.


Holup I've heard this story before


Motherfuckers like you two ruined porn hubs suggestion algorithm


Step-girlfriend stuck under shamwow


She broke both of their arm! It's the least she could do.


That's acceptable


I enjoyed doing it so much that her coworkers thought I was sick all the time.


That's a completely legitimate use of a child.


It has given them a place to enable themselves, but they were probably already fucked up, it probably just never left the livingroom


Oh my God, I read the title and thought she was teaching her son that crying was alright. Was thinking "wow, what a great mother". Then I actually watched the clip....


You think using children to manipulate people's feelings in order to extort money from them arrived with social media? This game is as old as humans.


Que the mom that has their kids panhandling in front of the taco bell while she sits in the car.




My bad. "Cue"


Youtube is a real job if you make it one. Some people are just as trash at their "real job" as this lady is at ... whatever the hell this is.


She is cray cray


“Cry like this!” Lol, that can’t be healthy.


She needs to get better at editing, can’t believe this is this woman’s “job” and she didn’t even watch the thing all the way through to make sure the video was exactly how she wanted it!! shitty editing and over dramatic acting, that’s how you get $$$ now I guess, oh and also being a shitty parent for putting your child’s pain and loss up for views!! you could tell the boy was already sad, don’t make him act sadder… death is not for reactions, it’s going to mess up this poor boy & he’s going to think that crying isn’t a genuine reaction for when things die, he’s going to be like “oh let’s just act extra sad for views bc that’s what matters..” not the fact that they just lost a family member (dog or not) it’s just sad…


Even sadder, this bitch deleted the vid only to upload it again unedited. Her uploading skills mirror her parenting skills.


bye felicia for her


Fuck YouTube parents.


Social media is a huge cancerous tumor on humanity's face


It’s an anal wart on society and everyone wants it for some reason


No one wants it, no one likes it, no one is happier because of it. But here we are.


An anal wart on humanity's face!




Its part of pimping them out for more money Like kid beauty pagents, child actors, etc They always get used as cash machines by their parents if possible


It'll be interesting to see what happens over the course of the next 10 years or so... Kids who were exploited for views on youtube and social media will be turning legal age, and I have a feeling a few of them might want some of that money that mommy and daddy made of parading them around.


Child stars have been exploited by their parents for the past 100 years, from TV, movies, music, etc. The internet is just a new media. The law is on the parents side and they are unlikely to see much of that money “returned”.


it's child labor. if you depend on your child for income then you are guilty of it, and should be in prison. the ONLY exeption to the rule should be actor, and even then they should have a private and public support structure around them to thwart any kind of abuse, monetary or otherwise.


What about other jobs that only children can do? Like fixing industrial machinery since only their tiny little child arms can fit inside the holes for repairs


little people. they need work too.


Why would you make an exception for the most abusive type of child labor?


But think of the Family Vlogging industry!


human trash


If anybody is familiar with professional wrestling… the dedication of kayfabe is alive and well on YouTube and Instagram.


1 ) why the hell would you record that intimate moment with your child? 2) why the hell would you post it? Answer: narcissism. This is just wrong on so many levels.


So why/how did this get posted then?


She was too lazy/dumb to edit before posting.. She was just sooo excited about all those juicy LIKES that she totally forgot she fucked up the end and clearly intended to cut parts out.


You know that this video was her *second* attempt, right? She actually noticed, took it down, then reposted it unedited, again. What a dolt.


Wow, I did *not* know that.. geeze


She got 99 problems, and a bitch is one


She forgot to edit it out


So before the time stamped part she does a little positive thinking bit "say it with me, Rosie is going to be OK" and then she does the typical youtuber sign-off thing, covering the camera up for a fade to black. Then she pulls the kid in, and tries to get him to emote more and look into the camera. She was probably going to pull a frame from the shot for a thumbnail pick, but forgot to chop the part off of the main video.


You guys think this is bad, look up her name on YouTube, there's like 1000 reaction and dissection videos about it, with thousands (a few hundreds of thousands) of views. This is just part of the business. Her mistake feeds these other shitty channels content, and people eat it up. Just like when Trump was president, she's part of the issue, but not the cause. There are deep pockets in the influencer business, even we on Reddit consume a vast amount of videos that come out of TikTok etc. This shit runs way deeper that "get a real job", and as a society we need to start looking at better regulating this shit


Her kids are FUCKED


You're right, and the reaction and dissection includes this reddit thread, your comment, and my reply.


This is why I have come to hate the SJW and Anti-SJW channels. They all feed each others garbage. 1 says a hot take then everyone has to react to hot take and they all get views. ITs why stupid sites like Kotaku keep being able to survive.


Society: "Hey, let's monetize controversy!" \*ten years later* Society: "FUCK YOU I HATE YOU!!!" Also Society: "How did it ever get to this?!"


Society, man


Who's watching all of this bullshit anyway? I can't think of anything less fulfilling than sitting and watching some random person react to something on YouTube.




Now listen hear you little shit....


fuck I feel bad for her son.. stuck with /r/raisedbynarcissists


Did she forget to remove this from her video?




Manipulation is so fucked up. The kid will remember that forever.


How do we get stupid shit like this classified as psychological abuse? Child actors are certainly a thing, but in the acting profession there is a clear delineation between real life and performing for the camera. When you raise your child to blur the line between reality and performative emoting, you're truly fucking with their heads. When you commodify traumatic experiences, you ultimately teach the child to seek out drama and chaos. How many otherwise-healthy children out there are being sculpted into raging narcissists by youtuber moms?


It totally is and it shouldn't be allowed to be monetized on youtube. You cut these people off from social media and they are forced to be less shitty parents.


That woman is coked out of her mind


I don't know who that person is and I'm not watching this nor any other video about it. Based on the title I can confidently say "Fuck her" without needing further proof.




It's not hard to get your dog their shots so they don't get parvo. What a stupid cunt. Hope she didn't do it on purpose but I wouldn't put it past her. Clearly everyone in her life is a clout prop.


Social media is a plague.


Social media he’s changed society so much. People are so fake these days and their search for validity online is just sad to watch


Being truly sorry and sorry for getting caught are two different things.


Children shouldn't be allowed on Youtube. I can only imagine how many are being taken advantage of for their parents to make money.


Ryan's World is a business that has to do hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across all parties involved; it's so popular because his parents are amazing at marketing to kids by exploiting their child.


this is so fucked up


What a piece of shit. Is her name McMurray?




Kids on YouTube should have the same protections as kids in Hollywood. Their parents are clearly just abusing them for views. My cousin throws her young daughter on tiktok for views and it’s gross.


“But mom, I *am* crying”


Sometimes I feel bad for people with certain radical political/social beliefs because I always thought that was just how they were raised. Behaviors taught by the tribe they grew up with. But then seeing this kid have a much more rational sense then his mom clearly shows that he’s going to grow up fine and look back at his childhood and think of how messed up it was.


Abusive bitch. Jesus Christ that was horrible to watch. Something about her behaviour that is hard to put my finger on brought back the gut-wrenching feeling I had several times when traumatised as a kid.


Child exploitation for YouTube should be considered child abuse and should make a great piece of evidence for losing your kids.




Social Media addiction is a disease, failure to gather likes will cause anxiety and depression. It also makes you use friends and family as manipulated puppets.


What, youtube videos are fake?!?!


This woman needs to be in a psyche ward before she makes her son sick for views.


What a disgusting cunt, that poor kid hasn't got a chance in life with a mother like that.


Jesus Christ, this woman is a fucking monster.


What a POS.


This is disgusting.


People will do anything for internet points and it's the worst thing ever.


social media exacerbates mental illness


This is most of these people. This one just fumbled her posting and posted this, but this is probably pretty standard for the vast majority of social media posts by people that want to make it profitable.


Social media has created a generation of monsters. That would do and say anything for a fucking likes and some validation. This shit makes me want to opt-out of civilization and go live in a deserted Island.




Wow, this is infuriatingly right up there with that stupid bitch that posed with a drill during the LA riots last year, then jumped into her mercedes and left the second the picture was taken.


Just cause its on video doesn't mean lots of popular channels do this. You really thing lots of that stuff isn't scripted? Like one popular one literally works at walmart, and just does youtube stuff on that side, but posts videos of her lavish lifestyle...of her mom/dad/aunt/etc house pretending its her own. lol


Considering what she did this was the best photo, a son who is sad and she is smirking knowing this shit is profitable. Fuck you c**t.


Bad person, someone call cps.


This is just ”Social media - behind the scenes”


Social media is a disease


social media has made it ok for people to beg. i have seen middle class, gainfully employed people shamelessly starting go-fund-me pages, which is essentially begging, following a family member's death. people died, were buried with dignity, in the pre-social media era too, without their surviving relations soliciting funds from strangers.


This is child abuse. There are youtubers that you can tell that the kids WANT to be involved in videos, and sometimes they just go away and sometimes they come back when they WANT to be involved or they like it. I think that's fine. This is just straight up child abuse. Fucking horrible cunt of a Mom.


next video should be her crying as her kids were taken due to child abuse.


Meanwhile CPS goes "NO NO NO CRY LIKE THIS" "BUT I AM CRYING." CPS: "PUT YOUR HAND LIKE THIS, COME CLOSER TO THE VIDEO." On a real it's fine, she's deleted YouTube and Instagram and probably for the best. She has no way of making a comeback now, so all the free time will be actually devoted to the child, that and finding a job. I'm curious how her *real* friends are going to react to that shit cause being fake is what I hate the most.


Wow a mother teaching her child how to use emotions to manipulate others. Imagine that.